The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 21, 1909, Image 2

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    "r?n w
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Thousands of Homeseekers Are
Flocking to Reserves.
Registration Wilt Close August fi and
Drawing Will Do Held August
0 for Indian Land.
Coour d'Alene, Idaho, July 15. Reg
titration for lands In the Coour d'Alcne
Indian reservation commenced in the
city at 12 o'clock last night and will
conclude at midnight on August 6. A
heavy registration at least 100,000
people is expected, and the notaries
arc ready to do their skaro of tho labor
connected wiw ioe opening.
Many of them were already central
ly located and are in their old offices,
but others ho constructed temporary
buildings in the business section. A
charge of 25 cents will be made for re
ceiving applicat.ois, but there is noth
ing to prevent a notary from acting as
agent for applicants, in which case he
will notify has clients as to their suc
cess in the drawing and receive a com
pensation for it.
All the hotels and lodging houses
have prepared for the rush, and every
availaole room will be used. Some of
the hotels have rented building and
equipped them with beds and many in
dividuals have secured buildings and
equipped thm for sleeping purposes.
Yet with all of these accommodations
It is feared the large crowd will not be
amply provided tor.
James W. Witten, superintendent in
charge of the opening of the reserves.
estimates that 100,000 men and women
will file for lands, many applying for
all threo reservations, making a grand
total of probably 200,000 applications.
From 16,000 to 20,000 applications
from veteran soldiers and sailors are
expected. A single notary already has
210 veterans listed for filings.
Some of the homesteads to be drawn
August 9 are valued at $15,000 to $20,
000. It is believed about one applicant
in 15 will be able to secure a homestead
worth taking up.
Miss Harriet Post, daughter of At
torney F. T. Post, of Spokane; Miss
Helen Hamilton, of Coeur d'Alene,
daughter of General Ortis Hamilton,
and Miss Christina Donlan. daughter of
Judge Donlan, of Missoula, have been
chosen to draw all the numbers for ap
plicants for lands in the Coeur d'Alene,
Spokane and Flathead reservations re
spectively. On Auguit 9 these girls, who are
atxut 12 J ears old, will be blindfo'ded
and placed beside the hugh piles of
probably 2U0.00O envelopes containing
applications for lands. These they will
drew at random, homescekers being
given their choice of lands In the order
in which the names are drawn.
Thero is little evidence of a rush to
file applications in Spokane for the
Spokane reservation, but there will be
a crush on the trains to Coeur d'Alene,
35 miles distant.
About 3,000 Homeseekers Expected
to Register for Land.
Missoula. Mont, July 15. It is es
timated about 1,000 homeseekers arriv
ed in Missoula today to register for
lands in the Flathead reservation, and
it is expected before tomorrow night at
least 3,000 will have registered.
In an effort to get ahead of the crowd
from other parta of the country, home
seekers from various parts of Montana
and surrounding states have been pour
ing inio me city in crowns since yes
terday. Hotel accomodations are at a
premium. Lodging bouses are filling
rapidly and tomorrow night the visitors
probably will sleep In tents.
Fifty thousand persons are expected
to register in this city, and to handle
this crowd 52 government notaries
have been appointed.
A large number of people have pass
ed through on their way to Kalispell,
where there is another registration
office for the Flathead reservation.
New Fight on Plague,
Atlanta, Ga July 16. The conven
tion of the National Association of
Billposters today voted to donate to
the anti-tuberculosis fight $1,200,000
worth of publicity. This means that
all over the United States and Canada
they will give not only space upon bill
boards, but the labor of posting as
well. On the heels of this offer the
Poster Printers,' association donated
$200,000. The railroads and express
companies will carry free all paper for
the work, and the Allied Printing
Trades will be asked to do the printing.
Spaniards Shell Moors.
Madrid, July 15. A dispatch from
Melllla says Spanish troops at Atala
you shelled a body of tribesmen who
were making preparations to attack
tho Spanish forces. Several tribsmen
were killed or wounded and the others
Senate and House Will Each
Out for Lumber Rato.
Washington, July 16. Tho mako-up
of the committco on conferenco that Is
now handling the tariff bill, endeavor
ing to compromise tho differences be
tween tho houso and senate bills, is not
such as to insptro confldonro in tho
hearts of those senators and represent
atives who favor tho scnato duty on
rough lumber, $1.60 per 1,000 foot. It
may be that that rato will bo re
tained, but thero is only one Republi
can on tho conference committee who
is directly interested in the lumber
schedule, and that man is handicapped
because be is a big lumberman.
Of tho scnato conferees, not one has
any direct interest in tho tariff on lum
ber. Aldrich, Rhode Island; Burrows,
Michigan; Penrose, Pennsylvania;
Hale, Maine, and Cullom, Illinois, rep
resent states that care far moro about
cheep lumber than they do about high
protection for tho American lumber
man. A few years ago Hurrows might
have been somowhat concerned, but
now his interest is secondary. On tho
houso side, Payne, New York; Daltull,
Pennsylvania; McCall, Massachusetts;
Boutoll, Illinois; Calderhead, Kansas,
and Fordney, Michigan, aro tho confer
ees, and Fordney is the only enthusias
tic advocate of a high tariff on lumber,
for ho owns fabulous quantities of
timber land and operates a numb ir of
lumber mills.
It will be the contention of tho
houfo members that tho duty on rough
lumber must be reduced $1, tho rato
fixed by the house in the Payne bill.
They will insist that tho houso will not
stand for $1,60, and will point to the
fact that it was only by a narrow mar
gin that the house rejected a frco lum
ber amendment.
Transfer of Courts to Japan Quietly
Seoul, July 16. Tho news of tho
new agreement between Japan and
Corea arranging for the transfer of
Core an judicial authority to Japan, is
being quietly accepted here, now that
its terms aro fully understood.
It was feared that some disturbance
might follow tho public misapprehen
sion that the disbanding of the court
guards was Included in the abolition of
t e Corean war office. Now that it Is
known generally that the guards are
not to be discharged, but merely are
to be placed under the command of the
emperor's aide-de-camp, tho cause for
uneasiness has been removed.
It is believed that tho convention be
tween the two countries relative to tho
transfer was signed July 12. Tho pro
visions of the document, besides the
changes mentioned, look to the control
of Corean prisons by the Japanese.
Province of Ells Suffers Loss of Score
of Lives and IOO Injured.
Athens, Greece, July 16. An earth
quake has occurred in the provincre of
Elis, the capital of which is Pyrgos.
Several villages were destroyed and
msny people perished. The loss is
London, July 16. A dispatch to a
London news bureau from Athens sas
that a violent earthquake has occurred
in Southern Greece, resulting in con
siderable loss of life and damage to
Twenty person are reported dead and
100 Injured at one village, and three
other villages suffered heavily. The
dispatch adds that, when the derails
are learned it is likely that the casual
ties will be greatly Increased.
Convention Rates Open.
Chicago, July 16, Reduced passen
ger fares to Chicago, SL Louis, Kan
sas City, Omaha and SL Joseph will
be available this summer from all
states west of the Missouri river, as a
result of a decision just announced by
a number of leading Western railroad,
which, competitive conditions will
make applicable to all roads. It has
been decided to open to the general
public rates of a fare and a half for
the round trip from points west of the
river which were granted on account of
the many conventions.
Building Falls; 7 Dead.
Philadelphia. July 16. Seven men
were killed, one fatally Injured and 24
seriously hurt today when a building at
the northwest corner of Eleventh and
Market streets collapsed One man Is
aUo missing. The building, a five
story brick structure in tho heart of
tho business section wus being remod
eled, and it is supposed tho romoval of
ono of tho girders caused the entire
structure to weaken and crash to the
Prefer American Labor.
Butte, Mont, July 10. E. P. Mot-
thewson, superintendent of tho Washoe
smelter, has announced that the policy
of the company hereafter will bo to
employ American labor before alien
labor. Mr. Matthewson also stated
that the company store system has
been abandoned in Anaconda.
Government Considering Huge
gallon Project.
Pendleton--Olllclnl confirmation of
tho investigation of tho largo govern
ment Irrigation project to reclaim GO,
000 acres of arid land In Western Uma
tilla county cniiio from Chief engineer
of Reclamation Sorvlco A. P. Davis
and D. C. Henny, supervising engineer
of the Northwest These men were
seen as thoy were passing through this
city recently and both admitted that
tho government had ordered tests and
complete investigation of tho prospect
ive projecL
The project, thoy until, was ono of
about n dozen now under investigation
In Oregon by the reclamation service.
Tho most feasible will be undertaken
as soon as money Is available. While
they would not say thnt the Umatilla
project was most feasible, thero un
known to be many conditions in its fa
vor. Tho new project would he prac
tically an extension of tho Umatillia
project centering about HurmiJton.
The water for the now project would
be secured by building a glantroscrvolr
to collect the surplus waters of Butter
creek and Umatllln river. It Is esti
mated that 60,000 acres would be re
Plans Made to Preserve Oregon Dis
play at A.-Y.-P. Fair.
Seattle Practically tho entire ex
hibit of tho state of Oregon at the A.-Y.-P.
exposition, with whole sections
of the interior decorations of the build
ing, will be removed to Salem, Or.,
and mado a permanent part of the Ore
gon state fair, according to plana dis
cussed by the Oregon commissioners
during tho visit of Governor Benson to
the exposition.
Governor Benson will probably sug
gest to the next Oregon legislature the
idea of taking tho Seattle display to
Salem. Tho cost has been figured
about $10,000 and for this expenso
two-thirds of tho $100,000 display In
tho Oregon building could bo preserved.
Tho elaborate docoratlons and pano
rama worked in Oregon grains, tho
handsome wood panelinga and other
decorativo features of the intorior of
the Oregon building will be moved In
tact, If the plan is carried out.
It is believed at tho closo of the ex
position the Oregon building will be
presented to the stato university.
Form New Phone Company.
Ontario At a called meeting of On
tario citizens an independent telepohono
company was organized. It will be in
corporated for $10,000. Th Boll com
pany recently romocd its toll station
from here to Payette, Idaho, and the
citizens, desiring better sevico, sub
scribed several thousand dollars for a
new company In which the membes of
the Boiso Independent company will be
stockholders. Nearly every citizen of
Ontario is a stockholder in tho new
company. Officers and directors were
elected, also a committee on bjlawa to
file Incorporation papers.
Trolley Line for Rogue,
Jacksonville The Jackson County
Light tt. Power company has been
granted a franchise over the roads of
Jackson county by the County court of
Jackson county. The company in Its
petition asks for the right to erect
electric light o!es .along the highways
in certain town. hips for conducting
light, heat and motive power. It is
the intention of the company to begin
at onco the construction of an electric
railway to traverse the Rogue river
Water Suits Stir Echo.
Echo Joe Itamos, whoso alfalfa
fields are one mile up the river from
E bo, is defendant In an Injunction
suit brought by tho Henrietta Milling
company, of Echo, to prevent Ramos
from placing a dam across tho river
just above the company's hcadgates
Thero is much litigation to be threshed
out before determining the rights of
water users from tho Umatilla river at
this place.
Mill Will Remove to Kalama.
Rainier The big plant of tho Wll
lard Caso Lumber company baa closed,
and as soon as a small lot of planing is
finished, tho task of moving tho plant
to Kalama will begin. Tho company
had intended to finish cutting out their
timber at this place, but owing to somo
legal tangle with local parties, have
concluded to raft their logs from here
to Kalama.
Dufur Farmers Organize.
The Dalles Articles of incorporation
of the Farmers' Union Warehouse com
pany, of Dufur, have been filed with
the county clerk by Theodore Buskuhl
and Lester D. Kelly, of Kingsloy, and
Alex Strachan, of Dufur. The capital
stock Is $4,000, divided into 800 shares
of tho pur value of $C each. Tho head
quarters of the company will be at
Pear Orchards Are In Danger From
a New Pest.
Rosoburg A deidly blight on the
pour orchards of this county thnt will
rtquire. for Ita eradication mora atten
tion than ono man could jHualbly give,
has caused tho county court, nt tho
suggestion of District Horticultural
Commissioner A, II. Carson, of Grants
Pass, to appoint two fruit Inspectors
for Douglas county. The appointment
fall to F. A. McFall, of this city, mid
E. F. Whitney, of Oakland, both of
whom were recommended by Mr. Car
son, who appeured beforo tho court in
This blight, a special of fungus thnt
omits a gum like substance, has prac
tically destroyed the greater part of the
fruitgrowing industry in the Kustorn
and Middle Wostorn tnto nnd hit giv
en tho Pacific const orchnrdista n linnl
battle. California pear growers tri
umphed over It after having onco given
up. Then the blight reached the fain
ous Rogue rUer valley In Oregon. Tho
orchnrdista there promptly secured tlio
services of two government experts,
O'Gara and White, and thero two men
are now in that valley aiding the fruit
growers to stamp out tho pest
Several months ago tho blight began
to bo nolireablo in the Umiun alley,
particularly around Ro eburg and
Winston. Then orchards In other lo
calities became alfected, until the pres
ent day sees the pear industry In this
county threatened with dnmnge un es
the growers tako action un-ler proper
instruction at once. Mr. Carson ex
plained to the court that tho blight can
neither be prevented nor killed by
Wfiat causes tt Is not known, and
thero Is only one way to get rid of It,
and that Is by burning the affected trro
or branch Immediately upon dlcover
of the b'.ighL This has already been
done In a numler of instances.
Cross Ties for Panama Road.
Portland Oregon lumbermen have
the opjv rtunity of aiding in the con
struction of the Panama railroad. H
C. Glltner, secretary of the chamber of
commerce, has received from the rail
road commission request for bids on
160,000 cross ties for delivery at Colin
or the Port of Ancon. Indicating that
construction work is to proceed rapidly,
it was urged that bids be submitted as
soon as possible.
Wallowa fruit Inspector Nmil
Wallowa Ford C. Pott, r has been
appointed fruit h Scrtor fqr tills coun
ty by tho County court Mr. Potter
has had wido experience In fruit and
berry culture and Is thoroghly convers
ant with tho varl us fruit pest. His
services will be of great value to the
fruit raisers of this valley.
Wheat Illueatem,
$1.17; valley, $1.17.
nominal; club,
Corn Whole, $37 per ton;
$38 per ton.
Oats No. 1 while, $4042 per ton.
Hay -Timothy, Willamette valley,
$206(22 per fj'fi: Eastern Oregon, $21
&23; mixed, $16(ii20; alfalfa, $14.
Grain bags 6 c each,
Fruits Strawberries, $2.2C per
crate; cherries, 26(8c per pound;
gooseberries, 4tfrBc; apricots, 11.75
per box; currants, 8c per pound; lo
ganberries, $1,40 per cratu; raspber
ries, $1 260(1-40; black cup., $2;
blaekbcrrles, $2.
Potatoes $ldcl.7f per hundred;
new, 24((2Kc per pound.
Vegetables Beans, 6c per pound;
lettuce, head, 26c per dozen; onions,
12Hf'lGc; parsley, 3Ge; pea;, G(ifc7c
per pound; radishes, 16c per dozen.
Butter City creamery, extras, 28c
per pound; fancy outside cresmery,
20XH27Xc; store, IHc. Butter fat
prices averago 1,4c per pound under
regular butter prici a.
Kpgs Oregon ranch, candled, 28c
per dozen.
Poultry Hens, 14016c periwund;
springs, 10c; roosters, Sdi.'Je; ducks,
young, 12o7'3c; geese, young, OflflOc;
turkeys, 18c; squabs, $2Q(2.2G per
Pork Fancy, 10c per pound.
Veal Extras, 8?8JC per pound;
ordinary, 7c; heavy, Oc
Hops 1009 contracts, ICc per pound;
1008 crop, ll((fl2c; 1007 crop, 7c;
1006 crop, 4c
Wool Eiislorn Oregon, 10(ft23c per
pound; valley, 23(Ji2Gc: mohair, 2I(7fl
Cattle Steers, top, It GO; fair to
good, $4(!4.2G; common, $.1,766i;
cows, top, $3.60; fair to good, $3(10
.1.25; common to medium, $2,60612.76;
calves, tip, $6(r6.60; heavy, $3.G0(ij)
4; bulla and stags, $2.76J3.25; com
mon, xmz.uo,
Hogs Best, $8.2G(??8.G0; fair to
good, $7.76(8; stockers. IGYaO.GO:
China fats, $6.7G7.
Sheep Top wethorB, $4; fair to
good, $3.G0(ft3.76; owes, y,a less on
all graues; yearlings, best, $4; fair to
good, $3.G03.7C; spring lambs, $G
Thousands of Peoplo Pay Tribulo to
Dciul Congressman.
Tocoma, July 14. Thousands of peo
plo paid tho Inst tribute of respect and
friendship to tho Into Congressman
Francis W. Cushtnnn yesterday.
Tho body lay In state nt the armory
from 10 a. in. to 1:30 p. m., where a
wealth of (lowers front Point Defiance
park, which he was Instrumental In
securing from tho govornim ttl for the
city of Tacomn, wern banket! about the
casket. Among the llornl designs waa
a large llornl ling at hnlf must, sent
from tho Pacific Coast Lumber Manu
facturers' nssoclntlon In recognition of
his services In tho tnrilT leglslntlon.
Floral emblems were also sent by the
i;ikn, Knights Templars, National
Union, Grand Army of tho Republic,
chamber of commerce, Commercial club
and other orgnnlsntlons.
The funeral address wns mado by
Rov. Alfred W. Martin, who pnld n
high tribute to Mr. Cushman'n sinceri
ty. Cx-Unlted States Senator John I.
Wilson followed In a brief but eloquent
The musical selections were Tenny
son's "Crossing the liar." and 'Lead,
Kindly Light." Following the public
services, a private service wus held at
the armory nnd then the body was es
corted to the Tacuuin cemetery by
Knights lemplnrs and Masons and a
detachment of troop II, National Guard,
The services nt tho cemetery were In
accordance with the Masonic ritual.
The honorury pall hrnror Included
ox United States senators, governors,
federal and state Ju tges and repre'en
tatives of civil nnd municipal organisa
tions. Business wns generally sus
pended and (while olll were cloird
from 1 to .1 p. m.
Dr. Von Belhmann-MoHwrg Will Sue.
ce-d Von tiuslow,
Berlin, July 14. -Hr. Vim Ilethmann-
llonweg nas ueen practically ueciileii
upon as Prince von lluelow'a successor
as Imperial chan.ellur. The appoint-
ment will be recommended by Prince
von lluelow nt his MUitle c- with the
emperor tomorrow and there la every
reason to believe It will bo mnite.
Ur von ilethmann HolUeg is now
vice chancellor and minister of the In -
terlor. He is a rolleKe frlo-nd;of the
emperor. He la o Jewish origin ami
is hi years old. .
mierinu ciera 1 inn rcicnig nun
announced todn the pnssngnof the, bill
providing inerensea in tho salaries of
civil servants, Dr. von ilethmann
Hollweg rose nnd said that, as the rep
resentative of Prince vn lluelow, he
had a message from the emperor to be
read. Ills communication was a de
cree clo-ing the present session. The
house will not rca semble until next
As had been exwctid for some dnys,
the Socialists, to show their ill .regard
for monorchia! insti'utlons, remained
seated while tho me.rnge was being
read. All other member arose. The
Socialist- then left the chamber, while
the other delegates gave three cheers
for Kmperor William.
Quakes ami Volcanoes Play Queer
Freaks In Far North.
Washington, July 14. The destruc
tion of two imposing mountain peaks,
the transformation nf a bay into a lake,
and the creation of two no Islands are
feata of nature discu end in Ilehrlng
sen, by a government party and report
ed to the 1 reasury dupnrtu ent today.
A report received by Captain Com
mandant Ross, of tho revenue cutter
service, says that a party from tho
revenue cutter Perry landed on llogos
lof island, on June 10 lost, and found
that a number of changes had taken
Perry penk and McCulloch peak have
disappeared and tho ojx-nlng of tho liny
or lagoon, a pretty sHt shown in pic
tures on file In tde Treasury depart
ment, has clocd up, forming n Inko of
warm salt water of a sen level.
In its center two small Islands hnvo
sprung up. Ono nf thvso Islands Is
throwing off n volume of steam.
The Interesting phenomena aro be
lieved to have been cause) by earth
quakes uml volcanoes.
Hill Contractors Active.
Missoula, Mont., July 14. Tho ar
rival hero ytstorday of Chief Knglneer
W. L. Darling, of the Northern Pacific,
and his departure tonight for Spokane,
accompanied by n number of contract
ors who have beenengnged in construc
tion work for tho road, bus given rise
to tho report that tho bids for tho con
struction of the nronosed Lolo linns
'cutolf botween Missoula and the coast
aro to bo opened in Spoknnu within tho
next few days und that contracts for
tho work will bo lot in thut city nnd
uiu worn ruRiieu.
Qovernor Johnson III,
St. Paul, July 14. Govornor John
A. Johnson is seriously ill, Ha hns
already undergone thrco operations for
rroiicrly llnmayo In (ircccc Kill
lie Tremendous.
Earthquake Hcioiiis of Volcanic N.
turn and Upheavals Reported
Near Village of Ponhlotl.
London, July 17. Special dispatches
received hern from Athens say that
.100 ersoiis were killed or Injured by
the nsrthipiake thnt occurred )estrrdny
In the province of Kile, in Southern
Greece. 1 lie damage to properly also
was very great. Hot water I (lowing
today from many of the sprli g In the
stricken district, whlln the water In
the rivers and linwks tins turned a red
dish color.
The earthquake demolished 4 IX)
houses In the village of lluvsrl, In Kin
province, thirty persons lost their
lives at that hiIi t and a number vsem
Injured. Neighboring vilUgis suffered
greatly. All the busei of Amalnlva
were rendered unlnhnhltatde. Tin
shock were felt at Patras, Pyrgos,
Mulaiuas and TrlHili, but outside of
llnvarl only n few deaths or Injured
have been ryWjNed. A volcanle up
heaval Is sal tiNhave occurred at tin.
village of Wnlilotl,
British Admiralty Attempts to Alls
Fears of People.
london, July 17, One hun red and
fort) -eight llrltl-h warshl dropiwd
anchor In the Thames tonight, the ar
ray extending from the estuary at the
south end of the river to Westlmin.ter
Lrl,Kt , ,h, ,, , nf i,,,, The
obJrCl of ,,, hI and superb (lis-
,,Uy ot rltn ., fighting power Is an
n,.,mc ,ww. Uneasiness prevails
, ,. .,... .. 11,11.1,, a,,i,i.
)n ,,.hf r clrCinl , 0 WPimon (,t
ih .if.... !, r.n.! ...
,.f,i,..i,m ,! .,.i,,-m .i1h1iu1i
1 (nr y (K)tic
I (u,, ,t()b,M. y , ,rmy a
,r,K,c oVp, Adm'ral Hereford stfys
the navy Is not what it haa lieen cm-
.i,iM. in,l n.,mv U .ri.l f
having aggressive designs against tho
peaie and liberty (if the llrltuna The
n suit of all this ferment Is that the
country Is In dang r of "going elf Its
heal." The mighty armada on the
Tlnmes la the admiralty's heroic seda
Carried $50 OOO Worth Of Goods Un
(lee Falin tlotlom of trunk
New York. July 17. An Indictment
Jl K J ""ygalfit Mrs.
rrroonl cb 0n.r of lb, Ches-
fttm itsiilis.illnM ImHila.l !. i ...I .a
bro Coaslwi.e line of steamers runnlnir
'out of Dos ton.
The case was placed In the hands of
the Unl'ed .Stat district attorney for
the ills rlct of New Jersiy after tho
discovery of n double bolt un hi one of
the trunks which Mrs Chcsbrohro ght
to this country with htr on the Knlser
WilhelmM last May.
Wenring nppnrel appraised at $R0,
000 waa found In this hidden compart
ment, together with bills ami Invoices
Imlieutlnu the purchase abrmtd of a
pearl nerklare valued nt J8I.000. Tho
necklace was not fiund anxirg Mrs.
Cheshru's effects, but was yesterday
turned over to the customs officials by
Mrs, Chesbru's attorney.
Big Muddy Kites Agln.
St. Louis, July 17.- lh Missouri
river Inst night rose so thnt tin. gsugo
today registers S6.3 feet. Manufac
turing concerns ncroiHi the river In Illi
nois nre moving their stocks to lilghir
ground, fearing a storm will wnsh the
wnvos over thu levees which the citi
zens are counting on to protect them.
Citizens of Cnhokln, III,, worked Inst
night Btronclhunlng tho loveoi, which
will stand but a slight rise. Flvo
thousand acres of farm land were Hood
edovrly tiilayby the Missouri, Kan
sas & lVxus embankment breaking,
New flhili Ruins Persia.
Tchorn. July 17.-Mohammed All,
shihof Persia, wm dethroned todny
and tho crown prlnro, Sultan Ahmed
Mlrnza, w proclaimed .hah hv tho
nutlonul Assembly, comosed of the
chief Mujtehlds und the lenders of the
Nationalist forces, In tho presmra of
an immense crowil,ln Parliament squnro.
Mohammed All hns taken rofuuo in thu
Russian summer legntlon at Zortcndo,
Kaiser Favors Football.
Ilenlln, July 17. Tho emperor lias
directed that f. otbnll bu Included In
the military exorcises. u mnjetity
la rejiorted as saying that football us
.land Is flno training In temner well
as for tho bod v. ' '
pinyou in uio united states nnd fcng-