VENTS JjFIflE DAY towsy Items Gathered from All Paris ol Ihu World. jffiEPARED FOR THE BUSY READER Lois Important but Not Last Inter ttlng Happening! from Poind Outifd tlio Stato. ;('holern ha been taken to Holland torn lliilnn irl. ' lmnlrl T An tho greatest hand- rrltiilg expert, l dead, 'Tlio American llnr association lina de flated for reform In stnto courts. llnrrinmii In resting nt liln homo nt Harden, N. .1., but chafes-under restraint if inaction, i Graft I" charged In connection with Win cement nml pnlnt supplies fur tint C n it mi ennni. 'l.iitliniu linn beaten l'ntilliain' record for time, speed nml illstntito In tlio nlr istup trial at Ithelms. m H In rumored I tint David I. Thnmp- Moil, Aliirncnii nmlinssndnr In Mexlcu, Mini bought urn j'nriitnin railroad. 'I'll I'. Walsh, mlilloiiulrti inlim inner uf Colorado. Iimn glen $50041 to R!iiruiiragi lite search fur milium urn In (lint slnir Tin' I'rriirh bark flifl, bound for ir I Intnl. was wrecked ulT tlm Austrn tjHnn com), nml only onn boatload uf her n'w luu been heard from. Moorish deserters declare tlmt Hpati ili urimiurs nre horribly tortured mill Ruililntrd nml then beheaded nml their uhlirN Hum: Into n liulii ou .Mount uu Brua Illngrr Hermann may not bo prose- Rutcii, as llcney i iqo busy, HI. Petersburg report 30 now eases nud 12 deaths from cholera In SI hour. A negro ran amuck nt Monroe, La., mil wounded 30 persons, three fatally. Ilia was dually shot. Fivo deaths have occurred In Ala- iiainii from rotlng stale irreon corn. Tlio fill seam it known as pellagra. llnrrniian ha reached home, still alck land in iieril nf further treatment, but tSrllh a mind ai actlvo nt over. Federal Judge Mean hai decided that Mho Oregon Trunk has prior rights In Detinues canyon, naseu on original sur- tf map, , Woman suffrage was discussed nt a meeting at U. II. I. Holmont' summer hdnio at Newport. It. I known m L' marble house." With n delegation of 0,000 turn and vomen tlio bupremo iodgo or iirgro Culirht uf Pythias oivcned a four day'i Session in Kansas City. A steamer collision at Montevideo tost oxer ISO Uvea. Himmnrdi ara preparing for n deel- live battle with the, moon nt Melllln. A steamer arrived at Antwerp from itign. Russia, with flvo dead of cholera fen board. Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, will tindergo a fourth operation In Hcptrm- lier lor Mpndieiiis. The bodv of Lieutenant Button will So exhumed for examination and then mrled In consccreted ground. A federal court ha overruled the Missouri llallroad commission rate or der and greatly curtailed it power. Daylight robber cot nbout 12000 worth of Jewelry from n Portland rcsl- ilence which had been loft nlono less than nn hour. Tlio l'nstor' Alliance of Atlantic ilv. X. .1.. will seek to cnimiel tlio po lien judgo to receive complnlnta of vio lation of Hundoy law. Mark Koeniiel. superintendent of (school of 1on Angeles, says, Mr. Long "firth's Kopemlty for cfgnrctto smok- ins Is a bnd oxammo for boys nna uina Riiml nlin hfis n demurnllxltii; effect upon Itlio wumen of till country. lloiovelt has killed a bltf elephant land Kermlt a hippo, A enmtittnv ha boon orsanlrcd In tSan DIcijo, CH, to build noroplane for sale, An Arizona man haa built an alrshin In which ho flow olobt mile and landed safely. A famous nnlntlntr by Murlllo ha i boon found In San Francisco, after bo- Ing "lost" for 00 year. Six nrrotdnnr took part In tlio avla Itlon cnrnlvnl, tho wrlRht machine making tho boat showlti);. A clmruo of wholosalo poonaea Is innde nL'ainst former Htnto Honntnr I mlth, of Ooorgln, by nbout (10 negroo. Taft confer with cabinet on Inter- etato commorco and nntl-trutt law. Tho Duko d'Abruzzl I roturnlng from hi lllmnlnyan trip nud hoiios to tneot Miss Klkln boforo sho loaves Kuropo. i:i)it person worn klllod nnd ton fatally hurt In riot nt Bchoonvlllo nnd MoKoc Hocks, lonn. Troops, lmvo boon ordorod to "shoot to kill.' Tho llonsovolt hunting party, nftor making a long march through n water less country, renchod n water holo only to find It dry. Thoy woro forcod to camp without walor and on vory short rations. AIM FULL OF AEHOPLANEH, Spoad HecoriJ Urokon-WrlRht Mo- chinos do Usst. ItlioliiK, Aug. 21,- Tho spectnelo of six neroplnna slmultnnooiitly winging tholr flight In hugo circles near tho plntn nt Ilnthnny hero today mnrkod tlio oiienlng of aviation week, At tho finish tlmro wn n great burst of clioor over thl wonderful nnd Impresslvn oxlil bltlon, lutormlttent showers and high wind provnllod, and tho eliminating trial for tho selection of tho I'ronch representa tive for tho James Gordon Ilonnett In ternational cup, which I to bo contested next Hnturdwy, woro spoiled, Only Lo 1'obvre, with n Wright biplane, Illorlot, lUnuiili l'oltorlo and Captain Forbor braved tho gusty puff. I.el'obvro nlono succeeded In negotiating tho comploto circuit of tho course, flo romalned In tho air for 10 minute In a SS-mllo wind, breaking tho speed record hereto fore held by Tlssnndler, covurlng 10 kilometer In 8 minute C3 4-fi soconds. Uf tho others entered In tho trials, Illorlot was only ablo to covor a suf ficient dlstnnco to qualify, Hhortly boforo dark the rain suddenly censed and the wind fell to a dead calm. Tho sky pilots soon wero busy In getting tholr machine out. Latham was first nwny, ascending high from tho start. Ho pnMort tho cheering tri bunes at tho height of ISO feet, Xara bort, Hummer. Cockburn. Do la (Irani; and 1'ournler followed In nulck sue- cession, nnd as Latham was complet Ing tho flrtt round, now at a height of 300 feet, six aeroplane, llko sea- fulls, woro hovering over tho field, 'ournlcr wn first down, falling head on Into a haystack n Lambert swept around into tlm second lap, his machine seeming to cut a brilliant rniniiow. Mennwhlln IiKebvra started afresh and was followed by Lalllnnc, llunau Varllla, Tlssnndler, rorbor, Dlerlot and raulliBin, until the entire air seemed filled with mammoth bird. lAthain eamo down after finishing the second round, tho others gradually dropping out until only three Wright machine romalned afloat. Lambert mado four nnd LcKcbvre and Tlssandler tbreo circuit each. LoKehvre concluded with a thrilling demonstration of tho maneuvering ca pacity of hi machine, circling aroynd tho starting point, cutting several fig ure eight and swooping down over the 1eople In front of the tribunes, Lara iert finishing at tho same time. During this exhibition Lambert and Lnl'ebvre passed each other twleo and gavo other evidences of control over their machines. The Wright aeroplanes alono complotod the requlrod three rounds. All the principal automobile manu facturers have representative here watching tho contest with a view to embarking Into tho manufacture of mo tor. Llentenant Commander K. L. Chapln, American naval attache. I here, having received cable Instructions from tbo navy department to attend the contests. FLEE BEFORE FLAMES. Settlers Driven From Idaho Foreits and Fires Still Ftsgo. Spokane, Aug, I. Fires raging in forests northeast and southeast of 6po kano aro destroying nn immense area of splendid timber and driving the few settlers In the more Isolated region to the river's brink for safety. While tho fire along the Tend d 'Oreille river In Washington Is under control, it still blazes furiously, having cut n swath n mile wide and several miles long. Tho damage will total an nnmensn sum. Terrific wind are blowing thl even ing near Handpolnt. Idaho, fanning small fires, which so far have been kept under control, and they threaten seri ous damage. A large flro south of Co colalla threaten to destroy timber be longing to II. O. Culvor. liighteon men are now lighting this fire, but cannot subdue it. Tho Lumbermen n IVotectlvo Asso ciation is pressing every available man iuto servlco to fluht the flames. A largo flro 1 roortcd to havo dono n grent deal of damngo at Naples, Idaho, but at present thero is no means of com munication with thl place, Anothor largo flro betwren Grnnlto and Athol I reported to have destroyed n largo tract of standing timber. Forest lire havo destroyed sovoral fnrm bouses in tho vicinity of Fort Hill, north ot llonner Ferry, Idaho, burning much timber also. Mon ennnnt bo had to fight tho flame. West of llonnors Ferry a large forco of mon I working day and night to extinguish tho flames, but havo not mndo any hc&dway, A million dollnr would not pay for the tlmbor already destroyed, but It I difficult to estimate the oxnet loss. For est raugora havo the flro under control oast of Uonncrs Ferry. Crazed by Fool Questions. San Francisco, Aug. 21. Ooorgo L. Hoot, a tourist conductor of the Chi cago, llurllngton & Qulncy, who was found wandering nbout tho railroad yard In n hnlf-domcutcd condition to day, attribute hi montal breakdown to tho cnmiilaiuts, protest and ques tions pou rod Into In unwilling cars by a party of tourists of which ho wn In chnrgo on tho trip to tho const from Kansas City. In hi lucid interval, nt tho hospital, ho declared that the woe of hi charges aftor a slight accident in Colorado caused hi mind to bocouio unbnluncod from worry. Cloudburst In Colorado. Ouray, Colo., Aug. 4, A cloudburst this aftornoou caused a flood In this -I... ..... ....... . .. .. u . 1. . ..V I mouth ago. Portland and Caacado crooks ovoruowou, mho water was mreo feet deep In tho street. No fatalities (were roported, NEWS FROM THE MAKE WINE FHOM QfiAPES. If Any Oihor Ingredient Used, Lsbsl Mutt Ho State. Wnshliigton, Aug. 27, Upholding It contention that tho consumer In, under i no roixt ami urug net, untitled to know tho character of the product ho buys, tho bnnrd uf food nnd drug Inspection of the) department of ngrlciilturo today issued n decision declaring that n hover nge cniinut bo labeled wiiio unless it Is iniiiio from "tlio normal alcoholic fer inonlntloii uf julco of sound, rlno urotie without addition or abstraction, elthor prior or uuscrurni to fermentation." Tlm term "wlno" can only be used for ii bovernuo mndo from tho mare of grape If tho boverngn Is labeled "imi tation." a rrrmentcu beverage pre pared from grapo "must" by tlm ad dition of siignr may bo termed "sugar wine," according to tlm board's de cision. The addition of water to tho grape "must" will also rcpilro further clmructerlr.ntlon than tho term "wine." The decision was reached bv the hoard In connection with the JnbclluL- uf Ohio nud Missouri wines. Try to Leave Out Farm Land, Washington, Aug. 25, Statements nnd Interviews quite constantly ara printed from friends of tho policy of conservation, based on the assumption that amendment of the law will be nee essary to enable tho elimination of agri cultural lands from nntional forests. Associate forester, In the absenco of Forester 1'inchot, whon asked about thl matter, and requested to make a statement setting forth In substance tho facts, prepared tho following: "In establishing tho boundaries of nntional forest, It I the aim of tho service to excludo, so far a pouible. lands more valuable for agricultural purpose thnn for forest purposes. Any one acquainted with tho mountainous rcirlon of tho west In which aro located nations! forests will realize, however, that small areas of agricultural land in pockets nnd in valley of minor stream exist, which In establishing boundaries to luculda forest land could not bo ex cluded." Peace Sqjadron to Orient. Washington. Aug. 27. Another "pence" licet I to bo sent ncros the l'aeiflc by Uncle Hum, It will comprise riuht nf the strongest nnd fastest cruis ers In the naval force nnd will leave Hnn Francisco n week from next Sunday. It will lie occupied with It mission, which s declared to be iricndiy, more man live months. The vessels which hnVe been ordered to prepare for the Journey nre the fully nrmorrd cruisers Tennessee, California, Houth Dakota, Washington, West Vir ginia, Colorado, Maryland nnd l'cnnsyl- vanin. According to tho navy department's schedule of their 2H,0O0-mlte journey, af ter making several side trips to f. lilnese and Japanese ports, tho whole squadron will reaiwrnilile nt Yokohama and will soil home January 10, 1010. Rate Hearing Advanced. Washington, Aug. 27. A chnnge In tho itinerary nf tho interstate commerce commission on Its Facifle coast trip dew-loped today. It had been exacted that the work uf the lommisslqn would beuin nt Hixikanr, October 4. Commis sioner I'rouly, however, has assigned tho first ease for bearing nt Halt l.nkc Uty on Heptember 22. The rehearing of tho case of Spokunn ngainst tho Northern l'aeiflc railway nnd others, known as tho Hiokano rnto cast, is set for Heptember 20. It Is like ly the advance In tho dates of the hear ing of thrsi two ease will automati cally advance, tho dates of hearing of tho rnse in Seattle, I'ortland, Han Fran cisco, l,oi Angeles nnd Itcno. Roosevelt Order Disliked. Washington, Aug. 27. Hx-Presldent Koosnvclt's order, by which 15.000 fourth-clnsn postmnstcr wero put into tho classified civil servlco at ono stroke of the pen, stands a good chance of meeting with n sudden end, according to information obtained nt the postnf llco department. According to high de partment officials, tho movo ha proven of doubtful value, nnd it Is gcucrnlly conceded that tho remaining 45,000 iiostinnsters who wero not Included in tho November order will not bo placed In tho classified service, n long a President Taft remain In tho Whito llouso or Postinnitter-Gonernl Hitchcock retains lit present cabinet portfolio. More Land for Settlors. Washington. Auir. 27. Undor tho en larged homestead net, allowing entry ou 320 Instead of 100 acres, Acting Secre tary or tlio interior I'lereo today desig nated for settlement 012,-ISO additional ncrea in Montana, nuking a total ncro- ngn designated in that state- of 20,030,- 080. Under tho twnio net 123.330 acre of land In Hnn Juan county, Utah, have been .ttimllnrly designated. Sparry to Do Retired. , Wnshlncton. Aug. 27. llenr-Admlrnl Hporry, who took tho Atlantic, battle ship fleet on it crulso from Han Fran el sen to tho Philippine nnd through tho Bucr. cnnnl to, Hampton Itonds, will bo placed on tho retired list Heptember 3, having then reached tho ago limit. No Troublo In Mexico. ." rt U . k ... t J..,,. ,17 . ,l.tii. 1- Thompson, United Htatos Atnbassndnr j to aiuxico, nn loiegrnpnou roe stuta department that thero ia no danger of sorious troublo lu Moxico, NATIONAL CAPITAL FLOUR TO OE SEIZED. Djpsrlment of Agriculture Does Not Approve of Oleschlng. Washington, Aug. 20. Tho requests of manufacturers of bleached flour that no further seizures of bleached flour bo mado until a test caso should havo been decided, wero refused today, following a conferenco between Wndo II. Ellis, acting attornoy-gencral, and Dr. II. F, Dunlap, of tho puro food board of the agricultural department. Tbo food expert of tbo department some time ago decided that bleached flour was in violation of the puro-food laws, not so much on the ground of Im purity but because of alleged misbrand ing, and the agents of tbo department wero Instructed to make seizure of flour. Counsel for the millers have boon suing to have the seizure discon tinued until a test caso could be de cided. Today It wa determined that tho seizure would bo continued without regard to a test case. it Is not known what pcrccntngo of flour now consumed In tho country is put through tho bleached metaod. Two processes of bleaching, ono by elec tricity and tho other a chemical pro cess,, aro used nearly altogether. ma large muter or tbo northwest stopped bleaching flour on February 1. The hard wheat of the northwest make a white flour without bleaeblcx whllo the softer wheat of tho middlo west doe not produce luch a whlto color when milled. Million Cigars From Philippines. Washington, Aug. 24. One thrifty Philippine commercial concern managed to get into tho United States 1,000,000 cigar and. it 1 thought, other tobacco product, In advance of certain rule and regulation which the war depart ment nnd the treasury department were preparing. Ibo cigars and other stuff arlvcd on tho day the tariff went Into effect. As the tariff allow Importation free of duty of only 150,000,000 Philippine cigar, tho proportion which has olrcad como in In regarded a large. Tho cigars are understood to be of Inferior grade, and it is said that the long sea voysge from Manila has a deteriorating effect upon them, but it 1 claimed now that some concerns have Invented n method to offset this. Pure Food Scrsp Renewed. Denver, Colo., Aug. 21. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of the Bureau of Chem istry, will bo in Denvcr'Tucsday to at tend tho annual convention of tool commissioners. As a result, it Is ex--ccted that another controversy be tween Federal officials will be brought to Denver, this timo not over forestry and Irrigation, but over the use of ben zoate of soda In food. Supporting Secretary Wilson aro sov eral members of the Scientific Itsfcroe Hoard, whllo Dr. Wiley's chief suppor ter is Commissioner J. Q. Emery, of Wisconsin, president of the association. Another feature will bo reports Tues day afternoon ort results of food, dairy and drug control in various states. New Tariff Works Welt. Washington, Aug. 4. The new tar iff law has gono Into operation with sur prising smoothness, according to Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury Reynolds. "Wo expected to be overrun with quostlons, many of them silly." said Mr. Reynolds yesterday, "but the num ber of inquiries each day has been little mora than wo have had under the Ding- loy law." Thi I ascribed by tho Assistant Sec retary to the bill having boon passed bv a republican congress. The phrase ology is much tho samo as under tho old, only the rates have been changed. Tho operation is rendered easy for the collectors. Exhume Sutton's Body. Washington, Aug. 27.- Tho body of Lieutenant Jnmes N. 8utton. of the United States marine corps, will bo dis interred nnd examined by medical nnd gunshot experts to determine tho naturo or the wounds mat caused nis ucaiu. Ilefore) reinterment, howovcr, the ground In which the body now rest in Arlington cemetery will be consecrated under the rite of tho Catholic Church. Cardinal Gibbons hns sanctioned tho plan. Cardinal Gibbons, It is said, con sider it hns been established that Lieu tepnnt Huttnn did not take his own life, at least with suicidal intent. Nlckell Gets No Pardon. Washington, Aug. 27. Tho depart ment of justice today announced that President Tnit had refused to grant a pardon to Charles Nlckell, formerly a United States commissioner nnd editor of n newspaper at Medford, Or, Nlckell was convicted in Portland of consplraey tu suborn persona to commit perjury by making fatso atatemeuta in their appli cation to purchnse land In that state. Nlckell was sentenced August 0, 1000, to 13 mouths' Imprisonment. No Politics In Census. Washington, Aug. 27. President Taft bus mndo it clear that ho does not in tend that tho census work nnd politics ohnll bo mixed. Acting Secretary Mo Hnrg of tho department of commerce nn!) labor today received a letter from Mr. Carpenter, secretary to tho presi dent, stating that census supervisors .1 .... -.,...,... ...... A. !.... a a..... who held political iiosltlnns, auch ns sea rotnr.vidilps or chairmanships of county committees, must glvo up either tholr , political or (iioir government position, AIRSHIP EXPLODES. Wellmsn Mado Good Start, but Acci dents Drlng Failure. Camp Wollman, Spitzonbergcn, Aug. ID (via Hnmmerfest, Aug. 23). Walter Wollman 's second attempt to sail over the North Polo In a balloon has resulted in a failure The giant dirigible bal loon "America," in which Mr. Well man and his party of three set out, proceeded about 32 miles from the starting point, when disaster overtook it. After a long preparation and wait ing tot favorablo weather, the oppor tunity came today, and Mr. Wellmsn decided to mako tho start. It was 10 o'clock in tho morning when the great airship was brought out of Its shed and tho daring explorers took their places in the car. When the anchors were cast loose, tbo airship ascended beautifully, the en gines wero sot In motion and everything seemed to work to perfection. Tho big air craft was rasnuverod for somo timo and answered the belm perfectly. Then Its bead was turned northward, and it set out at a speed of 25 miles an hour. Suddenly, after having eovercd 32 miles, and when everything seemed to be going splendidly, the leather guide rope, to which was attached 1000 pound of provisions and stores, broke away. The aecideat occurred just as the airship wa nearing ths pack iee of North Spitzenbergen. Released from this great weight, the airship shot upwards at a terrific paee, until it was a great height abovo the clouds. The pilots succeeded, howovcr, In bringing her down near the earth, turning her about and set ont to fight their way southward against a strong wind. The airship proceeded slowly south ward to tho edge of the pack ice, where tho steamer Frau was anchorod. After much difficulty, a tow rope was gotten aboard the Fram. which started imme diately to tow tho airship to Spitzen bergen. Tbo strain was so great, however, that it threatened to tear tho car to which the rope was attached to pieces, and Mr. Wellman finally decided to bring the airship down to the surfaeo of the water. This was effected with out mishap and the car rested on the surfsce of the water until all tho mem bers of the crew, the dogs and the sci entific instruments could be transferred aboard the Fram. The America was then towed back to the landing stage, and within a short distaneo of where tho start was made. But the Ill-luck of the expedition way not yet at an end. Just as tho airship bad reached tbo landing stage and ev erything looked favorablo for Its rescue without serious damage a sudden gust of wind caught the big bag broadside on, and snatched it away from its tow lines. It was carried careening over rough Ice hummocks for some distance and then it exploded. All the scattered parts of tbo airship were subsequently recovered, bnt the damage was so great as to preclude any further attempt to fly over tbo polo this year. HENEY WILL ACCEPT. M'jst Maka CampslgnJHowever, on Independent Ticket. Newport, Or., Aug. 23. Francis J. Honey furnished the Oregonlan a writ ten statement today, In which he figures out that, according to the recent Su preme Court decision In California, he cannot accept tho nomination for prose cuting attorney on either the Demo cratic or Independence Leaguo tickets. "The only way in which I can be come a candidate Is by petition signed by a certain number of voters who did not voto at tho primary election, re questing that my name be placed on the ballot as an independent candidate," says Mr. Henoy. Mr, Honey has been nominated both by tho Democrats and tho Independence League, but California's new primary law forbids that a candidate accept nomination bv two parties. Further more, n candidate must be named by tho party with whom he announced his affiliation at the primaries. Mr. Honey I registered as a Republican. Mr. Henoy says be does not wsnt the office of prosecuting nttornoy, but will, if nominated and elected, sacrifice his builneM interests for the public weal in order to continue the war against the grafters. Racing Autos Get Three More. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 23. Tbreo mora lives woro sacrificed today in tho speed carnival that marked tho open- Ing of tho new Indianapolis motor .spoedway. Ono mechanician and two spectators wero today's death toll. Charles Mora in a National in the 300 mllo race lost a tiro ind crashed through a fenco Into a group of spec tators, Tho deadt Claud helium. In dianapolis, mechanician In the National car; Homer Joleffo, Trafalgar, Ind.; James West, 20 years of age, Indianap olis. West was a meat cutter. General Booth May Go Blind. London, Aug. 23, Genoral William Dooth, commander-in-chief of tho Sal. vntlon Army, was operated upon today xor aopiio poisoning or mo eye. 'rue doctors are not yet able to say whether me uenerars signi will do saved. AWAITINGHARRIMAN His Health Halter e! CeRcem ti Entire Cootry, WALL STREET IS SISAPNINTEl Financiers Wanted Him to Jump lnta Harness at Once, but Condi tion Will Not Psrmlt. On Board a S. Kaiser Wilhelm IT, Aug. 24, The condition of E. IL Har rlman has nndergone no notable change. He still remains most of the time la his private cabin owing to the heavy fog which has provalled throughout the en tire trip. The present indications ara the steamer will be late in arriving, be cause of the delay occasioned by the fog. Now York, Aug. 24, As tho Kaiser WilhcJm II hourly draws nearer to her pier ia New York, public interest la E. IL Hsrriman's roturn grows acute. Gen eral anxiety as to his health has found expression in a series of published ap preciations of his personality and achievements such as probably never before has been accorded a private cit izen. There is manifest disappointment la Wall streot that Mr. Harriman's so journ abroad has not set him np suf ficiently that he may resume at once ac tive charge of the great interests with which his name is as-oclated. Tomor row both the Southern Pacific and tho Union Pacific directors will meet, but it ha not even been suggested that Mr. Ilarriman will try to attend these meet ing. Alexander Millar, secretary of the Ilarriman lines, one of Mr. Harriman's most trusted lieutenants, spoke of bis chief today with seriousness and warmth. "Mr. narrfman," said be, "has bees pictured as an ogre, a huge spider, aa octopus. Yon don't know what a big hearted, blg-sonled man he really is. I call him today the biggest, the braini est, the most patriotic American eltixea we have. "If I should bo asked to name tho chief characteristics that have contrib uted to bis success, I should say, his wizardry with figures, his faculty for getting Instantly Into the kernel of facts, his judgment of men and his in sight into ana faith in the future. "lie makes changes, but the very men shifted will tell you they do better work in the new positions. "Like all big men, he Is not what you would call methodical. He jumps to conclusions by seeming intuition. No doubt the logical processes are all there for Mr. Ilarriman is bo visionary but tbey cludo analysis by their swift ness. "Docs he play as hsrd as he works I To tell you the truth, I never saw him play, except with his children. Ills chil dren and his work these are his life." MAKES THRILLING FLIGHT. American Aeroplane Lowers Record for Rhelms Course. Rhelms. Aug. 24. Glenn H. Curtiss. the American aviator, and M. Panlham, representing France, divided honors of the second day of aviation week, the former in a thrilling flight just before, dusk, in which he lowered tho speed record for tho course, which measure C 1.5 miles, to 5 minutes 35 2-5 seconds; the latter making two impressive high altitude flights of 49 and 50 kilometers, respectively, in the endurance test for tho prlx do la Champagne. Curtiss' performance began just as the time limit for the start of the prix de la Champagae was expiring. Bleriot only a few minutes before hsd dipped 10 seconds oil LcFebvre's record. Suddenly, at the end of the field a err went up: "The American Is starting!" With a preliminary run along tho Ground of 100 yards, the machino rose, ghtly and shot by tho tribunes at a height of CO feet. It was going a ter rific pace, with tho wing level as a flano. Curtiss made the last run under be mlstakon impression that the finish line was closer. lie descended so closo to earth that many thought ho touched, but perceiving his error, ho mounted quickly, crossing the line majestically. An instant later the signal was hoisted that he had made a record. Wheat Prices Tumble. Minneapolis, Aug. 24. No. 1 North ern wheat today broke 15 cents from tho opening price, dropping from 41.25 to $1.10. Opening figures today wero 15 cents under Saturday's quotations of $1.33, making a total decline of 25 conts slnco Saturday, New No, 1 North ern sold a wock ago at $1.45. Satur day' prico was $1.35. Today it sold early at $1.25, but whon 445 cars of wheat wero received, ot which 105 con tained old wheat, 1C0 now-crop Winter and ISO new-crop Spring wheat, tbo. market broke wide open. Grasshoppers Devastate Farms. Choyonne. Wvo.. Aug. 24. A plague of grasshoppers has caused thousands of dollars' damage in tbo neighborhood of Cowloy. Farmers have beou compelled to cut their alfalfa before it matured in order to save it from destruction. All green stuff has boon eaten. Around ChAvnnno nraettcsllv all vureiatlon but I been destroyed. ' t