I Bad Breath "l'or month I liailitrrat trouble with my. stomach mill lined nil kind of lilcilk'ltu'i. My tongue Ita (iron HCttuitly it uietn nit, KrilM, my breath hiivltiK n bad odor Two weUsngnn f rlcinl rrcoinmrndcd Cnacarcts ' Bin alter u uir mem I can vii itii-iy n nil chterfully any that llicy Imvn entirely cured me. I therefore let you know Hint I shall recommend them to anyone uffcr lug intiii audi Irouitlc." Clinti, u MM. pern. Ill K. 7H Ht . Now York, N. Y. Ilaaiitiit, rlll.l. I'nltnl, Tln (limit, llo llnml, Ner Mlekan. Wan nr (Hlp. JUtt, . Wo. Nvr "lil In bulk. 'I h urn Ulna UMI il'U. C (' ('. UurmJ In GUI or yuur uiblitx back, to Of persons trlrkMi tilth Insanity about one-third reenter, ('nflilrlH'r II niii, Mnn Willi Hid IIiiUIiic llrow What are you sentrllng about? Man With tltrt llllllmti NW I'd Ilk to juiricli jour brad for you. Yon toli mo I omlit to read "Ittfurv of n llarlm lor." ! ul It nt tlm public library ani put In nil hour or tun Irving In rrml It unit tlirro nln't the lint lilmiinl wont li lb Until, from first to Uil, about prist flhtlnl Uniiilliiar t!i fur Mini. "Miriam, Isn't that jounr Kermis coin Inr to our house pretty oflrn nuirl" "I siipis Im i, iminiiM." "Do you know anything almut hint 7 What Is be worth, for Inatanrel" "Wrll, he' worth any iloini of th or dinar young turn of my acquaintance." "Yes. but " "And he' north f 100 a KNk to the flrtti be work fur vrni If he don get only fUfl now." Chleain Trlbitui. Ilitrmlip bed of lobster r to b planted Mxm In the water of tin Mrltlah Columbia, ntnl It la !if tl that In four or tit )hii id loUtrr-tsaiiti industry will tit ratalilUhnl nn a large sealr. When lorrly woman write story Covering "(HI grs, Mb (Ilia It full nf lot and glory And s'ml It thundering down the ages, Chicago Tribune. Of th rarrs of tht world finft.doo.noo are while, "(al.tXlO.OOO ysltow, 2IB,0M00 liUrk, :n.MH) drown, or Malayan, and In,OUO.MX) ted, or North and Sou lb Aiurr Iran Indiana, II Va I'r.mil uf llrr. The drover I hoar your wlfo up porta the fntully by tnklne In waabtug. Unelo llnatii. I It true? Undo Itaslns Yesaah ; dat'a wot It am, salt. Tlif (!ror Widl, don't you fool Juit !lttli tilt Ailmmod of It? Undo !lntu 'rtlmmil? No aah; dcro'a ti u mn' dritrndlii' rrtout wnahln', th. Ah' proud ou do old woiimu, Mit-U AU it. l.mkrd OmI. "lUllnda, what U to U tb aubjfct of your craduatloc y V "It'a tnlnx to I omtblng rntlrrly naw. NuIhhIjt baa ear wrltlfu ooa Ilka It Iffiirt)" "What la the till of ItV "I'll ttll you If you won't mention It to a Urine tout. It'a 'Itryond Iika Mkliljan IJra Ht. Joe.' " Chlw jo Trlb tint, Thai UIIIimiiIo CunauiMrr, "Now hcrr." aald tht nun In authority t tht nubile library, "la a rare old iKMk that ot ui t'M. and wt wrrt etad to et It rvrn at Ibst." "Hhadt of John (luttnbfrcr nrlalw td th fraiiifiit vlaltor. "Dott n)body tvl want to look at It" "No." Thrn what aatlafaetlon l Inert In barlnjt It on handr "0, wrll, ix-rlmpa a hundrrd yin from now Mint antiquarian wll1 find It lit-rr and will bo half tlrktid to dtath to look It orrr." CIiImko Tribinn. CONCEIVING THE TEW? LF1U1 B FOR EQE4L SUrrMGE. fTB ?kJ Vi: z IO. W mm ttMMUMaMaaaf1 1 1 1 ; N tlm nKllMtlmi for woman nuiTriiKi1 Ikkiiii In kmhv xtniiK In IIi'KlninI tli iiluili'oiilli ci'tiliiry, Inwaulln wcro broiiKlit by unwell tlui rldlnifil Hint llicy Imd llio rlitht to imrllnmciitary Hiiirnmi', IiiiiiuiiihIi iin In tlio inrly iImjh wlnui imrllmuciilitry ImroiiuliM i'l'i boliiK irniltil wiinrn were rtHtiguUcd na bur Kcxtn'H mill had tlm rlKtit tu vote, 'llio jihIro ludd tlmt llio lion uao nf n prltllccii lor n liinit tlinu wnn In llnt'lf tin iirKiimi-iit nK'tlMKi IIm cxUtriuv. mid nil tlm world kixma tlmt tlm KiikIIdIi wiminii of tlm nliirtitiilli I'fiitury wliu bruuulit llio timo whn not Rhon tlio pnrlliiiiiciitiiry or imtliuml auffniKi'. Hvti'inl MtnlcH linw nviitly nrlmihly iMiiikldfrtil motifiutvN xtciidliig tlio rplnTi' of Moiintii'a illtl(til rUlilfc. Tin' iicllvit work nnd hultHiitlitl ihi-iiii illiun'iit of Wfiinnn HiiffrnitlHit In iiIIht Htntw. notably Atiatrnlln, New i bind. Nor wii y. riiilniid nnd Tnummilii. tvlicri' wonirn Iihti' full aumrtcn rlulib, iim tlicy luivo In tlio four KImUh of CVtlurndo, Ctnli, libilm mid WyumtiiK, lntv imdouldiolly niurnil tlit; workom for tlio iniiac In tliln country to rtwt lidrntnr. Tor ninny yciun tlny vn (vr In tiitmUT, HioiikIi miMuirylni; In fplrlt. llio flmt woimin'it rliibla coiiti'iitluti, rnlli-d In IMS by Mm. Illl.nlxtli I'ndy Htnuton to iiittit In Kciiitii, N. V., wiih nttcndod by boriclf, I.nrrclln ilott nnd n few (Junker women. Tin abolition nmwim-nt nnd llio civil wnr diverted to tlm rntmo of the nlnvn tlio ciicrsy tlwit mlfli' otbonrlNt linvo Im-oii ilurotnl to tin' wiiuinii'a rntna' tvlilcli Mnv, Ktnnlon Hun chkmii1. It win not until tlm vlono of Ibn ttnr tlmt tlm inoTriiiwit for tiiffriieo wan ronlly orptnlD-d. 'I'lut uront rh II 1-oiiltnt, iiiIIIiik upon women o utmblim In iKH-lrtlm mid cxm mmiIIoiin. Inimlit tliimi tlm rnluo of oriwiilwd cfTort. nnd tlio argument prt ai'iitul for tlio lllx'rntloti of tlio nlnvn nnd for lit rlclit to tlio nii(Tmi;o ror tiiluly lol to tlm liitormKiitlou, "If tlio imrrrniu- Ut n okmI nnd detilrnblo thins for tlm Itnmrrtiit nifM, wbnt nbout women J" At tbc prcoldetitlnl nnd roiucn-axloiiitl rlcctlim In I full KuKnnlt.Antbonnnd aorrrnl other women, cbiliutitK Iho tlirtit to vottt nnioiiK (hit prh tlcKeM nnd luuuuullle Nt-nnit to them on rltlrcim by tlio fourtoentli niiicinliiipiit. offered llmlr roten In tlio InojHftont of fleet Ion III HiK-liealer. 'llio limpectora reodvul null dciHultcil tlio laillotn. l'or (Ida net the uouien, fourtin In iiuiiiImt, were arretted nnd Ntrrrnl of llmin were Indletod under nn net of ('nncreiifi wblrli nmkm It nil ofTeiiMt to "kiHtwIucly into without Imvlnc iho rlk'lit to vote,'' The liiiMH-tor wern Indicted under tlm uuim Ntntuto for "Inning knowingly nnd willfully niTlvnl tlm tote of xrMtna not eutltletl to rote" Iteeeutly there linn heiti n lsiillli-fltit elinueo In tlm nllltiido of women of tlm lelmirely nnd wealthy elnniMM tnwiinl tlm iimreuieiit. Ilryve, In bin cbnpter on "U'omnu Huffrnte," fnuu wlilcli Dr. AbNitt iiiot, eommpnt: "It In remitrknblo Hint the iimvenieut Ii.in In America found llttlo nupixrt anions what may (hi Milled tlm 'tipiwr ririK(Mf.' Woman aufTrnKo tin lioen HioiikIi Nrlinm lera hi now Hinn formerly, tlioiisht 'bnd fonn' nnd aupioivd to Milken a want of culture nnd leriueiueut. The tin mo repnticli attached forty yenni nco to nlxilltlonUm." Were he wrllliitf now, iho andmiotador would Iinto to riiinllfy the atnte innit inenmimbly. Tlm movement linn pnnm-d the atnee where It would at tract only thiH4 wlmui the mora roiocmtllvo tuemlM-ra of tlm community re Kiinl n rndleal nnd vUtonnry The lalmr orcnnlMtlonn Indorxe woman auf. fntiro In tlm Mlef that with the bfjlot In their Immlit the woman lnlirrr would alreiiKtbeii the muo of Inltor. So all flnom-f, pnifemilonal, working wealthy, are eurollid In the movement, ltnl on tlm Mlcf that to woman durational, Industrial, aocl.il nnd civic work of every uaturo Miould Ihj ojk'ii. warn ?& ..- --- :J mP9 w Factor A Jlnal Intporlonl Critt, "How do ou doalro to bo uplifted?" I thu (jiimHoii a writer In tho Now York Hun puta Into tho mouth of tho coiiimlMloiior nt the farmer's: door. "Wnl." rrpllca Tanner IlnyrleV, "y mlKht atart In by KrowInK a bottci claim ot city boardor."Youth'a Com paulon, Orrinaiiy tiaol two and oneMjuartoi million tuna of potnlwa yearly In tht ma n u fit el tiro of alcohol, and only .1T0,000 tout of (nttn for tbt nnn purpmt. To Efttjoy tho full ooufldohro of tho Well-Informed of the World and tho Commendation of tho most eminont pliyalelana It wn ctacn tint Hint tho component partu of Syrup of rtifi nnd IHIxIr of SeiiiM choulil be known to and approved by thorn; there fore, tho California 1'lg Syrup Co. pub llahoa a full atatcment with nvcr)- parka Tho jorfect purity nnd imtfomiity of pro duct, which they tlamnud in a laxative rcmody of an othioal character, nru aaauroc! by tho Company 'a original method of man ufacturo known to tho Company only. Tlio fl(i of California aro used in tli( production of Syrup of I'lgi and Ivllxir ol Scnn.i to promoto tho pleaaant taste, but tho medicinal principle arc obtained from plant known to act mot beneficially, To get ita beneficial effect alwayo buy tho Ronuiho manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for al by all leading drucgUU. TiE but In many care of no-called "ner- tu m jiw1 m K! LrSoi Bw2 2 B r-tz 'J nn UHUlj j rK ftKr AVcSclnMelYrrarallOTkVAj. slmllalfnOilicroctf.'wJRcMi ILir Uic Sioaada oalUoroJ KW?wwSJ3?SSxsSSs!?w5c!vi5?xNwSSwS5 Tlio KJad You Ilavo Ahvnv Bought, anil which Iim been In ho for over 30 ycara, lina borno t.io Kicnntnro or nnd luH been niiwlo nntlcr IiU pcr- Czti mmimm PromolcR DigpsllonntrrTii 1 ncss ana i wtxomiinf ncKwr Oplunt-Morplttae ncr Mineral. NotNakcotic. j H(llaiaHaaBMW I JUfin S.H' MxJmt Aperfcf I Rnnrdy forComflj lion ,aour 3ioiaacn.uuiiia WormsfoTO'ukkntsJbtriia iicaaandLossorSim'. , TicSarie Sijnarot of r j.j&'?jt Bonn! utipcnl.iion uhfo ILJ Infhticy. tefTY, tf4ti Allor no onototlccclvoyou In tliln. All OotmtcrfcltK, Imitation nnd ".7unt-fW-good' nro lint ExiterJincntM that trlllo "with aridciiilniujortho Jiwilth of Ial'antrt aud Children Esiic.rlcnco against Kzpcruncnt. What Is CASTORIA Cantorln In ft Imrmlesn Ktibxtltuto for Cantor OH, Pare goric, DropH and Suothhitf fjyriiiis. It it PlcoKant. It contnliiH jioitlior Opium, Jirorphhio nor other Knrcotlo Hiibulnncc. IU ago I Its frimraatcc. It dcfltrojrH WoniM and allays I-'cvcrlHhncsM. It cures I)Iarr)inja and Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Coimtlpatlou and Flatulency It assimilates tho Food, regulate tlio Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep Tho Children's I'aiuicca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of CaMc&4 Sarrtliel-'oajj Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years tmc esrTvn airir, rr itvaaar araiaiT mtw reft ear Trrmlnaloari', Our woman auffrarnu Inalat Thry ore not ready yet To eat aalde the atately "elif," And aubatltute a "crtle." lfolh.M wltl Rnd lira. WlnaloVa Snnthln jniiitbnbrii rtmrdr Ut n lot iLdr t-hUJraj iuilL ib lUiUii; jrloJ. ArrurUlnv to Contract. llouw; Owner Von falkil to pay your rent Iait month. What aro you coins to do about It Tenant Oh, I aupposo I'll do oi you aald when I rented It. Ilouao Owner What did I My? Tenant You aald I mint pay la ad vance or not at nil. crlp- oua dyapepata" tho trouble will Ui'frllimr Thai Truth Cornea Oaf, I'lenae, mWtcr, help n (tore pie," whined the Iiuaky hobo. "Sure." rejoined tho kindly old gentleman, ni ho banded out a quar ter. "How nru you crippled, my poor tll.urilrra uf tlic Muniitrli, The atomach, llko all tho other or Kiwi of tho body, la aubjeet not only to vnrloua forma of organic trouble, hut nlno to many kind of functional dlaordor, or ncuroen. In thewj nervou dlaturbanre of tho atomach, ialu may bo Juut as tmroro and thu Hat of Myiuptoma Jual nn lone and a tryliiR a In truo orKanlo dl earn), nnd It la oftou Impoaalblo to con vlnco tho victim that ho la not aurtcr Iiir from aomo torrlhlo local dUorder callliiK for Immedlato operation. Tho atomach I uaually a aomowhat abuaed orRRti. H work hard, gen erally overtime, and often at taakt extremely dlatuataful to It. Hmall wonder, then, that It aomctlmos goo on strike. When It decided to do IIiIh, tho weapon It controls with which to boy cott aud lutlmldato tho ret of tho MyHtom nro moat ettlclont. In time of norinnl health wo nro no morn con- mcIouh of tho trimictuloiiM commotion and toll koIdk on In tho atomach than tho paMoiiKera on n sunny dock nra ronacloun of tho trial ot tho englno room below thorn; but when tho itomnch has Blood all It 1 Rolng to for tho prosent, It telephone tho bruin to that effect, with tho Immo dlato result that thu wholo conacloim ncHu U Hooded with tho mUory ro buHIiir from Its rebellion. Tho visible nlcna of this rebellion nro myriad. Aiuoiik tho most usunl of them tuny bo montlonod nnuaea and vomiting, eructations that nro sometimes so iicld that tho very throat la scalded, dhuiKroonblo seiiBa tlotiB nftor eating, tlmt rnngo from discomfort to agony; and naturally In tlmo a general "run-down condition" ot tho system, When it can bo proved that this stato ot affairs Is tracoablo to abuse ot tho stomach, tho treatment be- ivuivai m wviuyaiuiir vir Riujyiv uiaiiori ...... I t . .. . .!. m a. iwi.i.u iu i-u a iauu 01 mo nervous sys tem, tho utomneh Itself showing no sign of dlaeano, but simply sufforlng from faulty nervous control, Just as any other orcan of tho body may. This dlagnoal. however, will be ot lltllfl Comfort to thn tintlnnl mn Inn. na his stomach Is made the vicarious Jgn. toum! iniHii iur mo Buiuy nervous system, the the closet.". n neii me irouoics arise from causes Klnanrlally, mister," replied tho hobo, as ho pocketed tho quarter and mado a hurried getaway. Should llrrt Iba Krc, does your wife like the nc. DMT If Tbl "How flatr "She Wftns to be dllchted with It. a box ot old letter In one ot 'blcnio Tribune. I ; that can be eaally controlled, auch n . . fo,, . ., ,, . Improjier food, hasty eating. Irregular DAISY FLY KILLER in en ib. iniumcieni mastication, tho euro lie largely In tho hands of the patient himself. The smalt boy who heard his father pronounco n eulogy on a stateman. sniu. -rawer snya Mr. blank has In. telllgtnco, tact and honesty, nnd nlso ntxiominni courage." This Is n form of valor far too protnlent, and Is tho kind that should bo temperod with discretion. "I said Hrr t.orUout, must tell you tho Joke on me," a business woman who "keens bach" In a cunning llttlo apartment. "jut week I Invited two friends for luncheon. As 1 havo Just an hour nt noon 1 got everything roady boforo I left tn tho morning that could lie pro pared and set on tho Ico. I mado a loely salad, n dessert, prepared for toasted mumiiH nnd ten nnd net my t.ible In nil Ita glory, even buying some flowers for n centerpiece. My guosts met mo at tho office nnd we went to ma apartment. What do you think I had done? Left my keys In sldn nnd looked the doort -jiicro was absolutely no way for us to get In. Tho Janitor had n pass key. but ho was nway. All tho win dows on tho nro escapes wero locked, nnd no other key In the building tltted. Thero wns, nothing to do but tnko my guest to n restaurant. Then found that I hntl not even brought my purso from tho ofneo, nover dreaming that I should need It. I had to ask my gucsta for money to pay for tho luncheon, nnd, ns It happened, they only had a quarter each nbovo their earfaro. Wo went to tho cheapest place wo could find nnd had sand wlches and coffee Wasn't thnt.funnyt" Philadelphia Ledger, , r. mltra.u 4 MIL ill II... ) btn JktJsmL. ormav p etiUl cobvii II On boi .HI or up ertr. iU o o4 or lRir iir- atTaoutA. irll I oir or prrpiua idt mi rwu, tUROlO J0bltS5.IS0 OlKUlB Ai..B'sljn.,H.Y. ISvory tlmo you tell n bad story ou your neighbors, It'a a pity some one doesn't say to you: "Well, you have no room to talk)" ssisssssn JasssE 1nReeiBBSBisssssssr'' Ssl HMHHnUaBaBassssssassssssssr f f'T HsssssssssssK yatssasKa. ' ssssssssssssssssssssssl Da W. A. WISE 0 Yrtira liNkltt In IVInl t)nUI Work la I'ottUnJ. Out-of-Town People Bhoukl rfnrmtir that our f irr U so arraniml lht WK CAN DO T1IKIII KNTUIK CitOWN. nitiwn; and 1'iatk wouk in a hay it n.ry, ItHITlVULY l'AINI.KSS KX. VUACTiNO Y KKF. whn rtati-a "r l.rllsn am or .rl WK ItKMOVK TIIK MOST HKNSITIVK rKCTH ANI IIOOT8 WnilUUTTlIB LEAST PAIN. N0BTUDENT8. no unctrUlntr. For tho Next Fifteen Days Wo will etv ou a Boot k oU or porco lain crown for .............. SS.EO tlV brMsa tcalh , , S.&O llolar crown...... 6.C0 Uoldurcnamol AlUncs, ...,..,..,..,.,..,,.,, l.OO frIW.r flllltiira.. , , , , ,M Roul rubber pMlca.,, ,,,.,., , S.00 llittMtrvu rublr plain.. ,,,,,,,.,, ,,,, T.00 l'alnloaa extractions , .60 ALL WORK aUAUANTEED 18 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wis President and Manager The Wise Dental Co. UNO) TbtrJanJWaahtnstonSU. PORTLAND, OREGON MAPLEINE A CsTortn; osrd the ua as Iman or tsbIIIs. Br dlsavulriniL grannlilfd snear in wslrr anil addins; MssWirr, a dtla-iooa arrup Is nude and aarra?bnirrthanmap. UapUio l tcld br crcrr. K ruX tni He Icr i n. IxAtU mni rrdpebook. Cnacrat Mf. Ca, Saatll. Wa. BUiilit Mistake Uarker I met Smytbe a week after he had faced the parion and be de clared that ho had married his Ideal. Parker Well? Harker A year later ha confessed his mistake said It was his ordeal In stead of his Ideal he had married. Menard nt Hrrlf. The pitcher passed a man to first "fake out the lanky hurlerl" tie struck the neit two batters cat "Ain't he the demon twlrhrr!" In France there are 0.000,000 amok. era, says the Tobacco Weekly Journal. Of errry fifteen there are eight who smoke a pipe, fire who smke clear and only two who are cirarett smokers. COFFEE TEA SPICES BAWN8 POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CLOSSCT a DCYEB ictiund. oat. J PNU No.a-9 w IIIHf writing tofxlvertUor p)oa xnoniinu ini jtapor J LKaaaaaaaTal THt Oil. THAT PCHtTWATCrB asF 1 W W 3311 Tm Oil. THAT PtNtTBATH MM &ngg (RESCENT Egg-Phophate TltUDOXU ItUTASI Huiruao roHDanu Cmajo rxCIEOTBt rMJNCPOWDER A FULL POUND 25c Get It from your GroceK These Farmers are Building a -,3 Kurai jteiepnonejuine It is the most valuable thing for a com munity to peases. It puts the doctor, merchant, broker, depot, post office, rela tive and friends all within Immediate reach. It protects the homo and doea away with the isolation of farm Ufa that drives the boys and girls to the big cities. Have You a Rural Telephone? If you have not, cut out this asJrer thement, write jour name anil address on the margin and matt It to our nearest house to-day. Upon receipt of your addresa wo will aend you at once a copy of our Free Bulletin No. i ia on "How to Build Rural Telephone Lines nnd their Costs" We have sold nearly fifty thousand fanners' telephones since March 1st. Tho cost Is very low where each aub ecrlbcr helps build the line. Oct your family doctor and merchant interested, It helps them and the whole community as well as you. ACT TO. DAY GBStfTCTRsO sv fW EASTERN Ntw YoiW I'hlUdalphla lloaloo 1'litiburt AIMMU CCNTRal CMcsfo Tti. miU'a oklul an J litrnl I.U. WESTEKN rKona maautactortr. Ihcraaitovar Salol loli PACIFIC Swut FiiikImo ladUuroUa 4.000000 W.ilir. (latbls Tdukaaii KaaaaUly Lo.AojtU r.(aiii ill 1111 in ina iinitn iiaa iikflaw. -------. VWM"1' .7 " . """ " ' -"-" " 1M. XlUsaauoIla Ku"! Tetrphont a specialty, OmaKa Ksnbara Klatule and Mtnuficiurlnr Co., Lia.. Moatnal tad Wlsslp- Saattlt Salt UUXttf