miMulr MMMN4faMMAh MaM&a 's9ve?'e?e?e?,1vSN9 : KbADY! ALL ITHE B J Shoe Department J IGGEST USIEST BEST ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( V ( v9 ( ( ( ( ( ra ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( IN CENTRAL OREQON. AH my Shoes are bought di rect from the manufacturers and represent the Very Best Values it is possible to Ret. My Shoe Departmtnt has been enlarged to twice its former sle. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS HXIHNIHM) TO YOU PHHSONAU.V to look ovim THIS COMPLETE LINE OP UI'.TU-DATK Shoes ; 1 i 1 1 j m 1 1 j 1 1 j 1 1 1 j 1 Till! BIG STORE ON Till! CORNER That's LARA'S Bend, Oregon. &S"&&S&S&&SS''lS'SvS'S : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (m m ( m ( ) &&&&&&&) for Sale Good strong 3'itich wiu'nn. jlf Wm. Aknui.u. for Sate. One second'hand reclining go. cart. Address Box 78, llcnd. 61 f Pur Sale. Slx'gallon barrel churn, row! ns new. AddrcM Box 311, Bend, or call nt Ilullclin ollice. 7-8 Notice. Saturday, May first, will be cleuiHip day. Oct your old tin cans, rubbish, etc , ruked up lit a pile ami n team nml wagon will be furnished to haul it nway. Let everyone help to keep our city clean. Jas. 1). Davidson, Mayor of Bend. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I have bought all the stock uml in terests of the former stockholders in the Roshind Lumber Company. I will pay all bills against said com pany and collect ull accounts due it. I wish to sny that I will continue the business at the old .stand, and keep on hand a complete stock of lumber, tdiiuglcs, mouldings, etc. I also wish to say thut any orders scut to me will be fully appreciated and will receive prompt and careful utteution. Respectfully, TlIU Ro.SI.ANl) LUMIIItK Co,, Hy J. N. Muslim, 6 o President nml Manager. LOCAL BITS. Get your spring suits from E. A. .Smith. Good team, harness and hack for sale. Cull M litis office. 7lf Hot water always can be had for bathing at the Pilot Butte Hotel. Popcorn and candy will be on sate at the ice cream social Satur day evening. J. M. Lawrence arrived in Bend last Thursday and is looking after business matters here, Mr. and Mrs. F.tney WormstafT were in from their ranch Tuesday unending to business matters. Kd S. Grindeliiml was in from his farm cuit of town Tuesday. The Bulletin acknowledges a pleas ant call. The Pilot Uutte Livery & Peed Ilarn will be run in connection with the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Huy uud grain for sale. Mf I am now agent for the DeLaval cream separator, and have one ol these machines in stock. Step iu and examine it. They arc 11 great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. H.A. Satiikk. 3 ill WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tablo alwaya supplied wild the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. IlitNl), Okhoon Ice crenm Saturday afternoon and evening. Dance Saturday night in Lara's hall. Tickets, 50 cents, C. W. Allen of Laidtaw was a business visitor In Bend last Fri day. Misses Lilly and Gladys Lyncs have returned to Redmond to re side. Ice cream iu he Triplet t build ing next Saturday afternoon And evening. Those baths at the Pilot Butte Hotel are something fine two large tubs. ttf Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan were down from their ranch at The Titles last Saturday. D. L. McKay, representing the Mueller Lumber Co,, arrived in Bend Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wcnandy went to Madras Saturday to look after stage matters, returning Mon day. Mrs. George ltrostcrhous enter tained a few lady friends Tuesday. The ladies report a very pleasant afternoon. L. D. Wicst left Tuesday morn ing to do some surveying in the neighborhood of the W. P. Vande vert ranch. Hugh O'Kane reports that Billy Robinson, with his father-in-law, has engaged in the furniture and undertaking business at Lakcvicw. Road Supervisor Richardson is doing some very good work on the road to Princvillc. He is widen ing and straightening the road and blasting out rock ledges. The Whatsocvers will give an ice cream, socinl next Saturday af ternoon and evening in the Triplctt building, adjoining the furniture store. Remember the date. C. N. Marten left Saturday morn ing for Portland and Astoria to take up his work as sales agent for the I). I. & P. Co. His territory em braces western Washington. Mrs. J. It. Sawhill and two sons returned to Bend Monday evening after a visit of six mouths at the old home iu Ohio. Mr. Sawbill went out and met them at Sbaniko. Work has commenced on the foundation of J. N. Hunter's new bungalow, and the carpenters will begin on the superstructure as soon as they finish. W. II. Stoats' new residence. Viola Brown met with a painful accident last Saturday. She set a stick of stove wood on end and then stood on it while trying to tie a rope for a swing to a branch of a tree. The stick on which she stood tipped over, letting Viola fall on a pile of wood, breaking oil the point of the bone of the left elbow. Rev. J. T. Moore delivered a very able sermon Sunday morning. The pulpit was occupied in the evening by Rev. Cook of the Pow ell Butte section, who likewise treated the audience to a very help ful discourse. One of the features nt the dance to be given Saturday evening will be a May pole dance by a number of school children, An admission of to cents will be charged all spec tators. For those who dance the admission will be 50 cents. Mrs. George Brosterbous has re ceived the news that a son was born to Mr. and Mrs Frank O'Ncil on April 12. Mrs. O'Neil, former ly Miss Amy Troutner, is a sister of Mrs. Brosterhous and visited in Bend something over a year ago. Attorney and Mrs. Jesse Stearns, accompanied by Mr. Stearns' mother, reached Bend Monday evening for a stay of several mouths. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns will take up residence on their ranch east of town pre paratory to offering final proof as required by law. John White's team, which was tied at the meat market, became frightened at the new stage com pany's automobile Tuesday morn ing and ran away. After running around a few blocks, they brought up against a tree, the only damage being a broken wagon tongue. Hereafter fishermen will be re quired to take out a yearly license the same as hunters, the cost there for being $100. Every fisherman over 16 years old must arm him self with a license or run the chance of paying the penalty for non-compliance with the law. That will mean quite a little revenue from Bend and vicinity. J. I. West returned Saturday from an extended visit with rela tives in Michigan and Indiana. He visited at Cold Water, Mich., with his son, Bert West, and also met Frank and his wife, who are like wise visiting iu the East. He re ports having had a fine time, but was glad to get back to Oregon too much rain and snow east of the Rockies. The Ladies' Library Club will be entertained next Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. F. F. Smith and Mrs. E. D. Wilson at the home of Mrs Smith. There is only a little busi ness to be transacted, after which the afternoon will be devoted to social features. The ladies are re quested to bring their sewing. All members of the club as well as those who are interested In the li brary are cordially invited. For Sate. A 3 j4-in. Studebakcr wagon, $75. 7-9 C. W. Am.kn, Laidlaw. The Bulletin strives to please. Lumber! Lumber! FOR the next 60 dayi we will make a special Cash Price of $35.00 per thousand on all kinds of first class Vested lumber, delivered at Bend or vicinity, on orders amounting to 2,000 feet or over. Will also deliver vast quality heart shingles at $4.00 per M. If shin gles are ordered alone order must amount to 20,000 or over. Th. R.OSLAND LUMBER CO. W E AVJ N G. I mil now prepared to do all kinds of Carpet. Rui. Curtain, Couch and Tnlile Cover, Hammock, Shirt and Shawl, Scat! and Muffler, blanket, Kertey l)rei Goods, Union Cloth, Linen TouelitiK unit other Weaving on short notice. Can weave anv width from one foot to six feet wide. I have the latest make of the Celebrated Newcomb I'our llurnes !ooiii, with which over 700 kinds of weave enn lie made. Will furnish warn or not. as customer desires. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Call on or write Mrs. W. W. ORCUTT P. O. Box ?4 Bend, Oregon. The First National Bank O F B END The Financial Hub of the Community. OUR HOME BANK is the bub to which h. attached the various spokes of the whole business community. Closely arid securely connected, the different interests of the com munity work well together. The Bank is dependent upon the peo ple; Its success is due to the success of the people. The customers of this Bank are more gener ally successful than people who have no Bank connec tions whatever. The people are dependent upon the Bank; they receive benefits made possible only by the existence of the Bank. The people can better afford to be con nected with a strong, safe and successful Bank the spirit of the enterprise is contagious. Men come to our Bank to borrow, to leave money and papers for safe keeping and for active use; when they wish to send away money and for a hun dred and one various and important reasons. This Bank strives to give each customer a per sonal service that will suit bis individual business interests. We appreciate the business our customers give us and aim to make every -transaction satisfactory. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED SECURITY DIRECTORS: U. C. COK . A. SATIIKK C. S. P. IN SMITH II. C. m.us HUDSON Seeds That Grow! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT'S WHAT I'VE GOT. THEREFORE. BUY OP ME. A LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND OF GOOD CLEAN Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy Seed. ALSO A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS. Something to Make the Hens Lay. That would mean money In vour pocket. Mr I'otiltryman, at the prevailing price of ejjRS in this section. I'KESH GROUND GRKUN, IIONH ANU SIII'.U, will Inert the number of ecK you "barert" ' daily. I have the ground bone ami shell for sale. S. C. CALDWELL. The ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages puss through Madras, Culver, Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point in Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further information call on or address H. H. COE, local agent, Sbaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAGE CO., BCND, OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Alodern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT HEND, OREGON Seed Oats for Sale. We are selling our oats at 75c a bushel. Owing to the backward season last year, seeding having been postponed to the middle of June, our oats are not as good as a year ago, and will need cleaning. Parties purchasing seed will be al lowed to use our denning mill free. Sacks not furnished. Patties mav phone from Bend, Redmond or Laidlaw or addre.ss Shkkwood Bros., Redmond, Or. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE J & Tin' 14 Thdc Mn COrVfRKlHTS) 4C. qaleklT actln opinion Jn bthr u 11 11 on.KTlcuv ctwmu.miw. iwipiuuit " -V" -.U fro. OtdHl itiie 'o 'J',51Sr.. I'.l.nti Uk.o ihroufh Muno lo. lclM tM notkt. without eMtt. In ( Scientific Uwrka. a... 1. Hl.l.i.t4 wKLt f.fttwaSAl tiVm ,r 1 four month., l. SoMbriil nw31;. at. an m M U.... VJi pttl A ru j.r i P u it' 1 ,-. . r'i.aiBitMfMr-yMaMB)sia'jM8ri 'umaar TTTSTSFlrr- TS"!!!;' "?',?-