1 OMAN VIN8 IK TARGET TOUIlNEy VITII luXIT. ffijien-ccnd- te :(o77 f I St 'P' "f -n23 I'M United Main iTrnuinl s tin InrcrM Individual purchaser of elrcltle ln!ni' In tlilt fitj. It 4uy b.0,000 aiiminllr, II..I).,,, win flu, lira. Wlnnlnw" rbmttilut ,t. . II.'" t. .1 tS! ilr V iH lui ih.lt- tbUdreJ ruUus ilii uathlkK (airled. Over one million parseus vlalt tba llrlt lib Muiauin rcli jrtir, A foul Ink' of security nml freedom from niixtuty pervade th litimn In which llnmllns Wlmtl Oil In kept con stantly on lniiul. Mother know It curt always ho depended ujion In time of need. Tlii Persian liar different limit for vrry day lu Ilia month. CASTOR I A Por Infants nud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought llnnnt tho Dlunuturo of &2& I'lfijr )er' rrrnrda of rrlmlnnl alalia- (In ilinw tliit (blowy list decrraaed 40 per mil. j Biliousness "I have uril your tnluable Cascarrta ml I (Iml Hutu jxrfrct Coulilii'l do without thrill. I limr uieil tllrlil for Mime lime for InillKrotlon ami blllimaiicta ami mil now completely cmril, Urcum inrnil lllrlll to evrtvone Onre tried, you will never ! without thrni In tha family " ltd afd A. Marx, Allsiuy, N.Y. llaaiaat. Patatabta, lolanl. Taila Oood. Do One.1 Nr rJlaaan Waatan or (lilp. )iv,tV. W. vr aoMlnbulk Iheaan ulna labial lampw.tCCC Utiaf anlaad to tula uf uuf niooar back. Id HIT TIIK OIICAT Alnskn-Yukon-Pacific exposition CumatAlhai'air w lllttalt riNBAl HUM OP li.ATISH or TIIK liUII.I) NlM M for aoe Ortlar And anoinar f lharl r -' stAiur. inr "firM or it c coast" Varrll irllM ptiaM Ut In real awl b happr. . 4ljwv.iu. .4nu.iuL (xtftNltil CRESCENT fegS: aigh I'fkrj bailrs BAKING MdriiKllldaMidwi It bftlri. It iiiiii Iht d4u(h tnil noVrt llhl. f. lrr and Ixttfl i 1 A f 1 l"l llnliM.dt. rUWUtlt jSwRfKnYU' name anl tdJirtt, III ! rv kk n hllh aadbaVin pwdt. CHCSCUtT MFO. CO. Seattle, Wn. CaMlirtto DAISY FLY KILLER f4 kilt all !. Ki !!. wrK II Cksst Vfa Will Uiifftf liuMl r. uf. II aaira. ar aai ptt paw ivr m raau. HUOIP tOMCSS.IsOOKa!kSi.. B'tl;a.fM.Y 9 COFFEEt TEA SPICES BAHINO POWDER IXTRACTS JUS I IIKillT iCLO CLOSUTfiDCYEltS reniuna SRt J .! W w M.tH. tt Inn lalar In fawla, a Uanlai Wuik in I'aitland, Out-of-Town People T-u'rvril-Msra; IIHIIKIK ANI I'ltK WOltK.IN, A IJAY if l!Jltr I'OilTTVKLY I'AINI.MSH HX TKAt!TiNfl I UKh hn nlalra r lnHaaa ara or. Tr'rrVll ANI) IKKtTS WirilOUT TIIK UiASr 1'AIN. NOHIUIIKNTM. n.i unfertalntr. For tho Noxt Ftftoon Days W will ! you a st K sU ' P""1 ,. lain rruwn fur , .. . wwj Ck lirld llh i Mular rruwn in.. ..,.. "'" llablorenamtl ItlllniH ' "J Hllar fllllnta . i tloial rubbvr plalaa . .,.,...... . y" Iliatwatml rubbar pUlea , T.W I'alnlaaa aatractlona . . wl AtLWORKaUARANTCED 15 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wise Prealdont and Manasor The Wise Dental Co. UNO.) Third and Wa.lilnaton 8U. PORTLAND, OKEQON VNV NO. 31-09 &L BafMkaJaBBLVCi!dlfc H IIK! writing- to adyartliara plaaia I inanllan mil paper. sWfi iff The Wiiiimn WIhi .Neer lleaita. "I lovo my mnlhnr-lii-law," aald n yomiK wniiinti rcrontly, "hut a visit from lior almost give me nervou prostration. Hho I kindness Itself, would do an) thing for mo, except lrnvo mo nlono llvn minute nt n 1 1 nit'. Hho la mm of those uncomfort nlilu it'0ila who never rendu, hut sit with her hand folded hour nftar hour nnd expect to talk or ho Utlked to. My children nre koIiik to he rentiers tt I have to boat h lovo of hooks Into them." There nro few rhnrflcutrlstlcs more trylrm than not to rend. If you do not lovo hooks fur thalr own snke, rulilvnto n tnntn for them In tho In terest of your awn ioiulnrlty. Tho isii limn who nevor reads Is rarely n popular guest. Hho Is n dead weight on her hosto and wears thin tho ut moat hospitality. If you hnvo n friend I In your house who. you know, Is only too pleased to get n cJinnco nl n book, you do not worry nhout hor entertain Inn livery housekeeper, hns duties that must he ntlendcd to, and to hustlo I Imm IhroiiKh while n stranger wnlts Idly for your return, t contluclvo to nervo strain Conversation, like hon hons, should he taken lu moderation About tha only ono that can thorough ly enjoy unlimited chatter Is a mem ber of tho monkey tribe. To talk the clock around Renerally means words not Ideas. Krtn though the woman who never reads hns a fondness for the needle, It does not help tho hnr aimed rntertntner much. Ileildes Sw ing a bore to other, the woman who never read genorally Is a bore to her aelf The true book lover la depend- SOME Tho school frock ot navy blue scrgo la worn over a while skirt powdered with currant red pota; whllo tha llttlu walking costume Is carried out In cream cloth trimmed with soutache. Tho charming little frock of enl on no ono for her amusement; "What shall I do uextr Is never on her lips, and "ennuf Is a state un known. The atmoipherc of good book makes for a refinement that levels rank and soclnl position. .The woman who knows Intimately tho master mind of Iho world, who keep up with current event, has within her wilf a woll-sprlng of content, and rare ly Is n source ot discontent to hor friends. Tho girl who can sow ha great ad vautago over tho ono who cannot, for If sho studies tho gowns here pictured she can ovolvo with vory llttlo trou ble and oxpouso a beautiful frock for aflornoon or church wear, Ona that, if hiado by a fahionahlo modiste, would cost 50 or more, can ho made cheaply at homo, Womon'e apparel I not closely fitted nowadays, whlcjh makes It cnslor for the nmatour dross maker. Tho first picture shows a prln ccbs gown ot figured foulard In brown uud tan, with yoko and sleovea of cream-colored ueL The coat Is ot heavy brown linen pi with wldo Insets of conrso linen Inco of the samn color. Around tho neck Is a fold of bins hlnok satin pnssInK throtmh rings covered wtlh crochet. A brown lint fneed with blnck, trimmed with abort brown onlrlch fenthers nnd black aigrette, Is worn with this suit. Tho ai'cobd figure la another ndapta tlon of tho prlnceM It can he tnndo of any color, In any shade, with hat In tones to match. The principal note I the touch of black that seem nec essary to the fashionable frocks of tho season. To Clean Papernl "Wnlla. Make a dough of flour and cold wa ter and knead, a you would bread, un til It Is'free from stickiness nnd be come perfectly amooth. A piece of PIIETTY FKOCKS FOR LITTLE 0IHL3. --a" f thl rubbed over the paper will ma1e It ntiiMuir na freali as now. One pleco may be tueil for a large surfaco, though It slufuld bo changed for a clean pleco before It U too much soiled. If you hnvo philn paper on your wall and It I faded or spotted, mix somo wnll llnlsh. of a desired color, rather thick, and apply It swiftly over tho wall. If done carefully ami with dispatch tho paper will not become Vet enough tp como off. nnd will dry quickly, when tt will look like new. lllnal fur Wiminli fturfrnitr. Illshop William Cromvell Doane said In an address tho other day to tho graduating class of St. Agnes' school at Albany, N. Y.: "I cannot count It necessary and perhaps tt I not wlso for mo to cau tion you against tho loudly shrieked call to give women tho right to vote and to bo voted for. "I nm disposed to think that tho quiet and decent appeal of a few of tho so-called suffragists will bo no drowned In tho sort ot howling der vish performance of tho so-called imf fragettos that It will fall of nny of. feet. "At nny rate, tho argument should, bo addressed Tnthcr to legislators than to i)'ou, except so fnr ns ono Is Justi fied In saying hero to you that your, womenhood will gain nothing by suf frngo and Is losing every day In Its dignity nnd its true Influence by the hysterical clnmor which is employed In tho pursuit ot this chimera." Ilalnff , Scnlp .jTonlc. Tho womnn who la ordeied to use a tonic on her scalp must know how to apply It or hv htttr will bo In worso condition than It none woro used. Tho Idoal mothod Is to have the tonlo rubbed In by n hatrdrossor, but as that la out ot the question to most woman, the noxt bent thing Is to own either n small oil can, such n can bo bought for 10 cents, or n modltdne dropper, I'ut tho tonic In either of these rocep tachm, which nre equally good to dls trlbutn the ll'iuld evenly on tho scnlp without wetting the hair. Divide hair Into strands nnd r.o over each part carefully before1 making a new dlvls Ion. While tho tonic Is being applied with ono hand rub It In well with the nnfc-er lips of the other hand. Cntilil IlrfenalT. "There were something llko 40,000 less marriages In New York Hlato dur ing 1!08 tlmh there should have been under normal conditions of Increase," writes Hlchard Maxwell NVInan In Harper's Weekly, The author ascribes this fact to tho new law compiling brides and brldsgroorns to appear In person at the City Mall In order to se cure licenses. The publicity and Its attendant unpleasantness have driv en many couple to tnko ndvantnge of ( tho facilities for marriage that are offered by ndjacent States. Mnu filrl I.IUra, You couldn't get n girl to confess It. but the man she most admires I oft en lie whose Ideas never coincide with her own. Ho who tells her point-blank that he hntes to arc iwwder on her fncc. He who never says that some other girl looks pretty. Ho who always appears Interested when she airs her little tribulations. Krrp t'lnlirelln III flood Ortlrr. Open your umbrellas and place a drop of oil In each Joint; now open and close tho umbrella several time to Insure the oil penetrating to where It I most needed. Wipe off any upr fluou oil, and In case some gets on the cover, rcmoyo with gasoline, lie peat this process In the course of a Japanese hluo shantung Is trimmed with embroidery. Tho sturdy little 4-year-old wear a little pale bluo cash mere frock worked In soutache. few week and noto how much lest you spend on umbrellas. In tho mat ter ot the children's umbrellas, ona lasts ns long as three formerly lasted beforo we thought of the above plan. Tulr Green Poulard, SEg Jlordcred foulard In a delightful shndo of green was used tor an at tractive gown patterned after above model. Tho yoko of bodice Is formed ot fan plaits ot whllo silk moussellno, with stock, tab and side pieces ot lace. Tho bertha band and pointed strap plccos nro made from the bor der, which has an embroidered ring In groeti soveral shades darker than material. These nro edged top and bottom with velvet ribbon in dark green. Fancy crochet buttons aro placed In each point. Four deop cir cular tucka form tho blouse and tho amo number ot tucks are used In tops ot sleeves. The skirt la plain, tho dotted border forming the hem. sS6v 1' W .j3. m 4 sSslfl y n lfl m nc ; uTw hlbr- W& r" ' . . . i i imi s jwmn "JM'sj- A.Toppx.cxx.tiC. Mrs. Adolph Topperweln camo from San Antonio, Tex to compete In tha Grand American handicap conducted by the Chicago Oun Club. In the pre liminary events for the big prize th shotgun expert from the Alamo proved that she I easily the champion woman shot of the world. She Is the only woman who entered tho competition among the greatest amateur and pro fessional target experts. Since she has followed shooting as a pastime Mr. Topperweln has Im proved her aim with each public appearance. Her best record Is 99 out of 100 thrown targets. She also holds the record of having smashed 485 out of COO posslblo targets, but her best feat wai breaking 9C1 out of 1,000, a feat which required four hours and thlrty-flvn minutes. igpKrce: A pound of copperas and elgbt ounces of carbolic acid to a gallon of water will make a cheap and effective disinfectant. During the past ten year the Itus slan government has spent 944,S10, 000 on Improving old railroads and building new ones. llross may bo given a color resem bling old pewter by boiling It In a solution of cream ot tartar containing a, small amount of chloride ot tin. The discovery ot coal beneath the chalk cliffs of Dover has given rise to tbe hope that it may be found in workable quantities elsewhere In tbe south of England. According to tbe estimates ot Lewis U. 8tlll ell. presented before the Amorlcan Institute of Electrical En gineers, the -Niagara Falls hydro-electric plants during the year 190S sav ed more than a million tons ot coal, which otherwise would have had to be burned In order to produce an equivalent amount ot mechanical enor gy. During -tbe same year, says Mr. Btlllwell, the Interborough Transit Company In New York, by lta electric system saved nearly a mllflon tons of coal from the amount that would have been consumed by locomotives. Mr. Btlllwell has also calculated that when the application of electric power In tho coal mines of tho Northumberland and Durham district of England Is com niotort there will be a savins ot 1.760.- 000 tons of coal per year, for use else where than at the mines. At a recent exhibition In New York a saw made ot vanadium steel for wood-cutting was tried on Iron. It cut through a twenty-penny nail with ease, aud without lujury to tho teeth. An Iron plpo an Inch In diameter was easily cut with the same saw. Mr. J. M. Flannery described the superior work of vanadium steel tools Intendod for metal-utuB. American tools of this kind were tested tn comparison with the best steel tools that could be Obtained from abroad. The other steels needed grinding after cuttiug 80 axles, while the American vanadium steel worked without attention up to 400 axles. The following la said to be the best composition for steel of this character: vanadium, 0.33 per cent;' tungsten, 17.81 per cent: chro mium, 6.95 per cent; carbon, 0.682 ler cent; manganese. 0.07 per cent; slit con, 0.049 per cent. I'rof, John Q. McKendrtck doubts t& correctness ot the general belief m that when a human being Is bereft ot one seme his other senses compensate him by becoming more acute. Experi mental tests, be says, show that the blind cannot tell tbe direction ot sounds better, or hear sounds farther, than thoso who can see. Their sense ot touch, too. Is no more acute. In fact, some testa have snown It Is actu ally Jea acute. In general, tbe senses of the blind are, on the average, less acute than these of persons who can see, Professor MeKendrlck thinks that the ability of tbe blind to And their way about, which seems to Im ply acuter senses, I really duo to In voluntary concentration ot attention, enabling them to tell direction and to perceive air-currents and changes of temperature which escape the at tention ot other people. KILL HOUSES WITH BAKLEY. w York Htablra Mrport n Heavy IlenlB Hate Una to IVratrrn Grain. More work horses hate died this year in New York and throughout tbe East than In any previous year, and there Is hardly a large stable In this city which has not bad one or more deaths since March, tbe New York Herald says. The deaths have all been caused by Intestinal trouble and veter inarians attribute the prevalence of this disease to the mixing of a very large percentage ot barley with oats that are shipped here from the West. Barley Is both cheaper and heavier than oats, which gives a larger profit to those who mix a large quantity and sell It for the lighter grain Ordi narily, there la from 6 to 10 per cent ot barley uboJ. but this year tho per centage has run as high as 50 and 60. Dr. James II. Ferster, of 33 G West 61st street, a veterinarian who has charge ot horses In mauy ot the larger stables, said last night that there was no question, from the post mortems that had been held, that the excessive quantity of barley was re sponsible for many of the deaths. "Barley Is a very hard grain for horses to digest," said Dr. Ferster, "and It ferments rapidly, causing collo and In many cases death. I know that In tbe Wcstorn States horses nre fed both barley and corn without Injuri ous effect, but horses tn this climate cannot live on that kind ot food.' Ctrcuiiiatnnttal Evidence. "Did you say Jaggera was a member ot the stock exchange!" "Yes "Buli or bearr "Bear, I guess; at least, that's the distinction hi home bearing seems to enforce." Boston Courier. Wo met a man to-day who Is hard to please; he doesn't like cold weather and he doeea't lke warm weather.