r j i i i. PK ft S & By Our Formula We product) In Hootl'n Snranpftrllln n motllolno thnt hao nn unnp nroaohod rooord of euros of Horoluln, coiciuii, eruptions, catarrh, rliotimalliiti, nnoiiiln, nervousness, thnt tired fooling, loss of Appetite, oto, Tim coinuliintlon nnd proportions of tlni muri) thnn twenty illlftiicnt rnnicdlnl agent contained In iIood'nHnisnpnrlllii arti known only to ourselves, u tlaro cnti lm no niiustllulo. This incdlclnn mnkes healthy mid Mroiia tho "l.lltlo Holillem" In your blood, those corpusclea thnt fight thu tflscaio uoriud constantly nllucklnit. you. Unf C lh ISarlr Nnlur Pallors. The rat was looking At tli king, "Up Isn't 00 Trrjr iililrh of a sight, either," mused Hi" rat. "I've (Ot eight more IIvcn that he has," Herein we ere tliiit mere rank count for nothing when compared with thing that ar rankrr. hlrno Trltiiin. Thoro In no need to suffer with sore ness mid stillness of Joints and mud etc. A llttlu llnmllns Wlxartl Oil rubbed In will llmbor thorn up Immcdl toly. trlt'AUnrmmttnn, hnlnaranliar I Kllillillllir tlltf t Yoll r moved your brad a little, ma'am. V lull have to try again. Kilter (Willi lap dog) Not at (II. 1 moved mr livntl on uiri". I want Khlo to b the whole thine In IhU picture. II fare Whit You Walk. ' ""' Allen's Knot ham la atvtlalit euro for hot. rlltif rlliia,alilamtltii,arhlri(fri, Hold brail lirugglala. J'rlraXn. Dun'l Mcpl .iir siiUtllUle Trial laraif KJILK. Aildtr.. AIInH.()lm.ll,UHi)riN. V. TIium llarlra. tuealluua, "Wily, ill J )uu vrr pick up a lira trollry with your bare huJI" "Mnny a time" "lil.ln'l II give yon a ahoekr "(live me ahock) It klllnl in dead very time.1 -Ohlcarn Tribune. Instant Hdllot for All Eyss thnt nro Irrltntcd from dut, hent, nun or wind, I'irrTIT'H EYK 8ALVB. All druggists or Howard Ilros., IlnlTnlo, (?anr(iiui lllahnarman. "You don't men li to any you would accept thin old tlincplncer' faltered th man who wnn being held irp. "Why, It U only nn ntKilogy for n natch." That's nil right, frlrnd,' laughed the told highwayman, "I'll accept the apol-By.- Chlcnco Dally Nawa. PILES "I hare (uttered with plica for thirty Ik year. On year ago laat April I be Ran taking CaacarcU for constipation. In us course of a week I noticed tho iitlr LeKn to dlupiirar nnd at tho end of U Week they did not trouble me at nil. Caacartla luvc done wonder fur me, I am entirely cureil and feel Ilk n new nan." George Krydcr, Napoleon, O. ! tenant. rUUM. -olot.Til Good, (ullixxl. Nortr hfcktn,Wka or tiilp. On.XSo. SOo. Nar aoM In luU Th no ulna tabid ilimpKt III UttuaalMO la wa or uur muoa back. BO DR. V. A. wise a Yrara a tMUr In PatnUi Intat Work In I'urlUnJ. Out-of-Town People Fhoull rviiwrnWr that Mir I rr la ao arranvnl thai WK CAN IKI TIIKIU I NTIItU C IIAN. IIHIDOK AND I'lAH: WOlIK IN A DAY It ,.Mwtrr, ll)-ITIVKI.Y I'AINI.KHH KX THACr.Nn r IIKK lin rlalra or lrl lm or. laial WK KKWOVi: TDK MOST HKNHITIVK TKrrrll AND IIOOTM W1IIIOUT TIIK LKA8T 1-AIN NOHIUHKNTH, nounf.rlainlr. For tho Noxt Flftoon Days Wm will glra ou a fl TZk guU or ore lalnrruwn tur M6 Hk ttklia Ualll l.V Molar crown (.10 . (lokloian.mtl ntllnica 1.(0 Hllrr nillKKa (41 llornl rulilKr I'Uim , IW Tha ImnI pmI ruliUr ilU T.O) l'alnlwa rxirartlnna W ALL WOriK GUARANTEED IS YEAR3 Dr. W. A. Wiso Piealdent and Manaser The Wise Dental Co. (INC) Ihlnlaml WadilnirfnnHU, v PORTLAND, OREGON IT WILL SAVE YOU BaaaTWmiUHaV ' .1 ' ' BaaaT"aaap laaaaaaaaaarMBV'' BBBBBBBaBBBaaBBBBBw3aBK VIENNA 8TEAWI CLEAN-NO & DYH WORKS 234-20 Third Stroot, i'oitinnd, Oregon fRESCENT jmanij. ntuixiAU TIUTWT laoinucsD ronuH nru Cooanu DociKma A FULL Not All Impraellml. "All writer nro not Impractical, ar thnyr "Oh, no, Ono innii will writ' n Jni nnd aoll It for W) renin. Aiiotln-r will write n roinlo oprrn nround It nnd druw li'O.OOO In royiiltlin." ImUvlll C'oiirlnr-Jr 'yvuruif ut ilia lllra. "Jliat tli am," aahl Ilia I'lttaljiirf man, "wa pay our preaclirra a hlgliar nr rrnm ailary than prvachrra fat In any othar lown." "You ouiht to,' rrajonlrd lha Cincin nati man. "You liar tougher material to work on than any olhr town liaa." riTC Mt. Vllaa Daara , InaaaanaKarau. rll3a,allf tar,4 If llr, I' .laa'a (Iraat Maria lia llnrar, Ha.l or rillllM Irl.l l-4ll l4 IrrallM, lil. U. II. llaa, 14.. Kl h HI,. nilaJalalila. fa. A Tiilal Altalalnar, rrltcd Indlvldiinl li tlila wher Ihoy awrar poopln? Comuilaalnnvr for Oatba Yci, ilrs whnt ciin I do for you 7 Kxcltrd lintlrliliinl I wnnt to tak an ontli norrr to put down another carpcU Tlt-lllta, Mnlvrnal ruralioillnaa, Th lamb waa aklpplnx anj Itiplnj fayly arouuil tlir mraijow. "Krap It up, child." aald lha motbar. "Rambol ami cavort all you plana. It' Juat aa wall for you not to know that aom day tboia lja of your will It itrraj up with rapar rur," Clrrman Wall I'apar Trail. Negotiation anionic thu (Icrinnn mnn lifncturrra of wn'.l pnjier hnt flunlly IhI to th orunnUntlon of n truat. Tim aarrn leading nianufncturvra who hnro already Jollied hnvo a combined annual production of ntmut t-,n20,0X). IX) YOU WAST A Tri'KWHITKKt TM VMaU TVlwrllr Cow n Mnl-rnary HL. Man Krintlan will tall you on a at 0 to 7a 11 rani illarauiit (nan farter lUt, all Rukaa on mar ktt all futlr (VaianlaaJ A CamlriR riaanrlar. "flow I your boy (atllnc alone al that bualnraa aollrjal" "rlplanilldly. Whan h anda rn kit monthly alatrinml of lb dabla h owra It I drawn up In aitcb an abaolutaly cor rect tnd bualnraillka form that I alway aand bin lay check for th amount with' ut a murmur.' Oui Kind. Mr. Churwattr Joilau, tbla paper aay Col. Krlbblra I a "compelllnr (peak it" What doa that maanT Mr. Cbugwatar It mean that b com lifla you to to to aleep. I'r beard I'rlb bla. -Cblcaco Tribune. Mae l.laUt an IL) Inaldanl. Maud Mullar aan( a aba rakrd th bay. "With a llttl tralnlnt," abe alhrj. "I ballet I'd make a fairly food graaabop pen alnirr." Juat thru th Judga happened along and tha real la hlitory. Chicago Trib une, ll(orM. "What will you do. Itlvara," aaked II rook a, "whan tbay do away with tb moklng eara" "I eball circulate a petition," anawar ad Hirer, aaragely, "demanding tbat tba cbawlng gum car be abollihrd !" lllannilaraluud Brapalbr. Paul Morton, at a bntmuot of liiaur anco men, nnld of n rlrnl company: "Tlicy had our ayuipalhy lu their bnd luck, but they took our cympathy In 111 pnrt. It wn llko the widow who called on u tho other day. Thla widow cnnio to col Its-1 n aiunll policy duo her on her huaband'a death, Our clerk, an ho counted out her money, Mid aympathellcnlly: "'I niu very aorry to hear of your aad mtafortuiie, uin'ntu.' "'Well, tlml'a Jut llko you men.' annpped thn widow. 'You'ro all tho tnuio nlwnya aorry when n inxir woman suta a chnnco nt a llttlo money .' " Nn Mrrluu Cunaaiinenera. "ye.." Mid Mr, tjpallng. "Johnny' all right now. When be ton bitten by that atmiiKP dog I took III in lo a doctor' and had tb wound oalracUed right away." I'p to Arthur, "'Art' I long, and time I fleeting I" Murmured the aplnater print ; "at be doean't pop next time ws'r mt hue I'll drop him and tak Jim I" ' ll.r llrnr Krlomla. Nan wa. alttlng fur bar phulograph, "What I tbat atrange uola I haarT abe aaked, "1 think It' lb camera, trying lo aouud a '0, Q. IV' ntarin," aal.l Kan. The Rrraleat golfer. lilom talk about their golf nuy mora than the grrntrat rrlckrtvr tnlk nbout their cricket. It la the eiitliuaUiatlc dulfrr who -enjoy con verting nbout "hi trbiiio." Ixndori Truth, MONEY Ta Uw w Clothlnff iawiUi OuMawlSai , Ohl 1)ji aaJ tar! M aua (h fMiiirL Hm'i I i UJJ Ail otatt rbtaai lal Uakal TU Cut a) U4 a M ruuiu rm caaanal aoa aa ttiaiu. Wt at aa artMl Hiuulail nia kuawu. Witl W autnlui Egg-Phosphate BAKIiMC PUWfltR POUND 25c Get it from your Grocr 'a m um. " nitr rcrj.Tivn r" jn.mi w aW"aamir i .w .axavair' s(T. I'lana for I'aria Darn, The ninny i'ry nmrkiil clinnifr In dirin llfo would lend ono to ImIIpvo thnt tho InrKi fnnn la, or noon will bo, n thliiK of the pnat. Tho IiIrIi prlco of fnnn help, Ihn neccMtty for hotter culllrntlon nnd fnrmlnir, fewer nnd better hreil ntock, better enro of atnek, Ix'tlor hulldliiKN for Imiialnic tho liny, Krnln nnd atnek, hnn or aoon will brlni: tho ainnll fnnn, nnd, no plnune nnd nrrnneed thnt n irrenter rnrlety of prod iicIh nro rnlaril. Mnny InatnnciMi nro known where tho man who hnd itrueslisl for yenrn with 200 to WK) ncrea, Imrely mndo n llrlnif, nnd of doubling their Income by aim- ply rcntlni: out nil of thu land except fifty to eighty ncrea. Thnt aererol cowa tntiat In kept on auch n fnnn roc with out anyltiK, not only for tho monthly Income nnd profit, hut for tho manure thnt la ueceaanry to keep tho aoll nllrc. I'reaeut aanltnry rt'iulrewent cull for mnny device null nppllancea that ennuot bo luatnlled on the .limit fnnn, but clcnullneea nnd kindlier;, la within the iNiaalhllltlc of nny of u. nnd whllo It In true thnt to home tho cow In tho Kline blilldlliK with the horaes tin nomv dlandrnntnKe. It nlao liaa Ita ml vntitngea, nnd to build nepnrnto build ing for both, la not only exjenlre, but call for rxtrn help In cnrlns for nnd feedlne them. A enrrful atudy of the barn ihown In the llluntrntlnn licrcwlth will ahow whnt wo lll cnll n condenned nrrang- uieiit, nnd, whllo tho cow are In the nino barn with tho hone, n cood. tight partition aeiwrntc them from the Iiorao barn, In keep out the duat and odor. Kor the anmo rccaon tho alio It located whero aliown, for allnge, no matter how well cored for, hn nn olYeualro odor, thnt I. readily abaorbed by milk. The floor plnn I telf-cxplnlnln& the illo la nn onllnnry, atnre atnictun', with wire cnblea for lioopn, n the en bio I not o eually nfTtvted by contrnctlon nnd cxpnimltm n tho nolld Iron hoop. JTtio crib hnn tho foundation loft out naahown, nnd the floor I of 2x0 Inch ituddlng, wtlh oue-hnlMuch npneca be tween. The aldlnc I drop a Id Inc. tbe iwine na tho hnlnnci' of the bnrn, but tho top ami lower eder nre beveled, nd a one-hnlf-lnch himico la left be tween each bonrd, Thla conalructlon allowa n freo circulation of air, ami keep out thu rain, now and wind. Tho mimll nmount of com thnt drop through tho floor I enten by tho pout- al n.. try nod hog. Tho atuddliis nro 12 feet, and the lower tory la 8 feet; tho cow itnlln nro of cement, with gut ter, nnd nil itnll tmre pouiuUM clay floor. It will pny to plniter tho wall nnd cvllliiK of tho cow bnrn with ce ment. After the silo ban been ucd for Bevernl yenm. It I Intended to lath nnd plnater It with cement. It will pny to uw uood mnterlnl throuBhont, provide n good foundation nnd rtHif, nnd to keep nil cxpoved wood work well painted, An thu rnrlou ell urn tea demand allRhtly different coiiMructlon, nnd tho lumber iimil la not tho namo In nil BtfCtloun, It would be almply n wnsto of vnlunblo npneo to tleacrlbo them hero. J. 12. IlrldKmau, lu St. I'aul DUpatch. Culllvallon Tlml llitiunuva Corn. Tho com I often damni;od by tho root belnc broken lu deep cultivation. Thla la not tho en so to n serious ex tent early In tho season, when tho com i 8iiiill, hut tho check to tho crop may be ijulto marketl If cultivated tleeji lato lu tho bcnson, when tho com ha. rooched n belBlit of 2 to 3 feet or moro, particularly If tho previous cultivation bun been ahallow or neglected. If dry tlAHBt JfiL SMtl. " 1 I Ufa, c l ut .-. im I f I I 'tOr "'"'""'I il-n-Ti ' 'JZ w 'aa.ra.a h S' wenthvr hnpivna to follow uch treat ment tho dniiiaKo to tho crop In much lurrmaed. When not folhrwed by aomo form of cultivation thnt will level down (he rldicea left by the largo ahorel cultivator, (ho Rround will dry out (jul to deeply nnd In the furrowa be tween tho rldgra thl drying readily renchea tho rwta of the corn. To obviate thl u much a polb(p, when tha old-faahloued large ahovela nro uned, the work ahould bo followed na noon na polbtn with eomclblnc to level down tho iiirfnce. Uulea there I notnethluK to be gained by It, deep cultivation should not bo followed. Oklahoma Station. fertlllalnaT lb Uardrn. Don't be afraid or getting the soil too rich for any of the vegetables whoso leaf or ntotn 1 edible. If you cannot have plenty of woll rotted manure, a top dressing of nitrate of soda Juat beforo plnntlnjr will furnish tho plnnt food needed of nitrogen, but other elements may bo needed for n projier balance. Wood nshe. If avail able, nro n good source for jiotnsh, but sulphnto or mtirlnto of potnsh may bo iit Instead anil frequently n dressing of hyperphosphsto In beneficial. If ono Is Browing only n small gar den for homo use, tho droppings from tho poultry houso will furnish enough fertilizer to keep tho soil In n good atnto of fertility: but If growing truck on n Inrgo ncnle, It would bo well to Inrjulro of your experiment stntlon what commercial fertilizers would bo of most help In securing maximum crops of tho vegetable you wUh to grow. Hnallr llrsnlalr.l dale. The gnto hanger Illustrated In tho drawing is very handy for uso where It la dcklrcd to let hog pan. from one imsturo to another whllo cow nro confined to one. As shown, tho hanger la n piece of strap Iron bent around the post and sup ported by peg. Thio pegs may bo Inserted In boles at varying heights. Thla Is also n good device for raising tho gate above tba snow In winter. adjustadix ha.miuu Snm Avery, in Farm and Home. All In Management. Folks say thnt if you want nny class of stock that can always be sold at a profit, from weaning time until totter ing old age, you want a mule. Wo do not raise mules, so can not speak from cxjierlence. This much wo do kuow, lioworer. several good friends of ours hnvo liecn dickering In mules for yenrs without making nny money. Per ha pa these nre tho exceptional cases thnt provo the rule. Others hnvo raised and bought mules nnd made good money, Wc stirmlso It'a moro tho mnn and his management thnn it Is tbe mule, that reaps the profit. The samo man dealing In raxorbacks might make somo money. Farmers Mall and Ilrecxe. Fertiliser fur Potato.. For potatoes tho past year wo useo 1,200 wuuds of fertiliser to tho acre, one-third applied broadcast and tbe rest scattered In tho furrow, brushlug tho fertiliser Into tho soil of tho fur row before planting the seed. After planting, the surface wns kept well stirred to prevent weeds stnrtluj; nnd tho cultivator wns run often enough to keep down tho weeds. A little hand hoeing waa done. Tho yield was 250 bushels per ncre. The crop followed com nnd the land was very thorough ly harrowed beforo potatoes wcro plnntcd. Plenty of harrowing and lib eral uso of fertilizers may bo depend ed on to glvo a good crop. IlrorJIiia; Corn, Prof. It. A. Mooro says thnt pains taking In breeding corn has raised the average corn production in Wisconsin from 2.1 busliela per aero In 1001 to 41.2 bushels per ncre In 1007. Thla In erensu Is worth striving for in every Stuto nnd on every fnrm. Note, of I ho riir Pen, Glvo growing pigs food to produce bono and muscle rather thnn fat. Tho pig should have u warm, dry byd kept clean and freo from dust, No domestic animal responds so quickly to good treatment ns tho hog. Thrifty hogs turn grains Into money quicker than any other domestic nnl utal. Tho thrift nnd condition of-tho moth er determine to a grout extent what tho pig will bo. When n hog has to bo driven to his feed usually n mlstuko has been made in his feeding. When fed dry shelled corn Is mow economical than corumcal to feed fattening hots. vf!uj!f!fW af7j 9 Tt- !2 3 '71 in if ALCOHOL 3 PEIt CEKT AVcfitlalklVrparailonCr sMlalhjihenxxJanJRrfuti (IngUeStKRriaraUfocf Prorooles DirlonTWdy j ncss and lirsuccnumj nafcr GpiuniJMofphinc fCTMBEraL nui'Aittuni;. AtftitOUlkSHmTtmi .ttt'Umm JtoMtiUH- VtAt Apofa' RetMdy foTOasslpa lion , Sour Stowdt-Dtantea TOnworr.TilJnajTWiK ncss nRdLOSSOrSLEQ'. ftcSV Slianw of V HceTSfaerSeTSai jiuru Exact Copy of Wrapper. Jail a. Eur, Tea, he I able to keep a carriage. Is Nelaon W. Ardrlch: II akin to Standard Oil by marrlag And well he may be called rich! Chicago Tribune. Uothara wm And Mra. WlnaloVa Boothia; SjniploaUlt ramedv tout lot UtatTcMklnj aurlng lb ttaUdns Irlod. On Iter War to tba CInb. "For mercy' ke, whoa dirty llttl boy are yonl" "Tour, mamma." Chicago Tribune. DR.T. P.WISE DENTIST Crown and Bride Work m Spc!aty je-S UnthuU Treat BuIUIna- iaV WaahJmton. cor. SUtb I'ORTLAMD. OR DAISY FLY KILLER al.a.4 tar waar, allrsfla aailUaUIKa hiai. rlaaa. orua naalai. cparaa laal.tSaaa Iala allaaa. Maoa Or BWlAl. OUiBOt plil or up r will aot aoii ar lajar aaTtaJatf tlvtraaUaa tg Ura. orU4aaJaraoraalttUdrraaaMU. HAROIB I0MERS, 1(0 DaKalb Ar., Braotlj. N. Y. ES!3i53 COFFEEt TEA SPICES BATIINS POWDER a- EXTRJaCTS JUST RIGHT rine,ejrrrirFMl roeiruNO. oatv J CA i VanTafafafMBwrJaHanTaflaV MAPLEINE For Highest use i 25 Ounces for 25 Gents Made from pure, carefully tested materials. Get a can on trial You never saw such cakea LouNcesi and biscuit your eyes. Irr. vMANf' vpaa.uj.1 Gf.STORIA For Infants and Children. I wBntlaasBjBfBBBasFB.aB The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ill Ose For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA th v oranT. nw to, an, In. nffar Ira. riu. ;?, ,K"d2 ....Tf in rallaaa H.J. a" " " W$r$ JlK ;'U,ia. Carr, iHrwrK'A'Tr 88 Pearl Sttt. Now York CItr. C. Gee Wo Tba GMkm BMter Thla wendef ot man baa mail. .Ufa atudy of tbe fropertia of Root., larba and Brka.an4 la rlrin tb arorkl tb bcMflt of bis aarvltaa. Na Mercury, Polaon or Draca Uacd. No OacrallaM or Cetthag Coaranleea to eur OaUrrb. Aathina. Laar, 8(omacbaidKUBertroablea,aralaJl Prlv.t CKaaoacaoTU aajvJWocnrn. A SURC CANCER CUKE Joatroreivodfrora Pakln. Cblaa-aaTa, aura androUablo. UfaiUns In It. woraa. If you cannot tall, writ for .rnptom blank and circular. Incloa 4 cant. In ttaibp. CONSULTATION fWC The C. Gee We Medtdve Ce. V V rxu tid. 22-99 WHEK wrltlnr to advertlaora plaaaa menilon thl. papor. A flavorlnc sard the tame u kmoa or V llr diuulvini. aranlilatrtl aucar in watc rraaaj lU.nd adding M.ptclrir, a dtlidoua arrup ia maiU a arrup Uttr thin maple, fctaplcine It iU Ur Krocrra. II not aend ix lor 2 oj. bottl anj redpabook. Craacaat Wt . Co SoattU, Wa, Quality z jf.r m ww a ir I-1 K5S BAKING POWDER They'll open 'Gaaraattaa under all fmwm Feed Laws