ff .TWft.rw.,.,,1.. u YaiSirn LI , 1 H HILL'S CRBWS ARB AT WORK (Continued from first pas.) tion was asked if this were not another Hill coup directed against Ilnrriroan's evident intention of building at once into Central Ore gon. "I don't want Mr. Hill's name mentioned iu connection with this matter," said Mr. Porter. "This may be any one of many other roads besides Mr. Harriman's. It rnav be the Milwaukee or the Chi cago Northwestern or one of a score of others. WW BttHd to Madras. "No, we don't represent the Ore gon Trunk Line. We represent ourselves, you may say. We have surveys for construction work completed as far as Madras, and intend, to rush construction work 4 up thd Deschutes canyon. "We don't care to say just which side of the Deschutes canyon we shall 'occupy. For a portion of the way the road will be on one side of the river and for the other portions on" the other side." In this city the supposition is that Porter Bros, are the construe tion agents of Mr. Hill. Porter Bros, have donemuch construction work for Mr. Hill. The North Bank road, considered by engi neers to be one of the marvel of railroad building in the- Pacific Northwest, was constructed by Porter Pros. When rival right-of-way agents were purchasing lands along the Columbia river in the summer ol 1905. the first authentic news an nouncement that Hill was to build down the Columbia river was made when it was learned that Porter Bros., of Su Paul, well known Hill contractors, had secured the con tract for the construction work be tween Vancouver aud Pasco. First oa 0 round Victor. Fight between Hill and Harri man for control of the Columbia river gorge waxed warm for many months. Actual possession of strategic points was awarded to Mr. Hill only after long legal con tests, in which Hill proved that his men had done the rst construc tion work and was therefore en titled to use of the rights of way in places so narrow that only one rail road could use the ground. Similar conditions are likely to privail along the Deschutes can yon. Those who know, say that the canyon is so narrow in places that only one railroad can possibly build along the rocky ledges. Tak ing the conditions which prevailed along the north bank of the Col umbia river and the court rulings as a precedent, it is evident that the first construction for actul usage as a railroad route will hold the Des chutes canyon. Hill wou in the contest for possession of the Col umbia river gorge, and if Porter Bros, well known Hill contractors, are, again in the employ of the great railroad builder, Mr, Hill in tends again to defeat Mr, Harri man in gaining control of the much coveted route into the vast territory of Central Oregon. Among the equipment unloaded here today from the steamer Bailey Gatzcrt were 60 bead of horses and mules and a large number of wag ons, tents, scrapers and wheelbar rows. Teams and wagons have been engaged here as fast as they could be found and horse buyers are now scouring the country in an en deavor to secure more. Fifty teams with wagons and men are said to have beea secured at Blalock. The Oregon Trunk Line has maintained aa office here since last fall, and Mr. Porter is endeavoring to secure suitable additional room for bh fira. The Oregon Trunk tine's survey crosses the Deschutes to the 'cast side aud starts south at r 4 U' Ren's place. The suivey starts at Moody's ranch, 17 miles (torn The Dalles, and follows the water grade of the river. Porter said that The Dalles would be mnde a terminal of the new road. The Oregon Trunk parallels the Deschutes road surveyed by the Harnmau system, and 29 -miles of it conflicts with the 'road proposed by the Harriman people. About to days ago the Department of the Interior approved the surveys of the Harriman people, with the cx ception of these 29 miles on which the right of protest by the Oregon Trunk wai given. The time for filing this protest expires today, July 24. Combined with the probable pur chase of the old Mcdford & Crater Lake, or, as it has been known since some Mcdford people, headed by Dr. J. F. Reddy, reorganized it, the Pacific & Eastern Railroad, the move made yesterday by the Hill interests is more than highly significant. HHI Forecasted Move. Four years ago, almost to a day, James J. Hill was guest at a ban quet at the Lewis and Clark Expo sition. During the evening Mr. Hill announced fiat-footedly that he intended to build a railroad down the north bank of the Col umbia river. Continuing, he said there was a possibility that when the proper time came he might in vade Central Oregon, the territory of inconceivable possibilities, which for years E. H. Harriman has been endeavoring to bottle up perma nently and which up to the present he has succeeded in doing, with most deleterious effects on the de velopment of this state. Hill has built and put into oper ation the North Bank road, just as he promised, and that his threat that be would invade the Hartiman preserve was no "bluff is thought here to be signified by his action in sending construction crews into the Deschutes country. The finale to the programme which yesterday had its start can not be forecasted. Hill for many years has had longing eyes on the territory California which for several decades the Southern Pa cific has owned, body and breeches. Whatever it means or wherever it will end, it means that Oregon- interior Oregon is to be developed aud that the field of Portland as a distributing agent is to be enlarged. A LIVELY MEETINd. the required time, thnt cultivation thereof was a mere pretense, hav ing cultivated only thtcc acres; and that he did not take the lutul in good fnlth, for a homestead, but for the valuable timber thereon. Mr. Mutes contends that he lived there about seven years, aud that 1 11c place H truly valuable lor a home and for agricultural pursuits. It contains quite a large amount of meadow laud and, bordering the river, would make a good place on which to raise stock. The con test is being heard today before Commissioner Kllis, Attorney Hen son appearing iu behalf of Mr. Bates. Father Mickey Uuildlng Church. Rev. Father M. J. Hickcy, rec tor of Kingsley and dependent Catholic mission iu Wasco, Slier man, Crook and Wheeler counties, is making preparations for the erec tion of a church in Dufur. He has been given a block of ground free, and signatures amounting to ft, 000. This speaks well for the town of Dufur, and for the healthy develop ment of the Tygh Ridge country. Moro Observer. NOTICK FOR PUI1LICATI0N. Iiepartraeni of the tntrrtor, V. 8. Lam! Office at The lillc,nrcgoa. The Dalle. Otcgfo, June 8th, lyns. Not let U hcrtbjr given that living J keed, of Bend, Oregon, who, on Augutt nth. loo). mane iiurarviraa nnirv tenai ro. omji rfo lij for lh XV H K ii. NK X UK M J end N W 1 HW U See l. Twn. I s.. It ll K-. VI'. 11 . hat filed notice of Intention la make Ktuol Hve vear lluol. locttabllih claim to the land abort described, before II C Kill. Unltn! State Com mlulonrr at hl oltice, at Bend, Oregon, on the Hth itajr of Juljr. Iy- CUImaut name aa wllneiae- Krnr.l A. Smith, Later u O. Keel. Jamea It Meed and Koben (1 Dowter. all of llend, Of ei on Junijjn C w. MOOKlf., Kcgl.tcr. ftmMmmmmmammtvmmmm These Patent Tension Shears FREE! To BULLETIN Subscribers ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior V. 8 Laud Office at The Dalits, Oregon, July I, ipj. Kotlccla hereby given that Cora H, Hmlta, formerly Cot a II Chapman, ol IKnd, Oregon, who, on June IJth IJ, made lloincatead (Serial No. oijwil Ho IIITI. foe U i ,ul UKWU Section 4, and SI'.K.NHVf. rWetloti J, Town.hm mnoum, nange u nati. wiiuamciie Meridian, hat Sled notice of Intention to make Anal com mutation proof, to eitabUnh claim to the land above described, before II. C 1311a, U. II. Com mlttloucr. at hit oroce at Dend, Oregon, on the I4th day of Augutt, 1909. Claimant name a witncc Augutt Ureyee, OlirerTbortjorntoa. William P Downing and Nicholas Mniib of Hend, Oregon, and Daniel UtUing of bitters, Oregon. JlU-ail C W MOOKIt, Rr gl.ttr.- (Continued from first page.) attorney-general as to tbe stand the board would take regarding the building of the "north canal." He said the company would be re quired to build this canal, and if it did not it would forfeit its contract. The company maintains positively that it will build the canal. ' Other questions of minor im portance were discussed, but these two were the leading ones. (Jeo, Bates Homestead Contested. The forest service has instituted a contest against Geo. Bates' home stead, which is at tbe mouth of Fall river, about 35 miles south ol Bend. The contest is baed on three allegations, namely, that Mr Bates has not resided on the place NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slate Und Office, The Dalle, Oregon, July 13, 1909. Notice it hereby riven that the Slate of Oregon has filed in this office Us a plication, Serial No. 05029, to select un der the provisions of the Act of Con gress ol 'August 14, 1 848, and the Acts supplementary and amendatory thereto, the SHXSWH of Sec. 18, Twp. 30 S., Range 11 Rast Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the land described, or desiring to ob ject because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant should file their affidavits of protest in till -office 011 or before the joth day of August, 1909. jli-a5 C. W. MOORH, Register. CONTBST NOTICK. Department of the Interior, United btatcs Laud Office, Th Dalle, Or., June 17, it;. A sufficient rontrtt affidavit hiving been Wed In this office by Charle W. Klrkbtide.conlnt ant, agalntt homettad, aerul No, 01977. entry No. M7, made October tj, 19M, for HWftH.t. hectlony, NMNHif becllonil. Township m S, Kaugeil It., Willamette Meridian, by K I la J Keed. CoLleatcc, in which It it alleged that Mid KltaJ Kent baa never catabllahed or maintained a bona fide rctldeucc ou said tract of land, that she lima wholly abandoned aakl tract of Und at a residence fur more than ill inonlba latt pail and doc not now reside thereon, Ih.r ld alleged abtencc waa uot due to her employment In the army, navy or marine corp of the United Hlalee In time of war Bald parUr are hereby notified to fcppcar, re tpoud aud offer evidence touching uhl Wilrn nonfat 10 o'clock a in. on Auguit 4, tap), before v iuiii,! i- r. lomiaiaaiouer, at nieornce m Ileud, Orrgod, and that final bearing: will be nciuai iou'ciock a ni on Augutl 11, tun, before the KegUter and Hecrlver at the I'nlieti Malce uauu iimce in 1 ne uaiica, orrgon The aald conlrtUnt having. In a proper affld. l, filed June ll, ly, aet forlh fact which ahow that after due diligence personal service of thl notice can not be made It it hereby ordered and directed Dial tuch notice be given by due and proper publication, C W MOOKK KegUter Jujo-jl LOUIn II AKNKAON, Keceivcr C H. llawtoN, Atly for Contestant gPVHPaaWl H S U anW BluS aaaU llgsnnnB atul m 3 gsann ISnBBBr JEUt aSwavjaJ SggggggHj Carpet and Rug WEAVING WITH mv celebrated New comb J'our Harness Jom J can weave uot only the ordi nary rag carpet, but can also make rugs, curtains, couch and table cover, etc., etc, I can make very handtome rugs, (torn 1 to 6 ft. wide, fatrouagc solicited Mrs. W. W. Orcutt Bend, Oregon ulMgtgUtiV, 60 YEARS' v ,V-BBMfc,EXPEniENCE x jrjjra HaiHH This latest and most useful Hour.cholcl Invention will be sent FREEH, postage prepaid, to every new, cnsli-In-ndvancc year's subscription to The Bulletin. If you arc already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free. If your subscription is about to expire you cannot alTord to miss (his opportunity to secure n pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, mid which will cut anything from wet tissue paper to a heavy horse blanket. A pair of these shears arc given free to every new cash-in-advancc subscriber. The Tension Spring attachment docs away with rcsbarpciilng entirely and enables the user to set the tension on the riyet so that any kind of material moy be cut with perfect case without tiring the hand. The Tension Sptiug takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically indcstriirtiblc. A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown In the engraving, tightens tip the blades ns closely as may be desired. Auy woman who has had the cxaspcratitig experience of trying to use n dull pair of shears can readily appreciate the volue of tbe new Invention WHICH KIUU'S THIS PAIR OF SHIJARS ALAVAYS SHARP and iu perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs or shears or scissors yon may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you get and use it once, you will um: it iu preference to any other you may have. These shears arc per fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated, WE GUARANTEE - thequaHtyoftheinatcriaUHdvvotkitiansliipinthispairofshear8to.be first class, that the Tension Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears am! docs away with the need of rcsliarpculng. Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that if this pair of shears DRIJAKS or in any war becomes delectlvc within PI VI. YP.AR9 f'rora date of pur chase it will be replaced with a NKW pair without cost." Thadc Marks DcaiaN CopvRiowa Ac Anrona tending a tketen aud daacrlptkin n eutenlr atrertaln our opinion frt whota.r nt ff. Ill' Vifi It probablr patentable, Comnjunlra, tlonaatrlettrronadaiitlaL Ha iaannc n t.unu lda.1 airaner tut atcurffi iuliita. I'atanta taktii tbroueb Munn A Co. rtcelrs Mirial notiu. without cliaras. Iu the Scientific Htiiericm A bandnmalr Ulnitrated weaklr. lara tit eir eolation if any fl.nilBo lournal. Tarint, 3 a rear i four loonti,, 1. tfoldbrali na-dealrt. MUHH & Co ''Hew York SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MONEY TO THE BEND BULLETIN BEND, OREGON l ! 1