The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 19, 1909, Image 8

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    1 I
Mrs. F. P. Smith entertained the
Bend High School Club last Friday
evening nt her plcasnnt home on
Hawthorne avenue, the emit be
ing in honor of the graduating class
of the hleh school. The rooms
were prettily decorated in purple
and white, the class colors of the
class of '09. The young people in
dulgcd in various games, and Inter
during the evening refreshments
were served. An exceptionally en
joyable time was had.
Last Saturday the band boys
mailed an order for new uniforms
for the entire band, and they arc
expected to arrive in about 15 days
from date of order. The new uni
forms will be a cadet gray trimmed
in black. Wont the boys look
nobby, though? They desetve
them, however. The band is giv
ing us good music and is improving
rapidly under the leadership ol
Prof Throne. It is an institution
of which the town may be prcud,
and deserves liberal support.
The First National Bank of Bend
received on last Wednesday's stage
$6,350 in paper mone. These are
the first notes (or money) put into
circulation by the local bank which
bear the legend. "The First Nation
al Bank of Bend." This paper
money is issued by the engraving
department at Washington with
four bill on a single sheet, and it
is necessary for the bank to cut
these sheets into four parts. The
printer is generally called upon to
do tbe cutting with bis paper cut
ter, and The Bulletin performed
the operation in this instance. The
bills must then be signed by tbe
president and cashier before they
become valid currency. There
were something over 600 bills,
which made quite a "stack" of
The fire alarm routed some of us
out of bed about 7 o'clock Sunda
morning, the fire being in A. M.
Lara's store. The fire comiuny
responded promptly and soon had
a line of hose laid from a nearby
hydrant into tbe store. When the
store was opened the location of
the fire could not at first be de
lermtnea aitnougn trie room was
dense with smoke. The cause of
all the commotion was finally
found to be a wooden spittoon filled
with sawdust. Some one bad
dropped a lighted cigar stub ot
match into the sawdust, which had
smoldered all night, burning up
the box and boring a hole clear
through tbe double floor. With a
little draft and with a little more
time, a disastrous fire would have
resulted. As it was, practically no
damage was done. Barney Lewis
passed tbe store, noticed the smoke,
and gave tbe alarm.
It runs in the blood. Arthur
Vandevert, a 13-year-old lad and
the youngest child of W. P. Vande
vert, has killed his bear. The
notable feat was accomplished yes
terday and this is how it was done.
Miss Anna Dobbs and Mrs. De
Courcey brought tbe news to the
Vandevert home that they bad seen
some sort of a wild animal Mrs.
DeCourcey thought it was a bear
but Miss Dobbs believed it was only
a borse. W. P. and Arthur started
out to investigate and trailed the
animal about three miles. Arthur
arrived at the tree up which the
bear bad taken relugc from tbe
dogs long enough before his father
to have Mr. Bruin killed before the
latter arrived. Tbe bear was a
large one of tbe cinnamon specie
and now Arthur is the happiest
lad in the entire Descliutes valley.
It certafnly runs in the Vandeveit
blood, this knack of killing bears.
A Card.
This ( to certify that all druggist! are
authorized to reiunj your money II I'ol
ey't Honey and Tar fails to cure your
cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals
the lungs and prevents pneumonia and
consumption, Contains no opiates. The
genuine is in a yellow package. fiend
Drug Co.
Last week the pupils of the
eighth grade took tlu- state exami
nations and all passed, except that
one was conditioned in spelling.
There ate seven in the class tcveu
boys. The eighth grade com
mencement exercised will be held
on Friday evening, May jS.
School will open for the next
year on September 6 and there will
be nine months of nctual school
Teachers liave been elected as fol
low: Principal, Miss Ruth Keid;
assistant, Miss Anne B. Markel of
Rock ford, III ; grammar grades,
Miv Maude Vandevert; interme
diate, Miss Marion Wiest;
primary, Miss Nona Richardson.
The district boundary board has
notified the local board of directors
to call the election (as petitioned
for) in regard to establishing 11
union high school district, said
election to be held at the next an
nual election.
Advertising in The Bulletin al
ways brings results.
If you until to feel well, look well and
tic well, take 1'olov's Kidney Kfiiiedy.
It tone im the kiilii-v mid lilmlilcr,
juiritW die titool anil rvulou-s health
mid alrrtiKth. lMeamit to tultc and eon
tains no h.initful diiigm Why not com
mence Unlay? Hem! llritg Co.
The First National Bank
No ojAj
Trea.nry IVpartmetit, timer of Comptrollrr of
the Cunrncy, Womiiliigton, , , March I?,
Whkiika, tty aall.factory evidence pretrntrd
to Ihr uttdrrtliiiict, It halcrit madr lo appeal
lhl "Thr Vital National IU11V ut Uriid, ' In thr
town oflKiul, In thr comity of CtooV,. and Utc
ofitrxon. hut compiled mill all Ihr ,inllnn
ofthr Maluttaorthc I'tiltrd Mate, rrtutml to
hr compiled with brforr an a.KUIloiihall br
authottird. lo commence thr tnitiuc of bank
Sow TiiiaicroaK I. Lawrrncr
Mrollrr ul thr Cut irncv. do hereby entity
that '-Thr Viral National lunk or lleml In thr
towuot lirud, lulhrnxiuly of Crook and tlatr
ofOtrgon, ta authorticd to arnitnrnee thr butt'
nra or hanking a provided In Krvtton fifty-one
handled and eitty-nluc of thr Hcnianl ttlalulca
ot Ihr Vnllrd Stan
It TratiMutt witraaor wlturM my hand
aod aral or other tbla acetntrenth day of March,
W. v
mrji-lm Coniplrullrr of thr Cunrucy.
Department of thr lulcttor,
U. 8. Uiul Olficr at Thr Halle, Orrion,
May ll, Isj.
Notlrr I hritby given that
Itantrl H Smith
Townthlp n South, kangr is ll, Willamette
aicthiian. nat Bird uoucr ol lulcutlou tu makr
nnaleonirnutatroti ptoof, to etlabll.h claim to
Ihr land above detcrtbed. before II C Wilt, V
tV CoiumtMlourr, al hit other al Mend. Dreg on
on Ihr lthday of Junr, ipj.
Claimant namra at wituruc John W I'thcr
tMvWt J. lllll, Henry C. llarucy Luther ilelkr
all of Itend, Ulrgon.
mi-jnl6 C W MOORH KriLtrr.
AN OKMNANCK iitXihibltitiK Mmm
under the ne of eighteen years to en
gage in any billiard, pool or caul
K UiTImiii t ViJY 1 . ofBrod, Orroo. who. on Nov.mber ilh. W,
public billiard, pool or can! roOma; m.dr llomntrad Application ISrtlat No. wni)
providing for ihe enforcement of said I No. ijn. for HtVv. hWXrv beciiou u.
prohibition by the proprietors of said
puoltc mutant, pool or can! rooms or
their agents and proTiding a pcualty
for the violation thereof.
De It Ordained by the Common Council
of the Citv of llcnd:
Section I. It shall be unlawful for
any person under the age of eighteen
yrars to engage in any billiard, pxol or
card game in, or to frequent or loiter
about, any public billiard, pool or on I
Section II. Any peron, firm or cor
poration conducting a public billiard,
pool or cant room either as principal or
agent shall cauie to be ported in at Irani
tnree conspicuous places (Herein, minted
notices containing in suttttancc the pro
visions 01 bectlon une nl tills ordinance
Section III It shall be unlawful for
any person, brni nr corporation conduct
ing any public billiard, pool or card
room, either as principal or agent, tu
permit anv peraun under the age ol
eighteen years to engage in any billiard,
pool or card game therein or lo frequent
or loiter about the same.
Section IV. Any peron, firm or cor
poration violating the provision of this
ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof before the
City Recorder shall be punished by a
fine of not les than 1'itc Dollars nor
more tlun Twenty I'ic Dollars.
Section V. In addition to the
provided in Section I'our of this Ord
nance, the license of any person. Ilrm or
corporation, mentioned in Sections Two
and Three of this Ordinance, violating
the provisions of said Sections, shall be
revolced by the Common Council of said
City and all money paid thereunder
shall be forfeited to the City of Dend.
approval Jiny 15, 1909.
J it. DAVlUbO.N, aiayor.
Attest: II. C. V.uus, Recorder.
Passed by tbe Common Council May 15.
Publhbed May 19, 1909.
ANORDI.VANCB amending the first
paragraph of Section Eleven (ill; re
pealing Section Thirteen (it) and
amending Section Eleven (II) of an
Ordinance entitled. "An Ordinance
providing for licencing am! regulating
the carrying on of certain professions,
trades, callingsand occupations within
the corporate limits of Bend."
De It Ordained by the Common Council
of tbe City of Hend:
fkction I. That the first paragraph of
Section I'.teven til) of the alwve named
Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 17 ol
me ordinances ot the City of Uend, lie
and the same is Irtrcby amended so as to
rea! as follows.
"Any person, firm or corporation con
ducting a billiard, bagatelle or pool
table, except only such as are used in
private houses or in private rooms, shall
pay for each and everv table a licenu? frr
of Hive Dollars per quarter."
Section II. That Section Thirteen fiji
of the alxne named Ordinance, being
Ordinance No 17 of the Ordinances ol
the City of Hend. be and the same i
hereby repealed.
Section III. That Srctlnn -T'li-vrn C 1 1 1
of the above named Ordinance, beini;
Ordinance No. 17 of the Ordinances ol
Die City of Hend. be anil thr um. U
hereby amended by inserting therein,
Immediately after the first paragraph ol
said Section I'leen. the fullnwlno
Ilru!ltnrnt of Ihr lutrilor,
V S. Land Offer at Thr tkalln. Orrgen.
Ap'll jalh vh
Net ire l hrrrhy firm that
Unman ftprUtr.
of Urml.Ofrion, who, en April jlh. I"A made
iit,rairi upiicaiion irKriai ;u, utii) rio
rf. for Ihr Nil H M l. Twp. I South, kangr
laKatt. uilUmrtir MrrMlan. ho. ftlnl niXIcr ul
Inlrnlloa la makr flual Cummutalion It oof. tu
rataMiah claim lo Ihr land abur dortltint. Ir
fotr II C Kills Vnilrd Stair lomnil,lontr al
huorhoral Iirnd, orrfoa, on thr IWh Uy ol
June. lyL-.
Clalmaal namrt at wltnn w Lroan Iltkc
Ollrrr Thothjuruiou. Mchotaa I' htullh and
Auau.t Urryrr, all of llrud, urrgun
nilJo C W MOOKH. KrxMrr
Unltrd Matra Land OOirr.
Thr ttallra, llirion, April I, l'..
Nollrr It hrtrby (Urn that thr Noithriu fa
cllteKailway Company, abwr ut olurr ad
dm It M l-aut. Mlunraula, hat Ihl lith day at
March. , Alrd in thlt othev lit appltottlou tu
trim uudcr thr prorKlont of thr Act of Coo
(ir, approTil July 1, iVlfjahtat. ytf, l at
calcndtrl by Ihr Act ol Cougrtaa, appiovrtl ill)
17. ly. Ihr NK U ofSIt H taction jS. Tp Mb.
Anv and all tirraon rlaimlnr tvrfrlr thr
lanuadcacrlbrd, ordralrtnji toohjcel totutr ol
Ihr mineral character ol Ihr land, or for any
Mhrr rraton, tolhcditpoMl to applicant, ihoukl
61rthrirariMaritofjrom( In lint other, on or
brforr thr nth day olMay, !
all mi9 C W MOOMIi, RrgUtrr.
!rpMmcnt of Ihr Interior.
V. ft. Land OAcr at Thr Datlrt. Orrfoo,
April vcn. I-J
iteUn la hrrrtir airn that 1'rrdrrUk A llun
,cii. 01 urnu, urrcon, wno,
on April Ah ivm.
rr inrrui No mil
Uo, fur NK KW,N K nl hi'. U
madr llomrtral Itnlry (icrrlal
njMi.) f.u
hcrtlon 4. Townthlp S houtb. hanir II KaM.
Wlllainrttr McrMlau. haa Alnl notlcr of Inlru
lion to makr Final Klrr-Vrar lluuf. torttaMlnh
claim lo Ihr land atnre dnrribnl, brforr II C
Kill. I'ullnt HlatraCommlaaloocr. al hit olArr
al llrnd, Urrson, on Ihr th 'lay ol May. !.
Claimant namra aa witnrMrt Arthur O My.
Larrrn O Krnl, Kalph K I rwlt and John
Mrxll, all of brnd. Virion
aimi9 C W Honar. Rrflttrr
I)ruirtmrnt of Ihr Interior,
' tr H. I arxl Oflkr at Lakrficw, Orrfun,
April 11, l'h
Nutkr It hrrrby firm that IMward (1 Kourk.
of HcMland, Orrgon. who on lc it. I'rj, inailr
llomtlrad Hnlry No MlA(hrrlal No. OIJI4), for
K Vrrtlony, Townthlp l bouth, Kauar II
Kail, W llamrllr Slrridlan, hat bird nolUr ol
Intrntloii lo makr Vlnal Commutation Troof, lo
ratabtlth claim to Ihr lan. abort dracribrd, br
fore II C. Kills. Uultrd Matra CommtMlonrr al
hitorTicral Urnd, Orrgon, on Ihr rh day ol
May. Vftf
Claimant namra aa wltnratr Charlr W
HUhlr. CrorjrT My, lluUrt (1 Caldwell and
lab h, Ilogur, all of Kottand, Orrgon
aii-ran J N war him, Krglttrr,
'Any firm, nerson or ainnrailnii .
ducting a roller skallnc rink shall pay a
license fee of One Dollar per day or Ten
"" ir uioiiiii.
Approved May 15, 1909.
J. It. DAVIDSON, Mayor.
Attkst: II. C. Iteconler.
Passed by the Common Council May is.
1909. '
Published May 19, 1909,
IXparl'ncnl of llir Intrrlor,
U H. Land Office at The lullra.Orrgon,
April ilh. i.
Notice la hrrrby glrrn that Cora II, Hrulth
formyrly Cora II. Chapman, of Hrud, Orrgon,
who, on Juur 7th l', madr lloumtrad Appli
cation aerial No oiro, No 1 1174. for Lot J, n It
W hrc t.andfcKUNKM rrc 5. Twp it
Miuth, Kangrn liatt, Willamette Mrridlan, haa
nird notice or intention to makr final rivr vrar
Proof, lortlablltb claim lo Ihr land above dra
cribnl, iMrforr II C Fill, Unl'rd htalr Com
mittlunrr, at hltorncrat llrtid, Orrgon, oil Ihr
Ulh day of Juur, !''.
Claimant name aa witiiratra Augutt Dtryer.
Oliver Thorbjomton, William I' Downing ami
Nkholaa numb, of llcud, Urrgou, and liaiilcl
Mrltlnir. of hltirra, Orrgon
raujni6 C. W MOOKK, Krgltlrr
Registered Stock
H Poland H
O Chinas 0
Q Duroc Q
S Jerseys S
Black Langslian Chickens.
E. C. PARK, Redmond.Or.
These Patent Tension Shears
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent PRUI:,
postage prepaid, to every new, cash-In-advance year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you arc already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub
scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free.
If your subscription is about to expire you cannot nfiortUoiiiiM this opportunity to secure a
pair or Shears whoc cuttiiiR ciIrc will never wear dull, ntitl which will cut anything from wet tissue
paper to a heavy horse blanket, A pair of these shears arc gtvcu free to every new cash-in-advancc
The Tension Spring attachment docs away with rc-tlmrpciilng entirely ami enables the user to
set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect case without tiring the
hand. The Tension Spiing takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically Indestructible.
A simple turn "of the little thtinib-scrcw, shown in the engraving, tightens up the blades as closely as
may be desired. Any woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to.iuc a (lull pair of
shears can readily appreciate the value of the new invention, WHICH KHl'.PS THIS I'AIR 01'
SHEARS AIAVAYS SHARP and in perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs of shears
or scissors you may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you
get and use it once, you will use it in preference to any other you may have. These shears arc r
fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated.
the quality of the material and ivorkmanshlp in this pair or shears to be first class, that the Tension
Spring device doubles the usefulness or the shears ami docs away with the need or resbnrpeniug.
Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that if
this pair of shears URKAKS or in any way becomes detective within 1IVH YKARS from date of pur
chase it will be replaced with a NKW pair without cost."
-Air, .--IJ