The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 11, 1909, Image 1

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lll(NI) lm more icourcf
from which to build n city
than any oilier (own In
Central ()rrgim.
Will You He One of Them?
NO. 22
Injunction In Regnal to Rontl
Matter Is Dissolved.
Much New Hqulpment ami Many Men
Are Being Rushed In by Twohy
tiro, and the I'orlem-Contract
I. ft to Madras.
The coutcM between tlic two ri
val railroads on the lower Des
chutes has been fought with the
usual vigor during the past week.
Twohy Droit, made n second at
tempt to cntl supply wagon across
the Ottrtr. ranch, which was being
held by a force of I'orlcr Bros.'
lauorcrs. just ixiorc the wagons
appeared nt the gate and demanded
passage, 300 laborer from the
Twohy camp were seen approach
lug from the river. See
ing that they would lc ovcrctjtnc
by number, Porter Bros. foreman
ordered his men to allow the wakens
to pass, and a conflict between the
two forces was avoided.
The temporary injunction se
cured by Harrimau lawyers to re
strain I'orter Hros. from interfering
with the passage of Twohys'
wagon across the Otirtr ranch,
was dissolved later by Judge Butler
nt Moro. The judge held that the
evidence did not show that the
Twohy had secured any right to
cro.M this ranch, and hence wheu
It was bought by the rotters, they
had the right to close the road.
This decision will give them the
right to again close the road against
the Twohys, but between the time
that the Injunction was issued and
when it was dissolved, Twohy
Brow, had rushed in a large amount
of supplies to their camp at Horse
Shoe Bend, enough to last them
for many week.
Hnrrlmsn's attorneys have now
instituted proceedings to condemn
a road across the Ourtr. ranch.
The Harrimati attorneys also se
cured a temporary injunction re
straining Porter Bros, from work
ing on a stretch seven miles long
nt Horse Shoe Bend where the
surveys conflict. The Injunction
has not been argued yet, and in
the meantime, I'orter Bros, have
moved their men down stream from
Horse Shoe liend onto uncontested
No Let-up by Ulther Side.
While the legal features are be
ing fought out In the courts, hath
sides continue to rush in men,
horses, equipment and supplies,
mill arc establishing new camp as
rapidly as preparations can be, com
pleted, Porter Hros., since finish
ing work on the North Hank road,
have had a large outfit Morcd at
Vancouver consisting of steam
Hhovcls, dump curs, rails, ninnll
locomotlvts, etc., etc, etc. These
are being shipped as fust as possible
to The Dalles and moved Into the
Deschutes canyon. It is snld that
Porter Hros. have the largest outfit
in the Northwest und it Is being
assembled on the Deschutes. Al
though they now have 1500 horses,
they are out scouring the country
for more.
Much of Porter. Bros, equipment
Ih now being 'shipped over The
D.illca-Dufur line to Boyd, from
which point a short haul tak.f it to
the Deschutes. This puts the
Porters op about mi equal footing
with Twohy Urns,, who arc haul
iug their equipment Irom Mom
and Slmuiko. The Porters nre
making a few shipments over the
Shaniko line.
Contract l.ct to Madras.
Twohy Ilros. have let sub-contracts
for a distance of 102 in licit
with (lie exception of 40 miles
which they themselves will handle.
Thfttc 40 miles comprise two Im
portant points where the surveys
conflict, at Horse Shoe Ilend and
at Cove. This will place crews
(.long the entire line from the
mouth of the tlvcr to Madras, and
subcontractors arc preparing to
bid on work this side of Madras.
Twohy Ilros. now have between
1,000 nnd 1,200 men at work, and
new men are being taken to the
camps every day.
i'orter Hros. nave not quite so
large n force on the job, but they
Mate they will have from 1,000 to
2,000 men on as soon as their
canit arc established. Iloth the
Partem ami Twohys are sweeping
the cities for every man they can
Twohy Bros, have notified ranch
ers north of Madras to vacate their
cabins as they expect to begin
blasting soon, and the Porters have
also announced that they will es
tablish a camp on the upper Wit
low Creek gorge, near Madras, in
the immediate future.
tlelleve I'orter Dros. Wilt Build to
lUstern Border el the State.
J. D. Iloucytnnn of Dcnd has had
some correspondence with Portland
parties relative to railroad matters,
and recently received (he letter ap
cnded below. The letter was
written by n very prominent busi
ness man of Portland, who is en
gaged in an extensive wholesale
business. The letter, in part, fol
lows; Portland, Or., Aug. 7, 1719. J. I).
Honryman, Ilend, Or. Dear Mr. Him-
cvmau. 1 nave reaii jour letter very
carefully, ami, while no one can give ad
vice on matter of thii kind tlut It abv
lulely uie to come true, yet 1 have re
cently had an opportunity to look Into
then matters to the eitent that I feet
sure Central Oregon will soon have rail-
road relief. I know It U the intention
ol Harriman In build a Hue In the Ilend
country and down toward Klamath I'alW
to connect with and form a "V" con
nection that It coming In to Natron to
make a more direct Southern Pacific
mute, at Icm ocrnt!ng ex peine, tram
Portland to Suit I'rancisco. Thl Cen
tral Oregon route down the Dcschutc to
your country I sure to go.
When the Porter Ilros, alto recently
entered the field, there mi aome (pecu
lation at to whether or not tlui move o(
Ihriia wan a 1111(1. I have been looking
Into the operation ot the Porter tlrot.
considerably, and am now firmly con
vinced that there are Rolng to be two
line built Into Central Oregon, and that
back n( I'ortrr lro. Uoue of the great
rt railroad organization in the United
Slates, who are not,golng to end their
operations by building a 150 mile road,
hut nre going oq until they have a direct
Itaitcrn connection through Central Or
egon to it eattcru border, down the
Deschutes to the Columbia, and down
the Columbia, paralleling the 0. R& N,
to Portland,
Now, a I have anlit Ix-fore, thl con
rhitton may not be correct, but if it isn't
correct, it Is a mighty good gur, and
one that I feel xllivc will come true.
Hthiigocsou a I have Indicated,
your tlmlicr in Hatteru Oregon will lie
worth much more than f 1.00 per M, and
I would Advise you not to sell at the
prices now being offered.
Yours very truly,
Wniilftti'i it lw n unrul Idnn in
make your next purchase at n store
Hint iiivueu you o comer
(iood Yield llcing Harvested in
(irasscfi and drains.
Mammoth Red Variety (trow Five
Feet Seven Incite Tall and Cut
Over Two Ton to the Acre
Tor the llrst Cutting.
The yield of grain and grasses
will be very satisfactory in the
Ilend country this scaMiu. In fact,
the crop N turning out to be one of
the Ic5t yet harvested since irri
gation Minted in this
vicinity. The Htillctlu
it n Kiinl to inquire' in
has make
regard to
the condition of crops over the en
tire segregation, and farmers have
reported unanimously that the
yield in general will be very good.
Samples nre now beginning to be
brought in by some of the fanners,
nnd these more than fulfill all that
has Icch reported concerning the
crop. The lcst set of samples yet
exhibited were brought in Satur
day by Simmons Ilros. from their
fine ranch near Laidlaw, lying be
tween Ilend and Laid law. They
had samples of red clover, timothy
and two varieties of wheat. The
clover attracted most attention, and
was certainly a handsome specimen
of the Mammoth Red variety. It
measured 5 feet 7 inches in height,
and the stalks were soft and ten
der, with a heavy growth of leaves.
P. W. Simmons has 58 acres of
this clover that will cut better than
two tons to the acre, the entire
field being covered with an even
growth. This will be the first cut
ting from the field, it having been
seeded last year. It will produce a
second cutting this season. Some
might suppose that with such long
clover, it might be badly lodged,
but such is not the case as it stands
about ; feet high in the field.
This clover has attracted much at
tention and many people have
called at the ranch to .sec it. It
shows what can be done with this
soil by one who understands Irri
gation. The timothy that was exhibited
measured 4 feet 9 inches, and bad
long heavy . heads. The wheat
was the blucstcm nnd golden chaff
varieties, and measured 4 feet 6
inches, The heads were from four
to five inches long and well filled
with grain.
One field of wheat in the Powell
Unites section the owners name
we were not able to . learn -bas
been cut with a binder aud shocked,
and it is reported that the shocks
stand so thick 011 the ground that
it is difficult to drive over the field.
One estimate places the yield from
this field at 60 bushels an acre. It
was grown 011 irrigated laud.
Other fields in that section have
produced practically as good a
stand, the wheat in most instances
standing as high as a man's arm
pits, with long bends filled with
plump kernels of grain.
As threshing commences, The
Uulletln will endeavor to live the
yield from different fields, aud in
order to help us in this we would
ask that the farmers and thresh
ing machine men mull us accounts
of the yield per acre of their vnr
ions grain crops,
' T TZTL -. '! ' ''J31 .1 ill 11
Remember the band concert' Fri
day evening.
Rosland New.
Hosi.Avi), Aug. 7. Church services
were held In Kodnd Jat Sunday at II
a, m. nod nlo at a p. m. Next Sunday
nervier will he held nt the Mwralll
cliool limine nt 1 1 a. m, and a p, tn. The
Kev, Wilton, who ha lcen In Koiland
for the twit couple of week, i folding
the M-rvice which, m far, have been
well attended.
C. It. CImikm in preparing to leave
the country for California. During the
pant week he hat Iwen selling what
tioiitehold effect he did not e-are to'lake
with him.
Ml Cora Cook returned lat Tuesday
with the MLm-i Lillian nnd UVIm
Knox. They were returning to their
hnmrttrad after a abort vllt with Mi
Cora. The girl returned to Kotland
Mr. Oro T, Sly, with her children
Dor and De II rt, called on Mr. C, It.
Clausen I'rlday.
H. C, Kourk returned from Odell
lake with Mil Rourk and daughter
(lad)-, I'rlday. Mr. Kourk and Oladya
lime been up to the lake for the pait
Ino or three week.
The Kosland tawmill watarted again
lt Thtiriular. During the time the
mill ha been hut down, the mill peo
ple have rebuilt the furnace and over
hauled the plant. Order for lumber are
criming In rapidly, and it i expected
the mill will have all It can handle op to
the lime winter ett in.
U. M, hurt returned from Ilend hut
Mr. J. N. Mailen, Mr. Nettle
Sehultr and Mita Laurel Schulu will go
to Ilend on Monday. Mfa Laurel will
CO on to Prlnevllle and take the teach
er' cinmlnatiou.
The government hat placed an order
for lumber at the sawmill for the erec
tion of a targe barn at the ranger' sta
tiou Iwlow Itontaud.
Pleasant Ridge Items.
TLKASANT RlDrtK, Aug. 10. Crop
are rather on the bum of late, owing to
the deficiency of water for a time cauncd
by the dettruction of the flume.
Tlieamouiit taken in at the ice cream
aocial wa 8.50, to apply on tfie organ
Chritt Kamuuen ha returned to hU
old position of carrying letter for Uncle
Sam in Denver.
Ralph Cake of Portland was vititlng
hi cousin, Mr. R. K. Sherwood, last
Kverybody eems to have gone camp
ing of late.
The harvettiue will le prolonged until
about the latter part of September.
Mr. Myer ha left for Walla Walla,
Wath., where he will operate I1I1 fath
er' ttirchlng outfit.
Do You Want to Help
Boom This Town?
If you do, you'll aUt the editor la
advertising tUa place.
If you do, you'll patronize home Industrie-,
Including the printer.
If you do, you'll subscribe for this pa
per regularly and advertise In It
If you don't, you'll ner at our effort
for town Improvement.
If you don't, you'll order your Job
printing from oma outsider.
If you don't, you'll borrow your neigh
bor's copy of the paper to read.
Vim ' iTJffKii 1 TiiM "
Propounded to Homesteaders in
Pinal Proof.
AtiNirrnsT details required
Complaint I Made That UseleM
Ouerle Are Asked, WWch Result
In Perjury by the Claimant
and III Witnesses.
The department of the interior
has just issued n new form of ques
tions to be used in making final
homestead proof. Some of the
quest'ons propounded would be
very difficult to answer, and in
fact not one homesteader out of a
hundred could answer them truth
fully. The following is one of
the questions asked the claimant:
"If there has been absence give
the dates covered by each absence;
nnd as to each absence state wheth
er you, your family, or both, were
thus absent and the reason for each
such absence?"
It seems a little unnecessary to
require a person to state just why
they were absent on each occasion.
It would be difficult enough for the
average man to give the dates of
each absence, especially If he had
lived on the place for five years.
Another statement required of
the cntryman is to state the num
ber of "acres cultivable," "acres
timbered," and "feet of timber" on
each subdivision. To answer that
question correctly would require
the services of a surveyor prior to
making proof, and It would ilso be
necessary to get a cruiser to esti
mate the timber on each forty If
there was any on ones homestead.
I'ew homt3teadcrs could tell the
amount of timber, in feet, on their
The witucsscs are also asked to
answer some rather impossible
questions, as for example:
"Have claimant and family ever
been absent from the homestead
since thus cstablishinc residence
thereon? If there have btu any
such absences, give the dates cov
ered by such absences, stating who
was absent and for what reason."
flow can a witness know the
reason that called an cntryman, or
any of his family, away from the
homestead? As was said by one
man, no otic would know these
things unless he had been a regular
"buttlnskec," paying more atten
tion to his neighbor's affairs than
to his own. Again, the witness is
"How many times each year
have you seen this laud, and the
claimant aud his family residing
thereon; and what other personal
knowledge have you upon which
your answers nre based?"
How would a man tell the ex
act number of times he had seen a
place perhaps when he had driven
by it every week or two. One
witness replied, wheu asked bow
many times he had seen the clujin
utit residing on the land, "Oh,
from 500 to 5,ooq times; every
time I looked out of my kitchen
window." The witnesses are also
required to tell how many feet of
timber is on a place, which, as
everyone is aware, not one witness
out of n thousand" 'could auWer
I uue- trouuie is tuoe questions
arc silly and it is, really impossible
to answer them with any degree
of accuracy. This makes it very
difficult for an cntryman to secure
competent witnesses. And the
whole affair really results in what
b practically perjury as far as these
questions are concerned.
Orkkson & Peterson WW BitMd Forty
MHe of RaHruad.
Official notification bas been giv
en that the buildinp of 40 miles of
the extension northward from
Klamath Falls has been let to
Hrickson & PcttcrsorJ. The Utah
Construction Company of Salt I,akc
bas been awarded the contract for
btiilding 25 miles southeast from
Natron on the Natrou-Klamath
road, aud art preparing to put oq a
large crew-
The 40-milc contract will com
plete the road to the Klamath In
dian reservation.
RedRMftd Notes.
(Too ble for Utt wnk.)
Redmond wore quite a holiday air on
Jait Tuesday, when everybody came to
town to attend the meeting at the cboo!
houe and to hear Attorney-General
Crawford' explanation and view in re
gard to Carry Act contracts. M. A.
Tripp was (elected to attend a meeting
of the detert Und board to reprekent tbc
ttler' side, when the board take up
tbe interpretation of disputed point.
The incoming malls these days are
filled with letter of inepjiry from pros
pective settler and the question asked
in some of the,!ctters would make good
readjeg in Pack. The tremble I that
very few people, writing to entire
(trangen, Uke tbe trouble to enclose
stamp for reply. Soeae ef bur settlers
have received as manr a 10 letter of
thl nature in a lingle tsail, All letter
of inquiry without stamp for reply, gen
erally find their way to real estate bkh
or the waste paper basket
More than double the quantity of hay
I being -put up this seaaoq than ever be
fore on tbU segregation, and tbe good
part of it is that price will be higher
tban even before, thank to railroad
building up tbe Deschutes.
II. F. Jonks.
' Tumate Hem.
Tumalo. Auk- 7. Prank Swisher and
mother passed throuch here yesterday.
returning from a Sunday's drive.
Herman. SpooJcft for the Valley one
lv last week to be cone a couole of
I'eople In these parts are Imsy hayicg ,
and a very good yield is reported, better
than was expected. m
A crowd of young people from Tumslo
enjoyed picnic on.the, Deschutes rhcr
lat,t Sunday,
The whistle of the train is being lis
tened for every dy now.
Mrs. Paaay C, Bayer; mother of
Mrs. Ernest Griffin of Bend, died
at the home of her daughter last
Friday, aged 67 years, 1 month
aud 37 days. The deceased had
been in poor health for some time
and her death was not unexpected.
Fuuer'al services were.held at the
home Saturday afternoon, Rev,
Lowther officiating. Mrs. Griffin
left that evening with the remains
for the old home at Wadena,
Minn,, where interment will be
Fanny C. Drake was born on
June 8, 1843, at Silver Lake, Iud.
She was married to Benjamin K.
Boyer at Warsaw, lad., on June
15. IS65- Five chitdreu were born
to them, two of whom died in In
facy. Her husbaud died on Octo
ber 17, 1994. Tbc deceased Is sur
vived by three children, Mrs, Flor
ence E. Charmley of Staples,
Miou., Mrs. Luella S. Griffin of
Bend, Or., aud a sou, U. G. Boyer
of Salem, Or. Mrs. Boyer had
been a member of the M. K. church
smcc eaj-ly in life,, '
Wautcd Position ou ranch for
lVew,(titeil,'by"rliahle takn with,
small family. Please yi;te B.
RagaB, "Lake view.