The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 21, 1909, Image 7

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    This is One of the 40,366
Testimonials received In two year. "Onn Is n Now Knirlnnil fnnnor'a
home, nud n wo nro (wouty miles from n InrKo'-town, wo nru obliged to tic
t-aiul very largely upon fnmlly incillrliios wo keep on lmml nil tlio ttmo.
"First and Foromoit iitiionj,' them is Hootl'a Harsoiinrllla- which wo
have always found n trno friend mid lirlpor. WIkmi I hint siUTcreil dread
fully from dyspepsia, witliout fhiilliij; relief, Hood's Hnrsnpiirllln nave tnn
positive lioli nnil when I hnd imcd four liuttleii 1 wn in bettor heulth tlmn
for mnuy year. I linvn found Hood' Bnmn)Mrllla
"A drost HprinR Medicine to' build onn up wlion strength In tnot
needed, to rrento nn nppclite, nud In short to reguhito tlio whole, system. I
Imvo lately beni Inking Hnrontabs, which I Hnd convenient, easy to tnko, and
alto very iicnoflclnl." Sir. V.. h. Horry, Went Troy, Mo.
Hood Hnmnpnrllln combine tho utmost reincdlnl values of more than
20 dirferent Ingredients, each urcatly strengthened and enriched by IhU
pcetilliir couihlnntlou,
Heglu Inking Hood 'a Snrsniwrilln today. Oct It In tlio nsunl liquid
form or In elioeolnlutl liiblols known ns 8nrntnb. 100 Down Ono Dollar.
roniuNO. due J
For Farms In tho Northwest
from iiroiilo who nro on tho wny
front the Knt nml Mltfcllo Wrnt
mitt can plnco you In touch with
buyer with inonuy.
IM us hear whnl you liavo for saa
420 lumber Ekthangc DulMIng
KU (10 ill
rowou u,
K C Bnldner Powder vAh do Itl Get
n enru Try it for your favorite cake. If
It doesn't raise better,
If it isn't daintier,
we return your money. Everybody
agrees K C has no equal.
Pure, Wholosome,
In Case o Illness
the telephone Is a friend in need. It will save you
many anxious moments and possibly the life of a
loved one.
A reliable telephone places you in Instant touch
I liSlftaaWtv.
I mm V;lKjJailfiaJifleawi
the very best rural telephone lino will cost ,-
you and your neighbors only about aa H,
much a two or tlireo alieep. With our nJK N
1'rco Hulletlna bcfurolilm a boy can Install Sr
and operate tho aystem. ""
CltiHh tJinltiimnl. urllrtnr mmlJfJr, ,n Ih-M In i
mill It nr nwtiltftt, u tUI tur Ire. I ulltlln Ma. 11
vJkkk J4HTM Iht lrr fU- I UiUil, M H Ul lmml4ulltr.
Tht woiU'l olJiit ind Until III,
phommmuljctunr, Tlntur.ov.r
MiW) Wttltn llillril TllHllwil
la uie In lhi Unllid Slilii lo-dty.
N. Yoik
I' Cloclsntll
Atlanta Mlnattulll
MlnatiMlK whip. ..i.""" -
Kotlkun K1clri tod MimUctuHar
Kural TtUphoitt
Scientific Concrete SeptlcTanks
tletalt plana. I-III of maUral wllh coat; full
1lrrlHmNinl.lir. el rmell eipen-e. can
l-ultl hit own lank, runnac! oM atrle toilet
e-vl orr( fur kilt hen ek-v. making hi
home aenltary O.M
474 Manianlta Straat, Cortland, Oregon
Crown unci IlrUfo Work a Specially
KX.toj Merchant Tru.t tlolltlnr . ...
IMIt We.lilnat.-n. tut. Hlllli lUUTI.ANI). Oil
Tlio Treatment la to Accomplish
What Science Hat Been Strug-
gling to Attain for Centuries
The Intent lnl-TMl that bee U-en mahlfMln)
throughout the rounlrr if th wonderful cure,
that are Mng MTumji lkhi dally t e-plle-ptrld.
III! nmllnuM, II U really un-rU1ng Ik vul
mimUr ef -otle who have already been cured tf
ntaen-t it.reou.nee. In urltr that vryl.y
mar he a rhanr lo m Ik nn-dlelne. Iate IrUI
Intljea. -ratt-at.! literature. IILtory of Ki-llrpey
and IxtlnwnlaK Willi anil by mall
rr-e to ell who write!" the lr Uay Laboratory,
U I'Mrl Hire.!. Nrw Ymk Oly.
Get It from
your Grocer
POUND 25c.
Guaranteed nndar
all rurai Food
more evenly, higher,
more delicate In flavor,
rJaque Mfg. Co.
with your doctor and friends without
taking you from the "sick room."
Western Electric
Rural Telephones
arc of proven reliability. They will
not fall you in emergency. Think
over tlio small cost.
. All ot the material needed to build
dalal LcniU Saa Fiaaclico
8asr 8..111.
Oratha SaliLaktClli
- - --- wiu.n
Co., Ud, Motrtl find Wlaalpr
a iptcially.
IloldellxTK UnWrrnlty has recclvnl
f.T.VWI lo found it rmllifiu Imtlttitn.
Tho ulnti) H'fxxln of (Icriimiy roror
I0,(XX),WJ neres nml kIvo MiiployiiiiMit
to W,tm iwriuMiK.
New Zttnliiuil'it iiopulaUon at tlio
cluao of lint year wna ttxtltnntnl it
UtiHtm, tlio death ruto ticlnif only 0X.7
a tliimnntid.
Tint Itoyitl Acuilmny of KiiKlnnd wn
foiindnl In 17IW, Tlio bulMluir, In Mil
doiir In tlio ItciiaUanueo tylu wini
erected by Hmlrko lu ISftSiW.
Dnan ItniiiKity telU of nn old lady of
IMInlniritli wlio ordered her mnld to
eall uiMiri the doctor every iiiomline and
ri'iHirt llii' Inteot pnrllculnrH nn to her
inUtriW licnltli, alwny carefully add
hilt tier compliment. At liit one dny
tlio Klrl nrrrlved wllh, "AIIm H
coiiiplliueiilii, am) iliu tlu'etl Inst nlxlit
lit alcbt o'clock."
Iliu Idon that tlio wedding rliic
ahould txi worn on tlio third finger of
Ihtt left hand Ucnuno"ii nervo connect
thin Onger with the heart," l, anyM tho
WTller of an nrtlelo lu Wouinii'a Mfe",
of Itouinn orlKlu. but, (ldty enmiuli, Is
not continued on tho continent an In
KiiRland, for In I'raner, lleliduin and
Jeruiiiuy, nud moat other !:uroMitu tin
tlonn, the Viurnicpinent rltut" fJiiRer t
tho third nnser of tho left hnnd, whllo
tho "wftldlui; Hiik" HiiK'T U tbo third
fliiKer of thv rlitht hnnd.
Dr. W. A. Krnna, Clileaso's health
commltuloiier. doea not bellevn In hnr-
Ing nmokliiK car on clcrnteil rallronda
or lu iK-riiilttliiK tho uo of tobacco on
tho front plntforuni of atreet car, lie
ha wrtttrn lettera to tho prcitldenta of
the coiiipanlea. niiKKfitliiK that aa mnk
IniC It coiiduclro to cxiectoratlon, and
aa aplttlw; U jirejudtclnl to public
health and n violation of tho city ordl
nancea aa well, tbo rnaleit way to rvt
rid of tho "plttlne evil will be by abol
UIiIiik aiiioklne on public conveyances.
Ocortto V. I'arker, In h! remlnU
ta-eneca of Mr. Cleveland Irt MoC'lure'a
MflRnalue. tells of tbo enormous num
ber of glfla avnt to a rreatdeut. After
hU ftritt term Mr. Cleveland IniUtcd on
RoltiR throURh hU mat collection, and
In deocrlblnR the Incident Mr. I'arker
I My ; "l'on unlocklns tho dbniaed
I room Into which pcrhap ten or twelvo
. thounnnd miuirato nrtlclea hnd hern
Jcaat, wo mlRlit well have thouRht our-
ivlrit lu a photoRraphlc warclioune.
There muat certainly have leen be
tween six and aoven tbouiand pliotiv
A biialneaa coummtilcntlon In Arable
rect'iitly reiichitl a Mnncheatcr flrni,
ami when translated by a Hyrlan In
terpreter prorwl to contain a requeat
for the prlc of coiHrlnR two "water
hwpM of certain Riven llmennlou.
Tho trntinlntor wn confident of hla vcr
alon, but aduillteil that bo bad not
known wlmt "water sheep" could bo.
For tbo moment even tho heads of the
firm were puuled, until It struck soma
ono that till wa tho nearest synonym
In tho vocabulary of n pastoral people
for "hydraulic rams." Manchester
The corner stone of tbo WashliiRtou
Moniiiiietit was laid by l'realdent folk,
July 4, 1KI8. and Decrmber 0, 1831. the
cap alone wn set In position. The
foundation aro t'.MVj feci iimro and
SO feet 8 Ineliea deep. Tlio base of Uie
iionunient I 55 fivt lid Ineliea njuare,
and the wall !." feet U Inch thick. At
tho r0(-foot nmrk, where the pyramidal
top ItoKtut, tho shnft I nt feet HM
Inches nmro and tho walls are 18
Inches thick. Tho monument Is made
of block of tnnrhlo 2 feet thick, and
It Is said there aro over 18.WK) of them,
rho helRht nltove tbo Rrouud I S.V1
Itovelutlons concerning the double
career of tho ltulnn ternrlt )IIcp
agent, Aseff, rocull a etory told of I.oui
XVI II, KliiR of France, and Foucbe,
who had been nt ono time Napoleon's
minister of mlleo. After tbo Iiourhou
reittorntlou the KliiK aaketl Fouche
whether ho hnd set spies over lilin dur
Iiir tho empire. Fouebo ndiultteil that
ho hnd. "Who wn tho pyT" tho Klni
nuked, and ho wn Informed' that It hnd
been the Comto do Illncas. "How much
did ho Rutt" iMiitlnueil tbo KIur. "IVo
hundred thousand francs n yonr. your
majesty." "Ah, well," mitd Uuls, "ho
wn houest, then, nfter nit I had
The' experiment of holdliiR services lu
tho open nlr, lustend of Insldo tho
church, I being nttempted by ono of
tbo CotiKrcKiitlonnt ehurch ministers nt
Itendlco. Tlio punum lu iiuestton, nc
cordliiK to nu AiiHtrnllnii )uipvr Just to
hnnd, hivvlm; lu mind tbo bmity veil
tllnted condition of ui.iny churches nud
(ho fnct thut tho coiiKreKntlons nro not
nlwnys coniioned of (Iiono who nro In
tho best of health, bus decided that If
his people nro iiRrecnblo tlio Sunday
ovenliiK services smll Imi coiiductnl for
tho remainder of tho worm weather
In tho opon nlr. There nro, no doubt,
uinny peoplo lu this country who would
llko to sco this experiment tried over
horo on hot Suudny oveulu.'s. -West
ulustor Qusotto.
SHU Slruulln.
"Unci Illrnin, bsvo you vr written
sny rnaisiln ttotlnV
"S no, not yet, tlenrj I bar only
written itorlea for magln."
only one "nnoMO quinine-
for lh. tla-nalura of K. W. OIIOVK. Ua4 U,
otM ww to euro a Covl In Una umr, nc
Cani Up In a llurrr.
Mrs. A How nro you settlnc on
with your Rarden? Did your weds
como up7
Mrs. H. Oh. yes? they all came up
In about two day. My neighbors keep
Mother! will RoA Mrf. WlmtoV Blln.
Sjru i th tt raxti tnUMlor lhlrdiU4ij
Surlof Ilia Uatlilua irlixl.
Iter '!.
Mil Ooodaole My nutate trscber tells
in I ouiht by all meant to cuttlrate iry
Mia Tsrtun Hhe'a rlslit. You ouxht
to cultlratt It or tjult trjrlne to tlog with
trT M. Vila' ! a ro. ilwax na
rilJ.(Ur itf t I". I .laartOmirH,r.alM.
Ksr.r. K..1 lor rill St M lll.l lollla aa4 IrMtlM.
Dr. U. IL Kllaa. L4 . W Aftb St.. lUoaUkta. fa. (Irlliuurnplir.
Tenehcr Vour name I John Tim
nil ii it, Is It? Where sra you from.
New rupll Snohomlih, Wash.
Teacher Tlow do you spell It, John
ny? New rupll You don't spelt It.
lu'sm. You smite It
HOWAItl) i; HUII1UX - A-a.r aad OmmIM.
II l1.ill. Cbloiwta, HhIkm .MIvmi Oat,
aili.r. Lh4. 11. Iloli. rll).r. kai Oold. luci Zlaa
f Onrtwr, 11. l.lllaia.lotaaa'l rail .rbllt
KalonaMllalli ftmlral 4,1'ailn otka
rluO. lul.tMuvi CuUwu9a(WaaIlUak.
To Saaaoa I Hako and Ball Mora Xn'i $3 00
It, 93M Shoe TLra Any Other Mtanf attortr
U m.m I tin Ik. mw ta. .1 ta. aMt
t.U4. muluttt. f ua tapnu aa4 aUU
ilMHikmu ta. .Mfttr
tkMMUiWU.UU, tmt ak H af tka ikM.
ul mn 4M.0 1 U. fc.l U mn Hulaal, U
UmKt IW t ta. at
tm ta U. itM taawtry
II I rail iknr
v rw a. ..rWaur W L. DnlUl AM
. .... i. u.
Y vMic ta. a.u.a ir iwf a.
ium.ii, ul mw Imp, Uu ui .ta uli.
vmiiim. mnimmmmjjm
ttf AfrtaWaf tumli ( Sol.i Vitm afar
flulH lnfr Wntti (Aa alArra
ha rWr Itvrrir MfwK.r wf th VmmUft
Mrj., H7, tV.M.,M Imm .nd I'MlrfrvM.
Tnf at hf thorn 4aWr .t.fyw ttft.
PnilTinU I Km aniuiM tlbot w, I. tvlaa
t All HUD I um ul Hlr. aa butnu.
ratlCOwtnl.t.eM4tliladnlr KtHXttattn.
W. L. DOt'OLAJ. 117 Saarl it- Bmilaa. Matt.
NO. 16-09
TIIKlt wrlllnr to aertlr pUM
aaaiMf ioarwa
tf FY fff V- yj fJ A
f I lilVL llJBin
frjTnM.V jV J
I Will Send You Free Treatment and Give You Simple Instructions How
To Cure Yourself in Your Home, Without Cost
Dr. Lynott's Great Medical Book, Describing; These Diseases, as Well as the Addresses of Sev
eral Hundred of HU Cured Patients, are Also Sent Free to All Who Write Him.
Bo that alt who auffar from VUnay troukla,
bladdartroublaor rhaumalliin may know with
out oitwnaa that at lait a aanulna uul rallaUU
cur for the. dlaa haa boon found, I wtu
and to any victim of Ibaaa allmmta a frta treat
mantand auch ilmpl Inatructiona that arnrona
can cura hlnuatf at homo, frao. I ay freaarvJl
maanJreo. twill maka no charsa; you hava only
to writa ma a lottar jrivln ma your aymptoma and
telllna ma how you fral and I will da aa I promUo.
To rlra fr treatmtnt la tha bat way to prova
my elalma. 1 Uar tha expanaa. You haro aim
ply to uka my trwtmant at Ulrtctnl and you will
know I ran cur you, You will owa ma nothing
now or later whan cured. It la my free gift to
tha thouunda of urle acid aufTarera. and I want
alltotakaadvantasoof It. I hav davoted my
Ufa to tha cura of theae dlanuea. I am In a poal
tlon to blip you and my help will coat you noth
ing. Write ma a tatter today, deecrlblnc your condi
tion In your own worda, and I will aend you a free
treaUntnt for It Bom of tha leading- aymptoma
ot a kidney, bladder or rheumatic, dlaeaio are;
I. r.ln In tha back.
t ' Too Inx-u.ul to nrlaat.
a. Iuraluitorol.trvotloaof urine,
4. 'am or torttarM a the bUdd.r.
, l.tor pain In tha trmach. .. .
lea.ral il.blllijr, u(,M, dinlaew.
'eln and ,or.aM uad.r rlglit rloa.
laalUai In aay pan at Ik body,
Tint Klml You IIhvo AlwnvR
titro of Clin. H. I'lntclicr, nnd linn Iiccn nindo under Ills
iivrsdiinl aiipervlsloii for over .'JO rrnm. Allow no ono
to tlocolvo you lit till. Counterfeit", Jniltntlon nncl
,JuUnH-tfo(Ml" nro liiitKxporIinciit, und cmlniicer U19
Jicaltli of Clilldrcn llxpcrlcnco nnliiHt JSxperlineiit,
What is CASTORiA
Cnstorht In a linrmlcs substltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
ftorlr. Irop nml Huotlilntr Hyriits. It J l'Icatuuit. It
contnliiH neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo
HiibHttiucc. It mjo In Itu Kmtniiitoc. It ilclroyi Worms
nml nllny Fovcrlslmos. It cure Dlnrrlitvn unit Wind
Colic. It rcllcrcx '1'eotlilnpr Troubles, cure Cniintlpntlon
nml I'Mntiileucv. It usKltnllnU-H tlio food, retriilatc the
Htoinnt'li nnd llowcls, Klvlnif lioaltlij nml natural alccp.
Tlio Clilldrcn'ri IMnaccn 'Xlio Slotlicr'a l-'rlend.
Tiie Kind You Hare Always Bought
Sears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years. e"rr, tt . ataerr.
i narr c t
ParSin Oremiorff Co., Canton, ESI.
PACIFIC IMPLEMENT CO., General nti, San Francisco.
B. HAVMAN, Ajont, Los Antalei.
Write Me Today.
(mt1i-U.oa or llfttr trtMitl.
oaipaiilVB v
lUaloa or
e In taa hli
n la the ae
r Dkia aitajr
Hi heart.
vck or -bJt
,.m In I
nss la ib ioi
. or .v.lllii., fit Ike IoIbil
1 ii
e and .Ulea u
,a aa4 Mroa.M In aanea.
it me noKifw.
Avuie or Coreale rheunatUau
You can dcacriba your condition In your own
way or you can give the number of the aymptoma
In tha noupon and aend tha coupon ta ma and tha
free treatment and Initructlona will be aent you
juat tha mama. Uy addreaa ta Dr. T. Krank Ly
nott. ltTSl OccklcnUl llulklliur. Chicago. 1U.
I am aaklng you for no money All I aak ta the
privilege of proving to tha atlticted that I can and
will euro kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble In
a almpte, aclentlrlc, natnleaa wayt that I can atop
the painful backacho. tha awelllng Hash, the In
flamed bladder, the torturing rhcumatlara. lam
ucceaaful with old and young, those who have
Juit become tick and thoa who my -raftered for
blnc-i I aak for no money writa m today and
you will Pa aurprieed to ae bow y It la to cure
you when the right remt-dlea. whoaa purity 1 hv
vouched far to the U. 8. Government, are aent
Iou. and when a doctor give you th right advice,
will give you th right retnedloo and right ad
vice and chars you nothing, ao correapoud with
Writ a Utter or Mod the coupon, ox do bath.
lloiiclit linn borno tlio slirna-
Signaturo of
A SaTorlna- bmJ H aanc aa kmaa 6f TlaQla.
Ur diwalfina aranaUtnl taaar In wattr aa4
addlna Mapkinr. a drllrioai irnip ! made and
a trrnp bcttM than maple UasWlBeliMldbr
KMni. U f"i nd J-V iet " bo?w J,B"
rrripebook. CraacanlMff.CaSaatrfa.Wa.
Canton Plows. Harrow
Planters. Listers. CuKlvafeMSI
I Stalk Cutters. Potato Diggers
Beet Implements, Carta
Garden Tools, &c
I 67 Yean el "Knowing How"HiiwTirf
tntaErtrrOMoi Taoaa. ,
n-. MfJl mtint lU and 9L ta
Fyi:. a .1 i. i ,.., a, rt u.Ul
for 6MtttU,SJlmpllcltT ao4 Ea9 ot Owntioa.
V. ""-l00 "P".2l ".. Sr''Jr.:
rBta a protcttedbyratenU. Wbea Jtwpaj Ml
rose toooaj oat UaacaU Eaperlaasstt are eipcBilw.
oa mIHor P. A O. InpktBeati from jwir dealer.
Dr. T. freak Ijiott.
tra OceUeeul UlJt.. Chleaa.
Xaottjai-tona aetaaer. put Joan Ike number.)
I elll be eblUed lo 1 04 for a tree treata-eat
aad aay laatraetlooa aad advice ea thlak necee-
aary lor the eare of my ea- alrael
Kladlr addieu me
trieaM vrlu lour addreM vlalal, or writ
your aJdreM oa a Mpaiale pleee f pirer aad
pla ihe coupon on.)
a I
M- 1 nil.,, I.I.I.I.IHIIT,,