The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1909, Image 1

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    ... r:
l(ltNI) Jin more resources
from which to Imlhl n rlly
Hutu any oilier town In
Central Oregon,
Sod NBW sunscRinims
Will Vou lie One of Them?
vol. vi r
NO. 21
Porter Bros. Clash with Karri
man Contractors.
Uuy Ranches Controlling the Road to
Twohy Uroi.' Camp and Stop All
Travel over It Much Uqulp
nient la Uelng Rushed In.
The very thing that Bend, am
Central Oregon people have longed
anil bocil for for years Is now ac
tually taking place. Harriman and
IX ill (supposedly Hill) arc cnRagcd
lu a battle royal in the Deschutes
canyon, each struggling to gain an
advautacou footing over the oth
er In race to tap the rich Central
Oregon territory. It is no longer
a thing to be guessed about, or
doubted, or speculated upon, liven
the most pessimistic, the old hard
shell doubters, now admit, though
reluctantly, that a railroad, and
very probably two of them, will en
ter Central Oregon by the Dcs
chutes canyon route.
By nearly everyone In Ilcnd it is
believed that both roads will con
tinue on across the state and down
to San Francisco. The reasous for
this belief are commou knowledge
and need not be gone over again In
The llullctlu. Suffice it to say that
this general belief has becu
strengthened lately by the sale of
large terminal grounds on Oakland
harbor, supposedly to Hill agents,
Just at the present, however, all
eyes ore givcti to watching the
struggle in the Deschutes canyon.
Twohy Uroi,, the Harriman con
tractors, and Porter Bros., presum
ably the Hill contractors, nrc em
ploying tvtry tactic known to ham
per each other, each hoping to gala
an advantage over the other.
The Itirrlmin forcer, hive been rush
Inn In car after car of cuiuttuctlon ma
terial by apecisl tralm from Portland,
anil one train at least wa glen right of
way and a clear track over all limited
passenger tralm. Hundreds ol men are
being put onto the work at fan I ai they
can be lecuret), and trains on the Shan
Iko line are crowded with laborers and
supplies. In all, Ilarrliiun has shipped
In about jo or 60 cars of equipment and
supplies during the past week.
Porter Ilros, are no less busy and arc
likewise rushing in many men and targe
amounts of equipment. Most of these
are carried over the North llauV road to
Grand Dalles and then ferried across the
Columbia to The Dalles, from whence
they are distributed among I'ortcr Pros,'
various camps.
The Item of greatest interest during
the past week was. the securing by I'or
tcr Ilros. of options on three rsnehes
which controlled access to a private road
dowu Into the canyon and which the
llarrimsii forces had built nt a cost of
f, lly controlling these ranches,
they could prevent Twohy Ilros, from
taking supplies and equipment down to
their camp on the river where crews are
at work on Horse Shoe fiend tunnel, one
of the places where the surveys conflict.
This is west of Grass Valley. I'ortcr
Ilros, locked a gate that lesd onto the
ranch, and put a gusrd in charge, This
stalled the Twohys for a time, but liar
riman's lswyers secured au injunction
restraining Porters from hindering pas.
ssge of wagons end supplies belonging to
the Twohys across this ranch. After se
curing the Injunction, Twohy Ilros, at
tempted to send some wagons down to
their camp, but the Porters assembled
75 Italian laborers at the gate, yho
stopped the wagons, unhitched the
mules, and then ran the wagons off the
place. The sheriff and his deputy were
there, but could do nothing against such
oddi. Porter Ilros, have thus defied the
order of the court, ami Interesting lc
vclopmculs tuny follow.
Porter Unix. have nl established n
ramp nt Horse HImic Ilcnd, nnd lined the
Twoliyt' roml owr which to haul down
their cjiilpuiciit.
rluhcoiilract have lx-cn let by Twohy
Ilros for 39 mile tip from the mouth of
the river, unci for other mull stretches
further up the river, Hteel will be I11I1I
juM as rapidly nt the grade (1 gotten
ready for It,
Place Will Alahe Meal Summer Resort
llcstitlfut Lakes and Streams.
The forest service has granted
Hunter & Stoats and John Kd
wards a crmlt to ojkmi up a wagon
road from llcud to Soda Springs,
at Sparks lake, about 31 miles west
of llcud. The rond is ulrendy open
as far as the Splcer ranch on the
Tumalo. I'rom there a road will
be built to follow along up Tumalo
creek, nearly to the springs.
It is the intention of the gentle
men opening this road to make of
Soda Springs a summer rcsoit, as
its location nud surroundings are
especially beautiful. Sparks lake,
the shores of which almost reach
the spring, is one of nature's most
beautiful wonders crystal clear,
cool and deep, surrounded with
green meadows and being about
6 utiles long by i wide it is ideal
for boating,
Surrounding the large lake and
at various distances arc numerous
small lakes, all fed by the melting
snows of the higher mountains.
Two large brooks feed Sparks lake,
which, curiously enough, has no
visible outlet. It is believed the
surplus water escapes through some
underground passage in the lava
bed which touches the lake at the
south end.
The spring itself spurts out of
the solid rock, a stream as large
around as a quart measure, pure,
loamtug soia water.
Sodn Springs arc located in the
heart of the best hunting and fish
ing grounds in the United States
and will some day be a great sum
mer resort.
May Hunt Deer Now.
The open season for killing deer
begun August ' n,iu will close No
vember 1. A few points of the
game laws relating to killing deer
are as follows:
Buck deer Unlawful to kill
more than five in one season.
Female Deer Unlawful to kill
at any time.
Unlawful to hunt between one
hour after sunset and half au hour
before sunrise. No deer meat
whatever may be sold.
It is unluwful to use dogs or to
watch stands or trails.
No young deer or spotted fawn
may be killed.
Rostand News.
Hosi,ANl, Aug, 1. liver j one is hay
lug on the upper Deschutes,
J. N. Mastcn has just finished rebuild
ing the furnace under the boiler at the
mill. The mill has been laid up the
past week for repairs,
The report regarding the outing en
joyed by Koalaud people two weeks ago
was very misleading, owing to the in
definite plans at that time. Instead of
Odell lake being the destination, Davis
lake was the goal sought, and the misery
dolled out was Immensely enjoyed by
the victims. The camp-mates enjoying
same were: Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Ilogue
and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Ilogue and daughter rillllc, Mrs. M. L.
Cook, the Misses Corn Cook, Lillian and
La Visa Knox and Mess Herb Cook,
Win. Dorrcll, Carl Wise and V. G.
The fish trap seems to be very well
patronised these days. There are ol
ways several cumpers there and at times
they might be classed as n crowd.
L. M. Hurt was nt Heud the latter
part of the week after a new wagon and
a Peerless stump puller,
I. J. Wilkinson Picks .300 Quarts
Prom a Tenth of an Acre,
L. I). Wlest Is Harvesting si Heavy
Yield of Currants, Averaging Two
Gallons to a Uusli Are Heine
Sold at SO Ccnta a Gallon.
That strawberries can be grown
at Bend in a most successful man
ner has been amply demonstrated
this season by I, J. Wilkinson on
his ranch just cast of town. From
ouc-tcuth of att acre he picked 300
quarts, and found a ready sale for
all he hud at 35 cents a quart.
That means a revenue of $75 from
the tenth of au acre or at the rate
f 575 PC acre a neat little sum.
The plants from which this crop
was picked" were "Kcllogg's Thor
oughbreds," a Wisconsin berry.
Another feature In regard to the
Bend strawberry crop which places
a greater value on it is that the
berries ripen and come onto the
market after the crop from the
early-ripening sections hns come
and gone. Thai leaves au open
market which will always insure a
fair price.
Of course, the 35 cents a quart,
which Mr. Wilkinson received, was
au especially high price, due to the
fact that the demand exceeded the
supply so greatly. This price
naturally will be reduced when
there arc more patches in bearing
in the llcud country, hut even
figuring from the price secured in
other sections, Mr. Wilkinson
would have received a handsome
profit from his berry patch.
L. I). Wicst, whose place adjoins
the Ilcnd townsltc on the cast, is
picking a heavy yield of currants
these days. He his kept careful
account of this crop, and each bush
Marked Copy"
Did ike Trick.
MARKKD COPY" on a newspaper
wrapper la auro to make the receiver
open nnd rend.
Last yoor a southern man bought
fifty coplt of hts local paper contain
Ing n stiggvatlon for a factory location,
marked thorn nnd mailed them to fifty
Individuals or concerns that might be
Result: Twolye imuiedtato Inquiries;
three propooltlous for the factory site,
ono thriving factory located which to
day pnyn wages to 175 peruoas llvlnj
In Hint town.
Yatrh this paper for such opportai
is yielding at the average rate of
two gallons to the bush. A little
figuring on this basis gives some
interesting results. Figuring from
the accepted manner of planting
currant bushes there would be
1,089 bushes to an acre, with a
yield of 3,178 gallons. Mr. Wicst
is selling the currants at 50 cents a
gallon, which would give a reve
nue from one acre of f 1,089. Not
very many people would set out
currants by the Acre, but it affords
interesting figures to show what
the returns would be from an acre
of currants, producing at a rate
equal to that of Mr. Wiest's bushes.
Uulldlnc Will De Completed In Time
for Fall Term.
1'OWM.l. DtiTTRS, Aug. 1. The Butte
Valley school house In district No. 71 is
nearly completed. The building is
x36xfj with closk room and 6x6 li
brary, 30x3a class room, porch and
belfry. The outside walls are painted
white with silver gray trimming and
the roof green. The bouse is to be fur
nished with seats, .blackboards, globe,
clock, maps, and a flag nnd bell are also
on the list. We hope the llultc Valley
school is only a type of many to be built
In the Itend country soon.
otii8 powntr. nuTTRS notes.
Terry lams has sold his ranch and
will leave for Portland In the near
future. Mr. Isms lost a horse last week.
The animal got loose in the night and
ate too much alfalfa hay.
Hveryone is going to raske the water
run up hill now, since the ditch has
been repaired.
A. D. Morrill hss been helping Cliff
Hills in haying.
Mrs. llarvc Windslow Is quite sick, a
doctor from I'rineville having mode two
IC Prumler of Michigan Is painting
the IJuttc Valley school bouse. Cliff
Kill is doing the carpenter work.
Hveryone is joyful over the railroad
prospects. Those who were wanting to
sell out had better look out now.
The fine rain that came while the
ditch was broken was a boon to the
Can a Horse Reason?
Horses may not reason and every
thiug they do is said to be done by
instinct or something kindred there
to, but if so, it is hard sometimes
to believe. F. M. Chrismau has
an old horse who, about a week
ngo, went of his own accord to the
blacksmith shop, taking his place
where the shoeing is done and held
up his foot and whinnied. Mr.
Adams, the blacksmith, went to
the horse and noticed the shoe
needed removing. As soon as the
one shoe was removed and his foot
put down he raised another foot
and that shoe was alsoNemovcd,
Then the horse went out of the
shop and went to feeding. This
week this same animal stepped on
a piece of board that had a nail
sticking in it, the nail going into
his hoof. The old horse hobbled
along on thrre legs holding the
foot up that had the piece of board
with the nail iu his foot and went
to the shop, again stopping where
the shoeing was doue and whin
nied. As soon as Mr. Adams re
moved the nail and fixed up his
foot the old horse went out and
went to feeding. From this, one
would suppose a horse bad some
reasoning powers. Silver Lake
From my premises iu Bend One
large red. cow, star in forehead and
some white on body; wearing large
bell. Right ear cropped and split,
half crop in left ear. Suitable re
ward will be paid for her recovery
or information leading to her re
covery. Mrs. W. W. Orcutt,
Government Man Finds Many
Resources in This Section.
R. IJ. Post, a Geologist, After Travel
ing Over Much of Central Oregon,
SaysltWill Become One of the
Richest Parts of (he Nation.
K. I). Post, a geologist who is
stationed in Central Oregon in the
employ of the U. S. geological
service with headquarters at Prine
villc, was in Bend Saturday. My.
Post had just returned from Ben
ham Falls, where he had established
a measuring gauge in the Deschutes
river, the D. I. & P. Co. having
agreed to see that readings of the
gauge are taken regularly.
Mr. Post's work is concerned en
tirely with the water resources of
Central Oregon. He has these
measuring stations established on
all the principal streams of his ter
ritory 40 stations in all. Meas
urements of the different streams
will be taken for a series of years,
and thus the amount of water in
each stream, at different periods of
the year, may be learned by re
ferring to these records. This is
of invaluable service to the govern
ment or private companies which
contemplate building irrigation sys
tems. Mr. Post has two gauges on Big
River, one on Little river, and one
on the main Deschutes above Ben-
ham Falls. Last January the
gauges showed a flow of 1,700 sec
ond feet above Ben bam Palls but
only r,40o feet nt Laidlaw, or a
loss through seepage and evapor
ation of 300 feet. That is an ex
cessive loss and Is undoubtedly due
to seepage into the lava bed around
the edge of which the. river flows
a few miles south of Bend.
Mr. Post also has evaporation
stations established on Christmas
and Malheur lake's. At these sta
tions, the amount of water lost by
evaporation is measured.
That Central Oregon is wonder
fully rich iu undeveloped resources,
and that there arc great opportuni
ties here for the young and ener
getic man, is Mr. Post's firm con
viction. He stated to The Bulletin
that, after traveling over this great
central part of the state, he was
more than surprised by what he
found in latent resources and said
the people do not reulirc what a
rich country they will some day
have. Iu the immediate Beud
country, he cites irrigation, timber,
water power, stock raising and
some mining. Extensive manu
facturing plants will be located
here, due to the cheap power.
In other sections of Central Ore
gon, Mr. Post has fouud more ex
tensive mining prospect.", and in
Harney county, south of Burns aud
north of Harney and Malheur
lakes, Mr. Post says indications
point to one of the greatest oil aud
gas fields in the country. He has
been nil over the California oil
fields and he is of the opinion that
the indications in Harney county
are much more favorable. Drill
ing is uow going forward on a few
test wells aud Mr. Post feels cer
tain a large flow of oil will be
The coming of a railroad into
this section will start the develop
ment of these resources and then
Central Oregon will become one of
the very richest spots in the entire
NfSwest, according to Mr, Post.
It Is reported that the Squaw
Creek Irrigation, Company has re
ceded from its position and has
agreed to allow the individual water
users a certificate of water right
without having to litigate the mat
ter. Laidlaw Chronicle.
At the quarterly conference ,of
the Metbodirt church held at this
place last Saturday, Andrew Larseti
and Harry Card of Madras, and
W. F. Sherwood and J. E. Lamb
of Redmond, were granted licenses
to preach. Madras Pioneer.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Smith
have become residents of this com
munity and have entered Into part
nership with Jobs McCorraick in
his ranching operations. Laidlaw
The four-months-old child of
Mrs, Wm. O'Kelley died last Sun
day of 'cholera infantum. The
funeral occurred Monday. This is
the second death iu this home
witbiu the past week, the father
having died on Wednesday of last
week. Prineville Journal.
County Clerk Brown began mov
ing today into his new quarters in
the new court house. The job is a
big one. AH the other county
officers have moved into the new i
building. All the furniture is here
except the steel fixtures for the big
vault in the county clerk's office.
Prineville Journal.
The handsome new building of
the Methodist church at this place
was dedicated last Sunday morning,
the occasion being a memorable one
for the members of that denomi
nation lu this locality, to whom
Sunday's exercises were the calami
nation of two years of earnest, dili
gent and faithful labor. Madras
Reports from the huckleberry
field say that the crop is two or
three weeks late this season, owing
to late raias and cold weather.
Campers should govern themselves
accordingly, Prineville Journal.
A California exchange tells last
week of a man who tied his team
to a juniper tree under which was a
box containing to sticks of dyaa-
mtte. When he returned he found
that the horses had trampled tte
explosive into the ground, but it
had not exploded.
The Prineville Review says: "A
number of people are claBsering for
the establishment of a county hos
pital, and have asked us to voice
their prayer through the columns
of the Review. A hotel, it is ar
gued, is no place for the sick, who
need all possible quiet, as well as
medical attendance at their bed
sides. There are several eood
nurses in this city but they are
handicapped by having no suitable
building for taking proper care of
patieuts from the country. Let us
hope the county court will se fit to
answer the prayer,
, , .i 1 1.
If you should subscribe for tbe Bulle
tin, ft will become a, welcome visitor at
your fireside.