The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 01, 1909, Image 1

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TIM town thnt I attracting
nttriitlqu everywhere, the
coiiiIiik city of Central Or
egon, li named HltNl).
BVKRVONli In the Semi
country should subscribe
(or Tiik lit'i.tirriM. It has
boosttd long fur you.
JL JTjijLr L1L4I iLjL 11JLJLjL Jl 11 il
NO. 35
A Large Force of Men and Teams Are at Work,
I with Another Camp
North of the Crossing Hill Interests Buy
Central Oregon Survey.
Hill's construction crcwit have in-
ttyaded Ccntrnl Oregon an fur a
iTrnll Crossing, 38, miles north of
Vend. Hill's surveyors ore camped
lit Hcnd wild are running a line
Bhrough the town. Another crew
f hit engineers have cone 65 miles
outli to Corral Springs to run a
Hue over the Walker Range on to
Klamath Fall. Hill interests have
jftouglit the survey of the Central
Oregon Railroad Company extend
lug from Mudras to Redmond,
mien was put inrougti iiy iocai
topic last October, backed largely
y the D. I. & P. Co. These four
t:ntencci tell briefly what the Hill
itercsts have been doing during
lie past week.
Last Sunday rooming about a o'-
ock a Hill crew pulled into Trail
rotting and began at once to cs-
blish camp, on both sides of
rooked river where the survey
oases that stream. I'.arly Mon-
y morning they began to "throw
rt. Another camp was cstab-
bed about the same time eight
lies north of Trail Crowing, on
ic old Central Oregon survey. In
icse two ctews there arc 180 men
id 104 teams. Th'ia information
as secured yesterday in a convcr-
tlon over t li c phone, with
ic Weymouth, who was at Red
lond looking after the camps that
ere being established at Trail
rosslug. He appears to have gen-
rul supervision of Porter Dios.'
Have (taught C. O. Survey.
Roscoe Howard, general manager
fthe I). I. & P. Co., wired on
londay from Portland to Chief Kit-
rlnecr Rcdfield at Rend as follows:
'You may announce that wc have
old the Central Oregon survey to
the Hill interests in conformity to
Sour promises that wc would not do
Iso unless assured parties getting
Sthc nut vcy would construct a rail
road through Central Oregon."
When the Central Oregon com
pany began to solicit subscriptions
for its road, one stipulation in the
agreement was that It would not
tell out unless it was absolutely in
ured that the purchasers would
'build a road into Central Oregon,
i'fhc Inst clause in Mr. Howard's
imcssagc calls attention to this
The purchase of this survey
gives the Hill interests a high class
line from Madras to Redmond, and
Kill now has crews at Rend to con
tinue that line on through the slate.
Hugiucer Rcdfield, of the D. I. &
P, Co., who bad general supervis
ion of the running of the C, O, sur
vey, stated, when t was iintsucu,
that it made possible one of the best
stretches of railroad in the country.
It has a grade of less than one per
curt, and extra light curves. Tin!
Established Eight Miles
grade from Madras southward ic so
evenly distributed ovcrthecntlrc dis
tance that it makes an ideal line. Its
construction, however, will be fair
ly expensive as there will be con
sldcrablc rock work and many good
sired cuts and long filli. Prom
Madras to the Trail Crossing
bridge Is -ji miles by the C. O. sur
vey, nine miles from there to Red
mond, and 30 from Redmond to
This survey crosses Crooked riv
er a mile and a half below Trail
Crossing, and a bridge with a 350
span and over 300 feet high will be
required. It is said to be the lct
crossing of Crooked river to Ik: had
in that vicinity, and it is evident
Porter Uros. have executed another
coup over their Harrimau rivals
and have secured poises ion of n
very strategic point at the crossing
of Crooked river.
A War of Strategy.
At this war of strategy continues
between the Hill mid Harrimau
forces it becomes more evident ev
ery day that the Hill people arc
somewhat shrewder than their op
ponents. Unannounced but sud
denly and in force, their construc
tion crews have arrived in these
parts during the past week and
have taken possession of advantag
eous positions where blocking tac
tics might be employed by Harri
man forces had they gotten into
this section ahead of Hill.
The sire of the crews at Trail
Crossing is evidence that the road
will be pushed through to Hcnd
and on across the state with all due
dispatch. It is confidently believed
that construction crewt will arrive
at Ucud ns soon as Hngineer. Wake
field can get his surveys completed
at this p'nec.
Iluylug Hay and drain.
Agents for Porter Urn, are purchasing
All the liny and grain they run find.
.Sixteen hundred tons have been con
traded for along Crooked rlvrr at fio
cr ton delivered at the camps. Auotli
er gent wit at Powell Unites the first of
the week contracting fur nil the the bar
ley and oats In that section, nl a price of
Ho cents per bmhel.
With rallroAil crews at work tn this
section, liny and grain will go to a hiirh
price lcforc next sprint. There wilt be
a Imiuiua for the farmer who has prod
uce to sell,
What la llarrlman Doing?
Twohy Bros., the Hnrrimnn con
tractors, have their crews hard at
work around Madras, and grading
is still progressing about three
miles south of thai place. The
Harritnnu forces have made no new
move of nny consequence in the
railroad contest duting the past
Hand us your snbbcriptioti,
Real Katate Men Are Busy Locating:
Hntrymen on J 20-Acre Home
steads Vast Wheat Territory
Tributary to Uend.
People arc snapping up the 330
acrc liotncktcads.oii the High Des
ert with 'much avidity and it is
now plainly evident that this large
tract, comprising nearly a quarter
of a million ncrcs of fine wheat
land, will be taken by homesteaders
as rapidly, if not more so, than the
Fort Rock section. Last week J.
N. Hunter, of the firm of Hunter
& Stoats of Rend, spent several
days en the High Desert locating
people who wanted homesteads.
He look out in one trip, Mark
Rickard, Patrick Stewart and Glen
Ireland of Corvallis, these gentle
men having come over the Cascades
in Mr. Rickard's auto. In an in
terview with The Hulletin, Mr.
Hunter said:
"There is fully a quarter of n
million ncrcs of as fine wheat land
as lies in Central Oregon contained
In this tract that wc call the High
Desert. The soil it a volcanic ash
with quite a heavy per cent of clay,
and ranges from eight to 10 feet
deep. There, arc no rocks nor tim
ber on this land, but plenty of tim
ber can be had at the edge of the
tract, on Pine mountain. The land
ics almost as level as a floor, and
in many places one can see mile af
ter mile into the distance. There
is a heavy growth of bunch grass
and the sage brush stands as high
as u man's head in many places.
"One feature of this land that
makes it very attractive to the
wheat grower is that the moisture
stands close to the surface of the
ground. We found the soil quite
moist an inch or two below the sur
face, something that you never find
here at Dend at this time of the
yenr where irrigation has not been
applied. Mr. Staats and I bored
for water. We went down 37 feet
and got three feet of water, aud wc
have been told by others that this
condition prevails over the entire
"What do you consider will be
the chief crop grown on this laud?"
Mr. Hunter was asked.
"It is primarily u wheat country
and that will be the most important
crop. You remember John F
Stevens, Hill's famous engineer,
after his trip through here, said
Central Oregon would laconic the
greatest wheat country In the
world, ami that Oregon's nnuunl
production of wheat would be raised
from 14,000,000 bushels to 40,000,
000 bushels just as soon as the laud
could be gotten under cultivation.
This land will be farmed by Camp
bell's dry fanning system and will
lc wonderfully productive. There
is n field of barley out there that
will go 40 bushels to the acre, and
(Continued on page 8,)
Pulled Into Town Saturday and
Began Work Monday.
One Crew Left to Establish Camp
South of Odell, WhHe the Other Is
Finding the Best Route Out of
fiend for a Railroad.
Engineers L. F. Wakefield and
Wm. F. Millikcn arrived in Bend
last Friday evening, and were fol
lowed Saturday afternoon by their
crews consisting of men and equip
ment. The two crews comprise
about 40 men. Karly Monday
morning half of the outfit started
for Corral Springs under Engineer
Millikcn, Corral Springs being
south of Odell and about 65 miles
from Rend. It is understood the
work assigned to this crew is to
run a line over Walker Range and
continue on to Klamath falls.
Knglneer Wakefield rcmanied In Uend
with his crew anil established eatnp just
north ot the Wenandy livery stable. Ills
crew is employed in running a line out
of Head to the south and has spent the
pt two days surveying through the
section adjoining the Bend townsitc on
the east between Hcnd and Wot Butte.
It is no small task to get a suitable
grade out of (lend to the south, although
it can be done. The elevation at Bend
is 3629 feet. About a mile and three
quarters south, at the bridge across the
Central Oregon canal, it is 1741 feet, or
a rise in that mile and three-quarters of
113 feet. It is understood that the Hilt
line from the Columbia south is to be
built on a grade not to eicced one per
cent To make the climb of 1 13 feet out
of Bend and yet keep to the one per
cent, would require something over two
miles of road, Hngineer Graham, when
he ran a line through Bend three years
tgo for Harriman, just skirted the town
site on the east, and then took a long
curve to the southeast in order to get
the required distance for the nj-foot
climb, I'rom present indications, Kngi
uecr Wakefield will run his line over
practically the same territory, although
he Mill probably swing farther to the
cast Ite started his line in the vicinity
of where the road running cast from
town Crosses the Pilot Duttc canal. I'rom
there his crew worked In an.easterly di
rection to the R. It. DeYaruiond place,
and as we go to press they are swinging
couth, having started this morning In
the vicinity of the M. J. Kelley place
(the old Hedges homestead) on the
northwest quarter of section 3-18-13.
Those acquainted with the topography
ot the country there say the line wi'l
proUIJy cross lh Central Oregon canal
near lid Brostcrhous' homestead. No
one knows yet where the line will run,
but Itngineer Wakefield must keep to a
one per cent grade. It Is understood
Graham's line put of Bend was all of one
and a half per cent
If the Hill line is finally located where
the survey ia now being run, the depot
aud yard would very prolwbly be
placed adjoining the present townsitc 011
the east Graham continued on south
and got lVr the ridge at Lava Butte
by crossing close to Lava falls. Wake
field a!m may cross in that vicinity.
The Bulletin endeavored to secure au
interview from Knglueer .Wakefield but
he refused atoolutely to talk.
Just a Small Rxample.
As a small indication of what
Central Oregon can produce, wc
quote the foltowig from the Priue
ville Journal:
Six bundled aud sixty-two head
of beef cattle were taken through
here yesterday and today on tbeir
way to the railroad at Shaniko lor
shipment to Portland. Four bun
dred and fifty of these were cattle
that had been bought up by Willis
Rrown of Heisler, and Mr. Grimes
of The Dalles, from growers rcsid
tag in the neighborhood of Wagon
tire mountain. Grant Mays is
shipping 160 head from bis ranges
on upper Crooked river, while Knox
Bros, of Post arc taking 53 head to
market. While cnrotitc the cattle
were held at the Powell ranches
near Prineville for rest and feed.
Dr. U. C. Coe Has Opened One bt Slae-
more Cottage on Oregon Street.
Dr. U. C. Coc has leaded the
Siscmore cottage on Oregon street
and has opened a hospital therein,
with Mrs. G. W. Hall as nurse in
charge. Accommodations have
been provided which will enable
the hospital to care for several
patients at one time, and an oper
ating room Las also been equipped.
The cottage has been thoroughly
renovated throughout, having been
repapered and newly painted.
This hospital service will be a
great accommodation to the entire
community. Such service is es
pecially needed in a country like
this where patients are often miles
from the nearest physician. Here
after they cau be removed to the
hospital and secure the benefits to
be derived from more frequent at
tendance by the physician and from
competent nursing. The hospital
will fulfill a long felt want and will
be liberally patronized.
Rogers Lumber Co. of Minneapolis
Buys 30,000 Acres of Timber land.
One of the largest timber deals
reported in this section for some
time was the recent purchase of the
Irvin holdings by the Rogers Lum
ber Company ol Minneapolis. The
tract transferred contains 30,000.
While The Bulletin has been un
able to learn the price paid for this
tract, yet it is stated on very good
authority that the consideration
was not less than $t8 nor more
than 525 per acre. Quite a large
part of this tract lies directly south
west of Bend within a mile or two
oftown. '
PleasaHt RI4e Items.
Harvesting is now on and will perhaps
be continued for a month or more, The
late plantcij grain is yet green and the
cool mums will greatly delay its ripen
ing. The grain crop this year will be
just a medium yield.
The G. W. Hall family are moving
this week to Bend where the children
will have better access 40 school privi
leges. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Miller and daugh.
tcr Genevieve, of Atlantic, Iowa, and
Mr. and Mrs M. I). Sheets and son,
of Lewis, Iowa, are now nicely located
on their farms some four miles north
west of Redmond, preparatory to mak
ing final proof immediately.
Mrs. G. W. Hall has accepted the
position of head nurw: in the new hos
pital recently started at Bend uuder the
management nod superviitou ot Dr. U,
C. Coe.
Mr. and Mr. R H. Sherwood aud son
1'raticis are in attendance at the Seattle
exposition this week, They expect to
be absent alwut two weeks, and will also
visit friends and relatives atdirTercut
points along the coast,
The Bulletin leads,
Application to Soil Produces a
Remarkable Improvement.
Roberts Bros. Scatter a SmaN Amount
ef the Mineral ever a FJW of
Young Clover m4 Are Much
Pleated wkh the RewKs.
The Roberts Bros, bave bees ex
perimenting with gypsum from the
Bear Creek deposit a a small way
ob tbeir ranch near Sisters ami are
very enthusiastic over the bene
fits to be derived from it. Farm
ers ia that neighborhood are bow
planning to haul sereral toas of the
gypsum for use ob their lauds.
Blwood Roberts, who was ia
Bend a few days ago, told of the
results of their experimenting. He
took a small quantity of the gyp-
sum and ground it up as well as he '
could by hand. He thea scattered
it over some young clover that was
up only a few laches, applying the
gypsum on spots that were not do
ing as well as the greater part of
the field. The beneficial results
were noticed hi a very short time,
and wherever the gypsum was ap
plied there the clover stands three
times as high as where there was
no such application. This has
thoroughly convinced the Roberts
Bros, of the benefits to be derived
from the use of the gypsum and
they intend to baal considerable
quantities of it 'from Bear Creek.
Other farmers ia that section have
noticed the results of the Roberts
Bros, experiment and also plan to
use the gypsum next season.
While under certaia conditions
the gypsum k beneficial to the soil,
yet it should aot be too freely used.
M. G. Coe of Bead, who is a gradu
ate ef the state agricultural college
of Missouri, waras against its too
liberal aud constant aaplicatioa.
Ia aa interview with The Bulletin,
Mr. Coe said:
"In tab Western section, lime U gen
erally present ia the soil ia sufficient
quantity far ell plant fowl requirements,
and gypsum Is maiuly of value on small
areas of irrigated laud where, front in
sufficient drainage, sodium carbonate
(black alkali) has been deposited on the
soil. By the application of gypsum
(calcium sulphate) a chemical action
takes place in the soil, and the sodium
carbonate (black alkali) becomes changed
into calcium rarhnnAto. wtatrta im aftlll
alkali but which is not detrimental to
plant growth like the black alkali un
less present in much greater quantity.
"Gypsum has had a wide use In the
humid regions of the Bast to correct
acidity in soils. Here, however, the
soil is generally ajkall in reaction, and,
as a rule, an application of gyrum would
be of no benefit.
"It has also been largely used In the
commercial fertilizers applied to the
worn out lands ot the Rut, It has a
stimulating action upon the soil, making
the plant food wore readily soluble, and
its use always insures big crops for the
first few years, but ultimately the land,
becomes so run down that It will not
produce crop even with the application
of gypsum and requires much tilling and
turnlug under of greet crops before It
become productive again."