The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 08, 1909, Image 3

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    EVENfslnt BAY
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts o! tlio World,
(.011 Imporlant but Not Lets Inter
siting Happening! from Points
Outside tho State,
China I planning tho Improvement
uf Iter nrrny.
Count Zeppelin will contlnuo prepar
ntlom to lly to tho North Fold,
President Tnft aaya ho will prob
ably vlnlt AlnilcH next summer.
A Herluui epidemic In feared In the
llixxl atrlcken districts of Mexico.
German scientists soy tho finding of
the North Pole I of secondary Imjwrt
nncu. The American I.ocomotlvo company
iayi It In rushed with order for now
An Indiana mnn ho juit died at the
ago of 00. lie lenve OH children and
liml outlived four wive.
Denmark believe Cook's story of
tho discovery of the North I'olo and
will give him n royal wolcome,
Attorney General Wlckcrsham iayi
If the (Hilar continent I worth holding
thli government will annex It.
Dispatches from Java lay tho vol
cbiio Smern li In active eruption, caus
InK great havoc. There hsa alio been
nn earthquake with hundred of fatal
((evolutionary cocked hati are to be
worn by women next season.
Wilbur Wright hai suggested that
cities appoint an Inspector of baltoom.
Tho loin of life In the Monterey,
Mex., flood U now estimated at 3,000.
A tornado devastated Dlalvllle, a
mail town In Texa. Several poison
were Injured.
Supplies are bolnir sent to Monterey,
Mex., and the central condition la
much Improved.
Mra, Florence Vandervort, a million
aire widow of Lo Angole, has mar
ried a poor man.
No llvra wore loit In the Nevada
cloudburst and the property damage la
placed at $100,000.
Government actentlita (ay Cook will
have no trouble in proving that ho ac
tually reached the polo.
According to ofllrlal report tho rice
crop of China will be about 17 per
cent above tho average.
All Western road havo announced
new achedulea to tho coaat and each la
trying to outdo the other.
The American wanhlp squadron la
In Chtneio water.
Tho International tradoa union coun
cil la In session In Parle.
Pittsburg coal miner object to tho
now explosive, a flamelesa powder.
A levers arthquako haa been felt in
tho canal tone, but tho big ditch waa
not hurt.
Tho ateamor Ohio, wreckod off the
Alaakan coast la aald to havo hit an
unchartered rock.
IIIII says h.o haa all tho railroad con
ruction ho nccda in the Knit and now
work will bo confined to tho West
Tho Cunard line atoamera are to take
n new routo between Liverpool and
Now York which will ahorton tho tlmo
to five da) a.
A biff Carey act project hai been
started in Colorado by which 250,000
ncrca of land will bo reclaimed at a
cost of $2,000,000.
An epidemic of typhoid fover I rag
ing at Cobalt, Ontario. Tho hospitals
aro full and tenta havo boon erected to
care for tho overflow.
Tho ateamer Mauritania has estab
lished n now record, having crossed
from Now York to Quconstown in four
days, 14 houra and S minute.
Thcg Fedorl court has hold the atato
'Corporation tax law In Colorado consti
tutional. Thaw hun bcon appointed llbrarlun
of tho Insano asylum in which ho la
ltnhmln Khan, a Persian bandit
Icador, haa been copturod by a Russian
expedition. ,
Dutch floldlora In Java killed ll7 ro
bots uftor 16 of tholr own number had
buau nmliuslied.
Tho deadlock In tho Chicago stroot
car dlsputo can only bo broken by a
Btrlke or arbitration.
Tho notorious Ilulgarlan bandit and
Inlnsurgont loader, Bandunsky, who
captured Miss Stone, tho American
missionary, somo yoara ago, has boon
Twelve Hundred at Least Crowned In
Mexican Plood,
Monterey, Mex., Aug. HI. Twolvo
hundred and perhaps itioro poopla per
ished Friday night and Saturday In tho
flood which swept a largo portion of
this city. Conservative estimates
plnca tho property loss at (20,000,000.
Fiflaon thousand people nro homeless.
Mora than COO bodies havo been recov
ered. The river ha fallen considerably,
and while still high, tho danger la
oyer, Seventeen nnd n half Inches of
rain full during Friday, Saturday and
Tho greatest loss of Ufa occurred
Saturday morning between 0 and 11
o'clock, when tho largo bu'ldlnga on
tho south side of tho river commenced
to crumble. Many of tho houses bad
from 100 to 200 persons on their roof
and nil disappeared in tho flood.
In ono school building 00 women and
children wero drowned. Thoy had
hurried to tho school for safety, but
tho water drovo them from room to
room until they wera all clustered in
ono room. While two priests wero
performing somo religious rites, tho
walls fell and all wero swallowed up
In tho seething waters.
Thousand of periona were standing
on tho north bunk of tho river, unablo
to render aid to tho unfortunates on
tho building on tho south aide, for
nothing could havo lived In tho current
uf tho Santn Catallna, which was half
a mile wide and flowing swiftly.
French Striker Combine to Competo
With Government.
Paris, Aug. 31. In n few daya tho
French tolofuco I to havo an active
competitor In the shapo of n now co
operative otal association, formed by
somo IG0 dismissed postal servants.
Thi'So, under tho direction of MM.
Ilarbut and Slmonnst the postal offi
cials who took a prominent part In the
recent atrlko, are organlxlng a servico
In all those branchea of the postal bus
iness not claimed aa a monopoly by tho
postofllcti. This Includes tho distribu
tion of nawipspors, circulars, sample,
catalogue, etc., alio tho collection of
account and debt collecting.
The new association, which will
atart operation on Monday, la known
aa tho "laborlouse." It ia understood
already to havo been promised tho cus
tom of somo 00,000 firms, tradesmen
and private individuals, who at tho
present utlllxo tho French poatoffico
for distribution of their trada circu
lar, sample, account collecting, etc
Kncli of tho 1C0 members of tho "La
boricusa" has subscribed a $20 share.
Ilesldea this, the association has at It
disposal a working capital of $4,000.
Members of tho co-operation will bo
employed In turn In different depart
Cunnirgham Denies Fraud In Alaska
Coal Land Grants.
Seattle, Aug. 31. C. C. Cunning
ham, who represented tho 33 clalmanU
in tho so-called Cunningham coal land
claims in Alaska, which are being in
vestigated by tho government, and who
was aboard tho steamer Ohio when it
was wreckod, returned to Seattle to
day with the other survivor and de
clared that the charges tho claims havo
been illegally filed upon, and that Sec
retary of tho Interior Ualllnger had at
tempted to compel Special Agent
Olives of tho land office, who filed a
complaint with President Taf t recently
to permit tho Issuance of patent on tho
claims, Is absurd.
"Lnomlos of Secrotary Ualllnger aro
In grave error In charging that ho la
involved lit any scheme to turn over
tho coal landa to parties represented
by me," aaid Mr. Cunningham.
"We court tho fullest investigation.
I fool certain It will bo found tho lands
have been legally filed upon. Should
It bo found there haa been any Irregu-
Inrltlo In filing, it will bo found tho
entries havo bocn made In good faith,
and the orrora are duo to technicalities
In tho present law."
Mr. Cunningham denied tho Guggen
heim and Morgan intorosta aro backing
him in his claims.
Weill to Do Appointed.
Victoria. II, C. Aug. 31. Lord
Grey, governor general, and his party
reachod Union bay this morning.
Thoy returned from Yukon by tho
crulsor Quadra and will arrive hero
early tomorrow. Countess Grey li
waiting Ilia Excolloncy hero. A ban-
quot and largo garden party Is bolng
nrrungod. It Is understood Ills xcol
Icncy upon urrlval will sign tho order
In council appointing Wllmor u. Wells
lieutenant governor of British Colum
bia, In succession to DunBmuIr, the
attor ro signing nt his own request.
Submarine Makos Record.
Provlncotown. Mass.. Auir. 31. A
world's record for spood on tho Jnurfaco
by submarines was made off hero yes
terday by tho submarlno Narwhal dur
ing her contract trials. During 25
hours over an even 300 miles, tho Nar
whal averaged ZH knots an hour with
out a stop.
Experts U'iiy Arranging Schedules for
Washington, Sept, 3. Director of
the Census Durand, aided by u score or
mora of expert In economics, agricul
ture, manufacture and statistics, Is
now at work on ono of tho most Import
ant questions In connection with tho
next census that of framing schedule
to be used by enumerators In entering
tho Information they sccuro next April.
Mr. Durand nnd tho corps of experts
aro working out tbo form of schedules
and determining tho subdivisions of in-
? Ulrica to bo asked In gathering tho In
ormotlon ordered by congress. The
agricultural, manufacturing and popu
lation schedules aro the principal ones
under current discussion. Among thoso
moat prominently montlonod on tho
manufacturing schedule will bo tho fol
lowing: Surgeon Dell, formerly assistant
editor of tho E-onomlst, Chicago; Ar
thur J. Doynton, assistant professor of
economic, University of Kansas; C.
W. Doten, assistant professor of eco
nomic In the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; Htward Howard, as
sistant professor of economic, North
western university; Kmll P. Ecker,
exert professor of financo at Dart
mouth college; Horaco Ecrlst, Instruct
or of oconomlca In thn University of
Wisconsin ; K. A. Wlllot, professor of
economics In tlio Carncgio icchnlcnl
school, and Alvln S. Johnson, a statis
tician of Chicago.
Tho population t chtdulo ia In charge
of Profctsor W. I). Ualley, Springfield,
Mass. Ho Is an Instructor on political
economy In Yalo university. A largo
number of special agents hovobeon ap
pointed in other divisions.
Railroads May Do Unablo to Handle
Immense Dullness.
Washington, Aug. 31, A heavier
business than has over been known in
a singlo year Is lookod for by Chairman
Knapp of tho Interstate Commerce
commission for American railroads
during tho present fiscal year.
Tho serious situation anticipated, not
only by Judge Knapp, but by other offi
cials of tho commission, and by operat
ing railroad men generally, is that
there may be a shortsgo of cars. Tho
crop prospects aro considered so bright
that tho transportation companies may
bo taxed beyond tholr capacity to han
dle tho freight.
According to the figures submitted
to tho commission, the railroads have
recovered from tho low business pres
sure of a year and a half ago, , and aro
now handling almost as much traffic as
they did in tho rush months of 1907,
which waa the banner year in Ameri
can railroading.
Taft Visits Gloucester.
Ileverly, Mass., Aug. 31. Tho quaint
little city of Gloucester had tho honor
today of entertaining President Taft at
his first public appearance aince the
beginning of his vacation. Today tho
members of tho pageant committee and
many other prominent citizens of Glou
cester were invited to the homo of John
Hays Hammond to meet the president
Mr. Taft, Secretary of the Navy and
Mrs. Meyer and a half dozen others
wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hammond.
Rectifiers Qit Respite.
Washington, Sept. 4. Tho operation
of regulations prohibiting rectifiers
from making a so-called wine mash and
using tho mash in producing compound
liquors, such as liquors patent medi
cines and tablo wines, will bo post
poned until October 1 as a result of an
order issued by tho acting commission
er of internal revenue today. This or
der affects tho so-called raisin wine In
dustry and was Issued as a result of an
appeal to tho secretary of tho treasury.
Roosevelt Sends Rati.
Washington, SepL 4. Ex-President
Itooaovelt has shipped to tho Smithson
ian instltuto species of moles and rats
which aro very popular with institution
officials. A rat with two warts on tho
lower Up was included in tho shipment
Tho government oxcrts never before
know of a rat so decorated. Conse
quently great valuo is attached to the
particular hldo. it outranks In worth
tho biggest Hon skin In tho bunch.
Salvador to Have Ships.
Waihlngton, SepL 4. Tho State
department has been informed by
Chsrgo d'Affalrcf Frastor nt Salvador
that tho Salvador Railroad company is
about to inaugurate a weekly stoamshlp
servico botween tho ports of Acajutla,
In Salvador, and sallnas Cruz, In Mex
ico, Tho sorvico is to begin a regular
Bchodule about January 1, 1010.
Jlmltez President of Gotta Rica.
Washington. Sept, 2. A cablegram
received tonight from San Joao by Sen
orGalvI, tho Costa RIcan minister,
stated that returns from the election
held In Costa Rica indicated tho elec
tion of IMcardo Jlmines for president
Psyi Compensation to Tars of Amer
ican Warships.
Washington, SepL 4. Acting Sec
retary of tho Navy Wlnthrop has ro
eelved $14,000 from tho Panama gov
ernment, paid by it as monoy repara
tion In tho cases Involving the mal
treatment of American naval officers
and seamen at the hands of tho police
of that republic.
Of this amount $ 5,000 is for Indem
nity for what is known ai tho Crulsor
Columbia Incident, when sovcral offi
cers in uniform wero arrested, locked
up and roughly handled in Colon or
Juno I, 1000. The assault, it ia do
ctored, was entirely unprovoked.
An Memnlty of $8,000 will bo paid
to tho relatives of Charles Ilend, a
boatswain's mate on tho cruiser Buf
falo, who was killed In Panama in Sep
tember, 1008, and $1,000 will be given
to the relatives of Joseph Ciesllk, a
sailor of the same vessel, who was
stabbed at tho tlmo and killed.
Small Claim Against Big Roads.
Washington, Sept. 2. Tho smallest
claim for reparation ever filed with tho
Interstate Commerce commission has
been presented by the Tyson & Jones
Buggy company, of Carthage, N. C.
Tho amount is 20 cent. Tbo brief
consists of six pages of legal cap, in
which all the facts aro sot forth. In
December, 1907, tho complaint avers,
tho firm ordered iron wagon axles from
Wilprsbarro, Pa. The rate charged
was G4 cents per hundred pounds. The
complaint alleges that tho proper rata
should have been C2 cents per hundred.
The shipment weighed about 1,000
pounds. Six railroads wero made de
fendants tbo Central of Georgia, the
Philadelphia & Resgln. the Cumber
land Valley, tho Norfolk & Western,
tho Southern and tbo Aberdeen & Ashe
boro. Canadian Wood Pulp Hit.
Washington, Aug. 31. Rulings on
tho administration of retaliatory pro
visions of the Payno tariff law, directed
at tho wood pulp and print paper in
dustry of Canada, were issued by tho
Treasury department Friday. It is di
rected that If any province forbids the
exportation of wood pulp, an additional
duty of one-tenth of a cent per pound
should bo levied on print paper valued
at 3 cents per pound or less, which,
comes from that province, and a duty
of one-twelfth of a cent per pound
should be assessed on mechanically
ground wood pulp coming from such a
province and which will bo otherwise
admitted freo of duty under the general
provisions of the law.
Irrigation Land Withdrawn
Washington, SepL 4. Acting Sec
retary Pierce, of tho department of
the Interior, today restored 18,000
acres of land withdrawn in connection
with tbo Yakima irrigation project in
Washington. He ordered withdrawn
49,000 acres in Arizona in connection
with ths Salt river project; 28,000
acres In the La Grande, Or., district,
connected with the Umatilla project,
and also 3,840 acres along Chocotopa
creek in Colorado with the view of
protecting possible power sites from
being filed on by private corporations.
Rifla Range for Navy.
Washington, Sopt 4. Steps havo
been taken by the Navy department to
secure a much-needed small arms rlflo
range on tho Pacific coast Command
er May bury Johnston was today ap
pointed chairman of a commission to
report on available sites. Although
tho department haa the necessary funds
with which to mako tho purchase, it
would not bo surprising If interested
states and cities on the coaat should
donate ground best suited for tho de
partment's purpose.
Cash for National Guard.
Washington, Sept 1. Four million
dollars appropriated by congress for
tho militia has been allotted among tho
several statos and territories by Lieu
tenant Colonol Weaver of tho general
staff corps of thn army. Tho allot
ments for the states and territories, in
round numbers, include the following:
Idaho, $19,000; Montana, $18,000;
Washington, $33,000; Oregon, $31,000.
Veteran' Sons Choose Atlantic City.
Washington, Sopt 1. Atlantic City,
N. J., was selected today as the place
for holding tho noxt annual encamp
ment and George W, Pollit, of Pottor
Bon, N. J., was elected commandor in
chief. It was decided to pass over un
til next year tho quostton of joining
with' tho Sons of Confederate Veterans
in the erection of n poaco monument in
Seattle Man Given dob.
Washington, Sopt. 3. It was learn
ed hero tonight that President Taft has
appointed A. P. Sawyer, of Soattlo,
Wash., to be auditor of Porto Rico, to
Riieeeod fi. O. Ward. Mr. Wnnl has
liAAn nflmul in antrinA W I.1 Wlltmirrh.
vv. a . .v MMwwna i, . . ., .aawtafjia-
by as secretary of Porto Rico, the lat
ter becoming assistant director of tho
Raging Waters Claim a Toll of 800
Lives 15,000 Homeless,
Montcroy, Mox., Aug. 30. Eight
hundred persons drowned, 1C.000 home
less and property damago to tho extent
of $12,000,000 Is tho result of a flood
that struck tho city between 11 and 12
o'clock Saturday morning.
Floods havo turned tho small and
peaceful Santa Catallna river Into a
dozen Nlagsras,
Hundreds of persons were swopt
away in houses in the midst of tho cur
rent which caught them In tho night
There Is ono chanco in a thousand that
they escaped. One by ono theso hous
es, built of adobo and stone, are col
lapsing and carrying tenants to death.
No train has come into Monterey for
24 hours. Railway and tolcgraph lines
are down and many miles of track aro
washed away. The fato of trains and
pissengcrs Is not known, but it Is fear
ed many persons aro drowned.
It is estimated that 20 Inches of rnln
fell in 24 hours. Tho water works and
electric light plants aro out of commis
sion and the streetcar wires havo fallen
into tho streets. Tbo smelter and
stool plants are damaged.
It Is feared a pestilence will follow
tho flood. Tho poorer classes are hud
dled by the thousands in the churches,
hospltsls, public places and city build
ings, waiting for the rain to stop.
Stirring Scenes Mark Close of Con
servation Congresi.
Seattle, Aug, 30. The first national
conservation congress closed hero Sat
urday afternoon with a complete vic
tory for Gifford Pincbot and bis follow
ers in the support of the Roosevelt pol
icies of the conservation of natural re
sources. It was a harmonious meeting
until Saturday, when United States
District Judge Hsnford, of Seattle,
brought in a minority report in which
he opposed tho contention of the Pincb
ot men "That the water rights of tho
country belong to all the people and
should not bo granted in perpetuity to
any individual or corporation."
Hanford contended that "private en
terprise" bad been the greatest power
in this country for the development of
resources and pointed out that through
private enterprises tho resources of
the East had been put into practical
use, resulting in the general prosperity
of the country. He argued against
any change in tho present policy of the
government asserting that the West
ern states hod entered the union under
a compact that they should have tho
same rights as the Eastern states.
Former Governor Pardee replied to
Hanford in a spirited address in which
he said that "private creedf instead
of "private enterprise" was gobbling
up the public domain. When tho vote
was taken it was shown that the Han
ford resolution had been lost and the
Pincbot resolution was adopted.
Reclamation Work to Be Exhibited on
Circus Lines.
Chicago, Aug. 30. Amazing, thrill
ing, stupendous! Uncle Sam's $50,
000 production, the greatest Far West
show in the world, is coming. You
can't afford to miss it
Heralded by some 'such modest an
nouncement at a dozen Btate and coun
ty fairs, and equipped with a black
tent glittering posters, fluttering ban
ners, a corps of "barkers," a tent dis
play of American agricultural great
ness in unclaimed lands will tour tho
The tent ia black so the stereoptleon
views may be given. Moving pictures
of animal and range life on the former
arid plains will be offered hourly for
the education of intending West bound
emigrants. Specimens of fruit cereals
and other products that show the mar
vels of irrigation are to form a feature
of the exhibition.
The '"show" emanates from tho Chi
cago reclamation office. Its purpose ia
to direct attention to the richness or
tho reclaimed regions. A railroad
coach will transport the show. It will
exhibit at the following places:
Iowa state fair, Dos Moines, Septem
ber 3; Hamllne, Minn., September 6
to 11: Wisconsin state fair, Milwau
kee, September 13 to 17; Illinois state
fair, Springfield, October 1 to 9.
Japan to Take Part.
Tokio. Aug. 30. It has been official
ly announced that the armored cruiser
Idzuma will Ball September 16 for San
Francisco to take part In tho naval
pageant during the celebration of Por
tola's discovery of tho Golden Gate,
which will be held October 19 to 23.
The vessel is under command of Cap
to In Takesyma, and has on board as
one of Its minor officers Prince Shlmod
zu. Tho dato of arrival at San Fran
cisco is sot for October 14, After the
celebration the cruiser will visit Pacific
coast porta.
Louisiana Town Destroyed,
New Orleans, Aug. 30. Tho town of
New Iberia, La., with 7,000 inhabi
tants, is reported as being destroyed
by fire today. No communication with
the town is possible and details are
meager. It la reported that no fatali
ties have occurred.
Mexican Authorities Now Place
Dead at 2,000.
Homeless and Dottituto Estimated at
15,000 to 20,000 Bodies of
800 Are Recovered.
Monterey, Mexico, Aug. 81. With
800 bodies recovered and buried in
Monterey up to nightfall, 2,000 is now
the estimate of the city authorities of
those who lost their lives throughout
the valley of tho Santa Catallna river.
The number of homeless, many of them
destitute, Is placed between 15,000 and
Tho Santa Catallna river at Monterey
has aubsided sufficiently to permit a
passsge into the district lying to the
southward. People who had been sav
ed from the flood of Saturday morning
had been without food until today,
when thoy were supplied with a small
amount of bread and beans.
Once on the south side of the river,
evidences of the terrible destruction
wrought by tho flood were seen on
every hand. Five blocks of the dis
trict were as though they had never
existed and In the remaining portion
bodies wero being taken from the ruins
and interred by a party of gendarmes
sent across for the purpose.
At 4 o'clock 400 bodies hsd been re
covered and burled on tho hillside south
of Santa Luislo. The ssme number of
bodies were Interred yesterday.
Thus far no Americans have been re
ported lost Reports from down the
river ssy many bodies have been recov
ered, but there are many that will nev
er be found. The bed of the river is
filled with sand. Tho authorities are
doing all in their power arid the gov
ernment has sent $60,000 for the relief
of tbo sufferers. Contributions have
been received from San Antonio and
New York firms who have agencies la
this city.
Many houses have fallen from .the
effects of the continuous rains which
have occurred during tho 72 hours end
ing at 12 o'clock Sunday. During this
tlmo 21 K inches of rain fell in Monte
rey and up to ths Santa Catallna can
yon. One of the buildings destroyed was
the San Francisco church, which was
built in 1862. The barracks of the rur
ales was washed away and all military
equipment was lost
Other Towns Feared Lost.
Mexico City, Aug. 31. Further re
fcorU indicate that other river settle
ments have been swept away. The
town of Cadareyta, situated in the riv
er bottom, is said to have been destroy
ed and it Is foared there has been heavy
loss of life In the country district ad
jacent to the Santa Catallna river.
The fact that the water Basins in Mon
terey are broken has forced the people
to use old polluted wells for drinking:
Railroads Spending Millions for New
Chicago, Aug. 312. The manage
ment of the Rock Island has Just placed
orders for equipment and power which
will necessitate an expenditure of ap
proximately $9,000,000. The orders
consist of all kinds of freight cars, lo
comotives and passenger equipment,
and aro among the largest given by any
Western railroad system in several
A large portion of the equipment and
power will be in the nature of facilities
and will not be to replace old and worn
out equipment The officials of the
Rock Island agree with President B. L,
Winchell that the prosperity of the
country will soon be as great aa when
shippers were besieging the railroads
for transportation facilities.
Indian MIno Discovered.
Hamilton, Mont, Aug. 31. After a
search extending over a quarter of a
century an old Indian gold mine baa
been discovered by a hunter nassed
Sbipman in Ravalli county. Twenty
seven years ago Indians were regular
vistoru in Hamilton with samples of
rich gold rock, which they exchanged
for food and provisions. All efforts to
locate their source of supply failed.
With two prospectors named Bennett
and Jones, Shipmon began operations
and tests of the quartz have shown it
to bo worth $4,000 net per ton.
Keystone State Dries Up.
Reading, Pa., Aug. 31. Drouth con
ditions are worse today than at any
period in the history of the Schuylkill
valley in 60 years. But one and a half
Inches of rain has fallen in this vicini
ty since July 1. Many wells and
springs are drying up. The potato
erop will be a failure. Pasture is
scarce and many farmers are feeding
bay and bran.