The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 01, 1909, Image 7

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-Crsrtst tetlslulrnn. frimA
as. when Ihe iloelor Iteatln film lutnnttr
I llitiloinech Tnt h.ll illuming hf mwi
taut nlereanl lap worm, lit llirti tot l
lad III three ! h Jieiaed a Upa-wmm 46 feat
U, II Mr. Mall Met u MlilfitlHiif,
uiMiiCo. I' lmiiillf winker fur l'aa.
Clt, um llitmhtyeelland nmllhtiu benintlal
r itiMt any illaeaM rained Iry Impui llu4wa
Chat. It, Condon, l.ewlelon.r'e,, (MllllliiUn.
Plea.ant. palalabl, I'olenl, Till flood.
nallniMi paver nicaen.weaaennr imp.
iOr,JV.Mo Nr uM (i bulk Tim tint.
In Utiltt IK lllped (' I C. Iiuelaolfa.1 t'l
ear or you luonty la.k,
I -
ItllTrrKitl ttllli Womrn.
Henry VIII tvns rtiulntc phllosnphl.
Ally In Hio royal study.
"A man," he muttreil, "cnn stnnrt
Mm mnrryltiE Imtill, but It eerlnlnly
does make n wnmnn lose her litail."
llsltlmora American.
Ksperlmico In lliuflmiit show tlml
In town suppll"! ttllh snft water the
death rnle In 19 3. wlilla In Intvm Hint
have n supply or Irnnt water It I only
Tli telephone directories of lbs cur
rent su In New York City noukl nuke
pile ren mnl a quarter miles bifb, If
pUceil out on Ihe oilier.
American MomIm! mllili ram are belnr,
e I ported to Japan. The elenMihlp Tan-
(u recently mrrlnl shipment of fill,
mainly Jerseje. coinlgnfU lu Yokohama.
1 ' "" '
Tim tliUI movement In tliv Petltro.
(line Itlvrr l Amherst. N. 8 rrpr
ruin three million hnrscpuwer day.
A proposition It blnn considered to
timnicsa It.
Mu Trimble About 'llial,
"llul how," ihfjr atseil Jonsb, 'Ml J Ihi
whale gel bark, Into deep water afier iU-
poeMIng jou on dry land)"
"I Mlerr," aald Jouali, "tli comment-
ten eiplsln tlmt on lb theory lbt tin
whale walled for lli return of high tide.
Houudi reasonable, doe.n't It)"
A Hard aiautlnril In i:itt.
"lla'a pretty successful amateur
gardener, ain't hoT"
"Oli, I don't know, I nover saw
any of hU r.nrdcn truck that looked
i Wk or teinptlnc a tho stuff on hit
wlfu'i bonnet" Detroit 1'rco l'rcu.
Well I'al.
TtinConTerMtlonalUt (to well-known
autboreii) 1 am o dellxtitril to meet
you It wae only tho other day I
law comethlnc of your about aome
thlns or other In eomu paporl The
Fair Cllrnt I want you to ti that
woman for 3,0)0 damafral Hbt Holt
bijt buttiand'a flfclloml
Aft Hut, ruAiUm, your butband It
well known In tblt ronmiunlty. I advlt
you to me iLe woman for a smaller euin
-y, Ki.
t'ur 'o(iul(lon,
"Yoiins man, bate you Toi's Hook of
"We bare, but If you will pardon me,
Mr. (layman, 1 don't tblok It will Intt rtit
"Yra, It will; I'm breaklnc In a pair
of new abor." Oilraio Tribune.
"A curie on tbe man that InrrntK.
UM eixital" he eirlalmcd.
Hut the nine came borne to rwoit, and
With tbe rreutt that hl bead la ae bald
now as an escptant. Chicago Tribune.
Pram KnHllHivNt Krnnanir,
"la Ileclnnlil na literary ns ho uied
to 1)0 T" aald ono young womnn.
"Yea." answered tho other. "Only
hla taatea have changed- llefore we
wero married he used to reclto Omar
Khayyam, Now ho recites l'oor Klch
nrd' maxima." WaahltiRlon Hlnr.
The llrlul.l Hld!
"Does Mr BtormlnRton Harnra try
to look on tho brlilit eldo of thlnssr
aaked ono nclor.
"I should say so," answered tho
other. "Hn'a never content unless ha
la alnrlnit tho spotlight rlfilil In the
faco." Wnshlnston Hlar.
Caller This may be a Utile out of
your line, but I've noticed that a nui
with a big note Is more likely to catch a
cold In tbe bead than otbir men are. Why
Information Kdllor I suppoae It's on
account of the irealrr site of hla Intake.
Don't stumble nrer that pllo of books as
you eo out. Chicago Tribune.
high rikJ btVInc
rr. twrfitr Mnd Itrltii
llitnfoajt, Roldbraro
crrtSOoprr ixiunJ.
jiiu win fcnii ui yuur
mnn anil tujlrtt, we
owdrti will do nnil cirri
II btlltf. II rilirt lha
ilouih anil utakri 11k ht
vlll rnd you a book on hrallh and bUnif puwdcr.
iV if eji ei
$15 Per Aero 10 Years' Time
TtiMelandaof Canadian I'aelllo Hallway
prnluca from IS lo W buthtU o( whaat, IS
to ICO buahala of oata, par aero. All near
rallwaya, lawns and aehoola. INolllvaly
the bt yliaat laiul prvnoaltlon for man
of nvxlorata maaiia. No rrop fallurea.
Hand tular fur frra llluttralad lllaralura.
fipaclal rataa lit ami lSih ef ayirjr month.
Oinl. Und Atta, Canadian PacMo IL B.
ili-ii I.umbarman'a lIulMlna-
Ily Marcel Prevoui,
I'alntliiK, I believe, la kcIUiik to bo the
most UinptlriK art for the dlletlnnt, moro
tunptltiK oven limn music. There nre moro
pnliitrra thnn there aro musicians, wrltora,
tlinti cvcrylhliiK clue, almost. There nro In
fliiltri iiiimlicrs of them. Tho most modest
ImiKitiut of pnlnlera reunites hundreds of
Kiittsta. At every exposition modern paint
Iiirs rover a larxo area of space. And what
doc honor In theeo volunteers of nrt la the fact that
no financial bait Induces the urciitor part of theMi paint
vr to follow this location.
In Justice to lliete, dllnttantl of the brush It must be
aald that many of them do not pretend that they will
fnln either Klory or furtmio by their palnllnKs. U'm
presumptuous thnn ports, less rhlmerlenl thnn musi
cians, many men of Intent who hniiu up their pictures
lu salon from tlmn to tlmo admit tlmt they paint for
the plcasuro of painting only.
Tho pleasure of palntlm; I complex. Whllo Klvlnn
an occupation for tho palntcr'aHilnicrre, pnlntlna; la not
rinctly n thlnn to stir the aoul of the amateur. The
amateur la not required lo undertnkn a number of com
positions and to pick out tho most difficult. A faithful
reproduction of a house at tho rdjto of a stream, nnd the
amateur hna Rained the name of nn artist. I'nlnttm;
within the llmltn In which the dllettnnt cxcrclrcs It la
ono of thoso arta where Invention and orlglnnllty have
Iteen itreatly rrdurel, A successful copy of a picture
of n rrrnt master with thnn passes for a work of art
Tim moat mediocre painting has a thousand times more
of n ctmnro to be aeon than n literary masterpiece has
the chance to he read. It la for these reason that can
vna and brush aland In no danger of remaining Idle.
Hut will art train by It? That la another ijucstlon.
Ily John A. Itontiwd,
Young men, middle-aired men and old men
have been Interested alike In tho problem of
the "old man" !n business. That specific com
plaint of Uio old man la that ha Is not want
ed. Modern business admit tho fact. Hut
youns men and men In the prime of their
Uvea must crow old. What aro tho youns
men and the men of mlddlo age Rolng to do
about HT It la not likely that In any near
futura the methods of modern business will so change
tlmt the old man, per se, will be more In demand than
ha la now. Kconomlc phlloiophtea nre to tho effect
that In general lha mau who has grown old ought to
have competence upon which to retire. Cold, hard
facta that nre Indisputable show how jiuKMlble this Is.
Probably In the vast majority of case where earnest,
honest turn have worked at a chosen work that old
age problem la met If, until the end, tho worker la
privileged to work. To die In tho hnrneaa I by thou
sands considered an Ideal ending of an Ideal life. Ac
cumulated money and Idk case have shortened thou
sands of Uvea nt the expense of contentment. Kor this
typo of man It la a certainty that ability nnd oppor
tunity to work until tho end mutt imtlafy. What, then,
shall tho young man choose If ho can promlalns him
that longest Independent usefulness?
ISvery day In tho great cities no keen observer U
needed to ace thousand of young men risking their
wholo future In action that can bo only ruinous to
them. Not nil these action aro positive. The negative
Maud may bo an menacing In n hundred way. This
working capital I working capital, not Idling, careless,
timeserving routine, with dissipation randwlchcd be
tween In tho off hours from duty. Hut even work It
wlf may ho blind work. It mny m honeat work, with
only tho next pay day in the mind of tho worker. Or It
mny bo clcnreycd, conscientious work that Invotvei a
future more thnn It contemplate the result of yester
day or of last jxnr.
"Am I a better worker than I was last year?" I the
rpeclflo question. "Why im I not belter?" la the fur
thor nuettlon which may need following up and forcing
a definite answer. Your working capital has been Im
paired If you are forced lo nntwrr this second query.
Whnt ha done the mlschlcfT Your employer, making
such a discovery n to hi working capital, probably
would employ nn expert accountant firm to show him
the source of such damage. What aro you going lo do
nbout your own rnso?
Dy 12. E. Fournlcr cTAIbc.
Wo are gradually and Inevitably drawn to
tho conclusion that mind la everything and
matter but an expression of tho universal
mind, A table. n house or a machine la the
embodiment of aomo human mind. A atone
la tho emlodlment of aomo mind at present
Inaccessible to us, of aomo will at present
Of ono thing wo may be certain no uni
verse exists which ia entirely unconnected with this of
oura. Wo know that tho fruit of our cllghtrst act goes
thundering down tho age, that nothing I ever effaced,
that everything la of Infinite and eternal consequence.
And If It leave a permanent mark on the material
universe It will affect also all Invisible universe. This
reflection may give a new zest to our present form of
existence. To pierce Into the Innermost recesses of
naturo. to nv Id natural force to our will, to make life
happy and glorious for oursolve and our kind, to a
cert our supremacy over disease and death, to conquer
and rule this unlveme In virtue of the Infinite power
within us, such I our task here and now.
The Individual la withdrawn towards that renter of
sentient life whero all souls are one with tho great over
soul. What thta future fate may bo we need not now
Inquire. Should It ever become necessary to enter upon
and pursuo such Inquiry wo may be sure that a full
acquaintance with the law of our present visible uni
verse will form the best preparation for It. And these
laws wo shall apply with the greater confidence when
we know that they aufllco to Interpret not only our own
universe, but tho other worlds just discernible on the
horizon of our present faculties.
A clinical thermometer I probably
a inatter-of-courso n household con
venience In most fumtllea a I a step
ladder or n broom; and It Is well that
II uso nnd tho general significance
of Itn disclosures should bo under
stood by thoso In authority; but fussl
neas nnd constant resort to It nnd con
tinual dlsruaslon of temperature aro
to be deplored.
Tho old-fashioned way of placing tho
hand ujoii tho child' body and an
nouncing that It "felt fovorlih" or
"had a fever." without any regard to
mathematical accuracy a to degree
and fractious, worked Just as well nnd
porhup bettor than tho new-fashioned
way, cnrrlud to n nervous extreme.
At tho same tlmo it rUo of temporn
turo alway means lomotlilng, and It
most decidedly means tho onlllng In of
a phyatclan If It doe not go down of
Itself or yield to ilmplo remedies.
Whon tho temperature I taken by
tho mouth tho thermometer should
register about iitumy-clght nud seven
tenth' degicos, although this may vary
nt different ttmca during tho day In
poifuctly well people When It reg
isters nluety-nlno degree, or nlnety
nlno nnd llvo-tentha degreos, tho per
ton I aald to bo feverish. Anything
below ninety-eight degree Is subnor
mal, and anything over ono hundred
nnd live degrees la called hyperpy
rexia, or high fever.
In many case a fovor Is a sort
of blessing In dlsgulso. Thoas aro tho
fevers caused by tho toxin of bac
teria, of which typhoid I a type. Tho
wholo system I then encaged In n
fight ngntnat tho gonna, and tho battle
la wnijcd to more ndvantnge, apparent
ly, whon "tho blood is llghttnn hot."
This 1 why, although tho fovor can
bo bonton down by the application of
cold and tho administration of drugs,
It 1 often poor prnctlco ta suppress It
la tula way. Clotting tho fever down
may bo n momentary satisfaction, but
It doc nothing to help euro tho un
derlying causo. It la a If a general
should Insist upon silencing hi own
At tho tame tlmo tho fever must bo
watched nnd kept In check, becnuso
this sort of fight Is calling for an Im
mense outlay from tho system, and
a raging fever not only burn up bac
teria, but It feed upon tlssuo and
blood and all It can find, a any ono
con testify who has watched or lived
through a convalescence from one.
What Is truo of the fovor of a gertn
dlseaio I false altogether In the fever
of sunstroke. In this case the fever
Is the disease. It la not a regiment
of Infantry, but n conflagration, and
it must bo put out as quickly a pos
sible, nnd by all tho mean at one'
disposal cold baths, Ice-pack, tce
watcr, anything that will beat It
Tho character of a fever la a great
niltnnco to diagnosis In many caiea,
and this I why a physician should
always bo askod to sit In Judgmont
on IL
MunUe)- nnd lonl.
Monkey nro tnoro renowned for
mischief thnn for kindness, but even
monkey can bo benevolent. M. Mou
ton records tho doing of ono. In Guade
loupe that tiuroly vvemed to merit that
roputntlon. The monkey had a friend
lu a goat tlmt went dally to tho pas
ture. Uvcry night tho monkey would
pick out tho bur nnd thorn, aomo
time to tho number of 2.000 or 3,000,
from .that Koat'a flecco, lu order that
tho animal might llo down In pcaco.
On coming lu from tho pasture tho
goat regularly wont In search of his
llght-hnndcd friend nnd submlttod
himself to tho operation, Strntigo to
any, tho tricky Instinct of the mon
key rens.8ortcd themsolvea after tho
prick wero removed. Ho would tense
Uio poor gont unmercifully, plucking
hi board, poking him lu tho oyes and
pulling out hi hnlr. Tho goat bora
II nil with patience, perhaps regarding
it uh only n fair price to bo paid for
tho removal of tho thorns, London
No man ever fell In. lovo with n
suffragist; when you find a man mar
ried to n miffrnglst, ha fell In love
with her beforo alio became ono.
Tobacco heart probably kills more
people than broken heart.
An automobile running along the
turnpike near Mill City, Pa., wa
charged and damaged by n plucky
Guernsey bull which had broken from
hi pnsturo nnd wa browsing by the
roadside. In tho machine were Dis
trict Attorney 0. Bmlth Klnner of
Wyoming County, James Dcrahelmer
of Tunkhauuock. William Skinner of
Washington. N. JH and Leon D. Deck
er of Hlnghnmtou, N. Y. They saw
the bull, but never BUspocteoT its bel
ligerent Intention. It watched the
motor cur curiously as it approached,
nnd when It was thirty or forty feet
away the bull bellowed, lowered Its
head nnd chnrged. The driver put on
tho brake, but tho bull nnd tho ma-
chlno met with a shock. Tho bull was
sent sprawling backward. He picked
himself up with n surprised nlr, limp
ed to ono Bldo nnd gnvo tho car un
disputed right of wny. Tho front of
tho radiator was somewhat damaged,
but tho machine was not put out of
The HulliiK l'aaaluu.
Ilia clothes said ho was n tramp,
but hla brow was high nnd his man
nor grand. "Madam, may I request
tho favor of n pair of your husband's
cast-off trouuors? These aro some
what paBsc." This, with a sweep of a
tattered hat, brought results In the
shnpo of n pair of hubby's oldest,
which were Just about two degrees
hotter thnn thoso tho tramp was wear
ing. After a critical survey of his ac
quisition, Instead of tho poflta words
of thanks the good woman was wait
ing for, the tramp volunteered, with
n deep, long-drawn sigh of regrot:
"Madam, I see your husband discard
from weakne"v" Junic
flood at Anr atatlon.
Tough Look Ins I'assenger (present
Ins ticket) Can I get a atopoff on
Conductor (Inspecting It) More
than than; you get a klckofL
(1'ull bell rope.)
Tlilrat fur KnunUilga,
"I III wait a moment," said the tem
perance lecturer at tbe clot of bli
spech, "to aniwer any questions yoo
rasy wish to aak."
"Can a person get drank on ssuer
krsutV" Inquired an rarneat woman In
the all die net wbosa bmband bsd slentcl
tbe pledge, wf C'menaiifloii.
nobby (kleklnir) Arthur's doughnut
is Mgger'n mine.
Mother Hut Arthur's ho a much
laruer hole In It that yours has. Hob
by. Ht Loula rost-Dlspateh.
Mothers wilt find Hit. VflntloWa Rnothlng
Syrup IhatMilremedr tn tin lor UioLr chlWia j
Ourlug ibt U-o thing parted.
fltr Cnrelraa.
He There waa nearly a bad flro at
tho theater.
Bhe How wa that?
He The villain lit a cigarette and
tossed the match Into tho snow!
Comic Cut.
That W All.
"Whnt do you know of hi reputa
tion for truth and veracity?"
"Nothing except that he was cr a
witness In the Gould case."
Praclleal I'atrlullam.
The thing for you to do now Is to
get buy so that you will have an In
come tux to be taxed when all the
State agree to IL That' true patriot
lanu Indlanapoll New.
Lame back and Lumbago make
younfr man feel old. Hamlin Wixard
Oil make an old man feel young. Ab
solutely nothing like it for the rtllef
of all pain.
I'rlnCa of Maa.
There I such a masculine touch
about the dresses she wear."
"Yu mean that amudf-y streak of
finger marl: along the line of buttons
In the back?" Ifotialnn Post.
Trrhnlrallr Incorrrrl.
The Doctor He' what you might
call a walking lamp of knowledge.
The Profeseor Not exactly; he'a a
rnamln' fa-"'"
Photta .Vo liuproirnirnt.
"I don't see that her college educa
tion has Improved her much."
"Na She help her mother with tho
nousework Just a If she hadn't been
tducattd." Detroit Free Pres.
Por Infanta and Children.
Tlio KM You Have Always Bwffit
Bears tho
taa4 mmfm
jrot ttrb
mt, fl, tvrn-v
i i, . p
all aaaa
im hi
tf, will I
AT Intnra i,,
HAflOlO IOaCS.IBODtfelsfL.8'sl,sN.Y.
of its kind in the Northwest, ws invite
the Investigation of thoio who want that
belt In a practical education. Let us prove
superiority. Gill, phone or write. Cat
alogue, butineas forms and peawork Ireo.
"The School of Quality"
Tenth aad Morrison 3 Portland, OrefeB
SBBBaBaBaBaaafaMiL "'
'--' 1K V. aaaaB
' 'wHaaBBBaW f
Knew III riac.
Housemaid Please, sir, will you
coma at once, the drotin' room's on
Are. Master Well, go and tell your
mistress; you know I never Interfere
In household matter. Punch.
Ilia Llltts Kick.
"In this matter of quick thinking."
said tbe base ball umpire, "all tbe bou
quets go to tbe plajers;4nd yet we fel
lows bave to think as quick as they do.
If not a little quicker. If a player works
his thinker too slow all be gets Is an
axror. If I do it 1 get a pop bottle."
Chicago Tribune.
a Xtan a Leader m PaJAlw Dm
Wutk la Portland.
Out-of-Town People
ShuiU rratntwr lhat ear fort la to arrana
TKACTiNO KnEK hn plan brt 1r ar or
I PAIN. NOS1UDUNTS. no nncarulatr.
For the Next Fifteen Days
I a., win 4wb mi rani fflc roll or DOrra-
lain rrowa for ...,......... .... 16.
Mt brtdta ttb -
Molar crown
Goal oreoamal fuMnrs. ........... !
Hhrvr fllliaat .......... .-
Good rubtor tlatea ........ G8
lha beat ltd rubber plalra. ... -Se
Painlawtxtracttaa .
Dr. W. A. Wise
President and Manacer
The Wise Dental Co.
tINCJ Third and WaihlairUM Su.
No. 35-0
YI71IKX wrlllna; to aulTertlsera pleaaa
laanllna tlila papar.
In Iheie daj of prosreaalea fumlnr no man can afford to arctact hla farm equip
ment, It ta Juat aa eaaentlal that tha farm thoaU hare th benaSt of the bait poailbia farm
much ntry and moat moJam labor ariivi dal at It ii Uut a proptrlr eonductad factory
ahou d have It. and area mora ao. Wa hara In our axtenilra atock, labor earing- machine
of all klnda, maehlnea (hat IncraaM prollu and malia 0 farmer thi nxt Independent man
on tha rarlh; maehlnea that make farm Ufa mira anlrab'a and tend to heap tha young
man aatlafled with farm work. No farmir aver IriYMtol hla money to better aJrantaaa
than whn ha boaght on of th muhlnai mantlonal bilow. The aro line which ar In
aeaaen NOW and are goods which should Intercut every farmer who daalraa to make a
aucceaa of farming-, Kramer Rotary Harrow Attachment!, (ahawn, hara). Ilooalar DrUIa,
(ahown her). J. I Caa I'lowa, Sandwich Hay Pnuaat, Dick'a Famoua il Cutters.
Hoover 1'oUto Djriara. Doubl Action
aid Itlghtlap Cutaway. Stover Gaaotlna
Inglnra, New Iowa Cream Separator.
Uyer lumj. Etc Etc
Do YOURSELF and u a favor by
aa'ilng for our
1MS ft it