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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1909)
jfc . j .! 1- I in ii r ' J mTZ1?' i 8 J p. n i i d: 5 p BEGINNING JULY 15TH AND ENDING JULY. 3 1ST THE BIG STORE will hold the SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL HOUSE CLEANING SALE ThU will surely be the SALE THAT IS DIFFERENT. Every article of my $18,000 stock WllJim MARKKl) DOWN l'OR THIS SALE. I HAVK NO SUUI.IUVORN GOODS AND DON'T WANT ANY. The careful Housewife will take ndvnntnuc of this Sale curly because many of the Peat Bargains will be picked uj. the firM hvDot Walt-Rcmcmbcr, THE EARLY BIRD GETS FIRST CHOICE. I haven't Time now to jtote ony julcci. but You Will MISS it if YOU MUs it. THE BIG STORE Thais LARA'S' Bend, Oregon Y I LOCAL BITS. I.n ,ltid dance, Friday nlfiht. .ar a mild smoke try the &M cigar. ls Eastern Star pin. l'indcr (35c return to Creed Triplctt. Sfoft snaps arc ofteu sharp Si" No bite to the Eagle cigar. tjSsraemhcr the dance, to be Riven IrStay night by the band iti the gf pavilion. jj)Sr. and Mm. Ed. IJrosterhous tWtnovc noon onto his homestead iMliieast of town. Mr. Herring has been quite III See- the first of the week with a 35blc similar to appendicitis. ?5co. Bates and family, Thomas ralllenry Tweet and Steve Stcldl ifVllic first of the week on a fish tgftrip on the upper Deschutes. VittH. Suydcrof Mcdford writes i Bulletin to mall his paper jMHich the Bend postofficc here ftr as he is coming here to live. The Whatsoever will meet I'll syj aflcruoou with Mrs. C. M. ,tMicld. This is a very important Sting, and all members are urged jc present. Governor Benson has appointed htvs. D. Rowe of Bend a delegate J. W. Overton writes to have hi Bulletin sent to Crcswcll, Oregon, and says he has located at that place, likes it real well there, nnd that his health is much better since moving to the Valley. A irarden party will be given to night at the Wilkinson farm home east of Bend, in honor of the Bend Concert Band. A large number of Invitations have been sent out, and a delightful time is expected and assured. W. I). Robinett, a farmer in the Summer I.ako vnllcy, passed through Bend Friday with a Garr Scott traction engine nnd separator, taking them Into the Sliver Lake country, for use In this season's harvest. Mrs. John Stcldl very pleasantly entertained n few lady friends at her home Monday aflcruoou, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Ogle, who has Iwcn visiting in Bend nnd who will leave for her home in Portland Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. I Vandcvcrt arc enjoying, a visit from Mrs. Van- devcrt's sister, Mrs. M. J. Cox, of New York City, and nlso from their dauchtcr, Miss Mlttic Van. devert, who 1ms been living with Mrs. Cox in the Hast. JTthc National Irrigation Congress bfcb meets at Spokane on An vj5 9 14 inclusive. Stearns and Roscocllownrd tWihe first of the week for Port md to be present at the nnnual tSiing of the D. I. & 1. Co., rkSch is being held today. iBnrn. tn Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I'!. jii (ttn, on Monday morning, n fine ojpound boy. As is usual in all (tMar cases, Herb now wears the rtul smile that won't come off. )lck Turpln, n brother of our rnsmnu, II. H. Turpln, lias fgbt u half interest In the Creed jplett barbershop, nnd will as- ae his duties there in a few days, EL D. Wiest reports having killed I Saturday, on the John Moore face, a large bull snake which was tout six feet long. It is the first p snake reported to have been mm in this section. ijprof, E. C., Throne, Barney Uivis. L. A. Brandeuburgh and I. CjjHuutiell drove over from Bend tSiday to see the ball game and re plied during the celebration. it. Throne is the director of the pd band and while here put on green uniform and very urn- ally assisted the Prineville band gheir music durlug the day. Irual, W. D. Barues of I.nidlaw, ac- compaulcd by Walter S. Ashcr, 0 Portland nttorncy, wns in Bend last Wednesday, Mr. Ashcr look ing after a legal case in which he is retained. Mr. Barnes nnd Mr. Ashcr are old-time friends, having attended college together. Work was begun this week on the new flume for the Swnlley ditch. The stockholders hnvc been sawing out the lumber for the flume during the winter, using n portable mill, and arc ready now to begin the building of a flume large enough to take care of the company's en tire appropriation. Friday evening A. M. Drake presented the Bend baud with a check for $2$, stating that he and Mrs. Drake appreciated the baud's music very much and wish ing for their continued success. It is needless to say that the clft was very thankfully received and much appreciated by the members of the band. Judge Hills returned yesterday from the bedside of his father at The Dalles. He reports that the old gentleman had rallied some what, but is in n critical con dition, with practically no hope of his pulling through. Mrs. Kills remained ut The Dalles, but the Judge was called home to attend to matters conucctcd with his office of U. S. commissioner. A party of Mcdford men spent Friday nlcht in Bend, having crossed the mountains and come tlitouch from Fort Klamath by automobile. They staled that the road from the Fort to Bend is one of the best and most delightful in the state, and with a very little 'e nair work in one or two places could be made a very popular road for automobile tourists, one of the Mcdford party saying lie could oend aoo tourists over it every year. About the finest half gallon of strawberries The Bulletin has ever wren was delivered to The Bulletin family this week from the Wilkin mhj farm just cast of Bend. There was scarcely n small berry among them, each one being about as large as the end of a man's thumb, nud as fine in flavor as they were large. The Wilkinsons arc picking n pro lific harvest from their berry patch, and find a ready market in Bend lor all they have at 35 cents a quart. One of those pleasant, informal, social events which often occur in small places, was the open air dance given last Friday evening in the pavilion used during the celebration and left standing. The band gave their regular weekly concert, and those who enjoy dancing gathered for a few hours of their favorite pastime. And those who do not dance were also there to meet their friend, the time passing rapidly in it bocial manner. It proved a pleasant evening. A fishing party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Triplctt, L. H. Mo Conn and R. Spencer spent a few days on the upper Deschutes dur ing the past week and caught a number of fine dolly vardens, the largest one weighing about 20 'pounds. They report the discovery on this trip, of u new delicacy, in the form of dolly liver, which Mr. Triplctt says is a fine dish, when well seasoned and fried in butter. Knough of this rarity wns obtained by the party of four to furnish them with meat for all their meals while camping. While coming over from Prine ville yesterday Judge Ellis and George Jones had an exciting time due to being mixed up in a runa way with a thousand pounds of dynamite riding close behind them. Mr. Jones was bringing the dyna mite to Bend for use in the dam building, and while on the way the horses took it into their heads to run. The fracas ended in a badly broken harness, but fortunately the dynamite remained intact, and we still have Mr. Jones and our county judge with us, not having gone to heaven quite yet. A fire of small proportions was burning in the forest near Lava butte yesterday afternoon, evident ly bavinc been started by someone passing along the road, either by carelessly dropping n lighted match or dear stub or leaving a camp fire burning. Fortunately the fire was started in a place where there was very little likelihood of it spreading to any considerable ex tent, unless a strong wind should happen to spring up from the right direction. However, such care lessness might easily result in the destruction of much valuable tim ber. G. P. Putnam has an extensive article in the Sunday Orcgonian describing Bend's celebration. The article, with numerous cuts, fills one entire page. It Is written in a snappy, jocose vein, and makes first rate advertising for Bend, al though it is apt to leave n some what misleading impression as to the exact degree of sleepiness in which Bend is wrapped. If Mr Putnam really wanted to picture conditions here he should have shown one of the many handsome large farm teams, hauling a com fortable carriage, which were pres ent at our celebration, instead of the picture of the sleepy old mule hitched to n one hoss shay nnd la beled "Coming to the Celebration." For Sale. One team young marcs, weight about 2600; good set of harness; brand new Shuttlcr wagon com. plete; 475 for the outfit. ijtf Roiikkts Bros., Sisters, Or. For Sale, Six-gallon barrel churn, good ns new. Address Box 30, Bend, or call at Bulletin office. istf ihlstlllH r 60 YEARS' HHCXPRIENCK 9 lV v I "IkllSl Trade Mark nr.tuNt COPTHIMT AG. Anron Mn.ltnf a Utth mi dtMTlMton m ulcBr 9t oMolou ft awballwr tn :r. u's.w wrsriafe"""- KUDU ln Ihiouiu Muun AWrelT Mattel Mi. UIou siJ, la U ScKMtiUc American. cul.tlwi of aiir tcUnlWo louru.l. 1 trntt. II The First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. dOC, 8. A. flATHtR. Vice Prtildcnt O. fl HUDSON. Chl.r 0plUlfullrPM 38.000 Stockholder!' lUbllllr 2&.000 Our Money is Safe. Is Yours We keep our money in tel client, incased in uteel fire ml burglar proof safe, which If kept in our fire proof, .tone vault I1 door protected by key, combi nation! and triple time lock. Should burglar break in and take alt our money, tbe Hank would not Iom: a dollar. Why? Becaute we carry Hur glar Innurance, covering low either by daylight hotd-up or theft by nllit. We belong to the American Danker! Auoclatlon, the thief Ktel enemy. In cams of burglary they immediately end I'inkerton Detectlrei, at their own expense to rnn down the .thieve. Our active officer and employe are all under heavy Bond thereby affordlng-depotitor security against dlhonety. Tbe United State Government 'ha aupervliloo of thl Bank at all time; require u to puMUh in The Bulletin five time each year, tworn tatement of our condition; a (pedal National Bank examiner examine the Bank twice each year, carefully and thoroughly. The Tolicy of tbe Bank i carefully directed by our Board of Director, who are all local, well known biuineM men, who hold regular meeting and keep in clow touch with the nank and it progrc. Our Motto HOW BIG But HOW GOOD Not DIRECTORS: U. C COtt K. A. SATIIKK C. S. HUDSON V. V. SMITH II. C. HU.IS CRUSHED SHELL AND GREEN GROUND BONE Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils & Glass Agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Wagons and Oliver Plows Stoves and Hanges and a General Liae of Hardware and Groceries. S. C. CALDWELL, BEND, ORE. THE ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE TO BEND, OSEGON Automobile runs daily ketweea Madras end Bead. L Stages pass through Madras, Culver. Redmond, Laldlaw, to Bend and thence to any point in Ceutral Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters liuc. For further information call on at address H. H. COE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAOE CO., BEND, OREQON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat nnd Serviceable purniture... Call oa MILLARD TRIPLETT BEND. OREOON Read Tll BULUJT1N. WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. F. M. CAR.TER.. r The Bulletin leads. When in Bend Don't Forget The Place to Eat Orders Served in Three Minutes... The Bulletin only f 1,50 a year.