MpllnU lHiwilrrllml ill (liat.lhe "" IiIbIi iirlirj linking nwilrli will lloaml (ll'M BAKING POWDER t It brllrr. .It ralire the (lough ami niakr light. ikrallg nil liri tt, wrrirr 'rltr am Irt rlnanfiiudi. Nulilliviirn rrisUBp-irr tiiuiiii II you will semi us your name anil a,t,ti... Till semi ytm Ixxik on lieallli anil Inking powder, CHEflCCNT MWJ, CO, Seattle, Wn. myayaiyiaya sj sj ALBERTA WHEAT LAND $IS Per Aero 10 Year a' Tim These lamla uf Canadian ParMa lUllwef iiruliit lf"fl 14 i W lKiilil uf wIinI, Tft id 10) liurliele if nala. ir sera, All near railways, I "win aihl arhuia l'iailely IhaUel wlnal land pri-ruMI-m fr man uf nvilf-rate niesita No cni failure. Hrml frro llluitrslnl llleralura. Hparlal islea lt and IMh uf every nmhlh, IDCM'CAKTHY LAND CO. (lent, land Asta. Canadian I'aclfle IL It, 4I&J0 l.uiiiWrmxi llulMlhtf I'OIITI.ANI), Ult i .M .aJ.r rrrm r v. runes ""'" '"l "."," , . . I ! . I - I I ! t4 ! dali.uj I ' " .1 est He, IWII lee.e ie Allll ea-l lu eoiu Bin Vewl Hwli Nw ' C"' QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION Tim HIQH-STANOARO SCHOOL uf lu bind In ilia Northwest, wo Invito tt. inveslii'elion oi those who want (lie licit In a practical education, Let tn m e superiority, Call, phono or write. Cat alofus, builneti formi and penwurk free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE "The .School of Quality" I Tenth and Morrlton I'orltand, Oregon A. l. AttMsraoNO, LU 11., 1'uiNCirAL OK. W A. WtflC 8 lian a lwlvr in I1tib UiiU Wwk In I'oftUiMl, Out-of-Town People hhaubl ran mWr that nur f u a arraafwl IU Wl. TAN IH TIIMIH I NllltK ChUmN. llltllH.K AND 1'IAIK Wi'lIK IN A HAY If ar l-O.ITIVKI.Y I'AINI.KHH KX- IIIA(.T,M I llf.K whrniUiranr Kllrmrti drl V r. Itl'.UUVK Till: MOHr NI'.MlllTIVK 1KKTII INK IKKIT8 WIlllOirrTIIK U.X I'AIN. NOMHUIKNIil, no unearlalnl. For tho Noxt Ftftoon Dnya Vi'a will (Ita ug a K Jt avU or otc- lain limn fiw SUft n ltUa llh t.b Malar cruwn . ts") lJ.lw.n.m.l IViniua I.ou Hl.r nillna to IIul rukla-r plalra .U Itiatwalreil ruMr plalaa T.un I'alnlaaa attradktni .... M ALLV'gNICaUAKANTECU 18 YCAI13 Dr. W. A. Wise rionldcnt and Manasor The Wise Dental Co. (INC.) TMnlaral Wa.hlnatonHU. l'OKrLAND, ORCQON I ICRESCENT '$ hlle4 Saallreaall a) faclK'Sa. flllata l-iara. u..?.ai.i"r f " lrrVL:'tJi',itZ -WsJ liraaaael. ' '! "'.' IN HF 'aaPJoaPaPaH?' uTlfaiaaaPaaafaaar ' aaaDBTaJoPaft J aaaaaaaDaPal For Highest use BAICI 5SHS 23 Ounces for 23 Cents Mndc from pvirc, carefully tested materials, Get n can on trial You never saw such cakes U OUNCES Aj nnd biscuit. They'll open your eyes. ..Wlaf UrCZ7w:t& VUPt iiiiiID-'i rfasswjs Thru II llHKMftl tltr, Tho Mulo Clrndiiutu I propose it Itlnllo llio enrth. ' Tho Female Oratliinte Why do you beulu on such n lilK thlngl I'llrvnin Citiiaerviill vre. It In ttm Imtilt of homo pcopto to roiuloimi every thtiiK they nro mrtitallv Ihcapnbln of untloratntidlng, mid thai Insist tipnn railing tt "conservatism" I nnt end of Ignornnrn, Hnlli on wilt find tin. Wlmlniv-a Hnnthlni Srriiiithab slrmnclr tn Mwluf tliolti'JilWlo Surlue; Ilia tMlliluc -rlod, A Nail I.miW. flprrilfr That auto of ml no doesn't CO fllRt IIIIOtlRll." llonslor What's the inittte'r? Hpecdcr Hovcrol victim hnvo com lilnlnnd thnt tin1 knrw wlmt alruck llicin, whlrh liirntin mniPthliiff defe tlvo. 'And I nin tint cruel. KiilrltlM fur it Kpuriilnn, If n Korploti lliiiln tiltimolf licked ) n cfiitlpidfl, wlilcli la tmtially tho uo, thniiRh IkiIIi 11(116 thliiKM put up n doapi'rntn flislit, tho iicorploii coininlU utrldti It IwlaU Ita tnll portion and Mill". Ilrrlf In thu Imek of tho utick mid Uropa dead. To llraal In fitw ihotu Alia; iliakn In Allvti'i t'lml-Kato, a rowitf r, It eiiri-alioi, awralln. wliliir. awullcii Int. i urratvfii. luititwiu iiaiuanit t in. it ll ilri'Ra Iota and alita alrrra, , Diiiu nrrri iliauUtiilr, nihUlnll.KlltK. AilUlcal AlUii H, Ulinatn.1, n )inr, N Y. Of all too twy workrri In IOndou newatxia ar Ilia liraltliltil, liAthera' loji the limit unhealthy a trlbut to ttu ojn-alr life. With Ilia Canal Tltiimp, Mr. Janurr !a Ondfio Did you fell that farlhiuik itiork llili niorolnjj .Mra, Katldom llolino Very illatlnctty; but I thoutht It waa tny bualiind settlof out of bed, IKiblnif Alinit. "Old eh nn, what nro you KTnwIna; thorn umliruecue ld wlilakrra for?" Til tell ynu If you won't aay nny thins about II. I know of a Me ! imrtment atnre where thero'a ttolna to tin a vnonnry In the floorwalknr'a job In n few weeka, and I'm Kolntc to apply for It" ClilertKO Trlliune. I'ruin thn aertanla' Table, Van Antler I think we are auro of a Rood dinner lo-ntslit. You know tny now Knallah tattler doea tho entire cn terlnif for thn liouaehuld, Orubt Can you rely on htm to T Van Antler Not nlwaya, hut tlila evonlns I rctjueat ed hint to arnd ua up aomethlne from tho kitchen table l'uck. MtWAHt) n. I'fintl.t - Amttrr aa4 CkafalM, ltvilla, Wtlo. ,lwr4n lni 1114. Hll.r Im4, II ll.lC ntlr. &, O.H. fair; r.ia or (W'tr, lL M illaa naliaal fall rlrlM ralf'arrll'll4Ml owiin, a4 tfairlr workaQ, MkL lulrlvam Ouluaatahalloaal baak. MEN WANTED fjO Tie-tnakcrs to mnnufacturc White Cotlnr Polo Tio. hewn 2 fnce. Fivo yonrs work for ixxxl men. Plenty of work for all, A. F. ESTABROOK CO. .fJANDON. COOS COUNTY. OKF.GON COFFEEt TEA SPICES BAKINO POWDER EXTRACTS .lusntimiT CLOSSETfiDEYEBS poatuMnioatJ ja.,l.a, a, iawma I, immtmammamim "THEOLO REHAB LC" FonCATARRHorT.ii BLADDER. URINARY DISCHARGES etc. ATDRUGGISTS.nn TRIAL U0XUYUAIL50C FnOM PLANTCN.03 ItENRYST.BROOKlYiUlY BtWArtCOF IMITATI0N3. j Quality LAlriaaaBaWafftH aB T.aaJaaaaala W aTvaWal wT 1 raiaaMBaSaaMSlMll POWDER Guaranteed undarall Pure Foot! Law AtAWVWf l' r m I'iMiKr' Ifmiae, Tor n fnriuor'H poultry hoimo I know of notliliiK thnt will f-lvu hotter ant lafnctlon t linn n moveable colony limine, aurh no l imod nt Mncdonnld Collet, Quo-, li photo and plnn of ' 4S5- 5 rantT ticw which nccompnnlcN. Thla Iioubo la 8x 12 font, floor built on two aklda and accommodate! 25 lima and 3 males In tho winter nnd dmlf na many more during the a tt miner. A team of horses can draw It to any part 'of tho fnnn that may bo desired. This gives frcah ground to the hens, nnd feed thnt might otherwlMi no to wan to, can bo mnde uso of For farm line the stud ding nerd not bo so high, nnd tho bonny rnn bo built of available mate rial. A looao board rolling over which la plnrcd straw provides- for tho ab sorption of ivdsturo and even In tho iZ l-LAN or IMTtBlon. coldest days, hens aro qulto comfort nblo. A farmer can add to his equip ment one house nt a time, and gradu nlly work up to tho desired number. K. & Ulford. Curklrbura, A good many farmers nro still strug gling with the cocklebur nuisance. It Is posslbln to rid the ranch of this post In one year and reallro a profit on tho operation. Any tlmo before the weeds hate attained much height tnko a plow and harrow to the field and beforo the dny ts dona sow ono nnd ono-half bushels of good knfflr corn to each aero plowed. Harrow well and tho next day repeat tho opcr atlon until the cocklebur territory has been thoroughly covered. When tho katTlr seed Is In tho dough mow or bind with a harvestor and you will hnvo ono of tho very best crops or roughngo to be had. Itcmovo this crop from tho field as soon na convenient. Two years or so of this kind of tillage, will clean out the burs nnd tho opera tion Is certainly worth while. Denver Field nnd Farm. l'uinit fur Mm rinrilen. A good pump should bo part of the equipment of every garden. For tho snmll garden a good bucket, coin prcBuod air or knapsack pump will bo most satisfactory, whllo for larger gardens a barrel pump, with an at tachment for spraying several rows when occasion demands, or an auto nmtlo pump geared to tho wheels of tho truck, will bo found mpre economi cal of tlmo and labor. Tho small compressed air sprayer Is handy, as It leaves bath Jmnilg fro for uso, and Is, thcroforo, useful If It Is desired to spray two or throo small trees, possi bly with tho uso of a stopladder to reach their tops. IVrllllai-ra, Fertilizers ntty bo divided Into two geiieml clnssca direct nnd Indirect, or uutrltlvo mid stimulant. A direct or uutrltlvo fortlllzor Is ono which furulHhos nourishment to tho growing crop. Nourishment means simply ni trogen, phosphoric ncld nnd potash. These, are tho thrco Ingredients which must bo renewed through tho modlum of mnnuros nnd fertllUora. A Bttmu lnnt or Indirect fortlllzor Is ono which does not furnish nn actual plant food to the soil, but by Its stimulating no tion renders available some plant food IllllF111! iliii lili" lfliiiiil''WI , -aiaaaaHBBaaaaBB..BB V 4 aaaaaaaaMaaa aaMaaaiaiaaal r'iar "' n1 ii IfT " - '' n, ' ciH n g. ...a- fg -, J, L , win tin previously existed In the soil In an Insoluble or unavailable condi tion. Iloraea null Cum (Irnnlntr, In growing corn one of tho factor that Ih ncldom rated at Its truo worth Is flrst-clasn motive power. Anyone who tins plowed, harrowed, (limited and cultivated with an Ill-matched, short-wolghtod, high strung team knows how difficult It I to do good work. No fnrtn hand thus hnndlcappcd can render a ncrvlco that ts satisfac tory to n good former. Fnrm teams should bo evenly inntcTtcd as to ago, sIm and temperament. Wflght Is tentlnl. Tennis should-.!) big enough to keep a roscrvo power constantly on tap; thoy should draw any Imple ment with ensa and nt a steady, lively pace. If they nro of standard draft typo nnd nro shifted occasionally from ono claw of servlco to nnnthei Ihcy will go through the season with out breakdowns. This depends, huvr aver, to n largo extent on how thoy aro fed mid mannged. Much depends nlso on tho eaiw nnd comfort which they enjoy In tho collar; sore necks nnd galled shoulders, duo to poorly fitted collars, provo serious obstacle to good, continuous work. Corn-belt fnnns should be equipped with heavy draft loams; the highest typo or di versified agrtculturo In that territory depends on this reliable, efficient mo tive power. Illg horses bear n r.'oi relationship to a big corn crop. Chi cngo Live 8tock World. T.ImW jiiiu. In somo sections mnny of tho best dnlrymcn nro adopting the Holland plan of combining nnd hiring men to visit ench herd one day In tho month and test tho milk of each cow, thus giving tho owners an Idea of aruleh cows are tho ones thnt aro paying for their keep, This plan la n very en- slble ono nnd should bo encouraged. Tho cost Is comparatively small, tho tester boards with tho family while he Is doing his work and is ear rled to tho noxt placo tho day he has completed his work. This Insures reg ularity In tho work. In Michigan this plan has greatly Increased the nveroge production per cow. Wisconsin, too, tins taken up this matter. It Is geM business nnd It may become popular, but some of our dairymen are hard to turn from the beaten paths of their (athers. Farmers and Drovers' Jour rial. 'When Orrbarda I'nll. The ashes from apple, pear and peach trees contain nbout 70 per cent of lime, and tho crops of fruit borne every yenr also contain lime. When orchards fall It Is always profitable to apply lime, and It should be'done at least onco In five years. Wood ashes are preferable to lime for orchards. but the lime Is much cheaper. Lime will nlso prove of benefit to grass that may be growing In nn orchard, and It Is destructlvo to certain grubs and other orchnrd enemies. It Is beat ap plied by plowing the orchard land and broadcasting tho lime over tho sur face. Tb Ileal Value r Sbrep. The rensus roport cannot glvo the real value of sheep. Outside of the value of sheep as producers of meat and wool, thcro Is a benefit conferred by them to land. Pastures occupied by sheep becomo richer every yenr, and bushes, weeds nnd briars, which so readily grow where they are not desired, are kept down by sheep 2d tholr places occupied by grass. Tho poorest kind of land, If given up to sheep, oven If It Is necessary to allow feed to them, will bo made productive In n few yearn. Wlir I'llr bt I'armerl Mr. Mann of Getida Siirlngs, says n lCnnws newspaper, lrwdeil a large, fat hou Into his automobllu and took It to market In Arkansas City, where ho! got a good prlco for the porker. It took him a mighty short tlmo to get tho hog to town and get tho rash for It. A few minutes' scrubbing fixed tho nuto so that It did not smell llko a bnrnynrd, nnd tho hog probably en Joyed tho rldo. What's tho uso hold ing meetings trying to improve con ditions of farm llfoT l'ceillnir gbren. There aro several points In feeding sheep that must not bo overlooked. Tho feed lot must bo dry, with plenty of clean, dry bedding; tho animals must have plenty of clc n, pure water, and the feed troughs should be kept clean. Theso should bu arranged so that thoheep cannot foul them with their feet.. Another point is to keep' thorn from becoming excited or fright ened. To this end It Is hotter that on person feed thorn all the time. Tho Sorrel llnrae. Thoro la no color of horse so Insen sible to heat as the sorrel. There is seldom any coat so silky or responds bo quickly to good care as tho sorrel, nnd mnuy horsemen claim thoro Is sel dom any horse with such sound feet nnd limbs or possessing tho enduranco of tho sorrel, American 'Wheat. The. United States annually exports more wheat flour than all the other countries of the world combined ! 15.000,000 out of 26,000,000 barrels. 5j.K y-l!-''"atjaajj ' AU'OHOb 3 PEU CENT- AVcscfolfclYcntonGrAt. slmllallirJileroafariJRrfifi JIng Utc Stotanda (odDcM-bcf a-Tvi-.-v..-d;iin'j;M,l Promotes DigcstionChfftfii ncss and RestConlilxisticir Op'um.Mofphiae nurrtaraL m- 1 AAKLUlll, jixtpttroiilkSSMXumm JlxJcaa JhtttttCt- AutJ (7;nW & hutnftmtkrri AperffarteMdyfOTCrjRsar I Ion , Sour StotaKluDlarrbw Wort-uorwuiswj3Joraw ncss and Loss or Sleep. YtcSwHe Si$ianrt of i NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Ilrruud Itrrormatloa. Patience She aaya alio married htm to reform htm. Patrice And ho says he waa a foot when ho married her. "Well, sho aaya sha hasn't reformed him a bit" Yonkera B tat re man. Don't dope yourself for every little pain. It only hurts your stomach. Such pain comes usually from local Inflammation. A little rubbing with Hamllns Wizard Oil will stop it im mediately. Ialao Alarm. "Mamma, young Prof. McOooxlo pro posed last night " "Mercy, chlldt What on earth haa he got to llvo onl" I "I wish you wouldn't Interrupt me, mamma. Ho proposed that we a tart In ' nnd rend President Ktlot'a five feet of tiooka," Chlcairo Tribune PILES "I have suffered with piles for thirty six years. One year ago laat April I be gan taking Cotcsrcts for constitution. In the court of a week I noticed the piles bean to disappear and at the end of six weeks they did not trouble me at all. Cascarets have done wonders for me. I am entirely cured and feel like a new man." George Krydcr, Napoleon, O. rtaaiaot Palatable. Potf nt. Tatta Oood. Do novd. Nrr tilckcn.Weakea or Uripe. lOcZJciOe. Nartr oM la bulk. Tharo ulna tablet stamped CCC. Uouaataad to out or you most? back. 8M STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES - aro eapcclally adapted to pumplns duty and In fact any duty that requlro a strong, reliable power. They aro econom ics!, simple and easily understood. It U an cns'ne which anyone, no matter how little ha knoata about such enainea, can operate as successfully as an expert In short. It la an Meal engln for any kind of work. Send for STOVER Engine Cata. foe Frco. Full Line of Implements and Vehicles 14 3fi. PSOK l4at ESaV (tl., Eoe? ES? aaaaarn7fTt!'!lLyHH ESBiQ Cuannieed under lhe r4 ! F'a saBBbv at Sf af I stMlr GASTQRIA For Infaata and OhHdron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of hi 5jse For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Yw ccarawn oMaair, new toaX arrr. DAISY FLY KILLER ylsloTCal M'fo rvt rari kllUaTllKUol Al. itaVajJa. CrUt rnomiaU. eotiTMaw eil, ). rU II . M4 f feMlaO. -atH trill 9t tip a-vvr. will a twii ar Irtjtra aankliMr. -iturauiifs vaajv Ufa. OfaIs)aUroratrrrfCi4f(ieai. HAROLD SOMCRSa ISO D K1b Art.. BwchtM. PLY. C. Gee Wo Tte Chinese Doctor Thla wondafol man haa nuda alif a atixty or lha rrotxrtlcfi of Itooia. Irrba and Ilarka, and U rWtrur tha world lha benefit of bla aarrlcas. No Mercury, Poiaons DrutalHcd. No U2QV3A vpraiiona or (.mums GuannUa to euro Catarrk. Aathma. Lnnr. 8tomth ami KMnry trvublea, uad all rrivata UUcaaoa of 11 n and Wsnxn. A SVRK CANCTR CURE Jait rwrtved from Pckln. Cbina aafa, loro awlraliab!. U faQina-lnltaworka. If you cannot caU. write for armptom blank aad circular. locUo 4 canta In ataxspa, CONSULTATION THtC The C Gcc Wo Medicine Co. 1 62 Vi Tint St. cor. Morrlaon, P ortUnd, Or. PHU No.34-09 w l!ff writing toadTortlaoraploaao maniion una t'apor. LEADER PNEUMATIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS FOR COUNTRY HOMES Tha beat and moat taricil mi thai of fumUh Inc water yt darUad Tha tank la placrd In tho baaemvnt or In tha around near the bouM and kei tha water cool In summer and proof aa-abut frealna- In winter It never leaka. It t ImpotalbU for Impurity lo net Into it. It outlasts tha bultdln In which It U installed. It coats a Utile nv-ra to U-sIn with, but ther la no second coat. Wo have a catalogue vhleh Illustrates and describe tha Leader system. Ask ua for lu PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO. AGENTS EVERYWHERE AW L 11 i rt i I l i M rlr Mi.Rj-jPi f tnifi&'iii Il??!rf!;-. or laWiV mm M I1 U-Vl BaTS asnaaaaVaCSssBOa AlaHasaM