! I v M J i ! f fi it J"J '! if Sllf l ADJUDICATE WATOR RIQHTS. (Continued from pkc I.) i i i . i i im. u.. i i i r of this company diverted practical ly the entire flow of the Tttmello. Iloracstcaders'livtng farther down on the stream, who had taken out small ditches for the irrigation of garden tracts and a small acreage of Rraln, found themselves deprived ol water and their gardens burned up. They were also forced to haul water from the creek for domestic purposes. These homesteaders claimed at the time that more water was being diverted by the concerns above them than could be put to beneficial use. and that much of the water went to waste. These complaints were made last summer. Who are in the right and who are in the wrong; who has prior right to the water and who does sot is not known. Again the advantage of the new law is readily seen when it k considered that the water board will take up these uat ters of dispute, will adjudicate all water rights, and thereafter no further trouble can arise over the question of ownership of water and the diversion thereof. That will be settled for all time, and no man will be allowed to divert more than be uses. SYNOPSIS OF OAME LAWS. Facta That WW 8 of Interest to Cen tra) Oregon Hunters. Ruck deer Kxcept In Baker, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa, the open season extends from Anjjutt 1 to November I. In the conn tie named it extend frem September 15 to November I. Silver-gray squirrel Open semon ex tcada from October I to January Chinese pheasant Kxcept to Jose phine, Jackson, Hood River and Malheur, open season extends from October 15 to November 15. In counties named there i ao open season. Native ptteaaaata and grouse Kxcept in Uafaw, Wallowa, Baker, Umatilla and Grant the open season extends from October 15 to November 15. In the couatlM named the open season extends from AtigMt 15 to October t. Prairie chicken Except In Grant, Harney and Umatilla counties the open season extends front September I to October 15. In the counties named there is no open season. Sage hen and sage cock Open season extend from August I to November 1. Quail Kxcept in Jackson and Jose phine counties the open season extend from October 15 to November 15. In the counties named the open season ex tends from October is to December 15. No open season for quail In Grant, Har ney. Gilliam, Umatilla, Wheeler, Mor row and Malhesr. Doves or wild pigeons Open season extends from September is to January 1. Ducks In Multnomah, Columbia and Clatsop open season extends from Sep tember I to January is. la Harney, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Wallowa, Union, Baker and Grant open season ex tends from September 1 to April I. In Coos, Curry and Lake open season ex tend from September is to March 15. In Klamath county the open season ex tends from September IS to February 1. In counties not named open season ex tends from October is to February 15. Geese sod swan Kxcept in Harney, Baker, Union, Wallowa, Sherman, Gil Ham, Grant, Klamath, Malheur and Lake open season extends from October 1 to March t. In the counties named it extends from September t to May 1. Honker geese In Grant, Harney and Malheur the open season extend from September 1 to March l. In all other counties it extends from September 1 to May 1. Shore and wading birds Open season extends from October 1 to April 1. Bag limit Sage bens and cocks.qualU, prairie chickens, and other upland birds, five in one day or ten in one week; ducks SS in one week; deer, five in one season; shore and wailing birds, 30 in one week; geese and awan, no limit It is alwaya unlawful To sell, offer far sale, barter or exchsnge, ship, carry or transport beyond the boundaries of this-state any deer, moose, mountain sheep, elk, silver gray squirrel, awsn. prairie chicken, grouse and all species of upland birds and duck. To hunt without a license; to hunt or kill any mountain sheep or antelope; to hunt or kill any elk uniil August 1, 1919: to kill beaver or to kill deer less than one year old; to run down with dogs or hunt deer at night. To kill China cock in Jackson, Jose- phlne. Hood Rlvtr or Malheur comities or to kill hen anywhere in the tate; to kill female tlcer at any time, or to titiiti late carcauea o a, to iiUtitilac cx; to hunt or kill any silver, golden, coicr, Japanese or Rcvtra phcaautis KtiKllsh or Hungarian rtarlridKeor Hob Whit? quail; to kill quail or China phenMnta in Grant, Harney, Ulllam, Umatilla, Wheel er, Morrow or Malheur until October 15. 9J lV.,d , . . , TO trap, or UCstroy neat Ol protected ..... t,ir.t. tn. ,.i. ..... .i,.i I... ime bints to operate any link, box oame Ink or anenk beat, akin or launcb. ex ccpt In the Willamette river above Ore Ron City and in Yaqulna and C001 hays; to hunt with bnttetiea, swivel gun, lite, flashlight or blind more than 100 feet from shore: to Mtoot on eucloscil lamia without pcrmiaaion; to ship nr tell tlctr skltis without being properly tagged. Penaltiea for transporting Kame ou aide the atate, 1 100 to f jou fine ami itn priaonment; for violation ol any name law, from J15 to foo line; for hunting without a licne. front f jj o fjoo fine and imprisonment. When a store uses only a small amount of space in its ads , it i. construed to mean that its message is small and unimportant. Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on the importance of buying your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of words. BcaS Seeds have proved their worth our increas ing business u proof indeed that merit alone has made the Chas. H. Lilly Co. fore- most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send for catalog, 120 pjje, illus ttkS trated, de riD aBI scrip Plft.lt SI ive OFFICIAL CHARTER OF The First National Bask OF BKND. No.jr5t Trcusary Department, OtBc of Comptroller of ine tarrcacy, watoiogum. v, t Marvn 17, WHBBEAa. By satisfactory trUesc presented to the undettiavscil. Il baa been aaad la appear lhal Tbe First Msttonal Bank ol Mend In tht town of lltnl, In tM count r of Crook, an! atatt ofrfoo. has complin! with all the prurUioaa ufthc (statute of the United SUtra, required to be complied with before aaortation shall be authartjtd to commence the butneu of bank inr. .Sow TitiBKiroBK T, Lawrence O. Munay Comptroller ol the Currency, do hereby certify Ifcat'-The first Jfatioaal Bank of Bend' In the town ol Bend, tn the county of Crook, and state of Oreron, Is nntborUrd lu commence the bual ncaa of banking as prorided In fttrtton Kllty-one kaadred and sixty-otae of the Kcrlaed Matotra ot the United riutts. In TBSTiMn.iv witBBBor, witneta my hand and scnlofomce Ibis seventeenth day of March, ' LAWMKNCK O. MUBRAY. mrji-Jm Comptroller of the Currency. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, D. S, Land Office at Tbe Dalle, Oregon, March Jth. 1909. Notice Is bertby g iten that Arthur G. Wy. of Bend. Oregon, who. on AprU lith. 1904, made iiomeueaa Kstry (serui .-o. ojiij no. uwi. foelheSWV bee la. Tp. IJK..K 11K..W M. haa filed notice of intention to make final fire year proof, to establish claim lo the land a bote deacrlbtd. before II. C Kill. United Bute Com- miaaiottcr.aiataomceat Bead, Oregon, on ut llth day of May, jqoo. Claimant namea aa witnesses fred A. Una nell. Kdward T Broalethoua, tjartrn O. Keed and Lothrop II. McCana, all of Bend, Oregon. a7-mj v w, MUUKK,KtgiKer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Ottce. Tbe Dalles, Oregon, April I, loop. Notice la hereby eiten thai the Northern Fa. ctfie Ksllway Comuaoy, whose post omce ad dreta ia St, raul, Mlaaeaots. hat this llth dsy ol Msrih, 1909, tiled la Ihts of&cc Us tpplicatlou to aelect nndtr Ihe prortaioaa of Ihe Att of Coo- area, aeototed July I. ifrjllvilxat. vn. 6l aa extendrd by the AciolCotifreaa, apptored May 17. iu,theN XefSKKbcctioas3.Tp.Ma. R- 11 1;. W. M. Any and all cersons dalmlae adteraelv the lands described, or desiring lo object because ol the mineral character of tht land, or (or any other reason, to Ihe disposal lo applicant should ucinciraraaayusotptoieai in ibis once, on ot oeior e inc sain oay 01 way, 1909. al4-mi9 CW SIOOBK. Register. NOTICE FOJl PUBLICATION. DrpartBUBt of the Interior, 0. 8. Land Office at The Dalits, Oregon, April 91b, 1909 Notice Is hereby gittn that Frederick A. Hun- jtll, of Bend. Oregon, who, on AptU tsih tfH, made llomeatead Knlry (Serial So. etui.) So lltSo. tor Mi if S.W it . H It iK V. bU If K V bection 4, Township IS booth, kangc IS Kaat. WUIametlc Mtikliaa, naa filed notice of Inten tion to make final Flte-Ytar Proof. locaUbliah claim to Ihe land aboee described, before II. C Cllls. I'nited SutesCommtaaionir, at his office at Bend, urrgon, on the th day ol May, 1909. Claimant names as witneaaea. Arthur C. Ely, Urtrn O. Keed, Ralph . Lewis snd John Stttdl. all of Bend, Orrgoo aiimij C W. Uodbb, RcgUlrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. 8. 1 snd Office al Lakeetew, Oregon, April is, lyso. Notice Is hereby ariren that Hdnanlfl. Ituutk. of Roaland. Oregon, wbo on Dee is, iw7, made nomturau mur no, Mio(neriaino 01514), lor iHH Stclion . Township 11 South, Ranee 11 Kasl. W Uamcltr Meridian, haa riltd notice or Inlfnllin In astaVa aVIntsf PruiitHotallnta Pert esubtlth claim lo the land abort described, bc- urc 11. k. iuiis. united btatts tommtntontr, al his office at Bend, Oregon, on Ibe ytb day ol 'sy. ioo. Claimant names as witnesses) Charles W Richie, George T hit, Hubert a Caldwell snd Job H. Bogue, all of Koslsnd, Oregon, aii-mjo J N Warsox, XcgitUr- 'bbbbbs.i as as as bbbbbbsv V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS MB a1aBBlaBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBVt SUMMONS. tN THIS qHCtltr COURT Of Tlllt STATU Of OHIvOON, 'UR THIS COUNTY W CROOK The Itchiitf ttttgslldn ft rower CuiuiMit) . a CtuiHiiallou, I'Uintnr, W. It . Cooper, ami the Stale Laml IHMttl 01 uregon. IkitmUnle. To V II. Cfcoper, IXFemUnt. In th nantcof the rtlate of Oregon You are htttlivtcuultttl toauntaraiiil amwer the cum )latm Hint against you 111 tliv above tutlllnl tnit I within sit weeks ftoiii the tlayurthe (list uMt jcsltonur litis summons, unit tfYou Tall o to i I fear ami answer for want thereof the plaintiff ,,,,, the Cuutt for the irlitf wayed lot Intttcivraolainl. to wit fur In cancellation ami setting aakte of a ctitaln cunltsci tUlnl the 14th day or December, I, mailc ltwctn you ami Jkl rialntllf relating to the tHircrtaae of ccr- tain lamia ami the water lighte apimilrnanl Ihtttto, altuatt In Crook County, Oteson. and Mr atKh othtr atl lutlher rtlUf at may seem I"' the Court Jut and eiulttvte Thia Hmnmons ta acreed upon J oil by puMicU' tion by authority ol ait unlet ol the Honorable II. C Ifllia. County JudaeofCiook County. tJte- fou, aiul MM onltr i Uat'-il March It, lw.o,atHl duly made snd entetrd In aabl Coutt and suit Date of Aral publication Match ITth. 14- jnwit bwiak.ii juiir 11. IIAL.L,, uiur-4ts Altotncya for lialiiiilf. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court ol the Mate of Ortiou, for the County tr Crook, The Dcachutca Irtlxatlun A ISiwee Company, CuriHirattou, llalnllrT, Wm. It Cumtnlns. and the Stale Land Boam of Otton, lrtt(tanta. ToWn ll.Cutnmlnj. IHftudanl. In the name of the Stale of Oreeon You arc hettby requited tu appear and answer the com plaint Sled axalnat you In the a bore entitled ault within tis weeka fioin the day of the Brat pubil cation ol thla Summon, and ifyou (all ao to atv twaraudanawcr for want thereof the IMalnlifT wtu apply lotnevouit lor the teller prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt lt the cancellation and acllMa'aoUieora certain ctinttact ttatrd tht t;thdayof Notembti. 1905. mtuc bttwetn you and aakt llaiulirf rtUllne to the purchaae of cet Ulnlauda and the water rlahla apputttnant thereto, ailuale In Crook County reion. ami tut auch alhet an.t fuithtr rclicfat may seem to the Court Juat and equitable. iniaeummous tiKtmiupan you lie pnWica tion by autburlty of an onltr of the Honorable II V. v n KUIa. County ludve of Ciouk lAmniv. lite. con. su on, and said ordtr la Ualed March II, Iwu. "J iadalt made and entered lu aoxlcourt aut ault. Uale ol BiM publication Mareb ITth. ivun. in.tt iiA."iauu juii"i 11 iiii,l mis-at Atiucutya for I'Uinllir. SUMMONS. In the Circuit CoailofthcHUtc oCOttion, for the Couuty of Crook. The Uew.hute Irriratian A Power Company, a Uorpoialioa, 1-Ulnlllf. va. W r Sloan, and the State Land Board ol Ortfoa, Ueftodanls. ToW F. Sloan. Utftndant lu the nameol thencaiecif Clrvenn; You a, bettby teoullnl to aDtMcar and aniwrt the rum plaint Med aalnt you lu tbe abate entitled ami within six wetka Trum the day uf Ihe tin publt catlua of thia Hunimona, and If you fail ao to ap pear a ltd anawer lot want theieuf the plaintiff will apply to the court for tbt relief played for Intlvcuwplaint, to-wlt for Ibe cancellation and ettini aatde of a cttu.n contract dated Ihe Ivan day oTneplrmper. lvS. made between yvu and aatd ptalbtirT relating to the purchase olcerlaln land, and tbe water rithtt spputteuaat thtretu ailuatc m Cruok County. Oftfun, and lot auch othtr and further relief aanuy stem to Ihe court jul and equitable Thlttumraona ia atrted upon you by pahtlc tion by authority of an ordtr of the llonorablt II C Knia, County Judct of Crook County, Ore oo, and said ordtr la oated Match ij. iw, and ta duly made and entered In aaid coo it and ault. IMtrof Aral pablication March 17th. I9". JK.HaKTKAH and IUIIN II. IIAUT. mri7-ais Aliorneys (or ruiatlff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Coutt tf Ihe SUle of Orrgoo. lor . the County of Crook. The Dcachutca Irrigation Ik rowrr Lompany, a corporation. inalnllff VS. Asble M. IngtU, and Ihe Slate Land isoara 01 urtgon. DtftndanU Ta Annie M. Ingtll, DtftndanU In the name of the niste of Oregon You art hereby required to appear and anawer the com plaint Sled again you in Ihe aburc entitled aali within all weeka from the day ol Ihe BrH pubtl catloa of thia summons, and Ifyou (all ao lo ap pear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the coutt far the ttlitf prated (ot la llw complaint, to-wlt For the cancellation snd aettlng aside of a certain contiscl dated Ihe Mhdayoi Inly. 1905, made bctwtrn you and aaU plaintiff relating lo Ihe purchaae of certain landa and Ihe water lights appurtensnt thttcto, iltoate in Crook CoulI), Urtgon. and (or auch othtr and fuithtr relltl aa may aeern lo tht Court Juat and equitable Tbla summons is screed upon yon by publics tion by authority of an ordtr of the Honorable t.C. Mils, County Judge of Crook County. Ore gon. and said onltr Is dated Match IJ, luv), snd la duly made and entered In aaid Court and aull Date of first publication March 17th. Igm. JS-ntiK BTKAKNn and JOHN II. HAM., mri7-aa Attorneys for rtainlin NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V 8. Land OdUe at The Dalles, Oregon. I'tbiutry 19,190). Notice Is hereby tin n thst KlaUr Darnall cfrortUnd. Oregon, who. on December is. toon. maoeiimoer ana atona sworn sutement No, JM. hcrial No. caua. for NUlVU Arr I Tn. ISH. klK, lot 6 and NKUhWlf. Hec- 6, Tp, alt n, R II It, WilUmttte Meridian, haa filed notice of mttntion 10 make onai prool, 10 esiablltu claim tolbetanddraciitied. twloie Krclater and We- cetter, al Tbe Dalles, U.egon, on the nth day ol ay, 1709. Claimant names as wilnesaiai Arthur T Don' ohue, of Laldlaw, Oregon, John A. Tracy of Portland, Orrgoo, Mra Anna u sndes of Clacka, raae, urrgon; Charles Boyd of mss, Urrgon; John Blots of Maters, Orrgoo, Bend, Urrgon, ntjajl C. W. MOOKIC. KrgUter. SUMMONS. In Ibe Circuit Court In the btate of Oregon, for tbe County of Ciook. The Deschutes Irrlgstlon Ik fewer Company, a Corporation, ITalntlft. . W. R. Keller, and the State Land Boaid of Oregon, Defendants. To W K Keller. Defendant. In Ihe name ol the Bute of Orrs-on: You are hereby required to appear audan,wer the com plaint filed agaiual you In Ibe aborc entitled suit wilhin sis weeks from Ihe day of tbe first publi cation of thia biimmont. and if you fall so to ap pear and answer for want thereof the Plaintiff wiiisppty loineiouiiiurmc rtuti prayrn lor lu tht complaint, to-wit for Ihe Cancellation and settiug aside of a certain conlrsct dated the Itthday of June, 19. made between you and aaid Plaintiff relating to the purchaae of certain landa and the water ilghta apputtenant thereto, altuate in Crook County, Oregou, and lor such oth-r and lurthrr rtllcf as insy sceut lo the Court Just and equitable. This nummons is serted upon you by publica tion by authority of an order of Ihe Honorable II. C Whs. County Judge of Crook County. Ore f:on, and said order Is dated Mar.-li I). I90J, and duly made snd entered In said Court s.d suit, Date of first publication March trih, 1909. JKrtili HIKARNn and JOHN il. HALL. mri7-e4 Atloruty s for llalnlin. These Patent Tension Shears i This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent FREE, postage prepaid, to every new, cash-ln-advancc year's subscription to The Bulletin. If you arc already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone who Is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free. If your subscription is about to expire you cannot afTonl to in Us this opportunity to Kccurc a pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear tlull, and which will cut auvtbinj; from wet tiasue paper to a heavy horse blanket. A pair of these shears nrc tfiven free to every new casli-in-advancc subscriber. The Tension Spring attachment docs awny with rcsharpctilnR entirely and enables the user to set the tension on the rivet so tat any kind of material may be cut with perfect case without tiring the band. The Tension Spting takes up all wear on the rivet, makiug the shears practically iudcstrurtiblc. A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown in the engraving, tightens up the blades us closely as may be desired. Any woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to use a dull pair of shears can readily appreciate the value of the new invention WHICH KIUJPS THIS l'AIR Ol7 SHliARS ALWAYS SHARP and in perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs of shears or scissors you may .have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you get and use it once, you will use it in preference to any other you may have. These shears nrc per fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated. WE GUARANTEE 4 ' tbe quality of the material and workmanship in this pair of shears to be first class, that 'the Tension Sprfatr device doubles the usefulness of the shears and does away with the need of rrsiiarpcnlug. Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pnir, agreeing "that If this pair of shears BRHAK9 or in any way becomes delcctivc within I'l V15 YKAKS from date of pur chase it will be replaced. with a NEW pair without cost." SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND fllONEY TO THE BEND BULLETIN BEND, OREGON FREE! To BULLETIN Subscribers. gslnfgil MQ-0aW Ml yir ij! ijf 4 In I I II aamBmsmHIl bbbbbbsbbbbWI " I