i b fvjvyvjvv SAY! ( ( ( ( ( ( . ( ( : i Old you ever notice the different treatment yon re ceive when Wading at u cash store und nt one that does a lon; credit busluom? The Cash Store known that your money is good itnywlicrc mid they will do their best to accommodate you, to get the goods you want, to give you courteous treatment, murk their goods in plain figures nnd have one price to nil.' 'They will do all In their power lose cure and hold your trade und you cuu dceiid Uou riKlit treatment always. The cash store knows thut "A pleased customer is the best advertiser" and that is the kind of advertising that The llcntl llulletiu cuuuot cIiiukc for. Now, what docs The Credit Store do for you when once you ore on their books to a considerable amount' You go into their store and there is no attempt to wait upon you promptly, you are obliged to take the goods offered you; if your account Is past due yon usually pay a little higher price, the goods arc NOT marked in plain figures, and they do NOT muintaiti one price to all because the cash customer at that store gets very much the liext ol it in prices. It inukcs very little difference whether you lire "A pleased customer or not" they have jou tied hand and foot and you can't gel away so why should they make any great effort to please or ac commodate you? ...Think this over and remember TTe BIG STORE is a CASH Store ) ) :: : ( c c ( LOCAL BITS. mill Will trt tfl fttitil I'ntir Irnil twit lwfeltM nnn ontt'l ( "" " iiwni wmi MMUI. IIU KWMUIN, uu vim t get May but because you don't want to get away. ( ( : A. M. LARA BEND, OREGON ( ( Q ( ) &&M1&&MM&&M&S& (S22fiAS, W E AM N G. I mil now iircMcnl In iln nil klmlt of Cnicl, Kii. Curtain, Couch anil Tutitr Onvrr, Hummock. Mint und SIi.imI, Scmf anil Mnlllcr, HUnlel. Kcrtry Dipm CimmU, I'lilmi Cloth, l.lni'ii Tourllng nml iithcr Weaving on iliutt notice. Call KMtr unv Hliltll (ioiii onr foot lo lx fret wide. I tuvc tlir Intent innkc of tlir Crlctimtril NruTotnli I'iitir llnniFM l,Miui, with ulilcli user xi klm! ol wedvr enn Ik- inmli. Will furiilOi Mnip or nut, at ciittomrr dnirc. Your wlioimj:c icirctliilly ollcltcil. Call on or witte Mrs. W. W. ORCUTT P. O. Box 74 Bend, Oregon. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS, R.cliablo Representatives Wanted. TiTe Jackson Loan d& Trust Co. FORT WORTH, Toxas, or JACKSON, Mississippi. WHEN IN BUND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tillilo always supplied with tliu butt Hint tho town affords, Nent and Comfortable Rooms. IIicnd. Okkuon littercNtciI In Oregon Tlmlior. Showing much interest in Ore gon timber, a parly of 18 Michigan capitalists spent a day in Portland during the week. They represent capital of over 50,000,000, and their visit here shows 11 n interest in Oregon timber that will mean the investment of large sums here In future, They wild .some of theh tmuiher intended to secure some ol the remaining big trees of this state shortly. Two of the party will re turn to Portland within a few days lo receive repottsou Oregon iroer ties they arc now looking up. The visitors are mostly officials of the Michigan-Pacific Lumber Company, A Curd. Till Is to certify iliut nil ilriigglutt nre iititlioiUril to refnni jour money If I'ol. iy'H Money mill Tur Tm!I to cure your rough or colli. It ktopa the rough, licnln (lie iiitigt anil prevent piicniiiouiu ami roiiDiiiiiptluii, ContiiliiH no opiates. The Tiiiilnr la hi u )ullow itucUajje. llemi Drug Co, Oct your spring Milts from K, A. Smith. A. M. Drake left for Portland Monday afternoon. Hot water always can be had for bathing at the Pilot Iluttc Hotel. Two good lodging rooms for rent. Imiutrc of Mrs. 0. 11. Krick nou, Philip Francis left the first of the week on a business trip to The Dalles. Those baths nt the Pilot Iluttc Hotel arc something fine two large tubs. itf R. A. Puctt nnd family expect to take their departure Saturday for northern California. C. P. Decker was up from Laid law Sunday to take in the Bend Kcdmond ball game. Miss Anna Johnson left Thurs day morning for an extended visit in Minnesota nnd Wisconsin. There will be n meeting of the Library Club in the library next Friday afternoon, Important bus iness. Members of the high school and grammar grades enjoyed a picnic along the river last Friday uftcr-noon. Dr. F. M. Van Snyder nnd F. LeMay of North Yakimn, Wash., were in Hcnd the first of the week looking over ditch land here. On account of my being absent at Rciimond next week, May 34 to 29 inclusive, my office in Iietid will be closed. -I)k. I. L. Scoi'lKl.D. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. McCann will leave in a few days for Hog tie river valley, where they may remain per manently if suited with the country. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan came down from their homestead the lot tcr part of the week and have been standing several days in town. The aged father of V. P. Myers died at I.aidlaw Monday. The old gentleman had been living with his sou, and had been in poor health tor some time. It is only necessary to announce a dance in Hcnd to nsstire a large attendance. Presto, there will be a dance in Lara Hall on Monday evening, May 31. A message from Chicago received in Hcnd Friday brought the news that an SVj-lb, son had been born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Goodwillic on Wednesday of last week. The Pilot Iluttc Livery & Feed Hani will be run in connection with the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Iluy and grain for sale. itf Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Harney Lewis, on Friday afternoon, an 8;-pound girl. Mother and babe ure doing well, and the doctor snys that with projier care Harney will pull through all right. George T, Rowun, who has on etied n barbershop in the Hotel Hend, was a resident of Chinncwa Falls for n number of years, and is nrquainted with n number of Hcnd people who hall from that city. I nm now agent for the DcLnvnl crcutn ttcpurntor, nod have one of these machines in stock. Step in and examine it. They are n great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. K.A. Satiihk. 2itf Mrs. F. F. Smith entertained n number of the young ladies of the town at dinner Monday evening in honor of Miss Pearl Hfghtowcr and Miss Dorothy Schoolcr&ft. Mrs. Smith was assisted by Miss Cole man. K. A. Smith, the man who is selling the clothes in Hend these days, has a new ad. with a good idea in it, in this issue. If you arc a man read it or if a woman and want your "man" dressed correctly read it also. Philip C. Hurt has bought the F. G. Allen tract of ditch laud about five miles cast of town, and he and Mrs, Hurt have taken up residence thereon. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt were formeily residents of Hattlc Creek, Mich. A new postoffice was opened at Fremont yesterday. Fremont is a new town between here ami Silver Lake and the postoffice has been made necessary by the large num ber of homesteaders who have moved Into that section. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lara enter tained a few gentlemen friends at dinner last Thursday evening. Those present were A. M. Drake, G. P. Putnam, II. J. Ovcrturf, F. F. Smith, C. S. Hudson, C. D. Drown and II. K. Allen. Miss Agnes Williams, a sister of Mrs. W. H. Sellers, will come to Hend soon to accept a jxwitfoti as stenographer with the D. I. & P. Co. She will take the place of Miss Dunsmorc. who will join her father at Independence, Or. The Ladies' Library Club will inaugurate the vacation period of '03 by giving one of their popular dances in Lara Hall on Monday evening, May 31. Refreshments will be served, and another one of those real good times enjoyed. Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Grant will entertain the Ladies' Library Club next Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Lucas.' As usual, all members ol the club and all nou-members who arc interested in the library arc in vited nnd urged to be present. Announcement. I have otictied a barbershop in the Hotel Hcnd, and respectfully solicit your pationage. I have had many years of cxcricncc in my trade and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial. GitoKGit T. Rowan. l-'or Sale, Pigs nnd shoals. Four miles north of Tuuialo P. O. Call or write F. W. Lkvukkkz, io-ii Tumalo. For Snlc. Hither 80 or 40 acres of ditch Inntl near Hend. Reasonable it taken soon. Adjoining this laud is a i6o-acre tract which may be tak en as a homestead. Call at The Bulletin office. Hand us your subscription. You'll Need a New Suit For That Celebration Every innn especially every young man who takes any pride in his general appearance and every cneigctic man does will want to look RIGHT when he is enjoying him self nt the Hend celebration this year. I Many of them will need new suits. If Perhaps you're one of them. II I have a large assortment of samples that you may choose from. You make your selection. I take your measure, And that guarantees n fit. No shnbby, slouchy, jioorly fitting, "hand-me-down" suits under this plan. Step in, moke your selection, nnd we'll have that new sum mer suit here In time for the celebration. E. A. SMITH BEND Tho First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. O0E, Pf. .Irf.nl e. A. SATHCrf, Vic. Pr..ld.nt O. B HUDSON, C.M.r C.plUI fullf paid fltocfcholdtrt' ll.lillltr - 20.000 35,000 Why You Should Carry a Bank Account with this bank. "iA lianV Hcciunt will place vour money beyond the reach of t!i!evet anil murderer, who might destroy your life and projKity to obtain your caiu if kept at home. flf yoti ever want to borrow money the UanV think more of jour proposition if you have been depotltlng with It regularly. l A Rank Account will give you a (landing among thote with whom you do buifuet. "I'avlnR by check give you a receipt and thereby avoid ditpulet; you alway have tbe right change at the right time. fl,Tbl Dank will keep your book and keep them right. Ry carrying an account with thi Bank you are at all times free to consult u a to your butinet matter, and vrc can help you in many way. Ry carrying an account with your HOUR HANK you put your money in circulation among your friend and neigh bor, and thereby help build up thi town and country. Don't wait to accumulate any certain ion before starting an nccount; it' eaiier to add to your bank balance than it Is to fill the bole in your pocket. "lOne Collar ttartt an account. Do it today. DIRECTORS: t. C. COIi K. A. SATHKR C. S. HUDSON I'. I'. SMITH H. C. BLLIS Unwelcome Visitors "olOMU VISITORS are alway welcome; J other are atway a pet. The pet kind are beginning to make their 1 appearance. There i one wav to guard againtt them. i. e , by purchasing a lull et of CAI.DWKUS Screen Doors and Windows Reasonable Prices. Use Masury's Paints and Oils None so good. Alfalfa, Timothy, and a small amount of Clover Seed. Doors nnd Windows. Lime and Cement, S. C. CALDWELL. Th a nwiv niDcrr stage I LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point in Ceutrnl Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further-in formation call on or address H. H. COE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAGE CO., BEND. OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Alodcm, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT BEND. OREGON Seed Oats for Sale. We are .selling our qats at 75c a hushel. Owing to the backwurd season last year, seeding having been postponed to the middle of June, our oats are not as good as a year ago, and will need cleaning. Parties purchasing seed wilt be al lowed to use our cleaning mill free, Sacks not furnished. Parties may phone from Bend, Redmond or Laidtuw or address SmtRwoon Bros., Redtuoud, Or. Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on the importance of buyincr your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of words. JU1K Seeds have their worth our increas ing business is proof indeed that merit alone has made tho . II. Lilly Co. fore most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send forcataloc 120 tllus- fUKIMj I I JrcH,atr (rens ar lscrip- HY ,' fe. proved kiChas KefSr. XdHTl'J .T. pace. MM