EVENTS DAY Newsy Hems fiallicrcil from All Paris ol tlio World. ITORED FAR THE BUSY HEADER Loit Important but Not Lati Inter esting Hnppoiilngs from Points Oulildo tho State, A now gold fluid linn bonri found In Nov ml and n stampede In on. A prominent Now Vork physician nnys tlm depravity of Gotham's children exceed thnt of nnclunt Sodom. Thrro men were fntnlly Injured by tho collii of n bridge being "reeled over tho Cimnron river near Guthrie, Okln. Tim forty-flrsi annual convention of the National Amerlenii Women's Huf frnge nsnoclnllon will moot nt Senttlo July 7. Nnw Mexico wool grower hnve Just sold 700,000 N)unil of their product ttt u prlco nld to bo over 20 cents pur pound. Socialists hnvn found thnt Hnrrl man's heart nml kidney mo affected nml III health may comjml lilin to quit business. A violent iinrtlunkii In Southern France did much damage to proR-rty. A number of person nro reported killed nml many Injured. Two $60 gold piece minted In 1877 have Just been sold for $10,000 each. They aro tho only $50 piece ever mint ed by tho government. A New York legislative committee In to study tin dlmct primary law of tho various atatra with a view of rec ommending tho best plan for that tate. Double trncklngof tho Northern Pa clllc lino from i'ortland to Tncoma lm commenced. Tho dismembered body of n marrlia bcon found In Now York bearing tho dradly sign of tho lltack Hand. Dr. Charles Kphralm Rice, formerly assistant to Dr. llnle, died nt nlmont the anmo tlmo a bla ono-tlmo chief. A Inrge force of men la working hard to make repair In ttiu Sou canal wrecked by u steamer n few day ago. Safety appllancri will bo Installed at I'anamn to prevent accident to tho big ditch like the one which damaged tho Soo lockn, A government menl Insjiector nt St. I.oula ha resigned In disgust. Ho any tlm inspection I n farce ami u uaolesi iXKnIIturo, Il hna been proven thnt In the scire tlnn of jurora at Chicago men with whldketa itnnd n jvoor chnnru of bolng avlecteil, owing to prejudice. The Spanlnh liner Antonio I,opoz hna grounded off Klro (aland, New York. Tho passenger wero nil inved but it la probable thit tho vessel will bo lot. Castfo li organizing n filibustering xpedltlon against Venexueln. It la I'ltlmatrd thnt 85,000 peoplo visited 1'ortlunnd during tho Ronu fca tlvnl. Tho town of Kirlnchl, Sumatra, has been dostruyod by an earthquake and 200 people killed. Modjoskn'a thentrlcnl mementoea wore dispoiod of by giving them to friend of tho Into octrea. Announcement la mode thnt Money will bo a cnndlilntofordiatrlct attorney for San Francisco on tho nntl-graft Issue. Tho Hrltlnh colonies nro willing to uid tho mother country In tho mutter of defenses, but wnnt homo rulo In Toturn. A movement hna boon started in Colorado to aocuro n Inrgo trnct of I nml on which n negro colony will Bottle and follow funning, An nttempt nt n wholcanlo jnll deliv ery wna mndo nt Joliot, III,, but tho coolnraa of tho guard prevented tho oacnpo of moro tliun 100 convicts. An Indlnnn boy 1m confessed to nt tumpting to wreck n passenger train out of rovengo for tho burning of n Htnck of hny belonging to Ilia futher. Tnft Iiiih dilUculty In flndlng n minis tor to Clilnu. Firo la destroying lurgo ureaa of tim ber on Vancouver Inland. Tho Honuto a pout nn ontlro day do bating on tho wool schedule. Judge I.nwlor defended Ilenoy In an nltercntlon between counsel In tho Cal houn trlul. Two Portugeso statesmen fought n sword duel over politics. Ono wan badly woundod. It Is reported that Miss Mary Van derbllt is bothrothed to Prince Francis Josoph of Austria. DHOWN8 IN NIAGARA. Man All But Die In Effort to 8avo Sulclcln Wifo. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Juno 8. Aaron Culien, of lliiirulo, N. Y saw his young wife leap Into tho swirling rlvnr between Second and Third Sinters Islands today, only 100 fcot nbovo the brink of tho cataract. Without n moment's hesitation, ho followed her, caught her hand, nml struggled deiMirntely to navo her. Mrs, Cohen probably died In her bus band's nrms. Iloforo It was posslblo to bring efll clent help an hour hud punned. All this time Cohen wit milking frantic nt tempt to reach tho ahoro. Hut the atrugglo ngalnsl the current nt thl point It Is nbout 20 miles nn hour was beyond his power. Fortune nlded him, however. With hi wife tightly clasped to him, tin lui inked Into n tree stump, nnd on this ho got n grip with hi ono free hand. There ho stayed and ahouted for bolp. Finally word wna carried to tho res ervation K)llce, and I'olicernnn Jnme Mnrtln nnd three other men with rope hurried to the scene. Three time they threw n rope lieforo It foil within Cohen' grnsp. When he did cntch It, ho wan Ukj weak to tie It nbout bis own or bis wife's waist, Tho two were 20 foot nwny from shore, nml It wna extremely dilllcult, owing to tho precarious nature of the footing, to make n good cast. I'lnned against the tree by tho terrific rush of water, nil tho atrength had gone out of Cohen, and ho had been unnhlo to keep Ida wlfe'a face abovo water. Onco Cohen had hold of tho rope, tho men nshoru begnn to pull. Mnrtln, who wna in front, slipped and fell Into tho stream, hut ipilckly regained his footing. When within In feet of tho shore, Colirn lost his grip on his wife's body, nml it was carried down stream and wns lost to view. BRUTES TORTURE WOMEN. Put Lighted Candlat on Soles of Feet In Effort to Qet Money. I'ittaburg, Juno 8. Tho work of robbers today at Belmont, Pn near thl city, baa so nroused the community that a lynching la threatened if tho men aro captured, Fivo men, all masked, broke into tho homo of Mr. Mlnnlo Ashe, 00 year old, and rnnsacked tho place. With tho aged womnn wero her daughter, Mr. Mary Obcr, 00 year old, and her grnnddnughter, Mia Mlnnlo Ober, 23 yenr of age. Tho men found only $3.60 in tho house, nnd, believing there waa more, bound tho three women and tortured them. They used picture, wire In fas tening the women to chairs. Then they held lighted candle to thoir baro feet. UIQ ARCTIC HUNT PLANNED. Ton Austrian Charter a 2400-Ton Steamer for Expedition. Seattle, Juno 8. Dr. Hans von Kn dlcli nnd Mahler, of Vienna, left hero tonight for Vancouver to prepare the steamer Transit, which hna been chartered by Rudolph II, von Guttman, a wealthy coal opcratpr of Vienna, for n four-month hunting expedition to Alaska and Siberia. Tho party will lenvo fur tho North July 1. Tho other member of tho party, which will con tain ten people, aro still In Vienna. Tho purpose of tho expedition Is to secure now specimen for I (err von Guttman's trophy room. Whenever duplicates nro secured thoy will bo given to tho Smithsonian Institute, and If a third specimen Is secured it will bo given to tho New York Zoologi cal society. Tho Transit I a 2400-ton steamer, Disgrace Cause Sulcldo, St. Iouls, Juno 8. Twelvo hours af ter her husbund, John Glaessor, had been arrested on n chnrgo of embezzle ment, Mrs. Martha Glaosoer was found dead In bed by tho sldo of tho bodies of her children, Arnette, aged 8, and John, nged G. Tho room was filled with gas, and tho police boliovo tho niothor turned on tho deadly vapor which ended tho three lives. Glacsscr was roloaacd today nnd tho company which caused hia arrest suld thoro would bo no pros ecution. Glaessor wna not advised that hla family wns dead when released. Defend American College. Ithaca, N. Y Juno 8. Wnrmly de fending American colleges and univer sities from tho sovoro criticisms of President Woodrovv Wilson and other Now England university presidents, who chnrgo that tho intellectual life of American universities la docnylpg, Prosldent J. G. Schurmnn, of Cornell, poured n broadsido Into tho system of education at tho older universities in his farowell address to tho senior class today. Whiskey In Tomato Boxes. El Itono, Okln., Juno 8. Boxes la belled "tomatoes" nnd "gloss starch," but containing Instead old bourbon whiskoy, woro oolzed horo today at tho direction of tho United States district attorney, John Embry, becauso of falBo labels, Thoro woro 144 pints of whis koy In tho consignment, which waa hipped from Kansas City. I PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN BRIEF Friday, Juno II. Washington, Juno 11. The Income tax shared with tho wool schedule tho senate's attention today, and after dis cussion of nn hour or moro Its further consideration was (HMtponcd until Juno 18 by n vote of 45 to .'14. This action wns tho rosult of 11 motion mn Jo by Aldrlch, which followed 11 chnrgo by Bailey that undue Inllucnco win bolng brought to bear against tho proposed Income tax amendment to tho tariff bill. Aldrlch declared that ho knew of no such effort, but pleaded for tho iostKnemont of tho question until the schedule should bo dlsiwsed of. It wus agreed to admit animals for breeding free of duty and nn amend ment ofTorod by Aldrlch putting fruit In brine on tho freo list was adopted. Tho consideration of tho frro ontry of hides was postponed for later con sideration. An amendment offarcd by Dick admitting minors' safety appli ances freo until January 1, 1U12, was agreed to aa amended by Culberson, eliminating tho restriction na to tho time. It was decided to pass over tho ques tion of freo refilled petroleum. Orange oil was stricken from tho freo list and nut oil nnd oil of nuts wero placed on IL Tho restriction on the valuo of oils admitted free to GO cent a gallon was stricken out and palm kernel waa added to tho list. Oleostearlno was also In cluded In tho freo lint. Thursday June 10. Waahlngon, June 10. Timo and tlmo ngnln today Dolllver and others of tho no-culled progressive Republicans went down to defeat In their efforts to break tho rnnka of tho Aldrlch force on tho wool schedule of tho UrlfT bill. Dolll ver odored numerou amendment look ing to tho reduction of U10 finunco com mittee's rates, but in each instance tho amendment was voted down arid the commlttea sustained. Tho debate throughout tho day wns good-natured and Dolllver seemed to have real feeling over tho posslblo tear In tho eye of tho Irish potato. Tho wool achedulo occupied tho at tention of tho senate throughout tho entire day nnd on thl account consid eration of tho proposed Income tax, which hud been set for today was post poned until tomorrow. Wednesday, Juno 0. Washington, Juno !. Tho woolen schedule of tho tariff bill was still un der consideration by tho senate today when tho recess for dinner was token. Tho committeo amendment increasing tho house rato on wool tops and other wastes from 20 cents a pound to 30 cents n pound was adopted by a voto of 40 to 30. This was n finunco commit tee change and tho committeo scored Its usual majority. Gamblo and Craw ford deserted tho "progressives," but with these exceptions tho ranks of tho contingent remained unbroken. Tho committeo amondment Increasing tlio duty on shoddy from 20 cents a pound to 2S cents, and that on tops from 8 to 20 cent also prevailed, by 42 to 31. Tuesday, Juno O. Washington, Juno 8. Much good humor and pleasantries wero Injected Into tho debato on tho woolen schedule In the senate today. Dolllver, tho central figure, offered several amend ments and announced his intention of preserving others, appealing to Repub lican members to voto with him be causo, ho said, tho amendments would Justify tho nttitudo of tho Republican party in advocating a protectlvo tariff. Ono of tho Interesting feature waa a lecture on. tho woolen industry from beginning to end by Carter, who brought forth a largo box filled with samples of various grades of wool. To senators who gathered about him ho explained each step In the manufacture of woolen goods from tho raising of sheep to tho making of tho garment. Ho familiarized members of tho sonata with tho uses of shoddy wasto, soils, tops and various grades of wool, Monday, Juna 7. Washington, Juno 7. Tho senate chamber was again today tho scene of n lively debate, Aldrlch loading tho conservatives and Ilovoridgo heading tho progressives, did most of tho talk ing. Iloth senators wero frequently on thoir feet and thero woro many sharp conflicts between thorn. Ileginning tlio session with n voto on tho recommendutlon of his commlttoo for a duty of 3 cents u squuro yard and 20 per cent ad valorem on tho fabric known as window hollnnds. Aldrlch was oppurontly aomowhat encouraged over tho prospect of making decided headway with tlio cotton schedule. About tho iniddlo, of tho afternoon tho senate reachod Its second vote, which was on an amondment by Sena tor Dolllver to strike out tho commit teo provision fixing a duty of ono cent a squaro yard for tho process of mcr corizution. Tho amendment was lost by .tho unusually closo voto of 32 to 38. Tho narrowing of tho margin was, however, duo to the absence of senat ors rather than to tho conversion of the progressives to the Aldrlch standard. At tho night session Dolllver argued against u duty of CO per cent ad val orem on cotton tapestry and jacquard figured goods a affording too much protection to American manufacturers. Aldrlch then offered an amendment making tho rato of 40 per cent ad val orem on goods valued at moro than $1. These rates wero adopted. Saturday, June C, Washington, Juno C After dovot Ing tho larger portion of tho day to lla tenlnif to n discussion of tho cotton cloth achedulo, tho senato entered upon a period of voting lata In tho afternoon nnd rapidly disposed of tho cntiro sub ject of' changing from ad valorem to specific duties for the purposo of pro venting undervaluation. On all votes taken tho finance committee was sus tained by a majority of from 10 to 11. Three votes were necessary to accom plish tho rcnult and others would have bcon necessary but for Ilacon, who sco ing tho futility of opposing tho com mittee, suggested tho grouping of tho votes nftcr the first two ballots had been taken. Thl was unanimously agreed to, with tho result that so much was accomplished that a night session was not held. Shake-up Badly Needed. Washington, Juno 8.-Although con dition existing at tho United State naval academy at Annapolis aro giving tho navy department officials much concern, it I not considered probablo that Secretary Meyer will adopt radi cal correctivo measures until Captain Ilowyer rol loves Captain Badger as su perintendent thi month. Tho recent report of a board of fivo naval 0 Ulcers specially detailed at tho academy, which was in substance that physical exercises now In vogue wero responsible for poor physiques common among recent graduates nnd midship men, has been borne out in a mcasuro by the failure of 43 outof 180 midship men to graduate this year on account of physical disability. Most of those who failed, however, were rejected. It Is said, becauso of defective eyesight. Turkey Makes Strong Denial, Washington, Juno 8. Emphatic de nial was entered today at tho Turkish embassy to roport that 20,000 or 30, 000 persona had been killed in tho re cent troubles In Asiatic-Turkey. It waa declared unusual efforts wero bo lng mado to punish thoso responsible for tho disorders. Deep regret was expressed that exaggerated reports had been printed in certain newspapers concerning tho disorders. In contra diction of tho reports, it waa stated In tho last official news that victims would not exceed 4,000. Not only had the minister of tho interior asked for tho appropriation of $150,000 to aid the victims, it was stated, but tho gov ernment, on its own rcsponisbility, had sent 110,000 at once. Congress Begins to See End. Washington, Juno 8. Having acted upon moat of tho vexed problom in tho cotton schedulo laat week, tho senate expects to complete this schedulo on Monday or Tuesday. This will bring tho senate face to faco with tho woolen achedulo1, which Is virtually a re-enactment of the Dlngley rates but never theless will be fought by tho "progres sive Republicans" aided by Democrat senators. On account of the progress made last week, tho senate leaders aro predicting tho bill will bo votod upon in the sen ato by Juno 10, nnd congress will bo ready to adjourn beforo July 11. Fivo Destroyers Ordered. Washington, Juno 10. Tho follow ing companies wero today awarded con tracts to build ono torpedo boat de stroyer each: Hath Iron Works, $659,600; Now York Shipbuilding company, $648,000; William Crnmp & Sons, $637,000; Newport News Shipbuilding compnny, $620,000. Tho Foro River Shipbuild ing company also will bo awarded a contract for ono at $644,000. Gift to Mis Boardman. Washington, Juno 10. The famous "Taft Philippine party" showed its ap preciation of Miss Mabol Boardman by presenting her tonight with a diamond studded watch and chain. President Taft mad tho presentation. Ho spoko of tho kindly fooling which overy mem ber of the party had toward Miss lioardman. becauso of what alio had dono to niaka the trip pleasant for everyone. 260,000 Asked for Juneau Building Washington. Juno 12. Dolecata Wickersham today introduced a bill authorizing tho erection of a $250,000 public building at Juneau, Alasku, to be used us territorial capltol, and to accommodate all govornmont ofilcos located there. Ho has also introduced n bill providing a now system of mine inspection in Alaska. Federal Building Coutractod, Washington, Juno 12. Tho Treasury department today awarded tho contract for tho Baker City, Ur Federal build ing to tho Campbell Building company, which bid $67,600. AIRSHIP RUN8 AWAY. Inventor Drive Damaged Craft to Earth and 8llde Down Rope. Kant St, iouls, III., Juno 7. A cant- away In tho skies through tho breaking of his guide rope, which formed his only connection with tho earth, and later an arconaut on tho ground, with bis ship floating away through space, pursued on tho ground by an automo bile, Claudo M. tellers, a one-legged inventor, tonight contributed new pages to tho history of aeronautics. In a machino of no tpyo known to aeronautics, invented by William Smith, a cattlo-deatcr, and described as tho largest aeroplane In tho world, Zellers flew from East St. Louis this afternoon at C UJ0 o'clock. When 100 feet up tho guldo rope became en tangled In an applo tree and snapped, leaving the aviator a castaway. Ho sailed 40 miles In a zigzag course and succeeded in making a hazardous land ing at Bcllevlllo, 20 miles from where ho started. Zellcra was unable to stop his ma chinery, but pointed the nose of his craft toward the ground and allowed it to shoot down llko a meteor until the end of the broken rope trailed on the ground. Just as Zellers slid down tho rope, a distance of 70 feet. It broke and tho dirigible, Its engines going full speed, soared into tho sky without n pilot. Zellers pursued the bag" for a timo in an automobile, but could not keep up with IL TRAIN GOES THROUGH TRESTLE. Plucky Engineer and Firemen Minim ize Disaster. Cottago Grove, Or., Juno C. When on the middle of Kern bridge, span ning Row river, on tho Oregon & Southeastern, a mixed train crashed through and fell, all but the engine, 40 feet into the stream below nt 4 :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Seven teen passengers were hurt, all of them more or less seriously. All the avail able surgeons from Cottago Grove were rushed to tho scene of the accident by special train, and tho report from the wreck is that, while all tho passenger aro still alive, it is believed several aro fatally hurt. John Coates, tho fireman, went down with tho train, fell in tho river,, swam out, hurried to the nearest telephone and phoned for assistance and all the available doctors. The work train had Just arrived and having steam up, a rcliof train was hurried to tho scene. The wrecked train was duo here at 6 o'clock, and tho cngino had Just cleared tho bridgo when the center span gavo way. Tho activity of Engineer Wil liam Oatrander saved the engine from piling on top of tho other cars in the ravine. Ostrander set the brakes and the train parted at the tender, twisting the rods and tho engineer was aeriously injured by the reversing lever. The tender now rests on top tho coach, 12 fcot of which is under water. SI 00,000,000 FOR SUBWAYS. That's What Complete System for Chicago Will Cost. Chicago, Juno 7. A complete sys tem of subways for Chicago will cost from $100,000,000 to $112,000,000, and bo ablo to transport from 609,960 to 629,120 passengers hourly, with scats for all; and with the present surface and elevated lines will supply adequato transportation until 1931 or 1950, ac cording to plans adopted. These aro tho conclusions of City Engineer Eric son and Subway Engineer R. C. St. John, submitted today to Commissioner of Public Works Hanbcrg, in a supple mental report on subways. The report has four dlstinct'plans for construction, with two variations of each, and with tho exception of col lating engineering details practically completes tho city's report on tunnels for passenger traffic in down town Chicago. Packers In Law's Grip. Topeka, Kan., June 7. That tho Cuba Packing company had paid $2,000 to tho government for alleged violation of the internal revenue laws, is an nounced by United States District At torney 11. G. Rone. Indictments on 695 counts are pending against tho company. Tho company is charged with putting a one-fourth cent stamp on oleomargarine that required a lu cent stamp. The paying of tho amount duo docs not end the case, however, as tho company is subject to a lino of from $10 to $1000 on each of the 695 counts. Demand Freeman Resign. Orange, N. J., Juno 7. Because he invited Emma Goldman and Aloxandor Dcrkmnn, anarchists, to a luncheon re cently given by the oxclusivo May flower Descendants' Society, Alden Freemen, of this place, has been asked to resign from tho Orange chapter. Sons of tho Amorican Revolution. Peru Sends Swede Homo. Lima, Peru, Juno 7.Tho Peruvian government has canceled tho oxaqua teur of tho Swedish consul-general, Luis Lomoboko, in whose house on May 1 Carlos Plorloa and others Im plicated In tho rising against the gov ernment took refuge. SAILED 44 HOURS Winner of Balloon Race Shows Great Endurance. MAY BREAK DISTANCE RECORD Kentucklan Take Shot at tho Indiana, and Alabaman at the New York Novice Win Trophle. Indianapolis, June 8. If tho balloon Indiana has not been disqualified by touching earth it hss broken tho Amer ican endurance record by staying In tho sir more than 44 hours. Since tho balloon started In the national distance race of tho Aero club of America from this city Saturday two reports have been received from it. One was that it had touched the earth In Tennessee and had taken on water and proceeded toward the south. If this Is true the balloon is disquali fied under tho rules of tho International Aeronautical Federation. A second dispatch signed by the pilot, Carl Fisher, and his aide, G. L. Uumbaugh, has stated that they dropped down near enough to earth to let down a lid and draw up a bucket of water. Under theso conditions sho has not been dis qualified. It is not posslblo according to avail able information, that the Indiana had broken the distance record of 852 miles, for it was traveling due south and would come to the Gulf coast al most 100 miles short of the record es tablished by the German balloon Pom mem in the international raco nearly two years ago for the James Gordon Bennett trophy, which started from St, Louis at.d landed at Aabury Park, N. J. The last of tho six balloons entered in tho national distance race from which a definite landing report has been received is tho St, Louis III, which dropped at Kelso, Tenn., having; covered about 340 miles. A. B. Lam bert was pilot and II. E. Honeywell tho aide. Other balloons landed aro as follows: New York, A. Holland Forbes, pilot; landed at Corinth, Mass., covering 375 miles in 36 hours, 10 minute. University City, of St, Louis, trav eled 340 miles, landing at Blanche, Tenn. ; time, 25 hours, 24 minutes. Hoosicr, Captain Baldwin, pilot, traveled 240 miles, landing at Green Brier, Tenn. Cleveland, landed at Columbus, Ind., 40 miles, 2 hours 55 minutes. Dr. Gothelink, pilot, and R. J. Ir win, assistant, flying the Indianapolis, wop both tho trophies in the handicap race, which started at 3:45 o'clock Sat urday afternoon, just preceding the national race. The Indianapolis won the cup offered for tho greatest dis tance by the Indianapolis Merchants' association, having approximately 16 miles better to her record than tho Ohio. Sho also won the Fisher trophy for time in the air, having a margin of almost two hours over the Chicago. The victory of the Indianapolis men and their balloon is considered remark able, inasmuch as they are new at bal looning. They started on their flight with but fivo bags of sand, and were lightly provisioned. They made 235 miles, and were in tho air 19 hours. A message from them nays their high est aititudo was 13,000 feet. They wero shot at twice as they went over Kentucky, but were not hit. The New York, which landed njar Corinth, Miss., was also bhot at Sun day night, whilo passing over Morgan county, Alabama. Utah Floods Still Rising. Salt Lake, June 8. Rain is feeding tho overflowing streams in and about Salt Lake tonight, and there is no pros pect of a recession of the floodwaters, which have already inflicted damage to the extent of $80,000. The raging torrent has filled the bed of City creek wiUvsand and gravel until tho stream has overflowed. The street is two feet under water, sidewalks are burled in mud and lawns are quagmires. Street cars are operated with great difficulty. Jordan riveris overflowing and driv ing residents from their homes. Nebraska Suffers Heavily. Lincoln, Neb., Juno 8. Seven Inches of rain at Hebron and four inches at Pleasantdale today caused floods and serious damage in nnd near those towns. More than 200 feet of Bur lington track wero under six feet of wator, and trains wero stalled for ten honors. A Burlington freight englna and four cars went into a ditch on ac count of tho soft track. White Salmon Moves Back. White Salmon, Wash., Juno 8. The Columbia river at this place Is high and still rising rapidly. It is epxocted tho wators will reach the highest point in many years. A large part of the flat below tho town is flooded and prepara tions are being mado to move above the danger line many buildings and warehouses near the water's edge.