The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 28, 1909, Image 8

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lis !
Iist week The bulletin ndver
Used the taking up, bv Pound Mas
ter Lyncs, of a Hereford steer.
Later the owner, Wm. Millirou,
identified the nnitiinl, paid the
charges and took it away, the steer
having strayed 55 miles from home.
The ad. was read by Milliron's
nephew in Prinevillc, who notified
his uncle that n steer carrying bis
brand was advertised at Bend
Here is a simple and striking ex
ample of the value ofadvettising.
The Portland Journal of April
35 contains a picture of Marion
Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, formerly of
Bend. . Marion's picture is printed
in connection with the pictures ot
two other koscburg girls, the three
being the winners in a prixe essay
contest conducted in the Roscburg
schools under the auspices of the
Women's Christian Temperance
Union. The essays treat of the
scientific need of temberance. Miss
Marion won the second prize.
The Bulletin wishes to correct an
error in Us local columns last week
It stated that Conrad Winell of
Holdredge, Neb., had arrived to
take up residence on ditch land
east of town. It should have read
A. J. Falk instead of Mr. Winell.
Mr. Falk and a friend, Mr. How
kinson, both of Holdredge, have
taken up residence on 160-acrr
tracts near the Ten Bar ranch and
will improve their farms, making
proof after three months residence
They were in town Saturday and
Sunday and state they are very
well pleased with their land.
Arrangements arc being made to
hold Memorial services in Bend on
May 30. While the program has
not been worked out in detail, yet
it can be assured that a pleasing
program will be rendered in the
Bend church, probably beginning
at 2:30 p. m. Those behind the
affair extend a cordial invitation to
all the old soldiers in this section to
be present on this occasion, and the
invitation includes not only the old
soiaiers out everyone, this is
most commendable observance-
paying honor to the men who have
fought for and protected our coun
try, and there should be a large at
tendance. Further announcements
will be made in The Bulletin con
cerning the program from time to
The little black pony belonging
to E. A. Sather indulged in quite
an' exciting runaway Monday af
ternoon. Johnny Sather was de
livering some groceries to Mrs. E.
D. Wilson in the east part of town,
when he noticed that some part ol
the harness needed attention. He
tied the horse by the bridle and
was working over the harness when
the animal pulled back, breaking
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards
A Full Line ef arecerle, Dry
the bridle and pulliug it off. She
started for town on the dead ruu,
with little Marion aud Gladys
Sather, who had accompanied John
nj, in the rig. The little girls
hung on for dear life, but screamed
and cried at every jump the horse
gave. Pearl Lyres, who happened
to be near the Itarnlst church, saw
the danger the little girls were in
and ran out and attempted to stop
the runaway, being greatly handi
capped however by the absence of
the bridle. His object was to
crowd the pony over iuto the fence,
but he only succeeded iu turning
her down the alley by the John
Sicmorc cottage. Luckily Theo
dore Aunc saw the fracas and ran
into the alley in time to head her
off. It was a fortunate ending to
what might have been a disaster
ous runaway.
For Sale.
Pigs and shoats. Four miles
north of Tumalo P O. Call or
write. F. W. Lkvkkknz,
7-i4a-iQ'26ru Tumalo.
Reliable Seeds
So much has already been said on the
importance of buying your seeds Jrom
a reliable dealer that to repeat it if only
waste of words. BUS Seeds have
proved their worth our incrcas-
tne business is proof indeed that
merit alone has made the
Chas. H. Lilly Co. fore
most seedsmen on the
Pacific Coast. Send
for catalog, 120
Saw a.. ill. .a
f Jratcd, dc
iriot ARC.
aii.i m
The First Natioial Bank
Trtarary Dtpartmtnt. Offer of Comptroller ol
tht Currency, WaablDgtua, I). C. March 17.
Witkatua, By Htlafattory rrtdtace urtatnttd
to tht undrrmlcntd, it hat brm madt to appear
that "Tht Vint National lUnk ol Btnd," In tht
town of tltnd. la tut countr of Crook, and Malt
of rrxon, ha complied with all the prorUlon,
M mt Mainira of tnt unittq lle. rtqnirra lu
necompiirii who ociort an aociaiion anau ot
autnorutd to comment u ouuntaa 01 bans
Now TiuaaroiK I. Lawrence O. Murray
Comptroller c4 In Currency, do hereby ctrtlfy
that -Tht Klrat National Bank vfDtod' la the
town ol Brad, in the county of Crook, and Mate
of Ortfon, is aalhorlird to commtnc tht bu,i-
oral of banking aa proridrd In Btcikia Plftyoe
hundred and ai'lr-nlne of the Ktrlaed btalnlta
ol tht L'nlle-I Malta.
Im tutimonv WHtaaur, wllne-a my hand
andacalofuiOcelhlaarTtnlrrntb dayofilaich,
mrji-m , Comptroller of the Currrucy.
Derailment of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Iialle, Oregon,
March Jjlh. ivt-
Notice la hercbv girtn that Arthur C. Hly. of
Bend, Ortgoo. who, on April 1Mb, 1904, made
llomtatrad llntry IberUt No. ejii) No. 1111
for the S WW ec. 10. To. 18 .. it. n K.. W M.
haa filed Botloe of Intention to make final fire
rear otoof. toeatabliahdalm to the land above
deacrtbrd, before II. C Ktlia, United Statta Com
mualoatr. at hla oBSce at Bead, Oregou, on the
mnaay 01 May, lev;.
Claimant namra aa witnewea, Fred A. linn
haII Uuail aB U-,a Ala-ia V ahkAa aT m . - M
and LMhrop 11. McCaoo. all of Bndt Oregon.
United Stales Land Office.
Tbr Dalles, Oirgon, April I, I w.
Notice Is hereby girtn that I he Northern fa
cific Railway Company, wboae poat of&c ait
dress is St. Paul, Minnesota, has this nth day ol
Manb, 1909. filed In Ihia office ita application to
elect uoder tbe prorlaiona of tbt Act of Can
If tsa, approved July I, lM (JO Hut. yp. 69) as
extended by the Actol Cuugrrss, app'oved Mat
17, S, the NK K of HI5 K riectioa iH, Tp. JO U .
K. II K., W. M, ,
Any and all persons dslmlnr adversely Ihr
lands described, or dcairing to object because ol
the mineral character of I he land, or for any
other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should
rile their affidavits of protest in Ibis omce. on or
before the Mlb day of May, 1909.
a 14m i CW MOORK. KtgUter.
Department of Ihe Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at Tbs Dalles, Oregon,
April oth. !'.
Notice Is hereby given that Frederick A. Hun-
..ell. of Bend, Oregon, who, on April 16th 1004,
made Home-lead Entry (Serial No. 01141,) No.
ljyV. for NKaswv(, N M 8Ktf,61i K U
Section 4. Township i South, Haugsj liast.
Wiilainctle Meridian, has filed notice of Intro.
lion to make Final Five. Year Fruof. to establish
claim to the land above described, before II. C
Kills, Culled Btatrs Commissioner, at bis office
at Bend, Orrgon, on the JJth day ol Stay, io.
Claimant namea as witnesses, Arthur O, Ely,
Lavern o, Keed, Katph J!. Lewis and John
tstcldl, all of betid, Oregon.
aii-mio CW. Slooag, Ktglsler.
Department of Ihe Interior,
17. 8. Land Office at Ltkcvlor, Oregon,
April ii, 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that Kdward O, Kourk,
of Kosland, Oregon, who. ou Dec. if, 1407, made
Homestead KniryKO, mio (acriai no, 01314), lor
HU X Kecilon 30, Township ji Boutb, Ksu.e 11
Ha, I. Wllauielte Meridian, bat filed notice of
intention to make Final Commutation proof, to
establish claim to the land above described, be
fore 11..C Kins, united mstrs romuiisaiontr, at
hla office at Bend, Oregon, on the syth day of
May, .
Claimant names as witnesses. Charles W
KB ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"aaaaaJ
in nut circuit ch'rt oi Tint utatk
Tht ivrachiilt 'filiation ft Power
Company, M Cotpotalluti,
W. II. Cooper, and lilt Mule Uutl
lloaid of Orrgon,
To W. H. Cvoptr. lVfeiidanl.
In Ihetiaiurnf IhtStatp of Ottrtmt You ait
hereby rciuiitd to appear amlaucr the com
plaint filed agaln-l you In Ihr aluvt entitled "ill
within tit wrek Horn the day th fltt tmMl
i-alton ot this summons, ami llywi fall m In ap
pear and answer for watit thcirof Iht plaintm
will apply to the Coutt for Ihr trlief lracl Mr
In tht Munptaml, lo-wit loi Hi cann. Nation
and selling aside t'f a critalnconttacl Ulnl tht
Mlhdayol December. i. tuattr between you
and said Plaintiff telating to tht piicrmetfctt
Uinlanl ami Ihr water tighls apiniitnianl
thereto, situate In Crook eouulv iitrgon. ami
for such olhrr anl IVitthrr teller nmrwtm in
th Courl luat and ruuitabtr
This Nuuituoua Is seised upou yon by publics
Hon by authority of ait otJn ol Ihr llonotablt
II. C Kills, County Judge of Cuwk County. Oir-
ii. v ishis, vouuty j
kou. and aald order I
rou, and aakl order it mill March 1 1. I w, and
duly madt ami entered In aald Court and lull
Date of Mr! nubllcallou Match nth. iuku.
mrir-aM AUoruty lor i-taiiuitf.
In tht Circuit Coutt ol tht Malt of Orrioa, for
tht County of Crook.
Tht Drschttltt Irrlgstlon .H Puwtr
Company, a Corporation.
Wm. II Camming, and Ihr Matt
Land Hoard of Oregon,
To Wm, II. Curamlng , Defendant.
In thtuaroeof tbetitate of oretou- You art
ntrtby itqulrctl lo appear aud answer tht com
plaint filed agslnel you In the above entitled suit
within sli weeks ftotn Ihe davoftbr first oubil.
cation ol Ihl, nuuituons, and if you fall su to ap
pear and autwer for want thereof tht ITalntirT
will apply to tat (Mart forth teller prayrd ror
In Ihe complaint, to-wlt fur tht cancellation
and atttlntf a,ldt ofa crr'tlit toulract dalnl tht
i;th day or Nortmbtr. loii. roiilr txinrtn you
amtntdlfaluttrrrrlattng to tht purtha-t of r
tain laud and Ihr watrr rlfhta apputttnant
thrrtto, -Jtuatt In Crook County Ort-on, and
lot ruth .Ihrr and inrihrr rtlitfaa may artnt tu
tht Couit juat and tquitablt
Thlt Dummona la xrvtd upon you by publics
Itoo byanihotliyefaneidtr of tht llunorablt
II . Kill. County ludrt of Crook Cuuuly. Ott
(On, and aaM ordcrla datrd Marth I; hj, and
it duly madt and tnlcmt In uktruuit and tuit.
Dalr ol 6tl publlratloa Marvti t-th, IV V
IKHtK liTkAK.Ms and JOHN ) IIAI.I..
miai Allornty for ilalutitT.
In tht Circuit Coutt of tht Suit of Oregon, fur
tht County of Crook.
Th De-chutes Irrigation Jk rower
Company, a Corporation,
W r Sloan, and Iht Matt Land
ToW r Sloan. Defendant
la the nam ot tht Malt of Ottgou Yon att
hereby miulird tuaptwar ami answer the com
plaint lilol against you In the above eulillrd suit
within sis wrrks from the day of Ihr Dial ixit.ll
ration or this bunitnons. sndlf you fall so to at
iwar ana answer lor want ineieul the pialntlrr
wIllaUDlytotht rouit for tht relief tave.t fur
lu lh-complaint, to-wlt for Iht cancellation ami
-tiling aside of a certain con I r act datnt Iht loth
day of iwptrmper. IJ. made between you ami
aid plaintiff relating to Ihr purchase of certain
lands and tht wattr rights apputtrnant thettto.
lluate in Crook County. Otreon. anil fur aue h
ucher and furthrr lelief as may stem to tht
court Just and equitable
1 nis summons is servtit upon you by punlKa
niaaummoaB ,a servril you py puniKa
1 by authority of an order uf the Honorable
C. Kills. County Judge uf Crook County. Ore
.and said ordrr Is uatrd Maicb 11. l, and
nun v
n, and said ordrr Is dated Maicb 1 J. !, and
w tiuij nunc anu rniereu in sshi coutt anu suit.
Date of Brat publication Match Ijlh, !.
mny-aiS Allotnr)afor ruiutifT
In the Circuit Court of lb.e Mate of Oregon, for
Ihe County of Crook.
The Deschutes Irrlgsllo" A Fower
Company, a corporation,
Annie SI. Ingell, and Ihe Mate Land
Buaid of Orrgon,
To Annie M. Ingell. Defendant.
In the Usmeof IhefMalc of nrramn Vnti mrm
hereby required to appear and anawtr Iht com
lalul fileil against you In tht abovt entitled ault
within sis wtcks from the day of Ihe fir-t nubll.
cation of this summons, ami If you fall so to ap
pear ami answer for want thereof the plaintiff
wtn s Dl1 r 10 Ihe coutt ror the relief roe
la the complaint, to-wit For the cancellation
and setting aside of a certain contract dated Ihe
Mh day of July, t'aij, made Ulween you and
said plaintiff relating to Ihr purchase ofctrtalu
taouaanu inc wairr rignieappurtcuaui tneitto,
aituatt In Crook CouLly, Oregon, and for such
other and furthrr relief aa may seem to the
Court Just and equitable
iniannmmonsisscrvei nponyou hy publics
on by authority of an order of Ihe Honorable
(ion by authority of an order of Ihe
11. t Kills, County Judge ol Crook County, Oft
Kills. Couoly Judge ol Crook C
gon, and aakl order Is dsled Starch I J. i-, and
is uuiy niaue anu enirreii in aauj i:eun ami sun.
uaieoi crsi putiltcatlon varch irtn
publication March irth, iv-i.
Attorntys for Flalnlfir.
jrnnr, ni ,
Department of Ihe Interior
D. ft. Land Office at Tht Dalles, Oregon.
February 10, lywj.
Notice la hereby glvtn thai - F DarnslI
of Portland, Oregon, who, on December 10, lord,
made timber and atone sworn statement No,
lAM.btrlal No. 04540. for NHIK bv i,Tn. i,
kloK.lotoand NKUhWU, bee 6, Tp. IS B,
K 11 It, Wlllamtltr Meridian, lias filed notice of
intention ru maae onai proot, to establish claim
lo tht Isnd described, before Keilttrr ami Hr-
ccivtr. at The Dalles, O;tgou, ou the sth dsy of
claimant nalnea aa wllneaaea Artlme I' riiin,
obue, of Laldlaw, Oregon. John A. Tracy of
rovuanu, uregonj aira. Anna iu'ira 01 Llacka
maa. Oreeon. John Itloaa of Miairta. firrvon.
Charles tloyd of Ueud, Oregon.
C. W, MOOKK. Hrgisltr.
In the Circuit Court in the Slate of Oregon, for
tht County of Crook.
The Deschutes Irrlgallon & I'owtr
Company, a Corporation,
W. 8, Ktllty, and Ibt filatt Laud
uoara 01 uitgon.
To W. K. Ktllty, Defendant.
In the name ol the Hlale of Oregon You are
hereby rrriulrrd to appear and au.wrr Ihe com
plaint filed against you In Iht above enlliled ault
wiinin six wee its irom uic uay ct the first publl-
canon 01 mis nurnmons, aud 11 you tall so to si
pear and auswrr for want thereof Hit Flalritlif
win apply to me vourt lor tne rclltl prayrd fur
In the complaint, to-wlt For Ihe cancellation
and selling aside of a certain contract dated the
and selling aside or a certain contract dal
I6th day or June, lou6, made between yo
said I'laintln relating lothr purchase or i
ou and
Isnds and the watrr rights appuiltiiaut thereto,
situate In Crook County. Oregon, and fur audi
oth-r and further relief aa may seem lo the
Court Just and equitable.
This ISiinmions is served upon you by publica
tion by authority of an order of Ihe Honorable
H.C Kllis, County Judge of Crook fouiily. Ore-
gon, and said order Is dated Marh 13, ivuu.aml
IS duly msde and cutcrtd in said Court and suit,
iwic 01 nrn puidicanoii siarcu I7"ll, looo,
These Patent Tension Shears
This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent PRIH3.
I postage prepaid, to every new, cnsh-in-advnnce year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you are already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub
scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free.
If your subscription is about to expire you cannot oflbrd lo uiIm this opportunity to secure n
pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, nnd which will cut anything from wet tissue
paper to n heavy horse blanket. A ptir of these shears arc given free to every new cash-iu-udvaucc
The Tension Spring attachment docs nway with sharpening entirely aud cuablcs tl'ie user lo
set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect ease without tiring the
hand. The Tension Spiiug takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically indestructible,
A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown in the engraving, tightens up the blades as closely as
may be desired. Any woman who bus had the exasperating experience of trying to use a dull pair of
shears can readily appreciate the voluc of the new Invention WHICH KKHI'S THIS 1'AIK 01'
SIIHARS ALWAYS SHARP and in perfect cutting condltioti. No matter how many pairs of shears
or scissors you may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, anil when you
get and use it once, you will use it in preference to any other you may have. These shears ore per
fectly finished aud heavily nickel-plated,
the quality of the material and workmanship in this pair of shears to be first class, that the Tension
Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears and does nwuy with the need of rcsuarpciiing.
Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that If
this pair of shears IJRKAKS or in
chase it will be replaced with a NKw pair without cost."
aa-wwiwiiiTffliiBm HmMtmwmmtomummmigJ
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
W.vjf Ipsgf I
Ml iSaJ
HI :3
any way becomes detective within
1'IVK YKARS from date of pur- I
hhU Hardware always 0 -J05--'
i3i-raj J. N. WMifcox, K-i-lstcr,
ji.i... ., fini,i,.
Attorneys lor ruiuiui.
.l IflllU