LiJIlOI'EAN A71MIE0 BTAlWINO THE 8011001,3. '"''g1 What isc Castoria. Metier (ttrfffriHy urrttii' ' HuaaiA tiuv ttr.LC.tut WHAT KimOl'KAN When tlm Till (dull suldUrn In Asia Minor wick iiml Mint tin acliuolit peijplw hmi liurrlllnl nt tliulr mid lack o( cIvlllHtloii. Int it I renin writer cmiit forward to ru in t ml it Just al till tlnis (lint tlm iwmlleil clvllltml tin tloiis nm ioMiIiik iIih m'IiikiI tit support tliwlr soldier, which romm to hImmiI tlm miiiiu HiIiik. If n man spent (Wo limes it niiirti fur i;unit un (or III chlldrtm'n school Inrt lm wutild lr "MttliWrtl it lunatic tir n ilotjmrmlo. yet It appear tlul thU In prwisly wlmt tlm power of Kiiroim 11 ru duluc. Tlm Paris rnvlnw, Mon Dliiwiwho, say Prance aiul iiImiiiI nvr time ns intiali on tier nrmy TUB DTllUaOLB. Kltr II it. til t rural" IH"ht valletli, 'lli lulmr nnd Iik Himiiile nrr ruin, Tho runny faltita leit, ner fitllctli, And SB llilniia Imtr Urn Ihojf rcjnoln If Imp ,wrrn diiw, feurs nifty h liars; It limy Ih, In ymi ik rimc-ralnl, Your nuiirsdr limn rn now ln Mere, And hut fur )IHI pmeeae Id Arid, lor wMl ilm tired waves, ralnljr break Inr. Hem liprn nn painful Incii In rain, Par bsc-k, Ibrmifli creeks and InlHa Mak Inr. Coiiwa silent, ttuedlnc In. tit main. Ami nni hy rnatfru wlnduna only, When ilayllrlii rimira, rumr In the llcl.l. In front, llir ami rllmU, haw alowly, llul weetnard, bmk. Ilia land la brlflit. -- Arthur lluih I'hiujli, H-HHH-M-HM-H-frrf I i W-WIt Humble Pie H lllrWHII f -H-Hn-H-H- "I overboard tho offer my father niAito you You think tho dovlco la north morr "ery mtirh more." "I havo somu money lying Idle. Mr. Andruoi, nionoy I would b Khtd to InvMt. It la my own, left mo by my (Irnndfather Atwoed Will you wnlt, plraar lot mo buy an lutuicit In your divleflr Tho yotiliR mnn' fiteu flitllicd. Ho ntarwl t hvr. "You nra ijulto In earned about IhUT" ha murmured. "Your ijuoatlun li not rompllment nry." aald tho Klrl "I nm In earnoat. honrver. and aMur you that the In MilKittloii ronductiHl by my lawyer will Imi it pnlnttakliiK un Don that iniKit with your npproval?" "ThoroiiRhly," ho (jutckly aniwered "Hut Is It poialblo thut you really mean all thliT" "At 10 o'clock to-morrow tnornlni? you m III b ul tho law ottico of John DalaflcM, In tho Cruliatnn bulldliiK Mr. Italatleld I my ndvlaer nnd holds my ItKnry In truit for me 1 will notify him of your comltiK. li that undoratoodl" Hho wntihcd him narrowly. "Yea," lm atiitwural, "unleM I wake up and llud till l nil n dream." "1 truat," alio Krnvely aalil, "that you will not iorKt our verbal under atandlnc If your duvlre can ho ahonn up to tho full aatlifitetlon of my ad vlier you nro to atdl mo a half In teroit In tho Andrui trnnimlttor for J 20.000 ennh. It thl your underatand IiikT" Ho wni qulta ovorwhulmed by her dlrci'tiiea, 'That la my underalnndliiR," lm an- wervd. "Hhall 1 put It nn puperT" Hho ahook her prttty head, 'ThU U n teat triiinmctlon," alio nald. "You Intvu fnlth In your dovlco anil I hnvo fnlth In you." It wai a year later nnd Kverett Citrtor at heforo tho blailiiK hourth loK Hut tho rlioumntle Icr woa no loiiKor rMtliiK un tho cualilouod atool, A aoft footfnll diutv hla nttcutlon, "Coma In, Kloronco," ho called. Tho girl cniuo nnd aat by hla iildo on tho low stool, "Hullo, diuddy," alio anld. Bho rcstsd hor brown hond ngalnat hla arm. "Woll, denrloT" 1 1 In hand lovlnxly stroked tho brown hair. "Feollng protty good, dndd'yT" "Yea, dcarleT'1 "No twItiKOsT" "Not for n long tlmo," Thoy wntchod tho crackling blnzo. "You didn't eat much dinner, dad dy." -uiani it" P0WKH3 flPEWI) POIl MlLlTAJUflM Ttr "y ia "I'm ijullu ktiro you didn't." - Km InURlmd. "IVrhnp the htimbln pie I nto to day apfltled my apticllto." "Iliimplo tde, daddy 7" "1 KueM that's what they call It." TkII me about It." Up litUKhed acaln. "It doean't put your daddy In a very rtattorltiK llRtit. Hut I'll tell you about It, I had nn appointment this nfler noon with a certain party nt your old friend Delnfleld'a, 1 wna a little early In KnttliiK thoro I wanted to nk Del atUld some ituratloni," "Yea, daddy" "Well, tlm certain party " "Tho man you were to meet?" 'Tea He's a young man. Ilia name la Andrua." "Andruar That's It. Itobert Andrua. He waan't thr when I arrived, and that Knv Delalield an optertunlly to tell ma about him If Dolafleld la right, lio'a a remarkable worthy young fel low stralxht, honest and fine aa silk. What's the matter, dearleT The fire makes my fare burn, dad dy. I'll move n little baok." "Perhaps you don't care for thn story T" "Oh. yes, daddy, xo on." "Well, the funny part of It la that I once turned thli same young fel low down cold It happened one day when I wna home hero with the mis ery In my les. And thore I was In rrn. m: auovt it." Delnllvld'a ofdee, KeepltiK an appoint ment with tho very samo youiiRator." "do on, daddy." "Tho boy had perfected a valuable dovlco. n transmitter of a remark nbly Ingenious tyiio. He hrotiKht It to mo. Ho thought tlm Carter Motor Company could tuo It. 1 knew It wa n good thing tho Inatnut I looked nt It. Hut you know, daddy Isn't exactly hlmielf when tho rheumatism nip him." "I know, daddy." "Woll, 1 Kit to him to understand that wo didn't want his device. Hut I offoicd to buy It from lilm nnd de stroy It. Ho wouldn't sell. Homohow I felt suro ho would como back and accept my off or, I was poslttvo ho couldn't got tho capital ho needed to start a pluut and umtiufacturo the thins and that's whoro I was wrong. Homohody lot him havo tho money." "Who was It, dnddyT" "I don't know. Hut the plant wna built and proved n good thine from tho very start. Tho boy found a mar ket for his Invention almost Immedi ately, nnd tho llttlo factory has boon working right up to Its limit. It got mo scArcd soma tlmo ago. Ami I was still moro scared whon I hoard that the National Hnglno Company wanted the factory's entire output, The Cartor Motor Company couldn't ..T VaM..Vl r ' W-Uju'.I AND TOH EDUCATION. un mIiu iIouk on thri lutellurtunl trnlnltiR of her children. (Jrriiinriy ftlvea to educational imrjiomw onis third of thu Amount slid ilcwitps to mllltury iiirj)nfn. In A intra tind Itusidu tlm proportion letwcon school nnd caserne expenditure, In as two In nine. Italy njonln iion her army ulna times an iiimli mh tlm devote to public imIu ration, IIpIkIuiii la exemplary In that hor military and education budsct Bland m night to four The only ox oeptlon to thU ruin of priority In mlllUiry oxpendltura In HwltMrlund, which devote twice nn inuuh to tlm ed ucation of hor thlldrtn na aim lays out on the purchase of powder and that nnd tho pay of tier defenders. stand by and let that happen. And so I wna them In your old friend's olMce, prepared to nnaiigo a danl with tills gifted youngitor. Well, he cam In presently a fine looking lad, mnii' ly and scrupulously polite Ho roally seemed glad to ace me which might bo wondered at. Well, I made up my mind In leas than no time that there was nothing to be gained by beating nhout the hush, and so I came right out and ofrvrml hint (300,000 for hla plant nnd hla patents, and, In addl tlon to this, the potltlou of manager of our works with a 110,000 salary" Tho girl suddenly laughed. "Why, that was fine, daddy. Ann what did the gifted young man doT" "The gifted young man never turn cd n hair. If he was surprised at my offer he carefully concealed the fact He thanked me, but added that ho would be guided entirely by his partner, ttiio owns a half Interest In the factory and patenta, He prom tied to let me know hla partner's de cision ery aoon, and I had to b aatlatled with this promise. And that, dearie, Is what I call eating humble pie and Iota of It." There was n little silence. "Daddy." said the girl. "I want your adtlre." "Hut I know nothing about hats or gowns." Him softly laughed. "It's a money matter this time, dad ry. I bought a half Interest In a manufacturing plant a year ago nnd I'vo been offered 00 per cent profit on my Investment If I sell out" Tho old man stared down at her. "That sounds good. What's the plant willed:- The girl hesitated. "It's tho Andrus Transmitter Com jany, daddy." "What!" "Yes. daddy. I'm tho partner who must bo consulted." "You!" "Yes, daddy. What do you advtso me to do?" ' Let mo get my breath, you ras cal!" "All right, daddy. Take your time." Him looked toward the door, "itob ert'" she called. And Itobert Andrua entered tho room. "Hero Is my part ner, daddy." Tho old man stared at tho newcom er "Well, wells" he muttered. "And, daddy, Itobert'a prlco has gone up. I I found It out this after noon. He wants me, tool" Tho old man starod from Itobort to tho girl. Her arm stolo around bis neck. "Hay It's all right, daddy." Ha sank baak with a sigh of resig nation. "Moro humblo pie," ho murmured. Cleveland I'lnln Doalor. Ilia Miitlrl. Mnny n youth Is taken with tho de sire to wrlto. Often he doea not know oxnetly what ho wlslion to composo, hut tho Itch for tho ihjii la strong. The lloUmnn tclltt tho story of nn ambi tious young mint who called upon a Chlcngo publisher. Ho Informed tho publisher that ho had deotded tu wrlto it book. "May I venture tu Inquire ns to tho nnturo pf tho book you propose to wrlto?-' nsked tho publlshor, very politely. "Oh," camo In nn offhand wny from tho nsplrnnt to litontry fame, "I think of doing something on tho lino of 'I,os MlserabU's,' only llvollor, you know." N'otcr Nil)' I))o, "Yea," ho cluvttorcd, "I will love you 'Just na much when you are old nnd grnyl" "Well," said sho, decisively, "I mny Uvo to bo old, but I'll never bo grayl" Dotrolt Freo Pross. Plenty of people can stand adversity, but only a low can stand prosperity. (O ASTORIA is a harmless uubstituto for Oastor Oil, Parogorio, Drops and Soothing Syrup3. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor othor Uarcotio substance, Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays PovorishncsB, It ourcs Diarrhooa and Wind Colic. It rcliovc3 Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulenoy. It assimilates tho Food, rogulatcs tho Stomach and Bowols, giving healthy and natural sloop. Tho childron'o Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. Tho Kind Tou Havo Always Bought, and which has boon in uso for over 30 years, ha3 borno tho signature of Ohas, H. Fletcher, and has boon mado undor his personal suporvision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deccivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " aro but Experiments that triflo with and ondangor tho health of Infants and Childron Exporionco against Exporimont. - - - """' - r i i aKTO m ALCOHOL 3 rtllCKNT AtCel.ibu?rVrnarallonIbrAj slmllaifnUtrtolanillWuti I Ing Uic S itHtattj asdJkrtb of iSSSSSISSS. iul PromolcsDiiejtlonOffrfbr ncss and RcstXontalns nrisw Ojiiimi Jlorphlnc nor)!imraL nuim.wtuiii'. AanlSiri JtSSHtUi ht&jmulm'. Vmii Anerfert Re medv forCoraflrt lion , Sour SlooLUlarrtMi Yorm$A.oir.-ui$tonsjoTnw ncsannJLoss or Sleep. TacSimle Sifoirarto NtTVS YORK; Exact Copy of Wrapper. Itiplomacr. "Isn't there some talk that Grlnco li coins to enter the ministry T" The ministry? Why O, I see. That's what be really wants, but he Intends to try (or a consulaaip nrL" luicaso Tribune. Mothara will find Un. Wlnslow'a Knothtnt l)rruithUat rpmnlr tnUMlvrUtelrchUdnj luilnf ! Ittilu( irlud. Ill Mlircilomelrr. Inqntstlve Person How do yon tell how (aat you are coiner Chauffeur I watch the expression of the (acts of the policemen as I whit past them. Tlirrci Are Othrra, "Bines Is afraid that he may be pros ecuted for polygamy." "Why, he Is married to only one person, ain't ho?" "That Is what he thought for a while, but now It appears that he mar rlod her whole family, and thcro are seven of them." California Weekly. Mrrelr Friendly. niderly ltelathe Mortimer, what arc your Intentions lu rrsard to Miss uul Hon) Scapegrace Nephew Strictly honora ble and praiseworthy, uncle. Uderly ltelathe I atu clad to hrai that, Mortimer. I was afraid you wert colne to try to pcrsuadt her to marry you. Chlcaco Tribune. Bad BLOOD "Ik fore I begnn usIiik Cascarets I had a bad complexion, pimples ou my face, and my food was not digested ns It should hitve lecn, Now I am entirely well, and the pimples luu call disappeared from my face. I can truthfully hay that Cascarets are just as advertised; 1 have taken ouly two boxes of them." Claicuce H. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind. rio.iiant. Palatt!. Potent, Tailo OooJ. lo(lo(xl. Kctrrbickea. Weaken or Qrlpo. 10c, ?.V:. Soo. Kever sold la bulk. Tli eenu Ins tablet stamped CCC Uusrasteed to curs or vour niouar back. 917 TMC Oil. THAT .IreCf tpQ. Guaranteed under the 1' PKfcBr7MC Oil. THAT NtTHATCSMsgM!B Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher. Dr. F. Corald DIattncr, of Buffalo, N. Y., rays: "Your Castoria la gwxt lor children end I frequently prcscrlbo It, always obtaining tho desired rosulU." Sr. Gustavo A- ElscngracboiY of EL I'aal, Minn., kit: "I havo uVed your Castoria repeatedly In my prncllco 'with rood results, and can rccora mond It na an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Br. H J. Dennis, of EL Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and prescribed your Castoria In my sanitarium and outsldo practice for a number of years and find It to bo an excellent remedy for children." Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa-, says: "I havo used your Cas toria In tho caro of ny own baby and find It pleasant to talus, and havo obtained excellent results from Its uso." Dr. J. n. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., Bays: "I havo used your Castoria la cabos of colic In children and havo found It tho best mcdlclno of lti kind on tho markcL" Dr. R. H. Hsklldson, of Omaha, Neb., Bays: "I find your Castoria to bo a standard family rctacdr. It Is tho best thins for Infants and children I havo ever known and I recommend 1L" Dr. It. II. Robinson, cf ICansaa City, Mo., cays: "Your Castoria certainly has nerIL Is not Ita ago, Its continued uso by mothers through all theso years, and tho many attempts to lmttato It, sufficient recommendation? Svhai can a physician add? Lcavo It to tho Bothers." Dr. Edwin K. Pardee, of New York City, eays: "Ior several years I haTo recommended your Castoria and shall always contlnuo to do so, as It haa Invariably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. B. filzor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to what aro called, patent medicines, vrhcro maker alono knows xrbat Ingredients aro put In. them, but I knov5 tho formula of your Castoria and advlso Its Ufa." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho (zjrfui Tk Kind You Have Always Boogat 'In Use For TWKCIVTMMieoirMT.TTMWAAVST1tKT. kra Tlt CTT. ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmm A. i. lie irmt. "Jones says that he always gets to tho bottom of anything he under takes." "Don't doubt IL At school he was always at the foot of the class." Baltlmoro American. A l'urlal nt I.arar. "Let as see the census fives your town about 0,000 doesn't lti" "No, sir; our town fires the census 0,000." DAISY FLY KILLER l4 mmf , atlrsitu -ikiiu-uai. K- rim, nu tsssNiUJ, C D II . on k4 in or tip Oftr. wiU sot Mil or lajvr tar tillSaT ' UurBto4 OfeUi rrrt vrswai prrpua tar avcrliu HAROLD SOUERSslBO DtKilrj Art., B'kl)iu, K. Y. " tS3rSS hltjh vrieti biVlog iwdcrawilldoandiloea BAKING I tHlIcr. it IliH the douch and makriltaht. POWDER er, awertrr and bttttt jn roods. buldDrgro ctrs 25c per pound. you will ecnii us ycor HBine Mnd Ira rill send you a book on health and b ins powder. CPESCENT MFG. CO. Seattle, Wn. frJ COFFEE TEA SPICES DAKIN0 POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT uiraarH nfl;sFrRrirvFB. -w.otu J FN U NO. 33-09 w HEN wrUInf to ailTertlseriiloase uieuiiuu una papor. mi mm SINtTWATCI w iwCsxTzI-B Signature of Over 30 Years- Howard k. prrrro.s - m cumiH. iffwIrdU, CulufMlix Hp-ximea ificvt UoU. Uo4.IL Oold. MU,r. Be Oold. Uei Zim or dpttr. St MmatenTelor an4 fall prwwlua fn oa ar.lir-ioa. jLuatrol a".! I'nplrw woikt4- FonCATARRHoFTHiBLADDER. URIHARY DISCHARGES etc. ATDRUCOISTSXRTniALBaXDYHAILSOd FROM PLANTEII.03 HlNRYST.BROOKlYrUal s..... .Tu :'.?.".. .r... ';..' n t VA a o r - c i it-at i n m a s-- i DR. W A. WISE 2 Years a leader in Painless Dental Work in Port ml. Out-of-Town People lihuuU remember that our fore U aa imuM Hat WK CAN DO TIIKIK KNTlKt: CKOwN, MtlUGt: AND 1'LATK WOUK IN A DAY li neoury. I'OITtVELY PAINLKS3 EX. TKACTiNO FIIKK w hen iUtea or hri Im are ar. driL WE IlKMOVE THE MOST BKNS1TIVH TKtrrti and uoura WITHOUT THE LEA3X PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no uncertainly For tho Next Flftcon Days We will give you good tik goU or porc- Uln crown for ...,, .,.. eXSO t2kbrkls teeth &M Molar rrown...... ,.,..,,,..,.,,,,....,. 6.08 GoUorenaruel filltngs M Mlver nillnri , M Good rubbtr plated.......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S.M llietwatred rubber plates, , , 1M I'alnleea extracUons ...., , M ALT, WORK GUAItATeTEEO 13 YEARS Dr. W. A. 'Wise President and Manager The Wise Dental Co. UNO) ThWanJ Waihlngtonata, PORTXAND, ORZGON "THEOLD RELIABLE" " y rfjP-m wm' 1 yirir,ssrTWTTP MVCH lls? daassHLaiBaBaaaWHV KQ- lBrftk4 H R r