The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 16, 1909, Image 1

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llrml, you know, l going to
celebrate on July ,-, llil yritr.
Till I Just a tiiciniiry jogger,
lest you forget.
The man who get the utili
ties! today is the live, push
ing, energetic man; the man
who advertises,
NO. 14
Question Comes Before Voters
Next Alondny, June 21.
Combination of Districts 12, 34 and 72
Would (Jive Aaicifabte Property
Amounting to SI, 293,298.
To lla Located at Uend.
Acker-nan Saya District 2nd Class.
There has been considerable dlicui
tlon In Html during the putt week ai
lo what U the claiiificalion ol the
Hem! dlitrlct, due to the fact that
ilucr the Uit enuiiirratlou a new dli
trlct hai been cut oil. eait ol Hctid,
The claiilflcatiou ol tlir three ilia
tilcti will detcruilne largely the r
sound ol the union high school board
and thui thli question wai Ixiuiul to
exert quite an Influence on the remit
ol the vole in lleud. In order to ot
tain an authoritative opinion on the
point, yeilcrday The llulletlu wired
Slate Superintendent Ackeriuau ai
"I,t euuuierallon thowi Ilend
dlitrlct to have ftj scholars. New
dlitrlct juit created lakei oil 14.
What ii lleud'i claudication un
der union high ichool law?"
Superintendent Ackcrnun wired
hack ai followi:
"Dlitrlct second clan. Sec
tlon is, lenience two, ichool
The matter of most Importance
and local intereit to lleud just at
tliin time i.i tlic question of creatine
a union high school district, lo be
composed of the Uend, Lava and
Reynolds (the district lyliiK cast)
This question 1st ta be de
cided by the voters of the three
districts at the annual school elec
tion, which will be held next Mon
day, June 31. Arc the people of
Ilend and the other two districts In
favor of uniting to support a high
school of the first cluts, said school
to be located at Ilend?
Under the provisions of the Ore
gon school law, such a combination
of districts may be made when a
majority of the voters favor it.
The children in the districts so
uniting arc admitted free of tuition
to the union high school, and such
districts arc also exempt from tax
atioti in support of a county high
Under the proposed combination
the business of the union high
school would be conducted by a
lxatd of directors numbering Ave
The first lxard would be appointed
by the county district botiudury
hoard, and at the first annual
school election thereafter the five
members of the board would be
elected in the usual manner, one
member retiring each year and his
successor elected. There seems to
Ih: some misunderstanding as to
how the new board will be created,
and in order to clear up this mat
ter In the minds of the voters, Tut
Ilullctln elves below extracts from
the Oregon law which covers this
point. 1'irst we quote:
"All dlitrlcti with i.oon or more
rhlldren of ichool age shull Iks known a
dlitrlcti o( the firit clan. All dlitrlcti
with more than mo and leia than 1,000
children of ichool age ahall lie known ai
dlitrlcti of the aecond clan. All dli
trlcti with leu than Joo children of
ichool age shall be known hi dlitrlcti of
the thlrdclan."
The Dend district had 309 child'
rcu of school age at the last enu
meration and hence is in the second
class, 'The other two districts arc
in the third class. When second
and third class districts combine itt
a union high school district, the
law provides that 1
"The union high ichool hoard ihall
couitit ol live tnciuberi, each ol whom,
when regularly elected, shall hold oilier
lor a term of fi.e yean, one member re
tiring each yenr. hi hereinafter provided,
mid elected ai fullowi;
"(a) Within lodayi alter the creation
of a union high ichool dlitrlct, the dli
trlct lxiundary board 1I11II appoint, from
the legal votcn of mid dlitrlcti, live di
rector!, who ihall hold ollice until the
next annual election, or until their suc
cessor! are elected and qualified,
"(M At leatt lodaya before the firit
annual ichool iiiectiuu, after the creation
ol a union high ichool dlitrlct, thr high
ichool board, amioiuied by the dlitrlct
boundary Uiard of inch dlitrlct, ihall
give notice that at thr next annual
ichool meeting five director! are to Ite
elected, from the legal vuleri of the high
ichool dlitrlct, who ihall icrve one. two,
three, four, and lite yean, respectively,
the term of each to be determined by
lot at the lint regular meeting of the
Uiard after inch election; and after the
firit regular election of the memberi of
the union high ichoo! board, under thli
act. but one ihall be elected each year
and all vacanclei In the lioard ihall be
filled ai provided by law for dlitrlcti of
the firit clan,"
If the three districts combine,
the union high school district will
have assessable property amount
Ing to $ 1,393,398, according to the
last tax- roll. The Uend district
has ptopcrty valued at 5551,137;
Lava, 690,306; Reynolds, $51,-
695. This would mean a light tax
for high,school purposes and would
provide the children of the district
with the very best of high school
Benedict! Defeat Single Men by the
Shameful Score of 16 to 7.
If the single men of Ilend ever
entertained the mistaken notion
that they could play ball, they were
sadly and completely disillusioned
by the time the benedicts got
through with them last Sunday. A
score of 16 to 7 is a dreadful record,
but it tells the result of the game
and figures, you know, cannot lie.
It was an awful slaughter of the in
noccnts, the innocents in this case
being nine of Head's aspiring
young fans.
The result cannot be explained
except by the fact that the single
boys couldn't connect with Kulp's
twisters. They made valiant ef
forts, swung good and hard, but in
variably there was a great huge
hole in the bat and the ball slid
right through It. There were a
few (?) errors which the score keep
ers (both married men) failed tn
note, due to being very busy "root
ing," and hence we cannot report
them. Hut we append the liuc-up
and the result by innings. Perhaps
to prevent embarrassing complica
tions, it would lie well to explain
that the benedicts were forced to
"run in" several single men in
their team.
Mirtlnt Men
Tuiuln, c
WhUirtl, llift cf
Kiilp, p
Ounlii, it ,
lonn.M , ..
h-rim, yl
nogg'M, If
Lowell, cf ft lb.
CKriluil ,f
Oiten I"
t i t 7 9
ll . I . o ...
i ... I o .. 0
I 1 1 .. n ... o n
I o 1 .... 0 .
, n o ... o ... . o
...... I o ,. ... . I
I ... Ih o . I
.. . I ... 0 D ... I ... I
... 1 a ... a ...
I J 4 J 7 1
O ... O m. I ... . o
0 ... n . ... I
- o ... o M. a m. ... e
a ... o o ... o ... n
I .., I ... e ... e
o , . n. .. a .. o ...
., ... 0 ... o .
0 ... e .. ... o .. I
. I ... a ... o .. 1
Slnglt Mrn
Krrtlrr, if.......
Mtnrtr. II
lohnioii, lb. ...
'enter, nt .
MCKy, ... .
Mckrjrnolkli, Ah..
Miiti, p
Van Mlie, c
Weil on tune.
Married Men A o 6001 o 3 16
Single Men., o 1 1 1 1000 37
Mayor Davidson umpired the
game and received the usual tut tu
ber of kicks with perfect equanim
ity. rintilnic Licenses Issued In Uend.
County Clerk Drown has supplied
II. J. Ovcrturf with the necessary
blanks and has authorized him to
issue licenses to hunters and fisher
men. This will be quite n con
venicuce to Rend people, as hcteto
fore . they have had to send to
Large Crew of Men Will Be Put to Work
Soon, and the Task Pushed to Completion.
Length and Height and General Description
of the Dam.
The location of the power dam at
Rend has finally been chosen and it
will be built about 400 feet below
the water wheel that stands in the
river in front of the Club Houses
As announced In The Rulletln sev
eral weeks ago, the structure will
be a rock fill dam. It will be made
by dumping rock in the river, then
overlaying these with gravel, brush,
etc., followed by more rock, this
again covered with gravel, until the
dam will be practically water tight.
The dam will raise the water
eight feet. As there is a depth now
of about three feet of water at the
deepest point, and as the dam will
extend at least two feet above the
high water line, the total height
will lc approximately 13 feet. It
will be 300 feet long, eight feet
wide on top, and will have a ?lopc
of 3 to 1 011 both the up and down
stream sides. This will give it a
width of 60 feel 011 the base. A
spill-way, to take care ol the flow
qf the river, will lie built around the
west cud. The water cannot be al
lowed to wash over the top of this
sort of a dam.
Pull particulars in regard to the
construction of the power plant
could not be obtained for this issue.
One plan that is considered quite
favorably, however, is to take out n
canal from the cast end of the dam,
carry the water on a high line to
about the location of the present
Redmond Notes.
RittiMONO, June 14. Home grown
itrawberrlei are now being enjoyed by
the M-ltler at thli end of the valley.
The fine weather of the pait week has
put everyone in good humor.
It, A. Kendall, I'. W. McCaffcry, and
Roy Covert were appointed to appralie
the eitate of John Johnion, who wai ad
judged iuiaiie lait week. I'. I. Morrill
wai appointed gu.irdiin of the eitate.
Col, Ilclclicr hai purchiMcd a new hortc
and buggy for uie between hii office and
The negro mlmtrel quartet stopped
over in Redmond on l'rlday and collect
ed fa to help pay expenses on their va
cation through Central Oregon.
The Set tie ri' Aisoclation meeting on
Saturday evening drew a full houtc, ai
the propoicd trip of the Desert Laud
Hoard to the Deichtitea country in the
near future on a trip of Inveitlgation and
inspection, hai a ipcclal Intereit to a ma
jority of our ictlleri, who are very anx
ious to have the board interpret a num
ber of clauiei In their contract!.
R. T. Johnion, who recently pur
chaied a fine Sn-acrc tract In the 1'owcll
riutlei dlitrlct, returned from Shaulko
on Saturday with lili better half, He
left Shaniko at 9 p. m. I'riday evening
and arrived at Redmond at 1 p. to. Sat
urday, leaving Redmond at 4 p. " ar
rive at his ranch in time for supper. I'or
fast tripi thal'a going Mine, made with
out a change of horses.
The Redmond ball team were unable
to add another scalp to their belt on
Sunday, oil account of the non-arrival of
the Uend ball towers.
Where are all the men who want
workj Helio answer, Where? Claude
McCuuley, who Is in charge of the force
building the waote ditch down the old
river bed, has been unable to work a full
crew, owing to the scarcity of single
liuiuU. A number of farmers in this vi
pumping plant, and there drop it
on a wheel. It is possible to secure
a 14 foot drop by this means. The
Rulletin was also unable to learn
the amount of power that will be
developed, but it is understood that
it is possible to generate 3,000
horsepower from the dam.
A. M. Drake will arrive in Bend
from Portland the latter part of the
week, and soon thereafter the work
of building the dam will be taken
up in earnest and pushed to an
early completion. Mr. Drake,
has purchased a full supply of the
necessary tools and dam building
Superintendent of Construction
Daniclson has had a force of 10
men at work during the past week.
Part of them arc engaged in build
ing a bridge across the river near
the site of the dam. Cribs are built
on the river bank, then floated out,
at the end of two strong guy ropes,
to the desired location, sunk and
filled with rock. These cribs will
act as piers for the bridge. As the
current is quite swift, the placing of
the cribs is no child's play and re
quires considerable muscle and no
small degree of skill. It is inter
csting work to watch. Others of
the crew arc engaged in clearing
the flat on the cast side of the riv
erremoving logs and general
debris. From 50 to 60 men will be
employed when the work is in full
cinity have alsotwett looking for help.
Rasmus Peterson, who has been at
work during the past winter in the
Washington logging camps, came in
Tuesday to take off a crop from his Long
Hutte ranch.
It was whispered in Redmond during
the week, that someone wrote a letter
from somewhere, to someone here, that
someone Intended to try to influence
some one of the railroad syndicates of
the Northwest to look over the Central
Oregon preserves of Mr, Ilarriman, with
a can opener, and win a prite.
Inkling from (list.
GIST, June 14. Baseball at Gilt is all
the raire tiow-lay. There were 60 peo
ple at the game Sunday. Next Sunday
they play at Sisters.
Mrraud Mrs. Walter Graham came up
from Matoles Suuday.
The forest service will commence work
on the telephone line front Sisters to the
Matoles on Tuesday, so says Mr.
Rev, Lowther preached at Gist Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. 1'rank Arnold of Clover
dale came over for the ball game Sunday,
Road Supervisor Chas. Carson had a
force of men down on the Matoles last
week putting in bridges. The road
down that way is in good shape now.
Alex Ieveren is ditch rider 011 the
Ilurkhird lateral for the present.
Miss Myrtle Scoggin, Mr. and Mr.
Arthur Templetou, Mr. and Mr. Skttl
tou and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carson
spent Sunday evening at the Gist home
Tumalo Item.
Tdmalo, June 14. -The warm weather
of the 1w.1t week surely is growing
weather, and crops are doing nicely.
Wittier it Sons are hauling quite a bit
of hay to lleud lately.
Arthur Waters of the upper river
stayed Saturday and Sunday night In
Tumalo gathering cattle for J. Ryan.
Jess Root took in the dance al Sitter
Saturday night.
I, It. Wfmer and Chat. Spaugh went
to the Matoles on a fulling trip yeiter
VsV. Smith and wife patted through
here yeitrrday returning from Dend,
Mill Rcld of Ilend pasied through here
yeiterday on her return from the Gilt
All the farmers in these parts are busy
irrigating and so news is scarce, but they
are all alive and looking for a railroad.
Are Burning In the Timber Southwest
of W. P. Vandevert Ranch.
A forest fire, supposed to have
been started by lightning on Tues
day of last week, is burning on
Crystal butte, which lies six miles
southwest of the W. P. Vandevert
ranch, and a second one is burning
between Pringlc Falls and the
Twin Marshes. The one at Crys
tal butte started on the south side
and is quite a large fire.
The. forest rangers got to work
early and put a force of men to
fighting the flames. It is very
early for fires to begin in this sec
tion, due undoubtedly .to the un
usually dry spring. As a rule,
however, fires in the Bend country
do very little damage to mature
Cxpert Coming to lixamlne Boilers and
Recommend Betterments.
An expert machinist of the firm
of Tatum & Bo wen, of Portland,
will accompany A. M. Drake to
Bend, arriving the latter part of
the week, and will make a thorough
inspection of the boilers at the saw
mill preparatory to starting the
mill. The expert also will carefully
inspect thecutirc plant, for the pur
pose of recommending improve
ments in arrangement and install
ation of new machinery. It is the
mill company's intention to put the
mill in first class condition, and to
increase its efficiency to a consider
able extent before sawing is re
sumed. The mill will be started as soon
as it can be put in proper condition.
Boom Your Own Town.
Business will prosper
Only when the peopls
Of the community
Make a united effort.
Your basinets depends
On others' proiperity.
Unless we work together
Remits are disappointing.
Only those prosper
Whose patrons are prosperous.
Nothing succeeds like success I
Towns thrive and flourish
Only when they deserve to
When their own people
Neglect no opportunities.
II V-isfl
Unknown Miscreant Destroys
Ii. C. Barney's Fence.
Suspicion Rests Strongly on Certain
Party Who Has Been Committing;
Various Depredations In The
Barney Neighborhood.
Some time during the past week,
an unknown miscreant cut about a
half mile of barb wire fence enclos
ing part of H. C. Barney's home
stead, which lies south of Bend in
the vicinity of the W. P. Vandevert
ranch. The fence was cut practi
cally between every post and was
completely destroyed. Within the
fence was posted a notice which
read: "Take the right road to
Bend, Shaniko and all eastern
points. (Signed) Blackjack Skin
ners." Mr. Barney's horse, which
was within the enclosure, strayed
away, and his place was soon over
run with stock which rapidly des
troyed the pasturage on his home
stead. Mr. Barney was away at
the time, surveying in the moun
tains. It is not known who is the guilty
party, but people coming through
from there state that a strong sus
picion rests on one man, who is also
suspected of having stolen goods
from many cabins in that vicinity.
Mr. Barney is one of several who
have moved into that neighborhood
during the past year, Sled on home
steads, and begun the development
of the country. The cutting of
his fence was an act of lawlessness
undoubtedly done by some stock
man whose inclinations and ten
dencies are of the criminal order.
Clarence Parker Find OoM.
Clarence Parker, a former Bend
man, now living at Pleasant Hill,
Or., apparently has had a genuine
streak of good luck. About two
weeks ago he started to dig a well
in bis yard, and when down about
seven feet struck what appeared to
him to be quartz showing a large
per cent of gold. He took a sam
ple to Eugene and bad it assayed,
and it showed up well. A second
sample was sent to Portland, and
the Portland assayer became so in
terested from the showing made by
the quartz that he made a visit to
Parker's place for the sole purpose
of examining the find. He was so
favorably impressed that he said he
was willing to invest all the money
be had in developing the mine
which looks as though good for
tune had knocked at Clarence's
Preparing For the Fourth.
The program committee of the
Fourth have secured ex-Cougress-unn
J. N. Williamson, of Prine
ville, to deliver the oration for the
event, which assures a pleasing and
entertaining address.. Attorney C.
S. Benson has charge of providing
music by a male quartet for the
morning program, and Mrs. Daisy
Drown and Miss Marion Wiest will
select the young girls of the town
to tepresent the states on the usual
"liberty wagon." Now the ques
tion arises, who shall be secured
to act as the. Goddess of Liberty?
Haud us your; subscription.