IF BALLINCER.'S DECISION ON JUNE 6 GRANTS UPPER DESCHUTES RIGHT OF WAY, HARRIMAN IS PLEDGED TO iMMEblATE CONSTRUCTION THE BEND BULLETIN. IUmhI, you know, la going o celebrate nu July J IliU year Thin I Jut a memory Jogger, li't yiMi forget. The man who gels the busi ness today It (he live, push IfiH, energetic man, the man who advertises. VOL. VII IlltND, OKKOON, WKDNIJSDAY, JUNIJ 3, 1909. NO. 13 (') A GAY WEEK FOR BEND PEOPLE Attractive lintcrluliimcnts Mark llixh School Uradiiations. COMMENCEMENT A SUCCESS Visiting Professor and Local Speaker Deliver Interesting Addresses. Eighth (IraJe Graduating Ex ercise Are Very Pleating. The commencement exercises of the Hend schools look place in Lara liall on the evening of Thurrday, Friday and Saturday of last week, and were in every way the entire successes expected. After nn Invocation by the Kcv. J. Anthony Mitchell, I.. I). Wicst, clerk of the school board, set the bull rolling with nn able speech briefly outlining the history, pres ent status and future prospects of the school. After calling attention to the fact that a graduate of Hciid's school could cuter, free of examina tion, the state university a rare compliment for any .school as young as outs Mr. Witst closed by say ing: "A successful school is due to an able faculty; an able faculty is cbo-mti by a Rood tchool board, and a good board is elected by in tclligcnt citizens." Mis Held, the principal, then formally presented the class, after which Prof. Throne rendered a cor j net solo, which, as usual, was en cored. The history of a school's first class U a matter of considerable im portancc as it is practically n his tory of the school Itself. The oit ol class chronicler fell very appro priately to Mr. George Vandc Vert, the only member of "'09', who had been with it from start to fin ish. The pajcr read by Mr. Van dc Vert afforded his listeners nn in teresting and comprehensive view of the development of the school, from its old home In the log house to the present splendid building. Miss Pearl Hlghtowcr delivered nu excellent valedictory address, and Miss Dorothy Schoolcraft gave n delightfully well written and pre sented oration upon the "Pursuit of the Ideal" in which she showed that true success in life is not meas ured in worldly and financial guiu but by personal integrity and faith fulness to the highest (deals. Then Miss Marion Wlest sang several songn which met with great applause, after which the visiting Hicaker, Professor Sehafcr of the University of Oregon, was Intro duced mid welcomed by the audi ence. Professor Sehafcr spoke primar ily to the graduating class, but as he said, "I do not lu the least ob ject to the general audience over hearing my rcmnrks." The speech centered Uku the principle ot the class motto, "Great Things Are Done by Devotion to One Idea," though developed ut considerable length. The speaker declared that this singleness of purpose was the greatest factor lu success and to gether with it should be devcloed the ability to uii't out the wheat from the chaff the "worth while" things from the useless. He dwelt upon the importance of the "funda mentals," the foundation stones of life, upon which depend bo cntitcjy the .success ot (he whole btrtctute. Good schooling he emphasized ns the most Important of these "fun damentals," and spoke lu the warm est terms of llcnd'n school and its first class. The evening was brought to a close with the presentation of the diplomas to the graduating class by John Stcldl, chairman of the school board. Tho Eighth (Irade Uraduatlon. The eighth grade class of seven members received their graduation diplomas Friday evening at the close of the exercises held in Lara hall. Miss Maud Van de Vert present ed the class, and spoke of her sor row at parting with pupils in whom she had grown so interested. The program was varied, including music both vocal and instrumental, orations and essays from each mem ber of the class. Every one of the boys expects to enter the high school next year, so the class his torian declared, at the same time extending an invitation to the audi ence to attend their higher gradua tion four years hence. The class is composed of Harry Johnson, Carl Hunter, John Hates, Rny Dcyn-mond, Paul Scoggin, Ivan McGillvray and Alonro Moore, The Baccalaureate Sermon. Sunday evening the Kcv. J. An thony Mitchell delivered the bacca laureate sermon to the graduating class of the high school. The main theme of the address was the value'lrnnr'i,, of education. Dr. Mitchell espec ially developed the Idea that the schools could best .serve the inter ests of the nation by including a brief military training in the gener al curriculum, and suggested that the plan be tried in Ilcnd. Tim mail school play. "Air. Bob," the Cats and the Hungry Air. Brown Provoke Laughter. "Hello, old man, how arc you?" Saturday night "Mr. Hob" came to town, and about evervtwdy in Ilcnd was there to welcome him that is, Hitu. For "Mr. Hob," you know, was the hcro-hcroiiic of the nlay presented on the third night of the high school festivities. From start to finish the play was n great success, even it the pussy cats insisted upon yowling for their condensed cream at inopportune moments. George Van dc Vert played his part well despite the fact that kit tens, and not bears, surrounded him, while Miss Van de Vert, as Mr. Hob, "the man with the weak voice," excelled. Hut they were all good, including the baud, from Miss Wiest's inimitable old lady and her vivacious niece, to the thoroughly charming Patty, who led her Komco such n merry chase. And best of all, the finances show n balance on the right side of the books. The gross receipts were 31.80. The total expense of the play and graduation exercises were f 19-55. thus leaving n balance ol $13.35, which will go toward future activities. Redmond Defeated In Three (lames. Despite the fact that Messrs. Dcllolt, McKay, Slants and Van Matre joined lotccs with the Red mond ball team, that aggregation went down to defeat at the hands of Prineville on Friday, Saturday and Sunday last. The .cores were 3-3, s-1. 3-4 "II clos-cly fought. For Sale. Slx-gntlou barrel churn, good ns new, Address Hox 36, Uend, or cull at Hulletlu office. , i:lf I A SAWMILL SCENE ON THE DESCHUTES NEAR BEND. I i BHrTjtmMpws!nf!faft4M 1 IBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBtaHrF ' fUtRr WTsnsnsnsnsnnnlaiiiiii, i 11 Jii 1 BBBBBtBBBWBliBaSBBBBBBtBBlMMkA-ttL PsVSntSSSBMMtMBMnMMJSSBSBSSJBnnnjSISfSSSSSSSSSSH lBBBBBBBBBBSSJSSSSSBpnsBSSnSmSSW-Sw' .SSSSSSSSBSBsnsflBXSBSBBSBBBsnsnsBBBBn nullBHpajBkim' j -a BiSiaBflHiBBBBBtBBB HBbmtXb?7 j' 3v aBaBIHBKBVfflflBalBH laBjMBiBjBBgaa jy jaw- -i Tt jSHBHI PzirMf ..- 3!3L.&t B 'r CMVHHibbLhbbIS LiaBLBlBwBBaQDIfln'y . - C' Hl BBBBBBjraBBHBHgjMH 1 Jp "C. KlKHttsnF' '".tfJMSi y-JtJyMttJAiJjJWBMBB MEMORIAL DAY EXORCISES. Bend l)oe Honor to the Nation' Dead. On the morning of Sunday, May 30, the citizens of Heud turned out en masse to take their respec tive parts iu the Decoration Day exercises. The meeting place was at the church, where all gathered prepara tory to the drive to the cemetery. At the entrance a procession was formed which marched slowly into the cemetery to the historic music of drum and fife. At the side ol the flower Mrcwu graves the child ren sang "America," Ucv. Mitchell delivered n few appropriate re am! thereafter followed a prayer, a salute fired uy a squau under the command of Comrade J.I. West, and music by the band. Iu the afternoon the second part of the program took place at the church, consisting of music, Lin coln's Gettysburg nddrc&s, deliv ered by Fred Lucas, and an able patriotic address by the Kcv. J. Anthony Mitchell. Large crowds were in attendance at both the morning and afternoon exercises, and Bend's first observance of Dec oration Day was a pleasing success. Pleasant Kldgo Items. PfcitASANT KlIMllt, May 31. Many pleasant and moKt welcome show era have visited ui of late. Warm weather is alw very licueficlal to the crop. Most all grain U looking nicely now ami If warm weather continue a rapid growth will ensue. Clover and alfalfa serin to have made a remarkable growth In spite of the cold weather. A number of our neiuhliors were in at tendance at the Sunday school conven tion at Caidlaw. The noon hour was nu exceptionally happy occasion, those lu attendance making the acquaintance of each other- Andrew Nelson made a business trip to Ilcnd last week. C. M. Ilasmusseii, formerly ot Denver, has moved onto Ills place at the old Hall stage station and will put in a crop and make fiiut proof. Mrs. A. A. Green expect her daughter from Idaho this week. l'.arl Ilenton makes regular visits to our vicinity every Sunday. That's right. Karl, stay right with it. We hear of a number who are expect ed in tills mouth, but will report Inter n they conic. For Sale. Three brood sows, with pig, and one boar, Poland Chinas. One will farrow In about n mouth, one in six weeks. Will sell cheap. Hugh O'Kank. Pinning Milt Httd Feed Roller. I now have my planing mill nud feed roller iu running order and am prepared to do wotk iu these lines. I solicit your patrouage. IlKNRY LlNSTHK. Wood Choppers Wanted. To cut green timber into stove wood. Cull on Hi) IlAUVOKSKNt 1 lit Mend. CUPID AGAIN BUSY. Pour of Bend' Young People Married During the Week. Married, at The Dalles on Thurs day, May 37, Mr. Edward P. Bros Icrhous to Miss Cora A. Ferguson, the Rev. Fr. M.J. Hfckcy officiat ing. Mr. and Mrs. Mrosterbous have gone to Seattle to visit the ex position, and returning from there will attend the Rose Festival at Portland, after which they will come to Mend to' reside. The bride is well known in Bend and vicinity, having been a popular and successful teacher in the Prine ville schools and also of the school maintained by the Hend district in the Arnold neighborhood. Mr. Brovtcrbous is nu enterprising young carpenter and is popular with all who know him. The Bul letin extends best wishes and con gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bros Icrhous. Ely-Chapman. Mr. Arthur lily and Mrs. Lizzie Chapman were wedded at Grange villc, Idaho, last Saturday at 6:30 o'clock. These young people are also well and popularly known in Uend, the groom being an ener getic young farmer, while the bride won a large number of Hend people as her friends during the time of her residence here. Mr. lily is expecting to purchase a tract of wheat land in Washing ton nnd if the deal goes through he and his bride will make their home there. Otherwise they may return to Hend in the fait. A long, happy and successful life is the wish that ncco in panics them from Uend friends. Inklings from (list. GIST. Mav 31. Had a nice rain here Thursday evening. V. IS. rturkhard, Lester Gist and Henry Shumaker went to Prineville Friday on business. T. V. McCallistcr arrived here I'rldsy with tenuis uud men, and is now at work clearing laud 011 his wife's ilocrt claim. He Intends to put lu quite a tract to grain, Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Gist went down on the Matolcs lost Tuesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Walter Graham, return ing I'rlday. The forest crvicc Is doing some im proving at the ranger's station on the Matolcs. They have just completed a Tine burn and the carpenters are now at work on an office building for the use of Mr. South. A base ball team will I organired at Gist next Sunday. So look out for them lu the near future. Hardy Allen and wife, Mr. Carson and wife and Mrs. Morton and son were vis itors nt Gist Sunday, IHlly Morton, brother of Mrs. Cora Catsoil, will start for his home In Idaho Monday. He expects toneturn here to locate. Arthur Templeton and wife from Ctoverdule attended Sunday school here I last Stmduv. 1 ' ai OOOD POINT FOR A FACTORY. experienced Sash and Door Man It Well incased vllh Bend. W. H. II. Williams of Seattle, interested in and superintendent of the O. H. Williams Company, man ufacturers of doors and sashes, spent the past week in the timber south of Bend. To a Bulletin reporter Mr. Williams said: "I am very much pleased with this country. There arc much bet ter prospects and a better town here than I expected to find. I have been carefully examining the tim ber in this section and it will- make the very best doors and sasbes. Your No. 1 and No. a lumber will be made Into doors and toe rio. 3 into sashes. There will be practi cally no waste to it. I much pre fer in my business Eastern Oregon pine to cither cedar or fir. Doors made from cedar or fir lumber swell too much in wet weather and shrink in like degree in dry weather. Your pine will make excellent doors and sashes, and with transportation Bend would be a fine place for a sash and door factory." "Has your company any inten tion of establishing a sash and door factory at Bend after transportation is provided 1" Mr. Williams was asked. "It is a little early to answer that question, but I am very favorably impressed with the prospects ol your country and with the quality of your timber, and it is quite prob able that wc will put in such a fac tory at Bend when there arc trans portation facilities." Mr. Williams has been all over the Pugct Sound country, and said that Bend had better prospects than anything he had tound iu the that section. Remember the Picnic. Don't fail to go. The baud boyj. would like everyone in the count) to be with them, and there's no limit to the trout. Kcmcmber, we gather at the Rend drug store at 8 o'clock Sun day morning. Then off to the Dutch John bridge, fishing, music, and the very best time ever. Trxusportatton must be engaged by Friday noon, cither at the drug store, Aldridge & Turpiu's tf at weuanuy omce. . I The Fourth Is Coming. The committee in chrfrge or the Fourth of July celebration report favorable progress iu all their plans. Undoubtedly Bend will offer its guests the biggest and best Fourth ever seen in this neck of the woods. Thiuk of nil those trout! Large posters have been ordered and durjng the week envelope stickers advertising the festivities, will arrive and will be distributed by ArM.j Lara on request. Hvery letter; that leaves Bend should bear one. "'- DRILLING RESUMED ON GRIZZLY WELL Everything In R5Hness fofllvc Prospect a Thorough Test. NOW DOWN OVER 300 FEET Manager Hopes to Pint the Weric Without Any Further Exaperat Iflj: Delays Items From Cen tral and Eastern Oregon. Drilling has been resumed on the well which is being put dowa by the Madras Oil & Gas Cotapaay on the west slope of Grizzly, and the officers of the company say they hope to continue work now without further interruption until they strike a gusher. The Madras Pio neer reports that there have been several annoying interruptions in the work, which has, on that ac count, made slow progress during the last few months. At a depth of 175 feet the work was suspended for some time, as it was found nec essary to secure heavier machinery. With the arrival of the new ma chinery work was resumed, but was again discontinued in a short time. Drilling has been resumed again and they are now making good progress. The drillers are having some trouble with water, which rises so rapidly in the hole as to make it difficult to "muck out." It is said that overnight the water raised 275 feet in the hole, which will give some idea of the amount of water they have to handle. In order to obviate this difficulty it has been found necessary to sink the casing with the drill. The work fa now in charge of Frank Lovcland and John Moore, and the latter has had much experience in sinking oil wells. The well on Grizzly is down something over 300 feet. Evaporating Station EstaWiassed. The evaporating station has been established at Christmas lake. The object ol thtse stations is to deter mine the per centage that water evaporates under certain conditions, a very important feature in connec tion with irrigation. While here Mr. Post nl.so installed a rain ijautte and thermometers for co-operative meteorological observations. Sil. ver Lake Leader. Shorter Item of Interest. The Oregon Short Line will build a fine new depot at Vale. Silver Lake will celebrate the nation's birthday tills year. Twenty-thousand head of cattle, will I shipped from Ontario this spring. Paisley people are begluning to drive to KUmath falls to reach the railroad Instead of going to Shauiko. Stealing a ride on an auto at Bend, "a boy had his finger nails torn from the first two 6nger of the right Uaud, hold ing to one of the springs as the machine bumped over a cross walk, He knew the thing would kick and now he knows that it will-bite. More. Observer. U. K. Rluehart, resident of Lake county, protMbly will be "appointed to succeed J, N. Watson as register of the uakeview laud office. An eipert has examined the oil Indi cations In the vicinity of Burns and has pronounced the prospects as good as there are anywhere In the United States. The Pilot Biitte Livery & Feed Barn will tie run in connection with the hotel. A iaew shed with n number ofstalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. ' Hy ami gram tor sale. itf ll 1 il fl