The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 21, 1909, Image 8

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'ftMG-HRP srWMfcr-fl 'iWf"(!"1'MM 3l & - -adr iw-
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Report That Walls Were Bulging
Prmca Incorrect.
After a careful examination of
the foundation of the new court
house nt Princvillc, it has been de
termined that the report to the cf
feet that it was bulging is faNc.
An examination of the walls was
made by competent mechanics by
means of levels, plumbs, and other
instruments, and it was proven
that the walls are as solid and
straight as the day they wctc laid.
The error arosc from the fact
that the casing of one of the base
ment windows had sagged in,
which caused the foundation to
look as though it was bulging.
The window was straightened, and
now all is O. K.
The Bulletin is glad to note this,
ns it would be a lamentable thing
to have so serious a weakness de
velop in our fine new court house.
Flume Breaks.
Sunday night from 350 to 3C0
feet of 'the D. I. & P. Co. flume
went out, the break being a shott
distance above the flume tender's
house. It was undoubtedly caused
by a j-raall leak gradually under-
muring the piles that support the
flume, which caused a weakness,
and the combined weight of the
flume and water did the rest. Be
fore the gates could be closed, the
water bad gouged out a hole about
60 feet deep. The released water,
on its way back to the river, up
rooted large pine trees, rolled huge
boulders about and played general
havoc It deposited a bar 01 mud
in the river, which extended quite
a distance into the stream, and the
washing away of which kept the
river muddy for several hours.
The company has rushed men and
teams and lumber onto the scene
and are sparing no expense to re
pair the break as soon as possible
it wtu require about 10 days or
two weeks.
dtlmt Liquor (s Being Sold.
The Bulletin has been banded the
following letter, which was received
by a Bend man. If the writer of
the letter will confer with the proper
officials, giving her evidence, the
matter will certainly be looked into.
The letter reads:
Bknd. Or., July 19, 1905. Mr. ,
Bend, Or. Dear Sin CanU the Law
and Order League and the officials of
thl place do something Ufa top the sale
01 luiozicanu which u being carried on
so openly in two places in Ilcnd.' Can it
not be Investigated and stopped? If so,
for Cod's sake do so.
The Bulletin leads.
Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils (Zb Glass
Agent for the Celebrated
Studebaker Wagons
and Oliver Plows
Stoves and Ranges and a General Line
of Hardware and Groceries.
I am noiv prepared to do all khids of Carpet, Hug. Curtain, Couch and
Table Cover, Hammock. Shirt and Shawl, Scarf and Muffler, lilanket Kersey
Dresa Goods, Union Cloth. Linen Toweling and other Weaving on. short notice
Can weave anv width from one fool to aix feet wide. I have the latest make
of tfee Celebrated Neweomb Pour Harness Loom, with which over aoo kinds of
weave can be made.
Will furnish warp or not, as customer desires. Your patronage respcctfulli
a! fnltatrf fall nt tr atf a ' " ,
Mrs. W. W.
P. O. Box ?4
Table always supplied with the best that the town affords,
Nt unci Comfortable Rooms. Ujsnd, Okkcon
Statement by Celebration Committee,
Following is mi account of the
moneys received mid paid out bv
the Ilcnd Fourth of July committee?
Collected froitMlnrtatton.. ,,,.... fjfij 50
mew 011 mint 111 Milk, icii over
from lvo )r4tft);o ., 34 So
Total f,J jo
raid for rare , , , $ So
" " twclwll Mine uw ix
" P. C. Caldwell. ttnle sj
" 1$ A Sillier, " u 93
" A. M. Ijim, " 19 60
" A. C Lucas, team hire jj 50
" 1. v. Ttipletl, lor fislior-
men, etc r4 po
rattl J. II. Wettanuy, tram hire . 3 jto
" lleml IiritK Co., wood ami
fistiing tackle 10 co
Paid J. I. Joliinon, (mililing lib
erty nj;u 6 l,
Paid C. O I). Civ, (or lumler ... Jl w
" for postire and stickers .... l"l 03
" Hatncy Lewis (viiiitiiiK lilx
erty aalies in)
I'aid for covering pavilion and
for platform , 35 30
Taid for clearing streets for races 3 va
ti9 30
s.ile. ljn. Hal
9tf 400 posts for
voksk.n, Hend.
Miss Kershaw h enjoying n visit
from two friends from the Iiast, the
Misses Sessions.
State Hank Hxaminer J. Steele
was in Be nd today on his way to
Laidlaw to examine the bank at
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Mvers and
Rev. Gregg, state evangelist of the
Chrtsttau church, were up from
Laidlaw today. Rev. Gregg was
looking after church matters in this
Bend, Oregon.
A T)rUxhtfl liquid Patm Pou-Wer.
tmpnrtt a Monntit, Unuty and
lrffctty to Aa tkln, j-llftfugh In.
uliiM If It n perfect an ( rruty.
rrttrnlnlnjr IA ravaxe f tun. wind
unit llmii Rtimlnnlvt tan, ewnhurn.
ffckltt, illn'nit rimf mrcrYc-
liana f th thin, I'mifiin a tlnfnty,
Unking nrfar t-.vclMilrely it iit'rt.
KICtBOOTt HOOallT rutl - 0aatT
inru-n i m snYim nr
IXpatlmentofthe Interior.
V t. Land Olnce at The IVillrs.ilfrgvMi,
The tvrtles, Otrgvn, June Slh luv.
Nut Ice U liritby given thl
living J Recti.
of ttend, Oirioii, who, oil AHgii.t nth imuj,
made Itmnnlniit Unity (Serial No tnfl No.
IK. lor llir W k UK V, NU W 8K sec ami
NX W Utaci Twp iS J , K 11 It V M.
ha. tlnl nuiW of Intention to make 1'iual t'lve-
ear riiMl, loruhlih(Mlin lo Ihr laml hIvvt
lrw.tlW.1. tTlotr II C Itlllt. I'nllnl KUIti iVm
mluloncr t MoiBt nt IkuJ, Oitjvn, on the
alh Uy of July, lav-
CUinianl namrs Kltnrw Ktnr.l A
Snillh. LavTtn O. KnJ, Itnin It Kr.-il diI
KiiItU (I llowtci. til ir IKml, ixrgun
Jn MJII C w MOOKI! Kfiltr
IVpt'tmrnl nflhr Intrtlui
U S Land OftlvT at The D.IIM, Dirr-n,
July I, lv.
Notice li hrlfl'T ilirn that Cora II Mmlih.
foiuitity Cota H Clupmati. ol licmt, Ultnon,
who, on Junr ;th Hu, majr llomr.lrn.l (srtUI
.no oirjui .o iiiJi, lor I.IX mlHUNUii
faction J, anil rH
forticn , Tuwnthm
ISNmm, Kanrcll liatt, WlllUmctlr Mriulian
ha llltil mHlcr uf Intrntlon lo makr Anal rum
Ihr laml
H Com
niluloucr at h( orticr at Iktvl Dirjon, on Ihr
,in nay .11 mail,.,. IVIP
Claimant namtaaa iMtntur Autu.l Dirytt
Olitrr ThotljlotnMn r tinnnlnc ami
Mchota.hmflh uf IKml. Ilireon
anu iMtmi
ll.l.lnroriU.trr, Ottron
JIM an C U
MOOHK Rrcl.trr
United Slate Ijind Office,
The Dalles Oregon, July 13, 19159.
Notice is hereby gien that the State
of Oregon has filed in this ulficc its ajn
plication, Serial No. 05019, to nrlect 11 11
iler the provisions of the Act of Con
grcss ol August 14, 1&4S, and the Acts
supplementary and amendatory thereto,
the Mi! S5W J, of Sec 18. Twn. Jo S.,
Kange 11 iuih willatnclte Alerullan
ny and all persons claituitig aderc
It the lands decribcd, or desiring lo ob
ject l-cattc of the mineral character ol
the land, or for any other reason, lo the
disposal to applicant should file their
atnuavit 01 protest in lint otbee on ot
before the joth day of August, 1909.
jl.l-35 C. W. MOOKK, Register.
Unllnl Malra Unit Office.
The Illr., Oir(oa, Majr ij. iny.
A auffirtrnt cnntral aRktairll having bus flint
In thl. office bv Hlmrr Nl.worirf, cuntratanl
a(aln.t hoointraU (Silat No, oiyt) cnlry. No
IM9I mad llcnnim I, lui. for KSKKK
iiou rs rwp. 17 t., k 11 it wmamtllr UttMUn
oy Hmllf Johnaon,, roalcalrr. In which
It l.alltinl ihaluld enli)onian dlnl on or
about April IJIb, 1907-. that ahe nertr nUbtlalinl
hrr Irudrnre upon aaid Uact. th.t pflor lo hn
death ahe had wholly abandoned said tract. Ihal
h nrfri rultlratrd nor Impcomi aald Irart or
ranted the moic lo be done Ihal hei hrlta hare
failed to rullivatr or Implore aald tract, or eaute
Ihr same lo be done that Ihne are no known
helra of aald enlrrwonun. Ihal If there are any
hrlta cf aald enlrywoman they a.elo altianl un
known Ihal alnce hrr death no helra hart ever
breu heard from nor haa anyone roinr lo claim
ber property Ihal aald allrxrd abaencr waa not
dor lo employmrnt In Ihr army, nary or marine
csrpa of the I oiled Male lu lime of war
bald parties are hereby notified lo appear, r
pond and oiTer evidence touching aald allrga
,.'.on-",JS'cl?ckJ,..m ", J"'f ' ,,tfr
II C Will, a I ti Coramli.lootr, at I1I1 olBce In
tend ongou and Ihal final bearing will be
held at loo clock a m on July IJ. i'n,lefore
iheKeiuter ami Itecetrerat the tulu.1 btate
and oUice In The Dallra, Orrgon
The aald conleatanl baring. In a proper affidj
rll filed iprll 11. fm, set forlh fart, which
how that after du diligence peraonal aenrlceof
Ibia notice can not be made, ll I. hereby ordered
anddirrctnllhat auchnNIr be glren by dne
C W SIOOKIt, Reglttrr.
Jna-Jly LOUIS 11 AKNIibON, Hrreirer
Drpartraenl of the Interior,
United Males Land Office, The Iiallea, Or ,
June ly, tynj.
A aufudeot contest aAdarlt harlng been Sled by Charlea W Klrlhillr.rni,.i
ant, again.! boraratead, aerul No. 01779, entry
No n7, niadr October 17, ., for aUHrll,
wiipm t "jijii- rmiun m. lotrnanip fin,
Kanaeil K., Ulllamrlle MerMla, by 1:11a I
Hreil, Coiitealre. In which It la alleged ttut ubt
rjiaj Hrra naa never eaiaiiine1 or matnleltud
a bona fide rraidenre on aald trad of land, that
the haa wholly abandoned aald Iran of land at a
rr.Klrnor for more than alt monllia Lt pa.t and
don not udw reilde thereon. Ihit aald alleged
abtence waa not due lo her employment lu the
army, nary or marine corpa of I be Unllrd Mutes
In time of war
Said partlra are hereliy notified lo appear, re
iond and offer rrtdnire touching aald allega
lion al 10 o'clock a m. on Augutt 4, c, UMr
It C f Ilia. l t Commltaloner at hi. ofTice In
Hend.orrgnn and that Anal hearing will he
heldal loodiKk a m on augutt 11. i'i. before
the Reglttrr and Rrrclver at the I'nlled BtaUa
Land Oihre In The Dalles, Oregon
The Mid having In a proper affida
vi, bird June M, 10), act forlh facia which ahow
that after due diligence peraonal service of IhU
notice ran not be made it 1. kn,h. nr1.l H
mt"i in. i twn uotne re given by due and
proper puMiratton
Jujlrf I.Oi;nll A KNIiMJN, Receiver
C h JIKKSON, Ally for Cbiitcalaul
Tnaoc Manna
Copyrights Ac
Anyone sanding a tkatrh and description nay
quickly aacertaln our oianioti frta whether an
Invention le probably MtentaHa, Cowmunlta.
llofia.tilcllrconOdentlal. HIMNM on I'atenM
sent tf. IIdeal araney for aarurfnf patent.
I'ataou taken turouzh tlunn b Co. racalrs
rpacuj notUt, without cfiaria, la Ike
SCKtttifiC jirticrpm
Ahodf.mi7 lottrUd WMk.r.
rartaat etr.
T.rnt, l)a
g-u-ri fourruonts
ta,(. Sola by slip
These Patent Tension Shears
This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent FRUK,
postage prepaid, to every new, cnsh-itwulvnnce year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you arc already a subscriber, send us $l.i50 on your own sub
scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free.
If your subscription is about to expire you cannot a fibril lo miss tills opportunity to secure a
pair of Shears wIiojc cutting edge will never wear dull, nut! which will cut anything; from wet tissue
paper lo a heavy horbe blanket. A pair of these shears arc kIvcii free to every new caslflu-atlvancc
The Tension Spring attachment docs away with rcsharpeuiiiK entirely ami enables the ucr to
set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect case without tiring the
band. The Tension Sptlng takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears proctlcally Indestructible.
A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown in the cngravitig, tightens up the blades as closely as
may lie desired. Any woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to use n dull pair of
shears can readily appreciate the voluc of the new invention WHICH KKKPS THIS PAIR OP
SHKAKS ALAVAYS SHARP and in perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs of slieats
or scissors yon may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, ami when you
get and use it once, you will use
fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated,
the quality of the material and workmanship in this pair of shears lo lie first claw, that the Tension
Spring device. doubles the usefulness of the shears and docs away with the need of rcsharpcnlnc.
Furthermore, a Guarautec Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that if
this pair of shears URKAKS or in nny way becomes detective within FIVIi YIJAUS from date of pur.
chase it will be replaced with a NUW pair without cost."
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
arflefiaaak Pk
j V mm 1
V fl b im a-lbUSM ill
pi Jf
HI -
JsllH Savl
aaaaaaaaaaaBl 'aHV
it In preference to any other you
may have. These shears arc per
wmi:k vct wii uautiugiuii.