The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 08, 1909, Image 8

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Ivan McOillvray, who graduated
from the eighth grade of the Ilend
schools last June, came Into town
Monday to cuter the Aiigh school at
the opening of the school term.
Charley Kthrcdgc, who for years
lias ilrlvcn a freight team between
Ilend and Shnniko, is now taking a
vacation, the first in five years. Hr
will visit the A -Y.-P. exposition.
Joe Inncs wilt soon have installed
a gas lighting plant for his but bet
shop, which, with the fine new
mirror case, will greatly improvi
the appearance of bis place of busi
ness. The roasting-car crop in the Bend
country is now coming onto tne
market. On several different farms
where small patches of corn were
planted there promises to be a fair
Frank Has! is bragging on his
potato crop, and well he may
Samples of his potatoes left at The
Bulletin office are beauties large.
smooth and entirely free from
After spending the summer in
Bend with his father, A. M. Lara,
Morris Lara left recently for
the East, where he will at
tend school during the coming
school year.
Have you notictd the frequency
with which Bend appears in the
Portland newspapers lately? This
town and section are receiving
worlds of good advertising the-e
days. It pays to boost.
Mrs. A. M. Lara tendered a 5
o'clock luncheon last evening to a
few friends in honor of Miss Mittie
Vandevert and Miss Iva West
Miss West will leave tomorrow to
continue her studies at Portland.
The Bend Concert Band went
down to Redmond last Friday and
gave a dance. They report that it
was a very successful affair. A
laree crowd was in attendance, and
the receipts were something over
The Merrill Drug Company will
give a handsome Upton piano to
some lucky person in Bend or v'cin
ity. Nothing to equal this has
ever been attempted in this
section before. Read the particu
lars in their ad. in another column.
. Order your winter's supply of
wood now, and let me deliver it be
fore bad weather sets in. It will
cost you no more, und may save
"you running out of wood during
the winter, as I will refuse to cut
wood in the snow. F. M. Caktkk
The first operation for Bend's
new hospital was performed, on
Tuesday of last week, by Dr. U. C
Coe, Mrs. Will Bates being the
patient, The operation was sue
cessful in every way, and Mrs
Bates is recovering nicely. Dr.
Merrill assisted by administering
the anaesthetic.
Appreciation of what the Ladies'
Library Club is doing for the town
is being shown these days by var
ious donations to die Club One
of these, tendered during the past
week, was the fift of a $5 00 check
by Mrs. C. S. Hudson, which, of
course, was gratefully and thank
fully received by the ladies.
Practically all the ranchers along
the line between Bend and Shaniko
have raised on the price of hay and
grain, which is working something
of a hardship on the freighters. It
will probably result iti increased
DID YOU KNOW that a flow of natural gas under
an enormous pressure has been developed in Harney Valley?
DID YOU KNOW that the visible indications point
to Harney Valley as being underlaid with one ol the greatest
deposits of light gravity oil in the world?
DO YOU KNOW what that means to Central Ore
gon? It means railroads and the development of all the re
sources of this great Inland Umpire.
DO YOU WANT to share in the enormous profits
that await those who first tap this immense pool of oil?
The Harney Valley Oil & das Co. offers you this op
portunity. With stock belling at 5c per share (par value $1 00)
it is art opportunity unparalleled in the history of oil develop
ment. We will' gladly answer any and all corespotidence.
Harney Valley Oil & Gas Company
Or, Call on Ckntkai. Ork. RuAfrv Co., locaiVepresentative,
viHAt.' , y
mi 'W.'h'nWi i'i
freight rates, which will mean that
the consumers in Central Oregon
will hove to pay mote for their
L. C. Wliittcd nnd mother re
turned to Bond Sunday after spend
ing the last few mouths at Port
laud, and will again take up their
residence here. Mrs Whittcd was
hi rather l-oor health at Portland
and they decided it was best to re
turn to Bend. Mis Hugcnla will
remain there for some tunc for
further treatment of her eyes.
Jas Benhain was in Bend Sun
day. He reported that the new
flume the bwullev people are build
nig will be finished in about two
weeks. It will be a fine structure,
is very substantially built, and
should last lor years. Mr. Hen hum
recently pulled the trees from au
additional acreage and will have in
rtliout too acres of crop next year.
to or is to clover, the balance to
J 'owe It Uuttcs.
A hket social is arranged for at the
nchool liouw in district No. 71, for the
evrntng of Scpt-nilxr 18. A good pro
gram is being arranged, but e expect
the baOceta Mill make the real hit of the
eveniuv. At the close of the program
the tvaokets Mill be sold to the highest
bidder, C It. hllis ac'lng a auctioneer.
The object of this social is to t-lvc every'
body a good time, land to get latnpa olid
an organ for the school houte). So ev
eryone come, and all the Indies please
bring a haOteL
Mrs. Chas. Niswonger, who ha been
quite ill lately, is slightly improved.
Pearl l'ulkerson has bought several
head of dairy cows over 'n the Valley
and has cone after them. Mr. Hulker-
son has about 25 acres of winter oats that
wilt be very fine pasture for milk cows.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. and
Mrs. G. A Kltiot are to lrae us soon.
They may, however, settle in some near
by town.
Chas. Niswonger and family will also
be moving soon. They wilt locate in
The hum of the threshing machine
these days Is perfect music to the-ears ot
us new settlers who came from the
wheat country "back home."
Meat Market
HARRY HILL, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Yeal and
All my meats are stored In a
large ice box just installed and
are always in the best of condition.
I solicit your patronage.
$4.50 Per Cord, Delivered.
$3.50 Per Cord, Delivered.
Phone Me.
A Three Hundred Dollar Upton Piano
Ab-mlutcly (liven Away.
That advertising is now a science
is again demonstrated practically
to the buying public of this section
by the wonderltil advertising sys
tem now employed by the most en
terprising business house of the
Metrill Drug Co., who arc going to
to some one of their customers on
July 1 si, 1910. the beautiful UP
which will soon be ou exhibition at
their store. The Upton hells for
$100 and is a high class instrument
in every respect. GUARANTHHI)
by the makers for ten years Just
think of it! A Three Hundred Dol
lar Piano to be GIVHN AWAYI
A few years ago, if u merchant wus
to Lave done such a thing he would
have been considered a lit subject
for au asylum, but conditions have
changed, yet in the face of the
enormous sum spent in advertising
the fact of the Merrill Drug Co.
giving away a 5300 piano is a stu
pendous undertaking and it clearly
demonstrates their desire to tic "al
ways up to and a little ahead" of
the spirit of the times.
Kvery purchaser of Si 00 worth
of goods from any department of
their store will receive a coupon
good for 100 votes on the piano and
every purchaser of ft 00 worth from
their recently enlarged jewelry de
partment will receive a coupon for
1,000 votes. The person present
ing the largest number of votes to
them on July 1st will receive the
piano absolutely free. No favors
will be shown and every prson will
receive an equal chance. The repu
tation enjoyed by the Merrill Drug
Co. for "square dealing" insures
this fact. We think the buying
people will appreciate this extreme
ly liberal offer fin the part of the
MerriU Drug Co., and wc predict a
lively scramble for votes.
The Cornett Stage & Stable Co.
It's the mail line, the only direct
stage line from Shaniko to Silver
Lake, by the way of Princvillc and
Bend. Stopover privileges and
tickets good until used.
We are missing one sorrel marc,
wearing bell, weight about 1,000
lbs., with shoe brand on right
shoulder. Has a small stit in point
of one car. Has a swinging gate
when walking and is a natural
pacer under the saddle. Had a
sucking colt on the range which
was found with other horses. II
stolen was taken between the 10th
and 25th of Aug. We will pay
liberal reward for any information
leading to her recovery. If stolen
we will pay $100 reward for return
of our mare and arrest and convic
tion of parties having her in their
possession. G W. Wimkk&Sons
Tumalo, Or , Sept. t, 1909. 36
Lincoln County lllih School.
For information in regard to
Lincoln County High School, Sten
ography, Typewriting, Vocal and
Instrumental Music, Manual Train
ing, rent of furnished cottages, cost
of living, address Prol. Wilbur,
Newport, Or.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
dong with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mai
line Tm Cohnktt Staou &
Jtaiilk Co. a$v
Bertha 11 Orant, I'UlntllT,
lifted II. Grant, Defendant.
to Alfred II. Orant, the abort named Defendant
In I he Name of the (Stale of Ore, ou You art
nrreby required In appear ami antwer Ibc Com
plalut filed aifaliiit imi In the abuvc entitled
wil on or before October utt, iyj. and If you
Call au lo antwer, lb' I'Ulullff will take Julgmcnl
igaiu-t you for the relief demanded In her-Com
sblut herein, lo-wil, for I he dUtolutiou of Hit
narrlagje coultact cutting between you and lb
Thlt Summon l ordered acrved upon you by
,ublKtlou thereof lu The licud llulklln, a
teekly newtpaper' published In Crook Cotiuty
rcguu. by order ofllou, W L Uradahaw. Judgi
f the Circuit lourt furkrook County, aald order
wliig madron hepleiuber 71b, if), dale of Aral
.juhlicatlou, Mpleiuber Mb. iuv, lctilh ol publl
atlou, ala cutinecullvc weeka,
Dated Ihlttlll nay ol heptemher, IWJ.
Attorney fur i'lalnlm,
Department of the luterlor,
U ft. Mud Office at The Dalle, Or.,
Augutl Jl, 19;,
Notice U hereby given that
Richard King
jf fiend, Or-, who, on May 9, lyi. made llomi
lean (Keuai no. 01109) no. 1
a. IMW.fur HHUNWIf,
KHHWX, riec, jo, ami Nl!
jo, ami NINWK, riec. ;, Tw .
l9houlh, Kangr II raat,
laa filed notice ol intention to make final five-
ear l
roof, to eatabllah claim to the land above
Iracrlbcd. Iiefurc II. C lillit. United Hlatea mm
ulaaioiier, at lilt office at Ilend, Oregou, on the
,1b day of October, '.
Claimant nauiea aa wilneaaeai lohn lllraa of
These Patent Tension Shears
This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent FREEH,
postage prepaid, to every new, cnsh-ln-advnncc year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you arc already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub
scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free.
I f your subscription is about to expire you cannot afTord to miss this opportunity to secure a
pair or Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, and which will cut anything from wet tissue
paper to a heavy horse blanket. A pair of these shears are given free to every new cash. in-advance
The Tension Spring attachment docs away with resharpening entirely and enables the user to
set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect ease without tiring the
hand. The Tension Spilug takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically indestructible.
A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown in the engraving, tightens up the blades us closely as
may Ik desired. Any woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to use a dull pair of
shears can readily appreciate the value of the new invention WHICH KliKPS THIS PAIR 01'
SHEARS ALWAYS SHARP und in perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs of shears
or scissors you may hove around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you
get and" use it once, you will use it in preference to any other you may have. These shears are per
fectly fiuished and heavily nickel-plated.
the quality of the material and workmanship In this pair of shears to be first class, that the Tension
Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears nnd does away with the need of resharpening,
Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that If
this pair of shears HRIJAKS or in any wav becomes detective within VIVli Y1JARS from date of pur.
chase it will be replaced With a NHW pair without cost."
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
aaP!liaaaaaK anBk?
Vl ill If isiwi
W fl If s tum m
k lH aPhi a
ssalf a attdsiHar
hi UBr
vq bbu laaaa sa
1 mmM
Hlteri Oregou; Arthur Klucjoacph N, lliutcr,
both nf lleud, Oregouj I'.ira W. Gllc of Kcdiuond,
C. W. MOOKJt, Krglater,