EARTHQUAKE1NEAST llliasls, Iowa, Missouri, Wiscm s!i m& Mlchlpa Shaken. ACTUAL DAMAGE BONE IS SLIGHT School Children Flea In Alarm From Swaying Building and People Seek Refuge In Open. Chicago, May 27. All of Illinois mid four other Middle Western states experienced severe earthquake shocks yesterday morning. That the quake was gvncral In this section of the coun try is shown by reports from Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and Michigan. While no serious damage was reported beyond si number of fires due to de stroyed chimneys, Uw shock spread terror In many places, and a number of panics In schools and outer buildings resulted from efforts to fleo from what seemed to be impending disaster. The time of the earthquake at vari ous towns in this state was between 8:15 and 9:45 o'clock, and the duration of the shock differed in distant locali ties. In some cases two distinct trem blers wen felt, the first being brief and the second lasting several seconds. At Peoria the earthquake began at 8:30 o'clock and lasted for four sec onds. The trembling of the earth was felt In Champaign and Urbana at 8:30 o'clock . Dixon told of three miautes offeocks in that city and vicinity as late as 9:40 o'clock. Other cities In the state reporting severe shocks were Sterling, Galena, Freeport, Pontlse, Fatrbury, El Paso, Pekin, Peelo, Tampico and Erie. A shock lasting 15 seconds was felt at Cedar Rapids. Burlington and Du buque also suffered slight disturbances. Early reports covered a territory from Springfield. 111., through Daven port, la,, and Janesville, Wis., north to Muskegon, Mich, Reports of the vibrations, but recording no material damage, were received from the fol lowing cities: Belott, Wis.; Peoria. Kewanee, Rockford, Jollct, Dixon, Strestor, Ga lena, Freeport, Bloomlngton, Mollne, Elgin, Aurora, Springfield, 111., and frees Jaaeaville, Wis., Davenport and Daesqse, la., and Muskegon and Kala maxoo, Mich. MANY NEW LAWS. Kansas Legislature Has 1,000 Statutes to Its Credit. Topeks, Kan., May 27. Nearly all the laws enacted by the recant session of the Kansas legislature will become effective next Saturday, the date of the publication of the 1,000 statutes. The most notable exception is the bank guarantee law, which will not come into effect until the last of June. Among the more important of the new laws to become operative Saturday are the following: The anti-bucket shop law abolishing bucket shops throughout the state; a child labor law barring child actors in the theaters, and all boys under 14 years of age from the messenger serv ice; a law making it a crime for em ployes of a printing office to smuggle out teachers' examination questions; a law requiring managers of political campaigns to file a statement of re ceipts and expenditures; a law making it possible for a district judge to be come a candidate for representative in congress or United States senator. Other laws to come into effect are those providing additional fire protec tion for schools snd hotels, making it a crime to kill American eagles, pro viding for a comprehensive system of warehouse receipts, establishing a new code of civil procedure, making it a crime for fruit tree agents to misrep resent the brand of fruit trees they sell, and requiring all factories and railroads to report accidents to the state labor bureau within 24 hours after they occur. To Caracas to Fight Bubonic. San Francisco, May 27. Dr. Wil fred II. Kellogg, former assistant sur geon In the marine hospital service, to day received notification of his selec tion by the Washington authorities to go to Caracas, Venezuela, to lead the fight against the bubonic plague which has appeared there. Kellogg's ap pointment was made at the recommen dation of Dr. Rupert Blue, of the ma rino hospital and public health service. It is believed Kellogg will be assigned to duty at La Guayra to aid in protect ing the canal zone from tho plague. Severe Shock at Messina. Regglo, Italy, May 25. At Sino poll, a smsll village near St. Eufamia, the populace became enraged over the manner in which it had been neglected in the distribution of relief to the earthquake sufferers. It made a hos tile demonstration against the authori ties and attacked the barracks. Sev eral soldiers were wounded and a vol ley was feed at the rioters, killing six. , KRUPPS LOSE ROYALTY. Processes for Hardening Armor Have Been Perfected In America. Pittsburg, May 28. Mystery sur rounded the visit of Baron von Boden hausen, of Krupp Interests, to America until today. For some tlmo no royalty has been paid Krupp by American makers of armor plate, as Midvale, Carnegie snd Bethlehem interests now have each an armor plate hardening system of their own. It Is $13 per ton chesper also, as this Is tho royalty which tho American makers have been paying Krupp for yoars. Baron von Bodcnhauaen came to America for the purposo of clearing up Uie armor pinto case. Tho Germans have not believed that the American makers could have invented threo dif ferent forms of hardening piste. Tho loss of revenue to the Germans has been very great, so tho baron came here to re-establish that revenuo if possible. That tho American companies had each Invented armor plate processes came as distinct news to Pittsburg. Tho coming of tho German baron ap pears to have made publicity impera tive. Krupps question the legality of tho American processes, and tho Amer icans express a willingness to demon strate that their process is no Infringe ment. At armor plato headquarters it Is stated Krupps American royalties amounted to $1,000,000 annually. CATCH OMAHA SUSPECTS. Poll en Arrest Three Men for Union Pacific Train Robbery. Omaha, Neb., May 28. The police of South Omaha arrested tonight three men suspected of complicity In the Union Pacific train robbery near this city last Saturday night One of the men bad $125 and tho second $98 and the third a smaller sum. Children playing last night in the vicinity where tho arrests were made found three handkerchiefs cut for masks, three revolvers, flashlights and other paraphernalia, hidden by the holdup men. The place was watched. Four men were seen late tonight to ap proach tho spot where the outfit had been bidden, and three of them were arrested. They gave what the police believe are fictitious names and told differing stories. The clothing bears the mark of a Denver merchant. They told of having been with some women during the evening, but would not divulge names. GREAT WILD HORSE HUNT. Fifty Square Milts of Territory to Be "Driven" for New Steeds. Reno, Nev May 28. Under the leadership of Superintendent Creel, of Pyramid Lake Indian reservation, and R. H. Cowles, a ranchman of Washoe county, the biggest wild horse hunt ever attempted in Nevada will be started tomorrow in the Limbo coun try, north of Wadsworth. Five hun dred "backaroos" from surrounding ranches will participate. Fifty square miles of territory will be encircled by mounted men, who will drive toward a central point near the northern end of the Nightingale moun tains, where sn Immense corral has been creeled. The older horses will be shot, while the younger ones will be broken for saddle purposes. Julia Ward Howe Celebrates. Boston, May 28. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, writer, philosopher and reform er, celebrated her ninetieth birthday quietly at her charming home on Bea con street yesterday. Her children, Mrs. Maude Howe Elliott, Mrs. Flor ence Howe Hall, Mrs. Laura E. Rich ards and Professor Marlon Howe, of Columbia, spent te dsy with her and, with the exception of a fow intimate friends, no visitors wero received. Mrs. Howe appeared in good health and spirits and seemed to have lost but little of her old-time energy and her interest for matters of nstlonal im portance. Sell Prince Rupert Land. Vancouver, B. C, Msy 28. Nesrly 2,OOOjinxlous real estate speculators from dk over the United States and Canadiwere present whet) the official sale of lots at Prince Rupert, the new Pacific terminal of the Grand Trunk Pacific, began. The bidding was spir ited and the prices realized were re markable when it is considered that the site is at present practically noth ing but a great waste of stumps and rocks. Over $250,000 worth of lots were sold yesterday, most of them cloio in. Pacific Mall Deficit Less. New York, May 28, At the annual meeting of tho Pacific Mall Steamship company oil the retiring directors wero re-elected today. President Harrlman, in his report, stated that the year's operations showed a deficit of $339,684, as compared with a deficit of $428,817 for the year before. PoREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CHAUTAUQUA IS REAOY. Prominent Speakera to Address Gath ering at Gladstone Park. Oregon City Tho sixteenth annual session of tho Wlllamctto Valley Chau tauqua assembly will bo held at Glad stone Park, near Oregon City, July 0 to 18. inclusive Tho program for the 13 days' session hss Just been completed and It Is expected thousands of people from Portland and every part of the Wlllamotte valley will attend the ses sion. Tho Chautauqua association was or ganized three years ago and is now on a firm financial basis. This year's pro gram will be an especially entertaining one. The one. figure that stands out above tho rcatls Dr. Frank G. Smith, pastor of the Warren avenuo Baptist church, of Chicago. Dr. Smith was In Seattle two years ago In attendance at the National Christian Endeavor con vention, and on his way homo stopped for an afternoon at Gladstone Park and lectured once. He will lecture on Wednesday evening, July 7, on "The Hero of tho Age," and on the follow ing afternoon will speak on "Our Na tion Her Mission, Her Hopes, Her Perils." Other lecturers of more or less re nown sre Dr. Elmer I. Goshen, of Salt Lako City; Sylvester A. Long, of Day ton, O. ; Dr. Eugene May, of Washing ton, D. C. ; Hon. Henry Albert Mc Lean, president of the Washington commission for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition; Dr. Matt S. Hughes, of Kansas City, Mo., and Dr. Ell Mc Cllsh, of Los Angeles. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS MADE. Geological Survey Furnishes Valuablo Lane County Data, Salem Advance sheets of a topo graphic map covering 138,000 seres of the Willamette valley between Eugene and Junction City havo been received in Salem. This area was surveyed dur- inir thesummsrof 1908 by the state engineer In co-operation with the Unit ed States geological survey. The fin ished map, to be published for distribu tion, can be obtained lor u cents a copy by addressing the United States Geo logical survey, Washington, D. C The man shows at a glance tho Irri gation and drainage possibilities of this section and will prove Invaluable to the commercial interests of Eugene. It shows but one or two houses to the square mile. By promoting and en couraging the practice of Irrigation and moro intensive and diversified farming, this map, It is believed, should show from 30 to CO houses to tho square mile. Forest Grove Wants Railway. Forest Grove Trouble la being ex perienced In securing right of way be tween this city and Verboort for the United Railways, and unless settlors along the route agree to terms within the next few dsys It Is probable that the line will not be built to this city. The business men of Forest Grove are doing all in their power to induce the owners of property to dell the right of way, as failure of the lino to build to this city would not only be a great loss to the town, but would also retard the growth of the country adjacent. Condon Needs Rain Quickly. Condon Weather conditions for the past month have been most unfavorable In this locality. There has not been any rain for over two months. Grain is looking well and growing, some of it beginning to herd out, si though it is only about a foot in height. Farmers who were interviewed ssy war, u a good rain comes within 10 dsys it will be all rlcht for the wheat Others ssy that they will rot have more than half a crop. A number of fields through the country have been allowed to go to weeds. Flowing Wells at North Powder. North Powder After finding a strong flow of artesian water on the Chris Johnson ranch, a mile southeast of town, at 187 feet the Gilklson & But ler well boring outfit has loft to put down a well for the Mt Carmel school, six miles west of here. This is the fourth artesian well found in and close to North Powder at less than 500 feet A. Lun's, 181 feet; A. Hutchinson's, 200 feet; H. E. Hall's, 424 feet Tho water is clear, cold and free from alka li In every Instance. Loralne Farms Are Sold. Eugene The Churchill Mathows company, of Portland, has closed a $65,000 deal for u number of farms In the Loraino country. It Is presumed the purchasing company will plant these tracts to walnuts and fruits. Tho farms Include tho choicest in that sec tion of tho country. The company holds options on several other places in the same neighborhood. Purchases Near Burns. Burns Dr. Homer Donman, of North Dakota, hsB purchased the Warm Springs property of D. M. Loggan. The ranch is one and a half miles from the survey of the Oregon Eastern and the same distance from the new town site of Harrlman. COST OF SPECIAL SESSION. Blunders of Legislature Require 94, BOO to Rectify. Salem A detailed statement of tho entiro cost of the special session of the 1909 legislature has been Issued by Auditing Clerk Corey, of tho secretary of state's office. It cost tho taxpayers but $4,500. Tho last special session, called In 1903 by Governor Chamber lain, coat $5,600. Tho largest item of tho 1009 session was the mlloago paid to members. More than $2,600 was paid members of the lower house and $1,453,30 was paid to tho senators. Services for clerks, stenographers and other help In the houso amounted to $130 and tho snmo Item In the senate reached $165. Cost of revising tho house journal was $40 and for revising tho senao journal $50, Tho regular session cost In tho neigh borhood of $60,000. California Capital to Klamath. Klamath Falls Southern California capital is to be Interested In Klamath balls if tho transfer of the largo tract of land adjoining the city on the west Is completed. John J. Mtzpatrick, representing a number of San Diego capitalists, has taken an option on 500 acres of land belonging to Moore Broth ers. Tho option la for 30 days and In volves approximately $40,000. The land Involved lays In West Klamath Falls and reaches from Lake Ewauna to the Upper Klamath lake. There Is a water front of almost two miles. Good Meeting Assured. Tho coming Pacific Coast Brother hood conventions of tho Presbyterian church aro getting hold of the men of the church. The ministers are taking a back seat while the taymen are run ning things. Tho program of tho Port land convention Includes the names of leading laymen of tho state and the national officers of the Brotherhood. Every Presbyterian business man In tho state Is being Invited to attend. Spotted Crops In Morrow, Heppner Crop in Morrow county are badly in need of rain. In most sections grain Is still looking well, and a heavy rain within a reasonable time would insure a good crop. However, In the lone and Lexington sections and the north end of the county, grain is already badly bumed snd only a light crop can be expected at the best Rain Helps Klamath. Klamath Falls Recent rains give assurance that there will be at least a partial yield on all dry land ranches. The rain was general throughout tho entire county, and farmers feel confi dent thst tho yield on all dry farms will be slmost up to the average, no matter If this should be the last rain of the season. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Bluestem milling, $1,300 1.35; club, $1.20; valley, $1.17. Corn Whole, $35 per ton; cracked, $36 jxr ton. Barley Feed, $35 per ton. Oat No. 1 white, $40.60$41 per ton. Hay Timothy, Willamette valley, $14(Ttl8 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18 0120; clover, $110(12; alfalfa, $13ft 14; grain bay, JI3I4; cheat, $144$ 14.50; vetch, II 4 (if 14.60. Fruits Apples, 66cM$2.50 per box; strawberries. Oregon, 12Kftl6c. Potatoes $1.76ft2 per hundred. Vegetables Turnips, $1.26 ptr sack; carrots, $1.25; parsnips, $1.60; beets, $1.75, horseradish, 10c per pound; as paragus, 7 $ Gil 2c per pound; lettuce, head. 26?t76c per dozen; onions, 12 K (fclSc per dozen; radishes, 16c per dozen; rhubarb, ZHu3c per pound. Butter City creamery, extras, 28e; fancy outside creamery, 20&28c; store, 18c Butter fst prices aversge i cents per pound under regular but ter prices. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2?.324c per dozen. Poultry Heis, 16K16c; broilers, 28ff?30c; fryer, 22&26c; roosters, 10c; ducks, 14l5c; geese, 10ftllc; tur keys, 20c; squabs, $2.60(33 per dozen. Pork Fancy, 10c per pound. Vesl Extras, 8c per pound; ordi nary, 7c; heavy, Cc. Hops 1909 contracts, 10c per pound; 1908 crop, ti(Wic; 1907 crop, a4c; 1906 crop, lc Wool Eastern Oregon, 17822J4'c per pound; valley, fine, 24 Jfc; med ium, 23c; coarse, 21c; mohair, choice, 24 ? 25c. Cottlo Steers, top, $5.255.60; fair to good, $4.76(55; common to me dium, $4(34.60; cows, top, $4.25(4.60; fair to good, $3.76?J4.26; common to medium, $2.60(33.50; calves, top, $5 6.50; heavy, $3.60(fM; bulls and stags, $3(723.60; common, $2(2.75. Hogs Best, $7.60 C$7.76 fair to good, $7.25(37.60; stockors, $6&6.60; China fats, $0.76017. Sheep Top wethers, $4(ij4.60; fair to good, $3,6004; ewes, Xc less on all grades; yocrllngs, best, $4.50; fair to good, $4(234,25; spring Iambs, $6 6.60. DETECTIVES GIVE TESTIMONY Calhoun's and Burns' Men Are Busy Tracing Grimes to Othor Parly. San Francisco, May 20. Detectives employed by tho prosecution and de tectives employed by tho ilcfcmao wore tho only witnesses called during yes terday's session of tho trial of Patrick Calhoun, president of the United Rail ways. Luther Brown, who admits that ho directed the activity of sovoral as sistants working In tho Interests of tho defense, was finally Interrogated as to hla relations with men who havo con fessed to complicity In tho theft of pa pers from tho ofilce of W. J. Burns, agent of tho prosecution, and refused to testify on tho ground that his state ment might tend to Incriminate him. Norman Melrose, an attache of tho United Railroads dotectlvn bureau, said that he had delivered to W. M. Abbott, Jointly Indicted with Calhoun, reiwrt procured by men under his direction. Nicholas Komgold declared ho had followed District Attorney W. II. Langdon with two detectives and John Claudlanes to the homo of James U Gallagher, which had been wrocked by an explosion of dynamite. He declared that Abbott had commended him for his work, and had Instructs! him to as certain, of possible, what had transpir ed in the grand Jury room in Oakland when Claudlanes was Indicted In con nection with tho dynamiting The wit ness said that ho had been directed by Abbott to establish relations with the family of Felix Paudoverls, who was accused of complicity In the affair but has never been apprehended. RICH QOLD STRIKE. One Shot Yields Nearly S70.000 of Almost Pure Ore In Hatfuls, Downlevllle, Cal., May 26. Between $75,000 and $100,000 In almost pure gold was loosened by a blast In the El dorado tunnel at Allegheny, this coun ty, last evening. Hatfuls of gold with particles of quarts attached were picked from tho floor of the tunnel. This find promises to eclipse even the Sixteen- to One and the Tightener, both near neighbors. II. L. Johnson, owner of the Tightener, bonded tho Eldorado two weeks ago for $25,000. The Morning Glory mine, nearby, owned by Rohrlg brothers, has just broken Into rock or Immense value, big slabs sprinkled and seamed with gold being exhibited. The owners refuse to say what their slilke broke, but It Is said to be $70,000. An old fashioned rush Is on to Alle gheny from all directions, and men of every vocation and of every age aro flocking into tho district to stake claims. II. L. Stark, consulting engineer for George Wlngfield, the well known mil lionaire mining man of Goldfleld, was there som time sgo trying to buy and consolidate tho Tightener, 8lxteen-lo-One, Eldorado, Momlng Glory and other rich properties, but Mr. Wing field' wealth proved Inadequate. Ex citement ic running high. NO CANDY SHOPS. Fair Booths to Be Placed Where They Don't Interfere. Seattle, Wash., Msy 26. There will bo no selling booths on Oregon's grounds at the Alaka-Yukon-Paclfie exposition, or on sny of the land which has been allotted to states and coun ties, unless tho exhibitors givo their permission. This was tho agreement made today between a committee from tho Com missioners' association and tho exec utive commltteo of the fair, State and county commissioners will give permission for booths which will not mar the beauty of the landscape ami which will bo as unobtrusive as possi ble. In the case of Oregon, President W. II. Wehrung said that there would bo no booths on tho grounds allotted to his state. The fair management asserts thst the full number of 116 booths will be erected on tho grounds, but states that It will secure permission from tho ex hibitors before placing them near any or tiio special buildings. Scrap Iron for Warships, Oakland, Cal., May 20. Forty car loads of scrap scrap Iron, picked from tho debris of tho San Francisco firo of April 18, 1006, Is being loaded for shipment to Genoa, whvro it will bo built Into tho sides and armor of n now Italian battleship. Two years ago tho Italian government secured a consign ment of this motsl for experimental purposes and as a rosult government oxperts have given tho opinion that the scrap Iron makes a hotter resistant when mixed with steel than does tho ordinary product Csntatoupes Sell for 95. Los Angelas. Mnv 2fl.Twn pnntn. loupes, the vanguard of tho 1909 crop from tho Imnorlnl vnllev. nhtnmvl . terday as part of a consignment from Heber, Cal., sold today In tho local market at $6 esch. The melons were large and well ripened. Great Britain Wants Naval Alli ance With United States. AUSTRALIA IN FAVOR OF POLICY British Would Guard Atlantic anu Un cle Sam Take Cars of Pacific Leave Out Japan, Iondon, May 29, Overtures looking to a naval .understanding between Great Britain and the United States have been made by the British govern mrnt through Ambassador Ilryce, In Washington. Premier Asqulth had this fact In mind when speaking re cently In what was regarded as a cryp. tic manner of a "two-power" standard for the British navy. The premier hopes that such an understanding may be reached with the American govern ment as shall enable Great Britain al most to denude the Pacific of Ilrltlsh warshl of a formidable clan In re turn for giving America certain assur ances resectlng the naval situation In the Atlantic. The suggestions made by Mr. As qulth through Ambassador ilryce fol low the lines lately laid down la an ar ticle by Captain Mahan on the naval position which has attracted wide at tention in authoritative circles In Eng land. Tho British cabinet feels that only an understanding with Amerlra can enable Great Britain to maintain a two-power standard In Kurujw. "If the Americans will look after our Interests In the Pacific." said a respon sible naval authority this afternoon, "wo will take care of all American In terests In the Atlantic and Mediterra nean. We recognize the difficulty of Inducing America to break with the tradition of not entering Into entangl ing alliances, but we are not without a hope that the situation In the Pacific may lead the authorities In Washington to think favorably of a proposal which would admit of their concentrating the American naval atrtngth In that ocean" The British government Is Inclined to seek a naval understanding with the United States on account of the possi bility of Japari's declining to renew the Anglo-Japanese alliance when It expires, Australians nevsr cease to urge the mother land to separate Its policy from that of Japan In the Pad- fie, and try to unite the strength of the ' English-speaking race In that part of the world. SMUOGUNa PLOT UNEARTHED. Federal Officers at Chicago Arrest Leaders of 8chme, Chicago, May 29. Government pros ecution of eight alleged leaders of a gigantic Chicago smuggling syndicate, and the proposed arrest and Indictment of others was outlined today by United States District Attorney Syms. Sevkn hundred Chinamen aro alleged to have smuggled into the United States over the Mexican bonier by the syndicate during tho past 12 months, being se creted In dining cars by cooks and port era on through trains. Immigration authorities esused In dictments to be voted by the grand jury for the Chicago district for tho follow ing: Bob Lung, El Paso, Texas, a rich Chinaman, restaurant owner and finan cier, in whoso kitchen plans for carry ing on tho smuggling scheme wero formulated, now locked up In tho Cook county Jsll pending trial: Robert W. Stephenson, a former railroad brake- man, hi raso, Texas, now In Jail here In default of $5,000 ball: Carlos Save- drs, a Mexican, alleged to bo tho chief smuggler; Joso Parra, Mexican; Sam wan, alleged agent for tho Chicago oRlfoofthe syndlcato; W. II. Clark, Lincoln, Neb., under arrest at El Paso, and Chin Yin Qua!, an alleged agent of thu syndicate. Tafl Busy In East. Toklo.M ay 29, The papers hero In editorials discussing the action of Pres ident Taft In offering tho Chinese min istership to John Hays Hammond, pro fess to sue In It a sign of nn ambitious Eastern policy on tho part of tho now administration In tho United States. It Is well known that Taft Is greatly Interested in Oriental n Hairs, ami thoro Is a strong fooling that his ad mlnlstrtlon will mean much In tho de velopment of moro friendly rotations between America and tho Eust, and especially with Japan. Floods In' Mississippi, Jackson, Miss., May 29. Tho town of Quitman is submorgod as the result of a flood, All business is suspended and tho resident havo been forced Into tho upper parts of tholr houses, Somo havo had to move out entirely. Tho loss from high water Is heavy through out tho stato. Miles of railroad tracks havo been dostroyod and tho loss to tho railroads Is estimated at $1,000,090.