Il fill I M ft The Pirate of I RUPERTSARGENT JWSlBXt 2 I HOLLAND ' ft Author of "Tha Count at lUrrmn," etc a) Copyright. 1008. by J. B. Upplncott Company. All tlshts reserved. J? fttttttttittttitf tttttat : CltAlTRU x. Signs multiplied. When Charles nnd I returned to the house we found mudde footprints staining the dining-room floor auxl tracked acroxa the kitchen. No In truders Were to be seen, nor other evi dence of their visit, but the mere fact that the sanctity of my home hitherto always left open to the winds had been Invaded, angered me. I hade. Charles see that the house was securely looked here after whenever ha left It In my absencw. Orer the mantel In my den hunc two muskets, ont-of-date but still capable of wing boles In the- atmosphere. My little armory held a shotgun, for use In the warnbrs and two revolvers, whoso only use heretofore had beon for tnrget prac tice. 1 took them from the drawer and looked them orer: they were ready for work when needed. I eat on the porch, and considered the sutnatlon. Something was about to hap Jten, something I could not tell what that centered around tbl man who had mysteriously taken posxclon of the Ship and pro(Med to offer combat on the Mind. What he was or who he w t could not guem: speculation In these lines brought me lmmed.a;ely Into blind al ley; but there waa no doubt that In sit uation and character he wns certainly the direct descendant of a moro adven turous ape. I waa unmistakably drawn to him. 1 could nee him as be itood on the beach, buffeted by the storm, gaxlng t the men who were millin awar. and cut he had stepped from the hatchway, hat in natxj. oowing to Ilarbara Graham with the chlralrotift manner of a caraller, and tain a he sat across the table from roe. Ills lender handa rrady to telle upon the pistols, hbi eyes, full of amueinent and audacity, looking straight into mine. There waa no doubt about It, the Ship belonged to him by right of Inheritance, and hia arrlral had bronght me atrange tiding. I thought orer the matter a long time before I went to bed. Early the next morning I took mr din la the aea, and waa returning, clad In a lath-robe, when I caajht light of a man peering at me from the pine, f wared any towel, and he disappeared. Aa I waa BnWtlng dressing, a little later, I atepped out upon my balcony, and I saw the same wan, much nearer now. gating intently at the cottage. I hate spies, so I a poke nomewhat angrily. "III. there I What do you wantr I cried, beckoning to him. He came forward rather aheeplngly, and touched bla hat. j waa oniy taxing a loo at your house, sir." "And 1 that what you were doing tome vtwpnty minutes ago? T, mr; that all I waa doing." "Are you an architect" I demanded. v TH wore a plain blue suit, with an old straw hat. and might bar been al most anything'. He smiled. "No, I was merely look ing about to see what there was to see. There sssn't any barm meant." 'There Isn't any harm done, but, then, there Isn't anything to see. I'm uot very partial to sight-seers, especially when they hide behind trees. If there's any thing you want to ask me about, speak out." He hesitated a moment. "A stranger as tall man who sp-aks French hasn't topped at your bouse, has he,?" "No. la be a pal of yours" The man grinned. "Not exactly. Well, I won't trouble yoa any more, (iood wonting." At breukfsst I again cautioned Charles to remember that he knew nothing. I could do no work In my present state of mind, ro I slung my flttd-gUsses orer tny riioulder and went to call on Dupon ceau. He was sitting at tha cabin table, breakfasting on (be remains of our last night's supper. My heart smote me, "Why didn't you let me know? I could bare brought you breakfast." "It matters little: yesterday I obtained eome food from a farmer, but that Is loo dangerous. He smiled. "I'm quite used to doing with little." I sat down while he finished breakfast. After that we walked the short Jenglh of the cabin, Duponceau asking, me a great many questions about the coast and the country Inland. I told blm what I could, and be seemed satisfied. Then 1 decided to take my eawl and palms and go up on the ell ft" above the Ship to paint, ?'! can Jtecp a good lookout from there of the farther beach," I said. "One can sweep It thoroughly from the cliff with a pair of glasses." I settled down on the cliff, and for half an hour forgot everything but the scene In front of me. At the end of that time 7 looked up the distant beach with my hIokh-s. Some one waa sitting there, half -way up. I studied tlie figure and decided -that it was a jvotaan, no other than liar iara flrobam. Pride Is n curious quality. Sometimes It will not even last overnight. My one -desire now was to have a few words with 3ftas Graham, t I left my easel as it stood, and went towards her. She was half lying, half sitting, In the eoft Mtid, some of which she had moulded Into n cushion for' her luck, and a book Jav open at ber aide, but she was not reading, Rho waa gating at the sea. "What do you think of our pirate!" She, started, looked round at me, aat up. and clasped her knees with her hands. t "at down on the snnd beside her. "I was Just thinking of him. I waa winking that I like him tremendously." "Naturally. He rescued vou from turally. He rescued you from a very disagreeable fellow." 'ltti," she agreed, without looking at me; "and a girl can never forset a debt of gratitude for that sort of thing." "I must apologise." I said, "for my rudeness. Of course It was no business of mine whose portrait you bad In your locset. "Of course not," she agreed ; "although It happens that was Just the ration why I put It there." "hit what there?"' "Put Itodney's portrait In the looket. and the locket where you would find It," "You did? WhyJ" "Oh. Jmt to see what srou would Jn anu you did it." "Yes. I did." I admitted. 'Then you're not " but she Interrupted by turning to me. ".Monsieur Duponceau was aa polite as he could be, ami laughed at all my pro testa on the way home, but I think he was running Into some danger on my ac count. I believe he has come to Alastalr to hide." "I know he, has." "Oh, tell me all about It!" she hegged. "I knowvery little. He's an adventur er, and he's fled from I'arope, ami there are people very anxious to take him back, and he's going to live In the Ship. More over, it seems reasonably certain that there's going to be trouble." "Is there!' she cried, half In excite ment, half In delight. "Oh. let's heln him!" I found that I only needed this chance to avow myself opeuly. "We will. I've decided to stand by him, wbaterer happens." Barbara looked exceedingly delighted. "If I were only a mant' ahe exclaimed. "Aa It Is, I'll have to do everything by proxy." "You can help us a lot." "Howl "Hy coming to e- us often nnd bring ing us news of the outside world." I Instautly Identified myself with Dupon ceau. "That !. If It doesn't begin to look too dangerous," I added. She turned to face the ocean again. "I should like to do something to help him." she said, "because I like him. Sup pose we go to see him now." I picked up my easel and pilots on the cliff, and we. boarded the Ship. . At tbe root of the cabin stairs Ilarbara saw tbe silver-mounted pistols Mating In tue sun. "Oh!" she said, looking at Duponceau. who stood In the door very tall and straight. "Shall ou use those?" "I should not be surprised," be an swered gravely. "Against whom? I haven't seen an enemy on the beach." "You will see." be answered. "They will come secretly perhaps to-night." To-night P she echoed. "And bow many will there be?" There was a grim little smile about his III now. "I cannot tell; perhaps a doz en, possibly a score; that depend on bow resolute a man tbey think me." "I think you ytrj resolute," the said soberly; "quite the bravest man I bare ever seen." Unquestionably there was no logic In this remark, and jet I couldn't but own that I agreed with Ilarbara. To-night," she mused, her eyes deep with the deliberation of a general. "How will you defend the Ship jns agJInst a doxen?" "You forget Charles and roe," I put In, "Will you fight, too?" sho anked. "Surely. I looked up my weapons this morning and put thm In ordr, I will bring them on board this afternoon and add them to Monsieur nuponeeau's," "And you, too, believe In the enemy?" she Inquired. "Mot certainly. I saw one of tbera this morning." Ilarbara sat down on one of the chairs I had left. 'To think," she said, "that Captain KIdd should come to life again! Hut where Is the hurled treasure?" I thought of the chest I had seen car ried Into the woods on tbe night of the storm, but said nothing. When I glanced at Duponceau he was smiling at Bar bara. 'This Is a very desperate matter for me," b said, "but even tho most des perate affairs are brightened by a wom an, ion are my good angel, mademoi selle." He said It In such a way that Ilarbara could not but be pleased, "Thank you, monsieur; and what plans have you made for defense?" Duponceau outlined his plans. First of all he would stay well hidden . from sight; then if bis enemies should find him, tliere were three point ot attack: from the open eea, from the cliff above the causa way, and from tbe beach be yond tbe protecting circle of rocks. Wo studied each In turn, nnd planned bow three men, well armed, could hold tho Ship against a score. "I should like mora ammunition than I hnve," nuponeeau con ' tossed. t. Them It plenty In my cottage." 1 toU "" mm. "Let's get It now," cried Ilarbara, "an soma of tho emu." , We went to the cottage, nnd Harburii tier uiivim, mrgui wnai sno wouu naw termed the proprieties, and entrrM nnd looked about my dining-room while I collected cartridges and pistols. She In ststed on helping Clwrles nut tin a uu.ui tlty of food to carry to the Ship, At last wo started forth ngnln, she with the pro visions, 1 with a shotgun and two revol vers. Half way down the beach two met came out of the plnea nnd wnlked dowc to meet us, "Where are you going with thosi guns?" one of them, a surly faced chap demanded. "What business Is that of yours?" 1 asked. He changed his tactics. "We're look ing for a man who's reported to havt landed somewhere on this beach it night or two ago,' 'lea,' I enlil pleasantly, gating absent ir at tbe sky, ""ll." went on the other, "where an you taking those guns?" I looked at htm angrily now. but befon I could find words Ilarbara waa speak ing. "If there Is one thing I particular!) dislike," she snld. "It U curiosity. II you must know, we came out hsre to hunt sand-snipe, and we're Just about to N gin. That' all; you may go now"" an' she waved her hand towards the plnea The men were clearly surprised. Thej were more so whon they saw the glr! calmly sit down on the sand, motion me t( do llkewlee, and proceed to load one of th revolvers. Shortly after, they withdrew, whispering to each other. In order to disarm suspicion, we sat .there some time, and I built mlnlatun sand fortifications In order to teach liar bara the art of war. "I wonder If I can learn to shoot? she said presently. "If I meet many mon like. Uioee, I shall lie tempted to try." Jfir. rstvyNr,M -vnr r lAi AT-Tito- w, r a nP11 ..WHBS- HiMiieitimle Illicit llluKrr. A completo homcmmlo dltoh digger may be ninde by followlnit tho do- ncrlptlou hero -tvon. Tho bed piece, flvo nnd n hnlf Incite long, la cut out of n hard plunk two nnd n hnlf Indies thick, bolted nt ench end and In tbo mtildla to prevent split-tin-. Tho renr half la nine Incite wldo mid Iho front hnlf six Inches wide Tha dtf-iiora nro nmdo of tleel Imr two nnd n hnlf Inches wide, three nunrtara of an Inch thick nnd twenty four Inches Ion". They nro fastened to Iho plnnk by n rlnht mirI turn nnd bolted. Tho two rear differ nro held firmly by n rod with nuts Inildo nnd pxchsnirfd tno old frltmil Mr the new, for tho reason Hint red clover Is bleu nlnl In Its lutlilt of iirowtli nnd under tho most Ideal conditions will not fur nish inoro thnn two cuttings or liny In n itonatm, On tho oilier linnd, al falfa Is n perennlM plant, nnd when onco established will roiitluuo to pro- due four nnd frequently llvo crops In n season for sovernl yenrs In suc cession, nnd this Is why our dnlrynmii hnvo cIuiir to It through nil theso yenrs lllco n pup to n root. Wo nro loth to concede that red clover Is the hotter forage In tbo production ot milk, but It does look thnl wny, nnd wo know farmers In different parts ot the Btnto who nro taking up U culture quite extensively. Denver Field nnd Fnrnt, SNVW tiik mourn i:guirrr.r, out, the points being spread out so thnt tho bed piece enn enslly drop Into tho Hpnee when tho ditch Is two feet or moro In depth. The front digger Is tho tamo slro. but set In the middle All nre held firmly by brnco rods nnd A shntpened like tho tint end of n plcknx. I handed her n loaded pistol. "Aim nt that ruck out there," I said, pointing al one lowing above tbe water. She took aim, did not close her ere pulled the trigger. The report, shtrp an clear, cut the. silence of the Iwach like knife. We saw the water splash when the bullet entered. A frightened gul screamed loudly away. The little puff of smoke faded; all wai still again. ltsrlmrA lnitVr,! mt th rvnlt-jtp tfijifi al me. Her lips were smiling, but her eyet ! Mventy-flvo rods ot ditch. In were deep with excitement. "The wsr has begun." I said. 'Thai shot was to let the world kuow that Ala talr It armed." (To b- continued.) WAS A TRIFLE SLOW. Train Kchrilnte uf H Orlsln Snath, ern llallroi! Ilrnlen by Holt. "For several yrsira I have brvti u commuter on 'tbo F.rle," snld tho sun burned man. according to tha New York Herald, "nnd I hnve Joined In tbo general raillery nt tho csiiciisc of Hint unique system. Hut never ngnla I Imve Just come from Florida, where they Intro rnllronds compnrtM with which tho Krlo Is the ix-rsonlflcntlon of rnpld transit. If you get off the uwln lino of trnvel In Florida you nre up against It good nnd plenty. "I wanted to so from Tampa over to the east coast, nnd part of tho It inerary took In n branch rood from Orange City Junction to New Smyrnn. The distance Is twenty-sercn mile. oii leave Ornngo City Junction nt 4:35 i. in., nnd If tho train Is on time It gets you to New Smyrnn nt 7:15. Only two hours nnd forty-soven min utes to come twenty-seven miles Tnnt's nil! Two trains n ilny nro op erated over this rond comblnntion IWKsenger ami freight trains. There used to bo nil englnee. named Hill lingers who ran this after noon train. Ho Is dend now. I tin- uerstand tlie strenuous life was too much for him. Illll used to lx greatly nnnoyed by tho rawirbnck hogs thnt roam nt hirgo through the country, nrnmifd Just llko cattle. Thero wns ono hog In particular thnt Knvo Illll n lot of trouble. Kvery ovenlnc ha could bo found lylnc comfortably be tween the rails nt n point about two miles outside of New Smyrnn, nnd Hill would Imro to climb down from Ids cnb nnd pry thfl hoj; off with n crowlmr. You enn kill n negro down In thnt country nnd nothing thought of It, but you mustirt kill u hog. If you do, you nre liable to go to Jul!. -ivcii, hiii nnii n frroucii on ono day, nnd when he saw tho liojr stretch ed out In tho usual wallow ho deter mined to defy tho law. So, Instead of Mojiplng to pry, the hojc off tlie track, ho (ironed up his tlirottlo nnd started for the obstruction nt full sjieed. Just ns the engine was almost ilium him the Iiok seemed to renllre Hint soiuo thine was wrong. Not wnltlns for the usual assistance, ho got tip, shook himself, nnd started down the track nlu-ad of tho engine. And I Imvo tho assurance of nt lonst n dozen respecta ble witnesses that the ho beat tho train Into Now Smyrnn station by a fraction over three minutes 1" A wheel Is set under tho front end to steady tho movement nnd Is braced bnckwurd. An ndjustnblo draw Iron Is plnced above, through which tho rod mny pns.i nt nny height suited to tho depth of the ditch. Tho handles nre "also adjustable, ralslnc them ns the digger drops low er. In hnrd subsoils ono wll snvo the cost of this simple device In digging our hardpan sections of tho enst, which nl- wnys need drainage, ono does not feel encouraged to dig ditches with pick nnd shovel when more than hnlf tho energy Is required to loosen the dirt. With this machlno the toiiRhest sub soil when dry handles ns rapidly ns loose sand. A Fruit Tr Doctor fake. The latest fsko practiced on farm ers Is done by n man who visits tho plnce nnd claims thnt lie Ins been sent out by the State to examine fruit tree diseases, says nil exchnngo. Tho fellow will go over the orchard and mark all trees which he claims am nf- fected, Shortly nflcr his visit n con federate will appear nnd say that tie has a preparation which will euro tho disease for which tho treo Is con demned and will contract to Inject n fluid Into tho roots for n certain price. Moth men nro swindlers nnd should bo run off tho plnce with a shotgun. Tin only men empowered to Inspect orch ards are tho county Inspectors, who ara known to most fruit growers. Si-olillnir IVneh llurers, Tho hot water cure Is recommended by many for peach tree borers, It Is n somewhat drastic treatment for tho borer though It docs not hurl tho tree. Tho borers work either nt or'dl rectly beneath the surfsco ot the ground, nround lha trunk. The tree may lie hilled up In the form of n sau cer. tho dirt pnekrd a little and tho scnldlnK water poured In. This will Inrarlably bring out any borers, It It not believed to hurt tho tree, al though an excess of water should not be used. An emulsion of 1 part of nainoieum to iso parts of water It nlso recommended. Kerplnjr Cream Sl, The first step In keeping crenm sweet Is to keep It as clean ns pos sible. Clenn crenm cnnUot be produced by filthy methods of milking nor by handling the cream or milk In unclean utensils. Milk cans, stirrers and palls should bo thoroughly scalded In hot wnter nnd dried nnd exposed to tho sunlight nnd pure air. The next step Is to remove the ani mal heat from tho crenm ns soon ns possible nfter separating;. Hun tho crenm from the separator Into n con venient utensil for cooling. A3 or 5- gallon shotgun can Is most conveni ent. Cool tho crenm In well wnter by stirring. In a few minutes It can bo reduced to the temperature of the wnter. After the cream Is cooled It ran bo added to tho crenm contained In tho supply can used In delivering cream to the station. The cream sup ply catv while being filled nnd held for delivery, should be Kept In wnter at as near tbe temperature of freshly pumped water ns possible. The aver ngo temperature of well wnter In Kansas Is about CO degrees. ' With It crenm can easily bo held nt f8 or CO degrees, nnd nt this temperature will remnln sweet tor delivery In good shape at the station. Knnuns Fanner. Wrrtl SJerris lit Manure, It Is well known that thero Is con siderable risk of Introducing new weeds by the purchase of manure and hay and other feeding stuffs. K.' I. Oswald, of the Maryland experiment station, undertook to obtain mora def Inllo Information on this point, espe cially as regards dissemination through manure, by studying tho ef fect of tho fermentation of manure handled in different ways and of pass ing through the dlgestlvo systoms of animals an tho vitality of various seeds, Including seeds of about fifty of tho worst weeds found In Maryland. In experiments In which the manure remained for six months In a Imrn yard heap nnd for a short whllo In piles, as when shipped In carload lots from cltlos, It was found that In the first caw there was no danjeor, nnd In the second enso llttlo clangor of dfs 'rlbutlng llvo weed seeds. C'niiliMM Worms, The common cabbage worm Is among 1110 best known of all garden pests, both as a larvae and In tha ndult stage, when It becomes the com mon spotted, white cabbage butterfly. Tito young plants should tie sprayed with arsenate of lead, 1 ounce to a gallon ot water, and the foliage kept covered until they begin to head up well. Water heated to 130 degrees Fahrenheit will destroy all wornu which It hits, without Injury to the plants. Mumtt-liliiu cherries, Pit the cherries and weigh them, saving nil the Juice, To every four pounds of fruit there must bo two pounds of sugar and n cup of liquid, nuough Juice should exude during the stoning proccM m furnish the liquid, but If not add n tittle tenter Make it sirup ot the sugar and wnter, set at the sldo of the ratige and bring to tho boiling imlnt. Take from the tire ami, while still warm but not scalding hot, pour the sirup over the cherries, Set aside for half an hour, then put over tho lire In n porcelain lined kettle and heat slowly, Moll for Ave minutes, take nut tha fruit with n skimmer, bolt the strup for twenty minutes, skimming off the scum ns It rises nnd, Just before taking from the fire, add n ilnt of Maraschino cordial for vtry four qunrts of fruit. Pack the cherries In Jars, fill each Jar In over ling lug with tha liquid and seal, CM run Preserve. Pare the fruit and rut II Into slices nWiiit tho slue of n rarnmt. weigh thn fruit and to earh pound of It allow one-half pound of sugar Put the cit ron on to cook In fresh water and boll until quite clear, remove carefully to a colander and drain' Wet the su gar with clear water and lll until reduced to n strup. ndd to this slruii one lemon, sliced thin, nnd a piece of ginger root for every pound of sugnr that tins been used. Put the citron Into the simp nnd boll together for twenty minutes. Fill jars with the 'rult, pour In the sirup nnd seal. Ilnltvil llalsln Cal, Cover one nnd n half cups of rntslni (seeded) with boiling water and sim mer twenty minutes. Cream three- quarters of a cup of sugar with a quarter ot n cup of butter, and add one and one-half cups nf flour, half a cup of the rnlsln water and one egg beaten light, but not separated. Onu teaspoonful of soda should be sifted with the flour. Season with one tea spoonful each of nutmeg and cinna mon, add the raisins, well dredged with flour nnd Imke one-half hour An excellent rake, cheap, easily made, and with n flavor of Its own. Ventilation f Slalite, L JT y v ii ijl HJLJ rnL.--a vV. SOIL B 'wjAgggsca Watermrlnn I'lehlv, Use one melon. Cut out heart, 11 rind, cut Into square nnd soak over night In strong salt water. Put nna quart vinegar on to boll, sttr In five coffee cups sugar, one teaspoon clovet nnd five sticks of cinnamon, one grated nutmeg nnd one half lemon. Add rind that has been rlnsod In cold water. Ho ten minutes, put In Jars. Not necessary to seal. (Tmiblnsr Xt 1'otatoes, Place them In boiling water with two or three sprigs of mint When they nre cooked nnd drained pour over them soma melted butter. The mint adds a moro delicious flavor. New po tatoes should have the skins removed by rubbing them with n brush. When nibbed they will be white nnd smooth. This diagram shows method of cor. slructlng n fresh nlr Intake whore tho 4)ll comta to or near tha top ot wall as found In many bank burns, An ex cavation Is necessary and a retaining wall Is built around tho open spaco marked C. drain or llultrrf Kvery dnlry butter mnkor whoso product Is known to bo of uniform good quality can now easily contract all of their surplus nt 25 rents per pound the year round. And yet M.n quality designated as "common coun-l frail Cnnhtes, Cream ono cup of butter with one and n half cups of sugar, add Ihreo beaten eggs, a level teaspoonful ot baking soda dissolved In twn table- spoonfuls of sweet milk nnd, last of all, stir In n cup of chopped raisins that'havo been rolled In flour. Mix, roll out nnd bnko In n hot oven, rilllM for Cakti. Ono cup of sugar, four tablespoon- fills of water boiled till clear. Stir Into tho beaten while of one egg quick ly and ndd one-half cup seeded and chopped flno raisins nnd one-half cup chopped hickory nuts or Kngllsh wal nut meats. I.oitaeitliisr Cakes frmil tha I'ans After baking a cake and It It sticks to the pan, tha easiest way to tako It out without breaking It Is to wet n clenn cloth nnd wrap around tho pan. It will como out all together. An Assured Knot, "Do you think thnt man who talk so much la really nojiiulutod with till subject? lira Cliitrr h. Airnlfn. Bomo of tfio old-ttmo dairymen nro coming nround to tho belief thnt rod clover such ns was grown nround Den ver twcnty-llvo or thirty yonrn ugo, Is hotter forage for tho production of inllk thnn Is alfalfa ns grown nown days. Cortalu It Is that wo nro not now getting tho quality of milk thnt was produced a quarter of a century "Well, Ihcro can bo no doubt that ago, when nearly everybody had n ho Is on speaking tonus with It." llttlo patch of clovor. It wns quite Wellington Star. Currlrtl I'wk. Four e:gs, onu ounco of butter, onu oiinco of chopped onion, hnlf nn ounco of flour, onu (till of milk nnd wntnr. try butlor" ncnrly always sells bolowlono teaspoonful of curry powder, tha thnt price and during four or llvo Julco of half n lemon, bniie.i rie .i . -- I - -- ..--. suiiiiiiur inuimin nous ns low as 13 conts, Why why will its makers be content to follow methods thnt spoil positive loss? Who can nnd will nn swor this riuostlon? The Kunillst. To (lunril AkhIiisI Cut Worms, Tar paper placed nround cabbogo and tomnto plants will keep off cut worms. Insert the paper In tha ground, making a clrclo about -I Inches In dlametor nnd 3 Invhos dcop, MamllliiM- Milk. It must not bo forgotton thnt clean. llness and coldness are tho two great natural, however, that we should tiavo principles In handling milk To Improve Ciillre, Add to the pot of coffee when ready to sorvo n hulf teaspoon of vanlla an-1 n pinch of baking soda the sl&o ot a bean. Tho soda destroys tha sour tnaiq rausod by tho freo ncld In tha coffee. Hliort HuKKesllons. Keep a bag ot sulphur In tho bird cogo to drlvo away lice In hot wenthor. Ico cream becomes butter If It Is not allowed td chill before tbo can la turnod In tho Ice, To prcsorvo plnnapnto, allow only thretMiunrters ot a pound of sugar to each pound ot ldneanuta 1 '-