EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from Alt Parts ol the World, -PREPARED FOR THE BUSY READER Less Important but Not Lett Inter esting Happenings from Points Out ildo Ilia Statu. Kx-Henator Stewart, of Novoda, li dead, ! F. Collier, publisher of Collier's Weekly, dropped dead from aKplexy. It li estimated that Patten ha mado a million and a half In hla recent wheat deal. Modjeska' eatato had dwindled until hut $5,000 remained at tho tlmo of her death. Tho United State ha called upon Groat Britain and Russia to protect missionaries In Turkey. Kx-Guvernor Taylor and aovorol othora accused of tho Ooebcl murder In Kentucky have been panlonod. A violent earthquake at Lisbon caused a panic. Many flrra broko out but no peraona loat their Uvea. A bill has been Introduced In the llllnola Jeglalaluro to limit tho alio of women' hata to one cubic foot and Imr anake. blrda and other stuffed animal. Ono of tho I.add farms In Portland haa been aold and will bo thrown opn for home. There oro 402 acre In tho tract and It brought 12,000,000. According to tho accroUry of tho Ksnaaa atato board of aKrlculturo, there Is o decrease, of 400,000 acre of twheat In that atate, compared wltn latt year. American women In Asiatic Turkey ro In danger. Rate aro being cut on many of tho trans-Atlantic liner. Pralrlo fires In Texa havo burned over 300,000 acres and tho loss exceeds ( CO, 000. Ilerlln haa Inaugurated n system of opening a bank account of tmo mark for each child when born. The American Newspaper .Publish era' naaoclation haa aaked tho aenato to reduce tho duty on paper. lllK hata and lofty pompadours have been censured at tho University of Chicago for scientific reasons. In a magaxlno article written before his Inauguration and Just publlahrd, President Taft defends tho lock typo canal. It Is believed that Secretary Ilallln Ker will gront rlghta of way for both roads to build up tho Dsichutra, but they will have to begin .work Immedi ately. Tho Canadian Northern railroad will pend an average of 11,000,000 a month for tho rcat of this year In construc tion work. Much of tho work will bo -west of tho Hocky mountains. Tho popo Is opposed to woman suf. rage. Itooscvclt ha arrived at Mombasa, .Africa. European powers favor Intervention in Persia. A tornado In Texas killed two people and did much damage to property. Much troublo Is being had to secure jury to try Captain Peter C. Haiti. An epidemic of dlseaso may result from tho blocking of Niagara river by Ice. Carneglo predict a British-Gorman war and urges Taf t to act as peace maker. Tho sultan la negotiating with tho "Young Turks In an endeavor to retain lils throno. Mrs. Doyle, tho woman In tho Whit la kidnaping case, has been Identified ns Helen McDortnott, of Chicago, An nrmy officer forced William D. Haywood, president of tho Western Federation of Miners, to njiologlzo for on Insult to tho flag, Two hundred sheep havo been killed In Montana. Tho herder Is also miss ing. Cattlemen nro thought to bo back of tho crlmu and troublo Is looked for, Massacres woro stopped In Asia Minor nftor 400 woro killed. Calhoun lawyers chanro Honey with coercion of wllnssos, butth la Is denied. Tho property of tho Wntors-Plorco Oil company In Texas Is to ho sold by tho atato. Tho merger of Southern Pacific and Union Pacific I Iron la to Imvoa hoarlng in Portland May 3. President Taft has completed all ar rangements for hla summer vacation, which will bo spent at Bovorly, Mass,, In June. BREAD PI1I0E8 UP, Uakars of Chicago Will Add Two Cents to Price of Loaves, Chicago, April 20. Following In tho wako of tlu action of Jewish baker of Chicago In Increasing tho price of bread and biscuits, definite announce mont came today from President Mo thla Schmldlngor of tho Master link- am' association that 1 cent and possibly 2 cent will bo tacked onto tho price of bread beforo May 1. After a thorough canvass of tho sit uation, Mr. Schmldlnger declared that baker throughout tho city faco the al ternative of charging more for their product or going Into bankruptcy. Tho Master linker' association, which rep resent nearly nil of tho bread bakor throughout tho city, will meet noxt Saturday, and It Is aald to be certain that at that time a decision will no reached to give bread prices a substan tial boost. Tho high cost of flour Is not tho only problem confronting tho bakers of Chi cago. Their employes, Including the bakery wagon drivers, aro demanding mora wages. More than DO bakers In this city have been driven out of business with in n comparatively short timo. on ac count of tho high price of materials and tho enforcement of tho ordinance pertaining to sanitation. MARS MAY fJE HAILED. Professor Pickering Say It Would Cost Only 810,000,000. Uoaton, Mass., April 20, "If man kind carea enough about It to put up about f 10,000,000, there I no very good reason why the human race ahould not bo ablo to talk with Mar, and that so soon as next July." This Is accotdlng to Professor Wil liam Henry Pickering, Harvard uni versity's celebrated astronomer. Communication with Mara will be mado possible. Professor Pickering de clares, by adopting hla method of flash ing message when Mar approachc tho earth to within 3S.000.000 mile, or about 5,000,000 mile nearer than over bofore, Ten million of Hollar I a larco amount, he admits, but ho predict that onco thla means of celes tial communication la eatabiiahcd, mes sages will be easily recognised and un doubtedly anawcrrd, If there la Intelli gent life on Mars: and that In uch case, hitherto hidden myiterie con cerning Mar will become an open booK to tho people of tho earth. More Than 1,000 Are Killed. Ilelrut. Syria, April 20. A terrible uprising h occurred In Adana. Street fighting haa been going on for three daya and at leaat 1,000 persons have been killed. Tho city ha been de stroyed by fire. American mission aries named Itoger and Maurer are dead. All tho other Amorican aro safe. The Hrltlih vice counsul, Major Doughty-Wy lie. Is among tho wounded. At Tarsus there was lesa loss of life. The Armenian quarter, however, was destroyed. Four thousand refugee are housed in the Amorican mission. Funds Saved to 8alonlca. Salonlca, April 20. The director general of the Ottoman bank, having ordered tho Salonlca branch to send all It cash to the capital, a measure de signed to embarrass the organization of tho forces thorc, tho commandant of tho Third army corps placed an em bargo on (300,000 which constituted the funds of the three vilayet. Flour Advances In France. Paris, April 20. Franco la beginning to feel tho effect of tho prevailing high prlco of wheat in tho United State. Tho prico of flour ho increas ed three franc per 100 kilo in tho last fortnight and tho bakora' association Is considering tho raising of tho prico of bread. Hailstone Are Heavy. Dea Moines, Iown, April 20. A ter rific hall and wind storm struck Uea Moines and Central Iowa today. Plate1 glass windows in down town stores wero plown In and cellar wore flooded. At Stuart, hailstone weighing half a pound foil, doing much damago to peach buds. Massacre of 2,000 Reported. St. Petersburg, April 20. -Advice to tho Kuhh from Teheran report a mas sacre of 2,000 persona, including wo men and children, by Turcoman tribes men at Astrabad. The Russian gov' ommont la sending troops thlthor. Sultan's Brother Succeeds, Porls, April 20. A spoclnl dlsputch from Constantinople says that It la re ported that Rochad EfTondl, brother of tho sultan, and holr Bpparent to tho throno, has loft to join tho Young Turks. Sultan Planning Abdication, Vienna, April 20, Tho Ncues Togo blatt'a Monustlr correspondents Buy It la reported that tho sultan la negoti ating with tho committee of union and progress with regard to his abdication, PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN BRIEF Friday, April 23. Atirll 23.--1 lie first ruadlng of the tariff bill for consider- (nir imnmlHiA ntliiinftlnntltjl Wnl Con cluded when the aenato adjourned to day, According 10 an announcement made when tho reading began, overy paragraph of tho bill will bo subject to amendment when It Is taken up for llnnl consideration noxt Monday. All concede, however, that substantial progress has been made. There will be a return to many of tho schedules. There was comparatively llttlo debate today, aa Aldrlch positioned answers to many questions aaked of him In order to hasten tho reading. no snia no uimitil mnttn full nxnlmatlnna when tho amendments received final considera tion. Many provisions, Including the wood puip ana wool scneuuie were passed over today on specific objection. Thursday, April 22. Washington. April 22. Republican criticism of tho (lending tariff bill on the ground that tho rates were too high was prominent In tho senate todoy when Nolson, of Minnesota, and Dol liver, of Iowa, attacked various sched ules. Under tho guise of discussing the duty on ga retorts n goneral de bate wai participated In by Demo cratic senators. It was agreed by Mr. Aldrlch that at any time while tho measuro waa being considered for amendment any para graph might bo rovorted and bo sub ject to amerdment without the neces sity of resorting to any rormai parlia mentary procedure. Nelson denounced tho measure, de claring that the cotton, glass and wool en schedules were too high. He said that placing duties on woolen manufac tured goods CO per cent higher than tho duty on raw wool was unjust. Galllnger energetically declared that that waa tho aamo spirit that actuated Now England with It criticism of any effort to reduce the high rates that hod prevailed upon her product. Dolllver declared that not only were the duties of the Payne-Aldrieh bill too high, but they were so worded as to result in large increases of rates with out definite Indication of such Increases In the schedules. Wednesday, April 21. Washington, April 21.- Substantial nroirrrs waa mado by the senate today in considering the tariff bill. No sen ator being prepared to speak on tho bill aa a whole, the reading of the meas ure by paragraphs began. Tho various items in the chemical schedules wero passed over for futuro consideration. The reading was frequently Interrupt ed by the discussion of amendment and only IB pages or tno bill wero uis nosed of. Cummins presented his in- como tax provision and discussed it at length. Aldrlch stated he would ask to havo passed over for futuro consideration any provision that might be objected to. It was agreed that arty amend ment to which there should bo objec tion should bo passed over with tho un derstanding that any senator might move at any time to take up any para irranh after it hsd been read. Dolltvor suggested that the recipro city and retaliatory clauses and tho drawback and the dmlnistrativo feat urea of tho bill should be reported by tho finance committeo before the bill was considered, ' Tuesday, April 20. Washington, April 20.--Th census bill was sent back to conference by the scnato today In order that its amendment relating to tho civil ser vico law and requiring tho construc tion of a building for tho census work In this city might be considered fur thor. By an aye and nay vote, tho senate rejected the conference report becnuso of its failure to include tho McCumber amendment, requiring applicants for civil service employment to reside in tho states claimed by them as their homes. That tho census office haa In It em ploy in ono bureau the wife of a secre tary of a membor of congress, tho wlvea of two officials of the War de partment, and tho wife of a prominent official In tho Treasury department was tho charge made by McCumber in criti cizing the conference report. "Promotion," ho said, "seems to bo almost wholly for women who have husbands In the department. This la gottlng to bo a city of olllcial families holding positions undor the govern ment," Wholo families, ho said, aro cm ployod In govornmont departments credited to state which the younger mombera,.of the families havo never seen. McCumber urged tho noceBslty of his amendment requiring actual res idence by tho applicant from a state, which was Btrlckon out by tho con force. Monday, April 10, Wellington, April 10. Doboto on tho tariff bill began In tho scnato to day with tho opontng speeches of tho leader on each side in the finance com mittee, Aldrlch and Duniol. The Re publican leader presented tho esti mates of revenue and expenditures, showing that under the bill, which omlta any new form of taxation, and with a reduction In expenses to be effected by economy, the government will have a surplus of (30,000,000 In tho fiscal year 1011. Ho declared that appropriation In the last few years hod been extravagant, and that no now taxes were necessary. Daniel criti cised tho majority of the committee for not admitting the Domocarta to the sessions at which tho bill was drafted. He practically conceded the soundness of tho protection theory, by admitting that tho tarlfr should equal the differ ence In the cost of production at homo and abroad, but said the bill did not equally safeguard all Interest. At tho conclusion of Aldrlch's state ment, Daniel, the ranking minority leader of the finance committee, ar raigned the Republican member of tho committee for their exclusion of tho Democratic members during tho consideration of tho bill. At tho conclusion of Daniel's re marks, Aldrlch sent to tho clerk's desk a copy of a newspaper dated April 21, 1894, In which Senator Vorhees and Senator Vest had defended tho Demo cratic procedure In framing tho Wilson bill to be reported to tho senate without tho participation of tho Republican minority. Upon motion of Aldrlch the bill was then made the unfinished busfneos of the day. Dooms Taffa Tour North. Washington, April 23. Congression al Delegato Wlckcrsham, of Alaska, today wired tho mayor of 24 Alaskan cities to send invitations to President Taft to visit tho territory during the summer. When tho invitations arrive Wickersham will call on the president and urge him to mako the trip. Pur suant to tho orders he received, Gover nor Hoggatt has given up hi apart ment In thla city and is now en route to Alaska. Taft Favors Lane. Washington, April 23. That Frank lin K. Lane, of California, will succeed himself a member of tho Interstate Commerce commission is believed here by msny of his friends. Although Lano'i term does not expire for aeveral months, it is known that several have thoir eyes on tho berth. The work dono by the Callfornlan, however, is said to have won the approval of Presi dent Taf U Lano Is bcliovcd to regard another term with favor. Barrett Quito Content. Washington, April 23. John Bar rett, director of tho bureau of Ameri can republics, today stated that he is not a candidate for tho appointment as minister to China or to any other dip lomatic post, but is desirous of retain ing his present position. He said he had been aaked by both the president and secretary of atate to continue as director Instead of accepting a new position. Deichutts Project Stilt In Doubt. Washington, April 20. Secretary Dalllnger says the fate of tho Des chutes projoct has not been finally de termined. Tho reclamation service recommended abandoning It, but the secretary has not decided to accept the recommendation. Further considera tion will be given the matter in the immediate future. MacVeagh to Cut Expenses. Washington, April 20. Treasury es timates for the t fiscal year beginning July I, 1010, must be ready for sub mission to Secretary McVeagh on May 1, 0,m months earlier than formerly. Mr. McVeagh proposes to make a thor ough examination into tho treasury re quirement, with a view to reducing expenditures. Dickinson Is On His Way Washington, April 20, Secretary Dickinson and tho party to accompany him to Panama left hero tonight for Charleston, S. C, where they will em bark on the President's yacht May flower for the Isthmus Wednesday. Tho secretary expects to get back to Washington about tho middle of May. Taft Declines Alaskan Offer. Washington, April 24. President Tnft today told Delegato Wickersham ho could not visit Alaska this summer unless congress makes provision for his expenses. He will not mako tho trip at the expense of the people of Alaska, who stand ready to raise the necessary funds. Ellis to Doost In "Hub." Washington, April 24. Representa tive Ellis has accopted an Invitation to address tho Civic league, of Boston, Monday night on tho development of tho Western country, particularly by Irrigation, Oregon Rural Carrlera. Washington, April 24, Ira Foren has beon appointed regular. Willie Foren substitute, rural carrior, route 2, Crabtree, Oro, ABDICATION OF SULTAN, TotterlnglThrone of Turkey Seems About to Fall. Constantinople, April 19. Tho most serious crisis In tho history of tho Turkish omplro 1 thought to bo at hand. It la persistently rumored that Abdul Harnld, forced by the uprising against tho tyranny of tho party in powr, will abdicate the throne. The committeo of union and pro gress, representing tho party of the Young Turks, with whom aro allied tho revolting Salonlca soldiers, are en deavoring to regain the power obtained by the revolution of last July, which has been gradually undermined by the clovemess of the sultan In getting rid of or winning over by bribes tho lead ers. The Salonlca soldiers are at the pates of the city and threaten to enter. Tho military in tho capital Is In a state of fear and no resistance it looked for. To complicate the situation, an up rising Is in progress In Asia Minor In which more than 1,000 people have been slain, among them two mission aries, and untold property damage has been done. Foreigners and many Christians have taken refugo in the consulates. The local troops and tho governor aro doing their best to protect the town, but thero Is great fear that it cannot hold out much longer against the invasion of tho Moslems, who are sweeping down In large numbers. The Amori can vice consul at Mersina, John Deb baa, has been unable to proceed to Adana, owing to tho interruption of communication. A British warship Is 'proceeding to Alsgandretta, which Is threatened by the Moslems. Soveral American farms in that neighborhood have been de stroyed. Alarm is felt at Kbarput because of serious depredation by the Kurd In the surrounding villages, although the town itself has not been the scene of any particulardlsorders. Tho tension in Turkey over the situ ation is very great. The people of the capital aro more concerned with the advance of the Salonika troops than they are with the massacres re' ported from various quarters. MUSIC FOR THE FAIR. Management Haa Provided Well Along This Line. Music will be a big feature of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, and during tho exposition season the finest musical organisations of the United States will be heard. Liberati'a, Innes' and Ellcry's bands will divide tho season and these will be heard daily. Tho temple of music is centrally lo cated, and in this beautiful building, continuous concerts will be given free from the first day of Juno until the closing day on the sixteenth of Octo ber. A number ol handsome bond stands have been erected at various points, and these are so dispSrsed that music will be heard in every part of the grounds. Shorter concert seasons have been arranged for orchestras and band from foreign countries, and among these will be heard the Philippine Constabu lary band and tho national band of Mexico. Vocal and solo Instrument concerts will as a rule be heard in the auditorium, and this new permanent building represents ono of the very finest halls for such purposes that is to be found in the United States. Of great importance and assistance to concerts held in tho auditorium will be the now organ which has been installed for the exposition. This instrument is ono of tho largest pipe organs yet built, and in tone and possibilities Is not surpassed. Interesting novelties In music will be heard, and among these will be noted a native Philippine band whose Instruments are entirely composed of bamboo. The range and class of music produced by theso rudely constructed instruments is remarkable, and tho ex tremely crude appoaranco presented (s in strong contrast to the equipment of other organisations. Witte May Bo Returned. London, April 19. Ono of the moat significant symptoms of Russian poli tics, which shrewd observers believe will bo a leading factor in European affairs In the near future, is the desire of the reactionaries for a return of Count Serglus Wltto to power. By degrees tho disfavor in which thoy hold him immediately auer ino conclusion of tho treaty at Portsmouth has been replaced by confidence Thoy bracket him with Duroovo, whom they also wish to advanco in the councils of Nicholas. Many Cities Are Burned, Paris, April 19. Dispatches re colved from Constantinople say tho sit uation in Adana has become very much worao; that a number of cities havo been burned, and that Tarsus has been almost blotted out. Tho dispatches further state that a French factory had been sacked, and that the peasants . bales of cotton, caught fire after raid J wore coming down from tho mountains! night and its total destruction la ex I and massacring the Armenians, ipected. The loss will reach (1,000,090, REPORTMCATION Abdul Iiamld Said to Hare Gives Up Turkish Throne. CAPITAL IS FULL OF RUM6RS Abdication of Sultan Cannot Be Af firmed, but Appears to Be Not Improbable. Constantinople, April 20. With the Constitutional army steadily enveloping his capital and demanding his head, with a garrison un wiling to defend him, and with a cabinet ready to surrender to the demands of the patriot army. Sultan Abdul Hamld is reported to have abdicated and fled on a warship or sought refuge in a foreign embassy. Tho report that the sultan had abdi cated caused the greatest excitement In the lobbies of parliament. A rumor of the flight of the sultan on a warship followed closely on that of his abdica tion, but neither could be confirmed. Large crowds gathered at the British embassy, where other reports bad it that the sultan had taken refuge, and there were scores of inquiries at the Russian embassy concerning the truth of the rumor that the sultan was under tho protection of Russia on one of Its guardsbip. At both of these embas sies all knowledge of the sultan's move ments was denied and the Turkish For eign office gave a strong denial of the rumors. The abdication of Abdul Hamld, how ever, appears to be not Improbable, and it appears that within a day or two the Conatiuttionsllsts may accept 'aa his successor Prince Yusseff Izzedtn, the eldest son of the late sultan, who Is second in line, as they are strongly displeased with Abdul Harold's atti tude. The Constitutional forces sent out small parties to reconnolter this after noon, and at 7 o'clock in the evening they were within sight of the gates of Constantinople. They encountered no resistance, nor does resistance nem likely, unless it is at the palace. TDe headquarters of the Constitutionalist army is at Dedegaticb, and General Husnl Pasha's forces, which bow nttsa ber between 20,000 and 30,000, occupy a range of hills about 20 miles from the capital. LOEB AFTER SMUGGLERS. Declines Offer of 8260,000 to Drop Government Inquiry. New York, April 20. The smuggling syndicate that first offered Collector of the Port Loeb (100,000 to drop the government's investigation of the smuggling of "sleeper" trunks con taining (55,000 worth of Paris gowns increased its offer today to (260,000, according to Mr. Loeb. "The amount now offered the gov ernment to drop the Investigation and probable prosecution (s (260,000," said Mr. Loeb. "Tho amount represents what would bo the penalties of fully (200,000 above the appraised value of the goods. All offers have been re fused. We want the smugglers." It is believed that worry over this case so affected tho mind of William G. Bainbridge, confidential agent of the United States Treasury department In Paris, that he committed aaicide. The Treasury department bad fully ap proved Mr. Bainbridge's course in the case, but he loft a note declaring ho was the victim of a plot Mr. Loeb's investigation shows that the smuggled gowns had been made In Paris by famous designers for many women of social prominence and wealth in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington and that the reason for offering such a large sum to suppress the investigation was to shield tho women from unpleasant publicity. Short Route to Europe Winnipeg, Man., April 20. Edsen J. Chamberlain, general manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad, an nounced tonight that in a few days the road would begin constructing branch lines north and south from Melville, Sask. The company will lose no tlmo in building a through lino from the American boundary to Hudson bay. thus providing the farmers of the Mid dle states with a short wheat route to Europe. He also announced the con struct ion of several other branches from the main line to the north. Young Turks Will Depose Sultan, London. April 20. Interest in the Turkish crisis is now chiefly concerned with the fata of the sultan and thero is llttlo doubt that he will be deposed. Recent developments have served to emphasize the dovotlon of tho whole country to constitutional government. Cotton Fire la Burning, Little Rock. Ark.. April 20. Th St Louis compress No, 2, with 1.20Q t I m Sl I -I III :,.rt,viMmfmumiimmmimMmmmmmmmm!m