BDEAtfeni ncrnnnol MAKES NEW RECORD Niarly Three Hours. BATTLES WITH WIND AND RAIN Descends Only When Fuel Tank Is Ex hauated Halted at Greatest of Aviators. Hubert Latham, Fronch Aviator, Out does Paulham. Bethany Aviation Field. Kholms. Auc. French Aviator Remains In Air 2r llvcrt .I,n.Umm' ,th0 rwMh "? nur, louny uiok giorioua rovengo ror the hard luck ho experienced in his re cent attempt to cross tlio Kngllsh Chnn ncl by establishing n new wotld'e rec ord for distance, IB! kilometers, 030 meters, or P3.SS miles. Latham covered la laps, or ISO kllomoters, In 2 hour, 13 minutes, 0 second, and tho full dis tance in 2 hours, OS mluutcs, 0 3-3 sec onds, which nre also world's records. Tho (light was at tho rato of about OS) kilometers an hour, ns compared with S3) mado by Wright at Lemons nnd a fraction under SO mado by Paulham yes terday. Nothing could have exceeded tho beauty and imprcsslvoncss of tho pro longed Hlght. In graco of lines no other neroplanc hero compares with Latham's monoplane. Tho slightly tilted planes from tho long sktiMiko body clvo it tho resemblance, when close, to a winged canoe; wlillo sailing high up in tho air, it looks from tho distnnco like n mammoth drnuon. For nn hoar, with fluttering wings, liko a living thing, it fought Its way against tho storm of wind nnd rain at an avcrago height of 150 feet, mounting higher as the wind rose, until at tho worst of the storm, it rose fully 1000 iceu Latham early In tho day, with No. 13, an noroplnno of the same type, mado a 11 li:h t of more than 70 kilometers, and after ho had finished, Count de Lambert covered 110 kilometers, 72.73 miles, In commanding fashion. Tho (lights there fore in ti sluglo day totaled moro than 210 miles. ' OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Bcthency Aviation Field, Rholmt, Aug. 20. Another sensational exploit was added to tho marvels of aviation week today when Paulham, tho plucky French aviator, broke, tho world's rec ord in a wonderful night of 2 hours 63 minutes 24 seconds for tho Prix do la Champagno in a Voisin biplane. Dur ing 0 Minutes of tho tlmo Paulham had n heavy rain and wind storm to contend with. Tho previous official record for timo in tho air was mado by Wilbur Wright nt Lemsns, December 31, 2 hours 20 minutes 23 1-5 seconds. Tho unofficial record was 2 hours 27 minutes 25 sec onds made by Sommcr at Marmcllons. Paulham's new record for distance was about 134 kilometers, or S3 miles. Ho mado 13 circuits of the courso and tho wind squall passed as ho was coming down tho homo stretch for tho last time. Simutanously, tho dirigible Colonel Renard appeared to the westward, plow ing its way majestically through the smoko of tho city of ltheims. When Paulham finally camo down, it was be cause the SO lares of essence which ho carried in his tank was exhausted. Ho said tho machine and self-cooling motor had stood up perfectly and that it could have continued indefinitely if tho tank had been replenished. ."so one who witnessed tho flight now entertains the slightest doubt that aerial navigation with heavicr-than-nir machines has a glorious future. Starting in a 12-knot breezo shortly before 4 o'clock with the avowed, inten tion of completing the SO kilometers be fore S o'clock to bar his less venture some rivals, who desired to await calmer air, Paulham not only accom plished his original purpose, but con tinued to circle the vast plain until his tank was empty. HAVOC WITH MOORS. STRIKERS AS SHARPSHOOTERS Civil War Continues at McKees Rocks Urged on by Debs. Pittsburg, Aug. 20. The town of Schoenville, where tho Pressed Steel Car company strike is in progress, has sjisufed a civil war appearance instead of a town riot-gripped. Sharpshooters are in the woods on the heights abovo tho works. Troopers, heavily armed, parade all the streets. A great searchlight, mounted on top of the plant, with tbo operator pro tected by a sheet of steel, Is constantly revolving tonight to discover any effort to break inside tho stockade and to spot sharpshooters. The state troopers have laid asido their maces and ride out of tue stockade with rifles across the pom mels of their saddles. The entire community bears a grim aspect. Both sides are waiting for some move that will bring on conflict. Ku gene Debs, the socialist leader, today urged tho men to fight to a finish, and they are determined that they will not leave the community or givo in. Arms are being purchased at gun stores and there is fear tho near future will bring about a conflict that will startle the contry. Daring tho early hours this morning several shots hit the metal shield erect ed by tbo deputies for protection against fusillades out of the dark. Tbo marks men were on a high hill about a quarter of a mile distant from tho works. Only the poor ability of the marksmen pre vented the loss of several lives today. The state troopers will not permit any one to stop and talk. The foreign ers must remain at a distance or in doors, but they aro stubborn end re vengeful. Further adding to the wnrlike ap pearance of the stockade, Lieutenant Charles P. Smith and 25 troopers today went to a largo tenement-house in Preston, Tho place was surrounded and squads were detailed to search the apartments of 20 families. Three rifles, ten revolvers, ten knives and a macbeto wero confiscated. Spanish Artillery Kills Hundreds, and Moor Mutilate Prisoners. Lisbon, Aug. 27. Special dispatches received hero from Mclilla say the fight ing is general on tho Moroccan const. Tho new Spanish artillery has wrought terrible havoc among tho Moors, who havo lost 1000 men in the last thrco days. Tbo Spanish casualties amount to 330. A Spanish column has destroyed thrco villages near Itcstinga. A Moorish deserter who has come into tho Spanish lines declares tho Spanish '..PVUV., MICI Mviu)t uuuiuir lUfkUll'U and mutilated, aro decapitated nnd their bodies flung into a holo on Mount Ou ruga. Kstimatcs placo tho number of Spanish prisoners at 1000. The wnter being doled out to the Spanish troops is insufficient, nnd driven by their overwhelming thirst ther havo drunk from stagnant pool. Many cases of poisoning have resulted. Already S3 men havo died from this cause. ZEPPELIN EN VOYAGE. MAKING ARTIFICIAL STONE. Klamath Falls Industry Growing tnd Plant Will Ua Enlarged. Klamath Falls. To extend the inniui fitoturo of artificial stone and brick by an hydraulic process tho Hydraulic Stono & Hrlek company hits erected n building nnd installed n plant of modem machinery here. Tho mnterlnls for tho foment block aro prepnred nnd placed In n mold, tho back being n mlxturo of cement, crushed rock nnd sand nt n percentage of live or six to ono and the facing be ing n mlxturo of snud nnd cement nt n mlxturo of three to one. By tho use of lovers a pressuro of 100,000 pounds to i no square men is exerted, thus pro ducing a block of even density In which all tho component parts aro brought togothor to form a solid mass. Hrlcks nro mado of n mlxturo of thrco to one nnd nro tho equal of what is commonly known as pressed brick, with many points of superiority. They enn bo mado in nnv desired color, though it is doubtful if nny ono will desiro other thnn tho naturnl gray, as its appearance Is both lasting and pleas ing to tbo eve. Several thousand of these bricks havo been mnda ami nro superior to anything ever reciwln tho city. In addition to tho bricks and blocks tho company is preparing to muiuifac- turo sewer pipe. .Machines lor this pur pose hnvo already been ordered nnd nro expected hero in a few days. raving blocks nnd tllo will be added and within tho next year this company will bo furnishing employment to local labor and havo a weekly payroll of sovcrnl hundred dollars. IMPROVING FAIR GROUNDS. SPANIARDS PLAN ATTACK. Will New Morgan' Yacht Disabled. New York, Aug. 0. The fact that J. P, Morgan, the financier, was nearly shipwrecked in Long Island Sound whilo roturning from Now Haven to this city Tuesday on his yateh Corsair bceamo known today, when tho yatcb was put in a drydoek for repairs. Tho accident , happened near City Island in tho west erly end of Long Island Sound. Tho Corsair was making fast time when sho struck a submerged ledge. Reversing her propellers, the yateh backed off, but began to Jcnk. The Corsair proceeded to Now ,York under reduced speed with her pumps going. Starts on 450-Mile Trip With Berlin as Objective Point. Friederiehsbafen, Aug. 27. Tho dlr- Iglblo balloon Zeppelin III started to night for Berlin. The courso will be via Nuremburir. Lclpsie and llitterfield. about 450 miles. The run to Bittcrfield will be made without stop and the air ship probably will arrivo thera after nightfall. It will remain at Ditterfleld until Sunday to replenish the gas and benzine supply and then will tnko on Count Zeppelin, who will pilot the ship to Ilerlin. Tho crew consists of only enough men to manago tho airship, the government rejecting applications of others who wished to make tho trip. Oregon Man Champion. Camp Perry, O., Aug. 27. The na tional riflo matches wero concluded to day. In the individual match another world's record was made. A younc rifleman from the United Stales Naval Academy, Midshipman H. O. Boesche, of Oregon, who won tho governor's match last week, made tho remarkablo score of 103 out of a ;os siblo 200 nt slow fire in tho 200, 000, 800 nnd 1000-yard targets, thereby win ning ine f-.'ti prize Jor tno Highest slow fire scoro, Hoesche also won tho match, defeat ing 023 competitors, with tho record score of 330. which is 30 abovo tho score by which Lieutenant A. I). Hothrock, of Ohio, took the honors last year. GOOD INTENTIONS GO WRONG Scarcity of Salmon In Rivers Attrib uted to Killing of Sealtons. Astoria. Although the slaughter of sealions has been carried on systemati cally for some yenra and hns received the snnction of the state authorities ns being a means of getting rid of one nf the greatest naturnl enemies to the salmon, there is a well defined oppo sition to the practice being continued growing among some of those who havo been directly interested in the Ashing Industry tor several years. They nssert that whilo the sealions exist on salmon and destroy many of those fish, they nlso drive the fish into the river, nnd that otherwise the salmon will not enter fresh wnter until they are ripo nnd ready to spawn. To substan tiate their contention these men say that n similar case occurred in Norway some years ago. There the government took up the work or destroying certain natural enemies of the salmon and tho result was that the fish stopied entering the rivers in schools or ''runs." but straggled in much as they havo dono in the Columbia this season. This year there wero hundreds of sen- lions killed off the muith of the Colum bia nnd many more wero frightened away, and tho runs of salmon havo been small. At Tillamook nnd Nehulem thera wero large numbers of sealions and more Chinook salmon wero caught there than ever before. Big Timber Sale In Linn. Brownsville. The largest sale of tim ber laud recorded in Linn county for a number of years has just taken place here, tho lands involved in thu transfer being known as the Martin tract, owned by local people, consisting of approxi mately 2&U0 acres, situated on tho north slope of tbo dlvido between the Cain poola and Mohawk rivers. The prico paid for this land was close to $15,000, the purchaser being the crosmi ximucr company, of Portland. It Is surmised that tho land goes into tho hands of simulators. Brownsville is only four and a half miles distant from tho land. Tho land is admirably situated for log ging and milling. Sewer System, New Entrance and Many New Buildings. Salem, -Work hns bcou started on tho sjstem of sewerngo authorised by the last legislature for tho itnto fair, nnd tho fnir grounds wit present a uusy Hceno to visitors until tha fair opens on Monday, September 13. Besides 33 con victs employed on thu grounds, Secre tary Prank Welch had advertised that ns tunny men will bo employed In dig ging ditches ns can bo hired for 23 cts. nn hour, A 22-Inch sower will be laid from tho fair grounds through north Sa lem to tho site of tho now Deaf Muto school, where tho stnto board of agri culture will cooperate with tho stnto board of education in the completion of tho project. Tho sower will run from tho Deaf Muto school, thenco to the river about one mile and a hnlf from the fair grounds, Tho sewer for tho fnir grounds was almost demanded by the stnto board nf health. Besides benefiting tho state Institutions, for which it was primarily constructed to serve, It will give the city nf Salem additional needed sower age, nnd thoe properly owners who havo donnted right of way will be priv ileged lo uso tho sower, A mammoth cntrnnco la being built which gives tho grounds this year n moro imposing appenrnneo from tho out side. Several new buildings aro under courso of construction that will give more room for the display of exhibits. All the work is under contract to be finished by Scplembof 13, at which time the fair Is billed to open for one week. Tho entries are beginning to come In, nnd the office lorco nt tho fair f;rounds is swamped with work attorni ng to the classification nf the stock entries. It is believed tho fair this year will easily surpass all previous exhibi tions. Right of Way Causes Suit. Madras, Or. W. F Kills ami wife, who havo a placo tro milea southwest of Madras, were served with summons In a condemnation suit by Deputy Sheriff J. O. Boblnson, for right of way of tho Desi-hutcs Ballroad company over their land. There was a wide difference between tho prico offered bv tho right of way agent and that asked by the owner of tho land. Tho case will coma up for consideration nt the October term ot the circuit court In Crook county. ltallroad engineers havo commenced to set grade stakes for the Harrlman road, and It is presumed construction work will begin In a few dajs on both sides of Willow Creek canyon, north and south of this place. 400 Acres In Spurts Union. Over 400 acres of potatoes In tho vicinity of Union this scsson prom ise n bumer crop and tho quality will bo first-class. PORTLAND MARKETS. T. Nn Chances, fur Fain of Kingdom Hangs on Remit, Mrlllln, Aug. fl. Ooiieral Mnrltwi. commnnder of tho Spanish forces, said todav that Im planned In assume the of-'va within ton days. It Is evident thnl lw feels keenly ids resiidiislblllly, knowing that fur moro depends upon thn next movement that tint actual suc cess or falluro of tho military opera tions against tho Moors. The events of tho next few , hero may fix the fate of the Spanish dy nasty. A inverse might prove fatnli honco doners! Marlua Is leaving noth ing to chance When ho moves ho will bo at tint head of a force so strong that the Biffs cannot by any tHiitlble means win a victory In tho open. .Melllla ami tho railway iisto m- converted Into a veritable fortress and It would require an army with a siege train nnd modern ordnance to capture the points. Kvcrythlng now turns on the con struction of the canal to Marehlca. If this falls, Dm task uf the Spaniards will bo grenler, as all tho supplies must be brought by land and exposed to Moorish nltfirV. Mince the earthquake of 1S04 closed the exit to the sea, tho water at Mnr chlca has evaporated and receded. By reopening tho channel, the Spaniards hope to raise It to the former level, making It navigable for transports. Tho success of this will enable General Ma rina to feed the army by way of the sea. Many feel that a lltte more dash to the enterprise would have been advlsl hie, but the memory of I'lnto's reverse appears to havo sunk deep Into the general a mind. The fact that no attempt Is permitted lo dislodge the enemy has resulted In more daring tactics on the part of the Moors each day, which might be checked If the Spaniards sent out a few sharhooters. there Is a strange fear of some lurking trap like that luiu which (lencral l'lnto fell. OPERATION FOII Oxygon Tanks, Cot and D&tiw Arrivo at Anton, SECRET THOROUGHLY GIMUQ Though Family Meemt Opilmlnie M Denies It; Indications Point 0 Approaching Operation, I'pasu,, " ' ' It, '"Hit, FIND ANCIENT RELICS. Wheat Track prlccsi New crop, bluestem, Diet club, SSej red Busslan, ojes valley, uucj Turnsy red, ose; 40 fold, SOJe. Barley Feed, 25502flj browing, 2flJ50(jf27 per ton. Oats September, $27.5028.00 per ton. Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $30 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, ISO per ton; mid dlings, $33t sorts, 20(J32 chop, S2 U2D; rolled barley, $20b30. nay .-sow croni Timothy, Willam ette Valley, $12Ifl jer tout Kb. tern Oregon, $1718; mixed, 415.50lfl.C0j alfalfa, 113.50; clover, 411(3)13: cheat, 1 13 11.50. Oroln Bags OJo cacb. Butter City creamery, extras, 33e; fancy outside ereainory, 27J31Je per Russian Scientist 8sys Par North Vas Highly CivillMd. Port Townsond, Aug. St. News Is brought by the United States revenue cutter Tahoma. which reached 1'uget Sound today after steaming around the world from Baltimore, thst a parly of ethnologists, headed by Dr. Waldemar Yochelson, a noted Itusslan explorer. and encountered at the Island of Attu, In the Aleutian archipelago, has discov ered relics and skeletons that wsuld es tablish the record of population of Northwestern North America during prehistoric ages. In a statement lo Captain Oulnsn, of the Tahoma, Dr, Yochelson said that the relics uncovered would establish com pletely a belief that thousands of yrars ago the highest type of humanity ex isung in ine new worm existed m the North. The search of the Yochelson party Is directed by the Koyal Busslan (leogrsphlesl Society and will be con tinued several years before a formal re port Is made In St. Petersburg. A report la also brought that the Bo goslov Islands, In Bering Sea, the field of numerous changes through volcanic eruptions, Is now undergoing further marked configurations. Afdeii, V. V.,Aujf. M Ui,,, P. II. Ilnrrimnn's nllmrnt. wli,t,ri ,,H. l-.ili.l.',MI, III.- ',lllt )R i i a Ig. ti'iill no nil l Ills rnlHlly ilr . , i)t ,1 HltlU, la. I. ., .,,.,.-....,..,,... .. ,.. ,. fo guarded today, but minor tt.- iJ3 i.i,,i,..i it. i u. ... r . ..n..,.iw, ..pi. ,i,,, , HM I,, 'l UA t l)HrH't IIIHIM -ri, fas st renal Lohm In (i nf twit itxygftri tinik rind i, Mil such Ms Is used In IiimImI i iHiisldeiil Willi the strrt al l w repilslli-s in an flimrntioti tsm ! men fnmi New York. nn. ..f Ik,,, rymg what appeared In I a ,i,,k ii f n surgeon. One of tlm n,r ,Jj sld, wss Dr. (leorge V. t nil.' -I fm land, an eminent specialist mi stutatHii -uiKvi. .if-,rninu in rei-n fc )., summoned In assist Dr V i, ,ilu New York, who ,a Ihtii Mr l(ii. man's physician tlirmigli.ui lm aiL Mr. Ilerry denied the .rsl.. r poll nnd said Dr. Lyle was tu tU, physician In attendance A. C Pr, auportntendi-itt i-f tW lute, confirmed Mr. (lerrv s sUIsmmi. "The surio that Mr Uarr mis k n rrttiesl rHilltln are lint fukM . fact," said Mr. I'nrd. "He ,M . fa grip when he shakes Imi. U s4 , appear brighter. The lmprel(iii grow that as Men tion f mshi elthrneler h I b formal nn Mr. Harrlman. Iit Jhi4, are well nigh Imixtsftlble to CI.Uis. Cage Falls 1,600 Feet. Mexico City, Aug. 20. A special dls Tateh from Mateahaula says that IS ...l.mra wcrn killed and 30 entombed bv tha dronnlnc of a cage into the La Pes Trophies In Good Condition, mine thero last night Washington, Aug. 27. Tbo skins sent Tho cablo parted and the men by Colonel Hoosovclt from bis African ilronned 1600 feot. Bescuo parties at hunting trip wero today unpacked at onco set to work to roach the lower the National Museum, Tbo specimens I levels. woro 1Q ""- nnu ln 800U condition. Investigate Pan Tans. Spokane, "Wash., Aug. 27. Mayor Pratt today appointed a committco of five prominent citixens to Investigate the I'nnttt Pantois secret political so ciety, alleged to havo boon organized to servo personal and special intorcfits by securing the appointment of its mem bers to puDlie offices. The mayor has had the proposed Investigation under consideration for some time, llo urges tho committee, all of whom havo agreed to serve, to make thorough and impar tial inquiry. Testimony will havo to be voluntury, as tho committco has not power to subpena witnesses. Only Bathing Suits Left, Niagara on the-Lake, Ont. Aug. 27. Tho Struthconn Hotel at Chautuu(ua I'ark, a landmark, was destroyed bv fire todav. Tho ISO guests lost all their ho longings. Thero woro soveral narrow escapes. Possibly 00 persons from tho hotel wero in bathing or on the coif links or tonnis courts when tho firo started. Sevoral women lost all their clothing except tho bathing suits they wero wearing. Trout for Oregon Streams Washington, Tho bureau of fisheries has deposited young fish in Oregon streams as follows: 3000 brook trout for Spring creek, Hilgnrd, Or.t 2000 rainbow trout for Meadow brook. Hit gard, Or. j 3000 for Beuver creek, III! gant, Or.; 3000 for .Ionian creek, Jill gard, Or.; 0000 for T'ivo Points crook, Hilgnrd, Or.; flOOO for North Fork nf Burnt river, Baker City, Or.; 3000 for Deer creek nnd tributaries, Baker City, Or.; 3000 for Downey lake, Baker City, Or.; 0300 for Kngle creek. Baker City, Or.-, 3000 for Kish lake, Bilker City, Or,; and 0000 for Dayly creek, Baker City, Or. BUfS North Bend Sawmill. Morshflcld. Tho mill of tho North Bend Lumber company, at North Bond, has boon sold to W, K. Best, of Belittle, and Frank Standlsh, of Portlund, Tho purchasers havo bought tho stock of several of thoso interested nnd part of tbo stock of Ii. J. Simpson. Mr. Best has taken charga as iiinnugor. Ihn mill has a cutting capacity of about 70,000 feet a day. It Is understood that tho Inloution Is to double tho capacity of tho mill as soon as tho lumber tiiurkot Improves. Planting New Orchards, Control Point. Tho dividing of largo farms into small homo tracts, tho plant ing of orchards, the rapid dovolopmont of mining nnd timoor Properties, the building of substantial factories, bull ness blocks and residences, tho installa tion of a modern waterworks systom and other public improvements, nnd tho nbonomennl Increase in population aro factors In continued prosperity of Con- J tral Point. pound; store, 2122e. (Butter fat pri ces average ijo per pound unucr reg ular butter prices.) Kggs Oregon ranch, candled, 28(2 20a per dozen. . Poultry Hens, lOftplfilet Springs, 10 (3101c; roosters, 010c; ducks, young, 1-le; geese, young, 10c; turkeys, 20c; squabs, $1.76(fi)2 iMr dozen. Pork l'nncy, llfTJlljc per pound. veni Kxira, uj(iuo per ound. Fresh Fruits Apples, new, 12 per box; poors, 1.70fiii2 per box; peaches, OOcaDtl.lO per crato; cnntaloups, 1.80 2.50 per crato; plums, 337Se per box; watermelons, l(5ilc por pound; 8 rapes, 00cQ1.73 casabas, $1,00 por ozen. Potatoes Oregon, $1 per sack; sweet potatoes, 3e per pound. Onions New, 11.23 per snek. Vcgotnblcs Beans, -ifffSe; cnbbago 1 lc per pound; cauliflower, 40efl per dozen; celery, 60cll por dozen; corn, IS 20c per dozen; cucumbers, 10 (223o por dozen; lettuce, hothouse, $1 per box; onions, 12J(y)lGc per dozen; parsley, 33c per dozen; peas, 7c per pound; peppers, CfivlOe per pound; rad ishes, J So por dozens spinach. 0a nor pound; snuaib, Co; tomatoes, 7Sc $1.25. Cattle Stocrs, top, $.fi0100j fair to good, l((iW,-'a; common, $3,7G(i-li cows, top, $3,4 0(3 3.05 1 fair lo good. $.1 3.23; common to medium, $2.00(792,70; calves, top, $55,C0 heavy, $3,S0(HJ bulls and stags, $2.7C3.20; common, Vztwtf.ou, Hlioo Top wothors, $lj fair to good, $3.C03.7G; owes, jc less on all grndost yearlings, best, $1; fair to good, $3.00 3.70; Spring lambs, $5,205.00. Hogs Best, $fi.70; fair To good, tBffi) 8.00; stockcrs, $07; China fats, $7,00 8. Word was rocolvcd from Independ ence that Miles Portorflold had contrac ted to dellvor 20,000 pounds of now hops to Klabor-Wolf in Nottcr at 20 conts a pound, Trouble Over Tafi's Vult Chicago, Aug. 21. President Taft on his forthcoming visit lo Chicago desires to see all the people he can. Certain eople with social ambitions desire lo monopolize him and the result is puu ling the managers of bis visit here. The Presideut has been "sounded" on what he most desires whilo here In the war nf amusement and lm nmmiit. ly came back with a broad hint that a bang up ball game would about fill the bill. Consequently the National league people arranged a game between tha CiiImi. world's champions, and the Giants, formidable Pretenders in thX throne, If Pittsburg can bo disposed of, It so happens that tho American Bankers' Association will be holding its national convention hero an tbo day of Toft's visit, and tho Hamilton Club, which hns charge of his movements while here, has been asked to havo him drop In at tho grand banquet. So the club agreed to 'Mend" him to tho ban quet for a few moments. FAHMAN BEATS THEM ALU Unprclsnllous Englishman WmiAirs. plans) Orsnd I'rlis nemany avibiioii t leid. II hoist Mt SS. Ilenrv I'arman. the l.sciuk itl ittor, a hitherto unkiinwn qitiNlilr ill the aviation contest, in bilasfUl own design, broke the wurld s rfrb fur duration of flight and dstaaf lai heavier than air machine tudav asdist th grand prlx de la t hsin sgae-ll endurance tei--by a remarks)-! rWU officially recorded as IVi k.Mi (1II.7H mile) In 3 hours i tniasut M X A seconds. He actually triU li extra ten kllomeler and reioaiar4 it tho air 10 minutr nflrr 7 3 tkis m- mg, the hour that the timtketprrs under the rules, erased lo aecp a m- orn or i he night. Karma n ' wetnry was a prise, llo hail Wn preixiriuit ehlne secretly and had not apj"ire U i li the llrld until linlav. ei'-pl IW. few practice (tight, nnd had lt tl most forgotten. Indeed, after h sltn ed, keeping close to the grunl hV Latham and the others were sosrist high In the air, Farman attract" I Mtt tendon HNttl he had down " kits Meters. The, suddenly, tin wstckeri wke up mily to discover Hist he Ui gone out carrying elrd rinxiti fur Mrtira' Might ami iwiuil'ixd With a tt mg rewriting mntur. . complete tsr-jl wiring kit su Mysterious Alrihln 8ain. New York, Aug. 25. The nightly np. penranee of n straugo alr-salllng craft has mystified nnd agitated the residents of suburban towns In northern Now Jer sey. What Is described as an airship, sometimes containing ono person and nt other limes two, has been observed nt night maklnir rapid filuhts i.l.rt. I., n,. air. Attention has been attracted to It bv the loud cxhnnst frnm Ua ,ni. This airship Is bellovcd to belong to au oxporliiuinter who has his headquarters In some Isolated section nnd who Is pre serving secrecy. Mnny Plants Start Up. New York, Aug. 23,-Slnco January . It la learned nr.lnr l,v.. i... ..i.. by various jollroad, express and ills- ratrJ,.-e2i?rsn,M tot tta:n 100,000,000 to $170,000,000 worth of rolllng'stock. Mnny plants that several months ago wero running on half tlmo, aro todnj opernllng (o their full capacity, and thousands of mon who wero out of work six monthfj ago havo stoady employ, inont. Fight Moors or Disease .inUJ1'117, '-iTl'o prcsont iltua- il, in Anr"!, 8?'('00 mo" "in over to Africa by Sim In to nlv.,... BIQ THF.E8 IN OANQER. Forest Flro In Yosemlte Hspidlf Ar-i pro aching Mrcd Orovs. Vn. ..i.. j.i t... nu ri. .! est fire which started yeslenlsr is It4 tasemite .MitlonnI park is lompietrfa beyond control tonight and is ing up the eanviin toward the fanm Merced grove nf big trees. The tw nre wltliln two nr three miles of ti grove and are being earned in tbst lm reellon. The hotel nt III I'olla, wkll was threnteni'd during the dav. u ea of danger. M Tho firo has taken a dirctcs 'm northerly right angles to the icmH4 valley, toward tho Merced nnd TB ol 11 m nn big trees and tho lietrh llcldfl valley, whence Hon Francisco s mB wnter supply Is lo come Tim lire sisni ed n few feet from F.I Port ill statwl within n atnnn'a Ihrnw nf the lielf! Thu lung grass was Ignited from 'I"'! frnm n locomotive fire box and kwl gnluiMl iincaiitriillnlilo he-idw btftTi the danger was realicod. nrrolnal 1Alf.. I- ?.s - " ,w huiiuss S.1111 iiiiiiirsi ass nnnaini has.s . i ma dscontent Bnaln. iMi-.. """l V ""i"1'". ""Hiwiis, nui stated touiiy ri. "..." ...B.I'an 'oldloM aro now his nrr ivul horo that bn believes .."T", " .'" "n"CB "V ??P'. nd. if . Is every Indication for n I lably ;irfbad.eltcdb7Sl.,ir pro,"1,ljr Jt MOn 'or ft"uc "b"houi Lath for Young Thug Vancouver. II. C, Aug. 28 For best ing n stranger Into liisensibibtv, t' nibbing him and leaving bun wdM old, Clay Beers, 21 years old, wot lolJ sentonced by Judge Melnnes to years ponnl servitudo and 10 lsVn within tho first 21 days ol hi" "lSl"' ineiit. Tho orlino was eomiudtcd re eilllllv 111 Hlnnlnv Pnrk nn, I Ilin SMltCSC) Is thn first of lis kind linnnscd in " l-llv tnr riililiii.u ...III. i.l,,l.n.n Thll U Beers' first offonto, but tho Judge- slt4 una sucn n crimo hail not a stngio ueomiiig fvnturo. Bumner Cron In Canada, Vnncouver, 11. C, Aug. 2H Sj"51" Fisher, dominion minister of iiitrleul turo, estimates Canada's yield or ror tins year conservatively at t- there IllCf'