The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 21, 1909, Image 6

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The solicitor droe away, fuming with
indignation. "Pompous, poverty-stricken:"
Were tli epithet he applied to the q,ulre.
In these fint moment of hi wrath. Kven
ft usurious solicitor In possessed of rrlde
nf some klml, and though he rosy hold It
In tolerable subjection during the early
Mage of hi career, like other men's.
It waxen fat and thrive wonderfully un
der the accumulation of eallh. Harold
UcnKui had trampled It remorselessly un
der foot. Then the Irritation subsided,
and the tule old head once txnre legan
to reckon up the chance of the game. He
plavcd It all over again in hi on mind.
"No," he muttereil: "don't think I made
any mistakes! I wa a fool to loe my
temper, though. Hadn't 1 made up my
wind, all along, that he'd take It pretty
much In that way, to Mart with? When
1 think how many of 'em I've seen run
ruty about their family name, placet,
and plate t It wa foolish y, very fool
ish to be annoyed at IVnlson" tantrum.
Name? bah " contiuneU the old man.
contemptuously. "If It came all the way
from the Conqueror, It worth on stamp
ed paper U the only valid test."
Sam Pearman. when he heard the re
ault of hi father tulioa. took rather
a different view of It from hi progenitor.
At a younger man he lacked the patience ;
and then, moreover, wa there not the
blow to hit telf-esteem? ltetween twenty
and thirty we feel that acutely; from
thirty to forty, with a tort of modified
soreneM: at fifty the conceit ha been
taken oat of most of u. and we are no
longer aitonUhed at finding that the world
rate ut a little lower than our own val
uation. Electroplate may jas for gold
for a short eon. in thee days, but so
ciety i pretty certain to detect the ring
of false metal ere very long.
Samuel the Junior bad to far been a
fortunate man In punult of hi ambi
tion. Thoagh not so successful a be
could hare wished, yet. o a certain ex
tent, he had worked hi way Into the,
county society. There were many house
that he wat occasionally asked to, aa an
odd bachelor to make up. leaplte all hit
father had tald at the time, a man with
Bam l'earman'a eye to the main chance
could not conceive a man in Harold
Denlson't position rejecting a proposal ao
sery much to his own advantage. He
wight recogntie a certain amount of dif
ficulty on the part of the lady, but men
of bit age are not wont to be diffident
about their own power of attraction on
thete occasions, and Sam Pcarman wa
one of the last to entertain apprehension
on that wore.
"He don't know whit'a gooil for him.
ami tnat'a about the site of It t" waa that
gentleman' remark, at hit tire retailed
the account of hi interview with I)enl
wo. "We uttall have to exercise a little
gentle prosure. I'm not going to be
t-beked off my game, at all event! at thla
ttage of the proceeding. Invalid often
tcqulre coercion to nuke tbrm take the
Ionic necnutary for their existence, and
it will be for you to make Denlson under
tlaud that he will ceaie to be Denlson of
Ollnn. at alt events, unloa be I preiared
to welcome me a a son-in-law."
"I-ae it to me, Sam. and ilon't ba
in a hurry. I made up my mind about it
the other night. I don't ty all, my boy.
but a good many thing I bare made up
my mind to have come to pan In course of
time. If me alone to work the oracle
just now. and, depend upon it, I'll give
you due notice when it' time for you to
make a move."
The. M)ii aniuieceil. If at time be
thought hit father wai getting a Illll
low nt turf tactics a punult from which
be bad In great measure withdrawn he
atitl lield a Qrtu belief that hli rcnt
was difficult to beat In the great game of
life, more especially when he held a win
ning card or two in hi hand.
Some two or three wreka elapsed; ami
then, one pring morning. Harold Deul
ton received a letter to the effect tint Sir.
1'eanuan of Mauurrsley felt it Incumbent
on himself to call iu bit money lent on
mortgage, a more favorable opportunity
lor Investment having offered.
That till would probably be the mult
of their lt Interview, tb squire had
foreteru. Vet, a day went by without
any ucb notlnce, lie begnu fondly to hope
that the atlornry bad teen tne prrsuiup
tion he h4d beeu gullly of, and that thins
would Mill Jog quietly along In their old
uay. How ephemeral that way had now
become, under ulmo.t any circumstance,
lie atill kept locked within hla own
breaM ltut a he read that letter tht
squire knew well tlut the ruhleun nan
lOkned. that hl" ship were burnt, and
himself defeated. He knew, too well, that
to raise that ten thousand anywhere else
would reult In an exposure of his af
fairs tantamount to ruin. He wat quite
aware that lVarnian waa equally convert
ant with the fact. He prepared himself
for the Impending crash.
Hut there is a certain amount of notice
requisite ou the calling In of a mortgage,
and thtt gave Harold Denlson time to
reflect whether for good or evil the read
rra of tbl atory must determine. Had
the blow fallrn at once, be would bate
abandoned Ollnn, grimly, aud aet up hi
lonely tent In tome remote watering place.
Itut the crafty solicitor had measured the
strength of hla prey with great accuracy.
It waa not without design that the notice
of the foreclosure of the mortgage had
Ixea steltyed. "dire It time give It
time," quoth that fisher of feeble human
ity. He waa right; and day after day
did Harold Ienion ponder over the old
fiherman'a terms; at first contemptuous
ly, then moodily, until at last he began
to think that It wits hi duty to retain
Ollnn at all haiarda. Once arrived thus
far, the speclousne of the reaonlng
became easy and rapid. "The lands I re
ceived from my ancestors It I my duty to
transmit to my decendanta." A fine coun
try gentleman' sentiment, that would
have invariably Insured a round of ap
plause at the farmer' ordinary In any
market towu of respectable dimension.
Now, of course. It vs all V'"ln tailing,
morally. A a personal matter, the mean
er! lodging at Hasting or St. lonrd
would have sufficed. It were belter so
than to re a Denlson of (Illnn o vilely
uwted. ltut there were other tie to be
considered. He, Harold IVnlson, had un
doubtedly betrayed the trust of a long
line of ancestor.
Then he began to think once more of
his daughter. He felt compunction at
the idea of yielding hi handsome Maude
to this low-born suitor, ltut then Maude
had never been to him what an only child
Is to most fathers. He had nerer quite
forgiven the fact of her not being a ion,
and the had ever been more her mother'
pet than hi. Again, thla candidate for
her hand had been brought up a gentle
man, bad the mark of the university
stamped on bis bated composition, and,
in short, bad done much to compensate
for the deficiency of birth with which he
had entered the world. He had seen
young lYarman upon two or three occa
sions only. That gentleman, though the
blood of hi father ran strong In hla
veins, had quite sufficient tart to avoid
showing it. lie dressed quietly, and ab
stained from self assertion when mixing
with the class In which be was so anx
ious to establish himself. He was, nat
urally, too careful of bis maney to fall
Into the error of most parvenues, that of
ostentatious display. The little he knew
of him had not Jarred on Harold Denl-
ton. .V to Maude, her affections must
be wholly unfettered. It she couM be
brought to think of this man a a hus
band. Jt would really be a good thing for
ber In the end. And by sueh reasoning
the suulre gradually worked himself
round to the conviction that It wat, at alt
event, hi duty to submit l'earman's
proposal to Maude, and, further, to pn-M
it strongly on her attention.
Itut before Harold Denlson had arriv
ed at thli conclusion, there bad beeu
much grief at Olinn. He bad told his
wife of the contemplated foreclosing of
the mortgage, and explained to her that It
meant ruin that is. ruin Inevitable, a
far a their still continuing th poeor
of Ullnn went.
"Ve. Nellie. It' all over." said the
Yiulre, "I'm beaten at Ust. Hear old
(illnn must go through the hand of the
auctioneer, and become the property of
whatever grrtsy trader happen to have
roost money at hi disal Just now. It's
hard line for yon to have to leave the
place wherein I Installed you as mistress
so many year ago."
"Doa't think of me," replied Sirs.
DeuUon, tearfully. "I shall be always
happy as long at I have you and Maude
with me. It wilt be sad to leave all my
oh cottagers and almoners to the tender
merries of others; but oh! it will fall
beariest on 'you, Harold, to give up what
has been the home of your people for so
many generations!"
"1 don't deny It. It will lie a dread
ful wrench to think of Olinn Mlng to
stranger; but I suppose it must be to.
The follie of oar youth, Nell, smile us
tbardy as we grow old. We shall have
to end our days it) tome eheap conti
nental town."
Very sad wa Maude when she heard
the evil tiding, and that she had but a
short time left to look upon the grand
old chestnuts, the grove of laurel, and
the soft, pleasant, turfy vistas amid which
she bad beti born. Illtterly she thought
bow the tM of all the accustomed sur
rtwisdta&s would be fed by the gentle
mother she adoml: and well abV divined
what would be her father's sensations
wtien, baring left the home of hi ances
tors, he should find hlnjuHf exposed to the
monotonous existence of same watering
place or dull continental town! How be
would brood over the extinction of the
DetiiMm of (illnn none reallxed more
fully than Maude. She knew her father
thoroughly; she was a rleirr girl, and
fully recognized his foibles and weak
liee. She comprehended tbe shock It
would be to his family pride what tbe
Iom of country ixirstilts would be to blm;
what It would be ts Sad blmtelf a mre
Mr. IHnlson on straitened meant In tome
quiet place where gossip was rife, and
jour social statu was pretty nearly
gauged by the bills incurred at the butch
er' and the, wine merchant's. And then,
the girl thought, sorrowfully, how little
she could do to alleviate all this. To
her mother ah! e. the could do much
to lighten her troubles, and be a comfort
to ber; but for her father, nothing and
the tear trickled through Maude'a long
lathe sa she thought how little she could
b to blm.
Such, to far, were the results of th
machinations of that experienced "other
of men," Mr. IVarman, on th uafertu
nat family at Ollnn.
I havt) told th Ingenious process) of
reasonriig hy which Harold Dcnlson had,
at last, not only soothed his conscience,
but arrived nt the conclusion that, like
the grim old (Invlali, hi duty required
him to sarriflci) his daughter. 1 often
think that old story n grand nllegory.
Agamemnon sacrifices Iphlgrtila, rrn
jet, pretty constantly nt St. (leorg',
Hanotrr Square. We substitute the ring
for the knife, aud Ih wedding breakfast
for the smoking sacrifice; nud we wreath
ourselves with ilowerti and llken raiment
ns we offer up our maidens nt the shrlun
of Hutu. Who rhall say that, after
all, that was not the meaning of the
fable I
Hut Harold Denlson was conscious of
an Inward feeling that the newly formed
Idea was an extremely awkward subject
to broach either to his wife or dauKhler
That he bad never even nlltideil to l'ear
man'a proposal I need scarcely olaerve,
and that It looked still le. pleasant lo
touch upou now he had made up his mind
to be an arthe supporter thereof, must
b equally ohvlou. Still the cloud were
gathering so thick orr the house of (Illnn
that no time waa lo be lt; and at last
the squire nerved himself tn the task,
and sought his wife' loudolr, having pre
viously ascertained that his daughter wa
out of the house,
"1 wnnt lo talk something oer with
jou, Nellie," he observed, as he entered.
"1 don't think that It will lie quite pleas
nut to hnir, but, at all events, it can't
distress yon, as jou will bae the power
of deciding as you like about It."
Mr. IVnlson raised her fnre anxiously
to her husband's. IHyMoii, on any point,
wat painful to her, and she was too well
aware, from former experience, that this
was but tpe prelude to some scheme In
which her concurrence had already been
practically iiunlcd out by her lord and
master. Harold HcnLon's vonsiillallon.
at such time, generally comprised a mere
sjuopsl of hi Intention, revealing tne
minor unpleasautiie which he looked to
her to carry out. Poor Mrs. Ienlon
might well le diffident about such confi
dence, a a rule, they had borne but
bitter fruit.
"What should you say," continued th
squire "If 1 1 tell jou (hat It Is possible to
save uiinn to us yeir
"Oh, HaroM. ran It be sol" crle.1 Mrs. I " '""'' "" "" " -""- "".
Denlson with clasjl hsnds and beating n 111' '' ' w'" " "ollcfsl
heart. "No, jou don't lnk like It; 1 e how much warmer a bedroom I with
In your face there Is more to follow. It, the windows screened Willi mosquito
Is some bare chance, and your sanguine 'netting than with wire will appreciate
nature has led yon astray concerning It." j tha effect of the muslin In "entail-
"Nellie, don't be foolish. There Is a'gllng" the Mr. Still, the correct way
way of arranging all these mUerable j, , U)M, two unci,,,, f c,,. ,ho
money matters that ha. Wn submitted to R,r forn)ft, ,,, effoetlve.
me, and which, should we consent to' ... ....,i , i,l. t ..
there is no doubt will prove perfectly wh"" !'?! ,reT',",,nK "'".
satisfactory. I have turne.1 It all well 'n,nbln. KM nre "" H0U"' "''"'
over In mv mind, and Ihouth I have, as
yet, come to no urtrrminaiion concerning
It, yet I don't deem It altogether Imprac
ticable. Will you hear me patiently!"
"Yes, Harold." wa the meek response,
"Well, what I want to talk to you
aliout i this. Of course you must bo
aware that Maude Is not only grown up
and handsome, but lias arrived at au age
when wooer may lie exiected."
"What do jou meanV 'asked the moth
rr, her pale face flushing, and a half
anxious, lutlf-frlghtrned expression vlslbl
Irt Kastw Itttlat Oltfjtsst
... ,i
"We will come to that presently. Voti '" ," "" , , "?m"" ",l .
know her admirer, at the Xmln.ter tw.ll " o( Ire fencing, with Rn c.
were numerous. A man of good property " "" '"""I frame. Heumlnder
In thl county nollcit permission tu pay, of bulldlnj can Is? divided with ime
his addresses to .Maude. He can give her material a seem bent, changing
a '! home and everything she can want , when liccvsmiry. (ceding; rnrks nro
now, while at the death of his father he movable.
will b the i.u"i..or of Urge landed es- j,- provision I mode for storage
late In the rounty. Is-shle considerable f p,.,,,,, (ir n,ugha( J,c ), m
Mim lnve.te.1 '"'" I largely "In the o.eti" tint It I often
The poor mothers heart beat quick. To , . . , ' , ...
whom was she to be 'asked . yield her l " tU from the harr.
Urllngr Who In all the county side was mttlwl Hie overhead trnck will
worthy of her peerle. Maude? She mrry food or manure. It would of
knew of none: yet she spoke not, but .ten be hotter to nttnch the building
gated eagerly Into her husliand s race,
and walteil with high-strung nerve till
be should s-ak again.
"Matnle n have no attachment at
jetV Inquired the squire, at length.
"No. I think not. How could she,
Harold? The MKir child ha, as jet,
seen so little of the world, -and Maude
Is not one to give her heart away light
ly." -
"Maidens' hearts ore stolen, sometimes,
a good while liefore they are themselves
aware of it." returned lfiln, senten
tiously. "It Is etsentlal for my project
that Maude should lie fancy free."
"She 1." returned the mother, anx
iously; "but tell me. who i thl you
think Kl enough for ber? There I no
one I know." she continue!, sadly, "lit
to claim my darling's land."
"it's no mm- fencing any more, re
plied the squire. "Voting IVorman wa
much struck with Maude at the Xmin
ster ball. nd solicits irmIsslon lo win
her. If he can."
"i'earmon ! What the son of tbe law
yer!" cried Mr. IMilM.n. "You're Jok
ing. Harold, surely! You would never
eonsent lo such n mutch for a daughter
of your.
'Listen. Nellie." replied the squire, sad
r "Penrman has a heavy mortgage on
the property: he ha bought the best
port of what ha been sold, and Maude
marriage with Ids wm would once mora
.nit,laij. fillnn. Ihm't interrupt reel"
hs exclaimed. In antwer lo ft denjialrlng
cestui of hi wife'.
i .!... .. it
tMnrsrood'wllh us aa they did Iu thkept uiuler tho condition found In
old time I'd listen to uch a projswal some barn. Tho w must, first of nil,
aa thl; hut, Nellie. If Maude could maka be kept decently clean If It U eiK-ctel
tip her mind to It, Ollnn would remain i0 prodnw milk siiltnblu or human
ours, and that would lighten the remain-1 food, t mnny case tho dlfllciiltj l to
der of tny time In till world, aud your, i ottrlbuted to tho jioor arriiiiKemitit
too, wife mine." of tho ,, putting thu cow In n
"Not unlet Maude were happy," mur- j wcll-llchtott stable, with good floor, a
mured the poor mother. 'platform the proper length to atnlid up.
I can fancy " ntpt " on. n suitable gutter nml n nmnger.
tia'g." 'pSss. ft v rc nt,,panf,' ,o ? t
offered wealth, country housa, tc an4 condition, fulrly roo.1. Then keep the
h.r inMher maundering about her Uaw cow decently clean. Curry her nnd
nets. Ob, It U too absurd I
(To b continued.),
miwi 'i-Mis,"r-m5jT zr
A Shelter tne Sheep.
BhKi la do not rvqulro warm ijunr
tern, except for curly latnls. In m'ti
prnl tbty nru hotter with llttlo pro
tection from odd. The wool la lienv
ler and of better quality. A atnblo
for other stock I too warm for ahwp,
ami mittddn feeding, la bout whiMiovor
poMlblr. Therefore, any writer In
Farm, Stock nnd Home, they aliould
nut bo housed In tho tutrix. Tlioy
must bo sheltered from cold rains, and
muddy Held often makn outside feed
ing tmpAlld or wasteful.
Tbe building shown provide n sim
ple and cheap shelter for na by tho
man who I trying to "grow Into
sheep," ntnt who cannot afford costly
buildings. It hit n stotio foundation,
nml a floor of earth, Itoof Is covered
with prepared rooting. Hide nmy have
cheap drop siding; or cheap board
jHTlmp from log cut on tho farm,
ami light weight rooting, Tho wldo
door prevent Injury to ewe, from
crowding, Door will usually tm left
open, either allowing the sheep to
pas In nud out at wll, or using fire.
t-overett gate tn the diHirwnya.
u oise of enrly Inmlw or In severe
storms the door run bo closed, ami
rffcvllwi ventilation supplied by tho
oen sash core red with heavy muslin.
Thl material I being much iimiI for
poultry luitiHc. nud Is pl fur other
farm building also. While enough
air wilt put through for ventilation.
(be vo,h w, n , w,m, Bm,
i . . ...... " , " .. i.n
" " tnrown togetner when
Itli.l SlBltJU V.SSSI ..S.USSdL .. It. SB
to the main bam.
lsite for Wlr Keiiee,
The nit Illustrate a method nf
making n wire fence gnle without the
iim of briuvM. No description I re
quired, wive. TlinpK, llmt the wire
ut the toji of thu iohIm 1 twisted tight
nud held to the istH with stapled.
IlKlrr t'leaiillne.
I'rof. ('. K. Hikle uj the row her-u-lC
It the chief source of tlm contnui
Imillou to which milk I subject. 1-
nednlly I thl (run when tho cow I
NiiriTia ion sllitrr.
ft tn
.brua off tbe udder and ndjolnlng part
of tho liody Willi n Ntlff brush l'fun
The strainer can not be tli?iHnilist
........ ... ... .,11. .(..-, IIHI.I IM. ..! '
. . ... . ...... i. i. 1.....1
!I1mi ,i mi.,- iii ..i.. .. , --. ---.
out In lint first place.
Another source of oontnmlnntlon Is
lmproM'rly denned utensils. Prof.
Kcklea sujs a single dirty fun may con
tain mure tiaetcrln thnn there are In
hlhllnulit In the world, aud they are
ready fiy buslnesM a soon a milk la
ptActM In the cnu. ... . ,i i, .
The moat proper thing to use In'dlko lmrtanl to present the fuujrtt
denning utensil I n ginsl, strong truthfully and to upply tlie one effrtt
brush, Nothing else should be em
plajed In denuliig palls, can or rrruiu
Keunomtexl Keeit Carrier,
In haiidlhiK dry feed, such as onts,
buckwheat, shellrvl corn, brnti and the
like, for feeding farm nnlmata nnd
poultry, one want
something lighter
nud Irs cumber
some than a bas
ket, nud more
coincident thnn n
pec; measure. A
tin imtl , would
answer tho pur- I;
pose very well
were It not thu I
when It cela wet
It will soon rust. k
me rwcptacle II
I ust rn led ctmnltti ssn lift' Kir
of nothing more rlaUirnte than n
cheese ho, to the outside of
which three strip of tough huh or
thin hoard an nailed, n plctureit. At
Hie lop of the two upright piece n
hole la bored, which, nllowlng the In
wrtlon of an old bucket twill, make
the cnrrler complete. Pscd with ren
iMinable mre, It will endure service
for year. farm and Home.
Iletnllcr are necii.snry nrconllng tn
present method of doing- business, ami
until farmer orgnnlie n selling forco
of their own middlemen will continue
to toll tbe farmers' grist aa thoroughly
a the trnnio will tienr. IVnche may
rot on tbe ground in Missouri whlla
selling for 1' rent each Iu Chicago, Imt
the farmer In Missouri la helpless be
muse he ha no representative In the
market center. The time
Will Cfitne
IIien tiirniers trill linrn mi
agent nt
vlcll f.lllrill Iwtllit In luadillrt ftiritt i.p.i.1.1
tictN aixl distribute them either to th
consumer or relnll griKvr. When that
I.... . t . . in I
,ii,f.' vi.iH.-n ii,,iii'ii. ,,,, iimiiit iinneri
getting what they work for. It I Just
a necessary to sell right to farm
right. Agricultural Optimist.
I'nil I He llael,,
The origin of tint Indian rtinnrt
duck Is unknown. It I claimed they
were Inlnsltiisil Into lluglnnd about
thirty tear neo. It la said (hat tlier
will lay nenrly iii egg In n ywir.
,. i. i i. i
Om breeder give food eoiuwtrlon
wlll PeklllK nvrrtige nUillt n follows:
Pood nerd for tm I'eklu duck for
one mo,,.., am,.,,... to .i,ut sso
sHiuda; fixnl for K'l Indian runner
dtnks, same pcrl.l. .n isn.nd.!
Time ritiilreil to reach markrtahla
site I given a ten week for titeli
breed named. Time to niicli innturl
ty: Peklu. il to U month; Indian.
4 lo i motiih. The Peklu nru the
larger ducks.
Million Ton of l.arlh Yearlr
A billion ton of earth urc swept
hr our rlier Into Hie sen pyerf year
hm nmount of soil equal tn n block
one mile square nnd more thnn a thou
sand feet high, weighing n much a
the totnl jeorly foiinngo enrrjed hy
nil our railroad ami rher nnd lako
teasel, nud rnlutil nt not let than
n billion dollar. "This soil waste,"
raj an authority, "I sapping a ri-a-uiiiYi
richer thnn nil other rumbhied
atvo one, ntir Inlniid witter." it 1
innliily due to lack of forest on thu
.ope where tho river rise, Arbor
I'uullrr I'lebliikts.
Keep tho fowl' quarter warm nna
Millet iced I sMild to bo nil excel
lent egg-priHluvlug grain,
Orceti fiHxl It Just n itsonllnl for
young rhltk ns for1 hen.
Dlrlv iiunrler iniuin lieu nn.l .iIi.m '
nnd Ike mid mile menu mf eggx,
SyNtcm, a In etcrylhlng else, I re
oulrtHl to mukii the luniltrv i.hmI......
prolllnble. I
Unles you want your flock to have
the color of Joseph's coat don't tua
male of different breeds.
Kxiicrleiiced Kiultrymcn know that
uncomfortublo fowl do not do well,'
and they diivoto their tliuo aud work
Ootsl laying brccil nro too numer
ous for u to suggest one, Tho buyur
should use hla own illovretlon, only be
ing Hiiro tho particular breed will
thrive, under tho coudltloua of hli to-lection.
Alt Who
Would Etyoy
roo1 health, with It blessing, must un
ilrtanil,qullo tleatly, that II Involve t
question of right living with nil tlin term
Inutile. With Proper knowlmltra of what
I It licit, each hour of recreation, of ctiioy.
,. nf coiilrmntmllon nml of rffort imv
1 ,-.--. , ... .,
Ixj made to contrlhtite to living nrlghu
Then tlio iiki of moillrlne may Im ills.
peitMHl with to advantage, hut under or.
illnary condition In many Instance a
Itnplo, wholesome remedy may Im Invslu
slila If taken at tlm uroirr lime alul lb
,..,. ,,.,,, .,, r ,mJ,,, lllM. ,, .
laxative to thon desiring It.
Consequently, the (Vmanyt Hynip til
Tig and nixlr of Senna give rriu
atlsfartlon To get Its uenrflrlal rffrrt
huy the senulne. inanufsrtureil hy the
California Fig Syrup (V) only, ami for sal
hy all leading, ilrurjcltta,
fi. - ' i
I'olHl la Tttele rMar.
Illll dt IturgUr-Thett'a on thing I
Ilk about (lit moouted p'leectmrn, any-
Pel d Pickpocket-Wol'a that T
I Illll d llurgltr They can't rid n
nlnsly-tliht mile In one dsy.
I Hex t Ih (s ImI, rWs-tff rlflr rs lltsv
tln's WImsI Oil has tm thm smmI i-eUr
In IK UiilltO HUIm Imt tH'fUKof lhusilM,
Nnll "J til ssln sil IstlsmaislkM,
"Unci ilmno, why It It that your po
ple Incteste jo much fatltr than th wbltt
Jieople do?"
"'Heed I dunno, ls, onlest ll'a 'eaus
dsh't mo' of ut bawn." Chlrage Tribune,
It's Palllt't Ey Ualv
that give instant relief to eye, Irri
tated from ilest. heat, tun or wind.
All ilmgirltt or llowaiil llro , llillfahi,
N. Y.
Well iNmrtl,
She lo you notice that t-ord IU
llroke rail Mis Mllyuns, to whom he'
engageil. ".My Ktitdiyr
lie Vrwj I uppoe he mean "sub
treasury." PILES CUKCD IN TO 14 OATS
LrAZO OINTMKST Is ctr.Msl U Cur nf
ItH M lltKISt llllxrt. IIMnllSf s- rrMMsllntf
I1U In ( IMsfs tnmnr r(uMll, Urn.
Mr Jawtnels You think too much of
I your clothe,
i t.t ,. jk . ,k..L . i.
,, asmr i noil l ilium nun ii
or w ' u wl ,u -'veianu
YuCir.i aikx's t4.t rxrr.
, w.,u MK. ?'W .. V .for
Ilea samps ol Aliens ) l I m It iutrs
isriiiHf. nisisniifu, sefiin Hl II sises
nowur iishi iui
A riuin mis ir
rrn. Usioxlns nsils st I
I IMIMI-Ill. AlllllHf
ssV Hw'1 eeii sur t.iUllluU .
til SlnHaHiealal lllnntler,
"Deab iy. whsl Is Ibe trouble between
you ami the beautiful Ml Ptumley?"
"Jeabmsv. I happened on dsy Is
speak of the marirlwis beauly of Psych
aud II msj br furious."
-, . . Bud1DoW)
The greatest of all horsemen, Myt I "In
mv(uyei.,eirln.willilior.ol have
fuuml riilm's llislempee cure Ihn iuel
manurNrinrers. Agents wsninl. rWnl fur
Yl,T.); l"l,fca.WJ.,1,Pwfc r"-
Mills Their Trela.
frugal lndlsdyllow sr jou gentle
men getting aloug at th farther tad of
the laht?
One of Them (gnawing an ancient
doughnut) Working Ilk lie t vert, ma'am.
never worn
1Q ei-
comfort It qlvn in
hack roti
Hawo mvict:
t. rr
I. uee Wo
Tfce Chinese Doctor
This Wpmltful tnmn hss
niMl a litsstwlr at Ih
rui;ertles nf Itogl.
UiU aiul I In Vs. and
salflns-lhswvrkl Ih
Unstllof hi Hnlm,
or Drugs Used. No
Operations or Culling
Outrsnlee to eurtj Catarrh, Aslhm. I.un.
Blomsch awl Kllney irouliWs, ami a!prlvU
UisMM of ilsn and Wnn.
Ju,il Tf.1!"'4 (W 11l1,,kln.CIdna-af. ur
tiul rsiltbls, Unfslllnf Inllswoikt.
Jf you cannot call, writ for trmptom LUnk
and circular. Inclosa 4 cnU In stsmpt.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
16311 Not St., car, Morrison, PorllsoJ, Or.
j ' rMlvsHl
wv w na
fUlU 1
IBJ lclMtMn