The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1909, Image 8

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    ITT Trl.i"Ii""' - - ll--- .,i:.---.", UIJIMI" mm
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9 41
1 1
Uat ot LnniJs la The Dalles District
Subject to lintry under New Law.
Following is a list of lands with
in The Dalles laud district "which
ore suhject to entry under the En
larged Homestead Act of February
19. 99- Under this net nnd on
certain lands, a homestead entry
man is entitled to 330 notes.
Tp t ii. r 33 ami a e; In a n, r iK of
ai anil all of j( e; tp t n, r jj, ..j, 75 ami
6e; lp. raj, 14, 35 ami atle; tpj,
r 33, 34. 5 tl 36 c.
Tp. 19 a, r ta e, ei 1 to 30 inclusive;
M ec: ami all tec jj to w6 Inclusive.
Tp so a. r ta e, w tec t: n kci; all
ecj: ,J asc it; ve)i c la and n tec
Tp 17 , r ti e, all of townthip.
Tp t8 1, r 13 c, all of towuahin.
Tp 19 . r ij e, ee 1. 3, 3. 6 and 7;
i tec 8; all tec it anil ; ttf ami setf
see 13: all sees 16 tost inclusive; w and
erf ec 33; w t,' sec s6; all sect 37 So 34
inclusive; a " tec 33 ami all te 36.
1 p ao a, r 13 r. X see ij all tec 3 to
5, including e 4 ami aw V tec 6; nf tec
S,' all sect 9 to 16 incluillntr e kc 33;
alt tec 33 to 36 incluillnt; eJi tee a;; oeX
cc 34: nji tec 33 and all tec 36.
Tp 16 a; r 14 e, all of township.
Tp 17 a, r 14 e, all 0 township,
Tp 18 1, r 14 c, all of township.
Tp '9 h T '4 . sect 1 to 18, including
eH ec to and all tect ao to 39 and 33 to
j inclusive.
Tp so a, r 14 e. w sec 7; w and totf
Lfc wj- "' .V c 19; i),' sec so;
all acc-J 39 to 33 inclusive ami w 4 tec 33.
Tp 17 a. r 13 e, w of townthip.
Tp is a, r 15 e, all of townthip.
p m , r 15 c, aii 01 lownantp.
Tp 30 1, r is e, u of township.
Tp 18 a. r 16 e. wJ of township.
Tp 19 a, r 16 e, all of townthip.
Tp 30 a, r 16 e, aeca 1 to iS, so to 39
""" JJ J inclusive.
Tp 19 a. r 17 c, u of township.
Tp ao , r 17 e, all of township.
Tp ao a, r 18 e, all of township.
Tp ao a, r 19 e, all of township.
Tp so a, r so e, ntf and twj of said
Tp ao t, r 31 e, all of townthip.
Tpsot, rsse, M andeHreV ec 1;
. nwxnwx. tec 3; netfoeK. ve
"X. "X ec 3: all tec 4 to 9. including
wK cc 10; eK kc It; all tec 13; n,4 and
setf sec IK Dtiae( tec 14: H and
wjisetf ec 15; alt tec 16 to 33 includ.
Inif twVrwy tec 3M ctf tec 34; r U tec
5: , ec ao; all aeca 37 to 33 inclusive;
X ne X, atf of n and atf tec 36.
Tp so a, r 33 e, all of townthip.
The designation of lands under
this act docs not permit entries to
he andc if the lands are not subject
to tintnrste-d entry, or are under
suspension or withdrawal, or in a
forest or other icservation. The
removal of the suspension, with
drawal or reservation of the lands
subjects them to this act. if other
wise subject to homestead entry.
Two la-bns Marry.
Peter Brunoa, a former Warm-
springs i&aian, aow located at
North Yakima, and Indian Sally
of Celijo, were gtanted a license to
wed by County Clerk F. F. Angle
Monday afternoon. On requesting
the, license of the county clerk Bru
noa said: "This woman like this
aan Get Fr. Brongeest to make
urn tight." Father Bronsgcest be
injc out of town the two Indians
were married by Justice J. A.
Douthit shortly after securing the
license. Th witnesses to the cere
mony were Wasco Charley, an In
dian, and Chief of Police J. H.
II if p-r Brunoa said he believed
'ii nurnant? the same as white peo
ple and wUbed to. have the cere
mony performed according to Jaw.
This is the first marriage license
"tl tonn Indian by County Clerk
.'Vunte The Dalles Optimist-.
iottll Bonea Discovered.
A bed of prehistoric fosiil bones
uji been recently discovered in
i'ucb'o valley in northern Hum-
boldt county, Nevada, near the
OreRon line. The discovery fs in
the vicinity of Thousand Spring
reek and already a party of pro
fessors and students from the Uni-
rfilrnlnlnr f A Mtam mt m. .in. I
and time. Allmlnnlet Inn, unur.i,
frtW, allrHs and Imptrftr
CtK mf h0 skin. Ittti9f a dainty
ellnx'njr ailar Jrctatly ! iur,
PuiCtOOCTt aoOKltTrutt ATtJulrtOISTI
iHIMttmrnt untie Inlrrlor,
V. 8. t.tinl Ulltce t The Italttt, I Irtjon,
Tli tMllts, OtfKUll,Jlli!ih, 19114.
Notice Is litttby Kinru tht
Ii trine J Hctd,
of llenil, Oreian, who, on Antiul lilhi lM,
tnmle llnmnttml tfnity (Heititl N,, ujtt) No
llVskforlhe W Uhliu.NIt u sk u n.l
NV U HW U Ike 4. T. 1H1.. k 'i , V M.,
vcrsity of California are inspecting
the find and gathering specimens.
A number of skulls and other bones
of the mammoth and other extinct
auitnals have been found. The
country contains a pctrineu torcst
beds of lignite conl, and in place
some hnc opais were picKcu up
The opal bed has been located nnd
filed on but Ihc bancs arc there for
the first appropriator.
ITetMent Uttltam II. T
Vi.riTWeiit JmsS Stwrnwn
SCTUryofMil-.... .. 1'hlUmter C Knox
SrertUty ofTrtMury ...-Vrtiiklln MtcVraih
Secrrtsry of Interior Kf httxl A. lulllnjfr
(Werturjrtf Wir-..... ) M. IUcWInwit
Secretary ofNsry . . .Croice win t,. Meyrr
tKXTttry orCorarntree nJ tlor.Cht!r Nitl
ronmastrr Ccotrl -FisnV. II. UUchiock
Attorney Crnrl 0eor W. Wkktisham
StUryofAEiicultur-. . - Jsmes Wilton
GoTtrnor..... ....... .. V W. tifinon
cntlsiy of bUle -,... . F. W Iknwo
Trrarater - IS. A Htctl
Attorney Central . ...A. M Crawlonl
8o4. lSiUk Inslractlon J. II. Ackrnusn
Mate rrlottr . . W. S. Uunnlway
Dairy and Food Commliontr..J. W llatlry
Commlsslancr of Labor !al!lo...0 P llpfl
' Ttioa K. Camnbrtl
Railroad Commlamiantr. inue 11. Aiitniaon
Rame ami Vorntry Wardtn k. O. MtTtnton
State H-r'-- 1 "" II. lxU
it c-,i.. IOor It Chamberlain
U. 8. Benfclors J , tkMntt jr.
Confrewmen. I ".
Supreme Judge -. ,..,. . ...
hatfilnliiallcenrimriitluii tomakc I'luat rtr
yrar ITooLJueOabllvh claim li the taml ahwt
iltwrlbeil, th)re ll. C. IUIK Vnllnt htatrt Cuni
inlulinr at hta orlioe, at llrud, orrion, 011 Hie
h day or July, !.
CUlnisiil nainn a wltnrura Utiirit A.
Smith, Mmii II Reetl, Jmr It Krnl and
Hwitk llviwtcr. all ot llrnd, lUruvm
Jim itjti C W MtMlHK, Hril.lrr.
- - - -t -rxj
Ilttiiiriil of the lulnior.
V. H Uud UUIce at The IMIIc, Oregon,
July I. ivm.
Notice It hrttby gln that Cora II Smllh,
fun.irily Cora n. Chauman. ol lit ml. Orttou,
lw. wii June i;th iv. made llomrttsd (stiUI
No mvtti No inn. foe !. j amlKHNWU
IwelloiM, and MiVNIi. Htcllou , Tuoiuhm
i soiith, Kanite n Mt. Wllluuitttr Meridian,
has Hied notice of inlcntlon to uuke dual com
mutailon ivxf. totnablUh cWim to the land
above dtacrltvd. ttfore II C Kills, V 8 Com
mluiontr. at hUorticeat lltnd, Urrgon, on the
ilin uay 01 u ul. iimkl
CUIrnant nainra aa MUntsw August litcyer.
Ollree 1 hur.joruauii. William I' iKiwulug ami
NkhoU.t-muh of in.. .rtgvn and Oanltl
lltlinof Klittrs, Otnt.n
JlM-aii C W MDOHP HrgUltr
United States I.nml Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, July 13, 1909.
Notice it hereby jjlven that the Stale
oLOreton has tiled 111 tliW office its at.
tJii-alioii, Serial No. o$on to select un
der the provisions of the Act of Con
Hresa oi Auust 14. 1M4S, and the Acts
supplementary and amendatory thereto,
me .Miawji 01 kc IB, Twp. jo S.,
RmiKe It linn Willamette . Meridian.
Any and all Dcrtout clainilm ulirnr.
ly the ImiiU dcscrlued, or tlclriiin to ob
ject because of the mineral character of
the land, or fur any other rcaxin. to the
l.oal to appliciint should file their
aitiilavlta ol prutcst in tint office on or
before the 301I1 day of August, iodo.
jlJI-njj C. S JIOORK, Register.
T. A. Mcllridt
H A. loore
K. ItaVIo
Jodxe.. 1 W. L. tirad.haw
Attotnty Hrtd W. Wllaon
State Boaanor Co.stol (WaT.a.)
John II. Lewis. 8Utt KngiiKtr-.. -.Sll. Or.
It. T. Ilolnte. buu IH No. t .. JJonatm. "r
T. M. Salon,8upt. Utr. No. t.. .lU-tr Cllr,lr
It. C Kill
Warrrn Drown
Frank Mklns
. W. F. King
J. D. La Follttlt
It. a. Ford
Fred A. kict
Uepartmtnl of Ihe Interior,
Vnlted 8atn Land OBlcr, The LWUc s Or ,
June 17 Hi.
A ulrkUntroottstalrVlatlt having Utn Sltd
In lhl omcr by Chalk W Klrkbride. contest
aat, agaiatt bonrstrad. itriat No. oiy-v, entry
No. 1107, made October 17. iii. rot hiiHKV,
School SaperiatendcnU.
Hwi .py.i.
I X. II. Dayley
I Jamta Kk
CncciT Cocat First Monday la May, third
Monday In October.
FaoiuTE Cot'ar First Monday In each month.
CoMMiaaioxKaa' CocaT First Wednesday
In January, March, May, July, September
and November.
Bxd School tiitraicT No. i. 1
( John blatJI
DIrrclora.... V C. C
CC. W Mmill
Oerk L. I). Wlest
Mi-kuthL. Keid
Miss Margaret Olttlnr
Tr--. im aiauue vanoevrn
. taiitj niw
IIm Nuna Kkbardaon
, tist Cora Ferg uaon
Mayor ..J. D Davidson
Kecordr II C Hills
Treasurcr....... II. J. Overturf
'Anton Aune
. jii. kic mwiKToo hu met or land, that
she hat wholly abandoned aald tract of land as a
rnklence for roorr than tla months lat past ami
don not now realde thereon, th-t said alleged
alxtnce was not due to her employment In Ihe
army, nayy or marine cocpa of the UnlteU bum
In lime of war.
Said partl are hrrrby notlted to a
ivi auu oucr evuitttce touching sj
'. ?.y.?i a" m' '",. August 4. lyo. btlw t
... . ,., v -. vummitsioacr, at nis onxe la
nend. Oreiron. and thai fln.i K.i M.n .
held at 10 o'clock a. m. on August it, iw. before
the Keguter and Kceelver at the L'nlirU Bute
-nu wiser 10 1 ne iwiiet, urrgon,
Tbe aald ctinlrstant havlnv Im m. -at...
vt, filed June 14. lvo.aet forth facts which show
that after due diligence personal aervicw of this
notice can not be made. 11 la hrr.l.- ... .
directed that such uolicc be glreu by due and
proper publication.
1 C w "OORK. Register
Josj-jIsS LOUIS II AKNKSUN, Keeelvtr.
t. 8. Baxso.t, Ally, for ConlesUnt
Aldermen .
I. S. Hunter
C. M. Kedfield
i T. W. Trlpletl
J. II. Kclley
a. C Cald-elt
" "" "i
Tradc Marks
Covni6HTS c
Anronan4tfig askatthanddraerlHInnmaT
aaleklv arriaiq tar cpniia free, waataar an
luvanibMi is pro-ablr itauniahia. OMMinki.
tk-tsMrietlrronaaaniUl. MtkOMO. 00 1'alrnu
M4. Olilasl aaocy tor sarurlne oatanta.
an Mann A to. reoslv
ccsnt, ia m
rftrui matin, without
I'aiania tasen tbrvnab Maon .
SckKlific Jltftericatt.
A handaomalr lllurlralad waaklr. Laraatt rtr.
euiallwn jr anr acienuoa kioraaL Tirni. u a
y (nor months, L fJold brail nawadaaier.
Carpet and Rug
WITH my celebrated New
comb I'our Harness Ifiom
I can weave not only the, ordi
nary raj; carpet, but can alto
nuke ruj;s, curtains, couch and
table cot era, etc , etc
Iran make very handsome rugs.
fruautu6ft, wide t'alronagcaaltcitrd
Mrs. W. VV. Orcutt
Bend, Oregon
n 3aiBt4Mr.Hekv Ynrlr
-Urni W..M ton tj. e.
r ..tV1, ln y,lml-T. 1 1 It I ba root t uae
ful In si-o and conicnls. Judiciously to.
kx-ted to exclude rorrupllona or iroil
"ja'TOj and to aruld ualulelllvlulo .!.
v Jf ) mm)
C4ebrad lor style, perfect t, slrnptlcily and
rrNablllty nearly 40 years. Sold In nearly
every city and town In the United Suits and
Casada, or by mall direct. Mora sold than
ay other make. Send lor tree catalogue.
Mote subscribers han sny other faihleo
tMfatl--a!l!lon a month. Invaluable. Lab
el styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery,
plain scwlnjr, laaey needlework, halrdretiini,',
ellauetle, rood atorles, etc. Only V0 cents a
-ear (warm double). Including a Ires patlrrn.
tubsaelM te-jy, or stpd (?r sample coyj,
wiwir-iDi mnvcEMaas
fAtU. r"bstl brings premium catalogue
sad aW eafc prlae offers. Address
Xxeala la Arrasctmtat.
---i:"!r:-": .-"m...
. ia ciymoufiet. Theao ara coin.
JiremsnL rudi wnnt i
fJiM p"rw"?: '".,u fOrrecl alphabrf
leal pliue nnd u nwllly camrlit lr (ha era.
plcto arid aclnntlfl ti.l .mlrf.i. i. i.
Xieela In lTonuncUtlon which U lnd.
SlSilri"?.,m?lth -'-erltkJy
!?irA ,.",fr.Vfd '" " sehoollxaiks,
liotrf 1 "re ,BU'fht ,n ib POb
Axeeu iq Dtuoltlons.
They are clear.
onler fn wtilch I bo w orl hot acnul
siiauoa or nieonlng-. Many of I bo deflol
lerse, jetceniipk'ie.aiid are aiten ln tlii
Xxeala In lta Appsmlix which la a Daekad
stmeluiusn of 11-.111I kiumlwtire.
.fx".u V working DteUonary. No
plber liorjlc cwbudloo . much useful In-
h,.,Mli-,,r !' ? '""JSSw In tbo
home, ttuily, school, or olUw.
Tho Intemntlonnl lm 33111ft .
to pages, C000 illustration,, fcVOOO
new words, rovfrjcdilazettccr of tho
"vtu, una a rovisoa iiiogrspliical
-ivhuijjt, uic. ji recoiveu
Highest Awakd) st t!w World',
i-lr, St, Louis.
--, '
;:..v.w.m'. Aiw
......, uivu 'UJUJ1JUI.
SpniHOfiELO Mam;
These Patent Tension Shears
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent FREE
postage prepaid, to every new, cash-in-advance year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you are already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub
scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free.
Ifyonraubscrlption Is about to expire you cntinot afford to miss this opportunity to secure a
pair of Shears whose culling cdRc will never wear dull, mid which will cut anything from wet Unite
paper to a heavy horse blanket. A p-lr of these shears are given tree to every new cash.Jn.advatice
The Tension. Spring attachment docs away with rcsharpctilng entirely and enables the user to
set c tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect ease without tiring the
band. The Tension Spilng takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically ludcslrurtlble.
A simple torn of the little thumb-screw, shown In the engraving, tightens up the blades as closely as
may be jleslred. Any woman who bus liad.thc exasperating experience of trying to use a dull pair of
shears can readily appreciate the value of the new invention WHICH KKKPS THIS PAIR OF
SHEARS AUVAYS SHARP and in perfect cutliug condltlou. No matter how many pairs of shears
or scissors you may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you
get and use It once, you will use It in preference to any other you may have. These shears arc per
fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated.
the quality of the material and workmanship In this pair of shears to be first class, that the Tension
Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears and docs away with the need of rcshorpenlng.
Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that If
this pair of shears BRKAKS or in any way becomes dclcctivc within FIVE YEARS from date of pur
chase it will be replaced with a NEW pair without cost."
I wrasitHM ) I
if fewTwutfau.i
VsscTiesuayy I
' Li
The Uulletlu leads.