" 1 - - - '' V THE BEND BULLETIN CHARMtS D. ROWR KD1TOR SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: On y-r..., Bis tnonlhi.. . So Thrtc monlh......... (InratUblr In idnnw.) WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1909. All Should Help. At Inst Bend is embarked upon a campaign of publicity. It is high lime, for never before iu our history has the future he'd more brilliant promise, never before has more un iversal attention been centered up on our country, and never before has the necessity for organized ad vertising of our opportunities been more pronounced, nor the benefits procurable from publicity greater. We arc on the verge of the great est railroad development Oregon has ever witnessed. The entire North west, and the home and investment seeking clement throughout the country, are vastly interested in Central Oregon. The Bend Board of Trade will do its utmost to tell this interested public exactly what the Bend country has to offer. There will be, and need be, no ex aggeration in the information it sends forth. The bare facts of Bend's resources, opportunities and future, once understood, are all that is necessary. Once the inquirer truly comprehends what we have to offer, he will comply with the Board's slogan, and "Come to Bend." The Bulletin is heartily in sympa thy with the work the Board of Trade is undertaking. Also, it feel? that the methods being pursued are of the best, and urges that Bend, individually and collectively, fall into line and BOOST! It's now or never. Let's all help the Bend Board of Trade. An Important Opening. The Portland Union Stock Yards will be open for business on Sep tember 15 The opening of these yards is an epoch in the livestock industry of the Pacific Northwest. The creation of a place of barter and sale where there is eicry day in the year, an active demand for aii 01 me livestock ottered, means much to the farmers of this section. 1 ne nearest market 01 tne class is at Denver. The establishment of livestock markets such as afforded by the Portland Union Stock Yards has added millions of dollars to the value of the livestock tributary to Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Fort Worth and Denver, and history will repeat it self at Portland. Livestock sells every business day of the year and the cash that is paid out to the farmers filters through every channel of the coun try's commerce. There is no better way to get grain to market than in the hide of a meat animal a meth od of marketing that has made the farmers of the middle states rich and now that there will be a de mand for the animals the farmers and stockmen of this section will doubtless raise and properly feed enough livestock to meet the rapidly Increasing demand. The Bulletin has watched the building of this great plant at Port land with much interest, well knowing that it would prove of ranch value to the livestock indus try of the Bend country. The rais ing of livestock has been the lead lug industry here for many years, and always will play an important part in the business of this section. With the Deschutes railroads com pleted, this section will have direct connection with the Union Stock Yards and packing plant at Port land. It means dollars and cents and prosperity for the farmers of the Bend country. 400 posts for vokskn, Bend. sale. Ed.- HAIy lotf WHAT THB LAW REQUIRES. those Who File on 320-Acr Home ntenJ Mu.it Live on Land Five Year. In view of the interest that is be ing takmi iu Bend regarding the In nd known locally ns the High Desert, The Bulletin gives below the chief features of the law which allows an cntrymnu to tile on 330 acres, most of The laud referred to being filed upon under this act The clipping appended was taken front the Pacific Monthly. "Under the terms of the Momlcll dry fnrniitiR low, passed at the last session of Congress, the 'homesteader' l allowed to lake JJO acres ot land under certain restrictions, first, the laud must hcin the slates or territories of Oregon, Wash ington, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Aritona, Colorado or Montana. Further, the land must have been deslg natal as non-lrrigablc. In order to make the law operative at once, answer ing the demands of the many in the West who wished to take advantage of its provisions In the Wct. Secretary uallincer has recently designated over 175,000,000 acres of Western land open to settlement under the provisions of thU new law, le has designated about three and a half million acres as belli? open in Washington, seven millions each iu Oregon and Utah, nine millions in Wyoming, fourteen lu New Mexico, nineteen In Montana, twenty in Colo rado, twenty-six in Arirona and forty nine million acres in Nevada. Doubt less these areas will be added to from time to time as the line o! settlement pushes up to tru limits fixed. "It will tie remembered that according to the provisions of the Mondell law, the landsecker must be a resident of the state In which the land is located. Also he mast live continuously on the land as designated in th?well known homestead law. It is further provided that one eighth ot the land selected must be culti vated by the second year, and that one fourth of the whole tract must be con tinuously cultivated the third year. The land must be in a compact body, and it is allowed that those who have previous ly filed on the regulation Ida acres may increase their holdings by the addition of land, bringing the total up to not more than 3 acres." A Good Position can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of "Wireless" or Reilway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became el- fective, and since the Wireless com panies are establishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of 'telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance for advancement. The National Telegraph Institute of Portland, Ore., operates six official iqstitutes in America, under supervision of R, R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. Hand us your subscription. JK RestRompRecuperate AT THE SEASHORE NORTH Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driving, and ex ploring, make North Beach the most charming and opular play ground on the North Pacific Coast. The O. R. & N. MAS A Special Summer Excursion Rate to North Beach Points of $12 Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer T. J. Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." E. J. WILSON, Agt , Shaniko Wm. McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, ORE. y MADRAS TO HAVR UANK. Portland Capitalist Wilt Open One In n Short Time, J, M, Couklin, of Portland, was in Madras several days hist week, looking over that locality with 11 view to establishing' n bank, and utter making a thorough inspection tributary to the town, Inn definitely decided to open up n bank at thai place at once. Organization papers for a banking corporation will be prepared before the end of the week, or us soon ns all the prelim inary arrangements are completed. The Pioneer says Mr. Conklin will be the principal stockholder iu the bank, but some stock will be held by Madras business men. Mr. Conklin is a banker of some experience in this state. He has banking interests at Mt. Angel and at other points, but has been at tracted to Central Oregon for some time, and after coming and looking over the situation at Madras, de cided to establish a haul; at that place. Alain Ontrance, Oregon State Fair. A most desirable change In the appear ance of the Oregon State Fair grounds at Salem has lnrcn made in the form of n new main entrance. The massive con crete arctiw ays ol the mam gates arc flanked on either side by commodious rooms which will l used as offices by the fair management and the superin tendents and clerks of the various divis ions. The structure i built of reinforced concrete and i a thing of beauty as well us alTonline comfortable quarters for the transaction of the various businesses con sequent on the holding of an agricultural exposition of so great importance as the Oregon State Fair, the next annual ex hibition of which is scheduled to be held during the week beginning ou Septem ber lj, next. Read THU iu'LLKTIN. PH22S IING J3s Dandruff and nKFATITMVaJATD i IJ-VLLdlWJ JILMIIVI are bet oetwsrd sljns ol the evil dece la secret by myriad of d JrsH terms wpptej the life Woe4 ol the bak-. Micro kills the para site, soothes the Itcfekg scalp, lives batre to the lulr aid steps It rlB out. AslstteaMMcatlea lives reflet aid proves Its wort. Save yoar hah before loo hte. Micro prevents baWatis. ItUa detfehtfal dressb-f far the niJr, free frea crease amfslkky oH. Atk year drenlstfof free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO, aTU, saws BEACH FROM SHANIKO 0r HwBfffSwjyPfKTn Tm Till 1 11 ftrQZltttcJ!yt'MVrPPWVtTBA WM V4 VrHBHHHHMrM)ssjHsjSjHHHHBP , 'aBsBM3HOMHI "r Will 11 n Villi I ik'H THIS ilHAIlTII-'lll. PIANO AS A PRESENT? WH OIVU -. in r ilnu m .,.! Ivw till This is' a present worth having. This piano Is of the celebrated I'I'TON nuke It manufacturers' Ten Year Guarantee Wc cordially Invite jour linxVtlou. THE MERRILL DRUG The Pine Tree Store IS STILL IN BUSINKSS, CONTRARY TO KKI'OKTS OTHKRWISH. I have just received part of my FALL DRV GOODS and am going to give you Pargains Every Day NO SPECIAL DAYS KVHRY DAY AMKIS. Come in and convince yourself. A handsome framed picture given away with every 5 cash purchase in dry goods. I also have a full line of Groceries, llullding Material, Paints and Oil of all kinds, Farm Machinery and Ilinding Twine. NO HOT AIR PIJDDLUD IIHRK. E. A. Sather. COUNTY FAIR Prineville, Or., ON OCT. 19 TO 23 INCLUSIVE LARUE I1UNO Races and Exhibits WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FULLER ANNOUNCE MENTS FROM WEEK TO WEEK. WRITE FOR PREMIUM LIS T. First Central Oregon Agricultural Assn. WHEN IN BUND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the boat Dial tho town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Hund, Okicgon " ' 'J ' 1 ... Timber Lands Wanted. If you have timber lands cither in eastern or western Oregon and desire to sell the same, it will be to your interest to at once write the undersigned, who has liuyero wuit- Jng. C, G. UUKKIfAKT, 102 East Firm street, Albany, Or. IT TO SOMI! OP OUK CUSTOMUKS. al,1lltl til Itlfct ,11 lllr II t V will tell ou all HUM), 0KI!(10N AT PURSES UP FOR A Harznln In Land. For ale, nt lesi than company prices 80 acres of irrigated land, Close to town, partly improved, Can be had for part cash and bal ance on time with approved c;iirs ity. Addicss X care ol Uullctin. shall. iosnivni.y about our plan of giving till piano away. It carries the COMPANY U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon DI'I'ICK OVKK HANK nil Ulflbl Cclcnboiie Connection DAY TKUItrilOMt MO. 31 Hl.NI, OUICOON C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OfflCK IM HANK MUUIINO, HUM), OKKOON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD, DENTIST. Ol'I'ICIt IN JOIINKO.N lltTI 1,1)1 NO I) c n (1 , OrcRon. F. 0. MINOR I.AWKKHCK llDII.IUXCl LI F1C-FI R E ACCI DENT INSURANC K .Votary I'uhlle and CmivryaiirlnK All l.ol l'arr Cotrrctlv Prawn, FIDELITY BONDS H. U A U M L K R Painter & Paperhnnger I'lr.t Clats Work niuranlerd. Powell lluttrs. Ormon. Will work In any locality. Write or call. I1END LODGE U. D. A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Viiltinir brothcrx always welcome. I A. OAST, O.tr. r. O. MINOR, W. M, "LOOK" UUPORU DUYINO "SUIJ" Jones land Company AT RHDA10NI), OWIKVON "TUB" Hub ofjhe Dcscblcs Valley We have for sale the largest t of Im provrd and uiiliiiprovrd furnu and ranches in Crook county. Larue list o( irrlKnlrd lands nlth per ixtiial water rliihts, under the Destitutes Irrlaallou Power Co. ami Columbia Southern lrtlntlon Co.'a contracts wllli the Slate of OrcKQii under the Carey Act. JOHN LEQAT VHM.HU. IN HnrncRs and Saddlery Trunks and Vallsca Repaired JL in "Mi i"-fc mi HalwPniaH nKflHraMiSjariH fWBtBEKs VK1 ifflPaaHaHli