The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 09, 1909, Image 7

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NnliurliHii ir lllnu Hum,
Tim liulliliiix heritwlth shown In well
ulli'il to Uiii tienttn (if dm siihurunii or
vllliiKi resilient, or of llio mull own
liiK n small truct of Untl, nnil nmkliiK
n upcolullty of KRrilenltiK. poultry,
lce, or fruit. HUo ntii do varied with
in certain llmltit.
A shown It hits unit slnxlo nml niiu
ilmihle horse lnll. The latter rnu ho
unciI nit n Ixkt titnll. There nro two
MlllKlA cow stlllla. The oo w urn looao,
tmliiK hop! In y rhnliiH lirhlml them.
There lit n heme room, shelve (or
inllk tmll, rto., mstllclnn rtiphonril,
ventilator, Ihreo fw'd lilim In hopper
form mi ik to Ink llttln room In tlio
stnhltt nml IIIIIiik from above, uml
Mnlnvny with tloer Imlnnecil wllli
wtilHhls nt top. The tarrmgu room la
tnrjto mioubIi for n wt of vehicles, or
lnrt onn lio iiihmI hi rfjwlr shop.
Tim hny loft will liodl nt least two
lomls, unit some hr-tlillng Tim store-
n ?
j" j
PI 9
ooon ruN ru!.
room lllli a general neeo. Outslilo
walls are covered with drop tiding,
nd roof has prepared rooflnK. Foun
dation li of crout, brick, or cement
block. Htnbln floor nre of cement,
with wood blocks In atnlU. Tim itylo
of exterior finish may bo varied to
harmoulto with that of tho other
biilldlnK. A cupola max le suball
tuted for tho Iron vent CAp, This do
sign Hives 111 compart for in n complete
amall barn and itnble, at moderate
cosu K. U Marsh,
I'aria strclinitlra,
livery farm liould linva a work
ahop. The bulldltiR may bo largo or
mi all. It la not neccaaary to havo It
very expensive. Tho toola may bn (ow
or many, but what ttiero are should be
Kood. No man can do Rood work with
poor tool, and good toola coat but lit
tle mora than poor one, A bulldlm
10 by 13 feel will answer fur a blaok
amltii ahop with a small vise bench In
onn corner. If thin It fitted with a
good chimney, forge, anvil, hammer,
tongs and Rood steel viae, considerable
blnoksmlthliiK work can bo doue to ad
vantage Thero should bo a small stove to
mako tho shop comfortable In winter.
This Is very Important, because thero
la mora tlmo to work In n shop In the
winter, and you can't work with black
smith's tools In a frosty atmosphere.
Carpenter's work Is different. A
carpenter's bench may be placed
agnlnat Ike aldo of the building and
covered with a shed roof, for, If neces
sary, carpenter work may bo dona out
side If you have a covered place for the
bench and tools,
A much better arrangement Is to
have a blacksmith shop In one end of
n larrtur building and n carpenter shop
In tho other end, with a partition bo
tweon. Thero should be no shavings
lying nboul n blacksmith shop; thero
Is loo much danger from fire. Kor an
other reason, tho two kind of work
do not Jllio well togother. It Is com
paratively easy to koop a blacksmith
ahop In order, but thero Is n great deal
of Utter about n woodworking shop,
unit a fnrmor never flints tlmu to kcop
such things neatly In order.
In buying woodworking tools the
host nro the ohonpost. It Is poor econ
omy lo buy cheap toola. Not many ara
needed for common repair work, and a
good kit may bo hnd for n fow dollars.
Instruction books on meohnnlcs may
help n good deal. The principles may
lio studied out and Applied In tho
Hhop. Tho boys on tho farm tako up
such thing easily and often innko
good mechanics. Agricultural ICplto
mist, 1' Witter fur I'tiultrr,
It In I'HHoiitlul that water for fowls
bo changed twlco dally, at least, and
unlcKK It Ih kept coliiu It will occasion
dlM'iiBo. Khould a fowl bo III, nud tho
owner not bo nwaro of It, iih it drinks
It Is bound to contamlnato tho water
from soiuo discharge, perhaps from Its
nostrils or from tho breath, says tho
x - - ,.. 'I
.1. t..wm.
" "THl eC
Mirror nml Farmer, A nick bird, or
iiiurnc, should nhviiys bo removed, hut
Nomctlmi tho farmer or poiillrymiiii Is
iiiniwiiro Hint tho fowl Is nick until It
Is too Into to undo the hiirm It bus
(loiin by (-oiitnmlimtliig tho drinking
wntor, Tho (tost plan la to ki'op the
water ns fresh mid Hie drinking vis
xi'Ih iih clenn as It Ih pohkIIiIo to do. A
few drops or carbolic nehl In Hie drink
lug water will iikhIsI In keeping II
pure, but tho ai'ld should bo until earn
fully on account of It h pohumotm i-inill-IIch.
WiiHlilug the drinking foiinlnliw
or wwl dally will do more to kren
tho water fresh mid puro tlmu niiv
thing t'lse. When water I allowed lo
stand, een If only for n few houre. on
throwing II out thero will bo the niiiiiII
est iieetimulntloii of slime In the futiii
tiilii, ami If they nro retlllod wllli-iiit
wnshliig them, tlio iimllug Im-n-cMi
until Iho mler, iilthnucli frexlily put
In, Is unlit for tho fowls' u. As the
wnrm weather iidvniuiH there Is moio
lUHTwdly of wntehliig the drliiklm;
si-1 a.
Iliervnn In I'nrm Alilinnl,
Tho Crop Itsportlug Hoard of lln
renu of Htatlstlca or tjin Unlteil Hlaies
Department of Agriculture iMtlmatra
Din iiiimbflrN nud values of farm mil
mals on rarms mid rntige In the t'nl
ted HtnlM on January 1, lUO'J, ns fol
Iowa: Compared with January 1, 1003,
the following cliaugei nre Indicated
llorsos hnva luercnsud fit MOO; mules,
IK 1,000; milch cows. G10.000; other caf
tie decrnnard C9 1,000; sheep Increased
t,R3,000; swine decrwswl 1,027,000, In
nveruRa vnlun por head, horses Increas
ed $2.23; luulea, 8 cents; milch cows,
ft 69; other cattle, CO cents; sheep de
creased 4t cents; swlnn Increased f0
cents, In total vnlun milch cows In
creased J62.8S8.000; other cattle, $17,
81U.O0O; sheep decreased $19,101,000,
awlno Increased $16,701,000. Tho to
tal value of nil anlmnls enumeratml
above on January I, 1909, was $1,626,
269,000, as compared with $4,331,230,
000 on January 1, 190$, an lucreaas
of $191,029,000, or 4.6 per cent.
Cum Crop at IOOM,
Tho Indian corn crop for 1P0,,
amounted to 2.043,000,000 bushels, Tim
crops of threo years havo exceeded
this, but only th crop of one year
!!K6) exceeded It very much, Tho
value of tho crop Is estimated at $1,
016,000.000. The prlcn of corn Is ex
ceptlonally high. There are only two
years In which (ht farm price of this
crop was as hlr.h as It Is for this year
In IRSt the prlco Vra C3.0 cents, In
1901, when there was only two-thirds
or an ordinary crop, the prlco was
C0.6 cents. The total value or this
crop la by rar the hlihest ever reach
ed. The crop or 1002 was worth a Ml .
Hon dollnrs, and tho crops or 1001, i
190S and 1906 wero worth $100,000,000
more; tho great Increaso or $300,000
000 over tho crop or 1902 was madn In
1907, and now the Inrrensa Is $600,000,
000 equal to tho gold In the ttcasury
or a rich nation.
I'arklng 111 PI .
One of the beat ways to pack tho
fleece I to lay It upon a table, turn In
the head and tall, then tho flanks
Arte this roll It up Into a neat roll
and Uo it nrmiy, using such a device
as hern Illustrated.
Tho tying box Is made from light
lumber with slots, us shown, through
which tha ropa Is passed. The fleece
Is placed upon this ropo and the roll
easily tied. Wool buyers prefer to
siuri.r. ixi.iti; i-acki.iu nox.
havo tho flcrco loose, light to handle
mid elnstla and tied up so that It can
bo easily opened If needed, Farm and
Tilnr i:k,
It la claimed that a freshly laid egg
placed In a buckotful or wnter will
sink to tho bottom; ona day old will
sink nearly to tho bottom; two day
old, about hair way up; threo days old,
will float not, quite nt tho top; four
day old, Just touch tho top; tlvo nud
six day, rlso a llttlo nbovo tho top,
rising n little higher ns It dully grows
older. '
An lllectrlo Turin Motor.
One or tho most novel uses for the
electrlo motor U reported from Ne
vada, la, A man who la extensively
engaged In the poultry business ha
rigged up a revolving brush driven by
a small oloctrlo motor for washing tho
foot of nowly-kllled fowls before ship
mont. Ilrrrillnir Corn,.
I'rof, U, A, Mooro says that pains
taking In breeding corn has raised the
nverago corn production or Wisconsin
from twonty-llvo bushel per ncro In
1901 to 41.2 bushol per acre n MOT. ,n 0a, phlegmatic a tho Dutch nre
Thl Increaso Is worth striving for.,n mMt 1Rttera, they had begun to
la every Btato nnd on ever rnrm. cluf0 k mtlo uml8r tuo frequent dls-
sK5!!s.M?BPS5sKii3w?Stii -iiws7iA
Never was thero a mora tuoppcrtune niomcnt than this to augecst n
rrsuscltntlon of the Channel Tunnel scheme Tho Idea docs not apparently
nppenl to tho majority of I-'ngllsh mun and women, but II has long had a pe
culiar attraction for their French neighbor.- London Sphere.
Illrlh ot n llrlr lo Hit- Tliron
llnllrr nt Hilirrmr IniparlMtire,
Widespread and genuine Is the re
joicing In the Netherlands over tho
birth or An heiress to the throne. A
good deal morn than more sentimental
Interest nttached to tho long-hoped-for
birth. Queen Wtlhelmln, daughter or
tho Into King William HI. nnd or
Queon Kmmn, who was a daughtor or
Prlnoo George Vlcftir of Wnldock-Dyr-
mont, was married on Feb, 7, 1901, to
i,,i imnr nt MMM.M.iiiirD..Hh.n
( ? &.m
m -m. i
ijB 'VjtmmW
' ' wi iirlll
npiolntmcnU In this matter of the
Bucccsalop. Failure of an belr would
mean the extinction of the houae of
Orange-Nassau nnd the swallowing of
Holland by German?, or a return to
the status of tho seventeenth century
commonwenlth. Now there Is an heir
prcaum;tlve to the throno and the
loyal Dutch are celebrating because
the wee princess' dimpled finger have
twisted Kaiser Williams' jiolltlcal none
out of Joint.
All Holland had long ngo prepared
for the event and every division of
tho kingdom nnd every colony had
sent to Tho Hague It birthday offer
Ing And un Interesting list they
North Holland Silver tray with
two sugar pots, n milk jug, a porrldgo
dish, two spoons, nil In sliver.
South Holland Cradle In white and
Zceland I'erambulator.
l.lmburg Antique grandfather
Vtrecht White wood washstand
I with silver basin, ewer, soap box and
water bottle.
Drenthe Silver salver on which
the heir will be presented to tho mln-
I liter of justice and the court dlgnl
: tnrlcs.
Uronlngen Gold rattle, et with
diamonds and emeralds.
Frlealand Autlquo oak chest, silver
baby book nnd miniature silver toys.
Amsterdam Hosowood cradle.
Rotterdam Sllvor plate, egg cup,
spoon and cup.
Hoermond Silver hot-water bottlo
for tho cradle.
Devcntcr Hug ror tho cradle.
Speldoorn White lacquered rural
ture ror tho nursery at tho Loo.
Island or Urk, In the Zuyder Zee
Doll In Urker costume.
Colony or Surinam Gold plate, egg
cup, spoon, cup.
Wives or Dutch officer Savings
tmnk books ror babies born on the
sanio day ns the heir to the throno.
Wives or colonial ofllcers Gold cup
and saucer with Indian landscapes
ongraved on them.
The Hague household school Six
baby outfit ror poor parent or chil
dren born at The Hague on the same
day as the heir to tho throno.
So tho llttlo princess who came to
delight a nation's heart will have
many things to rojolco over when ho
I old enough to appreciate them.
111 !. Wurds,
"Aro you qulto sure your shooting
was ncaldontalT" asked tho hospital
"Oh, yes," gasped tho dying victim.
"JlRgliis wna fooling with a . gun
nnd pointed "
"Is thoro any message you wish
"Just tell him I said. 'I told
you so' nhl" Philadelphia Press.
And now n scientist says that toars
will kill disease germs and every wo
man knows they will destroy a make
up, It's better to mend your ways before
you go broke
224-20 Third Dtreec. Portland, Orecon
CohJiikhI Coiiiullmrnl,
Bald In-, '"I mlxht mention,
My ili-nrrit Moris,
That you're In the rs ol
A Mrs. fip4ilra."
Blie itlortrd, "I mlxht any.
Without any bls,
Tht you lo'ild clve polnlrr
To one Ansnla.'
Which shows that In crtaln
Kiiiprgi'iu-lcs illri",
More ways than one are there
To say, "You're a liar."
ISalllmor Amrl(wn.
firllliisr rrrsunal,
JlatKnT Vou don't inter e me stand
In' In a bread line!
Muxsy That's 'cause yer wife runs a
At th Mll Hrhoot,
Tesrlirr--!lre me an example of what
Is meant by "maaterly Inactivity I"
Hoy with the prognathous face A bae
ball pitcher delayln' a same so It'll have
to be called on account o' ibrkneaa.
Whwfui Tjrpirriir ia, S7 Monunrr nt.
Ban Fnnelua. will !! roa on t40lo7Srr
rrnt dlMount from tMtarjr !uU all mk en tnw
ut, mix rully Tirnuu.
Ilcr I'rlenila,
Nan 1.11 (iarlinghom says her steady
Is the tslleat jouoe man In the city.
Fan She says so, dos she Well, LI!
always waa rood at drawing tho long
xau, CbloiKO Tribune.
Tli llnlr Andlrnr.
"Does anybody read real poetry now
"I p rcau me the publishers glance at
It beforo sending It back."
Mothers wilt find Mrs. WlniloVa Bothlof
Brrup th bat rrnicdr to tiM tor IbtU cbUdi4
Suilug Ustblns rUxl.
Oat at It.
"Mrs. Drown say that be'U 'never
wear one of those 50O-button gowns"
"Why notr
"Her husband has only one arm."
Detroit Frco Press.
Wrlialcr Kaockrd Oof.
Jinks Why do you say eyethcr and
Winks I heard John L. Su'llvan
use that pronunciation at the theater,
and he's from Hoston, you know.
New York Weekly.
CITC HL VIIm- IHu mn mmvrn rB
II 1 J aratlf n4 tr Dr. ' ,!' lira! Kmm IU.
lorr. rWn-t for nil l trial mxim aaa inaii-a.
Or. B. U. JUlM. LO.. BU Arab SU IllUaSalahU. fa.
The l'rofraaor Demur.
"Don't quote Slotwon to me," protest
ed the doctor. "I know Slobaon, and
ht's a rrsular freak."
"My Mend," gravely chid the profes
sor, "yon should be more cartful In your
use of the Kngllib language. Anything
that Is regular can't U a freak, and any
thing that Is a freak can't be regular."
"Caacsrttt are crrUlnly On. I rare frirnd
one when (br doctor waa treating him for cancer
at Ihcatomach The neit morning be paaac-il
lour plrceaois tapeworm, lie then got box
and in three days he patard a lapa-woen 45 (mi
tana-. It waa Mr. Matt Frrca, or MilleratKirg,
Dauphin Ca. Ta, Ism quite a worker for Caaca.
reta. luMlhemluyaeKand Sndthem benencUl
tor moat any dlaeaae cauaed by impute blood.
Chaa. It. Condon, LewUtou, 1-a., (MltHln Co)
Meaiaot. ralatable. rotent. Tail Oood.
Do flood Newr Sicken, Weaken or Urlpa.
10c.tSo.J0o. Never aold In bulk. Tbexenu
tne tablet atrmpeUCCC. Uuuantcod to
or or you money back. SU
laaaa nr-
wavra, attraela
tt. elaaw oraa.
ueaul. eonean.
Iefci,eaaa tia
all ea. ia
o ill ar Up
star, wiV " 4
or laJara air
Ularruuaraau4 AlfM..A. .IP all
SeaUra, or teat mpiU tor 0 rasta.
HAROLD S0UESS.I6O OtKalt Ara., B'tl)s., H. Y.
nwmwftuai. i
-J w3i n ''Jf
T l,- mr Cloth nsr SWibUr
&mtt m tiral Wi dm. Prt t lot
J SJi 6m Uttt i V4 CVrak
flii-n. rWf hi 4 tm SaU
fJnwl Mi rvU 1m CM hi tllk
rn4 tW mti mi WivtH. WfN ht prariWf
A flaforfnr uwd the lamt lemon or TnlII
r anri
llr ilUt'Irlni. xianu'ilrrt tatir In wttrr
td'llnK UniMr', ii IkHoui trnip ii mid
irrop Wli'f II an mpl,
&lfiifnff IiaL
MMti. If tint irnd 3V-
If nn( trn'i Urtorim. Lotto nnd
tdp book. CrKnt Ml f. Co., Slll, Wn.
Not Tlinl.
Aspiring f-loulirelle (pouting) I know
wrll niouili jou think mr artlnz i a
Manager O. no, my dear young ladyj
Anything but I hit. It's a tragedy.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
',! I r Urn.
Tli h'n will rt nnd the hen will lay.
And the hen will roort up high!
Hot one good thing we can aay of her
Th ben wl'l nerrr ll.
Yonktrs Btaleeman.
Over fifty years of public confidence
and popularity. That is the recorJ of
Hamlin Wizard Oil, tho world's stand
ard remedy for ache and pain.
Thera's a reason and only cne MERIT.
The Ituah In I lie- Cltr.
"Wlllla. how rarne you to Irtv the
farm and more to town to make your
"I got tired of the small of dad's auto
mobile." All Who
Would Etyoy
good health, with its blessings, must un
derstand, quite dearly, that it involve the
question of right living with all the term
implies. With proper knowledge of what
is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
ment, of contemplation and of effort may
bo made to contribute to living aright.
Then tho un of medicines may be dis
pensed with to advantage, but under or
dinary condition in many instance
simple, wholcaomo remedy may be invalu
able if taken at tbo proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. liolda that it ii
alike important to present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one perfect
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently, tho Company's Syrup c(
Figs and Elixir of Senna give genera
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy tlie genuine, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
by all leading druggists.
S Yrua a Leader In ralnlau Dental
Work la TorUand.
Out-of-Town People
ShouVt remember that our force la a arranml
neeeaaarr. I-04IT1VCLY PAINLESS EX.
TltACTlNO UtEK when ilate or brUeea are or
1'AIN. NUHTUUUiTS, nouncertaintr.
For tho Next Fifteen Days
V will sir you a good SSk soU or pore-
lain croan lor SIM
SSk brUxa tevtb 3.&0
Moiar crown.. , S.OS
OoUornumal fUUns-a..,,,,,,., ,.., 1.00
Silver fllllrure ,,., M
Good rubber platn . . 8.00
ThatetrtJ rubber via tea ,. T.00
l"alnlea extraction M
Dr. W. A. Wise
President and Manager
The Wise Dental Co.
tlNC.) Third and WajhInstonSta.
No, 23-09
1IKK vrltinr to fttlvcrtlstri plAji
lufjitiiun tin) pra
eaaB? aLsaaflsVBBH
POUND 25c.
yotir Gror