The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 28, 1909, Image 4

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One r....-....-....-. .. i.J
81 iuonlh...-.-.....-. .
Thtre monlh'v.......... ......... .Jo
(InntUbly In ailttnc.)
Did you read thnt notice in last
week's Bulletin in which Mayor
Davidson stated that Saturday,
May 1, would be cleaning up day
in Bend? It is necessary and com
mendable to clean ' up our streets
and alleys at least once a year, so
let everyone get busy with rake
and shovel and we will have a
cleaner town.
The Erst 40 miles of Harriman's
rlsht-of-way iu the Deschutes can
yon has been approved by Secretary
Ballingcr, and he has called for
maps for the balance of the 130 miles
of new road. Hurry it along!
Hurry it along 1 The whole of Cen
tral Oregon is getting mighty tired
of these delays. There's a nigger
in the woodpile somewhere. Why
were not these other maps submit
ted long ago?
The forward march of civilization
is making itself felt these days in
benighted Turkey, and a better day
is coming for the inhabitants of
that land of dppression. The
Young Turks, a political party that
demands governmental reforms,
have become so powerful that they
are now demanding the abdication
of the sultan, and they are backed
by the Turkish army. Thus the
yeast of progress foments in that
distant land, and from it will come
an up-lift of the common man.
Success to the Young Turks.
Swift & Company announce that
they plan to begin actual packing
operations in their new plant at
Portland in July. This brings to
the surface the necessity for the
farmers of Oregon to grow more
hogs. Pigs can be raised until
they are three months old on vetch
or other roughage at practically no
expense other than for pasturage.
A fat 300 pound hog in Portland
today b worth $15.50 cash, live
weight. The packers will have to
get a supply. Must they send the
money for the hogs to Nebraska, or
will we raise them in Oregon?
Tcmler Bteqtjct to Cast.
A banquet was given last Friday
evening in the Pilot Butte Inn in
honor of those who participated in
the recent home talent production,
"A Case of Suspension." Thirty
covers were laid, with the tables
decorated with yellow and white
daffodils. Music was furnished by
it quartet consisting of Miss Marion
Wiest, Miss Katie Dunsmore, Miss
Cornelia Wilson and Prof. Throne.
The affair was one of those social
events where those fortunate enough
to be present were clad they were
Pacific Karee Ualstat Is prepared
essrsMiy fr (be needs ot hon eaen and
rs acumen. 11 m a pewrnw ana peae
trattof ttetaeat, a remedy tor merge
de. A imIMm Mrocalloa for the
rtttef of aalc 8M tfce fcest Mmtet tor
SfralM m4 sereoeM. v Ueeoaaled lor
cariM Hie wewid and Injuries of
BARBED WIRE and for ReaUnf cats,
atruteat, seres aad brakes. Pacltlc
Herso LMmeat Is My fitarinieed.
No aiber It 10 (Ad or httefttl In so ratay
ways. HHfmtoMiiuy.wcaaisorue
iM dealers to 'refund tbe pwcbaw price.
iiiu u mttu run err
HOYT CHlMieJU. CO- Mama, 8M.
. aaoicurr blM tvm
Uy Arnold Martin, ta Wallace's
Potato growing has been the
money-making business on my
small farm of 30 acres. My suc
cess is due to careful selection of
the seed, thorough cultivation ot
the crop, keeping up fertility of the
land, and draining the wet places.
Clover and alfalfa give cheaper and
safer plant food than commercial
fertilizers. Level and shallow
culture conserves the moisture, pre
vents root pruniug, and increases
the yield.
Instead of following the usual
custom of going to the bin in tbe
spring for my seed, taking what the
hotose wife has left from her selec
tion for the table, I go through the
growing potato patch and select
seed after a study of tbe vines. I
believe this plan of careful selection
will be one remedy for our greatly
lessened yield. I find also by this
method of selecting from the best
and healthiest hills that I can avoid
a great many of the diseases and
blights which cut down tbe yield
ou so many farms. Selection of
seed in this way involves some
work, but no more than proper se
lection of seed corn from the field.
Seed selection is tbe first important
point to which our potato growers
need to give attention. We arc
more careless iu this than anything
I plow my ground as deep as I
can, and the earlier the better,
plowing in the fall 'and leaving it
as rough as possible so as to catch
the snow. The frost pulverizes the
sod so it is easy to" work it in the
spring. In the spring I work the
ground into a good seed bed and
plant as soon as the ground is
ready. I pay no attention to tbe
moon or Good Friday. I want my
potatoes to start sprouting in the
ground and not in the cellar or the
pile. I plant J'rotn one to thrcc-cyc
pieces, but one eye is enough. I
drop them 12 inches apart, the
rows being three feet six inches
apart. I prefer no planter, using
the lister for marking out and cov
ering with the cultivator. Ten days
after planting I commence my first
plowing, using a small fire-shovel
plow. This loosens up the soil be
tween tbe rows and makes a mulch
which will bold the moisture, be
sides letting in the warm air. In a
few days I can see tbe rows, and
then I take tbe cultivator and give
them a deep plowing and loosen up
the soil for the roots. Every time
I follow with the weeder, which cau
be used until the tops are to inches
high. Cultivation is kept up every
10 days or after every rain as long
as tbe cultivator can pass between
the rows. Many other crops may
be grown between tbe rows instead
and they do no harm to the pota
toes. Cultivation is very import"
ant. It must be shallow after the
first deep plowing so as not to dis
turb the roots. One and a half to
two inches is plenty deep enough
This gives enough dirt to form a
mulch and hold tbe moisture and
keep down tbe weeds. Deep cul
ture will destroy many of the fine
fibrous roots, The old saying was
to quit plowing when tbe potatoes
were in bloom and the corn began
to tassel. With the tools they had
at that time that was probably
sound practice but now we have
mplements which they did not
have then and which can be used
without injury to the roots of the
plants. The average Western
farmer does not give the potato a
fair chance and that is the reason
why bis yield is decreasing and the
seed runuing out. If he will plow
his potatoes as long as the vines
are green and growing, and espe
cially in sections where there is not
an abundance of rainfall, it will
make a wonderful difference iu the
crop. There is no advantage iu do
ing things half way. -Arnold Mar
tiu, of Nebraska, iu Wallace's
I Continued from twe 1.)
ably taken through this section
during some Indian outbreak and
the gun being fired the shot found
lodgment in the juniper tree where
it remained until Mr. Kicker cut it
out. Chronicle.
An Oil Company for Hums,
Considerable activity in the in
vestigation of the oil ami gus pros
pects ot this valley this week and
as a result one company has bven
formed with f 2,000,000 capital and
development work will begin iu a
very short time.
M. Valerius, an expert oil and
gas man of Oklahoma, has been
looking over the field and is quite
positive we have one of the greatest
oil and gas fields in all this western
country and says we should make
the lcst of it. He has formed a
company with loal men and he al
so has outside capital interested.
The Harney Vajlcy Oil and Gas
Co. will push matters rapidly ami
the stock will soon be on the mar
ket. Test will be made and the
property thorouKhly prosjweted at
once. Times Herald.
Shorter Item of Interest.
Steelhead salmon arc now run'
ning up the Ochoco to their spawn,
ing grounds, but so far no captures
are reported. Journal,
The Silver Lake Leader of the
33rd says that since its lust i tine
33 persons had filed on homesteads
in the Fort Rock and Christmas
Lake country.
Steps arc being taken to build a
good wagon road from Klamath
Falls to Lakcvicw over which to
haul freight. The object in view
is to make Klamath Falls the dis
tributing point for Southern and
Southeastern Oregon.
The Central Oregon Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons was installed
Hit and Miss
Constant Publicity In Newspapers Kind
That firings Business.
The results to be derived from con
tinuous, everyday advertising cannot be
overestimated. That person or concern
that desires to have its business grow and
expand goes into the newspapers and
stays there. By that we do not mean to
let the wording of an ad. run without
frequent change. We mean space.
The advertising you did yesterday will
help your advertising today, and the ad
vertising of today helps that of tomorrow.
The child that makes greatest progress
at bchool does not attend Monday, skip
Tuesday, back Wednesday and out Fri
dav. He is attending every school day in
order to pass his finals. In continuity is
strength. "Out of sight is out of mind."
To discontinue an ad. while you still
have goods on your shelves or vitality in
your brains to produce something means
one of two thinpa either that you have
made your fortune and are ready to retire
or that the business is retrograding and
degenerating "Some Pitlalts of Adver
tising," Missoula, (Mont.) Herald.
Hadn't you better contract for a certain
stipulated space In THE BULLETIN
say for six months or a year? Better
'phone us and wc will call.
iu Priuevllle on i'rldny of Inst
week. Two Bend men hold offices
iu the chapter Creed Triplet!,
Mnxtcr of the Second Vull and J. D.
Davidson, Master of the l'lrst Vull
The Dixie Meadows mine nt
Prairie City, in which Priuevllle
iwople invested thousands of dol
lars several years ago, bus been
sold to W. N. Murphy of Spokane
for $1:5.000, according to the Blue
Mountain hagle, making a cnsli
payment of f 3,000. The new own
er will put iu a irstatiip mill and
operate the property. Journal.
M. W. A. Home Talent Production
Pleases Large Audience.
Another capacity house greeted
the acturs in the home talent play,
"Carl Johnson, Woodman," put on
Saturday evnlng. It was a pleas
ing affair from start to finish. Each
part was well taken, and nlfdrdeu
inucU amusement to tlic audience,
F. M. Ray, in the title role of Carl
Johnson, was exceptionally good,
and in fact all of those who took
part acquitted themselves with
credit. 1 he bund played between
nets, and ns usual its tnmlc wns
much enjoyed. The grots receipts
amounted to about S5.1. The 011
jeet of the piny was to set forth the
advantages of fraternal insurance,
which it did to a marked degree.
Whenever the Bend Woodmen are
rendy to present another home tal
ent production, they will be assured
a full home.
Following is the cast of chkrac
tcrs; CAM. Jounsoh. the Woodman. Just
I rum M. raul.. I'. l. Kay
IIknrv Smith, In the Order jutt for
the insurance V. V. Orcutt
William IIhow.v, v. C of the Camp
I U SciineM
Samukl Small. Hwj., Old Line
AKeut, with an eye far liutliie,
N. I'. Welder
JAMKS SlIKLtxltt, Chief l'orrter..,.
I'KJIDINAND DcSnookv, a I)ule....
K. A. Smith
Jamks 1'ostkm, the Camp Kicker, . .
...... .......,.... I'm A. JvATHIvR
Ms. Mary Smith, wife of Mr.
Smith... Mr. W. W. Orcutt
Nkllik Smith, aged five, . Mia 'Marie
ASNIK loHNSOM, axed five. I Kay
Mas. Annik Johnson, wife of Carl.,
9 Mm 1 m iwy
I f ANS Johnson, aied 8. . Kuuene Scofleld
Miss Mary Drown, Sensible Mln. ,
Mr. W. A. Hate
HILL Ha.iiiaw, IlurUr and Confi
dence Man Harry A. Hill
Sam LaSHAY, hi Pal... .A. A. Aldridiie
OriMCKR ATWoon, Si. Paid Police
man ....K. A. bather
ijiis OJcrce
SSand 3)ritg Go..
X ure kuruys
(ouher. Save Kt nud 1'ialrtc IKe
annually devaitate fi.r field of Kt,,i" '
jrnln. Their nmntwr may 1 '"'
lludtiithed by a ryttematic warfare uw
hem. Hverr female killeil ticfwe Ihr
rounx are born, reduce the nmutwrof
ett at teaU ten later on
'WoodU' Squirrel I'oNon WMieWt
tellable and detructlre aeent yet devlcd
for their extermination. It U aWtutrtr
certain In its action and every kernel I
warranted to kill. Climatic clntt:r or
moiiturc of the earth do not detny It
tfrcnglh. It reiiuircn tin mixing or prep4
ration, and is alwny reody fur ue No
other ( o rod. I)rater will itfiinil the
purchase price. If not a claimed
IIovt Ciikmical Co , Portland, Oiecuu
For Sale by
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
First Class Work Guaranteed.
Located iu III old Shrldon hni.
Harness and Saddlery
Trunks and Valises
. S-f.OO Per Cord, Delivered.
$3.50 Per Cord, Delivered.
Phone Me.
Registered Stock
H Poland 11
0 Chinas 0
G Duroc Q
S Jerseys S
Black Langshan Chickens.
E. C PARK, Rcdmond.Or.
BW ft i S. jmnKL mT r.dCkififl
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams I'orwardrd to Any Part
of the World,
Telephone Communication
with PurtUnd, I'lincvltle and all
Pacific Coatt cities.
Public Pay Stations
In Hank tluldlni: at llcud, at UliL
law and Powell llutte.-
MeuiiKcr service to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
ii f i
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
all tllflbt (Telephone Connection
DAY TllUtrilONU NO. 3f
IJl(Nl), ; OuiUUW
Physician and Surgeon
Bund, Okkoon.
C. S. BENSOtf,
DR. I. L. SCOl'IltLD.
B c ii d , - Oregon,
Notary I'uMIc and Conveyancing All
i,i-Kiii i uivr vuiictuy ijmwn,
I' I II It I, I T V II O N I) 8
A. F. & A. M.
CJMectH on Thursday on .or
before the full moon of cnch
!!)OMtll. VUitlut? limtlit-rx
always welcome.
1. A. OAOTi flcr. r O. MINOIt, W. M,
Curas 0ldi PrsvsaU PosuwanU