The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 05, 1909, Image 1

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    ( A Million Dollars, More or Less, is a Poor Excuse for Not Building A Railroad to Central Oregon. Will tbe Harnman People Keep TbeSr ThHcc-Ma4 Promlte?
lug fur Bend mill the
llcnil country, It ask nnil
ctcct Imt one return your
patrmmgr. Do we gel it
you know outMde people
examine The Bulletin to tee
what businesses are located
In Bend? How atom your ad?
NO. 8
Homesteaders Want lo Divert
Water Prom Pall River.
Made Application to tho Slate Board
of Control to lie Allowed to line
Water Temporarily Agree to
Ilultd Reservoir Later.
A number of homestcmlcrs on the
upper river linve taken steps to be
Kin the construction of an irriga
tion system with which to water
their lauds. Among tlicin 01c K,
L. DcCourcy, L. II. Mctkc, M.. J
Mnyue, J. P.. Sawhlll, J. 11. Hey.
burn, and several others who have
filed on homestead in the neigh
trarhood of the W. I'. Vamlcvcrt
ranch during the pint year. The
laud that can be watered by the
protmscd system comprise. about
8,000 acre.
There i.t an interesting point re.
garding water rights involved in
tlili undertaking. The men who
arc interested in the project are
aware that all the water of the Dei
chute river ban been filed upon by
other irrigation companies. How.
ever, they have made application to
the Mate Hoard of Control to grant
them a itcrmlt to divert and use
water from I'all river, one of the
tributaries of the Deschutes. They
ask for this permit on the grounds
tlint these other irrigation compan
ies will not need the entire available
summer How of the river for several
years. In the meantime they can
be using the water, can gel their
land under cultivation and bring
iug in money, and finally when
there is a demand for alt the water,
they agree to go to a higher point
on I'all river and build a storage
reservoir to impound, from the
winter flow, nil the water needed
for their lands. In this manner,
they would not interfere with the
companies wiio have prior rights.
They have placet! the matter bcfoie
the n.yd of Control, and expect
an anAcr In a few daytt.
It ti itatcd that in Wyoming per
inishioi I Is grunted to ue water
temporarily under the same plan
rind conditions as arc involved in
the loenvjeusc. And It would scent
that such action it just, inasmuch
as it interferes with 110 person's
pi lor rights.
The preliminary survey for the
proponed canal has been made b)
I,. D. Wiest. It leaves Fall river
about two miles southwest of the
George Dates place and rutin almost
due cast.
WIH Uo Held at Laldlaw on Sunday,
May 23.
The Ilcud'I.uidhtw district is
making arrangement for its an
mini Sunday school convention,
which will be held at I.aidlaw on
May 33. Following is the pro
gram that will be given:'
io:no Owning Song
i.amiftw nuunuy acuooi
Prayer by Uev. Lilly
Male Quartet Olst
Through Grace."
10: 1 j Should Only Professing Chris
tiaus las Teacher Earlc Benton
10:311 Discussion
10:45 The Part Played by the Sun
day School in the Conversion
nf Souls . . Mr. Nlswongcr
Ii:on Discussion
Pud Head
11:70 Excuse Ward lfarrader
II:, 5 Discussion
11,50 Clmlng Song
Adjourn to Basket Dinner In Kuther
ford Hall.
iioo Mixed Uunrtetle (selected) Cllst
I'rayer by Uev. Lowthcr
Solo (selected) I.. S. Klckard
:I5 Interesting Children In Sunday
School . Mr. E. II fames
j-jo Discussion by I'rltnsry Teach
ers (1'reachcrs silent)
345 Interesting lloy from 14 to 18
In Sunday School Mrs. l'ulllstn
3:00 Discussion
3:15 Quirtct (selrctrdi Hrduiond
t' to Krlsilou of the I'astor to the
Sunday School I. II. Hhlpp
3:55 Solo (selected) Miss Wits!
4:00 Question Box
Closing Song by the Congrega
tion "Dlcst lie tbe Tie that Binds"
Song (selected) Itrdinond
Prayer by Kev. J. Anthony Mitchell
Solo (selected) US. Klckard
Address Kev, J. D. I,ewellen
Apportionment of School Fund.
County Superintendent Ford l)as
made the apportionment of school
fundi among the various districts
of the county, the total sum
amounting to $16,684 32. Among
these the following will interest
Bulletin readers:
I'rlnetllle , f',ni M
Powell Unties 157 3ft
Sitters 335 01
Bend 1,571)
Madrss , i,o.S 16
Trail Crusting 130 04
KimUud , 311 hH
Clttvcrdale.. 171 hi
Cllne I'alls 180 56
UldUw 435 oft
Shrphnrd 740 ofl
Kcdmuud 4 Hi
I'lalnvlcw (Gist) 157 30
nyiey. "M 7
forked Hurn 334 30
North Powell llutlrs... 95 3H
Tcthrrow Butte.,., , 135 (14
Oueriti , ,, 03 3H
Keyiiolds,,,,, 169 68
rirst National Makes Good Show Inc.
Klscwhcrc in this issue The llul
letiu publishes the first statement
submitted to the U. S. treasury de
triment by The First National
Hank of Itcnd- The statement
shows a pleasing increase in de
posits, which now exceed f 53,00a
Of this amount over 40,000 is kept
as cash on hand, or 75 per cent of
the deposits. That gives a strong
cash reserve ami indicates conserva
tive banking. The statement
should be read by everybody, as it
shows n healthy state of affairs in
the local bank.
The bank has enjoyed n very
satisfactory business since it opent-cl
on March 30 last, and the deposits
have been gradually Incicaslng.
The directors believe the busi
ness will continue to grow and ore
laying plans for a growing and de
veloping business. The twllcy of
the bank is well stated in the .sen
tence, "Our stockholders and di
rectors arc all local, well known
business men, who desire lo main
tain a batik in Bend that will de
serve and receive the full patronage
of the town and community."
Tumalo Item.
Tuualo, May 3. Spring weather Is
with us again.
J, I). GIuwjii and wife were visiting at
Tutuato today,
Chas, Winter made 11 trip to Bend
with hay last SutunUv.
The SxM.Dytou mill whistle can I
heard now-day.
CUrcuce Branton of the lower desert
was n business visitor Saturday.
J. B. Winter was hunting horse In the
Cloverdale country lust week,
Newt Cobb of Sister was in our neigh
borhood last week,
A number ol our neighbor are picnic
iug and fishing on the Deschutes today,
Everyone In this vicinity Is' busy Irri
listing and putting In spring grain,
Charles Thorn thwaltc and Ellis Edger-
ton kit last week for Columbia river
points. Chsrle goes to Portland and
Kills to Hood Klver.
We arc glad to state that Mrs. G.
Winter I recovering after a lego of
pneumonia nnil grippe,
A, C. Lucas of Bend and two other
gentlemen were through here last Fri
day looking over the country,
JMMy'v -it? . -JBaftA -Jt iffy UMBr r - -t.,- w r v ,nsi ' "riHraU ?
Tower and Baldwin, Held on Charge
of Stock Ruslllne, Are Discharged.
Estebcnet Make Motion for
Kehearlnjj In foreclosure.
District court is In session at
I'rincville this week. Action on
local cases of interest is as follows,
as reported to The Ilullctln by
phone last evening.
In the case of the Central Oregon
Hanking & Trust Co. vs. A. IL
Kstcbcnct ct al., in the foreclosure
and sale of the Kstcbcnct building
occubicd by the billiard hall, the
defendant made a motion for a new
trial. Judge Hrudshaw had the
matter uuder ndvlscmeut.
The Chas. Findley caw was be
ing heard, but no final action had
been taken. Findley had been
bound over to the grand jurv, due
to trouble with the Slys at Rostand.
Tower and Baldwin, bound over
on a charge of stealing hordes in
the old river bed section, were dis
charged. It is understood this
trouble was settled out of court. A
party, representing Tower's father,
appeared at I'rincville and attempt
cd to settle the trouble, promising
that young Tower would return to
his father in Washington if the
officers would dismiss the case.
The application of A. M. Drake
for a receiver for the C. O. D. Co.,
argued at The Dalies, wa.o denied.
In the cases of A. M. Drake vs.
the D. I. & F. Co., the defendant
entered a demurrer to the complaiut,
which will be argued later.
The I). I. & P. Co. won out in
its suit to enjoin the county from
collecting taxes on the company's
system of cunali, laterals, etc. De
cree has been entered enjoining the
county from collecting same.
A flood Laugh on the lixperts.
Tom Laugdon has received a let
ter from n friend of his, II. II.
Hdgcitou, Jr., telling of a joke
l'dgerton played on a number of
miners, cxerts and geologists. He
dot some rock candy made in imi
tation of washed gravel, of all sires,
shapes nud colors, The imitation
was bo good it could not be detect
cd without a chemical analysis, tin
less ofcourse one tasted them. He
Many weak!, nervous women have been
restored lo health by I'oley' -Kidney
Kcmrdy n it stimulate the kidneys so
they will eliminate the waste matter from
the blood. Impurities depress the nerve,
causing nervouit exhaustion and other,
ailments Commence today and you
will soon Iks well. Pleasant to take.-'
Bend Drug Co.
bored small holes in some of the
pieces and Gllcd in fine gold, and
then closed the holes up again.
With these imitation stones he savs
that "I fooled the best mining ex
perts in the country." He enclosed
a column and a half clipping from
a Bishop, Calif., paper which tells
of the joke and says, "The enclosed
clipping only half way tells the fun
I had." One expert, applying his
usual test of pan and water, de
clared the vein would go 5200 to
the ton a low grade for rock can
dy, and another gave the samples
the file test. Into his furnace they
went, and the result $812.34, and
a trace of silver. There is no doubt
that, for a brief hour or two, Kdgcr
ton had the time ol his life.
A Dangerous Practice.
Some person or persons did a
most unwise thing Monday even
ing by leaving their hydrants open
and allowing the water to run all
night, whereby the tank was run
practically dry. The tank was full
Monday evening at about 5:30. If
a fire had broken out early Tues
day morning, the town would have
been without protection and a most
disastrous fire might have resulted.
The stealing of water in this man
ner should be condemned in most
vigorous terms, as it endangers the
whole town.
Will Raise Hogs.
J. II. Wcnandy and Frank Kulp
have leused land on the old Sise
more place and will engage in the
hog raising business. They al
reudy have 57 hog at Madras
which they will bring here, and in
tend to add 15 or 20 brood sows to
the drove. They will have clover
and alfalfa pasture for them, and
willYlutit carrots, rutabegas and
other root crops for feed in the fall.
They are certain to make u neat
sum out of the venture.
On Friduy, April 23, in Frine
ville, MihH Hlmn Denser of Grant
county wati united in marriage to
Mr. Sidney llyram, F.lder Bailey
officiating. Mr, Byram is one of
the Byram Bros , who own a tract
of ditch laud east of Bend, and is
an energetic youug farmer. The
Bulletin extends congratulations
and good wishes to the young
Hoarseness, bronchitis and other throat
troubles are quickly cured by I'oley'
Honey and Tar as it soothes and heals
the inflamed throat nud bronchial tubes
and the most obstinate cough disappears,
Insist upon having the genuine i'oley'
Honey ami Tar. Bend Drug Co,
For Sale.
A $yi'Ux, Studebakcr wagon, $75.
79 G. W. Allkn, Lnidlaw.
Stole Various Articles at PrtnavWe
and Made for the TaH Timber.
They Evidently Wanted (o
Enjoy Camping Trip.
Deputy Sheriff Millard Triplett
and Constable A. C Lucas received
word from Prineville Sunday to ar
rest three men who bad passed
through Bend, and who bad stolen
various miscellaneous goods at
Prineville. The two officers, ac
companied by Fred Hunnell, start
ed in pursuit of the men and over
took them about 15 miles south of
Bend on tbe west side of tbe river.
They made no trouble when
placed under urrest, were brought
to Bend and were taken to Prine
ville Monday.
The names of the culprits are
K. F. Garrouttc, L. R. Allen and
C J. Moratnb. Along with many
other articles, they had stolen three
casu of canned fruit, and bedding.
a sofa pillow, dish pan, etc. from
Mrs. Osborne of Prineville. One of
them hkd a rifle which had been
taken from the Poindexter hotel.
Their object was evidently to se
cure a camping outfit, and their
thefts consisted in tbe main of pet
ty articles.
Their case will undoubtedly com
up at the present term of court and
they will likely get a term in the
Boost a HH.
Here! you discontented knocker,
Growlin' 'bout your country's ills;
Chloroform ycr dismal talker;
Take a course of liver pills.
Stop ycr durn ki-o-tee howliu',
Chaw some sand an' git Rome grit;
Don't sit in the dump a-growlin',
Jump the roost
An' boost
A bit!
Fall in while the baud's a play in',
Ketch the step an' march olongr
'Stead o' pessimistic brayin'
Jine the hallclnyah song!
Drop yer hammer do some rootin
Grab a horn, you cuss, and split
Every echo with ycr tootin"
Jump the roost
Uncle Josh.
None So Good as OregoH,
John J. Coen writes to have his
Bulletin sent to Fruita, Colo., and
adds: "Wc can not get alongwith
out our Crook county papers. " We
have been around a lot since leav
ing Oregon, but have found noth
ing to equal it. As soon as the
railroad gets in there we expect to
return. As for health, Crook conn
ty is iu the lead." '
Drilling on Oil Prospect Will
Again Be Taken Up.
PrmevWe Feeder Setta Tea Car Load
at a Handsome Price TraveJtog
Pattcnger Ageot of O. R. & N.
Ce. VMu Creek Cowrty.
Frank Forrest, president of tbe
Madras Oil & Gas Conpasy, says
that the ceapany expects to res arc
drilliog oa the west slope of Grizzly
so8 time next week. Wood for
fuel is beine hauled bow, and ev- '
crytbing will be ia readiness ia a
few days to resume work.
Drilling on tbe oil well was sus
pended several months ago on ac
count oftheillaessof thecoaapany's
expert driller, E. L. Bloow&eld,
who had charge of tbe work. Tbe
well has reached a depth of about
300 feet. Members ol the coaspaay
say that their Machinery has a ca
pacity of 3,000 feet in depth, and
that they will sink the well to that
level if they do not find oil earlier.
Oeed Money la Beef Cattle.
II. S. Cram returned frora Shaa
iko and Portland tbe first of tbe
week where be has just completed
the delivery of bis beef.. Mr. Crara
sold nine cars of prime beef at $5. 25
in Shaaiko and shipped the remain
ing car to Portland. Mr. Cram
says that his feeding venture was
very successful Irom a financial
standpoint this year, aad tbat he
and Bidwell Cram have bought 700
head of three aad four year ok!
steers for next winter feediag of
Huttoas, at Wagoatire mountaia.
PaaeeMfer Agent VMta Creek County.
Mr. and Mri. P. D. McCully of
Joseph aad J. H. O'Neil, traveling
passepger agcat of the Harriaum
lines, were ia Madras last Friday
oa their way to the railroad. Mr.
O'Neil, who catae direct front Port
land, says preparations are Koiag
ahead rapidly ia the Harrimaa
offices on the plans for the coestrac
lion of the Deschutes railroad, aad
be made the predict 10a that actual
construction work would begin in
10 days. Mr. O'Neil's visit to this
section was not official, although
he was making some inquiries as to
the passenger traffic which could be
expected whea the Deschutes road
is built. Pioneer.
Wants to Patch Up TrewWe.
H. U. Snook arrived f row Seattle
Tuesday for the purpose of adjust
ing if possible with tbe prosecuting
officers of this district, the case of
stock rustling, on which Roy Tow
ers is held to appear before the
grand jury at this term of court.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney W.
A. Bell has passed the natter up
for the consideration of District At
torney Witeoa. Wta. D. Johasea
is the private prosecutor in the case
and it may he possible that the case
will be dropped, Mr. Snook repre
seating that Tower will leave Crook
county aad return to his father in
Washington. Journal.
Shorter Hew of Interest.
Work will be commcaced soea
oa the Clear Lake (Jam of the
(Continued oa page 8,)
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