THE BEND BULLETIN C1IAKI.US 0. KOWH KtllTOR SUnSCKU'TlON KATliS: On jrmt - .- .. I'sW Six month................ -. . Thrrc monlht..................... .... y (timrisMr In Jiic.) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1909. "For Union High School Yea." At the annual school meeting on June at, the advisability of a union high school comes before the voters. It is proposed to consolidate school districts Nos. 13, 34 and 72 that is, Bend, Lava and Reynolds districts for the purpoesof a com mon high school at Bend. The two other districts involved at present have not high schools of their own, nor will they bo in a po sition to support institutions at all adequate for some yeats By the proposed arrangement the gradu ates of the common schools of these districts will bo entitled to the ad vantages of the Bend high school, the districts themselves will partici pate in the support of the union high school and their tax-payers will be exempt from their present tax to the county high school at Prinevillc. There are various reasons why the creation of this union high school district should be looked up on with favor. Bend already has a very efficient high school equal in efficiency to the county high school, and Bend graduates are admitted to the Oregon state university without examination as to qualifications. By forming the new union district the high class facilities of the Bend school are opened, free of tuition, to the pupils of the Lava and Reynolds districts. The high school at Bend is a good place for parents to send their children and feel perfectly at ease regarding their welfare. The mor als of the town are good, and con ditions from the standpoint of health arc unexceled. Here we have the purest of water, invigor ating air, pleasant surroundings, and no epidemics of disease. There has been but one death among Bend scholars since the school was founded. The three districts have assess able property aggregating $1,293, 238. Ths means that the tax for high school purposes will be very light. The business of the district will be transacted by a board of five, elected by the voters of the district. Every voter should be present at the election and cast the ballot which reads: "For union high school yes." One of the most contemptible tricks that can be done is the wan ton destruction of another man's property. The cutting of a halt mile of wire fence belonging to H. C. Barney is the latest instance in point. The man who goes out in the darkness of night and destroys a fence put up by some law-abiding homesteader, certainly has little re gard for the dictates of the law or of decency. His act proves him to be a criminal, and he should re ceive the criminal's portion. Mr Barney is a hard working, energetic man, an old soldier, and one who attends strictly to his own business. He is engaged in the laudable work of building him a home on his homestead just the sort of a man this country needs and wants. And be who cut the fence is just the sort of a man the country does not need. Here is a good task for the officers of the law. Let them ap prehend the guilty man and send liltn to the penitentiary. That is a very good place for him. There are thousands of horse power going to waste in the Des chutes river. Said horse power can be used for the development of electric power. Railroads can be run very successfully by electricity. The Corvallis & Kastern railroad is distant only nbout 60 miles from Bend. The building of n railroad over these 60 miles is n very feasi ble project and easy of construction. Question: Why do not Bend and Portland capitalists awake to the situation and build an electric line to connect Bend with the C. & Iv? City Marshal Lyncs has been able to collect taxes for only 1 6 dogs out of the dozens of the pes tifcious curs that infest the streets of Bend. Most of the owners swore solemnly that they had just given the dogs away or promised to send them out of town at once. The best means by which to relieve this nuisance is to provide the marshal with a good shotgun and plenty of ammunition, with in structions to shoot on sight every dog for which no tax has been paid. What mania is it that pos scsses nearly everyone in Bend to desire a dog? They are noisy, dirty, disease carrying creatures, and most people have no earthly use for them. There is no ob jection to a dog that is being used for some good purpose, but there is altogether too many of the useless, misnamed "pets" running the streets of Bend, a nuisance to everybody. Better send them to dog heaven by the shotgun route. Wants Information. Portland, Or., June u, 1909. Editor Bum Uullclfn, Ucml, Oregon. Dear Sir Por Kime time I have been a renter of your "lostcr" for Central Oregon and have become interested in your country and later I shall make a visit to Bend to tooV your city over. Meanwhile would you kindly, through your paper, give me a little information regarding the cost of clearing and putting in the first crop on the acrage raw irrigated land, etc. Let me make a suggestion that you publish a few articles along these lines as no doubt you hate manv readers who are, like myself, interested In your coun try and would welcome any information regarding the cost of securing a title to your irrigated land. In conclusion I wish to say that you are publishing one of the best little papers I have ever seen for a small town. Respectfully, A Rkadgr. As soon as The Bulletin can col lect the necessary data and can in terview reliable farmery, it will take pleasure in publishing an ar ticle or two along the lines above requested. WORKINQ FOR A RAILROAD. Oregon-Idaho Development League Is Doing flood Work In That Line. The Oregon-Idaho Development Congress will bold its ninth session at Burns on July 1 and 2, and the session promises to be one of the most interesting and best attended of any yet held by this energetic and pushing organization. The one great object animating the men behind the congress is to secure the building of a railroad from Boise, Idaho, through Cen tral Oregon, to Coos Bay. The) desire that Oregon shall adopt the proposed constitutional amendment which would authorize certain dis tricts to bond their property to raise funds for railroad construc tion. The amendment would also give the state the power to build railroads. Idaho has already adopted a district railroad law. While these men ore desirous of securing such an amendment to the Oregon constitution, they are not relying wholly upon that means for building the railroad, but are working Mrenuously to interest capital in such a road. Prominent speakers who will be present and deliver addresses are Jt Dtllgntful liquid Pacm Powdtr. Imparti a rarm totnttt, btauty and Jr.'f!"Y. '." ,h '""' Jtthftn lif ultlbl. It I, a ptrfmct al t b.auty, retraining thm ravagtt of tun, wind and Urn: eliminate tan, sunburn, frtckltt, tallownwti and Imptrftc. tlaniof A skin. Poitrttm a dainty flinging odor txcluilvtly if nwn, Pmcc so Cts, bookiit run at onuaaiST WOYTCHIMICALCO., POHTlAflD, OR! fcSBsas as follows: Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pen dlcton, on land monopoly. Col. C. 15. S. Wood of Portland, on the need of self-help in railroad construction. Col. Edgar M. Hcighoof Wciscr, Idaho, on the Idaho district rail road law. Kx-Sccrctary of State Will II. Gibson of Idaho will speak on irri gation by pumping. Addison Bennett of Irrigon will tell of the importance of Coos Bay harbor to Central Oregon. President lloman of Willamette University will discuss educational development of Oregon. Col. L. K.. Page of Salem will make the trip to Burns and take a place on the program to discuss in vestments in Central Oregon lands. Dear Muntera Get One. Al. Aldridgc, Armaud Shearer and Rene West were bear hunting in the Crane Prairie country during the past 10 days. Last Wednes day they succeeded in getting onto the trail of a large black bear and after an exciting chase of several IF PRICE AND QUALITY Are any object to you, you should go to the PINK TRKK STORK, where you get both. A full line of everything you want to cat, wear, or work with. GROCKRIKS DRV GOODS HARDWARK BOOTS & SHOES GKNTS' FURNISHINGS GLASSWARE DOORS AND WINDOWS PAINTS & OILS PAINT BRUSH'S HOUSE LINING AND TACKS RUBBER ROOFING BUILDING PAPER CREAM SEPARATORS SCRAPERS GARDEN TOOLS TENTS AND CAMPING OUTFITS FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS Prices and quality beyond competition. Call and sec for yourself El. A. SATHER ONE RESULT FROM TWO TESTS! If you knew th; exact figures rep resenting the volume of business of each of the important stores of this city for a year past; and if you made a list of these stores in the order of their importance, according to these if you knew the exact amounts each of these important stores expended during this same period for advertising in this newspaper; and you made a list of these Mores in the order of their importance as advertisers You'd Find That Your Two Lists Would Be Exactly Alike utiles, the dugs ttccd the ntiltnnl and Al. mid Armoiid succeeded in bringing him to the ground about n 200 pounder. They report tlint there arc a lot of bears in that neighborhood, but in this first scrimmage their best hound was badly bitten in the Toot by the bear und lumed so that she would not work, and the other dogs seemed to rely upon her for a lender. "Bill" Vaudcvcrt has been threatening to have his young sou Arthur stake out a bear for Al, but Al says it isn't necessary uovv, inasmuch ns he has now bagged his first bear. Dig (lravo Before Man Dies. In Kastern Oregon there is nt least one tovu whose residents Ik. lieve in having things done on time. That's Antelope, "liver ready" is evidently the watchword in that energetic town. It is said that some of the city dnds there always insist ou taking their meals a whole day in advance, and the mayor actually gets up in the morning before breaklast. Why, the person who is unlucky enough to die in Antelope, doesn't even WAGONS AND BUGGIES MOWERS AND RAKES BINDERS AND TWINE BARBED WIRE CHICKEN NETTING When Your Strength Fails You need .something that will speedily restore it. There's nothing better for the ptitose than our rich Beef, Iron and Wine Rich because it lias all the stimulating, .strengthen ing, nourishing properties that Beef, Iron and Wine can possibly have It will make you strong and vigorous ami do it promptly. BEND DRUG COMPANY have to wait for his grave li be dug. Recently the town doctor announced that George Slocuui, an old sheep man who was very ill mid had come to tlint town fur cure, could not live long. Almost Im mediately a grave was dug for Slocuui who, coutrnrily, improved a little in health, and the lust ad vice received by The Bulletin re ported the grave still empty. But then, its rendy you know. In tine the old man .should die. When it comes to being rrmly Antelope is "Johnny 011 the sjhu." A lady who died there n few years ago had been provided with a coffin to her measure, and (wild for, a whole year in advance. Ikllpse of Sun tomorrow. According to Hick's Almanac, the Bend country will witness an almost totul eclipse of the suit, caused by the transit of the moon across the disc of the sun. The eclipse is scheduled to Iwgiu at 3 53 tomorrow afternoon and will last nearly an hour. Practicing for "Nggrr minstrel." The baud boys nrc practicing diligently on their "nigger min strel," which will be presented 011 the night of July 2. It promises to be one of those sidesplitting affairs. Get your spring suits from E. A. Smith. Improved FarmsFor Sale I have a large number of improved farms for sale in large and small tracts, near school liou.scs, fine roads, and short distance from market. Prices ranging from 5 15 to 530 per acre. For further information call 011 or write to RICHARD KING. Bend, Oregon. HENRY L. WHITSETT Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing WAOON AND PLOW WORK First Class Work (lunrnntccd. IrUil In llir l Hliclilon simp. JOHN LEGAT DKAI.ICK IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Vnllscs Repaired HrfliH., -"r" i '-T.n 09 jM -I TCHNGOCALP DANDRUFF AND It; yumuTittJi.4v re but outward signs ol the evil done In secret by myriads ol dan Jrulf icr mi tapping the life blood ol the hair. Micro Mll the para site, soothes the Itchlas scalp, lives lustre to the hair and stops 0 falling out. A single application lives relief a ad proves Its north. Save your hair btfore too late. Micro prevents balJncis. II U delightful dressing for the hah, free from grease and ttkky oils. AskyourdrvnlstforlreebooVkl HOYT CHCMICAL CO. For Sale by THE BEND DIU'G CO. 0)0 YOU WANT A, HOMESTEAD WALKER VALLEY REALTY CO. KOSI.ANI) ORHUON CORkl'.SI'ONDIlMCI! SOLICIMD U. C. COE, M. D. Physlclan nntl Surgeon OI'I'K'lt OVHK HANK All Hlfibt rxclcubottc Connection DAY TKI.ItrilONK NO. 31 Bknii, -.- Okikson J. T. GUBR1N, M. D. Physician ami Surgeon lll(NI), OxiKiON. C. S. BENSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW omCH IN HANK IIUII.IIINU, llltNl), OHItOON DR. I. L. SCOFIELI), DENTIST. OI'l'ICK IN TWI'MITT IIIIII.DINO NKXT IK)OK TO IIAKHKK .SHOP. Bend, Oregon. F. 0. MINOR I.AWHKNCK IIUIMUNO LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT 1NSURANC Notary I'uMIc and ConvrynncIiiK All I,ckI I'aiwra Concctly Drawn, FIDELITY B0ND8 MINI) I.ODGF, U. D. A 17 V. A Al jM . 1 . ix n. 111. f.VMi.'ctH on Tliursdnv nn or &y lcforc the full moon of each month. VlHitiuir brothers nhvnyri welcome, e. a. OAor, acr. v o, minor, w. m, FOLEYSHONEYTAR Ouroa Oeldsj ProvoaU Peaumeala m """-TCftiHKM