W ( ( ( ( ( ( yt ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( c ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( v ( ( HATS ilh a Pedigree Willi a Guarantee THE hat V5U'iiiiiiiui -Wklliw .a7 m viVth U ill IhI -J MVeLKSr Is the ONLY HAT SOLD in BEND that is ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED TO GIVE YOU perfect SATISFACTION And they nrc sold nt the uniform price of $3.50 each. My entire lino of new Spring Shapes and Colors will lie on sale THURSDAY, MAY 6TH Also a Complete Line ol Caps and Straw Hats FOR TUP LITTLE FOLKS. THE BIG STORE ON THE CORNER jf it ! Lfx Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have bought all the stock mid in Uresis or the former stockholders in the Uoiland Lumber Company. I will pay nil bill against said com pany and collect all nccouutsduc it. I wish to say that t will continue the business at the old Maud, and keep on hand n complete stock of lumber, shingles, mouldings, etc. I also wish to say that any orders sent to me will be fully appreciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. Respectfully, Tint Ko.sr.ANi I.umiwk Co., Jly J. N. Mastcu, 69 President nnd Mutineer. 1 i " Tor Salo Good strong 3-inch waron. 5lf Wm. Axnomi. Tor Sale. One sccond-huiid reclining go cart. Addtcss llox 78, lleiul. 6tf LOCAL BITS. Get your spring suits from E. A. Smith. Good team, harness and hack for sale. Cnll fit this office. 7tf Henry Linstcr has his plauiug mill about ready to run. Hot water always can be hnd for bathing at the Pilot Butte Hotel. The Mtacs Lizzie and Sarah Wor install" urc on the sick list this week. Rev. Mitchell will preach morn ing and evening on next Subbath, the oth, E. F. Roberts of Silver Lake was transacting business in Bend last Monday. The Whatsoever cleared about MONEY LOANED 1 ON REAL ESTATE. LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS, Reliable Representatives Wanted. Th. Jackson Loan (& Trust Co. FORT WORTH, Texas, or JACKSON, Mississippi. WHEN IN UENU STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with tlio best that tho town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms, Bknd, Okhoon 36 at their ice cream social SalUr day evening. Those baths at the Pilot Dutte Hotel are something fine two large tubs. itf i' A. M, Lnra has rented the W. K. G Her in, Jr., residence and will begin moving In soon. Two good lodging rooms for rent. Inquire of Mrs. 0. H. Eriek sou. Attorney C. S. Benson was at tending court at I'rlueville the first of the week, Mr, and Mrs, A. A. Aldridgc have moved into the John Siscuiore cottage on Oregon street. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. McKay, at Wciscr, Idaho, on May I, a ninepound daughter. The new postoffice at Powell Iiultcs is now ojicn and is receiving its daily consignment of mail, Job Dogue, the Roslaud mer chant of the firm of Bogue & Co,, was u business caller lu Bend yes terday. The band boys are planning to put on a "uiitgcr minstrel" in the not diitunt future. They say its 11 hummer. Miss Maude Vundcvcrt has been suflcring, during the week, with blood poisoning in one of her fin iters, but is better at this writing. II. E. Turpin and family of Madras were in Bend during the week. Mr. Turpin was investigat ing a possible business venture here. Albert Wormstaff and family, from near Astoria, arrived in Rend Saturday evening oud will take up residence on ditch land cast of town. A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Findley last Thursday morning. Mother and babe arc doing well, and Charley wears the smile that won't come ofT. W. C. Vrcldl of Antelope is visit ing in Dcud with his sister, Mrs Daisy Brown. He reports that most of the sheepmen in that sec tion have finished lambing and will soon begin shearing. Philip C. Burt and wife of Battle Creek, Mich., have been spending the past week in Bend. Mr. Burt is looking over this section with a view of investing in laud. The red warehouse which has stood in the rear of the Triplett furniture store for the past year or two, is being moved this week to near the D. I. & P. Co. office, the building belonging to the company. If you desire a clear complexion take l'oley'i Orlno laxative (or constlpatloii ami fiver trouble a it will stimulate these organs and thoroughly cleanse your system, which Is what everyone needs In the spring lu order to feet well. Ilcnd Drug Co. The Pilot Butte Livery fie Feed Barn witl be run in connection with the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Iluy and grain for sale. itf I am now agent for the DeLaval cream separator, and have one of these machines iu stock. Step in nnd examine it. They are a great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. K.A. Sathkh. aitf Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hightowcr left Tuesday morning for Centralis, Wash., where they will remain a few weeks. Mr, Hightowcr has disposed of his interests in the saw mill at Kosland, and leaves to look up a new location. . The Spoo-Dayton sawmill west of Laldlavr has begun sawing and will soon be ready to supply cus tomers with all kinds of rough anr finished lumber. The mill occu pies an udvantageous location, and will do a good business. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kulp have moved to Bend from Madras. Mr. Kulp has rented the Estebcnct building and will put in a stock of cigars, fruit, candies, etc. He will remove the bar, paint the building inside and out, aud make other im provements. Hereafter the band will give its regular weekly concerts on Friday evening instead of Sunday after noon. The change will begin this week and a concert 'will be given this Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Everybody invited to conic out and enjoy the music. Last Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William Orcutt entertained, at their home in Lytic, those who took part in the play, '.'Carl John son, Woodman." Refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served and a very pleasant evening was passed by those pres Cut. K you want to feel well, look well ami be well, take I'oler'a Kiilnev Ktmnlv It tones up the kldii-ys and bladder, purifies the blood ami restores health and strength. Pleasant to take and eon tains no harmful drugs. Why not com mence uxiayr iienn Drug to. Por Sale. Six-gallon barrel chum, good as new. Address Box 30, Bend, or call at Bulletin office. 7 8 Improved Farms For Sale I have a large number of improved farms for sale in large and small tracts, near school houses, fincroads, and.sh.ort distance from market. Prices ranging from $15 to $jo per acre. For further information pall on or write to RICHARD KING. Bend, Oregon. i Lumber! Lumber! FOR the next 60 slays we will make a special Ch Price of $35.00 per thousand on all kind of first class eVessetl lumber, delivered at Bend or vicinity, on orders amounting .to 2,000 feet or over. Will also deliver imt quality heart shingles at $4.00 per N. If shin gles are ordered alone order must amount to 20,000 or over. IF. R.OSLAND LUMBER CO. W E AH N G. I nut now prepared to do all kinds of Carpet, Rug, Curtain, Couch and Table Cover, Hammock, Shirt and Shawl, Scarf ami Muffler, Illauket, Kersey Dress Goods, Union Cloth. I.iuen Toweling aud other Weaving on short notice. Can weave uuv width from one loot to six feet wide. I hayc the latest make of the Celebrated Newcomh l'our Harness Loom, with which over 200 kinds of wcivvo ran lc made. Will furnish wArp or not, as customer desires. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Cat! on or write Mrs. W. W. ORCUTT P. O. Box 74 Scud, Oregon. The First National Bank Or BEND The Financial Hub of the Community. Y OUR HOME BANK is the hub to which is attached the various spokes of the whole business community. Closely nnd securely connected, the different interests of the com' munity work well together. The Bank is dependent upon the peo ple; its success is due to the success of the people. The customers of this Bank are more gener ally successful than people who have no Bank connec tions whatever. The people are dependent upon the Bank; they receive benefits made possible only by the existence of the Bank. The people can better afford to be con nected with a strong, safe and successful Bankthe spirit of the enterprise is contagious. Men come to our Bank to borrow, to leave money aud papers for safe keeping and for active use; when they wish to send away money and for a hun dred and one various and important reasons. This Bank strives to give each customer a per sonal service that will suit his individual business interests. We appreciate the business our customers give us and aim to make every transaction satisfactory. MONKY TO LOAN ON APPROVED SECURITY V. DIRECTORS: C COK K. A. SATHKK C. S. HUDSON i'. p. smith 11. c rn.ua Seeds That Grow! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT'S WHAT I' VI GOT. THEREFORE. BUY OF ME. A LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND OP GOOD CLEAN Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy Seed.' ALSO A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS. Something to Make the Hens Lay. That would mean money in our pocket. Mr I'otittryman, at the prevailing price of eggs in this section. FKIISII GHOUNI) GRHHN HONK ANb SHfiLI. will inert! the number of eegs you "harvest" daily. I have the ground bone ami ahcll fur sale. S. C. CALDWELL. The ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point in Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further information call on or address H. H. COE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAGE CO., DCND, OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture,. Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT HEND, OREOON Seed Oatsjor Sale. We are selling our oats at 75c a bushel. Owiug to the backward season last year, seeding having been postponed to the middle of June, our pats are not as good as a year ago, and will need cleaning. Parties purchasing seed will be ol lovved'to use our cleauiug mill free. Sacks not furnished. Patties may piione tront uend, Redmond or Laidlaw or address Shkkwood Bros., Redmoud, Or. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjjjrra TRaoc Mn Covnwwa Ac Anton Mndlof a t.th anJ "'?'! aolcklf acfai pur opntou ?. tlhu limit MrMllramMsiitul. M&mjJilmll Faiault UStn lbroo, Miwin 4 to. rl tptrloi iMXUt, without oInwm, lo tb ftsttttific nrnm. cuUtton Jf n ,cintlo kvuruji. Tni. M a TOeJsatftBli! Is. 97 M m kw P ife ll J EEL? MtTmmmmimmyrvl0MjmMmmmmilmmN0tt)HUiK&g9B&! mmmmmmmmmmm