iy I Too Busy Remodeling, Enlarging and Improving TiTe Big Store On The Corner ( To Write an "ad." Watch for Something Special next week I A. M. Lara 5 ) ) so 3 I . , Notice. Notice li hereby given tlit I have bought ull the stock unit in tcrcsls of the former stockholders in the Rosland Lumber Company. I nlll puy ull hills against suid com .iiiy will collect ull accounts due It. 1 wish to my tliut I will continue the business ut the old Maud, anil keep on huud u complete stock of lumber, shingles, mouldings, etc. 1 alio wish to say thnt any ojders sent to tnc will be fully appreciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. Respectfully, Tun Roi.ani LVJIIIItK Co., Ily J, N. Master., 69 President und Manager. I'ur Sate Good strong jiiicli wayon. itf Wm. Ahnoi.k. I 'or Sale. One second-hand reclining go cut. Address Ilox 7H, llcnd, 6f I 'or Sate. Hither Ho or .o acres of ditch laud near llcnd. Reasonable if taken noon. Adjoining Ihl laud it n 160 acre tract which muy be tak en 11 h u homestead. Cull at The llullctln office. LOCAL BITS. Get your spring suits from H. A. .Smith. Joe Taggart is driving stage now lcwcen Roiland and Silver Lake. Two good I('k'"B rooms for rent. Inquire of Mrs. O. II. F.rick son. Mrs, C. L. Kuton will leave soon for a visit at her former home at I'cudlctou. A. A. Aldrtdge and Armand Shearer left Sunday morning for a Iwar hunt up the river. Arthur Hly offered final five-year lroof on his homcHtead before Com iniMloucr Kilts yistcrday. Strayed Gray gelding, weight alout 900; branded J II. Return to Baldwin much and receive f to Ranging near Powell Duties. Mrs. Carl Chapman, who has Iwcu vttttltiis with Mrs. C. L. Katou for the past few weeks, left today for her home in Idaho. Lumber! Lumber! FOR tho next 60 days we will make a special Cash Prico of $35.00 per thousand on all kinds of first class dressed lumber, delivered at Bend or vicinity, on orders amounting to 2,000 feet or over. Will also deliver best quality heart shingles at $4.00 per M. If shin gles are ordered alono order must amount to 20,000 or over. 1?. ROSLAND LUMBER CO. W E AVJ N G. I nut now prruirrd to iln all kind of Carct, Kiitf, Curtain, Couch and Tattle Cover, Hummock, Slilrl and hli.iwl, Scarf ml Muffler, lllaukct, Kcrxcy l)rc C.ckmW, t'nlon Clolli, I, Iiicii TowrlhiK nnil other Weaving oil slmrt notice. Can urate anv wlillli from one foot to nix feet wide. I have the lotett nmke of the Ccli'lirutcil Nrrniiih I'oiir llnrncM Loom, with which otcr kiuiU of weave ran he made. Will fnrnUh warp or not, ni rii.tomcr deslrea. Your Mlronage rerrtfnll) sullcitrd. Cull on or i lie Mrs. W. W. ORCUTT P. O. Box 74 Bend, Oregon. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS, Reliable Representatives Wanted. The Jackson Loan ($ Trust Co. FORT WORTH, Texas, or JACKSON, Mississippi. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tntilo always suppllud with tha bust that tho town affords. Neat mid Coruforttihlc Nonius. llitND, OiutaoN Hot water always can be had for bathing nt the Pilot Butte Hotel. Clint Icn Stauburrough returned from Portland Sunday afternoon, where he had been called recently by the sudden death of bin mother, J. W, Overton and family have decided to leave Bend and locate in the Valley. They will leave In a short time nud locale near Kugcric MrH, Carl Chapman was in Uend yesterday to offer cotniuutatiou proof, lcforc Commlsiloucr Kills, on her homcsleud which Ilea in the old river bed section, The new pump "ordered by the Uend Water, Light & Power Com puny lias arrived and will be in stalled at once. It ban a capacity of 9,600 gallons an hour. The Pilot Iluttc Livery & Feed Ham will be run in connection with the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Huy and grain for sale. itf Frank May of Bend has sold bis quarter section of land in the Methodist Hill district to Paul Hates of Portland. This was originally the Wm. Corner home stead. Madras Pioneer. A large drove of cattle belonging to J. I. Ryan wcm driven through llcnd Friday evening on their way to the summer range at TheTules, having been fed during the winter at a Crooked river ranch. Rev. Father Hickey will arrive in llcnd next Saturday evening, and will hold Mas in the Catholic church next Sunday. He will re main until Tuesday morning when he will leave for Redmond. I am now agent for the DcLaval cream separator, and have one of these machines In stock. Step in anil examine it. They arc a great convenience and money xavcr for the dairyman. K.A. Satiikk. 3itl Remember the baud concert Fri day evening. The boys arc im proving rapidly under Prof. Throne's instructions and their concerts arc certainly n treat. There should tie more people out to hear these concerts. The little two-months-old son ol Mr. and Mrs. John Purccll was buried last Thursday morning in the llcnd cemetery. Mr.and Mrs. Purccll live on ditch land cast of town just at the forks of the Bcud.Priucvilte and Redmond road. The Bulletin was iu error last week when it announced that J. B. Hcyburn was one of the ranchers who were planning to build a canal to divert water from Fall river. Mr. Heyburu writes that he has no connection with the undertak ing I.. H. Mctkc has received word from Stale Engineer Lewis that is quite favorable to the proj ect of diverting water from Fall river, as reported in last week's Bulletin. Mr. Lewis said there would be no reason to object to the plan as outlined by' the home steaders who have undertaken the project. J, I). Baumgartncr of Olncy, Or., and J. Johnson of Astoria, Or.. were in Bend yesterday on their way to the Christmas Lake coun try, where they own land, Mr. Buumgattuer also owning ditch laud near Bend. Mr. Baumgart- tier was formerly n neighbor of the Wormstafl's, who live east of town, and Neul Tuesday as their guest. Judge Kilts returned the first of the week from attendance at n session of the county court at Print- ville, Nothing was done by the court aside Irom a few routine mat ters. The county officers were so Many weak, nervous women have been restored to health by I'oley'a Kidney Remedy as It stimulates the kidneys kor thry will eliminate the watte matter from the blood. Impurities denre&a the nerves. causiiiK uervotu exhaustion and other ailments. Commence today and von will soon tie urll. Pleasant to take. Uend Drug Co. busy with the circuit court, that it was very difficult for the commis sioners to transact any county busi ness, so they adjourned to meet the I7lh. Those baths nt the Pilot Butte Hotel arc something fine two large tubs. ttf Lnst Friday young Geo. Woods, while Mealing n ride on nu auto mobile, had the finger nails torn from the first two fingers on his right huiid. He was holding on to one of the springs, and as the auto ran over a bump the spring came together, smashing the tip ends of George's finders and tearing off the nai,ls. It made quite a painful wound. A number of Bend ladies joined in a very pleasant "surprise" on Miss Anna Johnson last Wednes day afternoon at Miss Johnson's borne. The surprise was in the nature of a farewell party as Miss Johnson plans to leave soon for an extended visit in the East. Each lady brought as a gift some article that would be of use to Miss John son on her journey. During the afternoon refreshments were served, and a most delightful time had by those present. For Sale. Good team, harness and hack for sale. Collet this office. 7tf For Sale. M-disc McSherry seeder, grass seed attachment. Price, $50.00, 9-1 1 C. W. At.utN, Laidlaw. For Sale. Six-gallon barrel churn, good as new. Address Box 10, Bend, or call at Bulletin office. 7-8 Household Furniture For Sale. Cook stove, bedstead and spring, dresser, sewing machine, kitchen cabinet, etc. Also n few chickens. Inquiie at Bulletin office. Strayed. From our place May 1, a bay marc branded 12 on left shoulder. Anyone seeing same notify Ouoa HasskmiKkc I,uidlav, Or. Wanted. Bids for the construction of the north lateral of the Arnold canal, from station 323 to the Central Ore-' gou canal crossing. Bids to be in by May 13. 1909. L. I). Wihst, Secretary, North Irrigation Co. When You Paint buildings, inside or out side, if you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use The Sherwin-Williams Paint Call for color cards E. A. SATHER Full Line of (lroccrlcs, Dry Uoods nnd Hardware always on Hand. Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on tho importance of luiyinc your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of words. fiUK Seeds have proved their worth our incrcas- busmess is proof indeed that merit alone has made the Chas. H. Lilly Co. fore most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send for catalog, 120 ;, illus- ftttSlsJ J R rJlilfca,C(1iac 1 r r n 1 A K.aaaMaBBBaaiaaaaaaaBBw s e r 1 p- lebi sWive IJJnt aSaaMTtrTXTCaaW PS fcA' TiTe First National Bank OF BEND The Financial Hub of the Community. Y OUR IIOMIJ BANK is the hub to which U attached the various spokes of the whole busiucss community. Closely and securely connected, the different interests of the com munity work well together. The Bank is dependent upon the peo ple; tts success is due to the success of the people. The customers of this Bank are more gener ally successful than people who have no Bank connec tions whatever. The people arc dependent upon the Bank; they receive benefits made possible only by the existence of the Bank. The people can better afford to be con nected with a strong, safe and successful Bank the spirit of the enterprise is contagious. Men come to our Bank to borrow, to leave money and papers for safe keeping and for active use; when tbey wish to send away money and for a hun dred and one various and important reasons. This Bank strives to give each customer a per sonal service that will suit his individual business interests. We appreciate the business our customers give us and aim to make every transaction satisfactory. MOXF.Y TO LOAN ON APPROVED SECURITY DIRECTORS: V. C COK K. A. SATJIKK C. S. I'. I'. SMITH It. C. r.LUS HUDSON Unwelcome Visitors OM I'. VISITORS are always welcome; otliera are always a pest. The pest kind are beginning, to make their appearance There Is one way to guard against them, i. c , by purchasing a lull set of CAl.mVHI.I.'S Screen Doors and Windows Reasonable Prices. Use Masury's Paints and Oils None so good. Alfalfa, Timothy, and a small amount of Clover Seed. Doors and Windows. Lime and Cement, S. C. CALDWELL. The ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point in Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further information call on or address H. H. COE, local agent, Shauiko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY &. STAGE CO., BEND. OREGON SI'F.CIAL ATTENTION TO KXPRFSS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat nnd Serviceable Furniture... Call on AULLARD TRIPLETT MEND, OKIXION Seed Oals for Sale. We are selling our oats at 75c a bushel. Owing to the backward season last year, seediug having been postponed to the middle ol June, our oats are not ns good as a year ago, and will need cleaning Parties purchasing seed will be al lowed to use our clcauing mill free. Sacks not furnished. Parties may phone from Bend, Redmond or Laidlaw or address Sinwwoon Bros . Redaioud, Or. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ijjrjajra Trade Marks DraiaNS Copyrights Ac Anron. n1lnt kteh mm! dMcrlptlon nT qulcklr McrUIn our oHnlon ft. n.in.r a ti.ilAn I. nmhihlv hat .lit &bl& CoillIUUnlca Until ttlcliroonal.iiilaL tUNOSOW oar.trsti .An li.. 11I1.A.1 .... fft .Artirtn. rAt.niB. l-.t.nt. Ut.n tbtouih Uunn Jk Co. rclf (ivrlal KOtUt, without cbr. In to Scientific JHnerknti A hnlrtn!T lltmtrmlu! w.lr. Ureail rlr, uF.tlou Jr ni .cl.ntlflo tourul, T.ttin, II a T-ri fonrnionlhi.lt. 8otJbjll rt.llrj. MUNN Cox"-- If iw York " " ' UJ-'I '' """"T ''! ww-w-wwwsr; miiuiiniLi.n".iiiiu,i)WfWi"Hiwii