MMtNMMMMty IP .1 , BETTER SCHOOLS THE WATCHWORD (ContimuM from first pnKC.) Mamie Vatuicverl of the Bcml schools. "The lMeacnnt Side of Tench tig" -Miss Ruth Rcid, principal Bead schools. Reception nt Pilot Butte Inn. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lucas very kindly threw open their popular hostelry, the Pilot Unite Inn, nml a reception was tendered the out-of town visitors from 430 to 5:30 Saturday afternoon. Punch utul wafers were served, Prof. Throne favored those present with several cornet solos, and a very pleasant Lour was enjoyed. A List ol the Teachers Present. Following is a list of teachers who were in attendance at the meeting: LahIUw I. Alton Thompson, pritici pal; Mist Nellie Jamea, rs NlchoU. Rttlmontl V, B. Chapman, Mrs. W 11. Chapman. rieatint RiclRe Heury Hewitts. O'Neil John Tuck. Towell Butte Miu Nellie Reynolds. RooUnd Mrs Strotts Mita llunnclt. McKay MOs Madeline PntM. Bear Creek Mins Kern Halt. Crook County Utah School M. B Hockenberry. pr'ncitwl: J P Blauchanl. MiMes Rom? t'arrolt, Catherine Conwar rrinevllle School E. L. Aihhy, prin cipah Mr. Arnrsmicr. Miw leute Hurt ley. Haiti Caldwell, Elva Stnllb, KUic Oiliorn. Bend School MIm Ruth Retil. prin cipal; Miiuca Margaret Gittint, Mamie Vandeveit. Marion Wiest, Nona Rich aril sort. Arnold School (Beud district) Mis Cora Fcrguwjn. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Yesterday afternoon A. F Shire man caught 57 fine trout from 8 to 16 inches in length, from the river just across from bis house. John Ksllutn, who recently came to Bend to make his home, ba bought 120 acres of ditch land of the D. I. & P. Co. and will im prove it at once. He recently pur chafed a good team of horses of J. H. Wenandy. W. J. McGillvray had au excit ing experience last week. He drove into the Central Oregon canal at the Philip Francis place, intend ing to fill xome barrels he had in the rig. This is the usual custom with farmers living in that section, and Mr. McGillvray drove in where others bad been driving ever since the canal was opened. 'This time, however, the bottom dropped out of the canal, letting the team and rig down so far that the water flowed over the backs of the horses. There was considerable plunRing and excitement for a few minutes, but fortunately the team, the rig and Mr. McGillvray finally suc ceeded in getting out none the worse for the experience. The cave-in apparently did uot open a subterranean outlet for the water, as it simply filled the bole and then flowed on in its usual channel S. M. Findley, a farmer in the new Fort Rock settlement, was in Bend on business the lait of the week. He confirms the report that a large number of horucseekers are taking up land in his locality and says thatdiundreds of newly built houses, and tents, may be .seen from the summit of the Port Rock prominence, Irom which the sur rounding level and fertile plateau takes its name. To the south and east of the rock the houses and tents and newly plowed fields dot the land as far as the eye can bee Mr. Findley say he recently re fused $4 000 for Ids 160 acre tract, nearly all of which he has under cultivation. It is generally believed that the Fort Rock country will in time be one of the greatest wheat producing sections in the state and the fact that excellent water for do mestic purposes is easily accessible by means of wells, is resulting in the land being rapidly taken by homesteaders. Will UulU Crater Lake Road, Tbe department of agriculture lias sent out the information from Washington that it is ready to send its engineers to begin work on tbe survey for the Crater I,ake road. Will G. Steel has received 11 letter from the department .stating thnt "as www as the new commission is tppoiuUtl application should be made on the enclosed blank and forwarded to this office. As soon after the receipt by us as practica ble we will n.vrign some men to make the surveys, prcpate the specifications and estimates and to supctvtsc the work." The Critter I.akc Koatl Commis sion will l appointed by Governor Benson on May to as provided by the law enacted bv the legislature when the state appropriation was made. Applications will be made to the department as soon as the commission is appointed, so that work can be started as soon as the season will permit. 3E;gori Pacific Hone LMrneat is prepared eipresMy for the wed M hencwe and riatkmca. It l a pa trial awl pene trating Mmtftt, a remedy Iw taxr jet. cks. A tefttttfeg emferocatien lor the reiki ol pain, and the rt (Mnwttt lor ipr lns and tortnm. " Uwijuika lor carinc the woe and Injuries el BARBED WIRE and In- braHnf rata. abrasions, sorts and (roues. Pacilic tlorse Liniment is Wtf luarantred. No ower 1$ 10 rood or htlffol In so many wajk Illt'tUsteutbly.wcaatfcorue all dealers to reland the purchase prke. tiraa tt namta irw cinn Korr Cncmical Co. roan'. CMC. race Ol'J'ICIAL CHARTER Ol' The First National Bank 01' ni'.ND. No jy Treatury Pepartmrnt. Office of Comptroller of Ike currency, Mnin(iun, u. t., juarvn 17, Wiiexxa. Br MlUfartorr ceidencc Dreented to the umlmlsnril. It ha been made to appear that "The Vlrtt National lunk ol lrnd." In the townorileml. la the couDle of Croak, and atate oftiregon.haa compiled wlihall the prorilon oftheMatutraof Ibr Unilrd Statra, rnulrrd 10 be complied with nrlore an artociaiion nail ne autborlaed tocouimroce the batlne of bank Intr. .Sow Timaarua I. Lawrence O. Murray. Co Mplroller 01 the Currency, do hereby certify that -Tbe Flr.t National lUnk uf rund' In the town ol llrml. In the county of Cronk. and atale ofretfon la authorltr.1 to commence the Ui. nea of banking aauorlded In ttetllon VinyKine hundred ami tutr-nlne of the KxrUed Statute ol the Unlteil btalea In TaariMonr wntaanr. witneu my hand and aeal of omce Ibia aerenteeuth day of March, ioy. LailNHM.1. U. MUMKAV. rorji-loi Comptroller of Ihe Currency NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department oflhe Interior, V S Laud OSxt at The Dalle. Oregon, March nth. fh Notice I hereby given that Arthur O I'.ly of itend, Oregon, wno, on April icxn. i4, mace liometieaii I'.niry (r-erut ro. UI4 "o. liiil for the SW U M 11, Tp. if ft., Tk 11 K.. W M . baa filed notice of Intention to make final Ave- year proof, to catablith claim to Ihe land above urCTlDcu. oeioie 11. .. 1-11, iniira oiair vum mtuloner. at hi office at Itend, Oregon, on the nth day of May, i). Claimant name aa wllnevae Fred A. Hun ncll. Kilward I' lirotlerhou, Laeern (). Reed and Lothlop II. McCann, all of Bend, Oregon. aj-mj C. W, MOOKK, Regtaler. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. United State Mud Office. The Dalle, Olrgon, April 1, 19;. Notice I hereby given that Ihe Northern l"a cific Kailwar Company, who poat office ad drraaiaht. I'aul, Mtnucota, lu thi uth day of Marth. 1909, filed lu thi olBce itaapplicatiou to aelrct under the provialon of Ihe Act of Con grew, approved July 1, SvA( Mat. yn. Aw) a riteiidcd by the Act ol Cuugrrta, ippiovrd May 17. lyrrf.lhcNlt K of SKK Section a), Tp. , K 11 V... W M Any and all peraona claiming advernely Ihe nnaeCTiuea,oraeirinKiooiieri utiiuv 01 the mineral character 01 the land, or fur any other rraaon, to the diapoaal to appticaul thoubl nle their atniiavit or proteat in tbl omce, on or before the 14th day of May, lyu. au-miv C. W MOOHK, KegUKr. S1!KKI1'I''K SALK. IN TIIH CIRCUIT COURT OH Tlllt KTATK OFORFOON I'OK CROOK COUNT V Notice I hereby alren that by virtueof an ex ecutiou iuuedoutof the ciirull court of Cnok county. Oregon. 011 Ihe ijlh day of March, p19 upon a jirogineut reuoerru in ajia court ou me ;tliday orjaouary, IV), III favor of the Central upooa iitOgincut rendered In aju court ou Ihe ;tliday orjaouary, lv, ill favor or the Central Oregon IMuking it TruM Co., IlalatltT. aud aiaintt Katie t lUtcbenrt Defendant, to me di ream ana ueurereii, ogiumanuiug me to mane theauinofion laiudgiuent. Including fu-oo tt tornev'a free aud fi,H 45 co4 and duburaeiueut. and 910 auaiiionai accrueu coia, wnn iuieret oil JAM lit, the amount of judgment, from the JJth Jav of January, moo, 1, at Ihe rate of 6 er rent per na1 orolicrtv bclouvnie aiiauin, out oflhe peronal prony belougiug 10 aid defendant aud If umctenl could not Ik founil, Iben out oflhe real propeity belougiug to aaiddcfcndaut oil or after the uid i?tli day of January, lyoo, luidou ine 13111 day or March io9 levy upon the following described real prop erly belonging tu aaid defendant, Katie O. !lc hcuct, being unable to fnul any personal prop erly luaaiisiy aaiujuugmcui IjjI nuiulicr 14 iu block number , and lot iiumbcr 7 in block number 11, in Town of Dend, wrooa couniy, Oregon, Aud I will, on naturday, the Jtth day of April M. at the hour of one o'clock!' M of aald day at tbe frout door oflhe court noun: In Ihe City of rrinevllle, Crook County, orrgou, sell at public auct'ou to the highest bidder for cath in liuud. alllherlvht. title aud lutcieit which the aald defendant. Ktle C ltcbene, liadiuaud lo Ihe abmc described real property on the 17th day of January ryujorat any tliu thereafter, to tatitfy aald Judgment and Interest and col, aud attor ney1 fee and accruing costs. FRANK HLKINtJ. Sheriff C, 6, ni'.NSON, Crook County, Oregon, Altornry for Plaintiff. I'Utt Ifiuc ilaicli J7U1, but luuc April h, roj. a. 0) ma.i tv -sYsaBaasl SUMMONS. IN Tlltt CIRCUIT COURT 01' Tlllt STATU ItKKtUIN, PUR TIIK VOUNiY Ol CROOK Tli IWhiitr Urleallon fc IVnrt Coiiiimhv, N ClltUtloll, riaimiir, r W II Own, amrthe HUlt LanU HoatilofUrcgun. IVfcmlanU. YwW It Cistis-r.IHfrn.Uiil In Ihe name orthe tttate or Ittrnon Vim hit hetehy required In appear iml mn Ihr com plaint Mrl kiiI vmt in Ihr above entitled suit tthlu at vtrekaftvm the day til llir Hist pilbll ration nf tht summons, and ir,ou foil i to ap pear and answer for want llierror the plaintiff wllMpply tu Ihr Coutl lui Ih irlirf li)rt tot In the complaint, lowlt I'nr ttir miicvtUtion ami setting aside of arcttstitctmltait itatnt thr 14th day of IKvrmbrt, ly. made betwrtn )o and Mid Plaintiff icUtlng lo thr puii-hase of cer tain lands nml thr water rights appuitrnaiit thereto. Situate in Ctouk Iminltr llltijim. and for such other ami lutlhcr relief a may term to thr Cuuil )utt anil equitable This ftuiumoutemd upon yvn by puMlen llou by authority olu onlri til the honorable II (J Kill. Cuunty Juilar wfClisiti Cmiiily. tltr ton ami mUI utttrl I itatrj Marrh ij, lyw), ami i iltily maUr aii.l rntrtnl In mUI Cuuii ami auit. Iiair nr nil piiMlnllun Match i;ih tvJ JliSUHTliAKNSai.ajOIIN II HALL, iniiT-aMt Altufiity lot I'Uinun SUMMONS. In thr Cticult Coin tol thr Malt uf Uirgon. fur ItirCouuly of Ctook , Thr itrKtiutr liiUatUm A l-unrr Cumany a Cttoratiun, I'UlnlliT, v Wm II Cummins, and thr Mate Lan.1 IKmiu of Urrgvii, nrfrnJant. TuWm ll.Cumtntng, Drfrndanl. In thr uaturof thr Kialr of Oiraon .You art hrttby truulrnl toapurar nlanrr III roui plaint Hint agalnl you In the aUitr riilillnt null wltklnli fiti from thr ilayuf thr Itt.l puUt calton ol IhUnummon. aut if vou fall . toao- Iprar ami auwtr for want thriruf Ihr llalnlvff win apply iu inr .ouri uir inc irnri prayru lur III thrrvrapUlnl. tu-wtt I'or the ranrrlUtlon ami Kiting aaklr ofn inUtn coiilroit Uatcit the t;lhily of .Vomnbrr, J, madr ortwetn you ani mmu i laiiiiiu rriaiinjE ivirr mii nar 01 cer tain Uml ami Ihr water rljhia aninirirnanl llirrrto. klluatr In Crook County titrcon ami toi aiKh ihrr ami funnel relict a may aeera to ine louu ui ann eijuuamc Thi summon I wrveil upou you hr inihllea tlon by authority of an oiiltr of the lionorabie II t. Kill. County Jiktve ofCnmH Ctwiniy. Ore ion, ami wM onl.t I ilalol March i . iy ami mluly made ami rntrrnl In aaid court ami uit Iloleol &il uublKatlon Match irth, IKS.HK bThAK.Ntiaml JOIIS ll II i.L tui-aS Allotnrya for rUliitilT SUMMONS, la the Circuit Court of the Mute of Orrgoa, for , Ihe County of Crook. The Drachute Irrirallon Jk rower Cowiiany, a Cor pur a llou. I-Ulnilir, . W I Sloan, and thr Stale Land Hoard ufOicgon, Itcfendaul. To W r Sloan, tirfendant In the name ol the Male of Oregon Vou are hereby required 10 appear and auwer Ihe com pUlnl Cleu again! you In Ihe abore enililed aull within atx week from Ihe day of the Brt publl cation at thi Summon, and if vou fall o tu at- tr and anrr for want ihrrrof thr plalnlln wiu appiy to inc court wr me reuei prayeu lor lu th- complaint, tj-wit for the cancellation and ettlnr atiOe of a certain cuniract dat d the lth day oflwptrmper. lyoj. made between vou and (.! ptalutllT relating tu tb Hirchae ol rrrlaln Und and the walrr right appurtrnanl thereto, Ituatc in iruok County. Oregon, and fo' auch other and further relief a may areut to the itNiljiH uu euiiiNr Thluinmona I arrvetl upon you by pohlka on by authorllv of au order oflhe ilooorbli uniuon i rveii upon yon authority of au order oflhe II C Klli.CouniyJwlge of Crook County, Ore- on. ami 4ki oruer la uaira aiaicn 11. im. and la duly mle and enured in alil court ami ull Daleof Br.l uublirallon March ijlh, !. JKXSKhTKAKNhand MIIIN II IIAl.l,. mnr an Altoineya for PUiiilin SUMMONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Ihe County of Crook The Dcachutea Irrigation Sc -ower Company, a corporation. Ilaintln v Annie M lug'll, and the Suie Land Uoaid of Oregon, Defendant To Annie M. Ingell, Defendant In thf name oflhe Mate of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and anwer the com plaint aim again you In Ihe above entitled aull within l week from the day ut Ihe Ar4 oubli cation of Iht uraiuon. and if you fail o to ai- pear ami auawer fur want Ihrrrof thr plalotifT win appiy lame court lor me reuei pravru lor in Ihe comolalnl. lo-wll I'or the ennrellatlon and telling alde of a crllalu contract dated the Mb rtay or luly. ypi, made between you and uidpUlntlfT relating to the purcha of certain limit and Ihe water tight appuitenant thereto aitnate In Crook CouM). Oregon, and lor Mh othtrand further relief aa may aretn lo Ihe Court jut and equluble Thi nammon I tetvetl uoo you by puhllra tfon by authority of an order of the Honorable II. C Kill, County Judge of Crook County, ore gou, and aaid order U dated March u, Pv;, and I duly made and enlrr d In aald Court and auit Daleof nrat publication March 17th, ' JHSSK bTKARNS and JOHN II. II ALL, mri7-a4 Allorntya forllalnllfT NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Drpaitmcnl of Ihe Interior. V. S. Land Of flee at The Dalle, Oregon. February 19, 1907. Notice U hereby giren that Kl.leF Darnall of Fortland, Oregon, who, 011 December 10, looi, mane limber ana loue sworn statement No. yvui, nerlal No o4Ma. for NHill rWc. l.Tp, lH, Kill'.., U'lllamrtlr Mrrkllan, ha Alnl notice of lutentioii to make flual proof, to etabllb claim lo the land dracitbed, Ih-Ioic Reglttcr and We cetver. at The lullca, Oregou, ou tb 6th day of My. ty. Claimant name at wllneaat Arthur V Don, oliue, of Ijil'llaw. Oregon, John A Tracy of rurtlaml, Oregon; Mra Aum un ifantiea 01 ' Clacks- inaa, orrgou, John lllo of hlitcri, OreguU) .narie iioyu 01 iwiiu, iregun mjaiH C. W. MOORI!, Rrglttrr. SUMMONS. In Ihr Circuit Court lu the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Crook. The Dcachutc Irrigation & Power Company, a Corporation, l-lalntlir, W K. Krlley, and the Hlalc Land Hoard of trc)ioii. Defendants. ToW R Kelley, Defendant, In the name ol the Mate of Oregon: Vou are hereby rtouircd to appear and au.wcr Ihe com plaint Bird against you In Ihe above entitled auit within l week from Ihe day oflhe nrsl pub canon uf tin humuioni, and If you fall to tu ai pear aud auswer for want thereof the 1'lainllff will apply to Ihe Court fur the relief prayed for lu Hie complaint, lo-wit For the Cancellation aud silling aside of a certain contract dated the 1Mb day or June, I'A, made between you and uidl'laiiilifrrrlalliigtothe purvhase of rrrtain laud aud Ihe walrr light appurtenant llirrrto, situate In Crook County, Orrgon, and for audi other and further rrlief aa may teem to Hie Court just and equitable 1 nis numinous is served upon you ny puriiica lion by authority of an ordrr of the 11 louorable nlv. Ore- II. C HHk, County Judge of Crook County. Ore- son. aud aa :on, aud aaid order la dated March ij, ioto, and Is duly made and entered iu aald Court aud suit. imic or nut imiJiiraiimi Jiarcn 171 n, 19011 iuri7-a8 Attorneys, lot 1'UlutUf, f These Patent Tension Shears This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent FREE, postage prepaid, to every new, cnsh-ln-ndvance year's subscription to The Bulletin. If you arc already n subscriber, send us $1,50 on your own sub scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free. If your subscription is about to expire you cannot alTofil to iiiIm thli opportunity to secure a pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, nml which will cut atiything from wet tisaue paper to a heavy horw: blanket. A pair of thebe shears arc given free to every new cash-lu-udvaucc subscriber. " The Tension Spring attachment does away with rcsharpeuliig entirely ami enables the user to set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect case without tiring the hand. The Tension Spring takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically iiidcstriirtiblc. A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown in the engraving, tl.hlcns up the blades us closely as may be desired. Any woman who hus had the cxnnpcratlngexcrieiicc of trying to utc a dull pair of shears can readily appreciate the value of the new invention WHICH KKKI'S THIS PAIR OF SIIHAKS ALWAYS SHARP and iu perfect culling condition. No matter how many pairs of sheets or scissors yon may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, mid when you get and use it once, you will use it in preference to any other you may have. These shears arc per fectly finished aud heavily nickel-plated. 1 the quality of the material and workmanship in this pair of shears to be first class, that the Tension Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears and doc away with the need of rciharpening. Furthermore, n Guarantee Certificate, by the iniinufacturers, accomp.inics every pair, agreeing "that If this pair of shears liRKAKS or iu any war becomes detective within FI VK YIJARS from date of pur chase it will be replaced with a NKW pair without cost." ? I SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MONEY TO THE BEND BULLETIN BEND, OREGON FREE! To BULLETIN Subscribers. B D tw linHV auuuuuuuur BJ WE GUARANTEE wmmm0m0Mmmtmmm0am y I utA. -e?