The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 21, 1909, Image 5

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The bent nickel cigar on the
market) The Leader.
Reiiicmlicr the lnwn nodal Tuci
tiny night. Kiitcrtniumciit Tor old
iinil young.
Kcv. Mitchell will hold nitvIccx
next Sunday evening lit 7:..S. No
he t vices in the morning
You will get better natiiifactlnn
liy amoklng cigars made by the
l'rliicville Clear Factory,
Dan R. Smith Iirh lxii(lit n
ranch near I.aldlaw and he. mid
Mri, Smith will reside there here
n Tier.
W. II. Slants Is having his field
of clover cut this week. It Mauds
about waist high and he nays it
will make 2 tons to the acre.
MIm Florence Young nnd Carl
Young arrived from Nchroska re
ccntly to make their home with
their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
YOUUg, ( ilCIKl.
Millard. Creed and Tom Trip
letl and I '.liner Merrill drove up to
the Uttcr'n homestead Saturday
night, nnd scut a few days fish,
lug at the fish trap.
0. W. Ilocch left the latter part
of the week for Hnrtlinc, Wash.,
where he will remain for two or
three months. He expects to re
turn to Hcnd In the fall.
Notick! All former members
of the Church of Christ, reading
this item, will confer a favor by
sending their addrrsi to State Itvau
gclit Samuel Gregg, I.aidlaw, Or
The hay harvest Is under way In
the Ilend country and from nil sides
comes reports of a very good yield.
Robt. Dowser cut a small field on
the Judge Kills ranch which went
fully two tons to the aero.
K, A, Sutlicr mid daughter, Miss
Corn, left on Sunday morning's
automobile stage for n two weeks'
vncntlon nt the Seattle exposition.
While out Mr. Snlbcc will also look
nftcr business matters nt rortlnud
0. W., C. W. and J. W. Moech
have recently clouted ,u iiervH of
juniper laud for John Kclluiu.
They pulled nnd burned Hoj trees
in 1 1 days, which is n pretty good
record. The price paid was n1,
cents n tree.
The I.ndicH' Mbrnry Club will
give the first lawn social of the
season next Tuesday evening, on
the Oucrlu lawn. Music nnd other
amusement features will be pro
viiled and Ice cream and cuke will
be served,
J. I. West Is making substantial
improvements on his house. He
is putting under a flue stone foun
dation, will put In n bath room,
and build on n kitchen. He will
also build a cement walk from the
house to the street.
J. M. Curtis and IJ. I.. Spencer
of Tacoma were in Hcnd the first of
the week, having invested in ditch
land. Mr. Curtis has had consider
able experience in other irrigated
sections and said the Hcnd country
was certain to become a rich nnd
prosperous one.
Since the breaking of the flume
and the consequent drying up of
the canals, some of the boys of the
town have lcn having great sport
catching trout out of pools in the
canals w)iich still contain water.
A number of f.uc large redsides
have been caught, and it is reported
that doens of small fish may be
seen in the pools. Something
wrong with the screens nt the head
Mr. and Mrs, It. J. McCnun.who
left Hcnd n few weeks ngo, are now
at Ciitgarcy, Alberta, Cmi., where
they will probably locate ticrum-
ueutly. In 11 letter to Hcnd friends
they state that the firm erMiti they
met on arriving nt Calgarey -was
Waller Check, who went to Canada
from this section some time ngo,
They also met nu old friend from
Minncnpolis. Mr. McGinn stated
that he expected to file on laud in
that territory.
Francis I. McKcnnn of Portland,
accompanied by bis sou, Coe A.
McKenna, were in lieud during
the past week looking over this
section with n view of scouring in
vestments. Mr. McKenna is a
man ol considerable menus, nnd is
reported to have been very success
ful iu rent estate and town site
ventures. He wns very much im
pressed with the ossihilitics nt
Hcnd nnd was confident that the
town had n great future before it.
While here he ticcurcd options on
scvcrul pieces of procrty.
One of the chief obstacles in re
pairing the I). I. A V. Co.'h flume
is the distance lumlicr has to be
hauled nnd the scarcity of thct
projxrr kind of lumber. This was
partially overcount by making ar
rangements with the Swallcy ditch
company to borrow part of the
needed material from them, the
Swallcy iwople having recently
finished sawing out lumber for
their new flume. It wns fortunate
that this arrangement could be
made and that the management of
the Swnlley company wns inclined
to If accommodating.
Ilend Is receiving considerable
advertising from the trout dinner
feature of our celebration. W. H.
Slants received n letter from n sis
ter nt San l'raucisco in which she
said we must have had n fine time
nt our celebration nnd hc had just
finished rending about the trout
barlccuc in the San l'raucisco
Chronicle. K II. MuUig received
the "Times" from his former home
at Pittsburg, I'n., nnd iu it was
cpiite n writeup of the Hcnd trout
barbecue. Thus the news has
spread from otic side of the conti
nent to the other. Who ran guess
how many p:icrH betwixt nnd be
tween made mention of it?
The race Saturday between Kcl
ley's ro.m poov and Winter's gray
mare, "Funny," of Tiimnlo, ended
as horse races so often do, iu a dis
agreement. Kclley's pony won by
several feet, but John Sisemorc,
who wns one of the promoters of
the rare, and hcveral of the spec
tators claim that Kclley's jockey
struck the Wimer mare across the
lac several times just after the get
away. This resulted iu crowding
the marc into the .sagebrush nnd
the soft ground nt the side of the
road. Kclley's jockey nnd a num
ber of other spectators claim just
the opposite nnd insist that the
race wns won in an open, strnight
forwntd manner "Uncle John"
refuses to pay over the purse, 50,
claiming that it was n crooked race.
Ami there It .stands.
The First National Bank
Or U. O. 001 , lfldnl f A flATHrrt. Vlc Pr.tlrf.nt
O n HUDSON. Oathl.r
Oanll.l fullr palrf Jfi.0O0
niockholilr' llabllllr - - f.UOO
A Checking Account
A Few Reasons Why a Checking Account
With This Bank is Valuable.
ACIIHCK ACCOUNT gives a systematic record of
nil business transactions iu detail.
A CIHiCK ACCOUNT prevents the loss of money
by theft, carelessness or accident;
A C1IF.CK ACCOUNT insures you from paying n
bill the second time.
A CHUCK ACCOUNT avoids the rbk and trouble
of making change. '
A CHUCK ACCOUNT furnishes a complete record
of each mouth's business.
Filed checks furnish the best record for future
Koch check you issue is a receipt with the Hank's
acknowledgement upon it.
Should you overpay or make an error a check ac
count gives you recourse.
This Hank docs the bookkeeping for the man with a
check account.
One Dollar starts an account and wc will be pleased
to have it.
I', f. SMITH II. C. UI.I.I8
Baking Powder
Golden West or
Golden Gate
( Special price:
) 10 It "an 1fl
1-. 11. vnn t.j.
I lb. Can 40c
The best laundry soap made,
choice of two brands I, A KA'S
Special price:
6 bars for 25c
Bartlett Pears
tfvfrn .(ilni,!rt.1 nllnltll. ciriMil
onlv to the Preferred Stock
) Sneelal mice:
20c can
Guarautced pure cauo
13 lbs. for $1.00
Solid pack, ripe peeled tomatoes
Siwclul price:
15c can -
One of the best of the Kxtra
Standard grade
Special price:
. 2 cans 25c
The best coilee far the money
Iu Ilend
Regular price 25c lb,
Special Only
20c per lb.
Second Annual House
Cleaning Sale
T IS NOT OFTF.N that an opportunity Is ofTcrcd you like this. The price of every article iu the store has been reduced to
practically cost. The odds and ends will be cleaned up nt less than cost. You can take advantage of these prices
ONLV UNTIL. JULY 3 1ST No longer. My store has always been noted for carrying the best
goods at the lowest prices. This sale proves it.
lara THR Rin CTHDP a.m. lara
Outing" Flannels
1 lie best qnaltty. 20 different 9)
iu..wu- iu ai;icci jiora. ncguiar (m
Special prkc:
8c 37c!.
Hither plain colors or beauti
fully figured good i. Regular price
15 cts. yard. ,
Special price: ,
lie yd.
Men's Ties
The lc.Ht line ever brought to Hcnd. Choice
of entire line of 75c ties
nt only 55c
35c tics at 25c
Men's Hose
Over too pain, no two alike. Traveling men's
Mitiplri. Don'l iiii Ihia. You can
find juit what you want.
60c liosc for -0c -10c liose for 30c
35c hose for 25c
Men's Shirts
Just the kind n man likes to wear. Alt
colors and Mies. F.ntirc line of Si. 35
blurts. Stccial price
95 cts.
Men's Shoes
Patriot Mac, Star Ilrsnd,
Thrre Stylc KrciiUr per
jMlr f 4 i. Special per pair
VilRrlm Line, Star Itraiul,
Three Style. Keutilar per
pair f4). Slxri'lttl, per pair,
Children's Sandals
Juit the tiling for milliner.
Slxra from 6 to H Kcgulur
per pair fl. 50. Special iierPr.
SI. 16
Sle 9 to 11 Regular per
lialr, fl.75. Special, per W.
Sirra 12 to J Regular, per
pair, f J.oo, Spcciui cr air
Ladies' Shoes
Patent Leather Strap Pump,
.lie ,1 to 6 Krgular. jwr
lr, is . Special 52.25
Aak (or the SUPHKIIA
1'ulent Leather Walking Shoe
nil tirea Kegutar per jviir,
f iu. Sjwcial, per Pr $3,25
Tan Oxfords.
A gMil one alio $H to 8
Keg per Pr. f 1. 05. Special,
er wtr
SI10 9 to 11 Regular, per
uli, f 1.9 Secinl, icr mir
Boys' Shoes "
Star Ilraml, two line, siie
s to 5 regular, ru'r pair.
fj 00. Special er Pr $2.25
SUc ij to Regular, per
Pr. f J. 50. Special - $1.85
Siiea 8 to ia Regular, cr
Pr. fJ.aj. Special - $.75
Ask for RLZUV
Ladies' Underwear
I'iue Lace Trimmed Union Suits Regular
price, per suit, 50c. Special price 40c
I'lne Rib. Lace Trimmed Vests Regular
price 30C. Special 15c
Men's Underwear
Ilcst Quality IlalbrigK'"1 Regular price
60c Special 50c
Derby Ribbed, Medium Weight Regu
lar price 55c Social 45c
Boys' Underwear
llest Quality DalbriKgan, Double seat
drawers Regular price 50c. Special 40c
Every day you will find new bargains offered. And when I say
BARGAIN 1 mean a real, genuine bargain, the kind you get only at
Staple GinghaiTis
Blue, blncl:, brown or green, all of ch'.-cks. Regular, irice,
10 cts. per vard.
Special price:
Sc yd.
For men's heavy tyork shirts,
four patterns, regular; price t?yi
cts. per pard
Social price:
10c yd.
Dress Ginghams
My entire line of the best ging
hams to be had Regular price 15
cts; per yard
Special price:
10c yd.
Standard Calico
little, ml, grey, black all colors,
all Patterns entire line. Regular
price ? cts. per yard.
Special price:
6c yd.
Cotton Blankets
Full size, gray and tan, Regit
lar price 1.35,
Special price:
$1.00 per Pr. d
' .. " $