The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 28, 1909, Image 7

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    The Best Spring Medicine
It l na eny to prove Hint Hood's Bnrsnpnrilln In llio bust vprtntf mcdl
clno nn II In In my it.
flprlng Aliments nro blond niluirmU-tlint li, ttioy nrlno from nn Impiiro
Impoverished, dovltnllred rotiillttori nf llio blnoilj mid I Food 'a Hnrmipnrllla
imrllk'X, enriches nml revltnllrr (he lilmnl nit nn otlior iiiedlciiio iloci.
It Id tlni iixmt effocllvo of nil liloml iniillrltio.,
Thero I Uolld roumlatlon for thin claim, In llio morn limn -10,000 tostl
inmilnla of nullrnl nnd pcrmiiiimit chit by tlilx inodloluo, received In two
yearn, t It Ih lectin! living unpiirnllulcil in medical hlslory.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures nit aprlng humor, nil oniptinriK, rlonm Ilia complexion, nrrnlno nn
appetite, nliU llio (IIkphIjoii, relieves Mint llred feeling, fjivoti vigor unci vim.
HckIh Inking Hood's Nnntnpnrilln loilny, (lot it in llio iinunl llipild
fonn or in rlinoolnted InlilcU known nn Snranlnln. 100 Doses Ono Dollar.
Iliialiiraa rriiiiiallliin.
"Voiir iHtiHir," mild llio convicted lx'8
Kttr. "Cllll't ynil rilling!' mjr kciltrmii of
I III!..!.....! 111..,., I.k a. ,1. ..
,l,.(l-. Mill III II Hlll'f
iiipi ixMiiiiriu iii ii line J
"HilrM, did," Mid tlin Judy
'where would jou cct llio mono I
i.i r II r it r
if ii i
"Oil," replied Ihn r. 1 "I rontd beg
llltlct cut tiny till I IiiiiI rmmsli."
FtTC "' Vltut' IIM1 '! , IHMMM H'"
lllallr lll-l fcf llr Im a IIIMl Marta lla.
Miiinf rWI fa tUt It e llnl Ixtlla a4 IrrallM
Dr. IU II. Kll M w Atrh m . I'MMali-Ma. l-a.
Ilnele lllntw So ju play ! 111,
do )mi, Dlrker? Una )nur ball club got
I'lre-Yesr-Old llaa It cot a nam I
(Jet YiH.'e heard of Ike Ilr Alley
Yannlgam, haven't you, u nt In J Well, I'm
their reg'lar lwrttoi, We're coin' to
nhale Ilia ererlaitln' etiiffiii out n ilia
Itumtrtwn lllllygaata mil Hatunlayl
Chicago Tribune.
Itelhen Will And lt. Wlntlow'i floitlhlat
rruilril aliawr-lr Uiunlvrllitlriblliitaj
ttuilug lb Iratiilug ilci.
AHiplf llMNlMrtt.
farmer lliiuk-llear J nre coin to
send j on ami to college, lllien?
Farmer lluriillrker Hon't see nny
nstMin why shouldn't tin's too dtlin
lazy to work, has too iniirli linlr, mid
ran )ll ait's )nu ran hear blm 'moat
mile Tim Circle.
Hflll I'VPU .....,.L. lll..nK.l l
.jw.. i....f nwifli (itnwiiiv,,, .i-.,
watery nml awollen oven, unci l'ETT-
IT'.S KYK 8AI.VK. Alfdrugglata or
toward liroa., iiuiiaio, n, .
Aiir 'Ii,im lHiiruTeHiM.
l'bolujrailirr la thai Ilia mot pleaa-
Inr nprrltn you ran anuiniT
Hlller Yea. air.
l'liotorm pber Then, for beajveu'a aaka,
(tare fernelouily at urn I
lire 1'nnalllullnnnt HllJi.
fltada Ha you'to arnl lletlxrt about
bla tiuiltieaa, Iiara your
Maylielle Yea; but 1 have alnra uel
the ar recall on hint. Chlrafo Trib
t Restorative
v Roclpo for Men I
ni r i.i
$ trM't i"U't iiii-B m. m rrrr a
ThU IU peer a odoro Ul n( Infarmatkm
for all K.i ho ar uvvrwotknl iliunr, !
p4vlimi. nmrvut, aiwl liar livmulna; fimla,
rmocl lillallun,illaiinaM, roll paKemallaa. In.
nnU. liar olihuul t. llmUllr In vtnlurlna
an-l (anfial InaUltty la t naiurallr awl ration.
llyaaoikr iltiw iraua In lrlmnt ran b
lntxinl atwrvll at hvma aivl aVan without anr
on aiwwklr.
If IharawWdfrfclMlotrr IU t lhrr eunrta
f orvllnanr BrrupraparlllaranKHini ant una
nunc romiKrtitvi nuu iMUnwurl. mil. arm wi
aian.1 lv h'Nira. Ihn art una ininr mmtHiunil
anr caiUUil anil una tninca llnrlura rwlumma
nmiwunl (not ra-ilamtiinl: nil all Wwalhrr.
ahaka oall an.1 lata a iMui-uumul ar aach
mlanj ana aihan rallrlna.
Inalila lllalurr.
Indignant WfeWliat'a Iba ma of my
aaylnr anything to you, John! It goea
In at one ear nnil out HI I lie oilier i
I'roioklng Hubnnil Not alwnya, Ma
rla, When you ay anything worth mltnl
Ing I atop It on the way through.
To Ettijoy
the full confidence of tlw Well Informal
pf tho World nml I ho Conunrndatlon ol
tho moat eminent phyalrlnna it wna cucn
tlal that tho component pirn of Syrup
of l'iga nml Hlixfr of Senna ahould bo
knoun to nnd npproved by tlieinj tlioro
fore, tho California Fig Syrup Co, pub
Ilalica n full atntcment with every (vtckago.
Tho perfect purity and uniformity of pro
duct, which they demand in a laxntivo
remedy of nn ethical character, arc niiurcd
by tho Company'i original method of man.
ufacturo known to tho Company only.
Tho flgn of California nro uvil in tho
production of Syrup of Hgi nml Klixlr of
Henna to promolo tho pleaiuint tatto, but
tho medicinal principle! nro obtained from
plant known to net moat beneficially,
To get ita beneficial elTocta always buy
tho genuine manufactured by tho Call
fomln Flu Syrup Co, only, and for aalo
by all lending drugglsta.
At til MmIi KelHMil.
Teacher Wbo'a Wnrdnworlh
Khnggy Haired Pupil (Interrupting)
A dollar apleteT Any living n-t'rril
Almiial ItirniiNellHtett.
A rolonol In Oeucrnl l-n'n dlvlatnn In
the lull' Civil Wnr eometlmea ludulcnt
In morn npplc-Jnck limn wna good for
him. I'.tnalng him ono pveulng, lennlng
gulliat n Imp. Urn Keuerill anldi "Oood
welling. Colonel. Comn over to my
lent for n moment, plitiae." " 'Hacimo
me, K-K-trn'rnli anniae me," replle (ha
Colonel. "It' 'ImiuI ull I con do atuy
i hero I am.'
ClrniiliiK Hi" (.
"" hope," mild tlin apokramnn ot
the ouniiillleo, "to enllt your aupjiort
In fnvor of n rlenti atagc."
"You have II," reepomliil tho thent'
rleal mnnager, heartily. "Why, almoit
nvery one of my plnya oimiia with a
girt dilating everything In tight."
Philadelphia fsifcer.
I. aann (rum llm I'aat,
llobln Hood had Juat handed bark half
Iba ronteula of the alruder purae he had
taken from Iba plainly dreJ traveler.
"If you were a rich man," he aald, "I'd
aoak you for Ilia whole of It, hut I'm no
bog) I rtati only what I think the traffic
will bear."
I'or Itobln Hood, with all hla faulti.
lived faithfully up to hla Idea of what a
graduated liicnrna tat ought to t.
lrlll.. II HUM.
Tbey aked him If hla name wna Tab ft,
And merrily the big man laughed.
"Why, no," ha mI.1; "tny name la Tafl,
Wlilcli, aa you will nml by romulllug Iba
varloua illctlonartra anil paying
particular atlmtlon to the marka
Indicating the correct pronuncla.
tton of the word ihertln,
Almoat, If not quite, ihyuea with 'raft.'"
Chicago Tribune.
Unrl Jrrry,
"Aa a general thing," obaerved Uncla
Jerry I'teblra, "I believe In lettln' wom
en havt whatever tbey want; but when
I aea on of 'em goln' around with a
eprlng bat on her bead that Inoke Ilk
an old-faahloneJ Ixhlra tbat'a been
tarred and feathered and then at ruck by
lightning, I begin to nomler, by (leorge,
If It would be aafe to triut bar with Iba
ballot I" Chicago Trllmne.
Tim Xlmllarllr.
Mr. Ounner Henry, you would p
aim In colling that Inat rook a vlalon.
Thrro wan nollilng pretty about her.
Mr. (lunuer Not at all.
Mr, (limner Thru why did you call
her a vUlouJ
Mr. Ounner Ilecnuao vlalnrm Vada
awny. Sho rvmtued only two day.
AMittliiu rireuiualnnea.
The grocer had warranted tba maple
alrup to be Ilia real alti-.
"It doan't taitn like any maple alrup
I ever bought," aald the nuloiner, who
hail Juit eamplol It, "ami I atrongly iu-
,.t "
"Hlr!" aald the Indignant graeer.
, "I atrongly auaeel, In aplta of your
guaranty, that It'a genuine."
'I rlt-ur,til, I'lilra,
llnrkcr I'lno nutomoblli', Cogrwood.
What do you cull It?
Coggwootl I'mry.
llnrkcr After tho arctic explorer,
eh? And why?
Cogfiwood llwiiu( It la always mak
ing n ttunh for the Milo.
"I'm gulnit to uot even with alt th
phunograph llendi In our i:it."
"How o?''
"(llvn my klda unnre druma for
ChrUtmiiH." Uelrult Trip l'rcsa.
Knniliurrtt ul it I'rotilirer,
Ilannlbnl, the lllinlrlom geuentl, driv
en to deapnlr by hla enemlea, bad taken
polaon and had laid hlmef dawn to die.
"Anyhow, ha aald, "my nam will
live In hialory."
Hla furcalght wna unerring.
Two thou ninl year Inter a town In
Mlaaourl wna nnmed In bla honor. Chi
cago Tribune.
'r Tlie-r Ilon't,
Would aomo oracle might utter,
fllvlng mo the rraaon why
Maldena In a ronataut tlutter
Never llyl
Indlanapolla Newt.
A diTOiIng uicJ the unit at Irmoo or vaallla,
lie dliKiirlni. granuutra augar In water ami
adding Maplrlne, a ilrllf lour irrup It made and
rlne. a ilrllr
nnl aml
iriup Ixllri than maple,
napia, aiapinne it told br
id JJc fur 2 m. Iwttlt and
rocria. ii noi acn
teclpabook. Craace
A llanrtlenp,
"My mamma'a ynrdtthk In thre ftat,"
Hnld Willie, cule unit cunning,
"I've only two, hut I can beat
My mamma'a yardatlrk running."
"That atnlramiiu la u inn n of won
derful lulthillvv."
"Yen," iiMHwiired Hennlnr Borghumj
"(hern la no dutiht nlxiiil lit Inltlnllve.
lli aliirla tliluga Hint nobody on t-artb
could flnlali." WrmliliiKlon Hlnr.
.Vlnbliiit- tip die l.iial Time.
Hlranger (hpienlng long)--Whal'
all that hunt wrangling about In there?
Hexloii The MilSea, air, are holding an
Ril.'ourmil meeting In the alienee room.
','hlcago Tribune.
DlrTrrriif Nlrnln,
The Irrealallhle high linmNhitke chanced
to meet the Immovable low haiiiMmke.
WhrreiilMin they gave eaoti other the
coin ahuke ami tmeaeil on,
!Yfil .Vnrr,
Mr, f'hiigwaler Joalah, what la the
"unwritten law?"
.Mr, Chugwaler There lan't any, It'a
hrru written up In all the pacra. I've
'old you that before.
Tin l.lmll lu Ilia Alillllr.
"Now here," aald the aaletuuiu, "la a
rlgar I cnu reenmineud."
"I know you ran, young man," aald
the ninlnmer. "I tried one of them the
oilier day on your retonitnendatlon. What
I want la a brand you ran recommend
without lying"
""or Catarrh of tho Throut of Two
Years' Standing.
'I was afflicted for two years with
catarrh of tho throat. At first It was
vory alight, but ovory cold I took mada
It worso,
"I followed your directions and In n
very short tlmo I began to Improve, I
took ono bottlo and am now taking
my second. I can safely say that my
throat and bead aro cleared from ca
tarrh at tho present time, but I still
continue to tako my usual dote for a
spring tonic, and I find there Is noth
ing bettor." Mrs. W. Pray, 200
Twelfth St., Orooklyn, N, Y.
A.. Leo Stevens, Instructor of U, S
Army Balloon Corps, Advocates
Government License and
Every day I am firmly convinced that
there should bo government regulation
on ballooning. I have held thla theory
for aomo time, but tho experience of a
certain California aeronaut aow days
ago in the Siorra Madre mountains has
brought the need home to me more
strongly than ever. The government
regulations should consist of licenses
for balloon pilot, and laws within
which tho pilots should havo to conflno
Whilo I do not wish to reflect on this
aeronaut, I do wish to point out that
he Is only a case in point. Some peo
ple can novcr become successful balloon
men any more than all men can become
auccrsaoa as artiata or deep aea divers.
It'a a part of a man's makeup. There
are some men who can make ItO ascen
sions and still bo no hotter equipped as
pllota than if they wero going up for
the second tlmo. A person who Is not
skilled in aeronautics, knowing that
a great many reckless peoplo to have
the experience of seeing tho earth slip
(tut from under them. Here Is where
tho troublo comes. I will not say that
It la not rleht for a man to ko un in a
balloon by himself. I think that Is
thla man has mado say nlno ascensions
aaya, "Oh, I'll willingly go." If we
had governmunt regulation, where
men rklllcd in aircraft should make the
examinations aa to whether or not tho
applicant was fitted to bo a pilot, this
obvious dangor would bo dispensed
Tho Kpular idea la that all one has
to do to make an asconaion Is to jump
Into tho balloon car, cut loose nnd when
ono is ready to ascend throw overboard
tho aand ballast. Aa a matter of fact
that much is not ovon the alphabot of
air riding.
When I heard that this experimenter
was to mako tho trip with that number
oipasiongcra and with so small an
nmount of ballast In my old "Ameri
ca," I predicted failure. He should
bo thankful that tho escapo was so suc
cessful. Thero aro some requirements
and aomo theories controlling tho as
cent apd descent of balloons just as
fixed us those that govern tomporaturo
or that of gravitation. A certain sired
nlr ship, with so many cubic foot of
gas naturally can carry only bo many
passengers exclusive of Ita ballast.
Thero is a nicety in determining just
how many It can carry successfully.
To bo specific, a balloon with 60,000
cubic foot of gas should start out with
35 bnga of ballast and llvo passongors.
Equipped In that manner tho pilot need
fear no storm, nnd have po worry. IIu
la just na safo as If ho wero sitting at
his own Jlresldo. When a atorm comes,
by throwing overboard somo ballast ho
can go abovo it. When tho storm la
over, by letting out a llttlo gas through
the escapo valves he can descend safely
JKEMffmfflfvf ft rfni'J ,wlMliVl'lJ'
m tutiuf t.r.aiini'jn,!
Fromolcs Digcjlonh?fffi 1
ncss am i .suomauu nrarr
OnitratJIonilune norJImaL
ISotNahcotic. i
rWjrraitrran mi
Aptrfccl Remedy forCowHf
iiuii.ouui aiuiujui.i'Miii,1
WnrtnrnintiUVnwJnTm!r ruaaandLossOfSlXEP. j
TuSitailt Sijn&hvt f
jUAranltf tl under w
i.M aaafcaaaaaakAaJsattaaaaW
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
to the earth. When a balloon of thla
size, that Is 60,000 cubic feet, baa
thrown over all ita ballast for one rea
son or another, except five bsgs, It
should drop to earth at once. To do
otherwise Is to run a dangerous risk.
A law making this ncccsary would be
a great boon to the art and practice of
ballooning. A bag carrying between
35,000 and 40,000 cubic feet of gas
and two persons besides the pilot
should drop to earth when the pilot has
expended all the ballast save three
bags. If be does not do so he is risk
ing Uvea that he should not be allowed
to jeopardize.
1 am In favor of government regula
tion. At the present tlmo licenses can
be granted to pllota in this country by
the Aero club of America. Thero are
now 24 men holding theso licenses. An
applicant must make 10 successful aa
censlons before be is granted the li
cense. These directions have to be
mado before he Is granted the license.
under tho direction of other liconsed
pllota, or after tho applicant has made
four or five so that he can manago a
balloon, ho must keep data of his trips.
This information has to be exact, and
be filed away, tor instance, when the
applicant drops back to earth, say on a
man a farm, he baa to give the man s
name and where ho lives, and who
hauled him back to town. This is so
that at any future tlmo the authorities
may satisfy themselves that tho trip
was really made and that it waa a suc
cessful one In every way.
France has a very cretlitablo method
of licensing its balloon men. The li
censes are not governmental, though.
Each pilot, who is going to make an
ascent, carries In his pocket a little
book with his number and hia photo
graph In It. If any one questions his
identity or his ability as a navigator
ho simply shows tho book with his
photo behind th Irenglass.
I am in favor of government licens
ing nnd government regulations, rather
than that of stato jurisdiction. In this
way the laws would be uniform, and
all tho air sailers of something near
equal ability. An applicant would not
havo to go to Washington to mako an
ascent by any means. lie may make
tho trip at any placo under the- guid
ance of an accredited pilot.
llallooning is becoming more and
more popular. It is now more than a
crazo. Ita possibilities are attracting
more a matter of et riles. A person
may walk on a railroad whero there is
a third rail. He does it knowing that
ho is taking his life in hia hands, but
when ho persuades other people to go
along with him, ho risks their Uvea
without enough experience to get them
out of danger should anything happen.
When flvo people go up In a balloon in
addition to tho pilot, tho unskilled
pilot is risking flvo livoa in addition to
bis own.
Throwing overboanl ballast is a sci
ence. Ilallaat is to u balloon what
steam is to an engine. And just as
Bteam onco gone can never bo recover
ed, just so ballast thrown overboard is
lost. Ono man can got along, make a
whole trip without losing more than
llvo bnga of ballast whilo another
sponds twonty. Tho latter spends ull
hla tlmo In truvoling up and down, ,
making saw tooth, whilo tho other nails I
along in a comparatively straight line. I
Thu pilot who la out with tho beginner
makes carotul notes and gives a full
report to tho members of the Aero
club. He takes Into consideration juat
Tito Kind Yott ZInvo Always Bought, aud which Iuia been
la uko for over SO yearn, han homo tho wlmtnro of
9 nnl lins hcn xiintlo tinder hla por-
c2rX-&fy??A' Bonnl MipcrvLiIoia Hlnco Ita Infancy.
VW, ccccAfi'l Allowno ono todccclvoyouln this.
All Counterfeit, lmltaUonHnnd"JiiKt-nff-f;ood"nra but
Experiment! thai trlllo with nndcmlangcrtho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience ugalmt Experiment.
Castorla In a liarmlcs milistlttito for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Suothini; Byrupa. It U l'lcaaant. It
eont4iln neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
rinhatancc Ita ago lit ita guarantee. It dcatroyx "SVonn
and allays Fcvcrlahnow. It cure Diarrhoea and AVInd
Colic. It relieves Teething- Trouble, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It Baalmllntcs tho Food, rcgiilatot tho
Htomnch nnd IJowcls, giving1 healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother' Friend.
Boars tho
The M You Me Always Bought
!n Use For Over 30 Year
TMCtvTaiwiauwvr rr MwaiuTarriiirr new to arm
how much fluctuating the learner does.
Ho assists the new man, but watches
him carefully to find out bow much grip
he has on the science.
The dilettante in search of new sen
sation la as dangerous aa an automobll
1st with tho speed mania. I hesitate
to make a trip with a beginner who
ssys the danger is nothing, with the
man who says "Oh, I'm not afraid.
I've got the nerve." Aa a matter of
fact when good sense is used, there la
no more danger than there is in an au
tomobile trip. Out there is much po
tential danger. I am willing to make
tho trip with a beginner who says:
"Now I'm new at this, and want you
to take the rudder. I don't know it
Another thing, bnlloona and all air
crafts will soon be equipped with wire
less telephone. An air craft In dis
tress can send a C. Q. D. message to
earth just like a vessel at sea. It
should be compulsory that equipment
for communications with tho earth or
airships be Installed. A balloon in
trouble would simply telephone ita lo
cation or general direction and rescue
balloons or automobiles could be sent
to the rescue.
The U. S. army corps with which I
have been connected has successfully
experimented with a Deforest instru
ment, weighing less than 100 pounds.
However, there is a new sparklesa and
wircleta telephone of the radio variety
which weighs only 10 pounds and which
any balloonist can safely carry. The
radio sparklesa attachment does away
with the dansr of setting the gas bag
on fire. The weight of the telephone
is so small that when the balloon lands
out in Uie country the operator can put
it under hia "arm and take it with him.
An old fashioned wireless telegraph is
impractical for the reason that it makes
a spark that may Ignite the gaa bag.
ualloonlng has advanced so far now
that it la no longer experimental, but
is a science. The throwing out of bal
last is a science. It takes a long timo
to learn to handle a balloon properly.
Why, In the fitness of things, should a
beginner, one who has nothing to urge
him on except curiosity and daredevil
try, bo allowed to risk other lives?
I think the license to beginners
should bo made reasonably hard to ob
tain. And further, the lawa regulat
ing tho ballooning ahould be seven.
Ualloonlng is a matter of public con
cern, and when licenses are first Isiued
I hope that they will not be given so
promiscuously aa licenses were given
at first to auto drivers.
Letting an outsider take up a bal
loon la exactly like running a railroadl
engine. A railroad train la half way
a ialissssssssssssmMsssssl thi oil that tNCTRsssssr'ajf jlkB
do r.r arm
Signaturo of
between stations when ita engineez
dies. The train is stopped. Some
body asks, "Can anybody here run an
engine?" A young man steps up and
saya: "Yea, I can." Ho takes the
engine and may draw the train ten
miles without an accident and be may
get It safely Into the station. But la
he a worthy engineer? No. On the
following day thla same young man
might wieck the train before begot
out of the switch yards.
pgruiAHP. oar- j
For Farms In the Northwest
from people who aro on the way
from tho East and Middle Wcat
and can place you in touch with
buyers with money.
Let us hear what you have for sale
420 lumber Exchange BuiMinx
ThrlMntl ltsiMit
and most comfortable
At the jura tlmo
cheapest In the
cna Because it
wears lonqest
'359 EreTwtec
Every garment,
waterproof Catalog
roca c.e.n ca iim,uo.tpmomtochl I
UTowta ca BoirriM. un
No, 17-09
-TtrilKN writing- totiUei
VI lucnlliiu thla papan
iTertlaora pleaae)
rvi 1 1 li wi
r iPKCffleV
rm 'f.t
i m aaar ii
'. F I i t MM
tree W tea
Get it from
your Grocw