t ," z- - V . PIMPLES "I tflcil nil kind of Mood irtncditi which failed to do me any jood, but t liavc found the rljdit thliif at lnt. My (ore w full of llilptfalid Mack lirnda, After takliijr Catcarctt tlicy all Irft. I mtt ctmtllUilliM the ttie of them mid rertitu. iiictwIliiK tlicm to my frlt-wlt. 1 feci Una when I tUo lit (lie mornliiK- llum to have n chance to trcotiiliietid CnKnictt," 1'rcdC. Wllleii, 76111m HI., Nrwatk, N.J. leaitnt. Palatable Potent, Teat (Intnl. n (Io.hI Never nlcaeu.Weaaenor (ltli, 104, IV. Mo Meter aold In bulk. The n. ill tablet llainpml C C C. Uuaiaateed In u4 or jour uoor back. 92 C0FFEE( TEA CeICE3 BAKINO POWDER EXTRACTS just mnnr CLOSSCTnDtVFM rVHANU, UHI I Vttr II I'MTiirril Them. PrWnd Why do you oncoiim the woman' siirfraxe meellns? Burely you don't approve of lliemT Husband ApproveT With nil my heart! I can com horn lata si I Ilk now without tlndliiif my wlf wait Inr to 11k quetlloni. Kama City Journal. Do your eat aver feel tired, nchy and toru nt nlffhl? Hub them with n little Hamlin Wizard 01. They'll ba Bind In the mornlnjr, nnd ao will you. Tbeaah Thr I If IaentlTv, Pint Hunter You know they have paiiid a law In Florida pennlttlna the allllna- of alllgntonT Htcond Hunter O, well, I auppote we'll keep on killing them, Juit tho am. Mothere wilt II nil lira. Wlntlow Boothia riHihbesi rvmvOr taut fur liitllcnUdisa tuiiui Ik leeltilu ilod. Mrallelln Slualv, Crlllo (a lh comiMiarr playa hti I piece) Very flno. Hut what la that paaaaae vhlcli mnkra the cold Chilli run down the Lark? Compoier That la where the wan direr line tho hotel hill brought to blin. niea-enda lllaetter. Cleur Waal- of Money, rUptelah The doctor lay there'a lomnhlnr tin matter with my had. 8liori Vou aurrly didn't pay a doo .tor to tell you thatl lioiton Tran. acrlpt. CRESCENT &.&$! Kih PtlctO Llls BAKING POWDER fowdri(laaiJdr.l I brllcr. It rait lb dauih and nikriTlibU r. iwr.lrf ami IkIIci rlun I !;, JwIJ j (to crxSriaprr Dolled, II yu will fDii Hi Tai .... ... nam an4.aldmi, w will ikt yen a took In h.iltb aad btlla pswdti, CUCSCENT Mro. CO. Seattle, Wn. ALBERTA WHEAT LAND $15 P,r Acra 10 Yaara' Time Ihf Un.lt ef Canadian I'arlA Italltrar iiulur from U la U buakati of whaaU II lIOObuthUf oala, pnun AUlwar tallwira, lawna and Mhoala PuUl lhatnt whatl land pmxullUn for nn af tncalrrala maana. No rrrp fallut, Hnd lidar for frr lllutlralol lltatalura. bpMlal ralM lit and Uih of ry mania. IDn-M'CARTHY LAND CO. Gtnl, I -an.1 Alia Canadian TatlAi It. R. IJ4-M l.umWrmfn'a llulUIng I'OIITlNt). OK "-L------'-J'-J----------1 y ,iS ltNax! VI !i tt - 1Nv i aJLIVialiuliu' T wear won ond they Keep you dry while you are wearing mem 300 EVCRYWIItPC eUWMtFD WAJV1K0CF V ritunr rare wwww ff". S' A.JTbVfTR CO. BOSTON.U5A. TOWIH CANACUM ,Wii Te ToCTO. Cam. C. Gee Wo tt.3 Chinese Doctor Tlila VrundrM man haa in ul u liCaatudy of lh iirorartic o Kuuia. (rl.a ',d llarka. ami Kllnir Ilia world Hi Unantof bla aanrlcaa. iJJ5) No Mr 4orDrui ,'jii Ontratl rcury.Polisni DrutiUtcd, No .u'S Optratlont or Cutting fluaranlta to rur Catanh, Aallnna, I.unr. Hlomarh ami Kldnrjr IroutlM, ttiut all l'tlvat Uliouca of M n and Woman. -A SURI CANCER CURE Juit racvlycd (ruin I'tkln, China tafa, iur jiid rallabla, U..fallln In I la woika. If you cannot call, will for lynuitom, Uank and circular. Incloaa 4 canta In a I amp, CONSULTATION frltt ' The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 163M Tint St., cor. MoftUon, PortlanJ, Or. mm wrsivdi M'M .11 iLV ' 1 Vt i2l TO ' VMmiiM . $W,.nWJl&v" Ji-.wyi T 1 IHK WnWirMll.n.iKB.i 0 -SvSjW -ff Mff"r 4w-:' !k.fr: ' AM ' Wilt tffcKIAJTTTTAitt- tfj ''"' r WfV OiA r M.tt2JteSfam - i&wj - r ...f.v5- K3Pcn. ..-Zb-' Wf.wrSsoSrVrrsr- " ftWSAArfWta ftniillnry MIIU .'nil. Much the InrRur proportion of milk Ih rafrlcd In wldo-tuppcd, uncovered pnll from tho cow to Iho itrnlncr, n dlNtnnro of 2fi to 100 fi'et. aero n towynril, mnlr n hay loft, or past n 111 nti 11 re idle, thu oxpotlnR n law urfnra of wiirm milk, which nbiorb nil Kind of tindotlrolilo odor nnd col lect dirt nnd dust. (InlVAiilied lion In anmothlnR used for milk pnllM, hut It li not heat, for tho rough aurfneca nttord hiding (ilnrea for hacterln. Wooden veimeU ihould not bo mod for hnldliiK milk, for It la nlmoit Impottlulo to keep them clean. Ileildea Imparting n me- novmr rnoncriorf. 0 nTATTiniNO. tnlllc flavor to milk, rutty tinware la objectionable bccaiuo It la Impoislbto to keep It clean. Good tin la tho only prnctlcnblo materia! for milk veiled, nnd It mint Ixi kept ililny nnd bright. Tho moat Important thing In pro ducing milk la to keep the dirt out. TI1I1 rnu only bo done by carefully grooming tho cowa and by uilng n winltnry pall, two of which nro oliown hero. There nro aovernl tytca of theio palla, but (hey nil have tlie lame prin ciple There la n raver with n imall opening, under which la fattened n cheeaecloth atralner. Tho one with SUBSTITUTE VT .3!"lWyflC?WnWW7 There are place whero a common everyday gato I an utter nuUanc and whero a turmtllo or lomo other gato vubttltute or contrivance I par ticularly convenient nnd welcome. With tho arrangement herewith Illus trated tho gateway la nlwaya doted to nulmaU, but men may paaa through It without dimculty. Tho accompanying drawing will glvo a clear Idea of tho plan. Tho akctch la mado to ruprcicnt a very tmnll gate, but to nn awer nil purpouc tho wing tnela and gato perhaps ahould bo halt a rod In length. tho (pout atralna tho milk na It cntera tho pall, and nlio a It I poured out. rami and Homo. Nnir Hula I'rvlulit nn I:kk. After nn Inveatlgntlon covering two rvcoka, William Krohbach of Dauby, Pa., ha learned tho ronton ho hn been rccolvlng only two or thrco egg n day from hi flock of alxty hcua, nnd Incldentnlly found out eomethlng about tho Invcntlvo cnpnclty of rata. Ono morning ho heard n nolto In his chicken houio, nnd quietly making hla way there, ho nw two big rata In tho net of making nwny with a newly-laid egg. Ono of thu rodont wn lying flat on It back with tho egg tightly clutched In It four pawn, while tho other rat wn dragging It along by the tnll. Krohbach wna ao Improated by tho Bight that ho watched tho rodent for thrco minutes, during which time they carried tho egg for twenty yard along tho fenco until they emtio to n holo In .tho ground, Into which they took the egg. Ono of tho rata becumo tired whllo carrying tho egg and changed plncos with It follow, VoulllnlliiK Mtnlile. llorios and cows nro In tho stablo at night for rost. When tho weather I warm tho atmosphere In cloao conflno mout bocomes vory warm and oppros tlvo, to much ao that tho animals bo como vory uncomfortable, and honco fall to get proper reit, Tho horao that docs not get proper rest Is not In a good condition for honvy work tho fol lowing day, and tho cow that does not 55f5gasRgfcg ileep In a cool, restful plnce In hot weather will not glvo a full flow of milk Tho tcnipornturo of tho work ing or producing animal mutt bo kopt normal to glvo licit retulte, If there nro no window In your ttnblot, cut out a number now and let light and froth air come for the health and com fort of tho nulmali. There I nothing lllic plenty of good froth air In living and tleeplng room,' whether th room bo for tho occupancy of man of for niiliimli, Thlt hold! good for both winter nnd tummer. NiirNi-liiif i:li-rliiirnl. r:xHirlmcnu with fungicides upon IKitatora have been carried on ut thu Vermont Bxtrm,nt fltatlon for eighteen yenra. Kxporlmenla mado ro cently tvero dctlgned particularly to dctermlno tho relative gain from ipmylng jiotatoct with bordeaux mix turo and parla gn-eti, comparing the reiulta from two, three and four ap plication. Two appllcntlona of bor deaux mlxturo mado In Augutt proved let efllclent In checking tho flea bee tle nnd early blight than whero other application wero made, particularly tho apraylng mado In early July. Tho Increato In marketable tuhcre for the prn)cd over tho uuipraycd Iota varle from 02 to 172 per cent. llrlnUlnir Wnlrr fur l'iitl. Rcummy drinking caavla cauao tick neat. They ahould bo Hfaldrd out every now and then. Filthy water drank dally la very Irritating to the bowel. Water la the principal con atltuent of tho fleth, bone, feathers and egga of fowl, and necoaanrlly largo ipiantltle of It I continued dally. Therefore, It ahould bo icen that the water tupply 1 not only purn, but freaii. TMallit aiurk I'on.l. 8tock of nil kind greatly rcllih tho planli of the Kuulan thlttle, which hn fairly Jumped out of tho ground tliico the raln. nnd our llattcrn plain -- - ' FOR OATH v- ' ss aro verdnnt with It Why not make hay of UT 80 palatablo I tho hay to cattlo that they leave green paituro nnd break through fence to dovour thl obnoxlou und outlawed weed It It I cut nnd stacked beforo tho red dish tlngo come on to U10 plant, which occur nbout tho mlddlp of July. Many of our Colorado pcoplo havo uncd Uuttlun thlttlo for forngo for aevernl years, nnd soma of them say that It Is as good na nlfalfn. In a re cent analysis tho Russian thistle na aayed na followa; I'roteln, 17.95; other extract, S.C1; nth, 21. OS; crude fiber, 20.14, nnd carbohydrate, 30.32, All over KaRtern Colorado there la n la montablo shortago of pratoln feed Htuff. Corn, corn stnlka, straw, millet, Kaffir nnd pralrlo hay nro ull long on Btnrchy matter, but short on protein. In tho thlstlo wo havo a crop that grow on the arid rcachos which will not only yield n largo amount of for ago, but n vory palatablo ono nt that, and n crop that Is rich In tho two ele ments In which others nro deflclont. Field nnd Farm. llurdrniix Mixture, Tho llordenux mixture Is tho proper remedy to uso for nil fungous trou bles, vlx., mildew and rust of beans; potato and tomato rot "and leaf-blight; melon and cucumber diseases; celory loaf-blight and rust, otc. Tho half- strength mlxturo (two pounds copper sulphate two pounds quicklime fifty gallons of wator) Is strong enough to uso In the vegetable gurdon, oxcept for potatoes SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY Tho Bnlvntlon Army Is estnbllnhed In fifty-two coiinlrlva. There I a great shortage of thcoloK leal students In Wiirtcmtorg. Tho War Department paid 8t,4l for artificial llmba Inst year. Six out of seven picture nent to the royal academy every year nro rejected. The railroad of thU country pny out 121,000,000 ft year In freight claim. There Ih still pending In the Hngllth law court a rata which was, Initiated In 1707. An owl with n rmt of youn? will gather about forty mlrn a day for her offiprlng. One-fifth of the country's wealth l represented In tho Nw York Stock Exchange. Kor uso during military maneuver tho Kaiser ha n portable notice mnde of asbestos. Thero wero fifteen execution of criminal In Prussia In 1J07, nil 'but ono of them mon. There nro thirty different kind of now rmea for this year nlons In I'ng land, whero row eulturo abound. Nearly nil of the fifteen thousand Inhabitant of Marchncuklrchen, Sax ony, aro engaged In violin making. An effort mado In Russia to form a gigantic steel corporation, on the line of the ono existing In this country, uas failed. Tho Bwlia government spends more money. In proportion to It population. for tho relief of Ita poor, than any other country. Tho volcano of Btiomboll ha been known to emit flames persistently and lava nnd cinder spasmodically for over 2,000 years. A Parisian antiquarian has paid 7CO.000 francs for tho famous Marfcls collection of wntche made In the six teenth nnd seventeenth centuries. At Fnlun, Sweden, are tho headquar ters of a mining company wlUi a his tory so remote that tho date of It origin cannot bo definitely fixed. South American woods woro former ly used exclusively In tho making of flihtng roils, but tho material Is now being largely supplied by Queensland. In 1900 there were 1,171.000 textile worker In Ilrltaln. Tho average pay each week for men was 1C.S3, for wom en $3.75, for boys $2.53, and for girls 12.17. Frog may do sbmo harm to fish In a pond, but Ocrman experts have decid ed that this la outweighed by tho good thoy do In destroying Injurious in sects. New York State haa taken a prac tical way of encouraging forestry. Dur ing tho past planting aeaton more than ono million seedlings wero dis tributed nt cost throughout the State for planting. Solitary confinement still exists as n punishment In Italy, although humani tarian observers declare that capital punishment would bo far more hu mane, besides being more effective as a deterrent. On the basis of a bushel of corn pro ducing 2.5 gallons of alcohol, It baa been figured out that last year's corn crop In tho United State was sufficient to furnish ;o.ooo.ooo-uore power fori ten hours a day for an entire year. Wilbur Bowser, living near Pitta burg, has constructed n. frame house, built In sections, which ho ha moved In a freight car with nil his household good to Wyoming, whero ho has ac quired a section of 1C0 acres of land. Tho latest suggestion for the treat ment of asthma comes from Germany. It consist simply In breathing exer cises conducted In such a way that the Inspiration la rapid, whllo tho expira tion Is ns slow nnd aa thorough as possible Not to bo outdone musically by N'ow York's pollco department, Chicago po llcumen havo set out to organlzo n band. Chief Shlppy, who used to "pound tho pavement" himself. Is en thusiastically In favor of tho scheme nnd promises all tho aid he can glvo. Tho export of domestic merchan dise from Alaska to tho United States In tho calendar year 1003 amounted to $12,255,255. of which $9,282,952 waa for canned salmon. Tho salmon out put of Alaska equals the combined catch of mulsh Columbia, tho United States proper, and Japan, Not tho least Important feature of tho gvnernl agricultural revival which Is In progross In so many over-sea markets, and particularly In South Africa nnd Australia, Is tho Interest thus created In steel windmills na mo-' tors for such purposes na pumping and operating small machinery. ,' Itaw river water should bo stored antecedent to filtration for thirty days, In tho opinion ot Dr. A. C Houston, director of water examinations, Lon don. Storago rcducoa tho number of bnctorla ot nil sorts, and, If sufficiently prolonged, devitalizes the microbes ot water-borne disease (typhoid bacillus and cholera virus). I Tin) Kind Vou IIao A I way turc orCliiii. U. Flftclirr, and lin been iimilo under IiIh pergonal Ktiporrlxton for ovr JJO yrnrx. Allow no ono to deeelvo you iu thl. Cotinterieltx, Juiltatlotix nnd. "JiiHt-n-cood" nro lint Experiments, ami endanger tho health of Children Uxpvrlunco against L.sicrJniuit. What is CASTOR I A Cnatorlu Ih 11 harmless aulistltuto for Castor Oil, I'aro Rorle, Drops and Hootlitui; Hyrtipi. It In l'lcrumnt. It couliiliiM neither Ojiliim, Morphlno nor other .Narcotlo aiilnstnucc. IlH ntro Ih ItH f;iiuraiite.c. Jt destroys Worm mid nllayH I'wrrikliiir. Jt cures Dhtrrlnrii nnd "Wind Colic. It relieve Teething TrotililoH, eiires Constipation nnd Flatulency. It asslinllateH tho I'ood, regulates tho Htoinneh nnd linwels, giving health mid natural sleep Tho Chlldreti'M l'uuncctt Tho Mother's Friend. Tie Kind You Haire Always Bought Boars tho Use For tmc cc tu iMpaar. Tt Cmparlaon. "I admit I havo the fault you men tion," said tho conceited man, self complacently, "but It's the only fault I have, and lt'a a small one." "Yet," replied Knox, -Jutt like the small hole that make a plugged nickel no good." Catholic Standard and Time. Pattlt't Eye Salve. No matter how badly the eye may be dUcatcd or injured, restore normal conditions. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. What'a lh Aaarrtr. riumplth maidens seek the seashore, slim one seek the mountain high. If you think you know the aniwer, why, why, why? Washington Herald. Shake Into Your Shoes Afttn's FooI-IUm. powder for tha f rt. It ran paJnfal. nrollca. martins, nnllu f t. Make near shoe xaar. Sell br all Drusrlst and 8ho Rlor. Don t atcrpt anr anbatltul. Kampl ITIEK. Ad4lrtaA.&OInutd.lnor.N.Y. rianalbta) rrcrarlrallna. Of two kinds of liar, the one who can II plausibly I most to b feared. Tha crude liar Is simply a Joke. De troit Kawa. QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION TUB HIQH-STANDARD SCHOOL of it kind in the Nonhwcit, we invite ii) Iavcitifttloa of those who want the best In a practical education. Let ut prove tuperiority. Call, phone or write. Cat alogue, butiocit formt and penwork free. PORTLAND RUSINESS COLLEIE 'The School of Quality" Tenth sad Mormon 3 Portland, Oregon A. P. ARMSTRONG. IX. B., PlUNCirAL jt pM jf Jr rf 2L Jr Ar & e .-St a' LAariUc& - w m- r m In IN -ZT In theea daii ef pioareaalf farming- na man can afford to neglect hU arm equip neat. It I Juat aa eaacntlal that the farm ihould have the benefit of the beat poatlbl farm machinery and moat modern labor taring drlca aa It U that a properly conducted factory should have It, and rren mora to. We hare In our ettenalre itock, labor earing- roachtnea of all klnda, machine that lncrea.ee preflta atvl make the farmer the moat Independent man on the earth; machine that make farm life more enjoyable and tend to keep the youna men utbfled with farm work. No faratr ever ureeted hit money to better adrantac than whin he bought one of the machine mentioned below. Theee are tinea which are In eeaaon NOW and are rooda which ahould Intereet every farmer whodealreatomakea ucceaa ef f armhur, Kramer Kotary Harrow Attachment, (ahown here), Honlcr Drltla, tahown here), J, L Caae riowa. Sandwich Hay froac. Dlck't Faoou Feed Cutter. uoover loiato Ulster, uouoie Action and Rlshtlap Cutaway, Slorer Gaaollne Engtnea, New Iowa Cream Separator, Xlycra Pumpa, Eta. Etc Do YOURSELF and ua a favor by aaklne for our BIG GENERAL CATALOGUE i EVERYWHERE U$& IJotitrht Jiuh borno tlio rIlmih- Signaturo of 46 Over 30 Years. atuMf rff cr, nkw Teaa crtr. HOWARD C FrirruM Ajn aaJ CbaaiUt. H Lr4i llr. Cm. rvlo. iMa arlo.i UoM, Sllt.r Laa4, II. ( li, 811 r l Ooll. Uk baa rOopfrll l .laniTltffan'l fall frt-i IWa ant on arrllralifln Im rol a J LaiBlr aockao llatlaa. Jlaf.naMl CarloeaU Kalloautl Itaafc. OR W A. WISE a laara a Leader In PalnUM Ornuu Work la I'onland. Out-of-Town People Should remember that oar ftrr le o anaicl that WK CAN DO THCIR ITIRE C- 0N, IIUIDGK AND PLATK WORK IN A DAY IC aNM.tr. I-CHITIVELY PAINLESS KX TILACTlN'R FREKwhrnplatrt or brVtaatar or dered. WK REMOVE THE MOST 8KN3ITIVB TEETH AND HOOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty. For tHo Next Fifteen Days- We win aHre you a rood tZk. cvU or porce lain crown for ,.. SSJ9 Hk bride teeth .. ....... 30 tlolar crown , . ................ S.03 Goldorenamel fUUnsa .... LOC fillrer fllllnn . -fi0 Coodrnbbrr plalea. tJ Thabeetml rubber plalea. ... , 7.0 TalnleMi exlraetkna J8 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 15 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wise President and Manager The Wise Dental Co. UNO Third and Waahlntlon Sta. PORTLAND, OREGON PNU No. 36-09 WUK:i wrillnr toatrrtltrpaaa tnanllun Ihla paper. bIbbbbbbbV aBBBBBaB9aW laataBBBaBBBBBBBBaH YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT IS IT COMPLETE? PORTLAND OR. SPOKANE WeSH. BOISE IDAHO.