The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 15, 1909, Image 8

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    ' ill i ii.taiaiVimiiii'mi 1i 'tliViiiii.iih.iinii- itIii1' " ' -
Fred Sherwood will leave Friday
for Salem, where lie will ewer
Willamette University.
Frank Orcutt ntut mother have
located at Cashmere, WasMi , nnd
write to have The Bulletin sent
Librarian Wilson, reports that
the state books have been returned
and that n new set will arrive in
short time.
Miss Dorothy Schoolcraft, wlu
grauuateu irom the lleml lugr
school last June, left Monday fit
Iiugene to enter the stale unt
R. IJ. Mutzig on Monday sold
an acre tract l ing east of the M. J
Kelley place, to A. A. Authonv foi
$Soo. Not a bad price for Hew
real estate.
The Bend hospital comes forward
with n record breaker in the pres
entation of its firxt baby to tin
world, n fine 1 2-pound girl havmv
been born to Mr. ond Mrs. Nick
Smith at that institution ycsterda
D. E. Rockfellovv, who has been
employed as draughtsman for tht
D. I. & P. Co , has accepted a
position with the Oregon Trunk
Line and is now the engineer in
charge of the crew camped about
two mnes norm ol towu.
Sherwood Bros, have contracted
with a few persons to sell them oat
straw, after threshing their crop,
at )5io per ton. That's a prett
good price for straw, isn't it? And
evidence that any and 'everything
in the linv line is errtnin to lirini. a
high figure during the next two 01
three years.
Henry Linster has returned from
his traus-ruountain trip to the Val
ley, bringing back with him a fine
supply of fruit. He had the mis
fortune to lose one of his horses,
the animal giving up the ghost
when they were about 40 miles
from any habitation, which made
the loss doubly hard on Mr. trus
ter. L. A. Shaw, who recently bought
the corner lot directly east of the
Hotel Bend, announces that he will
soon bevin the construction of a
buildinc on it. The n l.niMimr
will be 25x60 feet with 14-foot
posts. Contractors arc already
figurine on the job, and work will
commence as soon as all arrange
menus can be completed.
Ernest Griffin has received word
from Mrs. Grifljn that in pacing
through the Red river valley around
Fargo. Jf. D , the train on which
sne was, traveling got into a sec
tion, where there had been a cloud
burst, and in places the water, was
almost up to the steps of the cars.
It required 12 hours to make a trip
iuai is usuauy covered m Jess than
two. Mrs. Griffin expects to re
turn to Bend the latter part of the
J. J. Buckley arrived Saturday
from Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, and
will make his home at Redmond.
His brother, W. J. Buckley, has
sold a half inteiest in his teams and
waeons to him, and now it is luick
ley Bros. They have a contract
for handling all the transportation
for the Hill enmn of snrvevnr ilmt
nre camped north of town. They
have one rig that they are especially
proud of, a 15-pasMmger Racine
light wagon, or carry-all, the equal
ol which is seldom seen with a sur
veying outfit.
S. A. Dull brought in n sample
of outs to The Bulletin office the
other day that makes n very fine
npoenraucc The o.its stand to a
man's shoulder and make it good
showing of grain. They were
seeded the last two days of May
Mr. Dutt was just beginning to
Urinate them when the flume went
out a lew weeks nao. and snv itn
Kifowth ww cut down about a third
by lack ol water at tlmt time. But
they make a verv uood slmtvlm.
just the same.
The Masons had nn unusually
nleasaut session of their lodge last
Suurdnv night. They had sever
al candidates to put through the
various degrees, and to give the
event a little added interest pre
lum! n banquet which was served
alnnit midnight. The wives of the
Masons tendered their services and
had general charge of the "spread,"
which, with such excellent ladies
in charge, could have been untliinc
hut one of the finest ever served in
Bend. A number of Masons from
the 1'rinev.lle lodue camp nwr in
grace the occasion and assist in the
degree work. They were: T. M.
Baldwin, deputy grand senior war
den, who appeared as proxy for
the grand muster; M. K Brink, J.
II. Uiiner, I. C. Winncie. I). 1'
Adumson, J. W. Boone. Dr. Rosen-
biirc. Dick Vandevcrt. Walter Van-
The Cornett SUirc & Stable. Co.
It's the mail line, the only direct
stage line from Shaniko to Silver
Lnke, by the way of Prineville and
Bend. Stopover privdeges and
tickets good until used.
Send 25c for three recent num
bers of The Pacific Monthly, the
magnziu- of the West, just, to get
acquainted. If you are not already
a reader of The Pacific Monthly.
you have a surprise in store. The
Pacific Monthly is a live, un to
date, splendidly illustrated maga
zine. Send direct to The Pacific
Monthly Company, Portland, Ore
gon. 25-28
Tumnlo Item.
Tvma!.o, Sept. ij Will SlRf fson of
I'rlncvllle va in Tumnlo yesterday,
lf. C. Rowlee of lleml nml John 1M
wards atopped in Tumnlo yesterday for
Mr, Spoo and son Herman returned
from the Valley I'Hilay niter several
wicks nWttce 1111 business,
A hunch utlanil seekers prsscd through
here Saturday going to the Sisters
country. The rnllruad Urnm Is hrlng
Ing lots of new (tropic Into the country.
It sounds gul as we hear the heavy
Mailing nearly every day,
O. V Wittier & Sons arc hludlng
their oats, which arc tmich heavier than
they expected them to tic. It requires
over li oundt of iwlnc to the acre.
A Good Indication.
That "business is good" in Bend
is clearly indicated when one of out
merchants is forced to break one of
his invariable rules. This rule Is
"never rim an ad. twice without
chaugc" but this week he has been
so busy that he could not get out
the "copy." This means, with
him, nt least, that "business is
We arc missine one sorrel marc,
wearing bell, weight about i.onn
lbs., with shoe brand on riirht
shoulder. Has a small slit in point
of one car. Has a swinging gate
when walking and is a natural
pacer under the saddle. Had a
suckinc colt on the rntn?r whl.-li
was fotmd with other horses. If
stolen was taken between the 10th
and nth of Amp. We will nv
liberal reward for any information
leading to tier recovery. If stolen
we will nav $IOO reward for return
of our marc and arrest and convic
tion ol parties having her in their
possession. G W. Wimkr&Son.s.
Tumalo, Or , Sept. 1, 1909. 26
Meat Market
MARRY MILL, Proprietor
1't'I.L UNI! OP
Beef, Pork, Veal and
All my meals are stored in
larjje Ice box just installed and
are always in the lt of condition,
t vIicit your patronage.
$4.50 Per Cord, Delivered.
$3.50 Per Cord, Delivered.
Phone Me.
DID YOU KNOW that a flow of natural gas under
an enormous pressure has been developed in Harney Valley?
DID YOU KNOW that the visible indications point
to Harney Valley as being underlaid with one ol the greatest
deposits of light gravity oil in the world?
DO YOU KNOW what that means to Central Ore
gon? It means railroads and the development of all the re
sources of this great Inland Empire.
DO YOU WANT to share in the enormous profits
that await those who first tap this immense pool of oil?
The Harney Valley OH & flns Co. offers you this op
portunity. With slock selling nt 5c per share (par value $1 00)
it is a opportunity unparalleled in the history of oil develop
ment. We will gladly answer any and all corresrwiidence.
The First National Bank
at Dcnd, In (tie Matt of Oregon, at the close of
txialnrM, Sept. in, f,).
fAalHai ft Hit iIIsmihhIs . .. .
- - " hiwiiiim . , ...,.,, 1 1 umi IJO m IB, aecurrd and anamirrd. . . . w jt
U H. Flnaita In wm. ...r
I'rtmlamsoaU H. Honda ........'.... "jisot
anus, iwrurum, me ....... .. 4u 01
lunnni owur, rurnllurr ami Aalurra.. ..ran 01
Other Krst Haute l)ml ,Z ,
Due from National Danka (not rrterre
agcnti) ., ... J . -,
l)u-frum Nalr an.l ITInte nankaTnj
llankrM, Tru.t Corapanlra and Sa.
lutaiunks .. ...., spiral
ch-i. .-.i rxr: vi.T;"' ."" - s. ?
Nolr.ofothrt National lunka... .'. .. ,2
Fractional rar Curtrucy, NKkrla ami
Crnt. ,
Lawful Xlonrjr Knrrrr In lUiik. 'li, '"' '
LrcaMrwIrruutn .... i,o.i ou j.Iti m
Knlrmptlun fun. I with U K. Trra.urrr
(J prrwnl of circulation)....,. , j oo
Capital stock paid In tiijom on
Uddi.Wr.1 ItoSU. in Kaprnara aTd S
i asra nain
National Dank NoinoulaiaBilln ' '.. '. ii.vmoo
Indlrldualdctjialuaurttloehrtk ,54 4
IHrnaud CrrtlBotra iCJ ou
TlmecTrtlBcalcaofdrpuall ,J,
County of Crook, M;
I.C.H, lludaon.Caahlcr of the ale namrrt
bciirf. ' owi nd
Coaascr -Attsst. " "' "'"" "'
U. C. Cos,
li. A. sariiaa,
Direct on.
Ci.,rt, ..... .. ...
of 'zzzzszzr'' ,0 ""0', mc ,h" r
LliWIftd. McKKYNOt.lS, NoUry I'uMlc.
H4,ojb 94
United State Land Office
The talles, Oregon, September ?, 1909,
Notice I hereby civen that the Nnnii.
ern Pacific Halfway Connianv. wlir..
nost Office arllirraa la Kt ... tl..
kOla. haslllls lal llav nf .
filed in this office its appliratiun to se
lect under the provisions of the Act of
Congress, approvcrl July 1, 189s, (30
in ''V ' eaii-niieii oy tile Act
V.Il!f.?'',o"-'""vc,.,..M"r,7' W' die
Ust. SW'tf SHU Sec. ij. Twp.' 19 S.,
K. 11 lUst, VV. M. (Serial No. ojjjo.)
AllV Ullll all firasina talM.IM.. ..I 1..
the laiKIs ileu'rlhrrl. ir 1I..1...... ... ..
ject Ucause of the mineral character of
: .in, ur wr nny oilier reason, to HP"
rliirosal to annllrMnt. ilmnl.1 r?t. i.t.
affidavits of protest in this office, on or
uciurc 111c min nay 01 uciooer, 1909,
15 on C. W. MOOKIi, KeKlster.
These Patent Tension Shears
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
This latest and most useful Household Invention will hi nnt nDnrc
posUge prepaid, to every new, cnsh-ln-ndvnnce year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you arc already a subscriber, send u ti.ftn nn ....., ...k.
-- -' V..W u.a uiii urn nun-
scrlptlon and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free.
Ifyourstihscrlptlon Is about to expire you cannot alTord to tniM this opportunity to secure a
pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, nutl which will cut .nythltig from wet tissue
paper to a heavy horse blanket. A pair of these shears arc given free to every new cash-lti-advaucc
The Tension Spring attachment does away with rcsharpcnlng entirely and enablc.1 the user to
act the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect ease without tiring the
hand. The Tension Sp.lng takes up nil wear on the rivet, making the .hears practically Indestructible.
A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown In the engraving, tightens up the blades an closely as
may be desired. Any woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to use n .lull pair of
shears can readily appreciate the value of the new Invention WHICH KFI'I'S THIS PAIR OK
SHIJARS ALWAYS SHARP and in perfect cutting condition. N .','.' ,
, ... " ' "un "y pairs 01 sncais
or scissors you may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you
get and use it once, you will use It in preference to any other you may have. These shears arc Per
fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated. '
Harney galley Oil & flas Company
itiPt, Call on Ckntkai, Okij. Rkaitv Co., Joeal representative.
!rartinrnt oflh Interior,
V h, Umi Office al The Dalit, Or.,
A input ll, iijn,
Notice U hereby given that
diehard Kin.
of Itend.Or,, who, on Mayo, looi, made Home,
atead (Serlsl No. OjiO,,) Ni. wl fo HlVi wtT
I'.XSW,', Sec. . aWWjwjf aec. 2 rJi'.
tie quality of the material and workmnnshlp in this nalr of shmr. ,n ... ...... ....... .
Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears and does away with the need of rcL.Knmg"
Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the luaniifacliin-n. nm, ., , M'K'
this pair of shears UMIAKS or In any way becomes deled ' ZL. "n ""l "
chase it will I rclarc! wltl. NltW n,t. ...,.. Vi ' ""'" ,r0m l,ntc of !'r-
" "I ...... - ...... milium fcUM,
hmt fi i-il Hfaf ll a tt I at la si In.. -. as T. . - "
- waa wa ,miiiiuii au lliaalt nilll SlUA.
year uror.f, to tataUUh claim lo the land above
dracilbed, Iwfore II. C Kill, llnltr.l mates com!
niMioricr.aimaomccaiitcud, Orrsou. ou the
jinuayoi ixioiicr, iy).
Lnmmtttit tmt.i.w .. ...... ...
Hitlers. irr,-oui Arthur Kln. joe,,l, N. Hunter
Ore on. ' "i """ OlleofKeduioiid,'!
nf K. w. alOOKK, Kei(lter.