The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1909, Image 6

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The pirate of
Author of Tha Count at ll-rvar-," etc 0
Copyright, tOOS, br J. D. Upplncott Company. All right reserved. 3
I happened to be sitting In my den.
writing, the following afternoon, when
glancing out of the big window that took
tip the beach, 1 caught sight of A woman
walking near the water, I picked up my
binoculars anil focnsed them on her. It
proved to be MIm Graham, dressed In a
rlJInjr-hnblt. and with a liroml felt hat
on her head. She wu walking In a
somewhat almjess fashion, skirting the
waves. a though oh were playing with
them. I jaw hr glance once nt the Ship
and once In the direction of my houne.
I put down the glasses and laid my
paper aside. When I went down-stairs
I routed Charter out of a sound sleep In
the kitchen.
"Do you remember how to make ten
good ten?" I asked him.
"Yr, Mr. Felix. Aren't you feetlne
well, sir?"
"Quite well. Please make tome tea
that shall b ready to serve In about an
hour, and set out a box of those salty
biscuits. Set the small table In the din-tog-room
out In front of the door, with
two choir, and be ready to nerve e lady
and myself."
."Ye. .Mr. Fellr." Charles showed no
surprise, though he had never received
such nn order since we had been at Alas
talr. I picked tip a cap. ami left the house.
As I did so I notice! (hit MIm Graham
had stopped walking and was gathering
shells. Half way to her. and she was
still Inorbed in the shells, which are
quite unusually beautiful here; three-
junera or tne way. and she was still
playing with them. I had almost reached
her. and was raisins my cap to speak.
wore nc turned and aw me. A flush
of surprise roe to her cheeks.
"Good afternoon."
"Good afternoon, Mr.-Hermit. Am I
poaching on your preserves J'
"Not In the least . I make yoo free
of the dty."
There was a light In ber blue eyes
which I discovered that I remembered,
but a found her rldlng-hablt new and
wonderfully prepossessing I was" taking
stock of It when she Interrupted me
"I left my horse tied back In the
woods. Ilaren't you ever seen a ridlnz
habit before?"
'"Yes. I beg your pardon, but lt' so
very becoming-.
Again the quick flush, and an Instaat'n
ioo at the sanil. Then she laaghed and
hook her rldlng-crop playfully at me.
"IJeware, Mr. Hermit. Any man might
My a thing like that, but I expect other
thlngi from you. That's one of the pen
alties pf your position : you must be dlf.
ferent. I look for the flavor of romance
and adventure at Al-tlr." 8he laughed
at my puzzled face. "Shall I go back
home again?"
"No. I will try to remember. Did you
come to see the sunset from the cliff?"
"Yes. My aunt has a headacho and
has stayed In bed alt day. I bribed our
waiter to save me a little supper and
send It up to my room at 8 o'clock, .
jou see. I'm free of the club and din
ner." She spoke Impulsively, as I Im
agined she might domany things, and
glanced at m whimsically to see of what
I was thinking. She bad soma of the
nrtleesness of a, child playing truant
from school. "I do hate stupid conven
tions, such as chaperons," she added, "es
pecially In summer."
We. .walked past my cottar, whleh
Miss Graham looked at with much' curt
oilty, asking we a hundred questions
about It bow I hvl discovered It. whr
I, had bought It, how it was fashioned -In
side, aqd how I ilkl ray marketing. I
told ber I had the same butcher they bad
at the. club.
"Oht" she said. "I half hoped you
lived by hunting and Ashing, but I sup
pose you'd rather Indulge In ocaslonal
beefsteaks." '
"I'd rather live that way," said I, "but
Charlef, my man, wouldn't like that. Ha
has n very cultivated palate."
When we came to the top of the cliff
1 felt like another Ilalboa discovering the
Pacific. In front of us lay the entrance
to the river, the sloping away of the
dpnes to the low. level field of meadow,
grass, and the distant background of the
pines. Here ami there the fields were
dotted with baeb marshmallow. windfalls
delicately pink: along the sedgy banks
grew clumps of cat-tails, their brown pen
lions stiff like so much bronze, ,U a lit
tle landing-stage, where the rlrer hart
hollowed out a harbor In the bank, rode
ray cat-boat, the sail tightly furled, the
mast rocking gently with the tide. A
wo looked a flock of sand-snipe rose from
the tall rank grasses beyond tlio river and
spread themselves like a sail against the
western sky. Nature never looked so ab
solutely peaceful.
"Jyxk," I said: a heron, red-lcggcd,
wblte-bodled, rose from the sedges and
flapped his way up the stream. He called
to his mate, a low, plaintive cry.
"It is beautiful," said the girl. "I
don't wonder that you love It."
'Vook,'' I Mid: tho sun' kaleidoscope
was changing, the pale yellows deepen
ing, the pinks turning to reds, to oranges,
to brilliant, blazing golds. Again It
shifted and softened red and yellow
were saffron, orange the color of coral.
Yet again, and the whote west was gold
en with a purple border, and then as the
purple gained and the gold sank we couM
see the army of pines sllhoutted against
the dropping fire,
"They come, the armies come!" I cried.
"See the spears, see the crested horse,
mm, see the banners In the rear!"
I turned and her eyes were shining,
exulting In the beauty of the scene. Then
we were silent for a time, until the blaze
had softened and the battle dropped to a
harmonious peace.
I found a seat for her, and stretched
myself beside It.
f "Tell me what yon think." she said
"the stories you make up when you come
here night after night."
I had known how that view of the sun
set quiets, yet I was surprised to llnd her
so still and calm. It seemed as though
we had known each other for Mine time.
I have romanced to myself Idly from
that cliff when the yellow light lies over
the sea and the river and the pines, and
I drew upon my memory only to find It
well stocked. Morcorer. I learned much
ot the river people, of the blnU that live
In the marsh and f the animals ot the
woods, I had watched the purple grackte
build hts nest and the blue jay forage for
his offspring when the summer was
young, ami I knew many a story of the
sea-gulls. Miss Graham was a flattering
listener, her lips slightly parted, her eyea
alight with Interest.
"You must be hungry," I aald at last,
lunch at noon, no supper until 8. I
should like to offer you my cottage's hos
I waa looking for the flush that I
knew would come, and was not disap
pointed. "Thank you." she answered, "but, you
see what would people think If they
looked In your dlulng-room window and
saw me taking tea alone with you)
"I'eople don't look In my dining-room
window," I answered.
- She shook her head so decisively that
I knew she meant It.
. "At least, we will have a cup of tea
on the beach, I said, "out of doors oh,
a doten yards from the cottage, where
alt the world may see us If they choose."
"Splendid! she cried, and. Jumping up,
led the way down from the heights.
On the smooth sand some distance
from my door Charles had placed the lit
tle table. Two chair faced each other:
plate, napkins, arid a center-piece of
beach-marshmallow were the decorations,
and my man, as straight and rigid as an
Kgyptian Idol, stood a short distance off.
Miss Graham gave a little cry of pleas
ure. "It's like the Arabian Nights!" she ex
claimed. "The whole thing seems to
hare sprung out of the sand."
I seated her at the table.
"You may serve the tea, Charles,"' I
He brought forth the tea-pot. and was
about to pour the tea Into our cups when
ills Graham expostulated. "Its the
woman's place to do that!" she exclaim
ed, and Charles surrendered the tea-pot
Into her care.
"How many lump of sugar?" she
asked, with the delicate superorlty of a
hostess to a guest.
"Will you have lemon or cream?"
There, were both; I thanked my stars that
CliArle was, so thoughtful.
"Imon."v' '
I 'received my tea-cup and a moment
later had the satisfaction of hearing Miss
Graham say tint the brew was delicious.
"And sueb pretty cups! I don't believe
you're a bit of a hermit, but a very pam
pered old sybarite."
"We use the only on state occasions,
for our honored guests," I explained.
"Itut I don't feel as If this were a state
occasion," she answered. "It seem quite
si though we'd been doing this all sum
mer." "I wish we bail." I said, quickly.
"I jnfaa. It leem so usual," she said.
"And yet, In reality, you hardly know
me at all: why, you haven't even met
Aunt Kllzabeth yet."
"No, that's true.'' I agreed. "Hut then,
on the other hand, you don't know sueh
a very great deal about me."
"It's the very fact that we know so
Utile about each other In the usual ways,
and so much In other ways," Mis Gra
ham attempted to exp!aln,"'that make
everytutng so .nice, we're loth so much
Interred In ' the Khlp and Hi history,
you know,"
"We are," I answered. "That reminds
me that I ua to tell you all about the
Ship some time."
"Yes." Kho lookod off to where the
boat lay shlnulng like mahogany In the
jellow afterglow. "Hut don't )ou think
we'd better wait until we're on board
again. The smell of tar and the feel of
the wood wilt make It so much more
"Then, you'll come " I began, and
stopped, for Miss Graham was looking
past M4 At tho door of my house. I
turned to see Islip there, a broad smile
wreathing hl face,
"Well, well, well!" he remarked, ad
vancing. "What a charming Idyl I Ileal-
ly, I had no Idea when I enme. In at the
bar door that 1 should find such a pretty
picture awaiting me In front." He bowed
to Mix Graham. "Whew Is the horse,
Harhara. that goes with your habit ?"
"I left hint In the woods. He's ued
to standing." She turned to me, "Mr.
Selden, have you met Mr, Isllp?"
"Yesterday." t answered. "He lunched
"Yes," put In Isllp: "and h gave me
as good a lunch ns he's giving you ten.
Itenlly, Hidden, you're not living tip to
your reputation as a recline." He ptosed,
looking front MIm Graham to me, "I
hate an Interloper, but I'm afraid that's
the part assigned me. When you didn't
Appear at dinner, and couldn't be found,
I volunteered to hunt. I was gcttliw
quite worried over the disappearance.
Your Aunt Kllsabeth -"
"la III In te.l with a headaches" said
Miss Grnham.
"Quite so ; we didn't like to tell her.
I took alt the responsibility on myself."
I may have looked somewhat sharply
at Isllp at thes words, for when I turn
ed to the girl I caught an a mined gleam
In her eyes.
"Thank you, Ilodney. Aunt Klliabelh
would thank you, too. If she knew,"
The young man flushed and hit his Up.
Ml Graham had a provoking tone when
she wished. I felt sorry for him.
"Won't you sit down and have some
tear I asked.
He shook hi head. "I must I getting
back, now I hava found hr."
He was too polite to look at his watch,
but we both knew what he was thinking.
"1 left my horse In your back yard."
Miss Graham rosi. "I must go, too
Thank you, Mr, Seldon. for the sunset
and the tea. Mr. Isllp will And my horse
and go back with me." Her eyes were
dancing as she looked from one to the
other of us men, and I hardly wonder,
fyr I felt distinctly out of sorts All ot
a sudden, and I slip's face wasn't as
cheerful as usual.
Charle brought Isllp's bore down to
the beach, And we three valkrd up to the
point In the pine where Mis Graham
had left her niount. There we separated.
"Ity the. way, Selden." said Isllp. "the
market's shaky; slumping all )estenlay
and started In to-day. llettrr look out
for a sjuall." He grinneil as be disap
peared. Charles was clearing away the remains
ot the tea-party when 1 rrturutd.
"Sorry. Mr. I'ellx." said he. "I tried
to keep the gentleman away, but he
would come out. Said he wanted to see
jou on pressing business."
"That's all right. Jfhnrle. He came
to get my guest. W couldn t have tat
there drinking tra all night."
"No, of course not, lr, of course not."
I turned to do Indoor. "Hy the way.
Charles, that tea was splendid; you did
yourself proud.
Ily the time supper was finished I was
still thinking about the I'enguln Club,
which was a very singular thing, because
ordinarily I bad no use for tho place.
(To be continued.)
Ills-Ulna of I.nlmr.
' "Got any work thf moroln, Mliah
Iloydl" nskcl old Hilly Ilulgcr, Mfo
In tho knowlttlgo Hint no work would
bo entrusted to him
"No," vena the rcpono; nnd then,
before Hilly could iwlc for tho custom
ary contribution: "Hut unit a minute.
Lawyer l'hllllp ltn owitl mo JUt) for
twenty year. Collect It and I'll giro
you half." And the tiH'rchant, knowing
how bad was the debt, winked at a
waiting customer.
Tho old man found tho lawyer In tho
mlddlo of a group of prospective client
and influential citizens. Thrusting
through tho group, ho culled. In itcu
torlan tones:
"Mlstali rhtlllp, uh!"
Well?" queried tho lawyer, much
"Mlstnh Hoyd dime tell mo that
you've owed him 20 for nbout a hun
dred yearn ; and ho want to know kin
you twiy Mm, mih.
Tho Inwyor hurried to Hilly' side..
"You Idiot." ho until otto vow. "do
you want to ruin my business? Hero!"
and ho thrust n 10 bill Into thf old
man's Imnd.
Hack to tho merchant toddled the old
"Well, Illlly." Mid tho merchnnt,
"did you RetJtr
Tin old mtin grinned.
"I got my hnlf, nil right," li..
chuckled! "but yiiu'd letter look out
when yon go hauk to get your half
ho' right smart hot over It, aim!"
Hucces Magazine.
Itltiriilnv llnnnim.
It I n fnmniiir fact that banana
nro Imported grien, hut It enmo n n
now thins to n rlnltor to tho bit mum
district in Colombia to llnd thnt lm
tuituiH are not permitted to rlcn on
tho plant oven down there. They nro
eut nnd et to hung soiuowheru until
they wither ripe, n tho plintno I. Hit
nana do not hnvo to ho yellow to
be ripe. That la only tho color of tho
Kkln when It linn dried up. To tho
ix-nion who Is ncctiHtomcd to eating
bananas only when thoy nro yellow It
seems' odd to peel them when thoy nro
freen nnd find that they nro 'perfectly
rlpo within nnd lit to ent.Now York
Sun. '
"What Is tho fllHtliiKulshlng quality
of tho problem piny?"
"It'jnnkcs you think. THo'lrstfialf
keeps you1 wondering what thorites
tlon Is, and tho second Imlfkccps you
iruewdng wlu'it's tho answer.',' Wash
ington Htar,
(loml Hnjr Mocker,
The Mies of timbers used In this.
ileali-n for a Imy smoker ynry from 3
iiu'lii's by Incite to 4 Inches by
litem'.. Tho bottom piece marked
1 tiro 12 feet long nnd 4 Incite by S
Inches, the aldo iiprlithta are 14 foot
Ioiik; the cross pleco 5 la 13 foot of
.1 Inch by 5-Inch stuff) No. 6 li 3
Inches by 6 Incite, and I hovelled on
the front edge to altow tho Imy to
alldo ovor It cnlly, when beltm hoved
on by tho sweep. No. 13 I 8 fret by
2 Inches by 4 Inches, with tho higher
end feet nbovn tho ground, so thnt
when tho stacker la on tlio ground ttin
weight box No. II will l about S
Inches from tho two pulley on tlio
tippor fml of No. 13. Tho rop for
rilsliiK the stacker should bo cither
itch or Inch and n quarter.
The teeth on tho atacker can be
made of Nnrh by Mneh pine scantling
10 feet long nnd levelled on, tho upper
idde to allow tho tiny to slide easily.
The short upright teeth on the slack
er head should be about S feet long.
Thoy are bolted to tho lone teeth
about ! inches from the starker head
No. fi ami rest against the stacker
htMd No, 0. The stacker arms No. 4
should bo bolted to No. 2 with a large
bolt about 13 Inches from the ground.
Olran I'nrtiilna; I'mfltahle,
Honest, now, don't you tike to see
a farm kept clean of all unnecessary
trash and the fields clean of weeds?
It really add to the worth ot tho
farm, In the eye ot the man passing
by It Is a better farm than the one
besdo It of equal soil, though weed
grown and brushy.
A groat many folk pay no atten
tion to the roadsides. Where n hedge
Is the outsldo fence, wo luvo seen
hedge brush grow from roots that had
been rxKed by road grading, until
travel had actually been turned to
the opposite because of It. This
doesn't speak very well for tho enro
fulness of tho farmer. Of courso there
Is always so much to do on a farm
that soma of It nnvee if els ilnnrv nnv
one who ha farmed for a short a
tlmo as ono year know this but the
llmo required to do a little cleaning
up I really shorter than a busy man
belloves. It Is getting started nt' the
work that comes hardest Tho excuse
of the man who does not havo a clean-
looking farm la usually that he does
not care about selling, and It It worth
ss much to him that way as any. Ha
does not figure) In anything for satis
faction. Farmer' Mall and Kxpross.
Mummer Cir or lines.
A great many horses are laid up
every summer with sore shoulders.
This can he remedied In a very large
measure with senso nnd rriro.
A good horse collar Is the main part
of the harnoss nnd It should bo of
tho very best kind and fit the animal's
neck perfectly.
The collar should be kept elenn at
nil time and the horse's shoulder
well washed and brushed dally.
Much dust and dirt arise In the
fields and on tho roads during tha
warm season, and this Is caught and
hold on the moist nnd sweaty shoul
ders nnd collar, there to form hard
lumps and ridges.
Every tlmo tho collar Is put on the
horse It should be examined for those
ridges nnd lumps. If any nro found
they should be carefully brushed and
rubbed away.
After each day's work, especially In
warm weather, bathe and clean the
shoulders with a mixture of worm
water, salt nnd soda.
Hot water Is one of the best known
natural agents for relieving soreness,
lllllrr 3111k.
Hitter milk may originate from two
sources. The first source Is depcmlont
upon tho cow, whllo the second Is duo
to tho growth of bnrtorla In tho milk
after It has been drawn. Tho differ
ence between these two classes of bit
tor milk Is that tho first has a de-'
cldcdly acid tasto when freshly drawn,
whllo tha soconrt class Is sweet when
taken from the cow, but tho bitterness
occurs after standing for a short tlmo
and Increases In Intensity. Hitter
milk when produced In tho udder may
result from Improper fowling with
such of our Colorado horbs as lupines,
artemlsla and tho like, or with tho
tnr Hwcdlsh turnip, cabbage, etc.
lllttor milk may bo obrvpd diirlnn
tliR litnt statin or Inctntlon and hna fol
lowed tho Infection of dtirU with bnc
tetla which act on tho proteld. a an
etiiyme, converting them Into peptone
nnd other product to which tho hit
ter tnsto I probably due. Field nd
A t'aefNl lllril.
A family of barn owls will number
from three to seven birds. It Is dim
cult 'to believe what a lot of vermin
and rodents n family of owl wilt con
sume. An old owl will capture at
much or more food than a
doien cats In n night. The
owlets are alwny hungry, They
will eat their weight In food every
night and more It they can get
It. A rata Is on record In which n
half grown owl was given all tha mtri
It could rat. It swallowed eight onn
right after another. Tho ninth fol
lowed all but the tall, which for some
tlmo hung out nt the bird' mouth
Tho rnpld digestion of birds of prey
la shown by the fact that In threi
hour the little glutton wn ready for
n second meal and swallowed four
more mice. If this ran be done by a
Ingle bird what effect must a whole
family of owl hnvo on tho rodent ot
a community?
I WMer'tir r".lr.(,ii.
In the bio- .leiuirt f trhitt i..r
a considerable nmoiint of brackish
water, hut no water that either human
being or toek ran drink Helenee,
however, ny tho l.o Angela Time,
has umio to the aid of this rnlnleii
section of the country In the form
of an Ingenious desert waterworks.
consisting of a series of frames, eon -
talnlng :Q.ooO squarn feet of glass.
Tho pane of gins nro arranged In
tho shapo of a V, and under each
pane Is a shallow pan containing
brackish water The heat of the sun
evaporates the water, whlglrrundonset
upon Ihn sloping glass, and, mado
pure by till operntlon. It run down
Into littles channel at the liottom of
tho V nn4 I carried awny Into the
mafn canal. Nearly a thousand gal
lons of fresh watsr I rollocled dally
by this means.
Cuntrrsaillnn of live.
In nn article on bee and ant by
Gaston Houwer In tho Itevtio Heb
domadalro tho writer contend thnt
these Insect carry on conversation
nmotig themselves and thnt, whllo this
In done by mean of their feeler, they
are not entirely Mopendent upon them
"A whole colony," say Mr Houwer,
"In an anthouse or a txehtvo often,
respond Instantaneously to a signal
which may havo been given .rlthout
contact. It Is Interesting to sea an
ant laborer for whom n burden 14 too
heavy go to n fellow, ninko n algn or
give n certain touch with his feeler,
nnd then sen the second Insect Join
the first In lifting or moving tho ob
ject" If Tilings Ver llevvrasil.
Moral: Itcipect tho feelings of
your horses and protect them from
files. Form, Stock and Home.
L,t the (Hit t'utv do.
After a cow ho outlived the period
of greatest usefulness, It Is boat to
fill her place with another, and the
best way we find to get rid ot her Is
to dispose of her from grass, If a
calf Is by her side, the two are uiua
ally sold together, nnd tho tlmo ot
selling Is at such tlmo as tho grass
fat shows to tho greatest advantage
When corn was lowor In price than It
1 m-MW-''iMl
t .IVv-IiV zmm
Ji I iwn.m '-
ts'now It paid to corn-feed aging cows, ."rlnnln1 llko ho was In n good humor
hut now it does not. Mom ran i s-.tth ovor'body. It's Just as If. when
cured from tho corn hy putting It Into
steers anil letting tho old rohn go
With what grass fat thoy will carry.
Farmers' Mall and Hrcexe,
There nro three common methods ol
growing strnwberrlea In hills, In rinr.
row matted rows or In wldo matted
rows, wo prefer too second method
Arrange tho first stronK runner. ,,y
5.--.I ---., i.. iu ...
curing each o; In pla'co with a Ilt.lo
oll or a small stono. Then, wlwn
each row Is full, cut off tho addl
tlonal runnorn thnt may grow. Keep
tho ground hoed mid cultivated until
Into fall, Tho (IuIhIiciI row should not
be wider than 16 or 18 Inchts.
Jimriinl I'ulilUliril, llerni Sltiillnt
mill SriiM I'reimred,
"Ouu work In tlio riilllpiiliios, pttr
ly American, has escaped Mnornl nt
leiilloti," imtd Dr. Frederick J. I looser,
or MluumipnllM, .to n reporter for thu
WtiHhhiRton Herald, who has spent a
number of year In tlm I'hlllppltiu
government service. "It's thu hind
that's done with a microscope ami m
doc not Attract public, notice lllm
building bridge and roads, and sew
er nnd water works, ami iinrbor 'Im
provements. It Is thu work ot what Is
called the bureau of science.
"Thnt work ha been worth mlllliuu
to tho Philippines," continued l)r Hon
ser "It grew out of tlm necessity of
examining the water supplies, ot luak
lug nunlytta of foods, of InvestlgntltiK
agricultural problems, making vaccIiio
virus nnd serum for certain diseases,
as well ns studying Insect pest and
(linking na of mineral product.
"Gradually all these functions and
many more were centered In one In
stitution to Investigate the iiaturnl
resources ot the Island to study dis
ease, to standardly weights and
measure and to form n great scien
tific library. There have been all
sorts ot chemical work done for tint
benefit of agriculture,
"All kind of germ hnvn been dud
led and serums hsvn been prepared
for them. More than CO.tioo botanical
sidelined have been collected. A flnn
scientific Journal Is published and ha
made Itself knuu throughout tlm
"Do you wonder thnt tho I'lllpltun
havo a reputation for being lazy? It
'"' " ,n ! '!"!uh- U I.'
is'" rnso of worm, Tho Filipino won't
, lm ',,,,, 'or "'h fM"r ,n' W1," "f
R,,mnm""1 or ttslist rjr. until ion get
those worm out ul III syvleui Well,
the bureau of solenro I getting After
o o
1 2
Where the waters of halt a contb
Pent become hemmed In between tho
rock walls of the Hlver Haskalclw
wan, at a point not a third of a
tulle wide, with such steep descent
over huge boulder and rooky Islet
that It could not h any steeper with
out being a cataract, one can well be
lieve MIm Ague (.nut's declaration. In
rkrltmer' Magailne, that at such a
place "things are doing" In the river.
She decrlle tho pastsgo of thewi
rapid a follow!
Wo heard the far whiish, then tho
wild roar. then. the full throated shnt'u
of triumphant wnter. You think your
blood Will not run any faster at thnt
sound after having run more rapid
thnu you ran count? Try 111
We sat up from our sluggish, easy
iKMture. Then the river Wan to
round nnd rise and boll In nil eddle.
and the oalto to houuro forward In
Imps without any lift nit our part,
then a reehnre plunge; and we nro
In the middle ot furious tumult
The Indian rise nt the stern and
leans eagerly forward Kven the cool
Hoxsmlth admits, "This is n ptaro
where the river really does thing.
Isn't Itr Hut the Indian I paddlliiK
like a concentrated fury Then wo
shoot forwnrd Into n vottex of whirl
ing sheaves of water.
"She strong she trr' strong rap
Id!" shouts the Indian, ns wo swirl
past ono rock nnd try to catch tho
current that will whirl us past tho
next "Cull pullpull a strong pad
dle!" And we rise to n leap of wild
waters, havo pliingrd Into the trough,
nnd am climbing ngaln before somn
ono can remark, "Hay, I don't like
sidling to rapid,"
There Is n rock ahead about the sis
of a small house, where the waten
are breaking, nriulvcr nnd white with
rage. The Indian had risen ngnln.
"Stop!" ho yells, "Don't pnddlel Ul
her got" Hut he himself Is stcerlmt
furiously as wo grnxo past out to tho
bouncing waves.
Bo we run (ho lllg Itnplds for about
a mile, then rldo n third rapid In n
long, easy swell, and swrrvo to tho
Hits-' Itssns- nil 'Tnssiim,
"There's this to say of tho 'po
mm," writes n Georgia youngster!
"Ho nln't no benr, 'cause he's alwayn
'?' ,o1 " J1 w" "' to kill
him, on' cook him. an' cat him for
dinner ho lookod on' It aa n good
Jokq Just took It for a latighln' mat
ter. I don't know whether ho Is Just
goodnatutod, or was born grlnnlnT
Atlanta Constitution.
Neve Klinilr of Color,
Argont is a douuuarntlon of argent.
7, ;. ,T " e"Z'
i"'"' nleznn I said to bo brown with
!:!",0"0C,'r,"; T" ,mm.UM "' C0.,0.rrt
"V": ? ''" " "! ' .."'
dyors nnd satnetlinos by sates per
"Somehow," mild n hrnkoimTn to-day,
to n man ho disliked, "you remind mo
Pt lJt mouth's 1,'uck."