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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1909)
L. s999k9imi9k Biff BANG! the 4th is here! and so is THE BIG STORE With Everything to Make the Day (Jo Hulngll FIRECRACKERS etc. FIRECRACKERS 5, 10 ami 15 cents a bunch. LARGE FIRE. CRACKERS a for 15c and 15c each. NIGGER CHASERS 3 for 5c. SNAKES aoc box. CHINA FLOWER POTS 15 cents each, a for 35c. TOY PISTOLS-15 nml aoc. ROMAN CANDLES from a for 5c to 35c each. PIN WHEELS 5 to joc-faur sires. SKY KOCKETS-5 to aoc each. TORPEDOS to ontl 15c per package. SAFETY TOR PI? DOS 30c jcr dozen. FLAGS iWSSLT 3 to 5c BUNTING at 5c yard Fishing; Tackle TUB IIUST MNB IN TOWN. UNTIL AFTER TUB FOURTH I WILL MAKK THIS SPECIAL OFFER: With two dozen of the Challenge Piles, .joe per dozen, I will give n Ply Hook. With each Nickle-Platcd Kccl,6o-yil, 75c, I will give one 1 2-yard I.iuc. With each Nlckic-Platcd Reel, 80yd, 90c, I will give one i 5-yard line. All of our FISH POLES from 35c to 50c ofT on each x)lc. 1 BASK ET S Our regular $ 1.50 Iltihkct t OC Our regular $ 1.75 Ilaskct C rn Our regular 2.35 Ilaskct fry rr Remember THIS IS AT The Big Store THAT'S LARA'S--AT BEND. LOCAL BITS. .- 9 You Are Too Wealthy To Wear Poor Clothes f Did you ever stop to think that It's false economy lo go Kofly dressed that o ihntiliy, ilovculy appearance mny keep you from securing Rd position; Hint it lcaca u poor opinion concerning you in the minds ol the men who "ilu things" tixlu who accomplish result who make good the tort ol men you waul to associate with. Now, thU doesn't menu dippy, dudlsh dressing-- It means that the wlie man will Ira neatly nml lustily dressed JUST WHI.I. DRUSSHl). 1 Ami In thli I can help you. Select the fabric you picfer from my large list of sample j 1 wilt tukc our measure; nml n fit U Kunrnulccil. One of my well-fitting, miulc-to. order Hiilts will cost you no mora than a shabby, hand-me-down. EI. A. SMITH BEND For Sale. Six-gallon barrel churn, good nH iicw. Address Box 30, IJcnd, or call nt Bulletin office. talf No unimportant store ever ndver tlscs importantly. No important store should ever advertise uhIui-portantly. Pent I Lyucs is now flume tender for the IJ. I. & P. Co. Hot water nlways can be had for bathing nt the Pilot Butte Hotel. P. O, Minor Hhsuuted his duties as imstiiiastur of Ucud on the 3,-jril. Those baths nt the Pilot Untie Hotel nrc something fine two large tubs. I If A. P. Piles came in from Port laud Inst Friday, his family arriv ing yesterday. The P. H. I). Co. last week seed ed the field jut behind Garden Row to oats and clover. The Whatsoever will meet again this week on Friday afternoon at Mrs. C. M. Rcdficld's, for work. It's Luck to Smoke Puck The IJclter thnn 5c Cigar The Cigar In the Green Pox For Sale Two yearling steer calves, or will trade same for good milch cow. I,. II. McCAnn, Bend At the recent session of the grand lodge, held in Portland, Bend Lodge A. F. & A. M. was granted a charter. J. J. Dokkcu left Thursday morning for Crescent where he will go into the mountains and herd sheep during the summer. Kenneth Minor returned Friday evening from Portland, where he had spent a week or 10 days tak ing in the rose festival arid visiting relatives. Supervisor Ireland' has been al lowed 13 new men for service in the Deschutes National Forest, which makes a total of 35 men thus employed. W. J. Wright, who is looking after the Frank West ranch for John Ryan, who recently purchased it, was attending to business mat ters In town Saturday. The automobiles on the Wenandy stage line were put in service Sun day morning, and hereafter this line will maintain a 1 2-hour sched ule between Shaniko and Bend. Six-year-old bay gcldiug, about taow pounds weight, .sound and true, to exchange for a good marc. Also almost new set of double har ness t)( in. trace, for sale. Pilot Burnt Ranch Co. iO The Pilot Ilutlc I.lvcry & Feed Barn will be run in connection witb the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Huy and grain for sale. ttf Mrs. C. B. Allen and daughter Kthcl arrived in Bend Thursday night on their way to their ranch home, after having spent the school year at Corvallis, where Miss Ethel attended the state college. While in Portland, Hugh O'Kanc secured a Mr. Forticr ns cook for the Hotel Bend. Mr. Forlier was with the Perkins Grill, and Mr O'Kanc says there are none to excel him as chef in the county. E. K Baltezorc of Pendleton was in Bend Wednesday. Mr. Baltc- zorc recently purchased 80 acres ol ditch land 2j4 miles cast of Bend, and during the. summer will get it ready for next season's crop. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McCanu, who left Bend several weeks ago for Southern Oregon, have left foi Prince Rupert, Canada, after spend lug a few weeks nt Medford. The will stop nt Seattle nml take iu the exposition. Quite n large crew has liecn maintained on the Cast Intern! ol the Arnold Irrigation Cotupany't system during the past two mouths, and work is progressing rapidly on the lateral. It is completed about three miles east of the Silver Luke road, and about half of the work outlined for this summer has nl ready been finished although con struction on the lateral will uu doubtedly be coutiuued late into the fall. Those who arc plnuuing lo at tend the negro minstrel Friday evening should secure reserved scats at the drug store. Chairs will lx: provided for reserved scats, 11 nd an cxtrn charge of 10 cents will he asked. R G. Sturgeon, formerly of Laid law, has leased the Pilot Butlc Inn and will conduct that popular hos telry hereafter. Mr. Sturgeon has had considerable experience in the hotel line, and we bespeak n liberal patronage for him. W. P. Vundcvcrt is building n fine new house on Ills ranch at Lava. The building i in the form of a T, with the main part 16x50 feet and the other part 31x35. It Is a two story structure, and the outside will be covered with slabs similar to the A. M. Drake resi dence, Archie Pattie lias moved his family into the Loveall house in the west part of town on the river, Mr. Pattie is hauling logs from Barney Lewis' homestead to the P. H D. Co.'s mill, Mr. Lewis having contracted to furnish the mill 1,000,000 fret. Pattie is hauling the logs at 2.50 per thousand. Prof. J. A. Vye, secretary of the Minnesota agricultural college, who has been spending the past two weeks in Bend and vicinity looking over timber holdings, left Sunday morning for the railroad. After a short visit to Portland he will go to Twin Falls, where he has proper tp interests and from there will return home. Adjudication of water rights on the Tumello will be taken up soon and F. M. Saxton, superintendent of division No. 2 and member of the state board of control, will be at Laidlaw before long to take testi mony concerning the various water rights. Arrangements have al ready been made for an office for Mr. Saxton while there. The fishing crew are working hatd these days to supply the nec essary trout for the barbecue on the 3rd. Tom Triplctt is out with a crew consisting of himself, Car lyle and Millard Triplet!, John Linstcr, Barney Lewis, Frank Blown, M. J. Kcllcy and Edwin Sathcr, while other fishermen arc adding what they can catch near town. Strayed. From our place May i, a bay marc branded is on left shoulder. Anyone seeing same notify, Laidlaw, Or. Planing Mill and Peed -Roller. I now have my planing mill and feed roller iu running oplcr and am prepared to do work iu these lines. I solicit your patronage. Hknkv LlNSTHK. Tor Sale. One team young mares, weight about 3600; good set of harness; brand new Sbutllcr wagon com plete; $475 for the outfit. ijtf RoiutKTS Bros , Sisters, Or. ROWAN &TRIPLETT Barbershop and Baths Clean, Modern Service No Long Waits For Sale. Very choice selection of 160 acres .inder the canal, n Sec. 33 and 34, (7!.. Am compelled to sell at a tacrificc as I have no time to Im prove. Address, Ownkk, 505 North I, Tncoma, Wash. Agents, please comuiuulcate. The First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON Or U. C. COE, I'r.lld.nt C A l)ATHCn, Vlt. Pr.. O R HUDSON. Cashlar Capital futlr raid SJfl.OOO' llabllllr 2ft,0OO Our Money is Safe. Is Yours We keep our money in n Mccl chest, incased iu n steel fire and burglar proof safe, which is kept iu our lire proof, stone vault nil ilixirs protected by key, combi nations ami triple time lock, in anil take all our money, the Why? Because we carry Itur- Should burglars break Hank would not lose a dollar. glar Insurance, covering loss cither by daylight hold-up or theft by nixlit. We belong to the American flankers Association, the thief's greatest enemy. In case of burglary they immediately semi 1'inkertou Detectives, at their own expense to run clown the thieves. Our active officers and employes are all under heavy Iioud thereby affording depositors security against dishonesty. The United States Government has supervision of this Dank at all times; requires us to publish in The Ilulletin five times each year, sworn statements of our condition; a special National Bank examiner examines the Iiank twice each year, carefully and thoroughly. The Policy of the Bank is carefully directed by our Hoard of Directors, who are all local, well known business men, who hold regular meetings anil keep in close touch with the Bank and its progress. Our Motto: HOW BIG But HOW GOOD Not DIRECTORS: U. C COR K. A. SATHim C. S. P. P. SMITH II. C. KLLIS HUDSON Unwelcome Visitors "F10ME VISITORS are always welcome; J others are always a pest. The pest kind are beginning to make their l appearance. There is one way to guard against them, i e , by purchasing a full set of CAI.DWKMS Screen Doors and Windows Reasonable Prices. Uso Masury's Paints and Oils None so good. Alfalfa, Timothy, and a small amount of Clover Seed. Doors and Windows. LIrnc and Cement, S. C. CALDWELL. The ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point ih Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further information call on or address H. H. pOE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAGE CO., BCNO, OREGON SPKCIAL. ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture.. Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT UEND, OREGON JWOOD 1 FOR. SALE ULVSV.(V VVUU1 $4.50 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. F. M. CAR.TER.. The Bulletin leads. When in Bend Don't Forget The Place to Eat Orders Served In Three Minutes... The BulleUu ouly ft. 50 a year.