The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 25, 1909, Image 6

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,m ,'mt.
The fPirate of
Author of Tin Count at Harvard," etc.
Copyright, 1000. by J. t. Llpptncott Company, All rights rsrrd. IT
CHAITRIt Vttt. (Continued.).
"Don't you think that a girl who's en
gaged to out man ought to tell other men
drew back sharply and faced me
with astounded erf.
"Why, what do you mean, Mr. Sel
den!" I mi in for It, so plunged ahead.
"That day you cam to the Ship, I hid no
Idea," I blundered on. "I did not know
yon were such a friend of Isllp's."
"Well," ah said, "and now that you
"I think you should bar to'd me, I
oatht to have known before that after
noon." 8h was haughtiness Itself. "Why.
what affair was It of yours?"
I throned my shoulders. "I was enti
tled to know.'
"I cannot understand whj. What
makes you think that Mr. Isllp and I"-
tb hesitated a second are. sura old
Of a sudden we were tn a very nasty
tempest, facing each other.
"I happened to see his picture In your
locket. It was lylsg open, face upward."
She did not even tap her fool ; she sim
ply rat still and looked her Indignation
. at me.
"Really, Mr. Selden, I cannot sec how
that affects yoa. What reason could there
lyi for telling you my personal affairs!"
I stuck doggedly at It. "I think I
should hare been told." I repeated.
She rare m a single glance, then ros.
"I am going back to the Pengnln Club,"
she said.
I ro also. "Very good. I will see you
"No;" she turned to ra sharply. "I
prefer to go back alone."
She was Imperious; I could be equally
"And I prefer to go with you. The
pines are loctly. and It Is growing late.
I owe at least that duty to your aunt."
Thin she tapped her foot Impatiently,
angrily. "You are very tiresome. Mr.
Selden. I am my own mistress, and I do
not want your company."
"And I will not let you go back alone."
"Ton are rery rude." She looked over
at the beach as If for some possible help.
"Is there no one ete?" she asked aloud.
There came a rolce from the cabin
steps behind me. "If you will permit
me, mademoiselle, I should esteem It a
great honor."
We both started as If we were shot,
and faced about A tall, somewhat angu
lar man stood before us. hat In hand, bow
ing low to Miss Graham.
! "J heard your Question." he said, "and
I took It on biyslf to answer It. Permit
me." He stepped forward and placed
himself at the girl's side.
"Who are yooT I asked, all amat
taent. for I was surprised out of my wits.
"My name Is I'lerre Dapo-jcenu." the
stranger said, lenorinn me and addressing
Miss Graham, "and I count myself fortu
nate In coming on a lady In distress."
We both stood still, taking In the queer
figure. Never bad I seen a man Just
like him. II was dressed all In black,
but his clothe were singularly rich and
of strange pattern. From his shoulders
hung a black closk held under his chin
by two heavily wrought gold chains.
Across bis open waistcoat, which was
black satin flowered In white, were three
rold chains, and there were rings on hi
fingers. Moreover, his manner was
strange, exotic, polished to a degree, and
hit voire had a peculiar, fasHnatlng for
'lgn softness that I had never heard In
any other man. His height was over six
feet. I recognised the figure that I had
seen In the storm.
H was smiling easily, the least per
turbed of the three. "Permit me, made
moiselle," he repeated, and offered Miss
Graham his arm.
Kb shet one glance at me, and then,
half sailing, placed her hand on bis arm.
fy he led her across the deck to the lad
der. I was still dumb with surprise. I saw
tb man In blark leap to the path, help
Miss Graham down the ladder, cross the
causeway, and disappear with her behind
the cliff. Then I sat down on a chair.
Was I awake or dreaming? A man had
come out of the Ship at a crucial mo
ment, and a nun who, my Instinct told
me, was not of our age or people. I no
longer recognized Alastalr; I was begin
ning even to doubt my sober self.
Darkness fell, and still the man In the
cloak did not return, and I went back to
the cottage with my curiosity unsatisfied.
I did not know what to make of his sud
den appearance, nor of tb summary fash
.ion In -which be bad Interposed between
Miss Graham and myself. He, a total
stranger, escorting her home through the
woods! And ytt this phase of tb nut
ter did not w much surprls me, for I
felt Intuitively that wa wre dealing with
a gentleman. As far a my recollection
of sea-rovers went, I recalled that pirate
had always been scrupulously polite In
tbelr relation with th gentler sex.
Ther was no gainsaying that this sud
den apparition bad Interposed himself be
tween UUm Graham and me, yet I did not
resent this so much as I might have, be
cause, tilings hsd been coming to n very
bad pas, and might speedily have, result
ed In even more serious trouhle than bad
I questioned Charles closely as to
whether ho had defected any suspicious
eharacters prowling about the beach, but
hi answer was tn tho negative. "If yon
should nolle anything untnuil." I told
him. "be sure to report It Immediately to
me." It was clear to me, that something
was happening of more substantial texture
than a dream.
Later In tb evening I lighted my pipe
and walked In the direction of the Ship.
As I came to the path I saw the man lit
the ctoak silting on deck, nnd hailed him.
"May I come on board. Monsieur Du
panceaul" II ros and peered at me through the
dusk. "Is It the gentleman who dined
here this Afternoon!" he asked, somewhat
"Th name."
"You are welcome,' he nnswercd, and I
could not help smiling at his attumptlon
of ownership.
He shook bands with m as I came on
board, waved to the meant cbalr, and
poured m water In one of my own
"I must apologise that I have ho wone
to offer yon," he said In sucii a tuauntr
that my likings Instantly went out to
htm. "I should not en ham had the
pleasure of offering you this but for tb
fact that you yourself provided It."
"Will you smoke!" I handed him a ci
gar, which he accepted, and lighted with
a match I furnished. For the first tli.M
I noticed a pair of heavy pistols on th
"You travel welt guarded," said I, loosing-
at them.
"I have need." he answered, "grav
need." I looked closely at him. He 4Ms
In perfect earnest, his pale face absolute
ly serious, his deep eyes set beneath black
brows. He pushed bis somewhat long
hair bark from a fine, broad forehmd. "I
do Dot know you you are, sir, but I take
you for a friend one I assure you of a
class now sadly small."
"I live aczr tho beach," I explained.
'nud mr came Is Seldon. I Imaglno that
you are a stranger to tills shore 1"
"An absolute stranger. I come from
the other sld of tb ocean. This Is th
first time I haw ever been to America."
I waited, but he would vouchsafe noth
ing further. So we sat and smoked si
lently, while I felt his keen eyes studying
"May I ask your age, Mr. Selden!" he
raid at length.
"Certainly. Twenty-Wght."
"Ah I You are very much younger
than I. I am somewhere between 10 and
SO, one who has seen mueh, and so almost
an old man. '
I could not Imagine what was coming.
"It is In reference to this afternoon,"
be said, as though In answer to my
thoughts. "When I bear a woman In
it !r tress I am water, I cannot but inter
pose. Still, as I returned here this even
ing I thought that possibly you might
feel aggrieved. Ilellev me, Mr. Selden,
at the tlm I bad rye only for the lady."
II paused, then went on: "If you will
pardon a much older man, I would glv
yon a bit of counsel. Never contend with
a woman; let her have her way. Above
all, never contend with a woman who
cares for you."
"I liar the least reason In the world
to think that this ona does!" I answered.
He made no reply, but smoked thought
fully. I suddenly found his further si
lence unendurable.
"What are your plans, sir?" I asked
abruptly. "For I do not suppose that
you dropped down here entirely by chanco,
and Intend to stay until chance again
moves you away."
"No, I did not arrive solely by chance,"
he answered, "although that bad much to
do with It. Kut I expect to stay until
fortune, be It good or bad, summon m.
That Is, always supposing, Mr. Selden,
that you do not drive me away from your
"1?" I said, much surprised. "How
ran your stay her hurt me?"
Sly new acquaintance let Jils eye rest
upon my fare a moment, then smiled a
though at a passing joke of his own,
"You hate a saying that 'where Ignor
ance Is bliss 'tis folly to be wlso'; I will
not explain, therefore, and only hope that
you nay neer know; but" and bl eye
shifted for a moment from mine to the
.Ittols on the table "If jmi do know, It
will not U a very pretty piece of infor
mation." I clenched my pipe between my teeth J
th night wind was stirring; the flavor
of strange adventur bung over tb fthlp
as strongly a the salt breer from th
sea. I ftlt myself Indef.-rlbablr fasci
nated. Duponceau drew bis cloak oro
what closed around hlw, nud muffled It
about bl chin, so that ill Of bis face. I
could clearly se wa hi long, wonderful
black eye. Indeed, they vera wonderful
those ye of his. The nice I looked
Into them, th znor they held me, and
jet the less I knew about th man him
self. I was Just wondtrlng It thla Dupaaeeao
was not n,mthtng of a hypnotist when I
found that he was speaking In a soft, low,
almost mmtnatUe nlii
"I like you, Mr, Selden, t like you ex
tremely, nml so I would tint bring joil
Into any harm; and yet If jmi are mj
friend I shall most likely do so, for lhn
curse was laid upon me In the past, t
have had many friends nnd rin more
enemies, and soma of tho friends hive
turned enemies, but notie, of the enemies
friends, 1 tell jott this so tlint you may
the better judge, because jou must be
una or tb other, Nolxxly has ever been
I could not detect arrogance; simply
th statement of facts,
"I would rather be jour friend," I an
swered, Uk was silent agnln, gating at and
through me with his dreamy, speculative
vision. I bad the fcellug that I was In
a measure spellbound- that I could not
start a conversation for mjself, couM not
net without his volition,
"There aro reasons," he continued In
time, "whll I cannot tell you much. It
I am not one of the world's great men by
.birth, I am by achievement. There was
a Corslcan born In the last century whom
all the Hwers of KuroM sought for years
to bind and silence ; lhre are many men
there who would do the same for me
Wherever Napoleon went lis brought
strife; wherever I go strlfft follows." II
ceased looking through me, and gated at
me. tou hae your quiet beach, your
snug house, your summer with the fair
lady of this afternoon; do you still wish
me to stay?"
"Th Ship Is any one's property," I
salil, "and the shore Is free. If you want
more, )u have only to ask for It at my
"What would the lady say!" h contin
ued. "The lady has nothing white er to say
In the matter," I returned, annoyed at
his continual reference tn Miss Graham.
"I am free to chooe for myself."
Dupoiicenii smiled. "Mr, Selden, yotl
are a tons; man of spirit, but you ar
Ignorant, very IgBorant. It all depends
on the lady, iou would not weltfj me In
the bah nee for a moment If she willed
otherwise. No one Is free; there Is at
wars some other power. Kvrn th Corsl
can could not withstand his star." Th
smile fad), vanished; Puponcenn' eye
were stern and fixed.
"I have been called a pirate, a robber,
a modern Juggernaut, but It was only lie
cause I had my vision, and could seo far
ther than others could."
H was league away, his thoughts
fighting, t watched htm until his mind
cam hack.
"Now," he said, "w will fight It out.
I take you at your word the Ship I
mine, the shore any one's proerty."
Suddenly he ru ami stood peering up
tbe beach, "Some one Is coming," h
uld, and I saw that hla hands felt tor
the pistols on th table.
I looked, and saw Charles swlngtng a
lantern. "It la only my servant," I an
swered. "Can he be trusted!"
"Tell him who I a'm."
We waited until diaries cam on
board. He showed no surprise at seeing
the two of us.
"I ram for th dinner things, Mr. Fe
lix," be stated, looking at nvs and Ignor
ing Ouponrrau.
''Charles," I said, "this Is Monsieur
IUNncmti, who has lately com to stay
In this Ship. You are not to mention hi
presence here to any one, but will do
whauver he asks. You netd not tak tht
thing away; tboy way I of u to htm
In the cabin. Monsieur Ihiponeeau, yuu
may rely on Charles as on yourself."
Charles bowed to the man In black, a
fine figure, gailng steadily at my 'man. I
could not help noting tb picture that
he made, his band still on the pistols, bl
soft black hat low upon bl forehead, bis
cloak flung across bis shoulder.
Charles turned to go. "Has ther been
any message for me!" I asked as an af
terthought. "No, Mr. Felix." Charles hesitated,
"but I found a man prowling about the
hack road after supper, and, though I'd
never seen him before, I couldn't learn
bl business. He looked like a sly one,
I turned to Duponeeau; he was smil
ing. "You see, Mr. Seldon, how quickly my
words find proof. Where I com strlf
(To be continued.)
In lllslrrsa,
"Wlicro be J 011 going In such n
hurry, pa?" naked tho till wotiinn In
the red aunbomict n lior husband
dathod by with a powerful pair of
farm horses.
"GoIhk to pull nn automohllo party
out of tho mud, sis," liiughcd Rio old
farmer. "They've got tho 'a D. Q.'
signal flying from their machine."
Tuetlol aUIII.
Ho (thotightlossly) Till bread Isn't
Ilka tho kind
Sho (angrily) Well, your mother
nmilo It, nil tho Kiime.
Ho (dcprccutliigly) I wns going to
say, my dear, like tho kind vo had tho
lout tlmo ou uinilu It. llultltnora
Work Ilolb 1Vr.
"Matrimony without love," remarked
tho married woman, "Is somothlug
"It can't bo more nwful tlmn lorn
without matrimony," sighed tho spin
ster. Unsatisfactory Hlstollon,
Rlquor How does tho now f urnac ,
KlquorWork? Say, It make mf
blood boll otery time I think of Ul
hSHHWWr xkvlwnimJKftw vMIr ,sf33rl1v t .Kzuy&ilSvJ
W JB" "Wfajttil if 4g XT$WBfr TP 1 tJ VfcjT 'rBrV .VTll r TasUaWffBlisLaarLaffl
IHDlHIHIHrdB VtuClU "r3m lsjsvLHHsMsKTlsfcrwK
HHHttrTAavK "r,"1." ii, Br-a- Btj'n, iWffJMBWaKHMaaaaaM
iaanHllr'Mv TItlJ?.lrTjri'ffisKsrWtaawBlMI
& wMmp - fwHi&IfpisHkKI
l3F?K'VTh tfryWftffiriVrw W isV',VlaaaaaaaaaafcsM UtWsaJialaM
Perhaps at no other point enn so vivid nil Impression of tho riches and
Krncn of the Kronch capital be gnliuil na ut the foot of tho croud stalrcaso
Iwidlng to tho Interior of tlm opera hmuo ut Purl. The exterior of Ilia
tmlldttiK with Its colunnndo lit with blue mercury Hunts la familiar to
ever) otto who haa been to Pari, but until the visitor has witnessed this
nccnn of shimmering wtln and nparkllnic Jewels lin will hnvn missed rw
markabla night 'which only the open can ahnw hint.
Arkansas lead amonx tho state In
the production of bauxite, her output
being morn than 60 per cent of the
total last year.
Holland bn a new law forbidding
the adulteration of butter, under pin
atty of Imprisonment, whioh may
reach one year.
Tho brilliancy of a limelight used
in i demonstrating lantern can b In
creased by slipping It over an ordi
nary gxs mantle.
Tho United State government main
Ulna flflysoven wireless telegraph
stnlons nnd hag ninety-six vessel
fitted out with tho Apparatus.
A professorship of aerostatic ha
been founded In Gettlngen tlnlversl
ty, and school for training aeronauts
nra to be established In aovernt Ger
man cities.
Tho word "tungstollcr" hat been
coined to define, tlm fixture used to
hold a group of tungsten electric
lights In proper position to glvo the
beat service.
Austria limits tho number of drug
stores to tho number of Inhabitants of
a district or city, and tho need of an
additional one must be clearly shown
beforo tho tlcenso Is Issued.
The seologlcal survey Is erecting at
Pittsburg a testing plant for structu
ral material that will bo able to han
dle girders CS feet long nnd give them
a tension of 10.000.000 pounds.
Govornment testa hnve shown that
many coals which aro too high In ash
and sulphur tor economical use under
hollers or for cooking may bo mado
commercially raluablo by proper wash
Messrs. Henri and Btodol recently
demonstrated to the Trenrh Academy
of Sciences the practicability of steril
izing milk by means of tho ultraviolet
rays emitted by mercury vapor lamps,
Milk thus treated can be complotely
sterilized In the cold. At tho same
meeting of the academy Mons. A.
Gascard showed that milk to which
potassium bichromato has been added
as n preservative keeps much better
In the dark.
The Yana language of northern Cali
fornia represents a distinct linguistic
stock, and had formerly threo dlilects,
Opo of which Is now extinct. It pos-
sosses two forms of speech, ono of
which Is employed by men speaking
to men, while tho othor Is used In all
other cases. Practically, the language
has only nouns and verbs, tho adjcctl
Ives, ndvorbs, numerals, Interrogative
pronouns and conjunctions being form
ed from the verbs.
In the Calnveras National Forest
there aro two groves of big trees. In
tbe North Grove, In Calaveras County,
there nro ten trees each having a
Hlnmoter of 2B feet or over, and morn
.han goventv having a diameter rnnir.
jnK between 15 and 25 feet. The tree
called the "Father of (he Forests,"
which now lies on the ground, Is estl-
r.i cJfbt
mated to havo had a height of U0
feet, and ft diameter, at th ground,
of more than 40 feet. The hark on
theso trees runs from C Inches to 3
feot In thlcktifss, Reside the giant
sequoias, there aro hundreds of sugar
pine and ynllnw pines from 8 to 10
feet In diameter, and ranging to S73
foot In height.
ItettitilllitHKrr J.rMre t.nlelr ""lit
Tell of III T.irr KrleniUhlp.
An Interesting historical Utter, r
latlng to Ilenedlrt Arnold's treason,
(Hn, Gates disastrous campaign In
tho Southern States and the appoint
ment of Gen. Nathnnael Greene to sue
:ced him there, fotched 155 At Free
man's In Philadelphia a few days ago,
tho Now York Times says. The lotter
was written to Greene from Philadel
phia, Oct. 5, 1780, by Charles Petit,
n member of tho continental congress,
who also wns assistant to Greene
while the latter was quartermaster
general. ' In regards to the West Point
Unison Petit wrote:
"I cannot say (hat Gen. Arnold's
treason, so far as respects his turn
ing lory and deserting tho American
cause, was any grvat surprise to me.
The constant and uniform tenor of his
conduct In this city looked strongly
that way, and the court lie paid to
the tortus was too plain and evident
and too universal to nrlso from auy
other motlvo than the laying of a
foundation for Joining them at somo
day or other, but tlm magnitude of
his treason and the oxtent of hi
plan, 1 must eoufwu, starllo and
amnio me: I .could scarely hao
conceived that tho prldo of nn Ambi
tious man and that sense of honor, or
nt least tho pretension to It, which
every man of station thinks himself
bound to wear tho nppenrnnco of,
whether ho really feels It or not,
would hnvo prevented n mnn of his
sltunllon to rush at onco Into n vll
Inlnty so atroolous and degrading to
human nature. Hut ho soums to havo
been determined not to be a llttlo vil
lain. Nothing short of tho highest
rate could satisfy him, nnd In this ho
lin shown his courage, though his
plan has fallod. I shall nt present
add only ono reflection upon this af
fair, nnd that Is Hint I consider It
ns n public benefit not only tbnt tho
plot lias hcon so seasonably discover
ed, but that tho attempt has been
In writing about (ion. Ontes' South
ern camiinlgn Potlt says: "Tho
Southern gentlemen ixirtlculnrly seem
ed, desirous that ami. Green o should
be appointed, Tho Southern peoplo
aro strongly prejudiced against n Calo
donlan (Gen, St. Clair), having nn
ugly pest of thorn In tholr own bow
els In North Carolina."
nun Mu,
"New thought will beautify
pinincsi kin."
"That may be so, but very few girls
aro going to glvo up lotions for no
tions." Mllwaukeo Journal,
It costs more to avongo a wrong
than It doos to let It go by default.
DIltD GABTLKSW Til 13 llooKa,
Teit 'llii.H.rtlllt Hints l,lr t,utt
Hook on the .llMUttnleii l. (,
To sro tho oilier riicluUriieri '
must go nn farther to tlm uma
From tho MngdAleus to tu nioat
northern land one will m,t t),,
pifctplloti Islnud. and ii-atllnna
tenanted by the hardy senhlrd wliWi
delight In slirer height suh a turn
most men dUxy. Great I lir.l iuk, ol
the Magdalen group, far mu in 'u,.
turuulvut Gulf of Ht. Lnftrviue th
most Accessible from cIvIIimuou 0(
any of tho colonic uf thU ,n uy,
Herbert K. Job, In Outing it AtlMl
rums lllm tnoeksr, thougii j r
tn U the term "accelb it ( a
(Uutloil nf degree, fur even thla Is
remote nud linrd to reach at it best.
Yet such a place n Great Imd Hoek
Is one of the seven wonder of th
world, If nny one who iruh Umi
wild naliiro desires a ri and ontu
thrill by nit menus hn or ii should
Konieliuw visit Great llird IUhk. It
lowers fnnn a nlormy, f g ti(rt
occnti, lonely, buffeted on evert side,'
exposing It towering cliff to th a.
most unrrmlttfd assaults of th ),
It linn been my good fortune twits
to visit till great osstto of th birdt.
Tho first time we went In a -iiKnfr
of goodly slxe, wero left on tlm roes,
and railed for two da later Tht
next time, four )ers after, the vessel
failed to keep the np(Hilntmetit and,
raher than give it up. aehd
(iur clmiipo and ran out from the Mg
dalrns In nn open lobster boat v
were hurled ashore by the surf u th I
one bit f rocky ImmcIi under th ma, i
Hurriedly hltrhlug on the steam winrlt
tackle, we had Hie boat hoisted ul of
danger, nnd scrambled up the long
ladder 110 feet to the summit. lit
we were loyally cored for by th keep
er and tils family, who had rrivl
but one visitor since the previous No
vember On the sheer walls qf this precipi
tous Island, on the many ledge. Iiv
ome ten thousand st birds. Th
sights aro Impressive beyund the pow
er uf nny words adequately to de
scribe. From below, a we apprntrh
In the boat, we galo upward with
nwa nt the circling swarm of th
birds, note the rows and compani
upon the ledges, listen to the screams
of tho birds snd th din of th surf,
which pounds nway ceaselessly at tk
cliff. On r, boat I plunging, In every
thing there Is motion, the height of
tho rocky wall Is appalling, And th
very unlverso seem to rrcl and stag'
ger. And when, either by cllmMng
the ladder or being hoisted up by ui
steam winch, wo gain the sum. "it
and look down, tho scone la ejii ly
Impressive. From some promontory
of tho cliff wo gain down upon hit
of birds iiimjii their t-ggs. Home of
tho eggs wa ran see ns the owmrt
launch forth and scalo swiftly down
ward And rlrelo out over the ocean to
join the ever circling throng
By Clarence I Cullsn.
When a woman looks Just rlgut la
a bathing suit It's a sign that nil Ike
other women call her a bold, braien
Tho man who can't swim, but who
wlfo can, has to stand for a lot of
patronlilng by his spousa during th
bathing month.
The woman who looks tlm most toil
ful nnd supercilious In a motor r
usually Is tho woman who I the least
accustomed to siiah vehicle.
Familiar quotation: "Now, I warn
youIf you go out this evening with
out taking mo, you won't find me her
when you come back. Mark my nrd.
There nre slews of pretty nnd agree
nhlo trained nurses, but tho only tun
n married man draws ono Is when he
gets sick nway from horn nud i' U
his own nurso.
Tho only wny to got even with her
for squirming nnd wriggling when
you'ro hooking up tho bnok Is to pull
thnt squirming ntimbar yourself hen
sho's tying your dress tie.
The woman who keeps her hair In
"kids" nearly nil day Sunday can't
understand why her husband I
choppy nnd so nuxlous In go some
whoro -anywhere on his day of rest.
Ono uf thoiu serlo-comls effects Is
when a wotnnn, unconscious of nn un
hooked back plnckot, haughtily turns
her back upon n rival nnd than lonkt
stunned nnd puixlod whon sho hears
tho giggles behind hor.
Tho womntt who hnrpn the mot
upon tho swell matrimonial chanrei
lio tossed nway to marry tho man
whoso nnmo sho boars Is tho one who
runs nround In tnntrumlsh clrclos If
hor husbind oven accidentally lota slip
tho nnmo of somo girl ho know heroro
his mnrrlngo.
A bnuy ftvorngos up fnlrly well If U
Is halt m pretty nn Its mother mj
It Is, or hnlf ns homely as the .lf
bora think It Is,