DYSPEPSIA "Ilkvltiff tnVctt your wonderful "Cucn. ret' fur tliteo months ninlbeliiK entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dysj lii, 1 think n word of rnle U ilno to 'Caecalct' for tlieir wonderful coiiik. tloii, 1 lutvn tnkcii minicrou other so called remedies hut without nvull, anil I find that Caacnrcl relieve mora In n tiny tlMit nit the other I hnva taken would In year." lame Midline, 108 Mercer Ht., Jersey City, N. J. ItaaiKtlt. Palatable, I'nlenl, Tasl flood. II11 lluod Nvr Hteleii.WeaWn 11 r (lill. Aj.iV.nk) rtvr sum mums 'iiieifen ilnMahlef ilnmiwICt'C, lluarauteeii to ulna eul ur ruur money baik. .'. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Wa will nI rti 6 HiiUtutkt 8utrnlr "f ALAMKA-YUKftN-rAl'lllf KXI'OnlTtUN and a llaaullful Mali of Hi vnimxlt fur M Kni'tr Ida principal featuree f an ripnle Irin fr Dili mull Miin, without leaving burn, G'oou lol Tun lky llnli VUKON NOVfllY fOMI'ANV. , , HI Hall St.. Seetlle, Wath. i ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION Ilia Winvlsf f I ho Wr.1 vou'll IUa It t'n Al Ikiiii o( I'lilii nf ihe ImiMIiia-e nt fr ana mw.i iitilrr. arl niMl.r f Ilia ell uf Meattle, Ilia llrai l llli: rOA"T." rrr nna. fir I1.VS. .oal'atl. l4a In Meattle and I- happy, MllflJ W.SMIIII 417 Sulll.an IIMt. to. Hot 1912, Seattle, Whlr.,le CRESCENTS Mfhsli Initial thai Ida BAKING SEfe high tuirrj bating fowiriiwilldiisnl deei I teller, ll rants Iht tough ami tnsirs light. rf, swrtlrr anil Ixllrl llonfowli, 84.I1II1- mo rrrtilDaprr pound. II you will send ut yiut nam anil aatli..a. we III ml you a lxMk an hralih and bsslag powder. cpesceht ma. co. Seattle, wn. DAISY FLY KILLER Ml ) ! tt4, 0M li, te. Lamia II i m1 .ll r Ut Mf. Will tWl Mil lkll llaaAfAklarawt a. ff .. gsa atl -.Wr r ea rt U4 far M raU. lUnOLD SOMCRS.IIO DltUlfc At., D'fctfiw, . Y. COFFEEC TEA SPICES BArtINO POWDER, EXTRACTS "JUST HKillT CWSSETflDCVEBi, MMIUNa otvJ ORLO WtAJU $300 SHOES $35 iih aa IM Iba w. i..uuuuijio rnut.n art.iMitar vaiua for 100 rnca nu tr inn TWftnfct!.. WBtkmAbaritttBthl MtItrttaMkl l f ttM A !'' 'l l'' I -tM I rwnvlMw ih X I- IKmiU tbnr "M in ir ' ri Ultrr M tr lt.f Mrthf l- mltA. W I I' ut-irfrUltiitif IKtrt lltl Ml I l-naii".1 frtf Ih H'" vM M. U ( haol, ft tttT pftlr ft-Ml Vtttrsn full fiftlM ollwrirf. CACTIOI 1U1 W I waUi m4 llVt fa4. U aMa1 1 IkX I t- TAKB NO UBttTITUTC for T.rr i1-mlwr f tli rmlly, Intra- Wmillia MImm niitl riillilrrn. f1titr tVhrTt iki lllfi W U ItuuiU h4r wllMa y-i-r wv if 7f jf ranin-i m to. rn rti AU Uf04 uuw. n ui W LlKJLUtA,lUwit4A,iU ur w a. wist: H Iran a l-.lar in I'alnlxi IfeiiMi NV tx in I'vttUriJ, Out-of-Town People KliuuLI remrmUr thai iir firfo l w atranl thai WIJ CAH IM) 1IIKIM KNTIUI! OwOAN. llltllHiK AND 1'I.AIK WOHK IN A DAY It i.-lia,rr. I'll iriVKI.Y t'AINI.UHH KX TIIAtTlNO I lKKhniilal or trl ! of; alc-i.l U! KttMOVK YIIB MIHr SKNHinVH TIIUTII AND ItllOIH WIIIIOUT Till! I.HA.SC I'AIN. NllSIUDKNrS, nu unrnUlnly. For tho Next riftoon Dnyo Yfm will lra you a wl k isM or jwrca- lain crown lor ., .i.m.i, H-W Bk tirhl.a laath . .. , Malar crown...,. 1 m )", (loUoranamal fMllnua, , , l.iu rillr nillim., ..... ' loul rublvr iilatM. ,, 0-W Thalwatml rulilwr flatea. , T.ul l'almM xtraetlona . , " ALL WOHltaU AHANTCED 10 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wise Presldant and Manager The Wise Dental Co. (INC.) Thlnl ami Washington HU. PORTLAND, OUEQON FNU No. 33-09 lflllCBUaYiffWBJV fcilRrtaTl f V fit Y"i,Vury fl nlllll I Ii . I hakWIIIat 8l rot. w vF llrKIf wrllluy toa(lTrtIirpUiM TER FOR WA VTwaf fff MSA, f M. r9. if -5&3wm3& i1 i2mny&m i . DISCOVERS A t3 FOOD IN THE f (loviTiimeiit experts hftvri illncovorod n vv kind of food, It I wild lo Lo iwlHlalle, wholonomo, nutrllloim, nnd oiutlit to l-o rwrnonnbly ehcnp, Tim food InTjiitttlim In funililii-d by I bit "iod of the Kreat yellow wnttr Illy, which In routhrnsterii )rcKn l.imi liet'ii Rnthcred for many contiirlon l-y tho Klnmttth Indlam, who dot ml iiimn tlicin lo n ronaldnrnhlo oxtcn for tlmlr wlntir irvrndrr. They nrn no delicious, mid iki ohvlomly nvnll nhlt) for riniiiiiillfln by clvlllwd H,oilr, tlml It In thought there would ho profit In rollictliiB them on n larRO nil(, iirepnrlnK them for mnrkct by modern method nmt imttlnK thorn tin for mlu In licit nnd nttrnctlvc puck iiKta, iih n tii'W food luxury. Tint nborlKlnw In queHtlnn dwill nmoiiK the fonllillla of the nrcnt Ca cniln rniif!r, In n rfKlou remnrknhlit for iiiiiltitudlnoiM iiprltiK of loycold nnd iryalnl cliHir water. It Ih from thtj "prlnKi! thnt two vnnt writer apnrca, known reicetlvcly im Klnmuth iimrnh and Klnnmtb lnke, nre up idled. Tho KIwi'Mb innrr.il. write IUn llflch In the HI. Ioul aiolK)I)emo crut, contnlni IOooO ncrM of Ilia wnlcr lllle. Tim wnter lllli' nro audi excevdliiRly vlRoroun plnnt Hint they prno tlenlly crowd out nil other form, of WKelnllon over tho nren they occupy, even to the cnt-lnll. Thin tbo 10.000 nerfi repretcnt thnt much npnee ex cltiNlvaly occupied by Ibn "okn," n the Indian cnll them. Their need nrn Inclined In InrKn KreMi od, which when fully rlpo tiuderKO (jultn mid denly n curlou ort of deconiokltloii, n one might cnll It, literally moltlnc nnd droppliiK Into tho wnlcr n mm lloishwti fluid In which tho nerd nro moat cmserly notiRht, tho need hnvliiK ohtnttud h mnxlmiim of flavor nnd tciidcrne. While peopli In HotrthenMern Oron ofldn buy wkn from the Kin mnlb for their own uae, imyliiK from 10 to 20 cent n oiind for them that I to iwy, for tho kernel ready prepnred and purehed. They llko them very much. Hut tho price neem to bo rr.thnr IiIkIi, nnd II I niutRMted by Dr. P. V. Covllle, botnnlit In chief of tho Department of Agriculture, that mod em method might lo employed to great ndvnnlnge In placing the crop on tho market. It would hardly bo practicable, ho nny. to gnther tho pod In nny other wny than that now ndopted, but tho procoe required for ep arntlng, cleaning nnd otberwlao piepnrlng tho ed might bo performed Inexpemlvely nnd ndvnritngroualy by nlremly fnmlllnr milling mnchlnes o n to plnco tio product on the market nt n price low enough to enable It to compote with oilier brenkfaat food a. I aa'aNNi Cntcutln I to apend nenrly half n million dollar for n 0,000.000 gallon lank for It tillered wator aupply. Tho Innk will bo clovnted 100 feot nbovo tho ground on tel column.- To farllttnte It telephono rvlcc, tho UrttUh Kiatomco department I oxperlmcnttns with n lot machine d vlco Into which two pennlc nro dropted when n call I made. If tho lino U buy tho money I returned. Tho navy' lubmnrliia Iwat, Octop-i. hold tho record for depth of opera tion. With n full crow on board tho Utile veuol wn operated for hnlf nn hour In lluunrd Hay, MnMchuett. In wntor no le thnn 107 feet deep. Tho flrt electric furnnco In '.hi country for nnneallnn. teminirlnK nnd hardening motil bn beun erected nt Hchenectady. N. Y. U con.lnu of n crucible contnlnlng metallic mIU molt ed by nn alternating currsnt of low voltage. A prUq of nbotit 12,400 offered In Oermnny In 1801 for tho tot method of proventlng tho pollution of tronm by aulphlto llauor from paper mill still remain unnwnrded. Hrorot of method Imvo been tried, but uono Una l)een nolnbly uccoful. V fllubh. nn UnglUh ornithologist, oxprewea tho opinion that bird hnbtt imlly mnko tio of torm In trnvollng from ono pnrt of tbolr rnngo to nnoth cr Mo point out thnt If n bird enn not And ahellor, II mu.t bo moro com fortnblo on tho wIiik thnn on tho ground during n orm, bocnino In tho flercoat gnle tho nlr, n i maw. la nt real; thnt I. tho bird la In n moving aupportlng medium, llko n awlmmor In n strongly flowing river. Tho ndvnntngo of oil fuel for ata tlonnry nnd mnrlno liollora nro rocolv lug much attention In Knglniul. Al though tho totnl cot I grentor for oil than coal, oil lm tho ndvnntngo of grentor convenience, nlmpllclty nnd t'lennlliiem. It la nlao moro einclont, hIiko n pound of good oil la found to Imvo n cnlorlllo vnluo nbout 35 por cent grentor thnn thnt of nn equal weight of conl. It nlo occuplos much less Bpnco, nnd In thnt respect la vory aiiltnblo for ships. Mnny Improvomonta Imvo recently bcon mndo In tho moth ods of eprnytng nml burning tho oil. A curloua photograph of n croco dllo'H nest filled with ogga, from two of Which young crocodlloa wero Just Issu ing, la contributed to Nature, by O, W, (Irnbhnm. Tho photograph wna mndo In tho bod of tho river Ilnhnd, near tho frontier of Abyssinia. Tho eggs woro nbout three Inches long, nnd tho newly hatched crocodlloa nro ten Inches long, They nro porfoctly formed, nnd utter a. sound resembling the croaking of Lilies w ilflJI iTW'll cOy. ir&vif?cs zw jirS V .rf a ail mP . ii NEWKINDffi NORTilTOI frog. Deforo being uncovered, ths egg wero burled nbout threo Inches deep In tho sand nt the bottom of a hole a foot deep. Tho young croco dlle. Mr. Orabham say, wero perfect ly willing to bllo. but not strong enough to do nny harm. UitroiiiiurrnMi Nuula Tho Hngllth soldier who sent his people thn tunic ho bad worn In n hat llo nt tho beginning of tho Bouth Afrlcnn War, nnd wrote from hospllnl, "You will sco that there nro eleven bullet-holes In It, but I wm nwfully lucky; only six of them hit me," has n rival In nn Kngllsh ochoolboy of 10, whoso cheerful ncceptnnra of tho "bludgeonlngs of chnnco" a writer In St. Jnme' Iludget ha mndo public. "My llfo has lccn n very lucky one," wrolo tho 10-year-old. "When I was 3 year old I fell downstair nnd cut my head. When 1 was C year old I was looking nt somo hens, nnd a dog bit my leg. "When I wns 8 I went with my brother In the trap, and tho horso fell nnd threw us out of the trap; my brother lit on his feet and I lit on the horso' back. "I-nst year I wns plnylng, nnd ran Into a lurry nnd cut my eyebrow, nnd It has left n mark. "One dny 1 went Into tho slnughter houso, nnd n big sheep ran nfler me mid knocked me down, nnd broko my arm. "I have had n hnppy llfo." j1 ' iiillrl llio I'rrfnruimirv, Tho piny wna nil nbout n horso a famous horse, tho autobiography of which Is oven yet nmong tho "best Kollors," nnd over tho sufferings of which thousands of rcadera hnvo shed tears of sympathy. Tho four-legged nctor that hnd been past for the pnrt of the horso wns doing his best, pre Humably to look pathetic With drooping head, It stood on tho stngo, from tlmo to time switching Its poor docked tail. Ono of tho two legged nctora wn delivering nn im passioned nnd really touching speech, whon tho nudlcnco suddenly burst Into n fit of prolonged and uncontrollable laughter. Tho oration cntno to n midden stop. Tho nctor glanced nt tho horso, thon turned and fled In dtsmny behind tho BCCI10S. "lllack llenuty" was yawning, AViint Hhtj Wna llulnir, "Didn't you tolophono us that your wlfo was rendy to go with ua whon we started!" ".Yes, but aho'a upstolra now chang ing her mind." It wo could only cash tn our talk how many millionaires there would bo. It thore Is -so much enjoyment In flirting, why don't men flirt with their wives? jftj. )arS:-lJ?r f .iC v ' W BBaTljiJkaUsVai 1 jbT aaaaffaV LW taw lOtK tLJ Kr iaiiviT - nrvi mi t ri - - i' d ij:i.j;wdiwil '2iU iiltftf? "' M V? IH-J? ! AI.COHlir. 3 I' l!ll I'VU-r Aif !(l;iliff Premrxllnn f I ' slmlLillrrti.VrrwfmrfPi llnllie Dioaadis aadlkrxhcf ra rromolcs DillonflwrW ncss fitvl IWstronlilns nctor Oniufli.MorpIilnc norMlaaaL NOT W AH CO TIC. iiyttfcUfcS'JZtzrnuzn Mt'' A. Win , iSJLTfHa ftTV. A nr rff rl PB!Cil V for CrjIBfta I ion , Sour StoKadi.DUrrtaa Wnrms rcmTik'wn! Jmfufr iwasarulI.OSSOrStEa'.J racSWt Stjnaftrt cT nbv Yonic. I Exact Cop of Wrapper. I I I Illarnrilanl .N'ola. "Mr. Mreluu. don't you think a wom an tioulj rrctirr a man' pay whan sb doe a man' work 7" "Why ! look at the other lid of tb qnritlon a moment, will you? Tblnk how many rata are doing women's work and not gelling- ran' for II!" Oaa Dlallurllon. fit ranger (nt Crown l'olnt) Whal'a tha dtrrerenca between thla sort of thing. In principle, and a horsa race? Automotillo I3nthuilat Great Bcott. look at tho poitlbllltlcs, man I You can get a million mora thrill out of It Chicago Tribune. Ilraaanl a. a Seliulara, At the wedding lately of tho head master of KaUbourno College, Eng land, tho three page In the bridal pro cession were garbed as scholars In black satin knee breeches, buckled shoes, scarlet silk gowns, with white shirt fronts. Each carried a mortar board bat and a acarlst-bound prayer book. Carlr BhmTCtl Graotnaaa. Andrew Jackson was a marvel of precocity. Ho carried a flintlock mua kat, aa a soldier of th revolutionary army, at the age of 1. At 23 he was appointed by Washington district at torney of Tennessee. He was a Unit ed States Btnator at 30. Ho did not reach the presidency until bo was 63, Sunday Magaxlne. Mothers wilt And Mrs. WlniloVi Soothing Byrup lh bst ramrdr louaotot ibelrchUdraa fluilng iha UathlDg torlod. Da la Srora Next Time, "Tou refuse me, do you, proud glrlT" h howltd. "Wall, you're not dolr.s anything orlglnnlt Thla t th third tlmo I've been turned down!" "So I'm tha third ackr, am IT" merrily responded tho girl, thrusting her tongue In her cheek In a well meant but only partially auccessful ef fort to look llko Mr. Stelnfeldt. lllaturjr ltenrrltttm. With much reluctance King George 111. had dtoldsd to lot his American colonies go. "Mark my words, though," h said, "Ihsy'll ba governed soma day by a monarch tan tlmts as absolute and despotlo aa I ami" If any doubt exist that his Britan nia majssty had tha spirit of prophecy upon him, look at Mr. Aldrlch. Chloa go Tribune. A aiudlad Uxplaunllon, "Will you be able to explain your attitude on the tariff T "Yes," answered Senator 8orghurn. "I'll have my explanation ready when tho time comes. I)ut I'll watt till my constituents aro Interested In ether things and will carefully make It a lit tle hard to understand." Washington Star. Ocltliia Hack. "Captain, what tlm doa tha boat alartf "It atarta, madam, whan I gtv tha word." "Then I've atwaya had the wrong Idea. I thought It atarted when tha nglntar pulled a Isvsr, or did soma thlng. Thank you aver ao muoh." Chicago Tribune. Tito Old Adant, "I wonder why three-fourths of the stcnogranhera In business offices are women!" "I guess It Is because men llko to fesl that there la at least one class Of women whom they can dictate jy ' '. I flaSuaaaUaM g.GuiraiUxcduniicrtkI;oi Tho JVnd You Koto Always Botiglit, and which Ilis heen in umj for over 30 years, nnd Iins All Ootintcrfclfjt. Imitations 9 nnd Iixih hcon mat sj&fy -' 7 Boiml Biipcrrialon 1 WutttK7tMcA4M Ajimv no ono lo dc KxpcrlmcnlH that trlflo with andcnilanirpr t!io hcjiltli of Infanta mid Clilldrcix Experience iiyahwt Jispurhucnt. What is CASTOR8A Cantorla 1 a harmlcim auhHtltulo for Cimlor OH, Pare goric, Drop mid Soothing Syrups. It in l'lcnaant. It contains neither Opium, Blorphlno nor otT'or Jfarcotlo Kiihstancc Its ntjo Is Its guarantco. It dcatroyi ronti'i and allays I'ovcrlrilincss. It cures Diarrhoea- unci "SVIinl Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cunti CotiHttttatSon nnd Flatulency. It aanhnllatcs tho Food, rrjrul.UM tlio Stomach and IJottcIs, giving healthy nnd iiutur.il bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho 3Iothcr's rr!cxl. CEMUINE CASTOR8A ALWAYS Bears tho a & r'TJS&rt&QS&(k The Kind You Haye Always BogM In Use For Over 30 Years T ett aafiT, rr aiwaaar rt.iir, aiana er. BtaiBtaiBSjTiiBaBBBBaABBBBBaBaWKjV77''3PTrBCT Touch and Go, "Good mornlnr. lr." ald tha tall man In the suit of faded Mack, open Ing hi valine. "My name, I Glanpy. I am th Invantor of a little device "I am glad lo meat you, Mr. Gtas. py," Interrupted the man In the door. way. "My name I Washabauch. I have the sole right In this countr to take subscription for a new and co piously Illustrated adltlon o: th work of " "Oood day. air." "Qood day." Chicago Tribune. ALBERTA WHEAT LAND $15 Per Aero 10 Yeara Time Thra land, of Canadian Pacific Rallwar produca from 38 to to buahrU of wheat. IS tolOObuahriaof oats par acra, AUnor rallwar. towna and athoola. PnalUva'y tha brat wheat land preposition for men of moderata inaana. No crop failure. Send todar for frre illuitrated literature. Special rate Ut and 1&U of eterr month. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND CO. Cant. Land Aata. Canadian fax ifla It. R. M-M Lumberman'a IlulUlnjr rOItTLAND. OK. '- STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES are especially adapted to pumping duty and In fact any duty that require a atrong, reliable power. They are econom ical, simple and easily understood. It la an angln which anjrono, no matter how Utile h know about such anglnea, can opt rat aa successfully aa an expert. In short. It la an Uaal engine for any kind of work. Send for STOVER Engtna Cats, log Free. Full Line of Implements and Vehicles I to La I It T,JJ)tT,TB ' ''T lat-ia T J I al Mlm .ataK3aVy ', t xx .ZLiwuizi'JXXEs: VWiTTaV DJ iMkm&Mlk has homo tLo filrwuttro ol hern mndo iriacr nu pcr- KlncoItaiJirancy. IccclvosouInthiH. mill" JntVaji-.Kl' nro 1t Signatoro of Kootl Srarrr. "This circular describing the Mount Ingrue sas you can sit at the dinner table nnd see the beautiful mountain peaks." said the man wbo contemplat ed going. 'That Is true." replied the one wbo had been; "and that's Just about all you can ace." Yonkers Statesman. rfgg BU8INE8S COLLEGE "TUB SCHOOL OP QUALITY" Tenth and Mormon 3 Portland, Oregon A. r.AHSISTRONG. LUB,rRlNCirAL The hlfb-ttandard commercial school ol iheNorthweat. Open all the year. Mora calls for help than we can meet potitioa certain. Clait and individual Instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and of fice practice. Shorthaod that excels in all respect. Special penmanship depart meat. Call, phone or write for catalogue. LEADER PNEUtMATIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS FOR COUNTRY HOMES Th brat and moat loaical mathod of farnlah. Ing water yet diUL Tha tank la placed lit tha baaement or In th sround near th Ihhim and kerpa th water ccol In ummer and prouf a-aiiut freaiina- In winter It never leeJte. It llmpo.IUa for impurity to get Into It. It eutlaau th butijing In which It U Installed. It coat a little mora to beg-in with, butthera la no second coat. W have a cataloou which Illustrate and describe th Leader ayst.-. Ask ua for It. PORTLAND OfL SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO. AGENTS EVERYWHERE S5g. (Mtlamd svl ML -aaafT at MP af I " Rflr J niinn tin pnpvr