II 1',,'H H 4 fM it; t i II I i Race for a BY- Wife HAWLEY SMART CIIAl'TKIl XII. (Continued.) Anil that weak mother, who und?r her fitihnnl' influence. Itmt for the lt week done nil she cvmM to abet the sale of the daughter she hred so. wept bitterly now lirr end was accomplished. "Don't cry. mother," mM Maude, gent l.r. "I will tit Mil j on vvlh. I mould rather tint know mott about it than 1 Mil obliged to Jut yet. And ww thing more. I mnt when all settled, jnu know; there can I no barm then I mut writ to Idd Oren good-by; you'll let me do that, mother. won't miT It wa nil over. The hrhtht Maude of some few week hack, w it Ii her high spir it anil ringing laugh, w-a tmtvety to Ix rtvognited In the isvle hpiritte girl who !!ixil about tbr luttice now. llr&rt don't break nowaday: Imt when young ladle diiwe of their affection Injudl clouly. the iHtervcuthnt of the authorities It wont to lie followed ly n short Inter val of sorrow ami sadnes. llnroM IKnln, upon bearing hi daughter's dcctVloa. made a mighty gulp, nnl. swtlhtwlng a much pride at might hare .t up two or three omul; familiee. Iiennei a letter to lawyer rearnwvn. It wm an awkward etuVlh- to rompo. Imt the M)Hire showed himwlf quite equal to the eecasiofl. The sum of it wa thin . He 8 rot apologised, in a haughty manner, for what be na pleased to term bis curt nw at their last interview. In the en cundereI stale nf H property he had thought It Imt rteht to hy the pcwfwal before Ml IS-nltou. who. It appear!, took a different and perhan more enl Me view of It thn ihe had dene In the first instance, lie should, therefore, he happy to welcome the visit of Mr. I'ear man. Junior, to lilinn. "Told you Ki. Sam told you so." uM old rearmati, when be received this pre ciou eptmlle. "Me only wanted time and line enough. I're dene my part, boy. It U In your hand now . but I think you'll find it all pretty smooth sailing." CIIAITKIt XIII. A little after six in the moraine. The April sun ht just succeeded in breaking through the morning mint, and the air till hat a crackle of frot In It. At the foot of a small knoll, surmounted by a little dump of Scotch fir, stand three men. engaged In earnest eui vera t hut. Carefully sheeted, with ..table bays ofl their bark, some even or eight thoroigh bred paee majestically rmiml and retiml the little hllkx-k. On the t4le th-w nmm are taiMllng. tretche a coiKhlen.nle ei panne of relrety turf-down. A erle of lender white pnU- mark oat a wide oral road, MHuewheiv about a telle In circum ference. That bnM'l. green, ribhoa-Hke track In what l termed the Mhnnendey JaIh)i. aad the grouml upon which Mr. Pcarmana hot tare their dally exer duc. The gtntleman In the pepper-and-Mlt ult, Iiiglbreatl coat, toitglth walnt roat and low-crowned hat. In Mfcrtln I'y rroft. trainer, lie fltbllej with the ah plant In bia hand, am eem rather to demur to Miinethlnc that hi companion Htm I'mrmati kccm Is Inidft on. At for the third member of the confer ence, a bright, wiry, dark little man, he look k If hii opinion mint be aked pretty decUcdly before be Intend commit ting lilutself on any point, lie in a Jokey of tome considerable emliience In bbt pri fcinlon. Tan't do any harm, Martin. He might Jut at well bate a apln with tile ohl bone aa go lit unual gallop," "Well. I'd rather Mr. I'earman wait till he l fiulte wouml up before trjlng Mm. You tautt do ai you pleae. xlr. No hore can be doing better: but contin ually trying dot take the heart out of tbrm, you know. Mr." "Of conn H due: Imt mind, we haven't gallop! Coriander bMe another thin jear. We upp (,m 0 be quite a gxl ami better than he i Mt few tumn, Imt we've never ascertained. I uean to kiHw thl Hwrolng.' In the iiteaiitiuie the trlng ha lialted, the kbeetk are remorl, and then, led by the head Ud on a etcran of four mammi' ktanding. the youogter proceed In In dian die round the coupie at a half.ipeed gallop. Then cornea more walking for twenty minute or no, aneceeded by un other itead canter, towartl the finlili of which the paw I ooeibWably Improved the rate of progreaaiiMi Mr; alwaya regulated by tbi- rhler of the tailing horw, who ban, -f cuurne, rocalrw) hU InatrucHoim from the Irultiw lforhaiid. More walkiuj, then more caiilrin, at the cuuelunlon of which Martfu I'ycroft (A) a quietly: "Take 'em home. William, and tell thoxe boja to brlti: Ttadttone and Cori ander up here." Merely replying "All right, !r," Wil liam turned bl liorae'a head In th dlreo tlon of the ktablM. A minute or two, and a couple of ttable Kya walk the horkea to where IVarman. Vyenlt and "the rigid rider to ordera" re funding. "Jump off and strip W aya the trainer. The boya allp off the backa of their rrt-pectlve. mount, nnd hold them liv the head while I'ycroft uiilooHea Corl- ander'a kurcingle, whla off the kheeta with a dexleroua bntijl, and proceed to adjust a light raoog avddle on that! be? Veal He at down and khook un ouiM celebrltyaJbjkAJIiii, ailted by j Coriander, paucd Jim taally, and went I'enrnwn, in-rforma the same office for lAadtone. "Nw. klr." ay Martin, "lcfore we ee how they arv together, we m! lcttcr jut let em hae a unlet canter. Jim, )ou get up on Coriander. You, young "un," he continued, addrculng the lad who Imd Ihcii upon lAiniNtono, "get on jour own home, and lend round a nice Ktrong can ter, making It a little quicker from the lmli home than In the dip; but no ptllo Ing In cornet, luiitd." "look ami move well, ulr, don't heV wild Martin, a Coriander, under Jim's iHMterly hamU, after two or three anerr snatchc at h bit, eettled down Into the long, low weeplng stride clmnu-ler- ttk' of the rntwt tboroughbrcl hore that dhttinguih thetmelre on a race cimre. And now the pair conve xtrtdlng along lonard the Lnll, where they are pulled up. M(lo klmir Imtiilre Mr. I'ycrft. "Nice V to rhte an put htm any where." o)erei Jim, ientimthMtly, "Walk "em abwit a bit, while we get the Miidle cloth refcdy." Jim ami the boy ibily go Into the male. Another mttttereil coMVerxUkni Ivlweeti rycrft njd hi mnMer; then the wddle were removed, the leadej chulw carefHlly adjoined, the Mthlhw rephtced oter them, the hmg MirciKgie paed carefully over, and Coriander and UwwMone were rwdy for their trial. "(live them their order. .Martin, and then come here and ee It. Mlml. they're to art fii the three-uarter--a-iiilt hpM. Who'a to start "emt" "All right. Mr: I tW William to come back, and here he I. You go down with em. Will, ltmh U, mltHl. Here, Jim, yoi ride the ohl horm-, of course, thl time, (let off, and eom right along. I don't mean ride hi head off, but take tb lead, ami keep It." "All right r And Jim walked the grey tetairrly down ateflRnlde William, to the starting po4. , "Now. hk here, boy," said .Mr. I'y croft, advancing to the stripling who wo on iMfamter; you have an Idea of rid ing, yim have. Now, don't go ami make an Mblldtion of yourself thl morning. .Mind. If ym do it here, I shall take care yeu don t get tnnch efcanc of doing it in public. Attend to what I say to yo. tiet off aa well a ym can. Jlm'a pretty safe to ih jow there; but, even If be don't, miml. yim're to wait ou him till yim come to the quarter-mile pot from home. Yoh know It. Uhh ap to him then. Hut, whatever Jim doe, whether be bsglnir rid ing or whether be domi't. you're not to begin in nrRet till within llfly ytrd of borne. I'll forgive you If you wait lw long, and Un it that way; but If yntt come too tm and ride him to a stand still, we shan't want you for llght-wighla at Newmarket or anywhere ele." lite Ud walked bU horse after Iad stoa with a tery seriou face. IJke all luys In a racing stable, ef course the height of hi ambilmti was to become a Jockey. He was not a little prettd ef Mng iu charge of such a celebrity a Coriander. Por, lie It known to the unin itiated that ever) race horse In a big sta ble U looked tfler by hi own boy, and that thee lioys, when their horse I one of distinction, are immenkely proud of him. They groom him, ride him at exer cise la short, aJmot llc with him. Coriander was the first crark that had fallen U young Allen' rare, and he firm ly believed stieh a flyer never existed. Now anxlou moment ! be waa to ride him iu hi trial. He looked eten at that fc a great rise in his profeIon. It I true be bad ridden In two or three trial before, but then be bad generally been on something that had hail no earthly chance to win. huppoae be should make a hwm of it this momlHg; Mr. I'ycroft would never give him another chance, perbaM. No wuod?r the boy look rather seri ous. ItMt they are at the pot. A couple of fale kUrt ttfke place, In eotisequnece of youag Allen' eagrrne to get well off. "Slop a bit, young 'un." said Jim. laughing: "be a liule steady. Mind, It ain't a rare, and I won't want to get the best of you. I only want to get away fair. How a starter would wblk down your threat if you en fried on like this!' The refftenM ranee bad the desired effect, and the next time they were away, J I in having a little the bent of It, though not much. Once off, tit boy's nene stead ied directly. He waited patiently till lie ime to the quarter post, and then ran up sbrwMrt of IxMidtn. Tcked tooth er, lliey went for the next two hundred inrd, and then Jim began what is term ed In racing parlance "Addling" at hi home; It mean riding him a little. He drew near a length bbead, but the hoy sat still. "Wait till within fifty yards of home, whatever Jim does," he mutter ed, "and I will. If I'm bwit for It." A few strides more, and he saw that loadstone could hardly hold the lead be bad obtained, (irnilually he was creep ing up to him again, though still quiet on his horse. A little more, and Jim began to ride his boroe In earnest, and thl was the hardest trial the boy bad undergone yet. Tor a moment Jim forged ahead, and looked Ilka leaving him altogether; thin he seemed to bang; and now surely ho was within fifty yards of home. Was past the knoll n couple of length la frnt. "You'll d!, young 'mi," ild Jim. good naturedly, n they pulled up their home. "Don't quite know what imtera oit got, but en II lirvttr well imii. Vim slick n clone to wlwt yviu're told to do, nnd keep jour lnwd ns cool as itm did this lime. nnd you'll I! ml junreelf Hrt mt Ilia jHt nt l!wm some of the dt.." "Well, Martin, I think UmI'II nlhiut do," Inuulieil IWnwn, n the trial lln lehod. "It will be n good Imrse tlmt hai the best of Corhtlider three eek from this." "Yes, sir; he' letter even than I thought ho wh. nnd I know I hawn'l worked him up to hi iel jet. I've no fear of lil not going on well, for I never trained a better vtititutloued colt III my life; and though we didn't try him quite the full distance Ihh morning, I've no doubt of hi getting the llowtey Mile a well n he's done hi three-quarter thl morning." "You did that very well, mj lad." he continued, ndirrvxlpK Allen. "Thl morn ing's ride will I a little In jour pockrt. If we've luck, Mid jwi pajr attention to my next order; ami they tire Hold jiwir tongue. Yimi'II get riding More you're many months ohler. Weil, Jim, what do jon Uilnkr The Jtickey Jummil off hi horse nnd banded him over to the hoy that had first been ou him. When out uf eunhol, be replied. "I'll win the (luliim. bar ac cident. iml lliere' a great three year oli vvhoc name we haven't heard oil." Sam I'ntntMii, In the itxmntliue, seat ed on the stift grtiM. whs buily ebitieiiig over a neat memornudum Nwk. "Yes," be muttered, "stake ami atl. It wilt U a goodish hit to win. It's a bhiger thing than I ever pulled off jet, ami I lmv had some very thly win in my time. We'll ! off home now, Martin eh? (loo.) citMHch. Jim, isn't It?" "Wl-di I'd your lA ou It, sir," was the that worthy' reply. "Well, you ami Martin will Rud that I've not forjRMteM to ibt -omelhtng in that nay for jwh wbeu It's biiHse.l,' biHgbe I'earHMii. "Iur the ireeiit, gMj by." "Mw win -eh?" niM the trainer. "Can't loe," repmnlwl the jockey, "unb I'm ksMH'keil oter." CIIAITKIt XIV. Old l'eurmau bad idmnH erfet knowi olge of manklml ou Ihe receipt of neut ron's letter. He had gone over to (Illnti the next morning. The old lawyer wat quite master of the sltiMthm, The sqtilrr felt quite grateful to hi visitor for the tact ami delicacy with which he paved the way for hi retreat from an awkward tedtbu. It wa, per hap, thl wonderful quality whleli fuel bclpn! I'earmau u In Ihe world more than anything. Kven tboe who had been most cweely shorn were alwajs lpreei to their dying ihiy that. If they could havo polled tbrough the swamp of ImiM-cunl- ohy their reckleoMieM had plunged thetu Into, I'earmaM would have dooe It. HeuiMHi wa no fool where hi Inlemt were rwnrerned. He had. It i true, been Kullty of the groc folly Iu sqitamlfr inc a Ane property : hut be wa not weak enough to hwk upou the lawyer a a ben efactor. "Well. Mr. l'earaan." he suht, "wa had beet let byrguttea be bygone. If I was nhfcrp upou yaw the tuber day In speech, you retaliated on the mortgage; ami yoii bad I be bent of It. Come In ami lunch. So the oid gentleman lunched at (Slinn, and wa Iwlroitaced to Mrs. Denlsou ami hi future daughter-in-law. Mamie took but little notice of him, but her mother, having now made up her mind to Ilia match, wh favorably impfiil. Mr, 1'earman, In fact, drced quite a the ohl repe-lable nmrViential s-dHtor, and acted Ihe part extremely well. 1'ixir .Mr. DeniMn. ltavlng made up her mind to meet her lihrnl of a low turf attorney, de rived prlnclilly from norela, was most agrrehldy astnlhed. Tluit the stn would quickly follow In hi father's footstep was a nifltler of course; and here again the (illiin family were deslliK! to be pleasantly surprised. Sam I'earmaM, though he bad not nil, yet Inherit) n fair pruiorlhHt of hi father's tart. The old gentleman, loo, bad given him one or two valuable bint. He pre sented himself very quietly, was very sub dued ami rMqwt-tful, but by no means demonstrative In hi attentions to Mauds; talked jut a shade uf raring, to gratify the squire, letting It drop as quickly M opportunity served; chatted pleasantly on all tbn topics of the day, and look bis departure after Ihe delivery of n neat anecdote that made even Mrs. Denlson smile. Poor Mamie, she bad sat very isile through the vllt; Imt even she felt fa species of mild Krfltlltide for the little her accredited suitor bad sought from her on this occasion. She felt that she could marry the man to save (Jllnn to her parents, but tlmt any lovemaking before hand would Ut unendurable. If he would continue to trent Iter with quiet courtesy, site could lear It : Imt to yield her llw to him, she felt was beyond her. That lov ers tlfclm Mtcli favor she knew; but tbn girl had a strong touch of romance In her, and vowed no kiss should ! laid ou her cheek 'until she was irrevocably severed from (Srsnvllle ICuse. She still clung In an undefined Iojm that he might roneua her jet. 1'oor child! her en no looks sad enough now; but there are a good many fitful change In thl world's great kaleid oscope. Men cut their throats premature ly, and humanity generally declines strug gling, just as better times aro about to dawn. "More Judicious to piny llio gnimi out than throw down tha cards," holds good In life (To be continued.) .. $& MfcrSfc4. r&N ' " - -ss.-- --s-.s.-. .,., -. ,.. .-wrw,. . M r " 'T-ij'r" - 9 I mV. n tf'J I A I Mf I I I I) I -'I fill aak. A 1 I I fifim' -rS:BiV- - 4-."-J - -- rfcvi " IvTO 1.1? m xii'" 'tvr ' lo ltTst VS1 -1 V" N4 tl J' . j x lnLS"A3 W . . . ? a a "" -y.v.iT.-i -"i . x,s:-i -xs-s .: -w.v.7. TV l'iiiir-ltiire ttteorr, Thl ikirtli'iilnr furiii uf fonr-liorso evoiicr Is entered lit work with mm lnr-. In tlu furnnv mid llio uthcr thitH" ou tlu Imid To ltd nil won Ini ft will irli.iM riilt muiio ml- Illtlllillt of the left Imiul duiihlo ln mid (lie proper dn to ullurli Hie rlmlii to Ihe plow lm t-Mti Im fotiiul lijr otlH-rlliieiit. Th two iloublo tree nre or the ordinary lenicili hihI Hie stick iimnI for evener tieetl to l lough ortk uinl rive feet four Imlie In length The two pulleys sliotibl In- l.inre elHiugh to mIUiw m small link lx ctmlti In work tllrtiMXh them. Two holla nre required for tliv pulley. hihI two plete uf strap Iron twi IihIn-s vld. iM a brHcvv 'Itir llliistrnlbui ilmw not liHllcNle vx nelly the iIIsHmihon Itetweoti the tilt femit Hdnl wlih-h srnmlil Ih a fid- htws- 1-ViHn tbe rlsrht ewl In the 8r Hilly, T litcbti: fmtH tite Hilut uf HttartinHmt of tbrt duvv to tkw trniw vf rigfct hhwI unllnr. ISH Imcwo: from Ihe tbt Of HttHIllMMt f tb- HltHV tiiTn v . . ".e Jf x f'Sr hog iiivds n itrenl ile.il uf WHlcr III lint hr -Tr'ffrAyrir weulher. uinl If he ciiimot sel II lie 1'MMtaitLivSl will I't -mid ns llio rn-st IhsI HiIiib, A lioic rushes to it minllml" In outl uff. lie eoiues nut nnd the Hind dries in hi skill. 'Hie tied until twill tit) hike mid unollicr lajer In Hint ! tvHidy drlcvl nu. nnd In n short iliii" Hie poll' of tils skin nre tiuuplctolv clnggul Willi Hind, .Now. n link entuiot thrive Willi his res nil cli'CK"! np any belter Hihii it man. If n lui: li'i" nwvsn In il deep mmi of wilier, hs lie slioiild In lint wen liter, he will keep tlotiu nnd thrive nvm.Ii more Hum If he lint unmrnt In n tinulluilH iimiIc Hllliy by conlluiietl Mol farmer who supply a Imllilni! plate for Ihelt lime make tliein so sliullow Hint lliey nre sniii lonverltil Into mudliolea. (in our farm we uiwlly keep from tlilrlj In llfly pit. Mini they Iwve n hvo of WHler fl b) stnstni. ttnl II la dee etliiuili for llieiu In swim In Tin1 shies are iltHC down sharply. Mini were laid with eidddi-sliUM for M illlam ivf four nr five feet frmu the vvler' etltv. The d wa alwajs clean, wi never linve Invnlde wllli mne or llr uinl when on two ncrualnn r.der svveid llumutli Itit rwuniry uir lenh Were IMit nrfWteiL 'I Ih InHT "ei nenl lli- nl unbsM Her weulher wni extremely Imt. VssaMaaaasBSBssaBvlSBssakMB. afa f ptu.x or rotia-nnR i.vr.Ma. JVulural llriliictlon. Bald Hho I wonder how theso Hpltlt nul cominuiik'iitloiiH uru vvrltlcn? riald Ho With a mtdlutu pcu or pen cil, I Imagine. to the renter of the lft hand Hilby NV4 Iwhes. Thl itluct the two imiI- liiys nltmH SI Inches apurt. At Ihe left etui have three w nww boliw Into whWi tut- ibHlhle lrc' for Uft hawl tsim can be hltcbttl. rw mm smi ilisirlbuikHi nf tlw dmft Hie troHr hiImI of altai hiiseut or lb left Iraml double trv will depend sob. ly iimhi the point of allacbinrttt of tUe chain to tin- plow. If lb- chain la car ried far back. Ha draft will In- differ ent fnmi what II wmild l If It were ntlHcheil closer to Ihe mete end of the jdow. Assuming that the uitgle of nl turlimeiit uf the clmtii to Ihe plow Is ) dejcrwH the left lis lid ilmible trefl slmuld la- nltnili.il Iu Hie main piece of Hie ovHier nt a ilnt nlniut 2tm Inches from Hie point of ntlnrliiueut nf the plow to the double Irctv, Tliero la no reason why tills evener sliuuld not work nu any kind of plow pnirld cd that Ihe lentli of the wrts nre atlJtjHtttl to suit Ihe dlstnnec of the I)lnt of nllnclitueiit of llio tuillli tree from Hid furrow nnd Hint there Is n rlflil brnru to vvlilrli to nttiuli Hie Cllillll. , Trentineut for Potato Nrnlt. It Is Irui! Hint ns eurly iin IHI'J n Oeriimn luveHtluator Miigxested Hint III" troublu wns chiisoI by n parasitic: or RJiilstn, but Inter It vvhs( ituilultel)- i Icniiliifd Hint Hie funtcits. Snrosporltiin sen Ides, which he had Isolated, was not liivnrlably the cniies of Hie trtuible. It vmih not until IhlK) Hint I'rnf. Ilolley (lenulloly delenulni-il Hint potato wnli whs cnnsiHl by u fundus imrnslte. Un til reslstnnt strnlli could lm breil up IfwiiH iii-oi-sanry that somo teinjHirtiry' preventlvn Imi iijiiIinI, says I'lirin, Stock ntul Home. Tnfllinent of i,cn blis inny bo Hindi) by llio usu nf for malin or rorroslvo suhllmiilu (bichlo ride of tnorcury). The Inttt-r Is air Imps thn jiurnt i-rrerllvn, Imt It sliimld be bundled wllli Ihe cmitest caution, ns It Is ii very jsiueTfiil misoii vvlien Inken Internally. The solution Is pro Hinl by iIIsmiIiIiik two ouncM of cor rosive subllnmte In two khIIihih of hot wiiter. When Hie poison Is well ills solved, mid twelve koIIoiim of WHtsr, innklux fnurliHin khIIhiih Id -ill. The potatoes, which should bo rensn,ibly clean, should be pul In n (runny wick nnd tho whole suspemtitl In (ho Willi t Ion for nu hour uinl u linlf. Then empty them nut on n lloor In dry Hinr (Highly buforu puIIIuk nnd plantln. to Wool tlr.mer. IMit its Wiwlcr twlm or any ntbe. klml In lyln liwe. save the mruisi wsd iwitw. Ith trle stcnrrally math xtM efftH-ts last jvar l have Ibl del rlitH-ulrtl cutow dl-ewntlnneil. ami dli do ntttch thni In eradicate II 'llili year uit nf the mill nnd leaillni dealer rrltern.e tbelr ilelertnlliatfot not to handle wool lie. I wIMi sti Iwlno, a It reiHlrs lb wool "hrlt f.q Ijelng, Renin. If gntwe-r or lln' pre iMrlng id for market expect to Am ready sale and lot" prliv fur theh Hi.it. they mut adhere to this ad vice. lltKher prh-vs ami active rotoH-1 i ii hoi lor i ne rtxvipts. u pnq-riy am enrefiilly handled, Is iHilhtnlly atillrl paled in thi wsrit the cnntlng sm son, ami shlqtrs art- ali ilrled thai In enter to realise the bel result con slannH-iits should be sold here oil tin nmn market, where all bujer ran cow iete for them. MAJOUITY HUM IN CONanKflfi Mellioils Ailopleil lo Move 'llnis ni,, to Prelect Uniiilnniil I'nrt -. This Ii n bin country with big in lereala nnd It Is luuiilfeslly liupntsibi,, to eousliler till iniltlers In whli Ii mi Ihe ineiubera urn lnlerest In open ,., slnil of llio house, snjs J. Hloal I'hssok In l.indlo'a Wtmkly. Itnles lmv e hem devlsiil fur iippiilnlliik' isuiiinliieiia mid npportlouliiK Ihe work Duly th mum liiirtnnt bills can Ihi remrte,l and only the must urgent of Hiee IHI Ihi iMushlered In Hie wlmle liuuse. rtllca can be or ought In be devlsnt which would ennble every member to lake up the tllnn of Ihe house when ever It a. plensevl lillll with nny bin hit iuIkIiI cIummc Hii In Hie hmise, a In Hut world ici'ueritlly, Hie rule of the majority prevail. The country, by a majority vole in Hie several emigres slotml districts, Mliels Hie pollibal ixiriy which It desires to have in cm I Ml, 'llidt majority party, by majority vote, procveds In urgnnlie tne Iiimimi Into n vviirklug moclianlsiu I tie sponker I ide'lil by n nwjorlly ami Is alvvHja iiMsvvernbln tr thill lusjorltv Tim rule are adopted by n uwj.irl y ami are alwnjs responsive lo thai in Jorlty The rule nre made with fun provision In protect Hie right of emh Individual und of the minority, but rightly lliey are fronted In enable Hut rctoi!te majority to eterclse ilm power iHtrtHleil In It by Ihe Jteople. and for the etcrclso of vvlildi ur Hie faliur lo exercise which that majority ami that majority alone, Is Ih-M rcspoosl Me. f a (ensnrrallc Hilnorlly. by Hir ahl nf a small lely uf tnsork'cot i r-MInn llsfmhlrrnn. iml l. atu p,wHv,nii of the machinery of teglsia Hon and prevent tbe nrnjofllv fr-nt tarrying out H irfevU Ihn country would n4 scrvjit In plesv of mnt s. sutuw. The entire tnajwrily wiitllil N hebl rtxstssnlb) for such n bn a h of trust. (g .'U'LyLUK nreKfSBi? siossi VSSSVSi Ur A Ilullrld. who dluti-re. tb .am-leut llrltlsli lake vlilago at lliavou burg In Isirj. baa now found another ghHlp uf Iske dwelling at the nclfb ' (string village nf'Meare. 'Ilie site ol tho lake village coUsUls uf two field covering atHt twelve acres, ami l marketl by a nntober nf cray niotuel frw Uy rtitor uf tlwelllHg pr Hullcbl ha found large ciuanllllc of Mies, Inrlttdtug enjeet In broitso, bom, born ami pottery, 'lite viinjr ii nMMostsl to bu uf the Isle IVIil. dste. It was prut Uy built between :si or l(") II. C. and tbs Ittssisli C.MHiet Cbei-so UM havo U-eti a rather 'War ur scnrct srtttie in food 1st l.VJ for, ) tbtt Ijvw 'Unmm. It I recorded In tb lilark Itouhs" of tm merble Murbty of IJnoutu' Inn Hist at l.s lT term. IMS. It was "agteml bv II- mlMfbuM Mlul lijirhaf 11,1m ltu IKat sttllnial , u -UJ lku .j i...ii ,.. wai. exa-.ure of tb. lreu for t. ; " rT-i iu-UtZ al Ibe Intnc n Hsm or at Inn high lewperstnri f. 7,,11nHM' s."',rit i-jy at ii re-nl.eil it, Injur, : while w ..., T7ny .7, """ Mmm r " """ toola to IIh- wlxlnre re-nlted In siring I hf 'M tntt' " ' (rT Xh ta " Injury In lm, stuck. rN.r H,WZ" "J"""' K ' ? ' '"T' '"' "" r-Hnuu-Hi. f ,n v: "XT" ":"7" :uz.z s T "ro I s'ti etn it ii iiim'ii Wash for inrer oek, IHlMdtut nursery link In lluw-ni ,ttiur wash or other luamilclikra has r -vntly Ihmi inurn advocateil as a sub stltut fnr fusHmibtiwiihbyilria-ysiilt arid KM. The stalbm at (lertevs. V Y. ttttila, however, tssit thl Ireulus-nl. It uetl at all. mnst In- handled with can In sure -ale lUwtrm'tbNi without In Jnrlm; tbe treex. With the H most crrccllve ami least liable I. Injury, nnd would mlvlse orrhardlstt to use the lime-sulphur as n spray after the trees nre set. wilier than a n i!li when limy aro recidvcil. I'nnv .Ii nrtm!. weekly, under hIii nf expulsion from ultlre." Itecent InvrstlgatleHik show that tit umbrella I undoubtedly of high n Ihtulty. It apiH-ureil In various form mi Ihe sculptured nmiiuincnls of Kgypt. Assjrln. (Itcis-e mnt Home In hot countries lm U-eu ns.il since the dawn of history a n sunshade n uo C'oiiceriiloH' Houts, A ho la n liou freqiit'iilly laiitusn lie fa given no opportunity lo bo cleanly nnd detent. Thvio nro fiirmiTH vvhu believe u lin vvuulil din If nut ullovvcsl In wtiIIdw In mnt) nnd illtli, wlillo otli I'lK-IIitllnu- Hows, Hows inny bo kepi from wiling Hmlr ldK ly KlvltiK tin-in u (,'TOit vailely Uf fund for tWU lllliulhu nr mnm l...r..... era nni of lliv opinion lh.it lite ho tho ,Jh rumo iiIoiik. It should lucltidu diould huvo plenty of clean vvnlcr, Tlio MOiiio unluuil food und plenty of salt. llOlttt TIIK oatk on:.". To Unlit the Unit, tltrit, A plow of HiiiInt IMI two feel 'mm. with ii milch In one end ant IuIim. v pbve x two fill long with one end signified by lis name, derived from thn iM'vei.Hi and n nob h 1'ijxil lm he cut I Ullu "uinbni," n shade In tho last In position as shown In ski-Mi serves the umbrella Iws ever lxin a symbol of istwer ami royalty, nnd In many countries It hna Is-eoum a wtrt of re llgliHt as well a royal sytntollni. The CIiIuomo dale the umbrelln batk to !.) or Mtsi j cars milvrlor lo Ihn MimwIc date of creation, which would uiakn It nbmit IO.(hs) or II.Ixk) years old. When 70 sr cent of cerium U nl luvvctt with SO mt cent of Iron, llio metal Hill produced poswsses tho re uiarknbln properly of giving off a shower of sparks when strurk by u ! steel vvtiiid; This substance has been loyed for tnnkliiK nulnlgnllcra for itrners, miners' acetylene lmnis nnd cigar llglilers. decently It lm" been proNiseil til lllllle It fur IgllltlliK motor heiidllKhls, nnd even ns n siittl Into for cleetrle Ignition Is Ihn cylin ders. Doctor llrlll hna tried It. for ihn Inst naimil inirpose, but lm llmls Hint Ihe elllcnvy of ihn nlluy fulls off with Use. Tint cnii'u of this loss of fluency Is suspected Iu bo Ihn presence of oil mid dust. lo hold the gate open. Tint dot I til lines show Ihe smIHoii of the holder ns Hut K'lto Is forced over Hie Imim'I. The post should 1st set to corristpoinl with Hid height of Ihn gale when oneu. If the jwte draffs mi the ground there einplo Is wnnetlilng vvroinfj ban; Hie gale n'ea b imi,. 1. 1 i.ImI. 'ei i ... .. .. I ii iou"-i. " i-iHi iqiHsiie ine notch of Hot holder should I the heav iest so iin lo kttfp ,h imlcli lMHtHll.il on tho unto. Cure for llllitil Sfnuuer. The lntlslHim llxperliueut Hlntlon IlllH beCII HllllljlllK blind slngKcrs III liorsos, lis muse mid cure. Hut nntli Inu dellulle could be found. H N Hudr opinion Hint the en use of the disease la In somo wny iissih-IhIciI with tho eon illtloiis of tho feeilliiK mulerlnls, such ns urmn, ur ctircti produetH of corn, A Won I'roplist, jiioinlueiit member uf tho Itollis- hruiiKlit about by Hid nl lacks of mold cll"(I fl,l""' l")" i'lvr" "''" ,l" "" "nr or fuiiKUH. In Ihn llalldins. Aa it vvnr prophet, too, wo believe no li'nvo more confidence In n Itolhschlld I linn n Hohson, ns n Ken crnl proposition, Wnlilngton Ilcnild. I'coplo umkii na much nilo nbotit innkliig up their minds ua If It uinoiinWd to ionicthlug.