J 1 l I O Willi a liuaraniee ) ! THE I J) tjj: ; i.v .vy V HAT 9 ISpl Is the ONLY HAT SOLD in BEND that is ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED TO GIVE YOU perfect SATISFACTION And they are sold at the uniform price of .50 each. Aly entire line of new Spring Shnpcs mid Colors arc NOW ON SALE Also a Complete Line of Caps and Straw Hats POR TIIH UTTLI2 POI.KS. THE BIG STORE ON THE CORNER r iYl llr m iMIMiiwM"i wmvmmmmammimam Lumber! Lumber! FOR the next 60 days we will make a special Cash Price of $35.00 per thousand on all kinds of first class dressed lumber, delivered at Bend or vicinity, on orders amounting to 2,000 feet or over. Will also deliver best quality heart shingles at $4.00 per M. If shin gles are ordered alone order must amount to 20,000 or over. TiT. R.OSLAND LUMBER CO. W E AM N G. 1 nui now prepared to do nil kind of Carpet, Hug, Curtain, Couch mid Tabic Cover, Hummock, Slilrt nnil Slmwl, Scarf and Mufllcr, Blanket, Kersey Drew (loods, Union Cloth, l.liivn Toweling d other Weaving on hnrt notice Chii weave miiv width from ono foot to six fret wide. I have the latest make of the Celebrated Ncwcomb four Harness l.ooin, with which ocr kinds of weave can he inatle. ... .ft, Will furnish warp or not, n customer letrcn. Your patronage rcccllullj solicited. Cull on or write Mrs. W. W. ORCUTT P. O. Box 74 Bend, Oregon. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS, Reliable Representatives Wanted. Th Jackson Loan 8b Trust Co. FORT WORTH, Toxas, or JACKSON, Mississippi. LOCAL BITS. Get your spring nulls from K. A. Smith. Remember tlie baud dance Prl lny evening. MIm Corn Pcrguson left for I'rlhcvillc ln.it Sunday. Hot water always can be had for bathing at the Pilot Uuttc Hotel. The band will give another one of iti popular dunces next I'riduy evening, Sylvester Slants returned to llcud yesterday from his year's law studies nt Salem. Judge Ellis Is in Princvllle this week attending an adjourned ses sion of the county court. C. N. Marten arrived in Bend yesterday with a number of pros pective ditch lund buyers. Mrs. It. Spencer and little daugh ter HIoIkc ate visiting with Grund tna and Grandpa Spencer at An telopc. There will lc no concert by the baud next Friday evening, but it will he given instead on Sunday afternoon. Ilrucc Gray and Miss May Ilclle Reed cntue over from I'rineville to attend the wedding of Miss Violet Reed and E. A. Smith. G. W. Hall was up from his farm at Pleasant Ridge last Thurs day. He reported that crops in general nrc looking very good in his neighborhood. A. C. Lucas, proprietor of the Pilot Iluttc Inn, has had the build tug formerly occupied as a stage office moved up adjoining the hotel and will use it ns an annex. The Pilot Uuttc Livery & Peed Ham will be run in connection with the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Hay and grain for sale. itf Prank Kulp brought in his drove of hogs from Mndras the latter part of Inst week. They have been put on the Siscmorc place, where Mr. Kulp intends to go into the hog raising industry quite extensively. Mr. A. M. Lara and Misses Ruth Rcld, Helen Johnston, and Cornelia Wilson rode up to V. O. Minor's homestead Saturday even iug and spent the greater part of Sunday in that delightful spot on the river. There will be a ball gutne be tween the Bend and Redmond teams on the local grounds next Sundny afternoon. Of course all the rabid fans will be there. Bend defeated the Redmond boys last Sunday nt Redmond. How arc you betting on the coming game? II. II. Davlcs, after spending the winter in California, is now at Walla Walla where he has a sister living. Mr. Davics has been ill nil winter with an acute attack of rheumatism, and is improving but slowly. He is anxious to return to Bend as soon as he Is able to make the trip. Ik-fore buying wall paper see .my complete line of snmplcs of hide- pendent walls and ceilings, crepe and pliiln ingrains, printed duplex, the very latest in oat-meal faces, beautiful cut-out borders, and plain prints, down to 7c per roll. N. P. Witt mm, painter and papcrhaugcr, llcud, Oregon. 10-13 I,. C, Young was in from his farm last Saturday. He met with quite n painful accident recently while chopping a limb from n log His ax slipped and struck him just .ibsve the toes on his left foot, in dicting quite a cut. Mr. Young says, however, that the worst of it Is that It retards lilm in his spring work. Two good lodging rooms for rent. Inquire of Mrs. O. II. Krick son. Those baths at the Pilot Iluttc Hotel arc something fine two large tubs, itf On account of my being absent at Redmond next week, May 24 to 29 inclusive, my office in Iicnd will be closed. Dk. I. L. Scoi'liau. I am now agent for the Del-aval cream separator, and have one of these machines in stock. Step in and examine it. They arc a great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. E.A. Satjikk. 3itf Mr. nnd.Mrs, Wm. Stephens will leave soon for their new home near Vuncouvcr, Wash. Mr. Stephens recently bought a tru't of land there and will go and take up residence upon it. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens have been residents of IJuid for six years, and they will be mi-sed here We wish them success in their new home. M. K Knutson has returned to Bend after spending the winter in Western Oregon and California. He came in Monday and was ac companying Well sly, wtio was taking two of his race horses from Doris, Calif., to Princvllle for the May races Yankee IJoy and Hero. They arc two fine horses and Sly expects to win some ol the purses with them. Prof. Shaffer of the University of Oregon will be in Bcncl to deliver an address at Jhe commencement exercises on the evening of May 37. The professor will visit I'rineville at this time and will also deliver an address at the I'rineville commence ment. Miss Rcid, principal of the Bend schools, considers herself very fortunate in having been able to secure Prof. Shaffer for this event. Contrai y reports notwithstand ing, the Hcnd-Shaniko Livery & btage Co. has not taken oil its stages. The only change that has been made is a slight re-arrange merit of the time schedule, but the stages are still running and me car rying passengers and express. The Wcuandy line is a Bend institution aud should by all means have the patronage of Bend people If you desire a clear complexion take I'olcy'i Orlno Laxative for constipation aud liver trouble a it will stimulate thee organs ami thoroughly cleanse your system, which is what everyone needs in the spring iu order to feel well. Bend Drug Co. For Sale. Good strong 3-incu wapon. 5tf Wm. Aknoi.1). . .1 I. . Household Hoods For Sale. I have a cook stove and a few miscellaneous household goods for sale. Wm T. Sthpiikns. Strayed. Prom our place May 1, a bay mare branded 13 on left shoulder. Anyone seeing same notify O1.GA IlASSiti.intKO, Luidlaw, Or. Tor Sale. Pigs nnd shunts. Tour miles north of Tumnlo P. O. Call or write P. W. I.kvkkhnz, io-t t Turualo. For Sale. Good team, harness and hnck for sale. Also neuter and cook stove- and numerous household articles. Also good saddle and bridU. Call r,t this office. 7U Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Christian .Mueller Land aud Tim ber Company has leased nil' of its lauds iu Crook County to P. A. Young. All persons nre hereby warned not to trespass upon sail1 lauds or any of them. ClIKISTIAN.MuKU.KK LAND and Timiikr Company. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the host that the town affords. Neat nnd Comfortable Rooms. Ukno, Okkgon The First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON Or. U, O. OOe Prtild.nt E. A. BATHER, Vic Prttldtnl O. 8. HU00ON. Caihl.r OinlOf full? paid Otockholii.fV llablMr 36.000 38.000 Why You Should Carry a Bonk Account with this bank. A lnk account will place your money beyond the reach of thieves ami murderers, who might destroy your life and property to obtain your cash if kept at home. i If you ever want to borrow money the Bank thinks more of your proposition if you have been depositing with it regularly. ",A Bank Account will give you a standing among those with whom you do business. i Paying by check gives you a receipt and thereby avoids, disputes; you always have the right change at the right time. Thii Bank will keep your books and keep them right. "Illy carrying an account with this Bank you are at all times free to consult ns as to your business matters, and we can help ou iu many ways. III, fi.rwlnrf ... Ai..tl1, wilt, vniir IlflXfT 11A?CIf YAH ntlt , wrj .M.-..fp wv.m. n...a j w . a. w .-..'-. . your money in circulation among your menus ana neigu your Lors, and thereby help build up this town and country;' "Don't wait to accumulate any certain sum before starting an Account; it's easier to add to your bank balance than it Is to fill the hole in your pocket. "One Dollar starts an account. Do it today. DIRECTORS: 15. A. SATJIKK C. S. HUDSON P. SMITH H. C. KM.IS U. C. COK UNWELCOME VISITORS OMB VISITORS are always welcome; others arc always a pest. The pest kind arc beginnim: to make their I nntiraranre. Ttirrr Is one wav In gifard against them. i. c , by purchasing a lull set ol CAI.im l'.l.l. b Screen Doors and Windows Reasonable Prices. Use Masury's Paints and Oils None so good. Alfalfa, Timothy, and a small amount of Clover Seed. Doors and Windows. Lime and Cement. S. C. CALDWELL. The ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point in Central Oregon. Stages counect at Redmond with Sisters line. For further information call on or address H. H. COE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHAN1KO LIVERY & STAGE CO., I3END. OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture. Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT . BGND, ORIiUON Seed Oats for- Sale. We are selling our oats at 75c a bushel. Owing to the backward season last year, seeding having been postponed to the middle of June, our oats are not as good as a year ago, aud will need cleaning. Parlies purchasiuw seed will be ul lowed to use our cleaning mill free. Sacks not furnished. Patties may phone from Bend, Redmond or I.aidlaw or address Shkkwood Bkos., Redmond, Or. Reliable Seeds So much his already been said on the importance of buying your seeds front a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of words. Seeds have- proved their worth our increas ing business is proof indeed that merit alone has nude the Chas, II. Lilly Co. fore most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send for catalog, 120 SV naa- itlmt. VVtratcd, de- -. . lailassssssssssssssssssssss irri IVa BKALfill iBssssssssssssslsssssssssssssssssssssssssssBBW ' firoBjim N : i r! V Wi