1 I EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Farts ol the World. 'PREPARED rOR THE DUSY 5ADER Leu Important but Not Leu Inter dine Happening from Point I Outside the Qtsto. Peary says he will prove Cook wai never nt the 1'oln, Harrman linos am not likely to liave any mura ono-man power. Canadian rn determined to ro-open the llorlng tea scaling cueitlon Harrlman atocka did not drop on the etock exchange waa expoctod. Lord Itoanberry has left the Ilrltlih JCiuJIcmI party and Joined the Liberals, Tim flrat drawing In tho Cuban na tlonal lottery yielded the government JIUO.OUOproflL Latest advice say 10,000 Uvea were lost In the arthUako which destroyed Acapulco, Mexico, Chicago carmen are aaln endeavor ing to arrange for arbitration with the atreetcar company. The situation In Northern Mexico la till eorloua and thoro la much suffer ing among the people. PEAHY D0UBT8 COOK. Says He Was Never Out or Sight of Land In North. New York, SopL H, Thu following .it. ...... i. ..... ......i it.. i.. i . uihiiiiiii wiiri rucuivemiuro ouny inuny; "Indlitn Harbor, Labrador, by who les, via Cnpo Hay, SopL 8. Melvlllo h. Stone, Associated 1'rem: "I liavo nailed the Star and Stripes to the North Pole. This la authorita tive and correct, "Cook 'a story ahould not be taken too rerlouily. The two Ksklmos who accompanied Cook aay ho went no dis tance north and not out of sight of land, Other mombora of the tribe corroborate their atory. (Slgnod) 'Commandor Kobort E. Peary." Unuiual building operation! through cut tliu United States la reported for August. Portland ahows an Increase of 20 per cunt, J. P. Morgan haa offered financial old to Explorer Cook. Wireless meninges from the Pacific lleot report It near Honolulu. A movement haa been a tar ted to unite SL Paul and Minneapolis Harrlman'a fortunel la variously ra tlmated at from 160,000,000 to $100, 000,000. Ilrltlih people are Inclined to favor Cook against Peary after reading tho latter a atory. During hla trip through tho West Tart will explain tho now tariff bill In Ilia speeches. Government aulta Involving title to oil land In California will bo dolayed liy the death of Harrlman. The party of Japanese business men vlalting the Coait express aurpriie at tho magnitude of the country. Cook haa aent for Kaklmoa to aid In proving that he reached the Polo, but they may not reach thia country before prlng. There la much speculation as to liar rlman's successor,,, Threo men are named In thia connection, J. C.Stubbs, It. S. Lovctt, and Jullu KrutaehnltL The Southern Pacific la to enter the transcontinental aced rontesL The volcano of Akutan, Aleutian island, Alaska, I in violent eruption. Ionl Norlhcliffo aaya Germany la actively preparing for war with Great lirltaln. .Wealthy capitallsta havo been ar rested for coiil land frauds la Wy oming. Tom Johnson has been nominated for mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, by tho Democrats, It la snld President Taft will sus tain Svcretnry Uulllnger and thut Pin chot will have to go. Offers for Cook's lectures and books liayo been doubled by tho controversy over who was flrat at tho oIo. Ssnatnr Mitchell's heirs havo won the suit to oiciipo paying tho lino ngnlnat him by the government juat before hla death. Tho first tost of tho direct primary In Cincinnati ended In defeat for Toft's brother-in-law, W. C. Horron, candi date for vlco mayor. An agitation Is on In Japan for naval expansion. Clydo Fitch, tho Amorlcnn play wright, Is dead. Peary Has Added Nothing, Christiana, SepL 8. Captain Roald Amundsen, discoverer of tho Northwest passage, aald today: "It Is ijult. evident that Psary ills- covered no trace of Cook In tho contin ually drifting Ice, Peary probably, as he planned, made hla dash from a more eastern twlnt thin Dr. Cook, but many elrciirnitancea may havo arisen to cause a change." "Do you think that Peary obtained mora valuable scientific result than Cook?" Captain Amundsen was aikcd. "Probably not," he replied. "They were equally equipped with only abso lutely necessary Instruments. Geo graphically, their achievements are or great lmKrtanco, and It Is very Im portant also Uiat the two reports be compared." POLICEMEN 8AVE LIVES. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TUBERCULOSIS INCREASES, VACANCIES ARE LIKELY. Heroism Displayed at Hotel Fire In San Francisco. Kan Francisco, Kent. 8. More than 00 persons wero saved from death by patrolmen yesterday when a fire that broke out In the Vendome hotel on Pa cific and Montgomery avenuta In the llarbary coast district, practically gutted the atructure, doing damage estimated at (00,000. In addition to the destruction of tho hotel several placea adjoining wero damaged slightly. The firo was first discovered by Po liceman J. J. Manlon. Ily tho time tho fire fighters had arrived the flames wero eating their way through the flrat floor of the building. At the risk of their Uvea a sound of policemen went Into tho hotel and succeeded In arousing the sleeping occupants and loading them to snfoty. When the guests wero awakened many of them became panic stricken and refused to go down tho stalrwray, up which great rolls of black oil smoke belched from the burning tanka In the hasernonL As a result the firemen and policemen wer compelled to carry a number of women i'owij extension lad ders raised to the wlndowa of the sec ond, third and fourth floors. Meanwhile the hotemen worked their way Into the banement of the hotel and fought the oil fire. Several were overcome but none wero Injured. It is bolleveU the lira waa caused by an explosion or gas which accumulated In the oil tanka in the basement Rootavelt to Die Canal. New Orleans, SepL 8. Former President Poosevelt Is to tako charge of the work of pushing tho Panama canal to completion, according to a ro port current In ofllclaJ circles In Pan ama. This statement waa made hero today by T. W. Harrison, of Columbus. Harrison la attached to ihe engineer ing department of thu canal, and has just arrived here. Ho declared that President Taft was not dissatisfied with tho present canal administration, but had already arranged for Colonel Roonevelt to taka charge of tho work when he returns from his hunting trip in Airica, Justices Harlan and Moody In Poor Health and May Retire. Washington, Sept. 10. When tho Supreme court of tho United States convenes for tho October term It is probablo that two of tho chairs upon tho bench, thoso thut havo beon occu pied by Justices Harlan and Moody, win be vacant. Justice Harlan Is eligible for retire ment, but until recently his hoalth has been exceptionally robust for ono of his ago. It Is reported that ho Is likely to go from his summer home at Murray bay to California to recuner- ate, and that unless a change of cli mate restore! hli hoalth ho will retire. Justlco Moody, who recently aufforod a severe attack, does not recover, it Is stated. Report concerning tho condition of Justice Day ore not reassuring. Chief Justlco Fuller is ellglblo for retiromcnL President Taft will, It Is bollovod, havo within a short time the designa tion of at least one Supremo court Jus tice. Governor Hughes, of New York, and Justice I.urton. of Tennessee aro among tho prominent lawyers mention ed for tho flrat vacancy. BARBERS AND BAR BOYS USED Another slight rarlhquako shock has 'boon felt In Mexico, An aeronaut fell 1,000 foot nt Chi cago and though badly Injured, still lives. Adorn In Chicago havo gono on utrlko for better puy. M Japan and China havo algnod a treaty for tho suttulomont of tho Mnnchurian dispute. An Eastern woman has just had n hat made from tho aklna of eight rat tlesnakes. Tho Proasod Steol Car company, of Pittsburg, haa granted tho demands of Ita striking employes. Estimated of tho population of tho United States vary greatly, but the aorsge seems about 06,000,000. Mora Floods In Mexico. Mexico City, SepL 8, Scores of penwns aro believed to have lost their lives as the result of a second flood which descended upon Tula yesterday just ns it was slowly recovering from thu effects of the first deluge. Many rich plantations aru In ruins and tho property loss will run Into tho thou sands. Tho food supply Is also running low and conditions uro becoming des perate. Tho exact number who met death in tho Hocond flood cannot b ascertained nt this time, but It la feared that tho total will bo heavy. All Entrymen Engaged In Conspiracy From Now York. Washington, SepL 11. The entries on account of which Dally, Sully, Ire land and Wells wero arrested Involve about Gu.000 acres of valuable coal land in the Lander, Wo., land dlstricL The entries wero rnado In 100G, and it Is charged that toll the entrymen, about 100, wero residents of New York city, most oi uiem being barbers and bar tenders. In the indictment It is as serted that tho entrymen cngagod in a conspiracy with Dally, Sully, Ireland and Wells and others to defraud the government tho entries being mode in Die Interest of the Oil Creek Coal com pany and tho Northwestern Coal com pany. Others indicted wero Samuel W. Gebo, of Montana; Thomas McDonald, of New York, and John Nelson and John n. Wright, of Wyoming. Parts of Cana) FInlihsd. Washington, SopL 11. "Good pro gress is being mado on tho Panama canal and four sections of it have been flnlshed," said Colonel Goethals, L"ch!ef engineer in cbarco of tho construction work, upon his arrival here laatbnlght from thu isthmus. i ."The canal must be finished some time and jtho excava lions win lau on rrom timo tn mo as each part Is finished," he said, when askod to what ho attributed tho de crease in the average excavations In August compared with thoso of the precodlng month. "If tho work for Culebra cut alone wero figured out, it would bo found wo are doing more there at tho present than at any previ ous time." Railroads May Refund. Washington, SepL 10. An order in volving approximately 11,000,000 In reparation was Issued by tho Interstate ommerce commission today. It In cludes claims in tho Central Yellow Pino association territory Louisiana, Mississippi and Western Alabama and involves a refund of amounts paid by snippers or lumber from the terri tory to points in other states in which an overcharge of 2 cent a 100 hundred pounds was collocted by various railroads. CJREAT AREA OF DRY FARMS. Government Sets Allele Nesrly 05, 000,000 Acres a Homesteads. Washington, Sent 7. According to n statement Issued today by tho secre tary of tho interior, almost 06,000,000 acres of land has bcon designated as subject to entry under tho onlsrged homestead act, providing for dry farm claims of 320 acres instead of 1C0 acres. Tho land thus designated is distribu ted as follows: Colorado, 20,2C0,000 acres; Mon tana, 20,000,000; New Mexico, 1,660, 000; Oregon, 1,300,000; Washington, 3,600,000; Wyoming, 11, 900,000. Largo arena in Utah havo also been designated under the special provision of section 0 of the act exempting from residence. The lands aro non-mineral, non-timbered, not susceptible to Irrigation and, bocause of insufficient rainfall, will not produce remunerative crops unless cultivated by some method such as "dry farming." Residence must bo estab lished on the land by the entrymen within six months from date of filing and bo continued, together with culti vation and Improvement of tho land, for fivo years. Ban on Certificates. Washington, SepL 11. Secretary Oslllngcr received today from Attor ney Genoral Wickersham a second opinion, holding that the co-operative plan of building government Irrigation projects is Illegal. Under thia plan aettlers were permitted to aid in build ing canals, laterals, etc., and were paid in certificates, which later were to bo accepted by tho government from settlors in payment for water rights in lieu of cash. SecroUry Ballinger says no rurtner certificates will be issued, but that all outstanding certificates heretofore Issued by the reclamation service will bo redeemed at full face value and paid in cash as quickly as the money is available in the reclama tion fund. Ho expected nil such cer tificates to be redeemed in the near future. I Nathan 8lraus 8ay Plague la Gaining j Against Fight. I Hudapcst, SepL 7. Nathan Straus, tho New York philanthropist, who on Tuesday appealed to tho Interntlonal Medical congress to stop tho spreading of disease that result from tho uso of infected milk, today submitted detailed Hgurcs to that body to prova that tu berculosis, instead or being conquered, Is on the Increase. Ho cited the official vital statistics of New York city, which was credited by Dr. Robert Koch with leading the wholo world in the fight against tuber culosis. He showed that the Increas ing skill of tho physicians In treating tuberculosis had reduced tho death rato from this disease In proportion to the population from 2.42 per 1,000 in 1002 to 2.39 per 1,000 in 1907, and 2.29 in 1908, but be ahowed that tho number of deaths from tuberculosis in proportion to the total number of deaths from all cause had increased from 13.04 per cenL in 1902 to 13.90 In 1908. ROBBED MAILS WHOLESALE. WHAT WILD AiratALg COST, Can't Sell a Ar Hour Buys Subtreasury Slto. San Francisco. Sent. 8. Tho United States government la now tho owner of a plot of ground on the southwest comer of Pino and Snnsomo Btreots, whero tho subtroiutury building will bo erected. Yesterday nfternoon tho irov ornmont officials turned over to tho representatives of Virginia Vnndorbllt n draft for $376,000 In payment for tho cornor. At present tho Bubtroas ury la situated on Commercial BtrocL Bradbury Handling Jute, San Rafael, Cal., SopL 7. William II. Ilradbury, tho Corte Madro capital. IsL who began yesterday n yonr'a In carceration in tho penitentiary at San Quentln, commenced work today in tho juto mil), after an attempt to escnpo it on tho pica of illness. Ho slept last night In a cell room with 200 other convicts, inciuuing a number , or mur dorora and other desperate criminals. Taft Has Heard Ballinger. Iloverly, Mass., SepL 11. Although ho had concludod his conference with Secretary Ilalllngcr todoy President Taft refrainod from making any state ment as to the controversy that brought tho cabinet officer to Ileverly. Mr. Ralllnger has returned to Washington. Ho will not soo tho presldontuntll Sop tomber 29, In Seattle, unleas ho finds timo to reach Colorado on the day tho president visits tho Gunnison irrigation projecL Croat Secrecy at Beverly, lloverloy. Mass.. SenL 10. Interest in the carrand that brings Secretary of tho Inerlor Dalllngor to tho summer capital was intensified today by the greater secrecy with which his confer enco -villi President Taft was veiled. Tho secretary remalnod in Iioston throughout tho day, in company with Mr. Lnwlor, assistant attorney general for tho Interior dopartmont, awaiting nn opportunity to rcnow hla delibera tions with tho presidenL Roar Admiral Sperry to Retire. Washington, SopL 7. Rear Admiral Sperry, who was in command of tho American battleship fieot on tho mo- morauio cruiso rrom Hun Francisco to tho Philippines and through tho Suoz canal to Hampton Roads, willbanlaeed on tho retired list tomorrow. Ho then will havo reached the age limit of 02 years, ihe admiral I now on duty at tho naval war college at NewporL , To Qaza From High Point, Waihlngton, SepL 8. Scientist will soon have at their disposal tho highest meterologlcal and astronomical Lobservatory on tbo Western continent It is on tho top of Mount Whitney, California, over 14,000 feit above sea level. Realizing tho value for effect ive astronomical and meterologlcal work of an observatory far above the clouds, the Smithsonian institution de cided to build a suitable ono on Mount Whitney. It has been difficult to con struct tho small three-room stone struck ture, as it wo necessary to take all the material to tbo great height on pack mules over narrow, rocky trails. S'udylng Up Coal Cases. Washington. SepL 9. Special Acent Sheridan, of the land office, who ha been assigned to conduct the govern ment's case at the hearlwr on the Cun ningham Alaska coal land entries, to begin at Seattle October 16, la now in Washington familiarizing himself with such records In tho case a aro now on file in the goneral land office. Upon completion of this investigation he will return to Seattle in time to begin the hearings at tho timo seL Naval Contracts Signed. Washington. SenL 9. Contract with tho San Francisco Oridgo com pany for the construction of the Pearl harbor drydocks, Hawaii, at $1,700, 000, and with.tho Maryland Steel com pany, of Sparrows Point, for the con struction of a fleet collier at 1889.000 were signed late today by Acting Sec retary of the Navy Wlnthrop. Cottcn Crop Shorter. Washington, SepL 11. The flrat bul letin of tho director of tho census showing the operations of tho cotton glnners for 1909 was Issued today. It covers tho period up to September 1 and shows that for that time 377,652 running bales havo been ginned, as against 402,229 for the same period last year. Many Census Jobs to Fill. Washington. Sept. 7. The bureau of the census announced today that ap proximately 3,000 temporary clorka would bo oppolnted In connection with tho work of taking tho 13th decennial census. Tho first examination will bo made befora January 1, and not many will bo made borore April, 1910. Sat In Schley Inquiry, Washington, SepL 8. Captain Sam uel C. Lemley, formorly judge advo cata general of tho navy, who became prominent In connection with tho fam ous Schley court of inquiry, died in SL Elizabeth' hospital In this city last nlghL Yellow Fever In Venezuola. Washington, SepL 7. Surgoon Gen eral Wyman, of tho marine hospital corps, was today advised by cable of the appearance of yellow fever at La Guayra, Venezuela, Man and Woman Caught In Chicago Head Big Gang. Chicago, SepL 7. In the arrest of Alton Posner, 20 year old, and a young woman giving her name as Emi ly Snyder, 20 years old, who are in cus tody at the Harrison street police sta tion, i'ostolflco Inspector Stuart believ er he ha part of a gang of mail thieve who have been operating in Chicago and othir cities. Two men are being aought as accomplices of Posner and the Synder girl in the thfaft of letters and cbashlng of check found in stolen malt. Posner and a man named Gray and anotbor man whose name Is being kept secret ana said to be under indict ment in New York for a $1,000 theft of jewelry. The Synder girl Is said to fcive eomo to Chicago with Posner four months ago. It is charged that the calr operated by stealing letter from residence mall boxca after delivery by letter carrier. Posner la declared to have admitted cashing a number of stolen checks. According to the postal authorities, Posner and his associates stole $1,000 worth of jewelry and other valuables which were brought to Chicago. MORE MEXICAN FLOODS' Cloudburst Floods Rivers and Over flows Fertile Valleys. Mexico City, SepL 7. A special dis patch received here from Morella says that floods yesterday ruined a large section of the Zamora district A ter rible cloudburst in tho mountains caus ed rivers and streams to overflow and miles of fertile valleys are under water. Further details have been received here of the flood that swept the town of Tula, in the state of Tamalpais, last Saturday. A wave between 46 and 60 feet high engulfed the lower half of tbo town. Two hundred house and the San Juan bridge were carried away and many lives were loiL The storm raged for three day. Terrible a are the conditions at Monterey, the correspondent declares they are just a bad at Tula and vicin ity. The entire northeastern section of the state is said to have been laid wazto. Railroad and teleirranhie com rounlcation waa destroyed and tho dor- uiauon oi iuia, some 7,000 persons, waa cut off from the rest of the nation for four days. It will be six or eight months before the highways con be re stored. Thirty bodies have been re covered and many bodies of shepherds and mountaineers are belnsr washed down Into tho valley below. fthlnoecroa In (he I)ar. The prlcea of wild animals naturally fluctuate with the demand. An ex cessive supply of rhlnocerl would soon reduco the market value. Five for sale at any time In tho world would glut the market, for ono can not sell a rhi noceros every day. The malntenanco of wild animals Is costly and they soon eat their value In food; so that every day they aro on the huntor'a or the dealer's hands ha Is losing money. After the animals are captured they have to be transported to the coast. This adds greatly to the coL Deliv ered at Nairobi or FL Florence, which are Inland and practically on the Afri can hunting field, a baby rhinoceros of the prehensile lipped species will bring from 75 to 100 sterling, a gi raffe from 50 to 100 sterling, and a baby hippopotamus from 50 to 90 sterling; elands and most of the large antelope from 25 to 40 sterling; ba boons from 5 to 20 shillings; monkey about the aame; crocodiles from 5 to 25 shilling; elephants from 75 to 175 sterling; lions and leopards, with tbo exception of the big black specie of the latter, from 20 to 35, accord ing to size and condition. The gorilla, and the square-muzzled (or so-called white) rhinoceros can be sold at auc tion by telegraph. Their value might run from 1,000 to G,000, according to the bidding. The square-muzzled rhinoceros Is fast becoming exterml- naiea, owing to me ract tnat it Is a veld animal and feeds In the open, where It Is easily seen and shot The above prices are doubled by the time tho animals reach the coast. Then there Is the cost of transport from Africa to Antwerp, Hamburg or London, with the cost of food and care added as well as the additional ex pense of keeping the animals until a buyer appears on the scene. Prices In New York, of course, ar naturally higher. William T, Horn day, head of the Bronx Zoological Parle, gives tbo following quotations: Ordinary black rhinoceros, $4,000; hippopotamus one year old, 1 2,600; elephant, two or three years, $2,500; giraffe, two to threo years, $3,000; lion cub, $500; leopard, $100; zebra. $500 to JS00; gorilla, type of monkey, 11.500; gnu, $S00; antelope, from $100 to 1700, according to species; camel, $300; a python, $10 per foot of length. Tho longer the animate are In America the better acclimatized they become, the higher go their valuations from two to three times the above figures. A MOTHEITS BODY HOO IN HOO YARD. .., ..ill a u mui Jlf! lIHaf 1UHK- txZdatt ,tv aKaaaV BBWbt7 VTRMj 'KtBSBaaaflBaaHBw Cholera Loses Terrors. Paris, SepL 7. Serum and vaccine for treatment of cholera has been dis covered by Dr. Salamblni, working un der the direction of Professor Motch nlkoff and Dr. Pierce Roux. Their serum has been tried in Russia in des perate cases and reduced the death rate, which was 60 per cent, to below 23 per cenL The vaccine is prepared by taking bacilli from the body of a cholera patient and ranking a culture thereof, which is injected rubcutane ously into healthy persons. Local in fection follow and immunity results. Tornado Wipes Out Town. Catanni, Sicily. SenL 7. The vil lage of Scordoa wo about wiped out today by a tornado. Five persons wero Killed and bU injured. One hun dred houses were completely demol ished and many others unroofed. The tornado waa accompanied by a torrcn tial.ruin. Tho population took refuge In house on tho Quarter Santa Maria, whero the statue of Santa Maria Mag gioro fell, adding terror to tho super stitious element Tennessee Stays Dry. Chattanooga, Tenn., SepL 7, Tho legislative act prohibiting wholesale as well us retail sale of liquor ih tho state waa uphold except as regards sale for shipment outside of the atato, in an opinion handed down in Chancery court today by Chancellor T. M. McConnell. Mrs. Lizzie Hies, 57 years old. liv ing near Omaha, ill., wo found dead in a lot near her home. Hog had mutilated the body. She bad prepared dinner for one of her sons, enying she would leave It on the table for him while ahe went to see a neighbor. The boy canio from work, ate his dinner and watted awhllo for lit mother to return. Going out In the lot. ho dis covered the hogs about his mother's Jdy. Mustache 1 llellslua. "The mustache has u ieK.ous sig nificance," said a clergyman In a. Lenten address. "It forms, you nee. In company with the nose, a cross. "In tho time of the Moslem Invasion of Spain mixed marriage rendered tt Impossible to tell a heathen from a Christian; so the Spaniards took to shaving alt tho faco but tho upper Up. Thus ovcry Christian countenance boro a cross a cro&s part flesh and part hair. "From It religious the mustache has come to, have an elegant signifi cance purely. Men wow 'wear it not tn proclaim their fnlth. but to magnify their beauty. Its source, however, la in Christianity, riefore tho Spanish. Invasion men either wore full beard or went clean shaved." Los Angeles Imcs. A I.olltc Shot, "Didn't I say you couldn't play ball until after 2 o'clock? Tell me!" "Why-cr Mann yes'ral Dut-cr didn't pop read you last nlsht how down In Washington all tho govern ment clocks are golu' to bo set two hours ahead durln' the summer!" Puck. It Is hard to determine whether eomo men are cowards, or only cau tious. A woman's idea of a dry novel Is se sh doesn't moisten with her tsar.